I like this statement:

“When it all comes out, don’t ask me how I knew. Ask yourself why you didn’t”.

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“it is time to establish our own ecosystems of trusted information.” We already have—Substack!

As slimy as these switcharoos are, I can’t help taking pleasure in them because it means their narrative is collapsing and these plague-propagandizing rats are jumping ship.

Here’s looking at you, kitty.

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The "soft middle 40%" as Mattias Desmet says about Mass Formation, are people who just go with whatever the majority is honking on about. I've observed in my own life these are people eagerly looking for signs on doors to tell them to put a mask on or not, they cannot think for themselves and are terrified of getting voted off the island. They also suffer cognitive dissonance - they'll tell you they know the vaccines are dangerous and then next week you find out they got a booster. My recent feeling is it's time to push on this gang a bit harder, challenge them more. Make it harder for them to keep playing along with the bullshit - all they want is for the louder voice to tell them what to do. It's up to all of us to have these conversations... be polite but be firm. The middle 40% must be turned over so that this ends.

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Hmm. I am struggling with having just a *tiny* bit of compassion for *some* of these people in the media who "went along to get along." But, after that passing thought I still end up right back to what I usually think: No excuses. If, indeed, the narrative that has been pushed for 2 years truly has killed and maimed untold thousands of people, anyone who has been complicit needs to be brought to justice in a court of law. I'm done with all of them. If a cop catches me in the act of stabbing an old lady for her purse and I use the excuse, "I didn't know that it was illegal", I'll bet I would hear, "Ignorance is no excuse."

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True story. One of the few places in Georgia that you have to wear a mask (since April 2020) is hospitals and doctor's offices (their requirement, not the state's). I went in for my annual physical and when I got into the doctor's office he says, "take that thing off". I asked him why they were enforcing mask wearing in the office despite the fact that they must know the scientific data says they don't work against respiratory viruses. He says they are following the local hospital system's rules on masking. He told me about a year into the pandemic, a group of doctor's at the hospital led a "revolt" laying out the peer reviewed evidence that the kinds of masks patients were wearing coming into the hospital weren't effective. Not able to refute them, the administration changed the policy to require double masking. The rebel group asked how did they know the double masking would work? The answer was, "we don't, but neither can you prove they don't work, so you can't object anymore"

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You're too easy on them. The media deserve far worse than extinction.

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I too call bs on the fake “shock”. More like laying the groundwork work for, “I’m not a bad person, I just didn’t know”.

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This guy could learn something from the recent passing of John Madden. Go back and watch that awesome documentary on him on Christmas. Because of his intense fear of flying he traveled by train and then got his famous personal Greyhound called the Madden Cruiser. Whilst on the road he learned something. About America and himself. It opened his eyes, broadened his horizons but connected him to MORE and different people than himself. I think all of us would be better off if we did at least one big road trip a year. I'm not saying it has to be the Griswold's but hit the road. Stop off in random off the beaten path places. Look around, ask questions. Observe people but more importantly, talk to them. Be inquisitive and a learner. I bet you come out a winner every single time. Noah. What an ironic name....

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Somewhat familiar with Noah having listened to the Commentary podcast intermittently. Yes their prattle is mostly small c conservative and given their base in NY/NJ, I was happy to look past some of their holier than thou comments about fly over conservatives or hard core patriots to a point. Once the Covid train got rolling the whole group of them on the pod supported most if not all of the government overreach and did so with a bit of condescending smarm, essentially calling freedom and liberty supporters “deplorables” without calling them deplorables and that is when I decided that I had enough. Have also stopped supporting Federalist for mostly the same reason. If we are going to change the channel on this garbage, we need these people out of our lives. They are a waste of time because they will always first test to see which way the political winds are blowing. ‘Eff them all.

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Option #3 they are mentally ill.

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"[A] stunning number of folks from alleged logicians and ethicists to one time lions of libertarianism all caved and crumbled and failed."

It didn't start with COVID, but the dumpster fire that was once a beacon of sanity, Reason magazine, went from smoldering to well and truly engulfed. So disappointing.

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Over in my old part of the world we would fondly refer to MSM (the BBC, RTE et al) as 'The Gutter Press', all pictures, zero content and propagandists to the government of the time. The other 2 factors to consider are (1) The Universities - Little Cultural Marxist Camps really, so their graduates are already paid up idiots by the time they graduate, & (2) Bill Gates - He has openly bought off the media worldwide and even has set up his very journalist 'schools' (an oxymoron) to teach 'good' journalism - and this from a man who knows jack about pharmaceuticals either. Enuf said.

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With Noah, it is always #2.

#2 comes out of his mouth, because he and his brethren are full of sanctimonious shit.

There are many on Substack willing to forgive and forget, but not me. Cheering on genocide and apartheid are bells that cannot be unrung.

