Well said Kitty. This information is leaking out into corporate news slowly. I think people are getting it when they see all the Democratic criminals falling ill with covid and getting rebound covid with paxlovid. Only 2% of babies are getting jabbed and the booster program is falling. So that's looking hopeful!

One needs a lot to bandwidth to keep up with our CCP and WEF enemies, a supply chain crisis, food, energy and financial problems, suicidal "green" policies and the money laundering that goes hand in glove with perpetual war.

The US has tipped into totalitarianism.

I'm in the middle of a gun safety course with my kids and getting ready to can my garden crops.

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I'm sorry to disagree, but no, the people I know over 60 aren't getting it. At all.

They do seem to understand that there are side effects. They do seem to understand that these side effects can be fatal.

However, these side effects have NOTHING to do with them. So far, the vast majority of them have no had any problems, so they see the injection side effects as something that has nothing to do with them. Sort of like "starving children in Africa." Sad, but completely and utterly unrelated to their own lives. The vast majority I know in that age group had had 4 injections and will be getting a 5th.

It goes like this: "I eat well and I'm healthy, so the injections won't hurt me, they'll protect me from c0vid."

And... if there is a side effect, even a fatal one, it is ascribed to something else. Our adult male nephew died of a heart attack 5 days after the Pfizer injection. His parents blame his past drug use, even though he did not have drugs in his system. Right now, his father has been dealing with shingles for something like six months. But that has nothing to do with the injections, and as soon as the infection clears, he's going to get a shingles injection. His doctor told him to. Of course.

And yes, I know. If you are healthy, why do you NEED an injection for something with a 99% survival rate? They are brainwashed and convinced that c0vid will kill them, even though they all know people who are uninjected and had it.

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I utterly agree with this comment. I live in a 55 plus neighborhood and am in a huge athletic club (with healthy older people). This is exactly what I hear. We have a friend who got the second dose of the first round. He was out doing sports the next day and had a pain in his chest. They sat him down, he nearly passed out, but felt a little better so he went home. Booster, same, but worse. EACH time total denial it was the shot. Others have had the same thing or get very sick and cannot even resume normal lifer for a week or more. But it is not the shot or they say their robust immune system is the reason. They are afraid not to get boosted. They pretend the unvaxxed are vaxxed so they can be around us without being scared of us.

My FIL who got the initial two shots (we think it was Pfizer), got shingles each time and now has recurring shingles. Luckily he has a doctor whom he respects. The doctor told him no more Cov vax and do not get another shingles vax (he had the original and the new and improved one before 2019). He has to take medicine every time he gets shingles now. It is ongoing.

It's funny that people think their eating habits will save them from bad effects of the vax, but not against something that is roughly (at least in my case) something akin to the flu minus vomiting. I say "at least take Vitamin D. They look at me like I have lost my marbles. They are out all day playing sports. They don't know sunblock blocks vitamin d absorption.

Sorry for the rant.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

No need to apologize for the rant. I've tried to get my 89 year old godfather (jabbedx4) to try to take vitamin D. He looks at me as if I'm insane and says "if my doctor wanted me to take vitamin D, he would give me vitamin D."

I have a friend who works for Pfizer (jabbedx4). I finally confessed I was unjabbed. It upset her, but she could not give an answer to all of the reasons I gave her for not being jabbed. She will keep getting them until she gets cancer again (she is 58 and has had it twice) and dies.

In the meantime, she's invited me to come to the west coast for a protracted visit. LOL. I guess my unjabbed status isn't that scary. Of course I'm not; that would upset my husband.

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If you look at the dozens of inoculated athletes who have dropped dead, you can't say that being healthy will keep you from being adversely affected by a concoction that was meant to do just that.

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People tell themselves all sorts of things. Me included! Just not about the vax. At least there's that! People want something to make the pain or fear go away. I think that's what the vaccine did. They don't have to think about it. They just get the magic vaccine and then they are cloaked with invincibility. Or so goes my theory. You are blessed with rebel friends. I read your comment about not many being trendy. It made me smile.

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Yep, the jab makes them super heroes. At least in their mind.

My husband has a co-worker in his mid 50's in the UK. After he got jabbed, he proudly proclaimed he's "Astrazenca Man."

A lot of people are going to be in for a rude awakening.

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Here’s my rant… ex good friend has a long standing history of being misdiagnosed by medical community (told she had terminal brain cancer but now they think it’s MS- no tumor at all) big distrust of doctors who just hand out meds like it’s candy without ever listening to her- she was diagnosed with MS and her dr never even thought to check her D level. It was 8. EIGHT. Anyway, for the past 20 years all I hear is how the medical community just gaslights her and no one takes the time to look into any of her concerns and the doctors have prescribed meds that made her worse…etc. So you would think she might have just a bit of scrutiny of the medical establishment now… nope. She supported the shot mandates. She somehow has forgotten everything she knew about the corrupt medical system and jumped on Team Covid. I guess fear just hijacked her reasoning.

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For the longest time, I just went with Mass Formation Psychosis. But I read something convincing that is making me rethink that explanation.

There is something called Terror Management Theory that basically says people can't cope with being reminded of their death, and it makes them crazy. That might be at play here.

Or.... the constant c0vid= death, vaxx= life brainwashing has just worked on most people. That might be the easiest explanation.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

If you focus people's attention on something (say something terrifying like people falling dead in the street or hazmat clad workers on empty streets washing down of buildings with disinfectant or hazmatters sealing people in apartments or dragging them from their homes because they have this new plague) it can allow certain people with nefarious intentions to do a lot of things while you are looking there. You won't even notice! Once they have you fully traumatized, you will do almost anything to make sure it does not happen to you. Or in other cases, make sure it does not happen again. Observe our reaction to 9-11.

