Leave them kids alone. Glad to see the uptake is low so far.

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Indeed. Still too high, but, yeah, vast majority of parents seem to be getting the message.

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I just don’t understand how the parents see the lies and horribleness of the jab for kids, but somehow still manage to keep Lie-zerr Pfizer on a pedestal.

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They don't. Most of the people that I know that have been jabbed, regret it and won't get their kids jabbed. Some of our extended circle of friends have had some serious complications from the jab including strokes and heart problems. They know what caused it, and the wool has been pulled from their eyes because of it.

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I have a friend who has been a nurse at Emory Heart Clinic, a very prestigious hospital in ATL. She says the number of young people, primarily young men, coming in with “old man” heart issues has skyrocketed since the rollout. The numbers they used to see per year are

now the

numbers they

see per WEEK.

Still, some parents and even some doctors get it and some are still parroting the narrative.

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Good Intel, thanks

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About dam time!

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Jul 14, 2022
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Yep Collin County, my family and most of our friends are not vaxxed, but some friends unfortunately have succumbed to the fear porn. Luckily those who did give in or were forced to vaxx for their jobs have a large support group of completely healthy unvaxxed friends who didn’t die or even get sick and continued to live life as normal to inspire them to do better for their kids.

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the kids will save us from the boomers

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Boomer here. Pureblood. As are the two following generations.

Family motto "We don't do Covid. You do it."

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Boomer & no vax ever but I have friends who can’t wait to get their booster. Sad 😔

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Boomer here as well. Fighting the good fight. Not sure how we became the enemy. O well

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I am the proud owner of an "OK Boomer" sweatshirt. Like a name tag, I guess.

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Not the college kids. They are great believers in jabs and whatever else the government requires of them. And the children in government schools have had their futures wrecked by stupidity the last two plus years. Fauci and Biden are too old to be boomers. Most of us want nothing to do with the steaming pile of 💩 they’ve been shoveling.

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I shouldn't have said boomers, I should have used "sellouts/opportunists"

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@Lincoln- ty for the clarification. I, too, am a Boomer and refuse to get the shots. Husband, also a Boomer, got them to travel overseas for work and has nothing but health problems ever since. He highly regrets his decision.

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Anyone on this substack is pretty much on the same page - regardless of age. Yeah, yeah, rhyming not intended.

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Better. The cross generational name calling really needs to stop.

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One more artificial division we could do without. You are right, BeadGurl.

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I generally refer to boomers in an endearing manner, they were the greatest economic driving generation but they also saw the greatest outsourcing of that engine at the hand of opportunists. I blame not having the internet on why the boomers were fleeced so easily, media captured and propaganda rampant.

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It had nothing to do with the internet. It had everything to do with a con job from India and China who said their people were cheaper and smarter. In return for bringing in their people by the thousands by abusing the H1B visa system, American and European companies gained market share in India and China, a new market worth trillions and politicians added to their bank accounts. Research the congressional junkets to India. Barry soetero made fun of Hillary by labeling her D-Punjab. Please don't think the internet and social media are the be-all end-all to everything. They are not. The world did just fine before their existence and will do so again. All it takes is a fucking emp or massive solar flare and millions of under 40s will be lost without their phones or Facebook. G's....

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Thanks for the clarification. I agree.

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Sadly this is not true. I see more young people following this bs than the 40+. It’s pathetic. They are always wearing masks.

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Same. It's woke medicine. It's young wokesters and some vulnerable and easily manipulated (not because of age but because they grew up trusting the medical Establishment) Silent Gen'ers. One of the real pushers I know is 86.

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Not all "Boomers" are ProgreSSive democRats, and Are some of the most Anti-rinoRats as well. CW's are complex, confusing messy affairs

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Fair, i cast a wide net not intending to capture my innocent dolphin boomers (complacent/comfy?) that didn't sell us out, pointing less at political affiliations and more at "those that left this mess" both sides made ethically questionable messes for a long time, kids learn from these idiots is my hope.

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Some Kids "learn', Some don't. In 1933 (before even my time :-) Comrade Commissar Presidente' for Life, FDR Seized privately held Gold from American Citizens, who mostly were obedient sheeples,

So much for "The Greatest Generation" not resisting Domestic Tyranny while later fighting it in WW II..

Then some hippie dippies resisted the Vietnam NWO LBJ War for moar profits and blood. Now the Woke USN again revisits DaNang.

Then some of those 60's Hippie Dippies (and their progeny) yelling for "Freedom" against "The Man" went on to become "The Man" as ProgreSSive Tyrants ruling the Feral Gov and are Bolshevik democRats today.

Citizens that could respect a Constitutional Republic protecting minorities from Majority Demoncrazy Tyranny is no longer in existence.

The shift back to Liberty will Cost more than worthless US currency if history is any guide. 1775 is upon us, the question being; Does Mr. Jefferson's Tree wither and die in the drought of wokeism and indifference?

Up to You, it's Your Generation, Your Turn.

I did my best as I saw it, always a Rebel for more Freedom and Liberty, then and now.

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Mostly agree. I'm one of the late boomers. Alas, probably not one person in a thousand, even with a BA in American History, would be able to fully comprehend all the events or quotes you cite, at least without doing some research.

