The last thing these countries want to do is release the vaxx status data.

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alas, it seems so.

this does not speak well of their honesty or agenda.

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In the "connecting straws" category (for 200 Alex): a dive into climate change literature reveals several patterns, one of which includes the need to reduce human population. Sometime long ago (2006 maybe? perhaps earlier) I compared numbers from different sources and, by the numbers, the primary source of CO2 on earth is mammals respirating. This source dwarfs combustion BTW. I then noticed many of the authors supporting the need for radical life-style changes to ward off climate change had a history of writing about the need to cull the human population to save the planet. Common theme is the planet can not support whatever level of population we happen to have at the moment.

So perhaps the "side effect" you hypothesize is not unintended?

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I have long maintained that population reduction is NOT a "side effect", but a primary goal of much of the hysteria that is so rapidly destroying the richest society the world has ever known.

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If people really want to commit to this idea, they should be the ones willing to remove themselves from the equation. "No the rules apply to everyone else, not me."

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You know how it works. Those who believe the world is overpopulated also believe that they are superior to the common crowd. The are exceptions to the rules because they are exceptional.

A wise man once told me to look around the room and ask yourself two questions: who's the dumbest person in the room and who in this room has something from which I can learn. If the answer to the second isn't "everyone" then you've answered the first.

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From me you could learn what not to eat, how not to win friends and influence people, and you could learn "what happens when you just want to be left alone." Nothing good, I am afraid. Nothing good.

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I just thought everyone who is Red pilled knew it was all about Eugenics and culling humans so Ja, this is clearly intentional. Naomi Wolf did a great talk at Hillsdale College about this. https://youtu.be/T9Y_W_30hsM

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No shit! And there is 6% more green space because of the increase in co2 so what is the point? It’s just an excuse. When robots were perfected they didn’t need us anymore. The only reason we haven’t been annihilated yet is because they are still playing their money games against each other. If we leave this realm and do not get reborn here, just stay away for awhile, they wouldn’t have the life energy needed to continue life on this plane of existence. I think that is what we should do. The only thin is we are trapped within a matrix inside this realm so you have to know how to get out.

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Pfizer has had multiple labs in China since 2009. Lab tests of mRNA/covid vacçines in animals could have revealed the etiology of mRNA induced injury to reproductive systems & resultant reduction in fertility.

Pfizer CEO Bourla, as well as Bill Gates (major pfizer stockholder) are on record for endorsing population reduction strategies. That these observations may in any way be connected can only be conjecture. Facts & logic are the only path to truth.

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We'll get it when we get the JFK files...

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It certainly wouldn't be cause for a victory lap, on our behalf, if they did release it. That's what really sucks.

It's obvious what's happening.

Like I've been saying they are playing the sands of time. The further this goes on, the less people will care.

I for one am almost as perplexed with how fast time has gone between gato's two articles vs. the substance of the articles.

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Same. I figured people would be rioting in the streets when children started dying. The apathy is just off the charts

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Yup. The apathy is infectious. I've had to fight it myself.

I just don't want these clowns to write the pages of history.

To me, at this point, I'm starting to believe that is our true objective.

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Sadly, I fear that "these clowns" have ALREADY rewritten "the pages of history".

We let them take control of our so-called 'education system' seventy years ago. And in so doing seem to have relinquished responsibility for raising our children. To the state.

Now we have several generations of "citizens" who have absolutely NO concept of how, (or even if), our governments are supposed to work. They were never taught, or even exposed to, the fundamental principles enshrined in the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. They have NO idea as to what freedom is, or was. Instead, many of the brainwashed victims of state indoctrination centers look to the the omnipresent, omnipotent state. For everything.

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I SO agree. I’m guilty. I was the perfect fool. I often lie in bed kicking myself for believing I was doing the right thing by being: a good citizen, sent my kids to school, worked, payed taxes, liberal minded modern woman Yay. Then this happened and now I live in the Twilight Zone and it’s scary as hell. Would I blue pill if I could? Never.

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Indeed. I was speaking with someone in rural, very red northern Wisconsin who told me his 17 yo grandson had no idea what the 4th of July was all about. He was never taught this in a county that went 75/25 for Trump.

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So sad

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Had a similar conversation with some young people at a community event last fall. In our very rural community. Sad.

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Homeschool… 23 years in and I have never regretted it! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

One thing I have changed in my homeschool this last couple of years is we now try to directly look at situations that are happening right in front of us… We talk through them, looking at both sides with my kids and then making a definite, rock solid opinion! Being wishy-washy is never good! I believe there was something said in the Good Book… Something about being Lukewarm… 🤢🤮

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And to make sure this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!

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Wishful thinking RG.