I sometimes wonder if people who are more skeptical maybe because they have experienced a hard life or trauma or real threats to life and came out stronger were the ones who may have been initially shocked, but soon their minds were able to stop focusing on the terror and were able to recover a more wide angle view. Maybe you have less fear of death? I dunno. We talk about it frequently in our house. " WHY some people cracked and some did not" "why some were able to recover their mind and see what was going on" "Why some sought out answers and some refused to even think and got mad if the government lines were not immediately, unquestioningly accepted". I don't think it is a matter of intelligence.

Just some thoughts from Casa Raptor. We are always spitballin. Mostly spittin... but. I read the terror management theory. Gonna think about that one.

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Raptor, excellent observations. And no, it's not intelligence. I know people who are extremely smart that fell for the line, as does my husband. He is a chemist; everyone in his office/lab is injected, including the 30-somethings with PhDs.

I have two ideas.

1. People who don't watch network/cable tv or any kind of live news seem to be immune. The news junkies, especially the Democrat news junkies, seem to be most vulnerable. If you're not watching the news or even normal tv, you're not hearing "covid= death" 1000 times a day.

2. Conformity. Many people are conformists. They will go along to get along. My husband and I are nonconformists. He has two adult sons; they both decided not to get injected before we spoke to them about it. Both are generally nonconformists.

I suspect fear of death is related to age. Most of the people I know over 55 are jabbed and boosted, and will continue to do so.

The ironic part of this is that the unjabbed are being punished as well. Not just the job loss and the loss of relationships, but by not being believed. We're trying to help people. We can tell them how to combat the spike protein. People won't listen. And that can be...really, really hard.

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Huh. That probably has a familiar ring to a lot of people here. Medical Stockholm Syndrome. I wonder if she would appreciate the irony. Har.

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No apology needed! We can actually converse here without retribution! But I will say, I know people on both sides of this discussion. I have 2 parents and 2 step parents. 1 Married couple are 4x vaxxed and have issues. The other set of parents unvaxxed at 80 both had covid April 2021. They are fine and havent had it again, they go to church, see friends, all the time.... No masking unless they are forced to, in order to see a Dr...

The vaxxed dad has some uber rare non hodgkins spleen cancer, ... SO BIZZARE. Dr just CANT imagine where he wouldve gotten it!?! They cant imagine the Govt would insist on a drug that would do this to people, enmasse, but here we are.

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I wonder how we will ever sort out which more longer term problems are caused by the jab and why it is happening. We can't just ignore it because there might be some mitigation. It seems hard to discuss it and the lying and denial make it hard to get real and do what is good medical practice (even if we get a late start). I wonder if it crosses vaxxed dad that it could be the jab? I know from my own family that if the doctor feels the problem is because of the jab, the patient is very likely to accept it. If the docs don't even let their mind go there... well we better make friends with growing "mysterious" all cause mortality.

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I'm over 60 (over 70, in fact) and have health issues. I am vehemently opposed to the state-sponsored "vaccines." Most of the over-60 crowd I know are with me, although a few were trendy and got them. I know of one un-jabbed friend with covid that was like a bad case of flu. The rest of that family had it too, and "felt a little tired." They all survived, and are now immune. I pray for those who acceded to government pressure and took this toxic mix.

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Good for your for resisting Elaine! We know a handful of people over 60 who have resisted. Most are totally on board with vaxx-o-mania. Even though they have seen unjabbed people who have HAD the virus (like myself and my husband) have survived with no lingering effects.

It's brainwashing. Two years of c0vid= death and vaxx= life has broken people.

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They do need their prayers.

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and all their jabbed friends are getting extremely aggressive cancers...

No ability to connect the dots...

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And you know Boots, you cannot say "hey isn't it weird how you got an MRI on your meg before the vax and then you got one after and suddenly there appears a ginormous cancerous tumor on your femur and the cancer you thought you beat 15 years ago is back now. Maybe consider that the experimental shot MAY have something to do with it."

At least I can't bring myself to say it. Not that it would make a bleeping difference.

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Well put!! I do actually find myself having similar go through my head, just different types of tumours.

One of my SILs had a chronic disease she had got the better of, coming roaring in much stronger, painful ways.

She is a rare one. Knows it was the jabs. Her cardiologist (never needed one before) says she's vaxx injured.

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Bless that cardiologist. I will keep your SIL in my prayers. You can have a frank conversation with her. Ones that don't see any connection - it is like an elephant in the room. When their doc tells them to get boosted and keep that mask on... it makes me grieve her. I can't even talk masks with my friend. I don't see any use in confronting her. She is dying. I have made peace with the elephant. For now.

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I'm so sad for both of you.

It's hard. You want to comfort and not tell them they've done this to themselves.

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I know 3 people who got jabbed and have cancer shortly there after.

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So far, I know 4 at first think. It's hard to say anything because most people I know got at least one jab. Including (may Brandon roast in hell) my husband and son (J&J).

The worst is for my Dad (the clot shots) and he has declined dramatically since the first jab.

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I wish I could share your optimism about people understanding what’s going on. I live in NYC and among my personal acquaintance no one understands or at least they don’t admit what’s happening—negative efficacy, constant reinfection, etc. A friend of mine recently had covid. I said, this sucks, especially since we were told the vax would prevent illness. Oh no, she said, we were never told that. Weapons grade self deception.

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Ooooh that just broke my brain.

So she took it JUST for the virtue signal?

But I have witnessed similar blindnesses amongst my jabbed acquaintances. They turn my "but they said x and y" around into "and isn't that darling you believed them?" I am not sure that level of mindgamed can recover.

