Interesting. Re: the downstream effects, governments may simply not be able to control the chaos in time. Sri Lankan presidential palace was stormed (for different reasons), and he's giving up power. Protestors are having a dip in the pool. heh

Violence and chaos tend to be naturally avoided by humans, except when violence and chaos are a means of avoiding even worse fates.

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That was a real insurrection. You won't see the MSM say that about Sri Lanka

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It's quite obvious that nearly all governments have openly turned against their own citizenry. (And no, I'm not stalking you, lol. Your comment popped up first when I went to comments. I swear. 😆😆😆)

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Interesting anecdote: Karl Denninger has a financial site, and was one of the first to talk about Mareks disease; he's also found outliers in employment data regarding deaths.

The other day, he did a post that basically said "the vaxxines are about greed, and if you believe it's depopulation, I don't want you as a reader." Which is fine.

However, when you start losing lots of working age men, one would think that's would be a problem for the function of society, and the government would not want that. Same with children; our society is structured with things like schools; if there are reduced numbers of children, well, teachers lose their jobs, and we can't ever have that. So it's hard for me to believe that the government is OK with endless big pharma profits to the point that it utterly destroys society. Unless they're in on it and want society destroyed.

International democide.

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Interesting attitude

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Yes, I'd like to hear some theories about that attitude....why does Denninger say that?

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It's probably too horrific for him to even fathom, so he's in denial. Can't say I necessarily blame him for that mindset.

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Denninger is VERY opinionated and doesn't take kindly to disagreement. Get out your fainting couch if you are sensitive and you read his pieces. But he is also very logical and usually on point.

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Well I just found his blog. Sage Hana may block me, but damn, he spits out truths like Sage, only much more directly (and without those literary creativities of hers that make you laugh, spit out your iced coffee, and remain in imagery for life!)

So I found the part where Gates and the Elites cannot live without about 7 billion of us to fuel their lifestyles...and it sounds reasonable...except I don't think these people are reasonable...maybe they just want to own us via digital programmable currency...trying to speed read through it, but he got one thing so right that I have said to very few people...the Chinese are the most racist people on earth and they do make the Nazi's look amateur.....

Thanks so much for explaining. Still looking for hi view on the CBDC...and if he connects it to the total breakdown of our currency...now we are no longer the worlds reserve currency.

Love the Ukrainian flag thing...how to identify the stupid people.

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Jul 10, 2022
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There's lot of people who really think it's just about greed. Who knows, perhaps they're right. However, that being said, the adverse effects are a nice bonus as far as some other people are concerned. And whether or not it is only greed, there is no denying the long list of adverse effects and the chaotic effects of all things covid on society.

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I think it is collusion, which is greed, of course. But collusion is against the law, 1MM fine and 10 years in jail...and that is what has to be prosecuted, but won't be from our DOJ. And the anti trust division. The entire country needs to stop selective prosecution and enforce the law on everyone.

And let's reverse the 17ty amendment while we are at it. Gridlock is a good thing in Congress.

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I think about this at times, and consider the push for AI and to replace the entire working and professional class (yes, the technocrats are even pursuing technology to replace doctors) with robotic technology, with China at the forefront of this. Then reading about how all of the tech giants believe in universal basic income … and seeing pilot programs for that happening in our major cities. Do they anticipate us not contributing in the future to our society? The idea of actually losing our working generation begins to fit into a grander scheme.

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"working age men"? how bout "working age women"? We're losing them, too. Just sayin', because it sucks being left out... :)

You say we have "a problem for the function of society" -- Yeah! I totally agree. And the govt "would not want that." I agree that is a logical conclusion!

I've seen an increase, over the past two, two and a half years, of more and more people starting to wake up, and people talking about all these statistics, and people, LOTS of people, doing analysis that points clearly at things looking suddenly strange and concerning...

What I DON'T see, and I'm not blaming you, of course, is a very, very obvious lack of action, physical action, from the populace (at least in the US).

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Well, I specifically said working age men because of the myo/pericarditis issues. It seems to be hitting them the hardest.

I'm glad you're seeing people wake up. I'm not. At all. Everyone who is jabbed and boosted is waiting for the OK for the next jab, especially those over 55.

