Incentives matter, and when the incentives are perverse, you get perverse outcomes created by perverse people.
And the rot has spread far beyond the federal government. Look at the incentives in capital markets with ESG. They’re attempting to replicate the capture of the universities in the corporate world.
It isn't just the subversion of science and its conversion into a platform for politically driven propaganda. It's also the destruction of scientific research as a way of improving our understanding of reality. The collapse in disruptive or impactful research over recent decades has coincided with a flood of marginal (and mostly wrong) papers, noise drowning out signal and reinforcing tired paradigms at the expense of advancement. Meanwhile technological advance has stalled out. For all that we pat ourselves on the back for how rapidly technology moves, everything we use today is merely a refinement of technologies developed decades ago. Moore's Law has done much to conceal the absence of anything genuinely novel.
Part of this is that specialization has disincentivized the polymath. Academia creates silo's that inhibit someone from seeing all the silo's from the outside. Those silo's are funded and built by the "machine".
Only one thing can be stored in a silo at a time. Common sense and creativity used to be shields, and often correlated, becoming adversarial to homogeneous thinking. That's been stripped by the incestuous relationship between the government and research/academia.
These great leaps you refer to (Newton, Franklin, et al) are much less likely in a system that encourages, indeed rewards myopia and obedience.
And this is why the "marching band" refused to yield preventing other players from taking the field during covid.
All of this led to the day the "music" died....a long, long time ago.
That pretty much describe the "amateurs" here on the Stacks. And that's why they've been so far out in front, despite the data crimes and obfuscation of the marching band.
Just to disagree in part - the field of software technology really has advanced remarkably over the decades. Thankfully, market incentives prevail here still.
“Is Saint Bureaucratus a devil who takes possession of a man as soon as he is given governmental responsibility? Are administrators infected with a desire to create a sham order, to manipulate others from behind their green steel desks? Governmental techniques are no different from any other psychological strategy; the deadening hold of regimentation can take mental possession of those dedicated to it, if they are not alert. And this is the intrinsic danger of the various agencies that mediate between the common man and his government. It is a tragic aspect of life that man has to place another fallible man between himself and the attainment of his highest ideals.
“Which human failings will manifest themselves most readily in the administrative machine? Lust for power, automatism, and mental rigidity—all these breed suspicion and intrigue. Being a high civil servant subjects man to a dangerous temptation, simply because he is a part of the ruling apparatus. He finds himself caught in the strategy complex. The magic of becoming an executive and a strategist provokes long-repressed feelings of omnipotence. A strategist feels like a chess player. He wants to manipulate the world by remote control. Now he can keep others waiting, as he was forced to wait himself in his salad days, and thus he can feel himself superior. He can entrench himself behind his official regulations and responsibilities. At the same time he must continually convince others of his indispensability because he is loath to vacate his seat. As a defense against his relative unimportance, he has to expand his staff, increasing his bureaucratic apparatus.”
—Joost Meerloo, “The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing”
The premise is not limited to science. Bureaucratic elitism is also behind the proxy war in the Ukraine, and everywhere else governments/ bureaucrats/ grandiose entities have their sticky hands. Self regulated confinement and containment is obviously outside the capacity of humanity. We have flunked our Forty Days in the Wilderness.
And THIS is why Yale continued to require a booster for enrollment for current semester. Because the money from tuition is laughable compared to the money received for research. Yale knows who's buttering their bread.
Thanks for another awesome stack. A while ago, after it became clear that one tiny tyrant was controlling pretty much all of the research $ in our country for the last two generations, I wondered aloud to my husband, just how many diseases could have possibly been cured during that time if we had someone else in charge of the funding on research? Fauci is vaccine obsessed and always had been. I think he always wanted to be the next Jonas Saulk, instead he’s the modern Josef Mengele.
There is no better example of Gato’s claims than the “War on Cancer”. Trillions have been spent, but they have not found a cure. The reason there is no cure is they have based all the research on an incorrect understanding of the cause. The have pursued genetic mutations instead of mitochondrial dysfunction. The mutations occur after the dysfunction, not before. But there is little money to be made in correcting diets, and trillions to be made on deadly chemo, immune system perversion, and radiation.
