Another way to potentially look into this would be to look at different countries whose vaccination campaigns occurred at different time & then see if a similar drop in births happened with a similar time lag. I will look for data and write a post about it if I'm able to gather it.

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Haiti has the lowest vaccination rate in the world (<2%) and their birth rate is pretty consistent:

2022 23.052 births per 1000 people

2021 23.422 births per 1000 people

2020 23.793 births per 1000 people

2019 24.163 births per 1000 people


(They appear to be in long term decline of about 1.5% p/a)

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Over all birth rates definitely are going down globally. I think there are many factors including the potential that micro-plastics and other environmental pollutants are causing issues. In the industrial world there's a definite increase in social and psychological stresses.

If Haiti doesn't also see a "blip" and other places like S/Africa also don't see a "blip" then it definitely adds points to the argument it's the vax now too.

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Birth rates drop as societies get richer. Reason: children no longer needed as cheap labour to sustain family income and reduce work load for parents; live births increase, infant mortality decreases, more children survive their teens so the need for multiple pregnancies is no longer there; people are more affluent, marry later as there is no urgent need to start a family as soon as adulthood is reached.

See: British history post-Industrial Revolution and check out birth rates in Africa v economic progress.

Environmental pollutants have been around since God was in short trousers. I wonder why environmental pollutants are only a problem when assigned to Manmade, whereas when they are caused by the environment they are ignored as if having no effect.

Why was the death rate among our ancestors many factors higher than now when they didn’t have micro-plastics to kill them? And how was it that the British population and life expectancy grew significantly in the 19th Cebtury - full of ‘pollution’?

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My reflection on declining birth rates in richer places relates to the always present human sin of greed. Once you got the $$ you don't want to share anymore! Selfish people don't contribute much to charity nor do they typically have larger families. I might just be an old cynic.

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Of course, if it’s not pollution, climate change, Brexit or Trump it must be sin.

Has it occurred to you when there is a Cradle to Grave welfare State, it transfers charity from the voluntary to public sector, higher taxes to pay for what is in effect nationalised charity leaves private individuals with less money to give voluntarily, bureaucrats resent private charity - ‘that’s our job’ and politicians particularly of the Left promote the idea that private charity is shameful - people shouldn’t have to resort to it, ‘society’ should take care of them via the State?

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Not sin, greed which I consider to be a sin. Selfish might be the same.

Getting the other guy to pay has always been a goal for the greedy. You stop going to a lunch group where we split the check until one clown always abuses it. Socialism always fails but we can accept bits of it as kindness and relives some guilt. The State is totally incapable of caring about people; best limited to keeping us from killing each other.

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I was just starting to look at this. I'm guessing no, but is there a source that would show births by region. As I believe vax rates differed significantly between areas in Germany, would be interesting to see if that correlated with birth rate changes.

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Eugyppius had a post some weeks back where he put up regional vaccine uptake for Germany.

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Current vaccination rates by Bundesland are in the first Excel sheet:


The GitHub archive contains detailed data.

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Yes, that was probably the inspiration for my question. 😁

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But if you look at it from the “Bill Gates and the WEF are depopulationists” standpoint, it makes perfect sense.

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I was thinking along the same lines. The conspiracy theorist out there would say this. Why is the vaccine still being pushed despite all of the data that shows that it is ineffective against a disease which also has a very low death rate? The answer is, the intent for the vaccine was never to effectively work to stop infection and transmission, but was a trojan horse for another aim. The good news is, you might not go the hospital for Covid, the bad news is, you can't have children.

That would be evil if it were true. Not merely the diet coke of evil, but the full blown no sugar restricted form of evil. I still maintain all of this was part of a sunk costs logical fallacy. That all these measures to stop Covid were part of just a mistaken form of thinking but once there, we decided to double down and go with it any way.