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You need the fauci meme ready to go on the phone. And Berks saying sterilizing... oh I knew it wasn't going to sterilize. There are some good ones out there. Shove it in their brain dead little faces, play it and then yell "Wake up!"

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Meryl Nass just wrote a good piece on this:


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I've heard that too. I know there are receipts--videos, some montages.

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canning is incredibly efficient and productive with value add shelf life, and i'd argue the meals taste as good if not better as many other methods of cooking.

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The French invented canning, but it was of no practical value until several decades later when an Englishman invented the can-opener. 😄

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Especially the tomatoes!

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we eat a lot of our meals these days out of cans (jars)

FIFO + weekly canning builds a nice food-stash queue quickly

a favorite of ours is highly recommended burritos in a jar made with a nice tip sirloin roast and either dry pinto or dry blackbeans (y not both!?) season to taste, that roast should shred like butter

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Wow that sounds wonderful! My canning is “limited” to tomatoes. Crushed, sauce, salsa, marinara, etc. nothing like making chili in winter with a jar of tomatoes. Adds sweetness.

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further value add action is to take advantage of "manager special" meats that are about to age out, then you can batch can them and put on the shelf for a longggg time for less $

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No major US politicians have gotten jabbed with the real stuff. I doubt they're actually coming down with "muh covid" either because exactly ZERO have died. (The crooks on both sides have already been outed for using preventive IVM and HCQ.)

Just another tactic to keep the sheeple stirring in fear.

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The news is moving lightning-quick through our personal networks, regardless of what is on the news. I recently ran some back-of-the-envelope numbers, and if it seems like everybody in your monkeysphere knows somebody who was injured by the vax, that's because they probably do.


So the 5,000 people in the immediate Royals circle have taken roughly 9,000 doses between them. The German government recently stated that serious adverse reactions occur about every 5,000 doses — meaning that it’s very likely that there are two people in the immediate 5,000-person circle who have had a bad reaction themselves. (Direct evidence)

But when you talk to your friends, they also talk about THEIR friends, don’t they? Once again we’ll assume the ‘worst’ for our math and assume THOSE friends also only know 100 new people to add to the circle.

5,000 person ‘immediate’ circle x 100 people = 500,000 ‘friend-of-a-friend’ circle

And since those people also average 1.8 shots per person, there are 900,000 doses between them. And using the German 1-in-5000 doses data, that means we can expect 180 serious vaccine reactions in those 900,000 doses. That’s a lot of stories that get relayed (via circle 1) back to the Royals (or whoever — because remember, this works with any group of 50 people).

This is why when people get together, it seems like almost everybody knows somebody who’s had a terrible reaction to the vaccine. A group of just 10 people taken to our very conservative ‘friend-of-a-friend’ level encompasses 100,000 people and 180,000 doses, leading to an ‘expected’ outcome of 36 adverse effects. That type of news travels quickly AND comes from trusted sources. It’s no wonder new vaccine uptake has bottomed out:

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I can't find the specific article, but Karl Denninger at Market-Ticker likes numbers and his educated guess, if I remember correctly, is 1 in 300 injured or dead. We'll see.

I know quite a few people who know someone that is either dead or injured, but NONE of them ascribe it to the vaxx. It's just a coincidence. Nothing to see here...

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In five years when you're 'allowed' to talk about this, you might hear them admit it then.

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But we were told we’d all be dead...last winter. 😎

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Ticker guy says 1 in 30.

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Gotcha. Honestly, I couldn't remember the number and couldn't find the article. I knew it was 3-something, and thought it was 30. But... since I couldn't find the article, I went with the more conservative number.

Thanks for the correction.

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Where ya gettin lids these days?

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Hi it’s best to get them off season in the winter

Get a bunch

I wish they had reusable ones I hate creating solid waste

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There are reusable canning lids called Tattler lids. It is a BPA free plastic lid with a rubber ring. I'd use those but I am sure I would lose the rings.

I just checked on AMZ. Apparently they have the reg mouth again for a price that does not shock the system. Not normal, but not $15 a box. I haven't seen them in a box store (outside of jar sets) since the beginning of 2019.

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This entire pandemic experience has been a constant fluctuation between incompetence and malice. Is it worse that our leaders and experts are incompetent and exploited everything due to greed and power, or that there could be a global collaboration of deranged billionaires that truly believe that reducing the population is the only way to 'save' the planet?

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I'm not sure about the depopulation aspect, but I certainly agree that incompetence led to malice.

We are in the malice phase.

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I think the malice phase was when the mandates and lockdowns were at their peak in the western nations. Now, feels like surveying the casualties and the damage of the war.

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They’re not done yet

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Not sure what level of malice we can look forward to as we move toward 2030

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Like. Button not working

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It is resistant. Makes me feel it's intentional. Happening all over substack for me

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It comes and goes for me. Really frustrating. And increases my paranoia.

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Agreed, far from done.

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I totally agree. People are waking up now because the effects of this nonsense have shown up at their front door.

Complacency comes with a price. They thought they'd be able to avoid paying the price while others did.

They were wrong.

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Yep. War.

Look up Event 201. A pandemic with a bad injection. In the end, they just say something like "it's a war, we tried our best, people died, they are heroes."

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And working on the next chapter.

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Oh, both, I think.

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They're incompetently malicious. Their incompetence is their only saving grace, but they deserve no credit for that.

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Weaponized incompetence!

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A while back I read an explanation of "doctors baffled." It went something like this:

"Doctors believe they cure people. Their actions are killing them. They can't handle that psychologically, so they are experiencing psychological dissociation."


To some extent, that makes sense.

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Substack code prevents me from “liking “ your comment but this ties to the “god complex” so often experienced by patients. They can’t fathom their errors.

