"The only way we're going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated."

Wait, I know this game! It's the Grand Unification Theory Game! Let me do one!

"The only way we're going to solve the problem of failing schools across this country is if we invest billions of dollars in youth parcheesi programs in Sierra Leone."

Too out there? Can I have another turn? Please! I'll scream misogyny! Thanks.

"The only way we're going to solve the problem of systemic racism is segregating schools and fostering disunity."

"The only way we're going to solve the problem of domestic terrorism is by expanding the definition to include moms angry at school boards."

"The only way we're going to restore democracy is doing everything we can to silence opposing voices."

How'd I do?

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Thanks! I'll be here all week.

Tip your waitress, because I refuse to pay her enough because my margins are razor-thin and she's underskilled and no system rests on a single variable.

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Not bizarre enough to compete with the Brandon brand. 🙄

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You nailed it, Guttermouth!

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You did great!

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Word Psalad Psaki?

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ok, that's getting stolen.

"word psalad" is epic.

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Shout-out to el gato in this week’s Townhall column. https://townhall.com/columnists/robjenkins/2021/10/17/americas-descent-into-medical-fascism-n2597550

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thank you for not capitalizing that!

my pronouns are "lower" and "case."

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You’re welcome. The urge to capitalize is very strong, but I resist out of respect for you.

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el gato - I mean no disrespect at all, I simply don't understand and don't "get it."

==> Why *are* they lower case?

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as a cat yourself you should know. How did you make the cap W? But then again you are both alive and dead.

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Even if it damages relationships, I think it helps to call people out as fascists. Presumably, most of them know that fascism is bad and it might cause a moment of introspection.

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Agreed. I’m not trying to insult anyone. I just believe in calling things what they are.

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you're SO much nicer than I am😏

insult as a shock inducing introspection and recalibration is


it has to be built on rock-solid documentation to be effective

cuz most folks just don't possess adequate resources😉 to credibly refute

to date no one has come back for round 2

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Excellent piece!

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Thank you!

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Oct 17, 2021
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Thanks, Dan. I don’t yet, but I’m thinking about it. Meanwhile, I’m on Townhall most weeks, and occasionally on American Thinker.

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Oct 18, 2021
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That’s kind of you, Dave. I will seriously consider it.

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Why do they continue to push "vaccines" they know do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus? Why did Adeyemo make such a ridiculous statement? Why did Psuki basically blame the unvaxxed for the supply chain problems in a recent presser?

Last year...when we were allegedly in the middle of the worst pandemic in a hundred years...the supply chains did not break. There were shortages blamed on hoarding, but we were reassured the supply chains were intact and robust.

Is the current supply chain failure a result of bad policy or is it by design...a feature, not a bug?

Why do they want everyone...they said everyone...to be injected with their crap "vaccines"?

WTH is in those "vaccines"?

I fully support the nurses, doctors, care home workers, truck drivers, longshoremen, pilots, flight attendants, etc., who are quitting, striking, calling out sick...whatever they have to do. I know there will shortages and deprivations as we fight back. But that's not what is causing the problems with the supply chain now.

Is this a bug or a feature?

Is incompetence, bad policy choices, economic imbecility, hubris, stupid, or greed sufficient to explain what is happening in the country and in the world?

IMO, it is not.

Have your C19 infection kit ready (vitamins C and D, zinc, quercetin, ivermectin, aspirin, etc.).

And stock up on essential goods.

They are going to try to break us with deprivation. We must prepare. And help one another.

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In a meeting with myself, our CFO, and our company owner, the CFO asked about Bidens "vax mandate". Our owner simply replied "it's not OSHA's job to tell you what to inject into your body," and that it won't hold up to legal challenges. Love this dude.

Probably helps that our workforce is primarily based 30 year old Hispanic dudes that wouldn't ever get jabbed to keep their jobs. A real, enforceable mandate would put us out of business.