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The "sunk costs" aspect is pretty obvious when you look at my home country of Canada. Our PM bragged about how many doses they purchased for each Canadian. Something I heard but haven't confirmed though is that the Trudeau foundation has ties to the manufacturing of components for the vaccine.

Regardless of that last bit, it's obvious that they picked a path and are committed to it by their egos.

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The components you're referring to are the lipid nano particles (LNPs) which both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines rely on as a delivery system. These are produced by Acuitas Therapeutics in Vancouver BC, who receive a royalty for every shot. I have read that Trudeau ordered 10 times more vaccines than there are Canadians.

Wrt the Trudeau Foundation's speculated ownership of 40% of Acuitas stock, if you google it you'll encounter a long list of "Fact checkers" denying it but here's Dr Robert Malone discussing that very issue:-


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Thanks. Answers my questions.

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"I'll take 'conflict of interest' for 500, Alex."

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It's my understanding that the financial connection is through ownership of the nanolipid component of the vaccine, and if I recall correctly, it is made in British Columibia. Exactly who in Canada has the ownership interest in the nanolipid, I'm not sure. And all of these assertions need to be checked, but I don't know where or how to start.

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“Bill Gates and the WEF and the hard Left are depopulationists” standpoint......don’t want to leave them out.

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There is another thing to factor in as well.

I don't know what things are like in Europe, but I can give you the perspective from my 28 year old stepson. He is single and unvaxxed. He will NOT consider a vaxxed woman for a serious relationship. And... it's been extremely difficult for him to find someone. Socializing isn't what it used to be, and there is a lot of polarity in the world that automatically disqualifies someone as a mate. My guess is there are a lot of single people who are simply not meeting people who are potential mates.

Also... pretty sure all of those trans whatevers aren't going to be having kids any time soon.

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Yes there are a variety of social reasons why people may have less children, like maybe they just stopped wanting to bring children into an insane world.

However the Sweden data shows a clear step function correlated with vax uptake. Not the kind of action you'd see if it's just people's views on life changing.

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Oh, I don't doubt that the vaxx has something to do with it.

However, I do think that there might be something else going on as well; not only the practical thing of finding a mate, but the psychological reasons for having children as well.

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I was thinking the same thing. Is it possible that the last 2+ years have persuaded young couples that they don’t want to bring children into this insane world? I think there was already a trend in the direction of “no kids” (my anecdotal observation). Maybe this is a consequence of 2 years of “fear-porn”.

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Yeah it's definitely impacted me and my partner. We were on the fence about kids when we first got together in summer 2018. Then, as things intensified between us, we started to seriously talk about it in early 2020.

Unfortunately, the insanity of lockdowns and covidmania really screwed with my mental health and created domestic tensions that weren't there before. So we put the whole children thing on hold.

Now, over 2 years later, it all feels extremely uncertain because we're almost out of time, biologically speaking, and my mental health is still shot.

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I think there is always a reason to not have kids - psychological or otherwise. Every generation worries about the future; that's almost a given!

But yes, something else is afoot here. These covid injections are bad for people's heath - and we have plenty of stress in our modern lives and people are often overweight and eat wrong (and that was BEFORE the jabs!). Not being able to get pregnant easily is one consequence of those poor lifestyle choices. Add in demented jabs and your chances just dropped even further.

By the way, if someone unvaxxed is desperate to find an unvaxxed partner, trust me - they will :-)

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I'm not convinced that it's the vax though. No doubt I don't need to point out correlation isn't causation as the audience on here seems to be pretty intelligent. I think the general message is the signal is too new/weak to make any determination and we need to keep watching it.

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The corollary to "Causation..." is that you should be able to propose a mechanism which produces the correlation. Otherwise you are left with Occam's Razor.

El Gato is doing a very honest analysis, with testable predictions.

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The climate change woke have been 'nudging' the young re: having babies or not.



