Ban stuff that's true but doesn't help the narrative! Ministry of Truth stuff going on here.

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At least we get a good dose of truth here. Keep the catnip coming.

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They play CNN TV at middle schools here in CA. I already told my daughter not to believe CNN...

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Jack Dorsey is a Marxist Leninist and anything that helps to uncover The Big Lie will be squashed. However, they fail to see that in every historical instance where censorship has been enacted, things did not pan out so well. China. USSR. Nazi Germany. etc etc. We are next.

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Censors protect the lie. Truth will set you free of the lie. The lie is your shackle. Truth is a weapon.

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Not sure the truth on this but Catturd says my pillow guy is starting a social media site called frank. Strange name but maybe it will be good alternative for all truthseekers

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Not surprised. Truth has become a unicorn for a lot of society...

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Is mayaguez a nice town?

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