during a political pandemic..... it stopped being a pandemic when it finsihed with the blue states ibn the ne in june 2020.... since the virus is a toy for propagandists

and the climate panic sounds just like covid panicking

same trust the experts and their models which are not testable hypotheses.

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Yes, I see it that the climate scam wasn’t an immediate enough threat for their purposes, they needed something more primal than the old weather ploy. Enter sars-cov2. Eureka!

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CC is the follow-on tenderizer 'crisis'

with which the GRoup will bludgeon the spirits of

and extract concessions from and enact restrictions on

the proles

it's in the script

distraction diversion confusion compulsion

if it's of any consolation

it'll get worse👍

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Glorious meme.

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One way to get yourself in trouble on Twitter: point out the obvious hypocrisy in how we treat the HIV positive (whose illness is generally a result of lifestyle choices) with COVID, which anyone can contract even taking all the safety measures. Not that I have any desire to shame the HIV positive, no more than I have any desire to be shamed for my self-destructive "life style" choices. (When you would rather die than give up red meat and deep fried strips of potato, you really don't have room to criticize others too much.) However, I thought we had established "my body, my choice, and nun-ya, as in nun-ya business." That was a good standard that seemed to benefit everybody.

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