In terms of action, the incident on 1/6 in the US seems to have kneecapped any sort of resistance to anything here. Plus... laws are applied selectively, and if you are not a person of color or a Democrat, you risk harsh penalties for things that their favored groups are given a pass on. The police are on the side of whoever the mayor tells them to support, and that is usually the left. To be honest, I think the only resistance can actually come from the non-woke minorities. They may have a chance to change things. If you're a white, hetero non-woke Christian and in a blue state, they're just waiting for an excuse to come after you.

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The pendulum does swing as people become aware. The DC bunch may not be aware of what their voters really think. Recent polls suggest an real distrust exists. The rampant inflation affects the masses.

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Yup. People are getting angry. I live in a purple neighborhood and all I've heard is people talking about kicking these bums out.

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I don't know, they turn on anyone black pretty quickly if the person steps out of their control and has a voice that's reaching people. It seems to me they reserve especial cruelty for them.

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Losing lots of working age men (or women) isn't a problem. There isn't nearly enough work out there to begin with. The topic of bullshit jobs comes to mind.

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Indeed it does. And right after that, I think of all the bullshit jobs that I have not been offered because I am "unvaxxed." So the topic of the Constitution and the Declaration of Human Rights also comes to mind.

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Yes, I read his site daily.

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I do as well. Much of the time I agree with him. Sometimes I don't.

That being said, I also think that saying "if you disagree with this, don't read my site," isn't the most sensible thing to do.

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Seems arrogant, eh?

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That is a historical pattern when concentration of power in the hands of a few reaches a certain density. One the designers of the United States Constitution observed and it became a key driver for their design.

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It makes my heart sing.

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What 1/6/21 should have been. Now we can see what the democRats' nightmare really was back then and "Why?" they put up fences and called for troops After the fact.

Too Little, Too Late" may be the historical note for 1/6/21.

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A woman after my own heart. I don't want to clutter the board, I posted 16 minutes after you.

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I'd MUCH rather see massive peaceful protest... works better, can't be trashed as done by "thugs" and so forth. We know how to do this, and I think this isn't the issue. It seems to me the issue is getting people OFF their screens and getting them OUTSIDE, into the Commons.

Street parties seems like a good summer thing.

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There have been massive peaceful protests for 2 years. They accomplished nothing.

Civil disobedience is capable of getting somewhere but without action, protests are just words.

That’s why anti-war marches, pussyhat marches, and Covid marches accomplish nothing except solidifying some solidarity and reaching more minds. These goals are obviously useful in their own right, but protests won't achieve practical results without further action after certain point.

Talk is cheap.

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Exactly. Quebec and Canada saw massive protests. What did they get? NOTHING. Except for amplified arrogance from its leaders who STILL talk as if it's 2020. Shameless expansion of power, breakdown of the judiciary who refuse to stand by the people, and more pseudoscience.

In a way, the government is right to be worried. The people shouldn't fear the government. The government should fear the people as Jefferson put it.

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ProgreSSives are Pro-active as Bolsheviks pushing their ideology thru thuggary such as the democRats Burn-Loot-Murder and ANTIFA brownshirts.

Patriots are Re-Active as wanting to live their lives unmolested in Lawful Freedom working and raising families as stated in the Declaration of Independence.

Peaceful Protest was 1/6/21 at the DC Capitol in reaction to an obviously Stolen Election. The peaceful nature of the Patriots can be seen in that they Did Not Storm the Capitol and Seize the Ferals that were confirming the stolen elections.

What "We" would like to see and What is Planned and Being Implemented for us by the NWO are obviously Worlds Apart. When Compromise isn't an option then ........

Lexington-Concord 1775 or a Bundy's Farm AZ - Waco TX incident that goes broadly kinetic is the American Tradition. Push, push, push, Shove, shove, shove, then Holy Hell.

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While I'm not a Trump fan, I also don't think he's necessarily a demon...

I do agree with the rest of what you're saying. But ONE peaceful protest ain't gonna cut it. We have flog this, big time, in really large groups. Until we have those numbers, I'm thinking something like Flash Mobs...

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Feel free to organize anything you want to. Understand that if it's not supportive of a democRat front group or agenda item you are subject to arrest and expensive legal bills. Translating Idealism into Practical practices is always like shifting into 4th from 1st gear, if you've ever driven a manual vehicle. Please post your videos on twitter as the only "flashing" around my area is running from the outhouse when the local bear scratches on the sides.

