I live in a more open state but am bordered by crazy lockdown states. There is a clear difference in the attitudes of the residents between the 2 states. It's striking, really. What you've written is demonstrably true...my eyes show me this every day I travel to the closed state from my open state. It's strange and I can't wait to get home.

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Imagine if it was proven that the "virus from hell" was already here, circulating in October/November 2019 and that "scary curve" showing a severe spike in march/april 2020 (with the downturn in the parabola in may 2020) was actually only the "last third" of the downward parabola i.e. the true peak of the curve was December 2019/Janurary2020?

If that is proven to be a true reflection of the alleged pandemic (and i think that will eventually be revealed in time) then lord knows how we survived from November 2019 to March 2020.

Simple answer- if you were sick, and didn't know "how bad" it really was, you got over it and moved on.

Panic is contagious and causes a worse result than what would have ordinarily resulted.

Just a theory--

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I’m very curious about this. Regardless of virus location origin.. timing seems to be something that’s extremely important and consistently overlooked. There’s some interesting findings that came out of Italy last year that said they tested blood for antibodies from blood banks and found evidence of infection as early as September 2019. If that’s the case and the world went largely “about their business” without masks/lockdowns and without the fear of hospitals getting overrun.. we should all be looking at this differently.

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My point exactly. Google "respiratory infection in fairfax, va, july 2019" it took cdc until December 2019 to declare they think it was a rhinovirus. Makes you wonder what is really going on here and who knew it was going on. Follow?

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That's absolutely what happened here in San Francisco. Some Stanford doctors think the virus was in the Bay Area in spring of 2019. The Bay Area numbers for COVID-19 are the best numbers almost anywhere in the world. San Francisco has 900,000 residents and only ~500 deaths. The number of deaths younger than 80 is a joke.

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The respiratory infection of 'unknown cause' that afflicted 2 nursing homes in Fairfax Va in July 2019 look like a classic case of Covid. The CDC could not definitively determine the cause, but found that many (but not not all) of the victims had a rhinovirus infection (which is not uncommon in the nursing home setting) which ordinarily would not cause such an extreme incidence of viral pneumonia amongst said nursing home population. Coupled with the American Red Cross study that showed blood tests with anti-bodies dating back to early December 2019 (which would imply those who gave blood in early December had the virus at least in November), along with the Italian study showing the existence of the virus (i believe in sewer water testing) in october 2019, my theory is that this virus was here long before anyone paid attention to it. There may very well have been "other viruses" floating around, and frankly, if we scrutinized every single infectious outbreak we would probably be shocked to learn the extent that viruses (known and unknown) are percolating in various communities. That said, the reason why the covid pandemic has dominated us for the last 18 months is because of it's infectiousness (due most likely to it being the product of gain of function research). So, yes, it was probably here long before we knew about it, and yes it probably was manipulated by man. The real questions are "when was it released" ,"under what circumstances" by "whom" and "where". The CDC and media have exploited this panic potentially for nefarious reasons. For some reason the H1N1 pandemic of 2009 was pretty much "blown off" by CDC , the media and US Government. Makes you wonder if they blew off the current pandemic, what would have happened. I can pretty much guarantee most of those people in NY and NJ would not have been intubated as fast as they were and the "death rate" would not have been as high as it allegedly turned out in those locations (I'm not even getting into the death "with" and the death "from" problem here, which is another can of worms). Something smells in Denmark.

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May want to look at Ethical Skeptic's twitter as he has some interesting charts that appear to show sars-cov 2 began circulating in mid-2018 in China. In other words, the lab leak happend far earlier than suspected. The variant problem with the zoonotic hypothesis is especially striking in his graphs.

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very interesting

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Fear is addicting. Also it gives a kind of purpose to life because a person feels they are up against something that makes them heroic. We live in a lockdown state, but for those of us out in the country I’m not sure much changed. We visited with neighbors outside, went to the feed store and box stores , had professionals like vets and farriers in, and figured out you could have lunch with friends in the winter by sitting in our cars like the police do. We’ve been going to in person church since last August. Life doesn’t need to return because it never left.

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i do not care for the word "hesitant" about being skeptical about the vaxx. it implies wrongly an emotional response to the experiment, while most who do not vaxx do a risk under uncertainty analysis and decided the chances are better with a the remote possibility of getting the disease.

i do go along with hesitance when describing how the frightened remain so after vaxx......... not logical, as is most of the media driven, political malpractice applied to this virus......

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If, by “learning that lesson” you include forever banishing the malevolent, ignorant, megalomaniacal, tyrants who perpetrated this unconscionable devastation on us, then yes, I agree.

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Call me Captain Obvious, but it looks to me like the scaredy-cats (sorry about that) are leftward on the political spectrum. Didn’t some say they were hesitant to unmask for fear of being mistaken for Conservatives? Which came first, the politics or the disease? Mmmmm

Mea culpa: After my previous bold statement on an earlier thread about how ready Florida is to be done with this whole sad affair, I entered a clothing store that looked like a packed emergency room. Horrified, I left for the mall and, mercifully, far more free faces. Not sure how to reconcile. People are crazier than cats and much more scaredy.

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Maine's mask mandate ended today for everyone except school children; it was dismaying to see how many people (all age groups and most likely vaccinated) stayed masked up.

The psychological damage done to society in the name of safety will take years to undo and there are many who won't ever fully recover from 18 months of relentless gaslighting and terror tactics.

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Very true. We need to go on the offensive and punish anyone in public health or government that contributed to the fear campaign.

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