I know several young people in universities, going for their climate change degree (various names in various schools, but it's v popular right now ... without checking, my guess is that it is the #1 degree being sought ... followed by psych ... and gender studies). Committing to 'one or none' is seriously a discussion point.

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College students who have been brainwashed can be... well, fixed.

My stepson is 28; I started challenging some of his view a few years ago, and now, with the help of Joe Rogan, Brett Weinstein and Russel Brand, he's moved very far right. I think part of it is that people don't necessarily talk to them about these crazy ideas, so they are never challenged and never have to actually explain them. Once they are put in the position of having to explain it, I think some re-evaluate their ideas.

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Also there's a small percentage of radical people (almost all pro-vax) who've decided to take themselves out of the gene pool entirely, mainly because of the US RvW thing.

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Yup, they dislike themselves. So they "hate" everyone else.

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I would hope that there is a chatroom or two out there for purebloods, surely by now there must be. If not - maybe he can start one. Good for your stepson, he's likely saving himself from some major heartaches. Advise him to avoid the blue states and go with the red. Louisiana is up near the top of the unvaxxed list, he might want to go down there and hear some fine chanky-chank music and eat some boudin and crawdads and meet himself a bright, straight-up, no bs Cajun girl. I married into a Cajun family years ago, and I realize I'm painting with broad brushstrokes here, but it's a culture of emotional, passionate, impulsive men and incredibly strong, wise women. Both with a taste for life and fine sense of humor.

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I will pass along the advice. We're in Ohio which is.... purple I guess. Blue cities, red everywhere else. We live everywhere else; the stepson lives in the city. However, he's been coming out our way to troll for girls. LOL.

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A comparison of stillbirth/miscarriage data would add to the picture.

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I wrote several posts about what I considered potentially alarming data on stillbirths in the UK data. Stillbirths are however rare enough that you'd unlikely notice in the overall birth statistics. Miscarriages, on the other hand, might be significant enough.


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Also, if people desire to have children but are having issues then you should see something show up in the number of people seeing fertility specialists.

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Good thinking 99.

A downer for this is that a lot of women are trying to have kids when they're older...hence the need for fertility treatment.

Another downer is that many pay 100% privately for these services, and a government would not be required to report on that, perhaps?

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I'd find a grim validation in it being the fault of the vax, but I do wonder if an extended high level of stress and anxiety is taking its toll too. Women's menstrual cycles have always been highly vulnerable to stress, and the past few years have been grim, and the economic anxieties most people are facing, on top of everything else, could certainly affect natural fertility before we even factor in hesitancy to start or enlarge families.

Stressed women and sad little swimmers don't make for any sort of bundle of joy, really.

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Add our growing epidemic of young women going on anti-depressants to deal with daily life, birth control pills available to 12-year olds, HPV-vaccination of 11-year old girls, and anxiety reaching suicidal levels due to daily, hourly, climate alarms about the world going to end iside ten years (which I've heard for a slong as I'm been alive...), and our labour/career system set up so that women are disincentivised from having children before age 35, and 60+ years of feminism indocrinating women that birthing children means they become slaves, and...

Women like my three sisters are amazing. Several children each, careers, marriage, the works. It's like for them the day has as many hours as needed. One of my nieces (19 this year) is going on to university while working part time and having a business of her own.

I guess me being the eldest means I got all the lazy genes...

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It's decades later, when doing the laundry for one seems like an extreme exertion unfairly inflicted on our golden years, that we look back to those days of raising a kid while working outside the home full-time involving a round-trip two-hour (if lucky) commute on stinking public transportation, to come home and put a hot meal on the table etc. etc. etc. and wonder how the hell did we survive a day of it.

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That ties into what I said about people choosing not to have children right now, in essence, because the world is a shit-show. I know that the effects the AZ had on my wife's period simply couldn't be stress related though. We've been through a lot together in 20 years and she needed medical attention within days of her AZ shot. I don't doubt that her stressing over her massive, never ending period, didn't help of course.