I remember when I was in grammar school and they had a fund drive to help find a cure for cancer. Every kid brought in a dime to pay for a cancer research mouse. It was called “Send a Mouse to College”. If you brought in enough dimes, (maybe a whole dollar?) you would get a pin with a very proud looking white cartoon mouse wearing a mortarboard with the caption, “I sent a mouse to college”. They told us they could cure cancer in 10 years. That was 1976.
With our current knowledge of the way the corrupt American healthcare system works, do you really believe TPTB really want to find a cure for cancer? Think of the loss of $$$ to pharma and the medical fraternity in general....Indeed, if they truly had the good health of the population in mind, wouldn't they have already taken many measures to maximize this instead of tolerating or even permitting the damaging levels of toxins in our environment/food etc?
Water that is lower in deuterium than most tapwater. Spring waters are generally slightly lower. Best to produce your own deuterium-depleted metabolic water. We do that most effectively by consuming natural best quality fats.
science is a process of assessing, learning, and validating claims about the world.
it is more method than doctrine. it's perhaps more properly called "the scientific method" and constitutes a method of exploring cause and effect and functional systems through experimentation and observation, the positing of hypotheses, and the rigorous testing thereof.
what is it about this that seems opaque or difficult to define to you?
Consensus is the first refuge of scoundrels. As you point out, see first, think later, then test. Otherwise you see what you expected...or incentivized to expect.
Conclusions do not reveal the truth - rather the methodology itself.
The true purpose of the method is to make sure Nature (what you observe) hasn't misled you into thinking you know something you don't actually know. If the facts don't fit the theory than by definition it must abandoned.
Nobody should say the "consensus of scientists" agrees that E=mc2 (for example). It should not occur to an individual practicing the true method to utter such things. Contrary, at that point you might as well reach for your wallet.
In reality the method distinguishes between "more likely/less likely " and NOT between possible/impossible.
Yeah. I seem to recall a point in history, not really so long ago, where "scientists agreed that the world was flat."
Anytime "scientists agree" in large numbers should run up a very large warning flag. Hmmm... climate change, anyone? Or... was that global warming? Hard to keep track of... but it is the best bullshit detector known to man.
I believe that would actually be pre-Ptolemy, or whatever Greek it was that discovered that the earth was round somewhere in the mid first millennium BC. The general model before then was that the earth was flat, perhaps like a disk, with a protective dome or firmament, the sky, over the top that kept out the infinite water that we were floating around in. That was the true terror of the Flood: that the gods would open the windows of heaven and unleash the fountains of the deep, and drown out the precious little bubble of air that we were floating around in like a submarine. Genesis was written in the framework of this concept.
Because they reduced out the exploring, the hypothesis the testing, the questions that need to be applied to the measurements and methods of testing, etc. and called it “the Science” equating statements made to unquestionable Word of God.
Correct, science is simply a *method* for better understanding the world.
It has been replaced by Scientism, a belief system in which the High Priest Experts issue Declarations of Faith from their Sanctified Journals and interpret the Blessed Results of their Holy Computer Models for the ranks of the Damned Laymen
I'm not sure what you're question is. Anyone who received even a fairly basic education will know what science is, in the same way they know what math is. Or religion. I'm not very good at maths, nor religious, but I understand what they are. I may stumble with a dictionary definition, but I understand it's basic nature. Even woke ideologues know this, they just don't believe in it because they think everything is a cynical power struggle (Marxism) or they refute truth as a concept (post modernism), or both.
But, to answer (off the top of my head);
Science is a system of knowledge creation. It is done by reasoned deduction, observation, experimentation and a continued validation of one's results with an open mind.
For a while now, each time I see a story using the word 'science' or 'scientist' or ' the science is' I pause and think about why that word id there? Or could it just be deleted and read ok? What did it contribute to the article? I conclude the modern definition of science is:
Science is truth. Therefore you don't have to investigate further. A scientist speaks truth and 'the science is' = truth. Now go back to playing Call of Duty and eat a whole pizza by yourself.
OK, I like your definition. So how do you get to wear the 'scientist' badge? Who is giving them out?
