Hey, all this rational, level headed journalism just might catch on, if we let it.

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Whenever the mainstream media starts pushing a narrative...in this case: "flying is dangerous". I start to think it's to incentivise greater central control/planning of the industry and/or disincentivise 'useless eaters' from flying.

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That was my first thought as well and one likely reason these incidents are making the list of approved news items. Though, that Boeing whistleblower being suicided sure does look suspicious...

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@Tracey- funny how to coroner said it was suicide but we haven't heard from the ME.

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That's exactly where we are, isn't it?

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This is my immediate reaction as well. Remember the summer of the lost luggage? That was pretty clearly a manufactured panic with a "plausible" explanation after covid. Plenty of European politicians openly discuss limiting flights for peasants as they flit all over the world themselves. With family on another continent I will not be okay with "one flight every three years." Even though I have HATED flying since 9/11. It makes my bullshit tolerance bucket overflow.

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Me thinks that if the unelected Oligarchy wants us proles to limit the number of flights to combat climate change or global warming or is it global boiling (hard to keep up these days) then why not go with the tried and trusted fear porn psyop and scare the bejasus out of us so we voluntarily reduce our air travel frequency, or stop altogether. They can start with United Airlines is BAD, so folk don't use them - they go tits up and off we go. I would say that the well paid executives of United wouldn't be too distressed.

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Another downstream effect from Covid? This was hinted at by your United pilot's comment. Lots of experienced airline folks (pilots, maintenance crew, air crew, the lot) were put out of work during lockdowns and a significant proportion of them will have found other things to do and won't have come back. So the people being hired to replace them have way less experience and will be more likely to make mistakes.

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I think it’s pretty clear that this is the real issue. Absolutely hiring / promoting much faster and on much laxer criteria than ever before. Confirmed my multiple pilots I know. Throw in DEI amplified to 11 right as the re-hiring started and you’ve materially changed the makeup of your workforce….and not for the better in terms of standards.

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And DEI gives the mega corporations an excuse to lower standards and certainly be able to pay less. If corporations love illegal immigration, so much so that govt now openly uses that as a talking point to ‘legalize it’, then DEI can be another route to same. Hmmm….

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@Dorothy and Chad- I live 1/2 hour from where Flight 3407 went down just outside of Buffalo. We actually lost a friend/neighbor/fellow firefighter in that tragedy. Those families fought HARD for new regulations to make flying safer and now it's all gone to hell. I won't fly right now. We drive everywhere. Flying is probably still safer than driving- sheer numbers alone make that true- but at least I have some control.

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Well, at

Least in a plane, you don’t have to worry about another driver possibly crashing into you as controllers are looking out for you.

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@Christine- yes. I made reference to that.

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What I find most disturbing is that they had to lower the required heart health standards for pilots after the jab mandates. It would be interesting to see a data analysis of pilot incapacitation incidents since the roll-out of those injectables.

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Or they were let go for not taking the jab.

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Or they died because they did take it.

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They were put on leave. Some were totally fired.

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Remember that if you choose to take a road trip across the country, instead of flying, you are getting on the road with the DEI hires from ALL the leftist corporations. My advice is to drive a large truck or SUV. You have a lot better chance of surviving a head on with a Subaru when the purple haired lesbian driver drifts into your lane while attempting to force feed puberty blocker hormones to they/thems adopted child in the back seat.

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i just drive so fast that they cannot hit me.

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You'd do great in Florida. It's FLAT out Catscar down here.

We believe in free screech!

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@Ryan- last year and this year we were subjected to that traffic, especially in the Clearwater area. GOOD GOD..........Those people are insane.

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I lived in CA my entire life. I never thought there could be worse drivers until I moved to Florida.

It's insane!

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BTW I live just south of Clearwater near Sarasota...so I know exactly what you mean

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“Catscar”…lol…Florida drivers have to be the worst in the country. 75 on the west coast has become a complete shit show…broward county, where I live is a fucking nightmare, and Miami-dade is probably 10x worse then broward. It’s Everyman for themselves on the roads down here…

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I-4 is a death zone now between Tampa and Orlando.

Especially when the sun is rising or setting

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Especially seeing that “cautious” drivers tend to be insecure drivers by another name, which is fear at the root of it and all that turns into a potential hazard on the road. So hurry up and zoom out of there!

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"You want to be behind someone that drives like that? I'll pull around and leave them safely behind us. Look kids, a deer!"

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Not gonna be able to get that visual out of my head. I may never drive again.

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The less time you spend in one spot, the lower the chances that something will happen to you in that spot!

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@Danny- we drive a 2500 Diesel. High up and mighty. And fast AF.

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DEI? How many on the road are time bombs waiting to explode into a "medical event?"

How many on the roads are neurologically impaired from their jabs?

I've noticed a decline in the quality of drivers - almost immediately from when the lockdowns lifted. (and why did they lift? Oh yeah! Miracle vaccines!)

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It seems that a large number of drivers have forgotten what that little lever on the side of the steering wheel is for. Sometimes they remember and put it on halfway through the turn, but most of the time it is spontaneous lane drift and no warning turns.