I feel that the data we have in this blog post is too "subtle" a signal to make any determination. I'm still in "wait and see" and "hope I'm wrong" mode.

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(Obviously not "liking...")

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YES. I pointed this out to Igor when he posted on a similar analysis. Almost verbatim.

Who wants to do business when you're depressed?

Plus studies back up what you're saying.

Great post.

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The overall decrease of birthrate absolutely is related to these issues, 100%

That said, this decrease being highlighted by el Gato seems to be an additional decrease at this specific time. My belief is that there's not enough data and too many new/current social and psychological factors to pin it on the vaccine...yet.

From where I sit a lot more people are making a decision to hold off on having children while the world seems to be burning a bit hotter than normal.

The general issues Rikard presented are there of course but have been for a while and wouldn't just show up now in the data. Instead, if we removed those issues we'd probably have a birth rate that's 20% higher over all (guessing of course) that then shows a dip in the last few months.

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Love your handle btw.

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Absolutely, what I'm pointing at are systemic and endemic factors, that though known are fuzzy as to exactly how much they affect things (opening the interpretation up to show whatever one wants it to show - the bane of all social scientists).

Certainly the birth rate would an should be much higher without a lot of our domestic policies and politics since 1970. Ending household taxation in favour of individual taxation meant an immediate dip in both marriages and births f.e. This more or less made it impossible for a single person to feed a family, not to mention making it a nightmare for a single parent and leading to most single parent households and all low-income households becoming dependent on state welfare in various forms.

As in, you could work full time, pay 65% of your pay in taxes (employer's tax, which realy is a tax on you wage but isn't called that for the usual reasons, plus council tax) and get maybe a third of those 65% back as welfare.

Which made about 1/3 of all adults dependent on voting for the Socialist Democrats, which was the point of the exercise.

Something to remember for you americans, every time Democrats and Burnie-bros open their beaks to squak about the "swedish system". It is set up to make you dependent on the state whether you work or not.

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What I love most about El Gato's posts is the comments. Generally everyone is being civil and throwing out ideas that both support and counter the arguments el Gato has made. While many of us are not necessarily scientists, we all have something to add to the discussion. Sometimes it's a brilliant insight and other times is a "dumb idea" that leads to someone coming up with a brilliant insight.

I love it!

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If I'm going to offer a contrarian viewpoint it would be that it's entirely possible that social-psychological factors may be at play instead. In general there's an uptick in people deciding not to have children at this time. The environment, inflation, potential food shortages, civil unrest and so on, all seem anecdotally to have a fair number of people deciding not to have children. In some cases people are going so far as to have reproductive surgery!

Only time will tell if there's a long term direct link between vaccination and reproduction. Instinctively I believe there probably is but I try and maintain an open mind and I really do hope I'm wrong.

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I suppose surveys could establish some population level trends, but the point is are we concerned about the issue of low birth rates? Those who imagine a genetic component to the advancement of civilization driven by a given cohort of humans with a set of genetics, like Nicholas Wade suggests, might be quite concerned that we need to build on that pool.

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or...maybe nobody wants to do it with their masks on.

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I don't know... I'm twice as good looking with half my face covered up.

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I think that this has been proven scientifically (in general, not just you Don lol).

I know I've been on the train and observed women with beautiful eyes who I found quite attractive, only to see them pull down their mask to take a drink and have my illusions dashed LOL

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Get some beer goggles. It will help you with that and as Fauci says it will protect you from getting the coof.

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That's a winner!

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Lol, the maths check out.

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Sweden never adopted masking. They actually advised against it… ya know like 100 years of actual science advised as a best practice.

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Bring out The Gimp.

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Not the ones interested in having babies at least. ; )

Piqued criosity.

Let's see... let's see... what's it called? Have a look in the ever expanding catalog of "Woke Life Encyclopaedophilia for Karens & Kens": 'Semi socially distanced less than erotic asphyxiation." Yep. No wonder they aren't having babies.