I vaguely remember, a long time ago, when I went to grade school one of the items on my report card was 'science'. I think we were told about frogs and flowers and humans having intelligence, whereas animals had 'instinct.' Later in life I've cared for a few cats. They have more intelligence than many people.
Who get's to be a scientist is what Gato is talking about. In truth, anyone performing the scientific method is a scientist, but a Scientist is someone who has gone through the academic process and has the certificates and student debt to show for it.
I think it's true in most things. I'm an electrician. I have certificates and a little gold card with my name from an accrediting body. The qualifications I had to achieve to get this card were, maybe, 75% useless to hear I actually do, but I paid my dues and now I have a qualification.
I learned a while ago there is a community of people who really love old lamps. They trade them on line, tinker with them, cobble together electronics to make obsolete fittings work when they really ought not to. Such a person knows far more about the start up sequence of a fluorescent light tube than I do, but I'm an "electrician" and they are not.
I have an electrical engineering degree from a major university and can barely replace a switch and couldn’t replace a fluorescent light ballast to save my life. I can solve triple integral equations and perform probabilistic calculations.
The US taxpayers gave Yale U $1.74 billion dollars to sell us Covid propaganda and we didn't even get a t-shirt or thank you? Can they please send us some sort of honorary degree to wipe our arses with? So inconsiderate!
I know there MUST be some, but I can think of no space in our lives now that is not overwhelmingly corrupt & greedy. It’s very depressing sometimes to even think about fighting on EVERY affront to our lives, all at the same time. And we all say we have to fight, resist, defy & I’m all for it - I defied the Vax mandate & masks - but for everything else potentially coming at us, how? Esp if CBDC & digital IDs are forced on us?
Oh well he has 1A as his right like all of us. But so do I to call him out in the public square.
The truth is though; the holocaust and persecution during written history, has led to selective evolution of folks with Jewish heritage (I hate saying it that way), i.e., Ashkenazi Jews. They had to be smart to survive.
They have a high general intelligence and that can lead to wealth accumulation and power. So be it, that's America. High "G" intelligence is strongly correlated to success and wealth.
Just because they have a high IQ and are Jewish doesn't make them any different than other tight cultures who have the same type of people.
I'm not afraid to touch this subject. But I'm free to call out stupidity
If Hans-Hermann Hoppe is correct, then those who own everything are "royalty" and want to maintain it and make it better, as anyone would with their own possessions that they fought for, and your argument is not valid.
Alternatively, if they are acting like you say, then they are acting like temporary managers who have no long term investment in the "establishment" then they are stirring things up and asset stripping and stealing for their own future.
I often wonder what these people (public faces or at the hidden top) think their dystopian world will look like & be for THEM. Do they really believe there will be no unintended consequences that power & money will shield them from?
Here in NZ many parts of the country were devastated by Cyclone Gabrielle. One notable feature was loss of power and infrastructure to these areas, with people unable to use electronic payment systems or get cash out of cash machines. Digital currencies might work ok when the power is on, but we are stuffed without cash when it is not. I just don't see how cash will ever be completely replaced.
I teach the science of nursing...I do my part where I can. I try to make it abundantly clear when teaching about teratogenic effects of medications that NO Pregnant woman should ever take an experimental pharmaceutical product matter what their government says! Now if only they remember that on the test of life!
This is why very little real progress on the scientific front has been made on Autism. Any time any researcher anywhere identifies any connection with vaccines, the grants are pulled, and the career is ended. Complimentary to that is anytime any researcher "proves" that vaccines are not involved gets promoted and funded handsomely. Phony science like this can go for decades like it did with tobacco and lung disease.
I'd love the highlights of your work to be compiled into a book. Something structured that I can give to someone who does not yet understand how broken government institutions are.
Interesting, I only came across his “Industrial Society and its Future “ a couple days ago. The way I interpreted it was that the self organizing tendency of technocracy to create greater and greater dependencies on itself and of its participants robbed the power of self determination from the individual. Which is kinda what Gato touches on pretty much everyday. School me on Marxism again. The whole thing seemed like a rant against leftism?? Help me out.
All of this. Over and over.