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Another excellent post. "these media outlets have been deeply complicit in this debacle" - they've been not only complicit, they drive it. As you also say. Lest people give them a break, none of this could have happened without them aggressively repeating the propaganda over and over. Scolding you, shaming you, telling you you are unclean garbage if you don't get the jab. Fawning over Fauxi. Etc. Give these assholes no quarter. They are all part of the totalitarian take-over. The journalist and media folks with any integrity left their jobs to go solo.

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i daily peek at the bbc website to see what stage of the narrative we are at, today for the 1st time i have seen a slight reversal. interesting, cant wait for the climate lockdowns now this story is running out of steam

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The same Cramer who got covid after all his jabs😂😂😂😂. Looks like the vaxxed are shedding this sh.. all over the place. Maybe we should lock down/jail the vaxxed Jim.

Who is Noah? Never heard of him, but I have also not watched, read or listened to msm for nearly 18 months.

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I stopped watching / reading the MSM “news” in Nov of 2020. Quit cold turkey. Was the best thing I ever did. I follow folks like el gato and a few others whom I trust to present information unbiased but otherwise just gave up on caring about all the BS that’s happening in the world and how it’s spun.

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022

Think about how even today, people [with a modicum of education] look back at William Randolph Hearst saying he’d “provide the war” and think that was outrageous.

This is far, far worse than a war fought with cavalry and cannons. This is a massacre of innocents, a genocide, and I think the Left/media are getting an inkling that they’re complicit in this crime against humanity and individuals are starting to try and extricate themselves before it’s too late. But it IS too late for most of the MSM and most “authoritative sources.”

On Sunday night, civil rights attorney Robert Barnes said that there are suits pending which posit that certain social media outlets and businesses are actually practicing medicine by overruling individuals’ private physicians by requiring an experimental medical treatment. Even if this one case which Barnes cited (brought in SC) loses, it wins, if you see what I mean because a higher court might refer back to it later.

So ask yourself who the eff is Tyson Food to require someone to get a series of injections?? Who at Google thinks they know more than Dr. Robert Malone about mRNA?? They ARE practicing medicine.

Until today I was blissfully unaware of one Noah Rothman, but now I’m aware he’s a certified idiot. Yes, Mr. Rothman, we in flyover country are still living our lives without the constant dopamine drip drip of panic which the Covidiots jones on day after day. Then one day they have a “bad high” and the SPELL is broken, and they wake up, rubbing their eyes like Dorothy Gale and the Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow in the field of poppies, and expect to have the doors of Oz swing open to them?

Not a chance. We need an accurate body count first.

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When do we get to pull the credentials of the "news" peeps when they admit it took them 2 years to reconcile what we've been offering for as long? The Cramer capitulation is beautiful but do NOT let him forget what he said about the "diseased" do NOT let them gaslight us into the villains.

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Your work is always fantastic! I am working with a startup digital newspaper in Nebraska precisely because the media has become so very corrupt. We launch Jan. 16th, 22. We are going to bring facts back in fashion! I'm the opinion page editor - I'll be selecting a mix of moderate and conservative writers directly challenging the current media narratives!

www.Nebraskasunrisenews.com Spread the word!

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One of the few silver linings of the past few years is that the biases of corporate media and tech have been exposed. They've been caught in so many blatant lies, and they went about it in such a crude way that it's led to a massive boost for alternatives, like substack, gettr, and rumble. This will help serve as a counterweight to these players in the future.

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It's interesting, I got NYT The Morning update in my email this morning addressing the schools/mask/child issue and Bari Weiss/Nellie Bowles Common Sense Substack essay at the same time. I have to believe this is the day's talking points memo, the inevitable walk back as the laptop class begins to tire of their childrens' push back.

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How did a powerless, insignificant little bug like me with absolutely zero social influence or cache manage to discover, without using social media, a place completely free of covid biofascism outside of my former home court where I haven't dealt with a vaccine or mask mandate in the entire 6 months my family has lived here, with virtually no intrusion of covid bullshit on my offline life outside of seeing the occasional mentally ill person in a face shield and diaper in the store somewhere?

Am I a genius? Am I unwittingly accessing the Actual Internet of some alternate reality where I'm able to see people living normally with no population-wide problems at all?

How do I manage this piece of information wizardry that a man 100 times wealthier and more important than me cannot?

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"this was clearly not confined to just him. a stunning number of folks from alleged logicians and ethicists to one time lions of libertarianism all caved and crumbled and failed" As a scientist and libertarian I agree with this sentence at least 200%. Places like Cato and Reason will never see a dime from me again.

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“we’re seeing it everywhere. even equity circus yelling clown cramer is has pivoted from “we should use the army to force vaccines” to “i don’t care about cases and vaccines’ faster than you can say “hey, where did i that money i put into bear stearns stock go?”

Ahhhh 😂🤣 soo good! You want to starve these assholes? Cut any/all pay TV sources you subscribe to:


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well done and entertaining, gato. so if these epiphanies continue and reach critical mass, the dupes will gang up on fauci, birx, collins and steal there lunch boxes. i may have to actually watch television for that!