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Like minds. I just posted that. Lol

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Often I just have to see the humor in it to maintain my sanity! I remember when my son & his wife let us know they were expecting a baby during Covid - they said they forgot to maintain “social distancing”! Thankfully, none of us bought into the jab(s) & we do not trust our govt agencies. I have not trusted Drs since 1986 when they almost killed my mom. She was 66 & I was the only one who stood up to the team of 5 Drs & the completely unnecessary procedure that would have netted them thousands $$$ & more than possibly her death. She went on to live to be 96. I thanked God for the lesson that if you are the only one standing for a truth & stats & data - then STAND! Because you & God are a majority & I choose to trust HIM. Agencies & Bureaucracies ...not so much! 😉♥️

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What ... no face “diapers” in making babies?!

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Although not a perfect hypothesis, I would guess that if the vaccines had NO impact on fertility every public health data collection agency on the planet would produce good evidence to support that, given the high stakes of (the credibility of) the vaccines.

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Yep. If they got that to crow about, you know they’d crow. “All our data show no decline in fertility in any country.”

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Oooh. Good point.

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Under court order, Pfizer just in the past few days released the data from their safety study on pregnant women who received the vaccine during pregnancy. 47% of these pregnant women miscarried. No wonder they were trying to avoid releasing this data for the next 75 years.

Add in the fact that after you take the jab, your body is continuously producing damaging spike proteins from multiple organs, including ovaries, is it any wonder that birth rates are down.

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For real?

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I think that somebody found some miscounting there, which isn't hard given the Pfizer data, so it wasn't as bad as all that. But I am trying, and failing, to find where I read that ....

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Analysis of the data is all over the place::

Here is one saying 82% to 97%


Here is one saying 44%


I picked up the 47% from a report on InfoWars.

Whatever the exact number is, all of the interpretations of the deliberately misleadingly presented Pfizer study are shocking.

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agree. wow.

thanks for sharing.

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Found it. "Fact Checking the Claim that 44% of Pregnancies in the Pfizer Study ended in Miscarriage"


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Here is Naomi Wolf presenting the 44% claim


- she links to the Naked Emperor (partially paywalled). It seems the low end claim is 66 pregnancies (trial participants vaccinated) and 12 miscarriages. "Only" 18% suffering that outcome from a safe and effective intervention.

It does not seem that anyone is challenging the claim that Pfizer attempted to mislead and conceal the risk.

Some of the gap between 44 and 18 is made up of miscarriages suffered by trail participant partners (not themselves vaccinated). And as such, is hardly reassuring.

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I remember someone posted a link on a study along those lines. It was about half that.

But still shocking.

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What if a larger portion of the population is delaying attempts to reproduce for years or indefinitely? The “F*** this world, not having kids” cohort.

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What would be interesting to compare is the number of abortions for each year, and also the number of miscarriages each year as well. El gato, is this data available to you?

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I read this week that Germany, who DO differentiate unvaxxed, partially vaxxed and fully vaxxed, had 5000 fewer abortions last quarter. So, the “uh-oh, I’m pregnant” crowd have had a significant drop as well.

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Great analysis. I wonder if another factor in lowering birth rates might also be partly attributable to fears of being able to support a new mouth to feed in these uncertain times. I know several young families who have delayed adding to their families due primarily to the political and economic uncertainties they see around them. They do not trust where this country is headed and have decided to wait this out. I’m sure they are not alone in this decision. (I certainly would think twice about bringing a child into a world that appears to be moving rapidly towards totalitarianism!)

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Not so. In times of economic highs, people end up putting off having kids - so they can work more and get ahead. In times of economic woe, well, people end up sitting @ home on the sofa, watching the telly coz they're out of work...and then one thing leads to another...!

It seems bizarre to have it this way - but if you CAN earn lots of money, then that's the time you save for the rainy day. And when it rains, you make babies.