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I love it when you talk statistics, Gato. It's how I got to the inevitable conclusion that the 4thQ 2019 Killer Virus was the world's greatest con job. Incredibly, it was piece of cake finding the telltale figures, and yes, on reliable websites, 1stQ 2020. I'm guessing the majority of media consumers didn't bother.

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I think more of us are concerned about the Boeing Whistleblower being unalived in his car via gunshot whilst in depositions rather than the increase in reported events.

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I was going to ask- how does the homicide of a Boeing whistleblower skew the results…?

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Thanks for this. In January when it seemed like something was happening every other day, I was in Uganda for work. My husband was sending me “did you see this?” emails and I had to tell him to STOP. After all, I’d need to get home and I was flying United/Brussels Air. Then Brussels cancelled my first flight home 45 min before the flight, took us to a local hotel in Entebbe, and worked to get us all rebooked the next morning. I was on Kenya Airways and wasn’t happy about it til I looked it up - better safety record than Delta (obviously with a lot fewer daily flights). Other than hating long haul (15 hour) flights it was good, as was the United flight home from JFK. I’m not super keen to fly again, though… so this article helps put it in perspective.

While we all know intellectually that driving is less safe statistically, there’s something intrinsically awful in the thought of dying in a plane crash. (My husband has hated flying since we had a terribly turbulent flight in 1998!) I keep my eye on the flight attendants and if they’re not worried I try not to be!

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I've always said that when I die, I want to go in a plane crash. You have to die some way, you might as well have that exciting thrill ride, like a roller coaster off the rails, where you don't have that built-in "oh but it's actually safe" boringness.

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"I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather with the other passengers in the car screaming all the way to the crash."

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Industrial sabotage came to mind after the first two --or three--, in such short succession.

Two years ago food production plants and livestock farming operations, now transport.

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Is it all to manipulate stock prices and United’s valuation? I just booked a flight this week for the hubs. The 3 big airlines offered the best flight path and times needed. 2 were apx $485 and 1 airline $980 ?? Who is looking to purchase United? Is a takeover in the works? The airline industry is almost a monopoly. How easy would it be to combine the top 3. Let’s see…United? Too dangerous?…Delta? Too expensive? And ahhhh American? Just right? And if that happens the little guys will get swallowed up. Maybe I’m just jumping the shark! 🤷‍♀️ one airline to rule them all 🤷‍♀️

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Poison the pilots? Check.

Scare people from flying? Check.

Gee, it's almost like they don't want anyone other than themselves flying but that's just a crazy conspiracy theory /s

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Well, the CEO of UA is big into climate change so would help that aim having less planes in the sky.

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That’ll all “straighten out” after his transition, right?

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Southwest and later Spirit had the right idea - fly only one model planes (Boeing 737 and Aiebus A320).

Having to operate and maintain a single machine makes everything easier as far as parts, training, replacement crafts (Spirit gets theirs off-lease).

Not sure how diverse the top 3 airlines' crafts are but Southwest is #4 so not small potatoes.

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AirTran was the same. Most of theirs (717s IIRC) now seem to be with Delta.

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Sharks on a plane? Leave it to Follywood.

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.... as we head into Sharknado season

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The metric of deaths per whatever is useless. There’s a Netflix series about the death of the space shuttle and another about the 737 max that are basically a bunch of geniuses claiming yeah but we haven’t killed anybody yet… right up until they start killing everyone wholesale. The failure of leadership is obvious in hindsight. It happens way before the bent metal and blood. And everyone is amazed that nobody saw it coming. When is the Netflix on this one going to start filming?

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What’s the name of the show?

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DEI in the sky: Newtonian physics updates.

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It sure would be nice if we could get actual analysis like this in corporate media, instead of opinion pieces or propaganda.

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"meanwhile, ~43,000 americans were killed in car accidents in 2022, ~117 per day"

Now THAT sounds ominous. I thought we were trending downward in auto accidents, to the tune of the high-20,000s or the low-30,000s.

If we're in the mid-40,000s now, that would be worth scrutiny, IMHO.

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interestingly, many of the "safety" features have not saved lives.

neither airbags nor ABS did. to be sure, they made cars safer and any given crash more survivable, but people responded by driving faster and f=mv^2 is a bitch.

the same happened with ski helmets etc.

people seems to have a specific risk level they are comfortable with, and they hold it constant. give them more safety gear and they just behave more recklessly.

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It seems every time they idiot proof something we just end up with better idiots. There was a comedian who suggested that instead of airbags they put a spike in the center of the steering wheel. People would drive much more carefully. Then some idiot would come up with putting a tennis ball over the end of the spike. Hilarity ensues.

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Dave Barry wrote such a piece.

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I found out Jeff Dunham's Walter also said something like that.

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I haven't been able to - ever - take Biden seriously because of Walter.

The similarities were too much.

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"people seems to have a specific risk level they are comfortable with, and they hold it constant. give them more safety gear and they just behave more recklessly."

I think I've read that traffic is similar. People talk about "we need more highway lanes to ease the traffic!!" but more lanes just leads to more people driving those highways, because their comfortable "specific [traffic] level" is constant.