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Jul 10, 2022
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We will have many good folks here that lose their lives........ours as well are not exempt:


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Jul 9, 2022
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Repeat the line. End of quote.

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I wish I could laugh.

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"f*ck joe biden." end of quote. repeat the line.

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"When a long train of abuses has evidenced.........." 1776

came After 1775 at Lex-Concord.

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And participate in.

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😂 You're something else.

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Jul 9, 2022
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Howl of the Yeti needs to be a thing. Put this shit there. I'm subscribed but nothing is coming in. weak sauce

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Jul 9, 2022
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Monica just challenged your manhood. Lmao

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Children of men. The only solution is to have more unvaccinated children and homeschool them. Make it a goal of at least 4. That turd Bill Gates has 3 and he’s always whining about how many useless eaters there are

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"Bitch Tits Bill"

Pardon my French, but that's what I call him.

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Not a bad rack for a person his/her age!

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I call him a psychopath! And also "Boil Grates."

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OMG...and I thought I was the only one who noticed his unhealthy form, including his breasts (which sit upon his rather large gut). Meow.

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He sure ain't in line for Miss America...

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😂 or Mr.....

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Noooo! ;) He's kinda old now, and I just don't imagine him doing any exercise... Just jabbing kids in Africa, and that doesn't even get you cardio...

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I like how this has become a trend. The based are going to be out-breeding the woke faster than ever.

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Let's say my wife and me have a fully unvaccinated kid. Let's say the kid could avoid all useless vaccines and most importantly mRNA covid one.

What's the chance the kid could find a suitable partner from unvaccinated parents in the future? Absolutely none.

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That’s silly, make better friends. Do you actually have children?

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I didn’t realize going on vacation and getting pregnant were mutually exclusive.

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Jul 9, 2022
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“Honey, we’ve been doing it wrong!”

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Wait... people have *less* sex when they're on vacation?

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This was news to me too.

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Their aims = The great reset under way…all the agencies, institutions, media and big tech have been captured. There is no such thing as disinterest…all intentional warfare against independence and freedom. They want us all on our knees begging to be saved.

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Given how popular the shots were, and the desirability of finding a pureblood partner with whom to start a family, one might ask "How many fertile young women who haven't gotten the jab are available in the West?"

Possible answer: "None."

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i would really urge against using that "pureblood" framing.

it's needlessly incendiary, othering, and carries nasty eugenic echoes.

also keep in mind that those with vaxx injuries are mostly victims who simply had no idea what they were getting into and "trusted authorities."

this seems a prime time to change some minds on such faith.

alienating the people you want to sway seems a poor start to such a process.

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Agree 100%. Let's can the whole "pureblood" thing. This feels like the same kind of slime-balling tactic that has been used on me oh so many times by the vaxxed crowd. Whether hearts and minds can be changed remains to be seen. I certainly haven't had success. But I am sure that fomenting polarization and shame won't help.

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Divide and Conquer is the Psycho Squad's main tool. Better we ignore the "woke" types and just carry on mocking the PS.

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“You can’t reason a man out of what he never reasoned himself into.”

- Jonathan Swift (allegedly)

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I agree with you in principle. We should have been able to trust that our "pubic health authorities" were acting in our best interests, and we should forgive those who wished us harm for refusing the jabs (for our own sake, if nothing else).

But this is bigger than forgiveness. In light of this Swedish study, we cannot know for certain that the vaxxed (male or female) have not been permanently...genetically...harmed. We cannot know for certain what the consequences will be for their offspring or for humankind in the long run.

How do we even go about discovering if a person's gametes have been affected?


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How persistent are the effects, is it temporary, etc.? These will be questions to answer.

Humans in the west already had big fertility declines, with 25% of couples being unable to conceive. There are obviously always dealbreakers when trying to find a partner, but practically speaking? It's not as if people have been checking their partner's fertility before they get married or attempt to conceive with anything but proxy measures, and I doubt that's going to change soon. Only a very small portion of society thinks this way.

I have a millenial friend, American-born, Nigerian parents. He went back to Nigeria in his late 20s, married a Nigerian woman, and they have 4 kids. For all kinds of reasons, the life he wanted wasn't possible in North America. He loves it there. Far less encumbered life. Entrepreneur type. No rat race. Smart dude.