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I did get that BA in History, and 90% of what I've learned was since college, especially American Tactical War History.

If we are not in the grave, We will be fighting when this breaks loose.

If not fighting for Liberty, or basic Survival, which really means both. Getting our minds prepared for What that entails is difficult for civilians, which is most of us. For Grit I reccommend:


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How will the kids save us from the boomers?

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Oh the silly nicknames. How about we all just treat each other as fellow Americans. Everyone will get old....it is inevitable.

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Not if they keep getting jabs.

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How so?

they will all be on universal income and Obamacare

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Well, that's an interesting thought. What about the slackers that are in the workforce now? We are recruiters for my son's Amazon delivery service. He pays well and has good benefits and incentives but it is difficult to find people that have a decent work ethic in the 20 to 40 age group. Why? Who knows? Entitled?

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Because they don't see a future

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@Unacceptable- that's one reason. It's a very, very valid reason. My granddaughter and her fiance', both 22, are hard workers, both holding down three jobs. He's going for his PhD, she's going for her masters. But they are terribly discouraged about the economy, real estate, etc. They don't see a very bright future right now.

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You tell those hard working kids to keep the faith and stay strong. We need all the strong people we can get.

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That would be awful to loose your imagination.

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They might be annihilated before they get old enough the way things are going.

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No can do my friend....Moloch needs his sacrifices, remember it's safe and effective.

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... sad to see there is any uptake at all...

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Wait for the Fall requirements, they can fix that. Right before the election they will freak out and start tracking testing again

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“it’s odd to live in an age where becoming healthy is an act of civil disobedience “ - puuuurfect observation. There has never been one word from our “public health” officials as to how said public can mitigate their risks w/ cheap & effective habits & vitamins, etc. It’s unhinged

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There ain't no profit in that, is there?

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Nope 🤬

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I live in Tasmania. In Spring more than 66% of the population are Vit D deficient which is classified as <50nml/L here yet there is no public health messaging on this issue and the largest supplement you can buy is 1000iu. It's claimed that the adult vaxx rate is >99% yet our Covid infection rate per million is close to the highest in the world and our health system (which was in dire straits prior to the pandemic) is failing. Through the looking glass!

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And think of anything people can do for free or close to it: stop eating so much, exercise, join a gym, be outside (vit D), take relevant, cheap, plentiful vitamins (surprised they aren’t pulling those off shelves & banning them!!!)

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Intermittent fasting is now on one of the FLCCC's protocols (i-Recover)

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Was interested to see that - have been doing IF for a few years along with low carb and would recommend. It's very easy and sustainable once you adapt to it

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I hope you’re doing well, Hannah!

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Yes we are good thank you Cindi and very happy to have trusted both gut-feeling AND statistics and refused the therapeutics - just trying to avoid having to go to hospital for any reason!

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No kidding! I had CV pneumonia in late Dec 2021-Jan 2022, really sick, every symptom in the book & home oxygen 24/7 for 2 of 4 weeks ill. All I could think every day was please keep me out of the hospital or they’ll kill me w/ vent or Remisdevir. I managed to stay out

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I would not be able to visit my H if he were hospitalized because I'm unvaxxed and the same for him. It's insane as they don't even require RAT tests or masking for everyone else. I'm so glad you came through ok!

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I’m so sorry to hear that’s still the case where you are, Hannah. In the States NO ONE could see loved ones in the hospital @ the height of this demonic idiocy.. All of that is gone (for now) but I think every bit of it - including demonization of we unvax’d - will be back this Fall.

I’m too dumb to know how to post a link, but there is a fantastic article by an anonymous Aussie titled “An Opinion Piece from a Vaccinated Australian Writer”. If you search the title, it’s on the net. Del Bigtree of “The Highwire” read it @ the end of his program yesterday. If you’re not familiar w/ him, his programs & panelists are fantastic

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I suspect schools forcing the V will only accelerate the movement out of the schools and into homeschools and pods. "Send us your kids so we can poison their bodies with mRNA, poison their minds with CRT, and poison their souls with gender theory" is not the convincing sales pitch they think it is.

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But that only accelerates the spiral. They're not going to give up the kids so easily. So we're off to the races again. What other controls will they then implement? And education is just one aspect of the totalitarian control grid.

To me it's an interesting question as to when it *really* "falls apart" and what that really means and looks like.

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Spiral is the right word. Each time they panic and tighten controls, they render their own systems that much less functional, and increase the incentive to develop and defect new systems. Which then causes them to overreact yet again.

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Thereby bringing us closer to the next chapter in this seemingly never ending farce.

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We have faced years of fear porn. "Be afraid. Be very afraid" has become the foundation of the babble that passes for 'news' today. Advances in technology have enabled the pervasive, relentless, omnipresent inundation of *FEAR*. All directed at gaining / maintaining control.

So, "when it *really* "falls apart", the unfortunately large percentage of the population that has succumbed to the blandishments of the fearmongers may be left with *only* their fear.

Not a pretty picture!

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how is it even possible that they could mandate an EUA vaccination to kids to go to school? I mean with adults they used the "you do not have to work here" but with kids? They have rights to education and only place to get it is in a school. So how?