Incentives matter, and when the incentives are perverse, you get perverse outcomes created by perverse people.
And the rot has spread far beyond the federal government. Look at the incentives in capital markets with ESG. They’re attempting to replicate the capture of the universities in the corporate world.
It isn't just the subversion of science and its conversion into a platform for politically driven propaganda. It's also the destruction of scientific research as a way of improving our understanding of reality. The collapse in disruptive or impactful research over recent decades has coincided with a flood of marginal (and mostly wrong) papers, noise drowning out signal and reinforcing tired paradigms at the expense of advancement. Meanwhile technological advance has stalled out. For all that we pat ourselves on the back for how rapidly technology moves, everything we use today is merely a refinement of technologies developed decades ago. Moore's Law has done much to conceal the absence of anything genuinely novel.
Well said.
Part of this is that specialization has disincentivized the polymath. Academia creates silo's that inhibit someone from seeing all the silo's from the outside. Those silo's are funded and built by the "machine".
Only one thing can be stored in a silo at a time. Common sense and creativity used to be shields, and often correlated, becoming adversarial to homogeneous thinking. That's been stripped by the incestuous relationship between the government and research/academia.
These great leaps you refer to (Newton, Franklin, et al) are much less likely in a system that encourages, indeed rewards myopia and obedience.
And this is why the "marching band" refused to yield preventing other players from taking the field during covid.
All of this led to the day the "music" died....a long, long time ago.
Well said. Loved "American Pie" reference!!
Sadly true
I can not disagree with that.
That pretty much describe the "amateurs" here on the Stacks. And that's why they've been so far out in front, despite the data crimes and obfuscation of the marching band.
Just to disagree in part - the field of software technology really has advanced remarkably over the decades. Thankfully, market incentives prevail here still.
“Is Saint Bureaucratus a devil who takes possession of a man as soon as he is given governmental responsibility? Are administrators infected with a desire to create a sham order, to manipulate others from behind their green steel desks? Governmental techniques are no different from any other psychological strategy; the deadening hold of regimentation can take mental possession of those dedicated to it, if they are not alert. And this is the intrinsic danger of the various agencies that mediate between the common man and his government. It is a tragic aspect of life that man has to place another fallible man between himself and the attainment of his highest ideals.
“Which human failings will manifest themselves most readily in the administrative machine? Lust for power, automatism, and mental rigidity—all these breed suspicion and intrigue. Being a high civil servant subjects man to a dangerous temptation, simply because he is a part of the ruling apparatus. He finds himself caught in the strategy complex. The magic of becoming an executive and a strategist provokes long-repressed feelings of omnipotence. A strategist feels like a chess player. He wants to manipulate the world by remote control. Now he can keep others waiting, as he was forced to wait himself in his salad days, and thus he can feel himself superior. He can entrench himself behind his official regulations and responsibilities. At the same time he must continually convince others of his indispensability because he is loath to vacate his seat. As a defense against his relative unimportance, he has to expand his staff, increasing his bureaucratic apparatus.”
—Joost Meerloo, “The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing”
The premise is not limited to science. Bureaucratic elitism is also behind the proxy war in the Ukraine, and everywhere else governments/ bureaucrats/ grandiose entities have their sticky hands. Self regulated confinement and containment is obviously outside the capacity of humanity. We have flunked our Forty Days in the Wilderness.
And THIS is why Yale continued to require a booster for enrollment for current semester. Because the money from tuition is laughable compared to the money received for research. Yale knows who's buttering their bread.
Not for nothing, but Yale is also the home of the Bangladesh mask "scholar" as well, I believe.
Thanks for another awesome stack. A while ago, after it became clear that one tiny tyrant was controlling pretty much all of the research $ in our country for the last two generations, I wondered aloud to my husband, just how many diseases could have possibly been cured during that time if we had someone else in charge of the funding on research? Fauci is vaccine obsessed and always had been. I think he always wanted to be the next Jonas Saulk, instead he’s the modern Josef Mengele.