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There are a lot of reasons people are apathetic:

1. Children are seen as a burden, not a joy.

2. Humans are seen as a disease on the earth, so fewer humans are better

3. White humans are the worst humans, so really, anyone white is discouraged from reproducing with other whites.

4. Children are seen as unaffordable

I'd say number 2 is the biggest issue.

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No, that takes Walmart closings or cop shootings to spur that.

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People who die without confirmation of the cause allow for plausible deniability, but injured people will care, especially people rendered sterile. The fact it hasn't blown up yet isn't necessarily evidence of a lack of pressure.

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For sure. Spot on.

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Well if the birth figures decline far enough, fewer people will be here to care.

The "population control" is not new. It has over much of the later half of the 20th century through 2020 been forced to be subtle (not call it by name). A big part of "climate change' policy is about population reduction and control.

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Agree. I've said this before:

Perhaps the true objective (overtly or not) is to limit and/or tax bringing life into this world?

I can't imagine a more powerful form of control.

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Very possibly. Many dystopian novels postulate just such an intent.

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Especially with generative AI.

With the right training datasets it would hypothesize or prove every criminal conspiracy, every failed drug, failed policy, trade secret, revolving door, and every engineered coup imaginable.

They’re lying about the robot dogs being unleashed on us. They’re worried about robot gatos being unleashed on them.

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Saw numbers from Germany showing the same.

The guy who wrote the substack also looked at getting married numbers and saw that those are down a lot too. Might be another correlation to consider in this mess?

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That was my thought. Although I hadn't thought of the getting married numbers. I'm thinking this is either a crisis created by the shots, or a mental health crisis. Maybe there are a lot more people my age and younger that think like me, we have been become so disgusted by what we have seen the last 3 years that we don't want to bring children into this mess as well.

But at the same time, I think the elites would rather have the mass demoralization possible cause on the table and use it as an excuse to sell more medications, so the fact that they are not releasing the vax data tells me that it really is the shots.

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Please bring children into this mess. This is a multi-generational fight on our hands. Teach them virtue and to fight for truth. That's our only hope. Evil promoted itself slowly through our institutions; it will be a slow, painful process to unravel it.

Yes, they want us demoralized and feeling hopeless. Be the opposite.

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I don't disagree with what you're saying, but you do realize that first your children will hate you, because you deny them all the fun that their friends are having. Too many parents these days want to be their kids friends, not their parents.

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And who's to say your wife won't have the same problem as the kids? Husband is a stick in the mud and divorce you, take the kids and all the money you saved via sacrifice? You may as well become amish, because that is the only way you'll escape the crazy of what we talk about here each day.

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This man speaks truths.

Don't have heroes: be heroes.

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Yes, we need children. We need to start over.

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Children are a blessing from the Lord… Never forget that! 🙏🏽💖🙏🏽

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I mean they've been running a campaign to get men and women to hate each other for quite some time, along with very strong endorsement of everyone becoming gay or trans, along with locking down society for a year adding to the hatred, along with a crappy economy (BTW what makes you think those statistics aren't as doctored as covid stats?) So why is anyone surprised?

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The technology to coax a male stem cell to become an ovum which can then be fertilized by male sperm is already here. This is in part why we are seeing the war on women, the beauty and miracle of birth made to be an ugly selfish act, Save the Planet! The sacred role of women is slowly being transformed from nurturer to worker bee.

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Very good point... but also it would be good to see for how long have "married numbers" been down. I could speculate that people not getting officially married does not necessarily result in lower birth rates... But again, it is only speculation. We dhould seek the numbers.

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waere ich an meinem Computer gewesen anstelle vom Handy,

dann haette ich selbstverstaendlich auch den Link dabei gepackt.

denn richtig, the guy, that's you :)

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"Guy" gebe ich auch immer als mein präferiertes Pronomen an.

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I'm in Ohio, and I have a single stepson in his late 20s. He says dating is impossible now. Women who are in relationships are staying in them because times are uncertain. As for the other women out there... they are either too liberal or simply NPCs. Sad.

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I think it’s time to consider only committing to a woman if she is pregnant. About 25% of them are recently sterile. The program probably started years ago.

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Just to clarify, either partner could be damaged. It’s just that women are easier to sterilise unfortunately

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Women should be talking to each other about it but they seem to be in denial.

I hear "I had really bad periods and pain for a while after the vaccination ..." a lot. They should finish with "those bastards!"

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I have heard them talking about that, but like it is something minor...

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I'm hearing extremely heavy, off schedule, bleeding. Total red flag.

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Obvious red flag. But the biggest propaganda campaign in history yields fruits.

