Why not "99 Problems but a Beach Ain't One??"

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They always have a beach. That ain't never no problem for them.

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Nope. Never did and never will. Remember, just because you can, does not mean you should.

The AI photos all are so odd looking, truly artificial in look and emotion. I have no desire to listen to artificial mash ups. Music, like all art is a creative art. Creative. A non living thing can not be touched by a spiritual muse to create. We are created in God's image, so we are capable of God directed creation. All the AI that is built for music, art (photos), etc. is by its nature, soulless. Empty in the main thing that makes art connect with us.

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Yeah, what you said. I've said those very words about other things in our lives "Just because you can doesn't mean you should." Gain of function viral research; cloning; and yes, AI. Also, Bill Gates and others have had musings about somehow using space technology to set up a massive screen in geosynchronous orbit around the earth to partially block out solar radiation that reaches the earth in an effort to cool down our climate. We're not there yet but with enough money and will someone may well achieve the ability to institute this dubious project. Just saw some photos of the massive blizzard in California's Donner Pass. Since California and some California's are often the source of this mad science run amok I wonder how they'd feel about Donner Pass style blizzards in Los Angeles and San Diego, during their summer season. No more grapes, wine, produce, almonds, citrus, or pretty much anything else green except for some hardy species of conifers. Population and industry alike wiped off the face of the earth. So again, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Humanity's record of success, when we attempt to play God, is not very good.

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Excellent pull.

The list is is too long and keeps growing.

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Just a matter of time. We can now spoof people’s voices to make fake ransom calls. Visuals will be next.

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I'm afraid you answered the question yourself:

".....things of which we have not yet dreamt, things which we as yet have no adequate intellectual concepts to conceive much less describe."

If we can not match the intellectual power of AI, who then is the pet?

It ain't gonna slow down....just cuz we're "stuck"

What if we can't keep up AND we haven't even begun discussions regarding ethics?

What if only a few, behind closed doors, make those "ethical decisions"....for the greater good?

For who's ethics shall they serve?

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just hope AI does not learn to rick roll people...

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AI will watch the watchmen.....what could go wrong?

Never gonna give you up...you know the rest...;)

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It will have to go to you for lessons, Gato. You are the professional! I always know it's on its way but somehow *click* and Rickrolled again!

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Don't give it any ideas

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Matt Walsh comments on the disturbing rationalizations of a Google "ethics and compliance advisor" for, essentially, erasing the existence of white people from Google Gemini


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Downright scary. This goes on too long they're going to start a race war. And it won't be because there's pervasive racism with white folks. It'll be because white folks just want to live their lives.

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Skynet did for my AI expectations what 3-mile Island did for other's expectations of nuclear power.

I manage to be agnostic about AI but wish people would get out of nuclear's way.

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Agree on nuclear.

I have been fiddling with AI for nearly a year. I have changed my mind several times in relation to humanities preparedness.

We're not prepared. How long can that go on before the horse has lapped humans?

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Emma Sron wrote a thought-provoking article (https://emmasron.substack.com/p/artificial-intelligence-ai-the-bigger) about this topic suggesting it is dangerous to feed the AI beast—it may seem fun and innocuous now, but what it learns from us could ultimately be wielded against humanity. In my Note (https://substack.com/@margaretannaalice/note/c-50170126) about it, I used your "exquisitely noble feline images" as an example of how it is being used to amplify one's creativity, but I must admit her article has made me hesitate to contribute to its exponentially growing knowledge base.

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So far it’s looking like the offspring of Hal and Hell and Hotel California.

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The models definitely need us, and will in fact choke on their own exhaust without us.

See: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.17493

A corollary: many of the models may degrade as ai-generated pablum fills the Internet.

A negative corollary: the first-mover lock-in of companies like OpenAI will be insane, because they will be the only ones with the pre-AI clean vetted training sets.

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Indeed. When the AI input becomes its own output, what happens then? Mayhem, I would imagine.

Also, the pre-AI training sets become more outdated by the day though.

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It's going to be like any other disruptive technology... It won't be as great as promised and it won't kill mankind either... The truth is it will fall somewhere in between and many great/no-so-great things will come from it..

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I peed myself laughing all the way to the litter box, thank you.

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I'm sure there were cavelady mothers-in-law shrieking "My son was out all day hunting meat for you and here you go throwing it on the fire and ruining all that fine bloody deliciousness!" and now we have Five Guys everywhere and thank God for 'em. [Gollum was pretty pissed off about that rabbit stew too as I recall.]

It ain't the thing but what you do with it. I can't cut my tomatoes without a good sharp knife, can I?

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The meat in the fire never had the potential to destroy or control the world. Although the climate cultists seem to believe it will ;)

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Every advance leads to unexpected consequences.

A genius invented the wheel. And now here we are, with morons flying to Davos every year to fantasize, among other things, about controlling the climate.

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Cowboy version. It slaps.


I welcome AI in a "let it burn" kind of way. It will be a great disruptor or a great adversary. I still have my Sarah Connor sunglasses from college somewhere.

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I thought Ice-T wrote that one. I prefer the Jay-Z version but damn I laughed at the Beach Boys version. Now that is a classic!!!

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well. that was funny. so, ai can do parody and that actually does make sense because, of course, parody begins with knowns and masses them up in some way. thank you. i laughed. (does that mean i'm an ai bot of some kind, or simply bought by tech?)

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Notice: AI violates 2 basic elements of the scientific method. 1. Name and specificy the sources of your data. (Only then can others check their validity/inclusivity). 2. State cleary the reasoning that led you from data/hypothesis to your conclusion. If this is faulty/irrational than you can throw the results in the dust bin. If it is based on mere frequency than everything depends on the quality of the data. If only correlation, well....In fact, in a lot of complex computer models even the programmer are no longer able to specify how the model went from a,b,c ... to the conclusion X. So you want to base your action in the real world - which is infinitely more complex than all the "data" of the world - on the conclusion of a process whose working is by definition intransparent? Reminds me a lot on the prophecy made by gazing on entrails. Less bloody but a lot more expensive.

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I just ordered a SkyNet, Cyberdyne Systems t-shirt…

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Well, now you all know how to torture me…but on a sad note, here goes another part of brain being used less….my better half writes the dearest sweet and a little hokey ditties for family birthdays,,,I don’t think AI can capture that!

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We are at the cusp of another society-changing technology. I don't think AI will "destroy" humanity, but it will no doubt have repercussions we cannot even fathom.

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