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This is incrementalism. For a long time, certain vaccinations have been required at least in some states. Starting years ago a little at a time. Parents jumped off the cliff of letting arbitrary bureaucrats decide what was required to put their kids in schools. Now we're hitting that sudden stop at the end. Sure it seems reasonable to require well tested, established immunizations for diseases known to attack children "for the greater good" (and like many things what it seems is not what it is). It's the same thing only completely different for this experimental drug that isn't actually an immunization to not prevent a disease that doesn't seem to attack children. Yes it makes no sense, but really it never did and so sense was abandoned decades ago.

How far can it go?

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Don't recognize the quote. Did it originate in Barsoom?

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Wouldn't Rachel look great in an orange jumpsuit? I'm not sure she's smart enough to be able to put it on but still..

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I imagine a closed wooden box as the best dress for people like her.

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Spot on. Their credibility is gone in my eyes. Whenever I Google something and the links that return are from the fda or the cdc they are ignored while I scroll on looking for a different source. The real answer might be there but I’m unwilling to chance it as I expect that it is another grift directive. As an example, yesterday at the local farmers market in my new town in the free state of South Carolina I purchased a quart of heavy cream for my morning coffee. This morning I read the label and it’s raw milk. Never having access to raw milk in NE NJ it wasn’t something I delved into. Google returns nothing but FDA advisories that it is bad and dangerous. Pre-scamdemic I would have been satisfied with that and returned to my nice pasteurized half &half. Now, not so much. Did the pasteurizers pay off the fda for their declaration that raw milk is dangerous???

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I live in CA and we can get raw milk here…..I am from Iowa and about a decade ago I read that it was illegal to produce and sell raw milk in Iowa and Wisconsin and in the next sentence in the article; it’s illegal to make the production and sale of raw milk…..raw milk isn’t dangerous, it’s glorious and natural…..so to your point, someone paid someone to declare it dangerous…..

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"I live in CA and we can get raw milk here..."

However, it probably comes with the warning: "Known to the state of California to cause cancer."

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My new refrigerator had that label on it. I laughed out loud as I peeled it off

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Medium-rare steak violates the CDC’s guidance, which is all one needs to say about this agency.

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Well said. I violate that guidance every time I have steak too.

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I laughed out loud and decided to make a medium rare steak for dinner…..thank you for the inspiration!

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Check the Weston A Price Foundation for an interesting history of raw milk. (Not necessarily an endorsement of their views on other matters.)

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Thank you, I will!

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Don’t Google. Duck Duck Go. (I’m thinking of moving to SC. Best place??)

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Yeah, I didn't use Google, except as a verb. I stopped using DDG when they admitted they monkey with the results Google style. I now use Brave to search for anything that might be political or cultural.

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So you didn't hear what they admitted?

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Having been here all of 1 week today, I can't give much advice as to the best place. I bought a house in the Columbia suburbs of Blythewood. Its a huge change from my previous home of 50+ years in Bergen County, NJ. I'm loving it so far!

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Yes, the pasteurization industry wanted more market share so they blew up the risks of raw milk and even named it “raw” milk as if it wasn’t what humans have drunk for millennia.

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Well, to be sure, I lived for awhile in Pakistan and when you get fresh buffalo milk, you boil it. Not all fads are smart, just as not all government standards are moronic. One needs to find a balance.

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Raw milk is not a fad.

I would certainly not drink raw milk without being certain of the hygiene practices of the milking operation.

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It's how ot used to be until Big Govt figured out how to get rich off saying it's bad and setting up Regulations.

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And on top of the turd pile is the cadaver-in-chief grifter, Pedo Peter.

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He is about to be made an example to the world. An excellent example of and metaphor to illustrate their failures.

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"He is about to be made an example to the world."

How? Close the loop for me.

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Wild guess right out of the blue as to how that could happen:

Impeachment over some issue or other (business deals with China, lying about who knows how much, etc) or being removed due to being unfit for duty (is that the 25th amendment?).

The intertextual message to other heads of state, presidents and so on being: "Look. We can depose the US president. What chance do /you/ think you have in your pesky little nation?"

But as I said, I'm just firing blindly into the night so to speak.

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He's a Useful Idiot. Like all of that class, his usefulness and continued existence will come to an end and the next installment will be engendered.

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They’re not afraid of leaving office. After all, Britain’s leadership just quit. Lol.

So they are removed.

Now what?

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"Meet the New (NWO) Boss, Same as the Old (NWO) Boss.

Gruesome Newsome was at the WH yesterday, while the Pretender Biden was out. Why? for What?

Having his decorators looking over the oval office decor probably.

democRat Two Step resignations (same as Nixon-Agnew) coming 2022-23, imo

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There's a scary prospect although we know Nancy's Nephew wants to sit in the oval office bad. And serve his vinyard plonk to heads of state.

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Impeachment is a euphemism for getting yelled at.

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never happen.

he has "thousands of lawyers"

and lots of stupid friends

OH and then what? Harris???

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What's wrong with Harris, she checks ✔ all the boxes, right? " young, female, black, Indian and super unintelligent " PERFECT IMHO!🤣🤣🤣🤮

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I think Willie's Side Piece has embarrassed even her evil handlers. She be toxic.