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No, it's all malice. These people know what they're doing. Assume evil intentions.

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I actually lived that meme with the Doctor asking- How are you still alive? I was at my dermatologist office 3 days ago to get screened for cancer and I asked if I had to wear a mask. And he nonchalantly said- I'm sure you've had 4-5 shots already- it's fine! When we got int he examination room, I revealed I had none. He glared at me but said nothing. Then I told him, I never caught Covid (we are in an area where literally 96% of 13 year olds are jabbed and everyone, I mean everyone has had covid). He was absolutely furious. Seething. It was jaw dropping, because I've struggled with other health conditions these last 2 years that were fully within the realm of understanding why I couldn't afford to get a jab that weakened my immune system- but no- nada.

But possibly even more jaw dropping is this new story from Arkmedic, where the Australian authorities literally lied about a young woman's vaccination to hide up that it was the actual cause for her death- absolutely sinister stuff here!


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LOL, you should've said, "What's covid?"

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Right? And the Amish don't get covid 'cause they don't watch TV.

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I thought it likelier to be an immunity conferred by prolonged exposure to horse manure.

Then again, I don't watch live TV and haven't had covid (while rarely encountering horse deposits) so perhaps your theory is likleier.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

I don't watch live TV. Some months ago a road closure forced me to spend a night in a cheap motel, in a town without pity. I had no reading material, no laptop, and I don't have a cellphone. I decided to try and beguile away the long hours of the evening (I'm nocturnal by nature) by turning on the TV (first time since 1988). With any luck I might find a nature program or even Downton Abbey reruns. What a hope. OMG my eyes were opened. It was a nightmare. I found out that all commercials are now woke. I had no idea. I'm around a lot of horse manure. But then, I had covid just a few weeks ago. So it's back to the drawing board with our theories.

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Oohhh. The Orwellian Bullshit you are missing.

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That's awesome LOL

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Despite those certificates on his wall, your dermatologist is a demented brainwashed idiot. And if you stick with him, so are you.

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Thanks for your kind words.

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Charlotte you didn’t deserve that.

I admire that you were brave and honest.

Your doctor apparently isn’t. Can you find a better doctor? I’ve had to do that.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Wow, Skippy, don't you think that's just a bit harsh? Plus which, changing medical people can be tricky. I definitely think I would be looking elsewhere, after that... But then mine seems like a bit of a sadist with that liquid nitrogen anyway. Must you freeze that spot for 30 seconds, doc? I can visualize him doing a derm version of "Marathon Man"...but darn it, he's the only derm for miles and miles...

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I'm laughing so hard at your liquid nitrogen story- I'm at the point where I ask for a scrape or the old fashioned electrocautery (the old thing where it burns it- it's more precise and doesn't destroy all of the surrounding healthy skin.)Marathon Man is a great movie LOL

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ha! the dreaded nitrogen!

Seriously it hurts like a ______

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wait! You thought I was being harsh?

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Oh noooo! Boots, I was addressing Skippy, who made a comment that I thought could have been toned down.

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I would tell as you did and then walk out—snapping your mask into the air.

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It’s just a simple if, then equation.

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No. Decisions IRL are rarely one simple if, then.

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Especially if the "if" you choose is incorrect.

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If Charlotte’s dermatologist had been her primary care physician, then Charlotte might now be double vaxxed and battling some serious adverse reactions. To me it’s a simple if/then equation.

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Charlotte lacks the ability to decide for herself about getting the shot? I wonder what Charlotte would think. I have an idea, but...

If the shot is emergency use, if the shot has a long track record of safety, if my doctor can explain his recommendations... on and on. Then more decision making. Life is not A then B and then move on to the next item. There are a myriad of decision points one must make to TRY to make ultimately sound decisions.

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Unfortunately most of what those certificates mean in this day and age is that they have passed their stated science of indoctrination.

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Last visit with my GP, I had a mask on because I thought I had to. He put his mask on.

I asked him if I could take mine off and he took his off.

Turned out he was only wearing it because he thought I wanted him to.

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Find me a doctor near my home (suburban Pittsburgh, PA) that is not like this dermatologist, please. I cannot find one. I was masked the entirety of my colonoscopy (2 weeks ago) save when they put the oxygen mask on. Woke up masked. Haven't seen a primary care doctor since June 2020. Any suggestions? I'm 73 and believe I need a PCP.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Susan, just go to the Help Pages on the FLCCC website. They have a long list of medical people who follow their guidelines and don't believe in the jab. These people may be able to see you, or else point you in the direction of a PCP you can trust. Even if you don't have any health issues, you will want to keep up on regular screenings and wellness checks. A PCP can write you the necessary referrals.

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Tried that months ago, not much in W. PA. Can't believe I didn't think to check there again. Thanks much. I agree I need a PCP for screenings and wellness. I appreciate your advice.

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You're so welcome, good luck to you!

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I believe you do not need a PCP.

Go get acupuncture.

Not being flip.

Wouldn't necessarily go there to set a broken leg, but you would be surprised at the conditions acupuncture can help.

Good luck in the search.

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Thanks but no thanks. I believe you are not being flip. But a 73 year old needs some screenings (only available via a referral though a physician). I also have several concerns about my current health status that need further investigation. An acupuncturist is not the answer for me.

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Maybe he’s a damn good Dermo.

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One of the best. And I'm trying to leave the area- trust me- being exposed to these people is like getting daily micro doses of anthrax- my IgG4 is about to give out.

All of the specialized doctors here are boosted and living in a bubble. You have no idea what I've been seeing. It's just exhausting.

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Where do you live , if I may ask?

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CT. I'm right near the NY border.