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I'm not talking about fertility. The Swedish study suggests, at least, the possibility that vaxx mRNA can be reverse transcribed into human DNA in vivo.

If part or all of the vaxx mRNA can be reverse transcribed into liver cell DNA in vitro, can it be incorporated into germline cells in vivo and what are the consequences for the individual and for humankind at large since so many are vaxxed.

We don't know if this can happen.

We do know that lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) travel throughout the body and congregate in the ovaries.

We do know there is a temporary(?) suppression of sperm production in some men. Is this caused by inflammation, autoimmunity, or damage to the germline cells?

We don't know what it will do to the children.

Will they be healthy?

Will they have immune damage or other injuries?

Will they be able to reproduce?

We don't know what it means if the harms are widespread throughout the population.

I've read that "experts" believe about 8% of the human genome actually comes from viruses. Humankind has withstood this kind of challenge in history, but never from a man-made virus and the man-made cure.

We simply don't know.

Will young women and young men be tested in the future to determine if their gametes are free of vaxx mRNA and mRNA fragments?

This is just one more horror in their giant experiment on humanity.

Was it a bug or a feature?

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If the mRNA can travel to the offspring, and if the genetic code is altered in those offspring, then are these children then a mutant strain of Human? And if so, are they then also PATENTED? And OWNED by the patent holder?

These are disturbing possibilities. On the other hand, the Human Body is an amazing thing, and is often quite capable of cleansing itself of foreign debris...

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Hi Monica,

I've written some posts about the drop in German births. I think it could be linked to a dramatic fall in marriages during the first pandemic year. Would be interested to hear any feedback.


I've also checked Swedish marriages data here


It looks like marriage figures in Sweden fell by over 10,000 in the first pandemic year - equivalent to a 22% drop!

The latest data I could quickly find for Sweden showed 40% of first births are to married parents.

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It's really common for people here in Sweden to get married just after the birth of their first child. You can combine the baptism with the wedding! Does that happen a lot in Germany, too?

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Hey El Gato fans,

I made a nice little graph of the crash in marriages in Sweden during the pandemic:


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Well said.

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I agree, but people will always self-segregate and being a "pureblood" may really have important ramifications in the future. There's not going to be enough popcorn.

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Tribal is the historical upwards social organization after family. Called Kith & Kin in the Appalachian Redoubt.

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I agree they are victims for the most part but thinking minds will be changed is a fantasy.

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I vote that since none of these people would be getting jabs, or feeling frightened into Mass Formation without these Psycho Globbylists terrorizing and pushing everybody around, we should ignore the victims when we can, forgive them later, and focus our attention, and the BLAME on the fuckers that started all this... and still ain't done...

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I’ve said for awhile that practically everyone was victimized by the global psy-op. I’m just not confident that most folks can be persuaded by reason to really look at what’s going on.

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Agree. I know many people that only submitted to the jabs to keep their jobs. It’s very hard to stand firm and hold the line when your lively hood is on the line. I know because I went through it. My exemption was granted on the last day. I was packing up my desk because I thought I was about to be fired but I was able to stay employed after all.

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I'm glad for you!

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Completely agree. Though I despise the thought process of many that thought it ok to put their fellow citizens in camps and take away their rights, we have to unite. Very difficult to do I know, but you have to blame the people that created and ran the psy op not the victims. They are victims, and I say that begrudgingly after the hateful venom some of them spoke. This ends quicker if you give them an out, instead of backing them into a corner and forcing them to doubledown. No person wants to admit they have been the victim of a con. Beating them over the head about their mistake is not going to change their mind.

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The thing is, this polarization didn’t start with covid or the phony vaxxes, and it isn’t going to end with them. Winning hearts and minds, to use a very shopworn phrase, is going to come very hard, probably not in the lifetime of many of us (certainly not my own) and it isn’t going to happen as a result of blindly extending an olive branch or memory-holing atrocities committed against the innocent.

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I do understand your feelings, I have them too. But, you will never convert them all. A third of the population are lost, but the middle third is up for grabs. That middle group onside adds up to a majority. History has shown this "third" dynamic repeatedly, and the good news is that truth flows quicker and easier than at any other time in history. You don't need a printing press to print a broadside and pony express riders. So yes, I do have hope. Maybe it is a false hope, but it is mentally and physically healthier for me to live that way than to be fatalistic and say f*ck it. By the way, I do sleep better knowing Karma exists.