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Love your owner! Please tell him how much we all appreciate that refreshing leadership. If I knew what business you were in I would support it any way I could!

Brandon said he "planned" to issue a vax mandate on Sept 9th. Intentions are NOT mandates. Mandates are not the law either! Brandon has NOT DONE IT, likely because it would never hold up to a constitutional legal attack. But he and his Marxist followers could care less about our freedoms!

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Gives me hope for the future!! Stand your ground and stay strong. Young people, especially men, do NOT need these jabs. The risk of vax injury is greater than risk of illness. Blessings to all of you.

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Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum have admitted what is in the vaccines. Blood markers to watch and control people. Watch and read this VERY closely. It explains the situation. DO NOT COMPLY.


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Dennis, you always share the best links. That is a harrowing and yet not-at-all-surprising piece of information. If blood testing becomes the new vaxxport, how will the elites feign vaccination, then? I suppose by virtue of their aristocratic status, they will be exempt from such testing …

On the upside, maybe purebloods can demand a vaxx test of blood prior to transfusions so they can avoid the clotting variety 🤔

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Thank you!

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I'm confused why vaccinating the world is needed for economic recovery.....

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You’re only confused because you’re thinking.

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Well, it’s a brave new world. Men can have menstruate and have babies, burning buildings and looting businesses is mostly peaceful, a vax that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission contributes to herd immunity, forcing an experimental medical treatment on you enhances your civil liberties. Why wouldn’t stagflation and empty store shelves be a sign of a healthy economy? All that civilizational knowledge built up over thousands of years was just made up by a bunch of dead white guys anyway. Who needs it? We can create our own reality.

The decline is spectacular: first religion was destroyed (the churches unwittingly participated, by the way) then morals were attacked and debased, now science and even reason itself are being debauched.

The backlash, now nascent, will begin gathering momentum and will likely be even more spectacular.

Let’s go Brandon!

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Just wait until the true scope and scale of the vaccine disaster becomes evident.

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Brandon has two things going for him - the MSM and pop culture are on his side and ignorant masses who will believe whatever MSM and pop culture tell them to believe. They see the gas prices going up too, but blame it on Trump not doing enough to prevent pandemic or something like that.

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I hope that lives forever

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He will always be Brandon.

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Does Biden know what "let's go Brandon" chants mean when he hears them?

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Does he know anything other than being a grifter?

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gas price rising are: slight demand pull with things more open, a lot biden, energy and interior deciding the way to get usa of oil is to strangle supply!

strange enpugh for guttermouth above?

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"All those container ships lining up at the ports just show that Americans have lots of money to spend, supplies are of increasing value every day and jobs are plentiful among the Brandon Youth. A veritable boom economy! "

"Covid Camps are real jobs makers!"

"Vaccines and family planning services are great for the people of Africa and really work at depopulating their countries!" Oh wait... Gates really said that. But he is not at all a racist, eugenicist. Not at all.

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So the continued covid illnesses and now the econ troubles are now due to the unvaxxed. Yeah great strategy: dehumanize people! As a jew im appalled. Get ready for the red nabla armbands folks. Gato analysis is spot on as usual but it doesnt even have to get so technical . Everything they say is a lie, anything they try to do achieves the exact opposite effect. Everything they touch they destroy.

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When it comes down to it, government only has one tool in their bag -- a giant fucking sledgehammer.

Ever try to build anything with a sledgehammer?

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Two great points spot on, SimulationCommander!

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Baghdad Barbie, has a bachelors in English and Sociology so she likely has never heard of Lo or Galbraith.

"Physics has three laws that explain 99% of the phenomena, and economics has 99 laws that explain 3%." - MIT professor Andrew Lo

"The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable" - John Kenneth Galbraith

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These days, the smart astrologers claim to be physicist, and people believe them.

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The only reason for inflation is due to an increase in the money supply -- that is the true original definition that was obfuscated in the last 2 decades. Take gander at a Miriam Webster Dictionary from, say, the 1970s, and you will see the above definition; to wit:

"A continuing rise in the general price level usually attributed to an increase in the volume of money and credit relative to available goods and services".