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so sorry. what is an IgG4?

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This is a good start- and then Igor Chudov did another article about understanding this article :)


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One that doesn’t understand viruses and and vaccines and drug side effects? Not to mention immune system value and “my body my choice?”

Doesn’t sound like a good doctor at all?

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Docs are in their own little specialty silos. Not much else gets through—witnessed with my husbands kidney doc.

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what did your husband's kidney doc misunderstand? Hope all is well.

Aren't they supposed to take general biology at some point?

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She tells him to not take Vit D but in tiny amounts. She thinks it damages kidneys but is actually the opposite. I showed him a couple of recent studies. That drives me nuts! His d level is barely adequate. absolutely no nutritional information but the usual ancient tropes since proven unhelpful. Don’t get me started on statins. . At least she isn’t shoving Rx on him.

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If I had a dermatologist that didn't understand microbes. immunity (behind a majority of all skin eruptions) I would have a dermatologist that doesn't understand skin.

How does that work?

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For me, the weird bit in your post was a medically-qualified person who still thinks that if you've been multi-jabbed you can't get or pass on covid. He must have stopped watching the news back when Fauci, Wallensky and Sleepy Joe were guaranteeing long life and superstardom if you'd only get the clot-shot.

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It's hard to describe at this point. Because obviously, none of their arguments are rational. Mostly, I think they are furious you didn't behave, that they couldn't make you take the shot. That you didn't adhere to "take one for the team".. Part of their anger I assume stems from their conscious realization that they might have done themselves some harm, and they want you to stand in the same leaky boat they are in. These are intelligent people, but it's mixed in with hubris and they are accustomed to getting their patients to do what they say.

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Hell is too good for those who lie for "their own good".

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

Good for you! Did they run like rabbits? Put their feet to your head during Shavasana? Hah! Namaste, you blithering idiots! I just went to yet another wretched "Friends of the Library" staff meeting. Good God, what a bunch of commie cowards. They actually held Storytime outside on the patio with little kids when it was 103 degrees. Yes, I know it's "cooler than you'd think" out there, it's covered. But ffs, the library is spacious and air-conditioned. But oh no, can't let a bunch of random kids come into our rarefied air. Anyway, a few more of us are now unmasked, not just myself and another woman, the two lepers. About twelve people in an oval ring, and I realized that all the maskers were on one side and all of us unmasked on the other. Facing each other across, you guessed it, six feet of space. Quite the Mexican standoff. There is a couple that always brings their rather odd and relentlessly precocious seven year old daughter. I never, ever see her without a mask. Her mother wanted to have everyone at the outdoor Farmer's Market be masked before her precious daughter finally got jabbed. The child had on a pretty dress, carried a doll in a matching dress, ah yes, very cute, but then - the girl was wearing a mask that matched her dress. Seven years old, jabbed God knows how many times, and never, ever without a mask, indoors and out. It was all I could do not to ask her, fiendishly, why her doll wasn't wearing a mask, too - but I wasn't going to go there. Pitiful.

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What could possibly go wrong with telling a kid 24 hours a day that she is filthly or that other people are?

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I hadn't thought that far, but you are so correct. awful!

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It's soooo weird. In a very small town, you end up knowing way too much about other people. Stuff I would rather not know. And you're spot on, both of you.

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No, huh uh, no mask on the doll, but I thought about asking her why not, just as a tease. I'm wicked that way. But I was forbearing, mostly because her mother is a harpy, the California variety, and I was afraid that she might claw me to death.

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When time comes for the child to take care of her parents, she'll feel no qualms forcing her into a nursing home

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I almost wish I was still going to be here when little V. hits puberty. Mom is such a control freak...I'd have the popcorn on the stove!

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loud applause.

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To touch on two points, I commented somewhere else on the constant, "he would have lived if he were only vaccinated" nonsense. It's become a singular outcome possibility for those people. If you're unvaccinated and die from covid, you surely would have lived if you were vaccinated. It's all part of the "it could have been worse" unprovable "science" that took over the covid narrative. It's dogma to these people, and no facts seem to persuade them otherwise.

Anytime I mention disbanding the CDC, NIH, and FDA, I always get the standard, "but people will die". Yeah, thank God that's not happening now under the watchful eye of those scientific paragons.

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When I hear or read "it could have been worse" I think of Monty Python's Life of Brian when they talk about crucifixion and the guy shrugs and says "it could be worse" Soldier: "What is worse than crucifixion"? The guy says " well at least you are out in the fresh air." That is the kind of booshway they are laying on us.

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Polite form of BS. Original use was an insulting term for the bourgeois used during the fur trade era referring to the bosses.

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thank you! Learned a new word (was too mutltasked to look it up)!

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An oldie but goodie, I haven't heard it in years. Thanks Robbie!

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Paxlovid proves what your saying is true.

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Or there's a weird splitting going on, as Vaclav Havel once talked about. One individual I know well says how much they hate big pharma, how little they trust the medical professionals they must get prescriptions from, but won't read anything I've sent them from substack or elsewhere, many different voices, for a year now, and responds to my statements about vaccinating kids in the U.S. when some of Europe has banned shots for those under thirty with "I follow the Science" !! And this person is not basically nuts, just quasi-progressive (not woke) and NYTimesy. Another, also quasi-progressive, a retired public health nurse, says about Biden's spending on Trusted News, and bureaus of disinfo, etc. "I don't think it's propaganda" These are intelligent people. I think the propaganda must map over ideology and groups and trusted sources of news during the Trump era, and the threat of extinction (part real, part amplified and false) makes them cling to that known model and group as it is familiar. Or something like that. It is freaky.