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I feel the same way.

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It's also a bit optimistic because I know many people who had issues with sperm counts / quality way before any covid19 was known of.

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Toxins in the environment have been building for decades now... You've probably seen pictures of frogs with extra legs, and so forth... I think you're right on... Covid is just a HUGE hammer to the head, so to speak, after decades and decades of slow poisoning...

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Yes except a bunch of those people wanted the purebloods to be starved out and fired and denied healthcare and stuff.

But I can see the wisdom of what you are saying.

And besides Dr. Jay is still pitching the injections, or did he come around on that front?

Tell you what...

Maybe you should meet them halfway and diplomatically agree to get a couple of jabs as a show of good faith.

Will you do it? Will you do it, Cat?

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You do realize, regardless of what else you're saying here, that the term "Purebloods" was the euphemism for the BAD GUYS in the Harry Potter story. I find it offensive, myself, and divisive and well, pretty unhelpful. I suggest we focus on the REAL problem, the Globulists, not their victims. Because there will ALWAYS be those with whom we disagree, and right now, I think it's of utmost importance that unification should come before our lesser differences. Please consider it, because from my previous experience of seeing your comments, you're not an idiot, nor unreasonable...

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It wasn't even that "purebloods" were the bad guys, it was that people who *used the term "purebloods" * were the bad guys. And I completely agree that we should stop using the term. It's hateful and completely unnecessary.

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Ah, you're so right! Thanks for that.

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How about “non-gmo people” instead or maybe “certified organic humans”? 😁

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So important a caution, el gato malo. And I would add the kabosh on saying, “I agree, but...” with your assertions closely should follow. Getting the perpetrators confused with those who were knowingly harmed by the perpetrators can only erode the humanity we need to get through the effects of this atrocity.

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A high calling, el gato, especially considering how we have been abused on so many levels. none the less I suppose. Sigh.

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I agree. Thinking that may be coming from the Harry Potter adventure, but the "Purebloods" were the BAD GUYS...

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Point taken

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My daughter - unvaxxed is pregnant by her unvaxxed partner. Of course as this is my first grandchild I am delighted and aware that it may be my only grandchild (my daughter is a doctor and I pray that there will be no more pressure this Autumn to take a jab). I view this baby as somewhat of a precious child - a future rarity. I used to hold that 2 children were enough for anyone but I may well revise that thought and encourage her to have more!

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Trading your life for a job is never an option in my book. MD's will always be in demand, maybe a different venue, but always in demand.

My daughter is a large animal DVM, unvaxxxed with a 3 yr old child. Unfortunately her "know best" "Sciencetist" husband took a Jab.

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I agree. So far she has resisted and there have been no mandates where she works. It’s difficult though when you’ve studied for years and aren’t even fully trained. I feel though that the vaccine steam train is running low on steam. Too much information leaking out about harms and ineffectiveness (even if far too slowly) and people realising that they just don’t want to go on and on getting jabbed. We still need to deal with the damage but I hope and pray that this thing is grinding to a halt despite there being many invested interests who would like otherwise.

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This may be an example where Americans need to demand that their state government forbid any compulsory jabbing under penalty of severe fines and per se civil liability.

If your state won't protect your basic human and civil rights, move to one who will (or create the heat on state pols to act).

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Very euphemistically phrased.

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Shaking my head in dismay

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Congratulations! As a grandparent myself, the more the merrier.

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It’s obviously not none but this is why I cringe when males make the durr durr unvaccinated sperm my cash cow joke. First off sperm is dirt cheap. There are loads- literally- frozen pre-COVID. Women are the bottleneck of reproduction.

If you are an unvaxxed male who wants to reproduce lock down an unvaccinated zoomer woman STAT. They’ll be the hottest commodity within 3 years

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I have three beautiful unvaxxed daughters and was already anticipating having to ward the boys off with a shotgun in a few years. I may have to upgrade to a bazooka.

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Hire two Tom of Finland-wannabees to stand guard? They have zero interest in your girls, and all the more in any unwanted suitors...