There is no better example of Gato’s claims than the “War on Cancer”. Trillions have been spent, but they have not found a cure. The reason there is no cure is they have based all the research on an incorrect understanding of the cause. The have pursued genetic mutations instead of mitochondrial dysfunction. The mutations occur after the dysfunction, not before. But there is little money to be made in correcting diets, and trillions to be made on deadly chemo, immune system perversion, and radiation.
I remember when I was in grammar school and they had a fund drive to help find a cure for cancer. Every kid brought in a dime to pay for a cancer research mouse. It was called “Send a Mouse to College”. If you brought in enough dimes, (maybe a whole dollar?) you would get a pin with a very proud looking white cartoon mouse wearing a mortarboard with the caption, “I sent a mouse to college”. They told us they could cure cancer in 10 years. That was 1976.
A lot of people would be out of a job and out of investment returns if we found a cure for cancer. Funny how that is.
With our current knowledge of the way the corrupt American healthcare system works, do you really believe TPTB really want to find a cure for cancer? Think of the loss of $$$ to pharma and the medical fraternity in general....Indeed, if they truly had the good health of the population in mind, wouldn't they have already taken many measures to maximize this instead of tolerating or even permitting the damaging levels of toxins in our environment/food etc?
You are correct. Submolecular Dysregulation Due to Deuterium Accumulation Is the Cause of Cancer.
Then why does a keto/high fat carnivore diet stop it?
Because a natural ketogenic high fat carnivore diet is low in deuterium. That is the key.
Dr. Petra - Which water is the best to consume? Most of the article was way over my head, so I may have missed this. Thank you for sharing!
Water that is lower in deuterium than most tapwater. Spring waters are generally slightly lower. Best to produce your own deuterium-depleted metabolic water. We do that most effectively by consuming natural best quality fats.
He tried before, and he'll try again. However, being 82 his remaining years are limited.
... and the Pied Piper of Pestilence!
I feel ill. However, as you have written, it's best, if you have no helmet, to know you have no helmet.
I had the same illness when reading this morning.
“you’re not funding open research, you’re funding its absence. you’re funding justification, non-diversity, inequity, and exclusion.”
This line drives this piece home.
"every kind of science you can name from biology to ecology to climate to epidemiology has become a ward of the state and as ike predicted:"
Define science. Go ahead and give it a try.
science is a process of assessing, learning, and validating claims about the world.
it is more method than doctrine. it's perhaps more properly called "the scientific method" and constitutes a method of exploring cause and effect and functional systems through experimentation and observation, the positing of hypotheses, and the rigorous testing thereof.
what is it about this that seems opaque or difficult to define to you?
Fauci is the science. The definition has changed.
Oh for sure woke leftists misuse the word for their own agenda, but that's almost a given nowadays.
Yup. All of this.
Consensus is the first refuge of scoundrels. As you point out, see first, think later, then test. Otherwise you see what you expected...or incentivized to expect.
Conclusions do not reveal the truth - rather the methodology itself.
The true purpose of the method is to make sure Nature (what you observe) hasn't misled you into thinking you know something you don't actually know. If the facts don't fit the theory than by definition it must abandoned.
Nobody should say the "consensus of scientists" agrees that E=mc2 (for example). It should not occur to an individual practicing the true method to utter such things. Contrary, at that point you might as well reach for your wallet.
In reality the method distinguishes between "more likely/less likely " and NOT between possible/impossible.
"you see what you expected...or incentivized to expect"
OR in our current insane world, are TOLD to expect.
Exactly. Disturbing. And it ain't gonna stop by itself
Yeah. I seem to recall a point in history, not really so long ago, where "scientists agreed that the world was flat."
Anytime "scientists agree" in large numbers should run up a very large warning flag. Hmmm... climate change, anyone? Or... was that global warming? Hard to keep track of... but it is the best bullshit detector known to man.
You're not nearly old enough to recall that, and not just because you aren't centuries old. Was there *ever* such a time?
I believe that would actually be pre-Ptolemy, or whatever Greek it was that discovered that the earth was round somewhere in the mid first millennium BC. The general model before then was that the earth was flat, perhaps like a disk, with a protective dome or firmament, the sky, over the top that kept out the infinite water that we were floating around in. That was the true terror of the Flood: that the gods would open the windows of heaven and unleash the fountains of the deep, and drown out the precious little bubble of air that we were floating around in like a submarine. Genesis was written in the framework of this concept.