So there should be HEAPS more babies happening now and in the next 1-3 years than what there currently are - or will probably be....and that should be the most telling sign of all that we're in a worse position than we thought we were.

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The CDC is “revamping”, looking for more woke, equitable employees, (because THAT’S the big issue at CDC), and having some oversight and overlap from other agencies. Of course, they’re getting more money and more over reach to “be better able to serve us”.

I say CAN all that and simply do these type studies. Compare fertility in unvaxxed, partially vaxxed and fully vaxxed —-whatever that is on any given day…

Do the tests on non vaxxed, partially vaxxed and fully vaxxed children. How are their hearts? Have we done any damage?

Do the REAL evaluation on general health and all cause deaths for unvaxxed, partially vaxxed and fully vaxxed.

Use your OWN tool for seeing changes, evolution, signs, flags, VAERS!

The minute you see a red flag, a signal, get your sorry self in TV and LET US ALL KNOW so we can make a truly INFORMED CONSENT, eyes wide open.

If CDC ever desires to be respected again, THIS is what needs to happen.

In the meantime, we are watching.

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KC Sunshine, but in the meantime think of the millions here & billion worldwide already duped, damaged or dead. IMO they will never willingly or ashamedly admit they’re responsible for all that. They’ll double, triple, quadruple down. The truth will out (I hope) but it won’t be because they developed a spine or morality; it’ll be because they can’t stop it

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I agree 100%. I think they’ll have to be called to account much like Big Tobacco. To me, it’s already blatantly obvious and with each passing day, they have that much more blood on their hands and that much to apologize and pay for. I just wish the knight would hurry and ride in on the white horse already, before too many more gullible, naive parents inject their children. All the vax injuries weigh heavily on me but once they went for the babies, they became well & truly evil.

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KC, many say we can’t rely on any single white knight because this isn’t just one or a couple rogue countries, it is global. On the other hand, for everyone saying just don’t comply (I haven’t yet!), how do we fight or throw them out when they seem to hold every lever of power - societally , educationally, politically, medically, economically, culturally, media, etc?

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I hear ya and I agree. Part of the reason I think this is literally diabolical is because it’s too — almost uniform, well orchestrated and woven to be just opportunistic people jumping in to make their $$$ or claim their 15 min. of fame when they see a crisis. I sometimes think the only way out of this perpetual free fall we’re in may be Jesus riding in on HIS white horse. Personally, it can’t happen quickly enough! As we say in the south, “Sometimes some people just NEED killin’ “. I’m ready to see heads roll.

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Absolutely w/ you, KC. I’ve believed almost from Day 1 that this was all demonic. And the Davos set doesn’t even pretend to hide the agenda anymore. It’s all out there: shortages of everything, owning nothing, ESG, digital currency, eating bugs, taking away private vehicles, wide open borders, deliberately crashing capitalism/the family/rule of law/ liberty/ freedom/ Constitution, ad nauseum. I’m so frightened & deeply saddened for my 20-something sons & what life will be like for them. But I’m ready to see heads roll, too!

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I would imagine in most countries the lockdowns lowered the number of couples meeting and thus having children.

Less of a factor in Sweden but curious as to whether the number of marriages (age 18-44) decreased by a similar amount.

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So many other possible causal stories ... my first thought is along the lines expressed by BAM and Here's (and others) below: young people simply deciding "bag this, no way I'm bringing a kid into this shitty world."

Now you might think that Sweden would have less of this effect than other countries like America, that screwed the young harder. But then again, the pandemic response pushing climate change off the table for 2 years did nothing to increase youth confidence in the future, and Swedish young people know this better than most.

Gato, what you really need to test the vax infertility hypothesis is good clean data from multiple countries, including some where mRNA vaxes were not the kind of vax given. Without that, you will not be able to reach any conclusion, no matter how many months you look at Sweden's data.

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