Just check for monkeypox first.

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Christian colleges, John. Hillsdale, maybe. lol

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Sounds like a bullet proof business plan

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Who would have thought?

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Plan B 😜

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Plan C:

Coitus rendered unproductive.

Covid zero really did work!

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There is another rather unpleasant issue for young people to consider as well outside of the simple question of fertility.

Every relationship is a gamble. What if that gamble included disability? What if the majority of people who are jabbed are going to be susceptible to some sort of major, life changing illness in the next few years? Like cancer? Or disabling heart disease? Or strokes? What if they have something lesser, like a lifelong autoimmune disease?

If you're 25 years old and unjabbed, do you take the risk and get involved with a jabbed person, knowing that if the relationship becomes serious, you might have to take care of them for the rest of their lives? Or if they get sick and you leave them, you'll feel guilty for the rest of your life?

There will be those who say "you can't live your life on the possibility that bad things will happen." And maybe that's true. But it's also something to consider, no matter how unpleasant. It's something that all of us are living with right now, as we watch the health of those we love who are jabbed.

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As an “older” single adult; I have those same concerns.

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Going by my younger brother's experience, and my son's too, the women under 35 are eternal 14-years olds mentally and maturity-wise. A family is at the bottom of any list. A career - without effort, quality of work or competition of course, they are women and as such they have rights as they have been conditioned to think - is a given. So is clubbing as if you were a teenybopper. At age 30, they don't know how to keep house. They can't make or keep a budget. They do not get the simple truths like fit your appetites to your salary - any and all things which constrain their passions and desires are reacted too as violations and abuse of their rights, or even as existence being out of whack. Developmentlly, they are perennial teens at best, and tantrum-throwing four-yearolds at worst. With the vote.

More and more swedish men in their early thirties, often newly divorced (and with a kid or two the woman keeps as accessories more or less) opt for migrant women. Preferably from eastern Europe such as the Baltic states or Poland. Women who are women, not overgrown tweens and Daddy's Queens and who expect and demand a man be a man, not a limpwristed cuckolded vegan soytoy with the chest and shoulders of anchovie.

How to factor that in statistical analysis, you'd probably be better off using a scrying pool.

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"Women who are women, not overgrown tweens and Daddy's Queens and who expect and demand a man be a man, not a limpwristed cuckolded vegan soytoy with the chest and shoulders of anchovie."

LOL. Nicely done.

I'm... let's just say "older." I married recently, and my husband has two adult sons. The youngest got married a few years ago, has a child and another on the way. HIs wife is... not an eternal tween, but not 100% mature at 28. All are uninjected. His older son-- uninjected as well-- is having a hard time finding anyone. He realizes that if he wants children some day, he would be best choosing a woman who is uninjected as well. I've told him to start looking at the Amish, since we're in a state with an Amish community.

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That seems excessively bleak. (I thought I was too much of a pessimist. haha)

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Ummmm check Texas and Florida. 😄

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They'll all be playing the Hillbilly banjo down by the river...

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You are insulting our President! 😀

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You're right, he does like little girls. Just ask his daughter. She documented it!

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Also, he looks a heckuva lot like the banjo player. Not that there’s anything wrong with it!

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Heh. West Virginia has the least vaccinated rate overall, last time I checked. But if the covid vaccines don't get you, lack of hybrid vigor might.


Oh well. Place has gorgeous landscapes and cheap real estate.

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It’s tough with school age kids as it is one of the most restrictive states only allowing a medical exemption which are becoming harder to get. Once it gets on the childhood vaccination schedule it will be tough

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Did that touch a chord?!

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Yes, the dueling banjos chord!

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Ha! Good one!

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Alan Stevo has started a pureblood community and a convert community for those who regretfully took the jab.

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I know of at least two. There aren't many, but they exist.

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Fantastic work. What a bad cat.

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I'm just a fluffy cat with a small brain, but is it possible that people just don't want to have children at the moment? Their world was shaken by the whole "pandemic" experience and on top of that they've ended up in a quite unstable new reality. I for sure don't want to have 6 lovely fur balls at the moment....

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Hi Luna,

I've written some posts about the drop in German births. I think it could be linked to a dramatic fall in weddings during the first pandemic year. Would be interested to hear any feedback.