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Normalcy bias? There is also response our minds make when confronted with danger or a potent threat = to want to be anywhere but here. That response can delay effective action to their peril. On the other hand, some people are just ignorant. Intelligent people can be as ignorant as the less intelligent. In fact, intelligent people are more likely to fall for cons because they think they are too smart for that.

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Maybe not intelligent, just had an expensive education/indoctrination, hitting the bare minimum in understanding and seeking truth.

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Some people just aren't comfortable with the idea that their government is killing people and doesn't much care.

I can understand the discomfort, but it's uncomforatble realiising that your car is going over a cliff. More uncomfortable still to do nothing about it.

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omigosh! Yes!

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I hear that argument A LOT. The response is "How do you know?" "What is the science behind that? And then tell them what the actual science shows. OR groan then walk away knowing their are a freaking dumbarse. Mark'em off.

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Excellent comment.

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Reminder, all for a disease that PRE-"vaxxes" & Omicron had an average 99.65% survival rate, mortality heavily skewed to those >70 with at least one and typically more comorbidities...

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...and they were aided unto death by the generous use of ventilators - which any actual MD would know would blow out the lungs of the aged

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You are so wrong. The Chinese told us ventilators were the best treatment ever. We just didn't ventilate ENOUGH.

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how much was spent using DPA and where are those ventilators today? how many patients did each ventilator see and how many lived vs died?

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Studies in New York say the the MO was to just "put them on the ventilator so they didn't cough on you"

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Oh but they wouldn't do that. That would be wrong. 😏😉

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Right? I'm not going into a hospital again until they have to carry me in.

Hopefully they never do.

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especially with the help of Remdesivir drowning them at the same time.

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And don’t forget that those who died from covid lived on average 2 years longer than those who died from all causes 🤔

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The video... ! 🤣 I have seen most of those before including the totally effed up prom dancing but the guy lighting his cigarette is comedy gold. Marvelous find.

Here's Barbie and Ken: Social Distancing Edition. Apart. Together. 😇 😈


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The Barbie and Ken videos are brilliant. But. OMG. While going down the Barbie rabbit hole I just encountered - Pregnant Midge. I can't even.

Does Jane's Revenge know about this?


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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

I know. Detachable belly and fetus. So you and your little friends could play "Midge Gets a Late-term Abortion", huh? Or maybe post-birth. Good God Almighty! P.S. While you're in there, make sure to check out the other bizarre dolls. The pole dancer is quite something, as is the gender-bending baby girl doll complete with tiny penis. And I have a hankering for the Obama Action Figure with samurai sword.

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This might help with the problems we've seen over this last two years. In fact it could prevent it from ever happening again:

'it’s time for a fundamental change in architecture, for a move from central servers and domain registries to a real peer-to-peer distributed internet. and this move is already starting. we can move to decentralized protocols like IPFS that allow for a “geographically distributed swarm network.” this takes routing and naming and access to content out of the hands of centralized agencies. this will not only unify the internet experience through common, open source protocols, but it will break down the walled gardens in which we’ve been held like so many zoo animals, finally leaving us free to roam the wide world as we choose.'

- Bad Cat himself

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Hahaha. The Florida man.

Yeah I had bad cell service down there. The gall of these people. I've had to do hard time not being able to participate in the stack festivities...silly...:]

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My parents in law mentioned SADS the other night. I couldn't help myself and blurted out "Oh, you've heard about that, have you?".

I then followed up with "The thought criminals I read have been warning about this for a year."

I'm tactful like that... 🙂

Even dyed in the wool boomers are starting to hear about it. I suggested they do the research on coffins for under 10 year olds... I know they won't.

They just implicitly trust institutions and it never crosses their minds that these institutions don't have their best interests at heart. So much for the generation that said don't trust anyone over 30....

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I don't think it's a generational thing. I see plenty of young people still wearing masks on the street here in San Francisco.

I'm 65. Not vaxed, never had Covid. My family members are crazy but that's their problem.

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Agreed! I see more masks among the young. Early on my hub was screeched at by a 30 something for not having a mask on. We are early 70s. No jabs, no masks, no worries. Good friends , quad jabbed, on their paxlovid rebound right now. They have drunk all the kool aid so far, but this Paxlovid rebound has them rethinking the whole charade.

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Everyone's 'red pill moment' comes at a different time and in a different context. For most here, that time was long ago. One by one, the karens are coming around... maybe after they've had the coof 3 or 4 times running and are complaining now of 'long covid' symptoms. But once they've been red pilled, no more kool-aid. Thankfully. One by one.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Seeing this too. I work in an engineering environment, highly educated with nearly everyone with at least a Bachelor's. The overwhelming majority of those wearing masks are perfectly healthy people under 35, usually mid-20's. No masks though on older obese people who are probably at 1000x the risk. (Not saying they should but it least it would make more sense.)

It's like a mind virus, these people literally do what they are told without question. It's unnerving, particularly to someone like myself from the "dazed and confused" generation who never met an authority we didn't enjoy defying. It doesn't portend well for the future.

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The impression I get is that young people have very strong superegos which are encouraged by all the nonsense at the universities and on social media. So they don't disobey because it makes them feel bad.

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I know. I was 18 and married working at U of I in Champaign. Hubby going to school before getting drafted into the Marines because he had a degree. 1968. Hippies and demonstrations daily. Now I look around and those my age have given up. I am literally the ONLY 1 my age (74) in my largish circle of friends and relatives who stood up and said NO.

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I’m there with you.

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Ah Janet, we need a big boat to cruise around in and pick up everyone who wants to join us under that banner. Leave the rest to their misery, and set sail for the Country of the Sane.

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But what country is that?