If for no other reason that's why it was so "easy" for me to see through the Scamdemic in the very beginning.
Because they reduced out the exploring, the hypothesis the testing, the questions that need to be applied to the measurements and methods of testing, etc. and called it “the Science” equating statements made to unquestionable Word of God.
Correct, science is simply a *method* for better understanding the world.
It has been replaced by Scientism, a belief system in which the High Priest Experts issue Declarations of Faith from their Sanctified Journals and interpret the Blessed Results of their Holy Computer Models for the ranks of the Damned Laymen
I'm not sure what you're question is. Anyone who received even a fairly basic education will know what science is, in the same way they know what math is. Or religion. I'm not very good at maths, nor religious, but I understand what they are. I may stumble with a dictionary definition, but I understand it's basic nature. Even woke ideologues know this, they just don't believe in it because they think everything is a cynical power struggle (Marxism) or they refute truth as a concept (post modernism), or both.
But, to answer (off the top of my head);
Science is a system of knowledge creation. It is done by reasoned deduction, observation, experimentation and a continued validation of one's results with an open mind.
For a while now, each time I see a story using the word 'science' or 'scientist' or ' the science is' I pause and think about why that word id there? Or could it just be deleted and read ok? What did it contribute to the article? I conclude the modern definition of science is:
Science is truth. Therefore you don't have to investigate further. A scientist speaks truth and 'the science is' = truth. Now go back to playing Call of Duty and eat a whole pizza by yourself.
OK, I like your definition. So how do you get to wear the 'scientist' badge? Who is giving them out?
I vaguely remember, a long time ago, when I went to grade school one of the items on my report card was 'science'. I think we were told about frogs and flowers and humans having intelligence, whereas animals had 'instinct.' Later in life I've cared for a few cats. They have more intelligence than many people.
Who get's to be a scientist is what Gato is talking about. In truth, anyone performing the scientific method is a scientist, but a Scientist is someone who has gone through the academic process and has the certificates and student debt to show for it.
I think it's true in most things. I'm an electrician. I have certificates and a little gold card with my name from an accrediting body. The qualifications I had to achieve to get this card were, maybe, 75% useless to hear I actually do, but I paid my dues and now I have a qualification.
I learned a while ago there is a community of people who really love old lamps. They trade them on line, tinker with them, cobble together electronics to make obsolete fittings work when they really ought not to. Such a person knows far more about the start up sequence of a fluorescent light tube than I do, but I'm an "electrician" and they are not.
amusingly, the 2 year anniversary of the MIT hit piece on "the science" was this week.
Missed it originally ty, another el gato masterpiece & better in hindsight! <3
I have an electrical engineering degree from a major university and can barely replace a switch and couldn’t replace a fluorescent light ballast to save my life. I can solve triple integral equations and perform probabilistic calculations.
Too funny lol
Good stuff. Look at what Google says and ask yourself what value the word 'science' adds to this:
10 Best Bachelor of Science Degrees
Computer Science. Computer science degrees focus on things like programming and web development. ...
Finance. ...
Information Technology. ...
Biology. ...
Mechanical Engineering. ...
Electrical Engineering. ...
Chemistry. ...
Good so far!
I always believe Google, even when it appears to only find 8 of the ten best...
Science is different than Scientism.
Eisenhower was openly bragging in everybody's faces about the MIC.
They ALWAYS say what they're going to do.
The US taxpayers gave Yale U $1.74 billion dollars to sell us Covid propaganda and we didn't even get a t-shirt or thank you? Can they please send us some sort of honorary degree to wipe our arses with? So inconsiderate!
I know there MUST be some, but I can think of no space in our lives now that is not overwhelmingly corrupt & greedy. It’s very depressing sometimes to even think about fighting on EVERY affront to our lives, all at the same time. And we all say we have to fight, resist, defy & I’m all for it - I defied the Vax mandate & masks - but for everything else potentially coming at us, how? Esp if CBDC & digital IDs are forced on us?
There's just ONE group who seems to be in the middle of ALL the world's issues...