I've also checked Swedish marriages data here


It looks like marriage figures in Sweden fell by over 10,000 in the first pandemic year - equivalent to a 22% drop!

The latest data I could quickly find for Sweden showed 40% of first births are to married parents.

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Who goes on summer vacation and stops f*cking?

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People with kids, living in caravans or tents or mobile homes?

Before the internet and the smart phone, the kids would get kicked out and have to go swim, fish or romp about the forest letting mum and dad have some time for bumping uglies - or vice versa; mum and dad would go for walkies, and have a quick one outdoors.

And despite what the media might dream about, that means sharing a tender moment and tender bits of anatomy with wasps, bees, ants, mosquitoes, horseflies and mooseflies - a type of flying louse.

Not to mention office/desktop work means sitting on your nads the entire day, which is like a slow castration as far as your 'erector set' and lil' swimmers are concerned.

Real men work standing on their feet, yes?

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You mean like postal workers and grocery Clerks?

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I you're too toung to remember, yes. Because men and boys used to do those jobs too.

Truckers and such gets a free pass.

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Well said

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The one thing I noticed is that there was another large, although not as large downtrend in 2009-2010 when we experienced the “ Great Recession” maybe people knew the economy wasn’t stable so thought twice about bringing a baby into the world? I wonder if there is any other comparison to be made to other economic down turn times? Just a thought, I tend to believe the issues with the vaccine are the problem, but I also like to look at everything?

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I remember watching the 2nd twin tower fall live when we were pregnant with our son. I remember my first thought was, "What kind of world am I bringing a child into?" Amazingly, Sept 11 looks like small potatoes compared to today's events.

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Sounds like they're intentionally throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

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Full post 14 min after yours, CYA my friend.

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cya? as in covering my ass.

Watcha talking about Willis?

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You have read my posts long enough to know what I'm talking about. CYA because no one else is going to, and no gubmint is coming to "save" anyone.

I hope you have stockpiled (prepped) because it's about to get really real fubared.

all the best

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Oh shit yes. Sorry for my brain fart.

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No problem, Comrade. I'm an old fart historian just doing my part for future Liberty.


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American Thinker is one of my favorite sites.

I read it everyday

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There is a biological connection to the jabs and impaired spermatogenesis. Both the jabs and the spike protein have been shown to impair Homologous recombination (HR) based DNA repair through inhibition of BRCA1. BRCA1 and HR DNA repair are required for spermatogenesis. They are critical in the early stages in which DNA material is exchanged between sister chromatids to increase genetic diversity. Inhibition of HR repair prevents cross over and stalls sperm production.

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Dear Cat: Eugyppious had a covid shot adverse event article redently. One of the commentators suggested searching for "BabyCenter Birth Clubs" by year for a possible glimpse into future data. New or future mothers register in forums specific to the birth month/year, and there are large user numbers. Here's a link to this year, numbers are way down compared to previous year. There may be clubs/websites specific to countries.


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Hi Vanda,

I've written some posts about the drop in German births. I think it could be linked to a dramatic fall in weddings during the first pandemic year. Would be interested to hear any feedback.


I've also checked Swedish marriages data here


It looks like marriage figures in Sweden fell by over 10,000 in the first pandemic year - equivalent to a 22% drop!

The latest data I could quickly find for Sweden showed 40% of first births are to married parents.

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Not sure about the baptism-wedding combination, but I do know that, for example, in 2020 of firstborns in Germany 60% were born to married couples! Marriages fell by about 10% in Germany in the first year of the pandemic and fell further in 2021.

I explain this in detail in my post here:


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The western world needs a good bit of Sri Lankaring ...

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I live in Sweden. Note that Swedes typically have vacation in July, not August ..most of us take the whole month off, plus the last week of June (after midsommar, i.e. the summer solstice, which was 26 June 2021). We might take some time in August as well but the school year starts then, in the third week, August 18th for the 2020-2021 term.

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Hi Laura,

I've written some posts about the drop in German births. I think it could be linked to a dramatic fall in weddings during the first pandemic year. Would be interested to hear any feedback.


I've also checked Swedish marriages data here


It looks like marriage figures in Sweden fell by over 10,000 in the first pandemic year - equivalent to a 22% drop!

The latest data I could quickly find for Sweden showed 40% of first births are to married parents.

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