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I was wondering if he might succumb to Covid. That would qualify.

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Believe the WEF crowd is about to cash him in as they did Boris. He no longer serves their purpose.

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Fair enough.

Then what?

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Lots of bad choices. The 1st in succession is to all appearances an airhead or [insert your own derogatory description.] The 2nd in line is, reportedly, an alcoholic age 82. But at least she's a Democrat!

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Can you enlighten a non-US person? Who is Pedo Peter ?

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Joe Biden went by the name "Peter Henderson" (a character in Tom Clancy novels) in correspondence with his son. Hunter entered the name as "Pedo Peter" in his phone.

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That's interesting. I wasn't aware of that.

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When 4Chan hacked Hunters iCloud account, that was the name they found for Pedo Joe on his phone directory. Ah, family.

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I think this is slang for adults who "like" children.

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Apparently a name Hunter Biden supplied for his Dad.

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Pedo = Pedophile.

Peter = Male body part.

Sniff Sniff = Biden obsession with little girls' hair.

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I was surprised he was testifying before Congress. Wonder if he took any meds besides Paxlovid? Did anyone ask him, I wonder?

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People are trying to move on, we even have a Health minister in Ontario admiting younger people are at risk more from myocarditis than Covid, so no need to boost. The Covid Zero types who went all in are trying to pull us all back down but their audience is less and less because we are stubbornly refusing to die in the streets. The average person is more worried about the .75 interest hike on their mortgage, $8/gallon gas, and grocery prices. No one even cares about Ukraine anymore, that was so Zelensky ago.

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Same in the states……ask the average American about Ukraine and they have the attitude of, “whatever”……..more concerned about energy , gas and food hikes

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Distractions to keep us from fighting back.

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My son has his yearly checkup today. I switched pediatric groups bc the former ones were shot-crazy. Fingers crossed I don’t have to fight this guy! My state (VA) is apparently third in the country for under-5 shot uptake :(

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I would laugh into our pediatricians face if she even mentioned the "jab" for my two kids. We know quite a few pediatricians (my wife is a doctor), none of them had their own kids vaccinated. They do vaccinate other peoples' kids, though.

Why do you go to yearly checkups with your child, anyways? Is your son ill? My mom never took me to a doctor unless I needed one..

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Unfortunately he has to have a physical signed by a dr to go to his sleepaway camp next month (and also get a pcr test before showing up).

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You might want to reconsider where you send your kids to camp. Our two boys go to church camp twice a year and have done so at least ten times. They have never required a physical, shots, testing, or any such nonsense. They do require a signed consent for treatment form but that's it. (BTW, we always write on the consent form that, "consent is granted only in the event that neither parent can be reached and if required for urgent medical treatment".)

Agree with Flo that yearly doctor visits are completely unneeded and likely harmful. We do everything we can to avoid the medical industry unless we are actually sick. Yearly visits are an opportunity for the pediatrician to pump the kids full of shots and play social worker nagging parents about guns in the house and kids wearing a helmet. On top of that, many will demand you leave the room to pester your teenager about "gender" or even vax them without your consent. No way. The pediatrician works for you, not the other way around, we have no problem telling them to go pound sand.

Why would anyone willingly subject themselves and their kids to this unless they were actually sick?

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No parent should EVER leave their children alone with any kind of medical professional. There are too many laws that bypass parental authority or even notification.

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How crazy is that? When did a physical and PCR become necessary for something any kid could do just a couple summers ago? Still, better than our Canadian Tim Hortons making them get jabbed to attend.

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My kids’ camps have always required physicals, but the PCRs are recent, of course. And completely ridiculous.

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Never heard of even a physical to go to camp. Must be a liability fear.

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Seems totally nuts to get kids to have physicals to Go to camp.

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My wife had to stand up to one of our docs. Stand strong.

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How ridiculous that we even have to talk like this! I wouldn’t have considered it but a GI specialist was incredibly rude to my daughter and me (during a zoom visit) because I told him she would not be getting the shot.

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Leave the practice. That’s the only way the message is received.

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During a visit some months ago, my daughter's pediatrician said cheerfully, "Oh, I see she hasn't had her covid vaccination yet. Would you like to get that today?" I said, no. As the doctor opened her mouth to speak, I quickly cut her off by saying "It's not a discussion. The answer is no." She has not brought up the matter again.

On the other hand, my own personal physician is an old white guy, one of the few General Practitioners left, who has been the local town doctor in the same place for 40+ years. Has done everything from deliver babies to remove tonsils. Old school. And doesn't accept insurance. He's never even brought up the subject of vaccination with me. I guess he's not on a commission plan with Pfizer.

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I had a doctor just like yours before he retired 6 months before covid. I suspect that once the old-school docs age out, there isn’t going to be an equivalent option. Fingers crossed I don’t need a doc anytime soon.

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dig your heels in


it is not the law.

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Update: new dr was great until the very end of the visit, when he said “Is he (my 9 yr old) triple-vaccinated?” I said “He is zero vaccinated.” Dr replied “Well, can we offer it to you now?” I said “No thank you” and he mumbled something about how vaccinated people do very well with the virus and how’s there’s new waves coming and I just sat there politely. Not a hard sell, but more vax talk than I wanted to hear.