Thus, if you were to cite FRED's M2 and M2V charts, the above would come into sharper focus. This is all driven by Fed policies. Some would then argue, but the Fed has been printing like drunken sailors since 2009, so why only now are we seeing CPI, a hedonic adjusted grossly understated %age (see: John William's shadow stats for circa 1950s US gov methodology for true CPI data), but hyperinflation was always in plain sight as expressed in the stock "market". So why now are we seeing this inflation (and shrinkflation) in consumer goods and energy, etc. That was always the plan as a means of discharging the 1%'s debt by inflating it away on the backs of the debt-slave tax mules. Trillions in PSYOP-19 "relief", manufactured chip shortages (see: majority chip manufacturers have excess supply), PSYOP-19 policies like port bottlenecks, poverty exploding, food shortages (also engineered), etc. etc. etc. As the orgy of money printing continues.

Inflation is one of the key moving parts of the upcoming crash to end all crashes. It is ratcheting up the desperation, as "vax" mandates force ever more people to drop out, etc.

The depopulation program is in full effect, in ever more plain sight to those that comprehend the actual concepts and appreciate the true meanings of terms like "inflation".

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How many trillions will they print this year? What about next year? 2030?

Hope everybody is making their plans, be they BTC, land, etc.

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Agreed. There is a new crypto I am hearing about that will transform the space...... And please don't forget precious metals, which will soon resemble BTC in their parabolic moves to the upside.

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My Barbie collection is offended. They are much brighter than this Barbie. Amongst them is a police officer, a doctor, a vet, a scientist and a teacher (I know, but some of us are critical thinkers, honest). True story. Regardless of their career choices, all of them are smart enough to say "No" to the job of fall-gal for this Brandon. As for your final cat meme...priceless.

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Actually, time is already telling. But "Baghdad Barbie," I like that. That's about the most appropriate nickname I've seen for her.

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You nailed it with 'cave man economics'. The idiots in charge these days don't even know what they don't know, and their idiotic attempts at controlling the economy are splintering in ways they couldn't even imagine.

This is ALWAYS the result of central planning. ALWAYS.

Hope you guys are planning for the dollar debasement.

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I hope so because the globalists have been positioning and gaming for it for some time, they're fleecing us with "invisible enemy" and "free vaccines"

Riddle me this "let's go Brandon" if the shots are free why you keep mentioning that you're gonna buy enough to jab all our kids? 🤔

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Inflation is at least double what they are reporting. So why are internet rates zero in a booming economy? A stock market correction is coming and still the experts keep saying profits are strong so keep investing. If you ain’t got nothing to sell how do you make a profit? Is no one else seeing this disconnect?

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If you go by the way they used to calculate inflation it’s running 13%. Chew on that


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You can see the inflation right there.

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Exactly! Slick Willy got it changed back in the 90’s.

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Bizarro world - https://apple.news/AB8LTZkElRXeaIBoUs_qeJA Dow on track for best October in 6 years.

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This is standard. New money gets created and handed out to the connected (ie, rich), and then those people do what rich people do with money -- jack up the stock market and buy land.

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Yep and what I call the blue state Capos; Governors, other members of the sprawling crime family!

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Yep! Inslee has been bragging about all the money he's spending on climate change and immigration, even as our state crumbles around us.

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Climate change, another great scam. Just looking at some to the pirates looting that treasure; Harry Reid and his five sons, McAulliff in VA, so many to name, and yet many of the young and, "adults," are totally sold. Fear Porn works, on some.

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Yep, I think the term is "climbing the wall of fear?" The huge injections of spending are benefitting corporations much like steroids benefit us, humans. As an outsider, who knows?

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So glad you included my man Brian Wesbury! He sniffed out the Covid lockdown errors early on, unlike most Wall Street guys. Highly recommended Twitter follow…

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