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There's still quite a few of us boomers that have been fighting this crap our entire lives. In my area, it wasn't the boomers all diapered up dropping diapered kids off at the indoctrination camps posing as schools. It was the young parents. There's definitely enough blame to go around. No one group is blameless in the state of things. I get your point tho.

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Yay! I was politically active during the GW Bush years from a Democrat position. Obama began my disenchantment with the democrats—who left me actually. I do not recognize them anymore. Twisted around like pretzels.

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I'm gonna go ahead and let the vaxxed-up folks take their grievances to the credentialed priesthood themselves. Let them sort each other out for a few rounds. Lawsuits or guillotines. Matters not. At least for a while.

After all, the love-is-love science is real yard signs came well before the "covid" thing. As did the "hate has no home here". Climate change is real. And anti-heritage American white supremacist "racism" BLM racket. One that rages on to this day.

No, the progressive moral strivers and the people who were coasting on institutional and credentialed goodwill that somehow either failed to notice anything for years on end or were too cowardly to stand in opposition while other people like me lost their businesses, homes, savings, pensions, careers, social standing, and relationships can go ahead and sort each other out.

I'm sorry your kids got sent home from school and you had to work from your kitchen counter for a while and then you got the cure because you wanted to travel and now oops its poison and turns out those trump republican anti-vaxer selfish right-wing conspiracy russian collusion idiot flyover morons that refused the cure and put your nanna on deaths door were right.

People like me with the curse of pattern recognition and natural skepticism of power structures and "expertise", will just have to hang out a little longer on conspiracy theory island until the rest are all good and ready for reality again. How quickly we all forget its always the complicit submission of ordinary men and his paycheck that makes all of this possible.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

"People like me with the curse of pattern recognition and natural skepticism..."

Haha, that describes me to a T and how well put! Are you an old school hands-on tinkering engineer by any chance?

It took me a long time to realize many people just don't have pattern recognition capability, I just thought they were lazy and everyone could do it if they tried. Used to drive me crazy how people couldn't see history repeating. It's rare unfortunately, which explains why so many people drank the Kool-aid.

The beauty of it is it allows one to predict the future. Gretzky was a master of it. He said he'd take a quick look around, then skate up the ice, and when he looked back everyone would be right where he expected. He was The Great One for a reason.

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yes, it's uncanny, isn't it? My engineer/pilot/surveyor sig oth (who has a roaring case of Asperger's, btw, I wonder if that plays into it) was just explaining pattern recognition to me the other day. Not historical (I got that one) but in one's own life. He is gifted in this area. A bit like living with, say, a Venusian. And it was eye-opening. We should all be so lucky, to have this trait. I think it takes focus and the ability to stop and step back from the social interaction of the moment. Think that might be where the Asperger's comes in.

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I suspect that so many of the inventions in history were people with at least a touch of Aspergers. That ability to focus, to see patterns, to think three dimensionally is enhanced. There is also that ability to feel emotions more feeling and more strongly.

A mixed blessing indeed.

There is so much to love about my son, those are a few.

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Yes! All of the above! Unfortunately, the damage being done while we're waiting for things to get sorted out is definitely a concern... Will there be anything left after half of the world's obviously insane population finds reality? I'm still staying cautiously optimistic.

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Damn, eloquent.

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Once again, we come to the realization that no field is solely comprehensible to the recognized experts in said field. One of the GREAT things to come out of all this is that folks finally found their motivation to turn on their brains. This stuff is not voodoo (although some of the "science" apparently is). People that play with stats (PolySci types included here), can very easily see the lying and misdirection. This is shining an anti-aircraft spotlight on the charade of government honesty and transparency. Mr. Fauci (he, thing), Ms. Walensky (her, it)...Tear Down This Wall.

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I think Ms. Walensky's pronouns are = she it

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I get it...like the artist formerly known as Prince. 😉

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I see what you did there….

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Still witnessing a lot of brain fog here. Lights be coming on but awfully dim still. What stage does the anger kick in.

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Not here, as in substack, here as in “they will probably get the kids the shots.” My relatives.

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I love the Thomas Sowell quotes....one of my life goals is to get people to read even just one of his books

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." Gato says he disagrees, it is 'easy to imagine such a thing.'

Best I can tell this quote is from a JWR article, 18 August 2000. It was a different world then. My guess is that today Sowell would no longer find it so difficult to imagine that this could happen, but I think he'd stick to the underlying principle of the statement, basically that even when this happens, it is still incredibly stupid even if there is a more stupid way...

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I'm reading the Fallacies book rn. Bit by bit because I want to highlight things on EVERY page. I usually "read" audiobooks but...

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"Vision of the Anointed." From 1995 and still as timely as ever.

"Basic Economics" is quite a read, almost 700 pages.

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Your opinion: would that be a good audiobook to listen to?

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Sorry, Boots, I can't really offer a relevant opinion since I don't 'read' audio books.

Think of "Basic Economics" as an introductory, comprehensive economics textbook for the general public -- little jargon, no math and so forth. There is a lot there though, maybe if you did one chapter at a time it would work; there are 27 of them.

IMO, there is really little need for math in economics, and I say this as an engineer with MBA. Economics is a social science, it tries to explain how societies work regarding allocation of scarce resources. And, as Sowell points out, all resources are scarce.

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Well, I did take some economics in grad school.

I imagine this will require drinking it in in chapters.

I did enjoy "The Gene" and "I Contain Multitudes" that way.

I travel a lot for work and never get the peaceful moments to read except substack.

Sowell seems easily digestible and full of interesting examples so far. Not as simple and entertaining as "Freakonomics"

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Well, since you have a decent background in economics, I don't think you'll have any problem with "Basic Economics." You will get a different twist on things than the mainstream econ texts though. Especially if you were never that fond of the Keynesians.