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Jul 14, 2022
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Yep. People’s Republic of Northern VA for sure

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I lived and worked there much of my life. Left twenty years ago and don't miss it. I wouldn't piss on it if it were on fire.

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To be fair to ShamWow - if you gave that away at no cost to the end user, probably a lot more people would at least be interested in trying it.

Coercion is a great ingredient to deflate trust. Like a little egg yolk in the meringue.

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being actually fair to ShamWow, I bought some of those more than a decade ago at one of those fly-by-night liquidation warehouse events. I ended up cutting them down into smaller squares and they work well even if scammy expensive fabric.

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Funny you mention that...Paxlovid and (I suspect) many of the other Covid-19 drugs and "vaccines" ARE offered at no cost to patient. And supply greatly exceeds demand.

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"this would be like OSHA redefining a backwards baseball cap as a construction helmet because MLB asked them to." beautifully put and corrupt to the bone, anyone with integrity would have been like "yea this isn't it guys"

NY Mayor is a disaster but at least all the NYPD have department-issued iphones to text while on duty instead of i dunno actually do their jobs.

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You can't imagine how glad I am fate got me out before all of this. Noo Yawkuh born and raised and these times make the '70s seem bucolic.

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You know what? I am thinking about the '80ies and 1990ies and I now realize how wonderful that time was. Nobody gave a shit about "public health" back then, people were feasting on meat and beer, happily smoking cigarettes, got sunburnt all the time and nobody seemed to care. Techno, HipHop and Grunge/Metal emerged and it was a total blast to be part of those scenes. Nobody cared about climate change, racism or other woke BS, we were too busy smoking weed and going to great festivals. AIDS did spoil the party a bit, though.

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It will always be the '70s for me, when a kid with no education could earn as much as a college grad and afford a one-bedroom apt. and see Zero Mostel and Frank Langella live on stage and eat out and hitch around Europe with a backpack and hostel pass and come home alive to do it again the next year, and Freddie Mercury looked like he would live forever.

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70's have no comparison to the 50's. Maybe there is a lesson there somewhere.

"The Best of Times, The Worst of Times...." comes to mind.

At least now in the 2022-? We have possibly a chance, a brief breath in eternity, to restore Liberty and Human Dignity. I wish us all well.

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Hilarious you say that, because my friend from fifth grade and I say this every week, almost, when we talk. But we were children then so it's only in retrospect that we realize how good we had it.

But the '70s were when I was living my own life and making my own choices and good or bad, I had the reins in my own hands.

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So, let's all wax nostalgic, I get it, however, WE MUST FIGHT THIS INSANITY if we want other people, i.e. young ones, to have a good life without totalitarianism on their backs. IT IS UP TO US, NOW.

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I love Queen, I had every single album on cassettes, played them on my first Sony Walkman when I was about 12 years old. Damn thing used up batteries like crazy, though.

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Hasn't it been great to have once had a world where Freddie Mercury and David Bowie performed "Under Pressure" together? Any time I need a good cry...

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Golden age of the West ran from the fall of the Berlin Wall through 9/11.

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But of course. It all comes apart once they know we know. They have always been doomed to fail.

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Nah. They know we know and they've known for a while; and yet, they continue. It doesn't fall apart until we pull it apart.

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Does it "come apart" or do they double down on controls because if they don't, they may swing from lampposts?

They have to establish control whatever way they can because it's their only way out now.

Incentive structures.

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Yep, that's their only remaining play: naked force.

As Princess Leia said to Grand Moff Tarkin, the more you tighten your fist, the more we'll slip through like grains of sand.

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Look around! Jan 6th "insurrectionists" still incarcerated, Canadian trucker convoy leaders locked up, In Holland, kids fired on for driving a tractor on a highway. Canadian church leaders imprisoned for feeding the poor. In the US, the military cut pay for 62 K reservists and National Guard. Hundreds of thousands, worldwide, fired for vax crimes.

Last US election, 'they' released the shock troops - to riot, burn, and murder. What are 'they' planning this fall?

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Disagree with - "It all comes apart once they know we know". Seems to me that a big part of the exercise of power is in forcing the peons to go along with the lies. Even when everyone knows they are lies. Famous quote: "They lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them", variously attributed to Elena Gorokhova or Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Agree that - "They have always been doomed to fail". The nature of totalitarianism is - slaves always revolt. Eventually. And of course, the modern left always eats it's own. When the 'useful idiots' have served their purpose, they are consigned to the dustbins of history.

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Yes, this is essential to understanding the negative cycles we humans keep repeating. Reveals an essential misunderstanding of the universe, force and power.

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Yes. They already know we know (at least, many of us). Getting the others who don't know or who are willing to go along with the lies is a form of humiliation that serves their ends.

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Jul 14, 2022
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Like everything else it has a natural arc and a time. No one thought they would go easily.

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You’re not alone. I can’t get past Hillary & Bill, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Trump, Nancy, AOC, Nixon, Reagan, Lyndon Johnson, and all the rest. Too many to list here.

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You forgot Carter!

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Think I forgot quite a few actually, lol.

