return on grift looks to be diminishing rapidly
entering the "reputational capital destruction" phase of the pandemic investment cycle
the US looks poised to extend “the pandemic emergency” but an observer of our current regulatory behavior might be forgiven for wondering if the real emergency to which they are responding is “holy schnikes are revenues dropping rapidly!”
the testing industrial complex has been in freefall (data discontinued mid june).
and the uptake of vaxx in kids has been far below even their worst case estimates:
they have pushed it too far and people’s credulity broke in the face of increasing evidence.
this “new market” is a non-starter.
overall vaxx dosing is plummeting as well.
and the europeans are starting to defect en-masse from this regime. a great many countries have contra-indicated further covid jabs for the young and healthy, especially kids.
the euro CDC itself is calling out the evidence free boosterism of the US.

not that this is going to stop the wholly owned division of behemoth pharma DBA “the CDC” who, while refusing to even assess vaccine safety signals as required by their explicit mandate, seem determined to devolve into an infomercial channel with regulatory powers.

there is no product or practice too absurd for these pseudoscientists to sling like it’s name was “sham-wow.”
we’re clearly about 15 minutes from rochelle pushing this as the “safe sex with monkeypox” solution.
but the fact is simple: all across the grand griftscape of covidian kleptocracy, revenues are down.
demand is plummeting.
and the consumer has lost faith.
so, is it time for these merchants of mendacity to pack the tents and go home?
they are going to revert to type. and the game is always the same:
nobody here is settling for steak knives.
count on it.
after all, this is the same CDC that literally re-wrote the definition of “vaccine” because the one they had used for decades clearly did not apply to these products. (many new FOIA revelations on how this was a direct response to getting caught not adhering to their own standards HERE.)
talk about “marketing support.”
this would be like OSHA redefining a backwards baseball cap as a construction helmet because MLB asked them to.
and so once more, we must invoke gato’s first law:
“as soon as you allow politicians determine that which is bought and sold, the first thing bought and sold will always be politicians.”
from health heads to mayors and governors and presidential pals, the message has gone out:
it’s time to get our numbers back up.
and they have heard the call.
and they are answering.
free stuff!

mandatory adoption!

(this has since been extended to school kids)
and now they are circumventing doctors to allow paxlovid to be dispensed without a prescription despite dodgy efficacy, serious problems, and numerous drug interactions.

this cornucopia of crony corporatism has nothing to do with public health and everything to do with private profits.
truly, the fix is in and they are pulling out all the stops in what looks like a late stage smash and grab before the music well and truly ceases.
the media in which big pharma buys so much advertising is pedal to the floor on new “scariants” and tinseling side effects under unending fusillades of “everything on earth except vaccines causes blood clots and heart failure.”
the goal is always the same:
(except of vaccines)
because we need you to buy this stuff.
(and these vacation homes aren’t going to buy themselves!)
it’s coming fast and hard now and you’ll note that whatever the problem, the solution is always “be scared. buy more drugs, tests, masks, and obey!”
(every once in a while someone pushes “air handling.”)

odd how it’s never “eat right, get some vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, lose some weight, watch your blood sugar, stay hydrated, etc.”
these purveyors of public health never seem interested in teaching you how to be healthy, only in engendering your repeat business to their corporate sponsors.
tired of this joke yet?
because they aren’t…
see the grift for what it is.
these people sell drugs, not health and the former is often not the path to the latter.
it’s odd to live in an age where “becoming healthy is an act of civil disobedience” but i don’t make the facts, i just point them out.
this stage of the cycle is going to end in the wholesale destruction of reputational capital.
faith in leaders, experts, agencies, and institutions is being incinerated at scramjet speed.
people are waking up and smelling what has been shoveled on them.
it’s all going to happen fast now.
Leave them kids alone. Glad to see the uptake is low so far.
“it’s odd to live in an age where becoming healthy is an act of civil disobedience “ - puuuurfect observation. There has never been one word from our “public health” officials as to how said public can mitigate their risks w/ cheap & effective habits & vitamins, etc. It’s unhinged