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Agree that US media gets the gold medal for slanted and erroneous covid reporting. Particularly because US media is theoretically independently-owned, not state-owned.

Still, other key overseas countries, like Europe's big five - Germany, France, UK, Italy and Spain - have also seen most of their media perform shamefully. However, the audiovisual outlets with the biggest audiences in these countries are typically state-owned. Even supposedly independent ones are often closely intertwined with the state.

For decades, people were conditioned to trust the people reading the news on TV. Like viewers in the US and elsewhere, it's hard to blame them too much. They got blindsided by a full force blitz of disinformation.

The pity is that we all know well-schooled and intelligent people who've refused to do any serious thinking or research on covid. You're right, gato – those are the good guys who failed the audition.

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In the massive media-fedgov-bigpharma echo chamber you can add "Karens who watch CNN or MSNBC." Of course many of these people will be surprised and dismayed to find that those outside their circle jerk are living very different lives that have nothing to do with whatever narrative is currently being propagandized.

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Rogan's ratings are crushing traditional media. He now has the power to call out each of these lying bastards in front of a huge audience and make sure everyone knows exactly what each of them has done.

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"these media outlets have been deeply complicit in this debacle and media has a dark history of not only supporting but loving and lionizing fascism because under fascism, the media gets to wield great power as an organ of the state, protected, cosseted, and preferenced."

Great Truth

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Amen and amen!

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Wait! There's gambling going on at Rick's?!?

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Did he also miss all the packed stadiums on TV every weekend?

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For those of us living in flyover country (Alabama) we’ve become numb to the complete ignorance the media has with regard to how we live.

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I follow a LOT of 'stacks. Following Gato has been one of my best decisions, if not THE best. And I'm a dog guy! LOL. Great work, kitty!

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I can guarantee you the UK/European media are wholly as poisonous. I don't know who compiled that negative media index chart, but of the mainstream newspapers here not a single one remained truthful or positive. And our national news outlet the BBC was basically a state-sponsored mouthpiece that would make the Kremlin-Pravda coalition look amateur.

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What’s interesting about Rothman is that he writes for a purportedly conservative outlet, commentary. I used to listen to their podcast until they went off the rails with pro vaccine stuff in the summer. One of the hosts even called listeners stupid if they hadn’t gotten the vaccine.

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The media is more self referencial than the new Matrix movie

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Dear El Gato Mali,

Noah Rothman is not MSNBC reporter, he is a writer and associate editor for conservative Commentary magazine and widely respected and extremely informed journalists. However, he lives in NJ with his family and yes, makes appearances on MSNBC. As for the news sources, he in the quest for objectivity is doing his best to read the “other” side. Hence, “the shock”

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Rothman was a purported conservative--I was startled to see (via this post) that he's now with MSNBC. Gawd. These people believe in absolutely nothing except a paycheck. I mean, there's performative lying, and then there's performative lying...

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Until a sufficient number of the bastards are "held accountable" in ways that strike the fear of God in the *rest* of the bastards, nothing will change, IMHO.

Thomas Sowell said something along the lines of, "Those who pay no price for being wrong should not be trusted with power."

The bastards need to pay a price.

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And on top of a huge swath of the country attending school unmasked, we are SURVIVING and THRIVING. Oh, the horrors!

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022

Hello! Could you take a look at NY city data, please? https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-breakthrough-data

Why are de not seing Omicron evading the vacinne as strongly as in other countries?

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Definite shift in the narrative starting to roll out. But I hadn't anticipated they would -- at least in Australia--buy their way out. Using government money, natch.

"Ignatius J. Reilly@YoureAllDunces

The narrative has clearly shifted. Very important to ask ourselves why. And then to remain vigilant against the inevitable return of the agenda from a different angle:


· Dec 31, 2021

REPORT: 79,000 People! - The government now ADMITS to severe vaccine side effects. - Offering some victims over $600,000 in cash and compensation. - Australia.

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"And you wonder why people get their news from YouTube." -Jimmy Dore

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Exposed! Data reveals intent: howbad.info

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Gosh this story tears me in two opposing directions. On the one hand, I just ask myself, "How is it possible?"

On the other, if you read Scott Atlas' book you find confirmation of the depressing truth that people at the highest levels of decision-making and influence in the White House COVID clown circus of 2020 were idiots of the highest order. Not only did they know nothing, they lacked the capacity or interest to learn it.

Our goal should be to never let any of these people have influence on public policy again.

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The symbol manipulator (non-essential) class is going extinct in real-time, just as Tainter and McLuhan predicted.

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Bravo! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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Go Easy on Noah. This statement has more to do with living in North Jersey (the epicenter of COVID insanity) than anything else. I suggest you listen to the Commentary podcast, he does a good job of representing team Reality.

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