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Reagan got a bullet and came very close to joining JFK. Easy to type, harder to actually trip up the DC Deep State., Reagan was demonized and hated by the DC Uniparty Estab. then and even Now.

ProgreSSive rinoRats have taken over the Reagan Library Board to subvert his message of Freedom for the Citizens.

No one is perfect. Reagan and Trump were the best presidents since Calvin Colledge. So complain away, No one is ever "good enough" if these two Presidents weren't.

Not that I place much faith and credit in the whole USSA thingy, but ignoring any positives is nihilistic.

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They had positive qualities but I believe it’s important to be stricter on ourselves about who we choose for candidates. Hollywood film actors and millionaire NYC real estate profiteers aren’t necessarily the right choices. If that’s nihilism……

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And walking away scot-free!

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Maybe its nothing but for the first time I've ever noticed my health insurance company is pinging me to go to may well visit.... part of me wonders if there has been a major drop off in people going to their annual checkups and insurance companies have been asked to prod.

Last I went I didn't press...just was curious about any thoughts on early treatment and while it was a pleasant response there was a severe tone in it as my Dr. said there is no way to early treat a virus. We moved on to other issues but that was the last time I went and I can't bring myself to schedule an appointment.

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Last annual physical (I have to go for them to refill a cholesterol drug), I asked if he would prescribe Ivermectin or any other drug if I was sick (this is in the pre-Paxlovid era). He said - No, I'd lose my license.

So found an out of state doc and pharmacy to fill it. And they wonder why we don't trust them anymore.

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Its unreal to me how easy people can get Paxlovid and Molnupiravir. One of those things that quietly has become normalized but when you take a step back its so blatant and obvious the bias for and against new drugs and generics respectively.

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Cholesterol drugs are another useless money maker.

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that is something I need to eventually read up on as I do have high LDL cholesterol I believe, but always have. As I get older I imagine at some point I'm going to be told I need medicine.

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If you want Freedom for Ivermectin, etc. and Natural Remedies, then you have to have Freedom for other drugs. People have the Right to be Stupid, or Intelligent as they see fit. Freedom is Fungible. Free for me, but Not for thee is Tyranny.

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My doc prescribes Ivermectin and said that he's had pretty good results. His 80+yo father, also a doc, had bad reaction to his first vax dose (heart issue) and now takes Ivermectin prophylactically every 2 weeks.

Regrettably, I had 2 doses of Pfizer when I decided the benefits probably outweighed the risks. (This is when Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya were recommending it for may age group) He later asked me if I had been boosted and told him no and why. He then acknowledged that he hasn't been boosted either.

I complained that his staff made me wear a useless mask in the waiting room and he apologized and said something to the effect that his partners were idiots.

Not all of the medical profession are useless parrots.

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Happy to hear you were able to find a doc (and pharmacy - which sometimes is even more of a problem - who would prescribe what you asked. I also use it prophylactically - and just vary the time period based on how much virus seems to be circulating (although I'll admit that it becoming harder and harder to determine with all the self testing going on). My personal guess is that there are about 2x as many cases as reported. I am currently on the 2-week cycle here.

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Who did you ise if I may ask?

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Forgot a second thing that gives me the impression that the entire medical community is hurting credibility wise. Saw this from MedPage today. Only read a paragraph or two before it was too cringey for me to continue


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Ask if the doc has read RFK's book. If not, end of vaccine discussion.

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I suspect Doctor's aren't even allowed to purchase that book. Or if they do I'm sure they get put on a list somewhere which Amazon probalby makes available.

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As an occasional guest gadfly at a "reputable" site that is called, not without reason, "People Magazine for the Davos set," I was pimping the RFK book and a normie suggested that I try and get back my money. I retorted something like: I am quite satisfied with it, it's rather well documented with several hundred citations, and it's very telling that despite selling a million or more copies, no major paper will review it, and based upon discussions like the present, people like you refuse to debate any of the topics the book broaches or the ample evidence provided to support the claims.

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I was thinking that even if the Moon Landing was faked, the narratives out RFK Jr's book would still be more compelling and the significance of them more far reaching. And the thing is the more I try to find where its a stretch to believe what RFK Jr covers the more I can't find it, and the more glaring the issues with the mainstream narratives stand out.

-Of course regulatory capture is a thing.

-Of course the longest tenured bureaucrat is corrupt in some way

-Of course 'the science' tends to fall into the positions where the largest monetary windfalls happen to be.

-Of course trying to tweak on a complex system evolved over ages can back fire.

-Of course when civilization makes strides it'll be easy to confuse what factors are really driving vital statistics like longevity

-Of course the strangeness of how AIDS was all around us and then just dissipated with figures like Magic Johnson living out full lives indicates perhaps we didn't get the real story

So now going back and staring at this correlation of the exposition of the liability free vaccine schedule with an uptick in autoimmune diseases and deadly allergies....some obvious questions need to be asked.

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You might try going on to the comments section. There's an interesting back-and-forth there, ranging between vax fanatics and some with thoughtfully critical views that would not be entirely out of place in this circle.

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I wouldn't mind a full vaccine schedule audit from competing sources.