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"A Conflict of Visions" would be a great book to read right now.

"Basic Economics" especially if you are in college studying under a liberal Keynesian economics professor. Or just after for grade preservation.

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"Economic Facts and Fallacies" is a good start, or "Discrimination and Disparities". I am almost done "the Quest for Cosmic Justice" right now...They are all quite relevant regarding to the elite self entitled group thinking they can reorganize society better than individuals can chose for themselves. "Vision of the Anointed" is on my list too and sounds like it will continue on this theme. You can't unlearn what your eyes get opened to by Sowell and you will want less government, even more so than a reader of this substack already likely does.

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Economic Facts and Fallacies is my first experience with his books.

Enjoying it. If I had free time, I would probably read it in binge mode.

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I've read even Keynes was doubting Keynesian economics after a while

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Keynes is the original source of the “when the facts change, I change my mind …” line that Gato attributes to Samuelson.

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And what I've heard is that he DID change his mind.

I'm not sure how or when or why....

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ha! noted.

But want to put a good foundation down in my mind to refresh and better understand.

I like to look at it like putting the drumbeats down and adding the guitar, keys later.

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Race and Culture is really excellent too.

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The COVID 'science' debacle was an epiphany for many of us who were busy with our own lives and professions, assuming- naively- that medical sciences maintained a functional degree of truth and independence. That was forever shattered and there isn't enough Kumbaya salve in the world to heal this wound. Upon learning that my husband was unvaccinated (and surely had an Omicron variant), his doctor all but told him he was on his own. Still not sure how this aligns with 'first, do no harm'. But I'm solidly with you on disbanding entities that are neither beneficial nor even neutral. The letter orgs have outlived any utility. Now we need leaders with the conviction to do it.

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Agreed. I had very little trust in "public health" agencies (or allopathic docs for that matter) before this insanity. Now? Oh hell no! I will never trust again. Even a little bit. They really messed up I think. I don't think the plan was to create a group of people who will refuse their garbage for the rest of their lives. They went way too far.

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Back at the start 'go home and you'll get better in a few days' was the protocol. Now we need vaccines and paxlovid so that you can get better after a few days at home........

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Ha! so true!

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The FDA and CDC, I suspect, were only ever useful to Pharma and Kelloggs and Mazzola and ConAgra

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I often ponder where we might be if the hundreds of trillions of dollars and the billions of lives wasted by governments--if governments of the past two centuries had simply stayed within their proper bounds--had been left in the hands of the people.

Colonies on the moon and Mars seem the most stingy options. We literally will never know “what might have been”...

So utterly sad and tragic...

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We've chopped ourselves of at the knees.

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Sawzalled at the ankles...;)

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MRNA vax'd in the myocardium! XD

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I'm learning so many words today

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The data here strongly supports IgG4 class switching (immune tolerance). To protect the body against autoimmunity, B-cells have a built-in safety mechanism. During somatic hypermutation (when B-cells bind antigens, they mutate themselves and begin to divide), the same way that the antigen binding site mutates so that strains of B-cells with better binding proliferate (basically retooling to bind the antigen better), the other side of the antibody (the immunoactive side) randomly progresses in class switching, from IgA to IgG, then IgG2, then IgG3, and finally IgG4.

During the mutation of three immunoactive side, the B-cells actually destroy the segment of DNA which codes for the previous class and replaces it with the new class with recombination, so it can never switch back.

IgG4 is the final outcome, and B-cells can only switch to that class if they are constantly exposed to an antigen for long periods of time and this class does not produce an immune response. It basically acts as a safety switch to turn off autoimmunity, because the majority of cases where you keep getting exposed to the same antigen for years is if it’s you!

This is caused by the gene therapies, which produce detectable blood concentrations of spike protein for 4 months at a time.

Considering that most transfected individuals only have antibodies to the spike protein (as a result of immune imprinting) and generally only 1 strain of B-cells (over time they retool to bind Omicron if they get infected, then retool to bind Alpha if they get injected), the end result is that with the 3rd and 4th injection (or continued exposure in the case of transfected medical staff), the Memory B-cell populations of these individuals are class switched to IgG4 immune tolerance and deciding that spike protein is a self-antigen. Moreover, new antibodies to spike protein cannot be made, because the populations of naive B-cells which bind spike protein have already matured.

For more information:



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Those are great articles!

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I’ve posted this before but I’m going to post it again, because I’m dead serious.

We need to organize a legal and Constitutionally protected march from the headquarters of the CDC to the offices of CNN. For the vaccine injured and those of us affected by mandates. There’s millions of us, we can’t let them continue to cover this up. We must make our voices heard, make it so they’re forced to see our faces.

We owe this to the injured who need compensation.

We owe this to the children about to be forced into taking this.

We owe this to the men and women who died defending freedom.

And we owe this to these tyrants who think they can make up whims and force it on us.



We need a date, and we need to get the word out. I’m just one person. We have an obligation to do this.

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I agree. I'll participate.

We need to make our voices heard and bring the FACTS.

IMO they are unassailable.

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I’ve never organized anything, and I’m just one person. We need a date.

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If we're going to start eliminating agencies, can we throw the Fed in too?

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Fun fact: The Fed is privately held, it is NOT a government agency. Excellent book called The Creature From Jekyll Island explains all of this in great detail.

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Yes and 95% of the rest of the fedgov -- all the stuff that should be "reserved to the States respectively, or to the People."

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and the 80,000 new IRS Stasi agents

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Yes! Start with the Fed and most of the rest would crumble.

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Yes, if we had sound money, half the sh** we spend money on would stop. Much easier to just print as much as you need.

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