If we don't stop this insanity, I dread the world to come. I've really had enough and still can't believe how many people are still going along with this and especially those who are still using tyranny as a political issue (if you value liberty you're a Trump supporter).

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022


4! Only FOUR ‘illnesses’ from tainted formula and NO DEATHS across the entire country but THE FDA IS ALL OVER IT! …WITH WARNINGS! …forget the warnings of thousands and tens thousands ‘vaccine’ injured and deaths. No. Move along folks. Those aren’t happening at all. 🖕

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As someone who collected a few hundred signatures to recall him (hey, at least we took out a chunk of our SF school board), I can attest that he is the state's leader in hypocrisy - see French Laundry and the Super Bowl.

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He’s part of the 4 families who have controlled California for a century, but Larry elder is the black face of white supremacy.

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We now have a generation of kids including young adutls who willingly abdicate their human rights "for the greater good". Young people with no critical thinking skills who truly believe they are being considerate and responsible citizens. People who feel almightly and virtuous wearing their masks outdoors. It's gonna be the biggest challenge to open their eyes to all the lies they've been fed.

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We as parents need to continue to speak up and out for our children. We have to bc they cannot. Bring the school board and randi weingarten to their knees. It's long overdue how and what our children are taught. Home schooling is the best IMHO if you can do it. Public schools be damned and all the libtards in them.

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Well, to be fair, public education has always been about creating a suitable workforce and loyal citizenry. I was not a kid who acted out in school but boy do I loathe teachers. Truly it ain't so many steps from primary school educators to prison camp guard.

Who was that state education official just a couple of weeks ago explaining that masking of pre-schoolers was for the purpose of training them in compliance and obedience? Right out loud on TV. Most horrifying part is that parents did not rise up en masse and tear him to shreds.

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Clown World Order

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Yeah he's outraged over this but couldn't care less about drug addicts living in tents along the side of the freeway, graffiti and trash everywhere, schools actively working to push kids into perversion when they can't read or do simple math, and emptying the jails of criminals to roam the streets.

Like Newsom, I'm affluent enough that my family can live where we are largely shielded from what he has unleashed. Not so for the lower middle class and working poor who take the brunt of it. Yet these same people voted for him because Larry Elder is a white supremacist. It's like that scene from Animal House, "thank you sir may I have another!".

I've lived here my whole life and yes it's nice to have a home in the hills looking out over the ocean, the physical beauty is stunning. It's also nice that it's 70 degrees everyday. But once I hit retirement in a few years, we are out of here. Hopefully it's before the state descends into all out anarchy.

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If children wear the mask out of "fear and obedience" then mission accomplished! It is the sole reason for making them do it. But more important, being allowed to take the mask off, but then making them put it back on again, and back and forth engrains in their tiny developing brains that they are soldiers who must always yield to a higher power. They will believe in their core that they never have bodily sovereignty. THAT is the reason for the masks.

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Solution: put images of drag queens on guns. Then he will be okay with it.

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School is particularly difficult for many little boys, whose nature is antithetical to sitting quiet and still for hours on end. Add the masks to the equation, and the cruelty compounds exponentially.

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Not a doubt in my mind, from the beginning, that this psyop is geared more towards ruining the youngest generation for life via instruments of total submission. If you are a parent and ever made your kid wear a mask, shame on you.

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Gruesome is vile... along with his buddies Trudeau and Klaus... the WEF gang ... Macron, Jacinda, etc.

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We talk about the masks, but what about the drugs? Ritalin, Adderal, and all the others used to control kids. Believe me, I know all about that, back in the 1960's when that shit was just starting, I was put in special ed, given Ritalin and then Phenobarbital when the Ritalin didn't do what it was supposed to do. Turns out I had an allergy to the Phenobarbital which made me psychotic and it took several months before anyone figured out what was going on. This was in fourth grade. I also was subjected to behavioral modification, so I know all about censorship and micromanaging from a very early age. Looking back, I see now that I and the other kids like me were being groomed to accept abusive situations without a complaint because of course it never dawned on anyone back then that not everyone (especially adults in authority) should be trusted and that there are some pretty sick fucks in this world. Somehow I got through with most of my spirit intact (I think) but I learned some pretty important lessons about how to play games to survive.

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And as far as Newscum, well, we all know how much better the world would be if he were gone. He embodies every foul adjective found in a dictionary.

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King of the jerk-offs!

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Mandatory masks for school children which we have here in Quebec stunts their emotional and intellectual growth.

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Did you look at the picture of that gun in the hands of a full-grown adult? Hilarious.


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Gavin desperately wants to take away our semi-automatic weapons so he can have as much fun as his WEF friends Justin Castreau and Chrystia Freeland just had.

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Oh they’ve done much more than cutify the masks, they’ve cutified the jabs. I’m taking a closer look at some of those receipts..

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Masking children is the most evil thing I can think of. And I can think of a lot.