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As a physician we had seen in the AMA and all the medical journals that everything was quite political for more than 20 years now. But I honestly never believed physicians would fall for this vaccine that has had so little testing. That part has really bothered me. But I also want to say as someone who does diabetic education that I’m pretty tired of the general public just literally not taking care of themselves at all. And I told my husband the other day it just surprises me that cigarettes are even still a thing. And the amount of alcohol consumption and drugs. It is time for everyone to take some personal responsibility!

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I give you the point on cigarettes but the food pyramid is ridiculous and hasn’t done one thing to improve health. More states are making drugs legal. The liquor stores were open in 2020 and gyms were closed. Drug companies advertise their products more than those ShamWows. We need to stop advertising drugs, add PE back to schools and subsidize farmers growing clean food. Most people I know think the pills they take will make them well.

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We moved away from the food pyramid and to the my plate long ago. This shows you to get lots of non-starchy vegetables some proteins source and a very small helping of some starch say rice and beans. Make sure to get helpings of fruit but not a lot if you’re diabetic and a little dairy. people complain about foods being too expensive that are healthy so I say just eat less and that would actually save you money. It’s totally free to get out there and walk and exercise so the excuses that people come up with are annoying. And I literally tell people that if they would lose weight through healthier food choices and exercise that they could probably come off all of their medicines for type Ii diabetes. Type I is a completely different animal.

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People don’t want the change. Big food is behind lots of thsi crap. The sheer amount of monopolies behind food brands prevents healthier foods, legislation is captured by those big companies. Europe ain’t perfect but when I go home there the sheer amount of choice of fresh healthy food is overwhelming. It’s like Whole Foods on crack. we don’t have this food diversity here, only for crap like packaged foods.

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When the government subsidizes corn syrup, that is all you need to know. Interesting article. FDA is another captured agency by BIG FOOD.


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The most telling thing is to look at photographs from yesteryear. Land whales were scarcer than hen’s teeth, practically nonexistent. Of course, most everybody smoked then. I guess you pick your poison.

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Volunteer team at our local museum were examining a large collection of photos from late 1800's. There were no, repeat NO fat people. None!

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The FDA has been losing credibility for ages the way they flip-flop constantly about what foods are good or bad, and I’m not talking about Twinkies or cupcakes. I suspect that they don’t even know, yet they think they can lecture us otherwise.

I have eaten eggs for decades - fried in butter, scrambled, hard-boiled, you name it. Yet every GP I’ve had, except the most recent, has lectured me that I’m headed for Artery Clog City if I keep eating them. Frankly, I tuned them out, as well as the FDA, long ago.

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“it’s odd to live in an age where “becoming healthy is an act of civil disobedience” but i don’t make the facts, i just point them out.”

This has irritated me no end since this whole Covid debacle started. There was never ANY reliable information given with which to make an informed health decision on what to do, and there was certainly none of the old “rest, hydrate, eat chicken soup, take analgesics for pain” recommendations as there were as little as a year before if you got the flu or a bad cold. None.

I am no professional athlete, but since I was a kid, I always biked, ran, swam, played softball and basketball and continued the biking and running as an adult. And felt great afterward. I was sidelined for two years until I got my knee replaced (delayed for a year by - guess what - no elective surgeries because of Covid. I wasn’t getting my nose fixed. I wanted to be able to walk without pain). It was going to PT twice a week and listening to the therapists talk about their own exercise routines that got me back into exercising regularly. And I am inspired also by my niece, a physical therapist herself, who believes that exercise and movement is everything. So I’m all for exercise being (one of) my attempts at civil disobedience.

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And also ... my most significant example: I grew up with my chronically ill aunt, who lived with us. She suffered and endured with a grace and good spirits I cannot imagine and her watchwords to me were always “take care of your health, because it is the key to everything else in life.” Just seeing her in the hospital for weeks at a time made a deep impression on me and perhaps precluded my ever going into medicine as a career. I would be crying all day, every day.

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"If you have your health, you have your wealth." That's succinct advice; surprised I've only heard that specific saying but rarely in my life. A similar, more descriptive one goes something like: "If you had a place to sleep last night, enough to eat today, relatively good health and have people who love you, you have everything you need. The rest is baggage." While I like my luxuries, and I have many material blessings, I have come to realize the sagacity in such expressions. Perhaps partly it's age (I 60 1/2) and wisdom of years.

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Yes, exactly. Excellent quote. When my aunt was well enough to go to the grocery store, for instance, often she would see a neighbor or acquaintance who would ask how she was doing after being in the hospital. My aunt would smile and say that she was OK and make small talk, but she would never mention anything about her health or how she was feeling at that moment. That also impressed me as a kid.

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Jul 14, 2022
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An acquaintance of mine contracted Covid in the Spring of 2020 and was basically told to go home, but to come to the ER if he developed breathing problems. Thankfully, he recovered with the help of his daughter and his friends, but I wondered what in the hell was going on that his doctor even told him that. It was another indication to me that something way out of the ordinary was happening, and all of a sudden, as we now know, from a predetermined script.

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Playing Devil's Advocate again: Even with the assumption that some early treatments were available and perhaps discouraged, consider the following. Early in the pandemic there were few/no tests to confirm an illness as Covid-19. If the illness had been a bad flu, what would a doctor have counseled? Perhaps, very much the same: home rest, fluids, over the counter drugs.