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Stuff expands to fill whatever room is available.

Parkinson's Law.

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Right, but airbags and ABS have been around for decades now. I'm not saying they lowered highway deaths or saved anyone, just that I *thought* our annual highway death number was down in the 28,000-33,000 range.

Maybe my recollection is wrong, and it's actually been in the upper-30 to mid-40 range for a while now.

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it got down to about 35k, but has been rising for a decade or so.


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I'll be damned. I've been a misinformationer for a while now, I guess.

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If I recall correctly, it has been in the mid-40's for at least a decade, maybe longer. Because that is the number that has been consistently brought up when comparing air travel versus highway travel. The big difference in the two is that airline safety regulations have been "written in blood", so to speak. Major crashes lead to major changes. This has not been so with the carnage on the highways.

In fact, the 40,000 deaths is just the tip of the iceberg. Let's look at injuries and hospitalizations from car crashes. We don't measure the months of rehab required to get a person back to "normal" or if that is even possible. And of course we don't record the "minor" fenderbenders or the close calls. I am starting to become very, very scared of my fellow drivers, especially after my last accident a month ago when an inattentive elderly driver T-boned me at an intersection. He claimed he didn't see me. Last night as I was driving home from my book club, I nearly ran into someone who pulled out of a gas station without looking and was in turn nearly rammed by the SUV that was following a bit too closely. But that was not the end of it. After that close call, the SUV backed off for a bit, then started creeping up on my back bumper even though I was doing the speed limit. This really had me worried because a tight turn was coming up which I needed to slow down for and then make another turn onto my street, and this person was not giving any signs that they were going to slow down. Well we got around the corner and I put my blinker on for my street, and as I looked in my mirror, the driver was doing something with her long hair (combing it?). Clearly not paying attention to the road, and clearly not with both hands on the wheel. I made a quick panicked turn onto my street without touching the brakes just to get out of her way. I do not think she even realized how close she came to causing an accident.

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I look at Instagram for funnies and for sports stuff, but I also follow a Crash Dashcam account, and it is astonishing how bad bad drivers are. The things people do and that happen to be caught on dashcams are frightening.

Not coincidentally, I have a dashcam in my car AND ironically, just last night (seriously!) I put one in my wife's car. Puerto Rico drivers are among the worst anywhere. Connecticut drivers a close second.

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I'm old enough to remember the 70's. Petrol/gasoline was $0.29/gallon. Under the "fuel crisis" it went up - but not much more than that. There were shortages and fuel queues. The Federal Government said that the best thing it could do was to reduce the speed limit to 55. Save fuel.

This did work, and had a side effect. It reduced traffic accidents.

But Sammy Hagar complained, and they (whoever "they" are) decided that the 10 mph increase in deaths was worth it. So it went back up to 65 (most places, some up to 75).

Rising death tolls? Planned, within "acceptable parameters."

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This is what the Aussies say about American Rules Football (AFL) - that the injuries are higher with those crash helmets & pads & monstrous huge bulls of men driving them.

Not only are there minimal, optional helmets, these Aussie men fly around the field like - well - kangaroos. If you've ever seen AFL ("Aussie Rules" football), they call it "aerial ping pong," it is like watching ballet.

Of course, these guys get hurt, too - and the injuries are stunning. But the claim is they don't hit as HARD because they're not in all that "shock absorbent" gear.

Anyone here see the Rugby League debut at Last Vegas? (we have at least 3 codes of football here)

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Well don't worry now every new car has an auto stop/start button you can't disable.

So our air is safer to breathe.

Is their anything more aggravating?!

Tyranny imo.

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And unless I'm mistaken, the huge influx of immigrants under Resident Biden has been from Mexico, not Asia... ;-)

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While the majority of the “illegal” immigrants influxing at the southern* border are indeed citizens/residents from the countries of Central/South America, it’s still concerning that the flow is so heterogeneous. I.e., that this southern influx contains people from China, different nations of Africa, Iran, Iraq, etc.

*Yes, I know we also have border crossers at the northern border too but we’re hearing more about the southern border (especially Texas!) because Abbott/TX vs. Biden/US is the story that keeps giving. :P

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Right, but I was just being racist about Asian drivers...

Hey, if Modern Family can make the joke - if the *gays* in Modern Family can make the joke - then why can't I?!

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If I used Modern Family as my humor touchstone, perhaps I’d find it funny. Alas, I was more focused on the article’s points about statisticulation. I.e., we don’t really have an airline problem just a problem with the quality on the reporting of airline issues. :P

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My grandson works at boing in Washington. He is a very good young man and is frustrated with the hiring of personal. Some aren’t able to communicate well with him and other employees. He has to be very careful with this DEI garbage so he doesn’t offend anyone and lose his job. He’s the silent but observant type who will always be looking for sloppy work but he is only responsible for overseeing the wings of these big boys. I think it’s a real concern and maybe things will get ironed out when they strike in September. It’s a shame because we used to stand for excellence in America. No matter your skin color or ethnicity!

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