Whether the containment measures were failed policies implemented by cowardly imbeciles, or were intended to cause precisely the deleterious outcomes they caused, the answer is the same:

United noncompliance.

These clowns are obsolete. We don't need them, we don't need to listen to them, and we never did.

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Victor Davis Hansen recently opined that when everyone is racist, then no one is racist.

I'd like to amend this and just say that if everything is an an emergency then nothing is an emergency.

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How long until noncompliance causes clots shows up in the news?

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Bravery is doing whatā€™s right even if you are afraid.

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Jul 20, 2022Ā·edited Jul 20, 2022

Please look into using a mini-Fauci on your graphs. You could put him on the right side and say, "must be this tall to matter."

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Our governor in the state of WA has had emergency powers for over 870 days. Earlier this month, he quietly extended a PERMANENT vax mandate for all government workers - FULLY vaxed, no exemptions - as of July 2023. There is even talk of reinstating indoor masking. Many people here think he is doing a great job, which I just donā€™t understand.šŸ™„šŸ˜”šŸ˜”

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This was all well known by the summer / early fall of 2020 yet people continued to comply for the next 1.5 years. Why? Conformity. That's the attack vector.

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Jul 20, 2022Ā·edited Jul 20, 2022

The long goodbye to our liberties.

The Die Harder Plan is what they want us to accept.

It only gets Harder tomorrow.

I'm willing to Die on this hill!...mostly peacefully...;]

Our PLAN should be; to FIGHT back!

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It's obvious, then; we should all act like cats, who will only do what the concierge (nƩe owner) asks whenever we feel like it.

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Give a statist an inch, and he thinks heā€™s a ruler.

Donā€™t give him that inch...


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So what I am gathering in my dull , first cup of coffee mind is: kill more people & prevent more births today to save people tomorrow when there are fewer people to save. Iā€™m sure that will make more sense after the second cuppa.

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Gato makes a very salient point about the middle.

The scamdemic took many "normies" off guard.....and many were incredulous in response to us real theorists...They would say things like "How could they pull of a conspiracy like that!?" "Who benefits?" "The just want to help us not die!"

I pray that enough in that lazy middle have awoken...

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In the words of the formerly great Jean-Luc Picard, ā€œthere are 4 lightsā€!!!

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Local news had some self appointed expert Karen Statist pleading for us all to wear masks ( again) in Philadelphia. I began flipping the bird at the tv. Effective I know. Itā€™s why I rarely turn on the boob tube. I suffer uncontrollable middle fingeritis. Iā€™m an authority on this disorder. šŸ˜œ

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See Germany admitting vaccine dose reaction of 1:5000? A lot of honesty all of a sudden becoming fashionable

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3 molecules of CO2 per 10,000 molecules of N2 and O2 = good

4 molecules of CO2 per 10,000 molecules of N2 and O2 = weā€™re all gonna die!

Incredible propaganda. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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