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Devil's Advocate (not just door hardware): It's not all the doctor's fault. Nor is it to blame them as pill pushers. Yes, it's true that if people ate better, exercised and did other healthy things, it would, all else equal, provide much healthier and probably, happier lives. This is simple wisdom and it's not suppressed, and no it's not some evil conspiracy of silence on the part of the medical fraternity. There's a very simple explanation rooted in human nature: the awful truth is that the average patient doesn't WANT to eat well and exercise. He likes his unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. As such, the best doc can do is treat his conditions as they arise, with the tools at his disposal, principal of those being drugs and surgery, and try to help the patient to be as healthy as he can, given the limitations imposed by his poor lifestyle choices. Note: I'm by no means letting doctors off the hook for ALL that goes wrong (medical errors, and horrors like the Covid-19 vaccines, malpractice etc.) But if we face the truth without bias, isn't it fair to say at most, perhaps the vast majority, of our illnesses are self-inflicted?

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Doctors don't get any kind of pass. At all. They KILLED people by remaining silent about early treatment.

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Yes, I agree. Karl Denninger of The Market Ticker blog had a really good article about low-carb eating, but I can’t find it on his site. But he says basically the same things you have, about people not taking responsibility for their diet or exercise or health. And when they get sick, they expect a doctor or pill to fix them. There is no easy fix.

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Just an excellent write-up. I feel complete vindication, as do millions, in my distrust of all things covid from nearly the start. The jab is to me as caffeine is to 7-UP - never had it, never will.

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These evil people have been right about the gullibility of a lot of sheeple, but they have to have almost reached that end. Most people know plenty of “vaccinated” people who still have gotten Covid-or worse yet, are now facing “unexpected” health challenges such as myocarditis, “new” cancers, or autoimmune diseases. I pray for the people forced to get the shots-including two of my sons in the military.

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When and if they are forced to acknowledge the failure of these shots, they can bring out a new shot.

Fluronapox self-amplifying mRNA vaccine! New and improved! Protect against three diseases at once! CALL NOW to reserve your spot! If you get vaccinated in the next 45 minutes, you will receive your second and third fluronapox vaccines for FREE!


This can go on for a long time. Peoples' capacity for abuse by the state is endless.

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The Supply of "Bodies" to be VaXXXed isn't endless, but that's probably their Goal anyway.

The "culling" will continue unabated. I am "moving on" from calling it "unfortunately" anymore.

People always have a "choice", "To Be, or Not To Be". Choose wisely and accept the Full Responsibility of our Choices. Blaming "others" only Negates Ourselves as a Sentient Beings.

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As long as people feel entitled to "free stuff" they're going to continue to suffer for it.

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Don't worry, most vaccinated are fine. I do know a few vaxx injured but the vast majority seems to be perfectly fine.

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Yes, that's the problem. I would say people will only "get it" when around 3% of the population is dead. That's around what it took to stop WWI and WWII.

The population is still going UP.

There is a lot of mileage left in this.

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Yeah, that is indeed the case. The mRNA vaccines are very toxic but not toxic enough for everyone to notice.

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My theory is its intentionally a slow burn. Effects dispersed over years for most. Some die in the first year,some develop serious conditions and die over another couple years,those who dont die are crippled and the unscathed jabbed and purebloods are too overwhelmed caring for them to revolt in any meaningful way. My guess is it might take five to ten years for full effect,and my other guess is they needed perpetual boosters to ensure this--which is why the push for self a bolstering jabs with saRNA. They found out most people will willingly or forcibly take the first jab but won't willingly take boosters four or more times a year ad infinitim, so now they're developing a way to relieve you of the right to make that choice after you took that first poison dose to save your job. Once you commit to one jab, you are committed to eternal boosters,whether you get jabbed or not.

Edit to add: Even better than hiding the damage while making even more profit treating the symptoms, by dispersing the damage over years (divide and conquer), the relatives of the victims will be on the hook for body disposal. Kill too many too fast you may have a corpse disposal problem.

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I had three shots of Moderna, the most toxic one due to the 100µg dose. Can't say that it hurt me in any obvious way. Feeling great now, 6 months after the booster. Will refuse any further shots.

Got Omicron a month after the booster, though, but is was just a mild sniffle for two or three days.

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Can't say the same. One cousin fell over dead for no reason., Another had a stroke. One almost died from blood clots - actually did die, but Emergency squad had to restart his heart 3x.

And that doesn't even touch on the Covid infection and reinfection. (People I actually know are being infected at about a 10 to 1 ratio (vaxx vs unbacxed)

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I know two people who died from the vaccine. One is certain and two family members acknowledge it.

The other is a wide psychosis to blame anything but the vaccine.

Even if it is killing many, where the rubber meets the road is in the recognition and acknowledgement that it’s the vaccine.

Grieving people can tell themselves a lot of lies to make them feel good about how their family member died.

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Yes that is definitely the case.

For now, I'm just glad the number is as small as it is (personally), and now just hope all these injected people don't have a string of reinfections (which would wear their immune system down in a different way).

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