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Newsom is totally beholden to Kaiser, which runs the CA health department according a lawsuit by (I think it is)Dr. Gold. Kaiser hospitals are efficiency pharma delivery factories, though when they throw you down the final greased slide, you do get a diaphanous blue bag of Kaiser personal care swag. Deirdre Barrett of Harvard, an evolutionary psychologist who wrote "Supernormal Stimuli" thinks there are clones walking amongst us already. My only half kidding hypothesis is that Zuckerberg, Arden, Trudeau, Newsom etc. might actually be replicants. Maybe it's the whiteness of the teeth. Or maybe it's Edgar suits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_bnRD7aaok. These kids will not have developed internal emotional regulation skills and will comply easily or go batshit with no way to control their feelings. Maybe that's the point. Future Hitler Youth and Red Guard? I think of Neruda, writing about why his poetry was not full of exotic lush imagery as he observed the Spanish Civil War. "And in the streets the blood of children ran simply/ like children's blood"

("I Explain A Few Things")

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Quiet, compliant kids who see the state as their "pappa", and squeal on their freedom loving parents. Ceausescu would be proud.

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There's a good chance the Newsoms and Trudeous of the world are less deranged than their constituents. I heard recently 2/3 of Canadians support a forceful break-up of the Alberta protest, even if it involved the loss of life. I hope that's misleading or untrue. It puts these leaders in a tough position. If they don't match the derangement of their constituents, they might be replaced by somebody who will.

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live now police are doing their totalitarian order following https://youtu.be/ZtbuGaxfIg0

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This Gavin Newsom strikes as the kind of person who would descend into hysterics if exposed to nose art or sea shantys, while at the same time express gushing admiration for classic art such as the various depicitions of topless women common to the antique world.

Without realising his own double standards (or should that be lack of standards perhaps?)

Bastet, Artemis, Kybele, Sekhmet, Ashtoreth, Venus of Willendorf, and many more might even 'bless' him by letting his eyelashes grow inwards.

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Check out https://www.generation2030.ca. It's not satire though it should be.

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NRA is better than mRNA.

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Was in church behind a couple with a 4 to 6 month old baby and a friend sitting next to them. She was masked. Mother handed her friend the baby. She held the baby in front of her and the baby looked at her very intently and then turned to the side. The woman tried to get the baby to look at her and the baby kept turning to the side. Didn’t want to look at the mask

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All rifles are used in very few crimes, handguns dominate. It is true mass shooting have occurred with rifles, even ones that appear military in nature. Focusing on the small number of deaths caused by people using rifles while ignoring rampant handgun homicides, suicides, drug overdoses and myriad other preventable deaths seems like a bad allocation of resources and inability to prioritize resources on preventable deaths.

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Gun owner and CCR carrier here. I reject Newsom's dumb "weapon of war" nonsense ....and pretty much everything Newsom does and stands for. But, I'm also not a fan of essentially marketing firearms as toys. I don't favor any laws restricting it or anything like that. Just wish they didn't do those things.

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For all of Newsom's histrionics, I have a hard time believing he cares about kids health. Governor Hypocrisy wants to vaxx every child in California, all 9,000,000 of them. If myocarditis hitts 1 out of 2500 kids, seems like old Governor Maskless will be giving 3,600 kids heart problems for Xmas 2022. Talk about someone who cares!!! And I can't wait to hear what other side effects those children will have--infertility, aneurysms, strokes, encephalitis, who can say, the testing isn't done!!!

Maybe we'll be lucky and he'll go back to Mexico and stay there.

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

Newsom's language suggests he is scared to death of becoming a target of one of those "weapons of war."

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I am confused. Or perhaps simply old. A skull and crossbones is a symbol to indicate poison, possible death, a warning to not touch and to stay away. A skull and crossbones with a pacifier is a symbol specifying a warning to children to not touch, to stay away. Is Gavin Newsom being intentionally obtuse? Is his stating the opposite some type of sarcasm that I'm missing? Has he slipped and is letting his idiot show through? Or did society change the meaning of a warning symbol when I wasn't paying attention?

I think we need to get ahold of bulk white kn95/k94/N95 masks and have the imagery of a gag printed on them.

In small sizes, for the childrens.

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Thanks for the warning Gavin! Without your condemnation, my child might have been able to convince me to buy him a $389 rifle.

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Class, repeat after me: Gavin is a moron. Can you spell moron?

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Newson. Get your priorities right Pendejo

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Loathsome Newsom is VILE.

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No, "teachers".

"I had to obey orders" does not work for you either.

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make mine .30 or .303....

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The real problem is not this clown (or all other clowns in the government). The real enemy are the democrat voters that empower these wannabe dictators. These are the people that like to use violence against you and force you to comply.

The only solution is to secede and create a country where these people are not allowed to enter. Otherwise, you will never have peace.

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Got a link for that article?

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Hey gato, I can't handle that serious in the morning. Jokes first

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