Agreed, Chris, but who is all the way @ the top? I sometimes feel like even Schwab, Gates, et al are just flying monkeys too
He's talking about Jews.
He always loves throwing out tropes.
If you're not into that thing I would ignore him
Thx Ryan, Had no idea that was the inference.
It could as easily be Masons, the Catholic Church, Rothchilds, ad nauseam!
He is. I have the receipts.
Oh well he has 1A as his right like all of us. But so do I to call him out in the public square.
The truth is though; the holocaust and persecution during written history, has led to selective evolution of folks with Jewish heritage (I hate saying it that way), i.e., Ashkenazi Jews. They had to be smart to survive.
They have a high general intelligence and that can lead to wealth accumulation and power. So be it, that's America. High "G" intelligence is strongly correlated to success and wealth.
Just because they have a high IQ and are Jewish doesn't make them any different than other tight cultures who have the same type of people.
I'm not afraid to touch this subject. But I'm free to call out stupidity
LOL, so stunning and brave. Whatever.
At least you can't call me a LIAR, right?
Aww, look at the little DNST3 paranoiac schizo coming out of the shawdows.
How cute.
Don't you have a false flag "hate fest" in Florida to attend?
We'll never know who's at the top.
The underling public faces and talking heads are certainly known though.
Look into who's been behind or at least VERY involved in every subversive "-ism" movement and philosophy.
Yes, the public faces are well known now, even one’s keeping a low profile like NObummer.
Obammy was controlled just like every other president since Woodrow Wilson.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
If Hans-Hermann Hoppe is correct, then those who own everything are "royalty" and want to maintain it and make it better, as anyone would with their own possessions that they fought for, and your argument is not valid.
Alternatively, if they are acting like you say, then they are acting like temporary managers who have no long term investment in the "establishment" then they are stirring things up and asset stripping and stealing for their own future.
I often wonder what these people (public faces or at the hidden top) think their dystopian world will look like & be for THEM. Do they really believe there will be no unintended consequences that power & money will shield them from?
Here in NZ many parts of the country were devastated by Cyclone Gabrielle. One notable feature was loss of power and infrastructure to these areas, with people unable to use electronic payment systems or get cash out of cash machines. Digital currencies might work ok when the power is on, but we are stuffed without cash when it is not. I just don't see how cash will ever be completely replaced.
I think you are being too generous. Science + politics = politics.
Yep. I would go so far as to say that the form of that equation is generalizable all the way to:
Anything + politics = politics
You made me laugh.
I teach the science of nursing...I do my part where I can. I try to make it abundantly clear when teaching about teratogenic effects of medications that NO Pregnant woman should ever take an experimental pharmaceutical product matter what their government says! Now if only they remember that on the test of life!
This is especially true in climate change and sustainability. But it’s also true in every branch of science.
Politicised science, not political science.
There's a difference.
This is why very little real progress on the scientific front has been made on Autism. Any time any researcher anywhere identifies any connection with vaccines, the grants are pulled, and the career is ended. Complimentary to that is anytime any researcher "proves" that vaccines are not involved gets promoted and funded handsomely. Phony science like this can go for decades like it did with tobacco and lung disease.
Another fantastic piece.
I'd love the highlights of your work to be compiled into a book. Something structured that I can give to someone who does not yet understand how broken government institutions are.
Hear hear!
I wonder if such a book would ever stand a snowball’s chance in hell of making the NYT Bestseller’s list. 😸😹
Who cares? A book like this would be an underground best seller. Merely reading it would be a revolutionary act.
Ever read “Industrial Society and Its Future” by the Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski 1995? Ted may be crazy but he is not stupid.
Actually Ted was crazy, and he was focused so tightly on his marxist approach to capitalism that he never searched for an alternate boogeyman.
Interesting, I only came across his “Industrial Society and its Future “ a couple days ago. The way I interpreted it was that the self organizing tendency of technocracy to create greater and greater dependencies on itself and of its participants robbed the power of self determination from the individual. Which is kinda what Gato touches on pretty much everyday. School me on Marxism again. The whole thing seemed like a rant against leftism?? Help me out.