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I’m hearing of it from the young girls at work, my daughter from her friends. Irregular and no babies yet for those trying

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A friend of mine heard some ladies talking last year during shopping. They said they could not get a mammogram for at least 6-12 months after their shot because they would see “things” in the mammogram… Things?! 😳😳 What kind of things?! 😱😱😱 That would’ve freaked me out so bad! 😬😬😬

I wonder if breast cancer is increasing exponentially as well!? 😢

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Waiting for the JAMA article to come out arguing that, actually, men no longer find Swedish women that attractive, it’s science…

In seriousness, of course that won’t happen, they’ll just continue to ignore the issue and call for stripping the licenses of all of us who mention it…


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Sweden, which was on a slow track to cultural suicide before the plandemonium, is now speeding up on a generational suicide track. The really sad thing is that they initially had it right when they didn't participate in lockdowns or widespread masking - but then they bought into the toxic jab en masse.

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So I guess the take-away here is that if you value your fertility, don't take medical advice from snake oil salesmen or politicians. I'm not sure why people wouldn't have known that already.

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Naomi Wolf recently gave a speech at Hillsdale about the devastating effects of the vaccine on reproduction, particularly in North America and Western Europe. She calls it the greatest crime in the history of the world, and this sentiment is from someone who lost family members in the Holocaust. https://rumble.com/v2hpryu-naomi-wolf-whats-in-the-pfizer-documents.html

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They tried to cancel a UK politician Andrew Bridgen (actually suspended him from parliament for a while) for saying it was the worst thing since the holocaust. They are getting scared when they resort to such nonsense.

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Lol, I just posted the same thing! She was great!

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Thanks for highlighting this. These globalist bastards play a long game.

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Funny, last year, some of these countries required proof of jabs in order to participate in a polite society. Now, vax status is a privacy when someone got a heart attack. I'm wondering why!

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Coincidence mauvi. Sheer coincidence.

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You wouldn't have to do this if governments were interested in studying this data. The fact that they are pointedly and persistently NOT interested is a red flag to me.

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They just "believe" the data based on their preferred outcomes.

They could not care less about testing data.

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Assuming that "the data" is meaningful. I suspect that much of what is published is similar to political polling. Develop the desired conclusion, then fabricate the "data" to reach that conclusion.

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Agree Andy! Self reporting data by researchers demonstrates exactly what you're saying.

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They tried their hardest to get rid of any control group.

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Another red flag.

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You probably already answered this query, and if so, my bad for missing it. This type of negative outcome from mass vaccination could easily be attributed to malice and intent versus happenstance. Do you have a view on which one is more likely? I have begun to think the whole "plandemic" point of view is a bit of a stretch. I rather think it was just dumb, bad luck. Pfizer wants loot. The government wants power. The low energy path leads to massive negative outcomes for the hoi polloi. Later. Rince. Repeat.

The issue is, this will have awesome negative consequences going forward, regardless of if it was driven more by negligence than greed.

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They knew for some years prior to 2020 that in every attempt to use mRNA, the animals always died. My vote is malice forethought, Wiltster

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True on the long-term negative consequence. The Boomers don't have to worry about having doctors to take care of them, my generation is doing that. But it's my generation that won't have anybody to take care of us when we get old. I seriously doubt I'll make it into my '80s like my grandparents did.

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Yeah. Exactly. How do you ever return to baseline when, prior to covid, "replacement" was already barely high enough

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Take a look at Katherine Watt's Substack called Bailiwick News.

I'd also remind you of a concept called Nelsonian inference. When professionals who should know better decline to pursue critical lines of inquiry or examine important data that is otherwise standard in their field (e.g. reproductive toxicity studies), it's malice.

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I do not decry that there was malice from *some* of those involved. (I think Pfauci and Pfizer are evil, damned near to the core, along with much of the so-called public health apparatus.) I am simply less convinced of the malevolent-men-at-great-levers type of explanation. That is how I view the "plandemic" premise. I may not have properly communicated the nuance. Will definitely investigate Nelsonian Inference and consult Katherine Watt's substack. Thanks!

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Definitely malice. The security services don’t let all their global media assets simultaneously propagandise the world into taking an experimental and unnecessary treatment ‘by accident’. Same as the same media assets didn’t ‘accidentally’ tell the world saddam had wmd.

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I have told my unvaccinated teens, to make sure they marry unvaccinated people when they grow up

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Proof of fertility may be required (although some bio weapons can sterilise offspring, see ‘RNA gene drive’)

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this part and the children, i cant get over. appreciate it Gato, gotta keep badgering until it stops.

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It would be interesting to see if there was ethnic breakdown of the birth statistics. As we know, Sweden has benefitted from non-Nordic immigration for some time. In most developed countries, immigrants from LDC's tend to have higher fertility, especially in the immigrant generation.

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I think this would be important as the non-Nordic population in Sweden is now about 25%. Not too many years ago the most common name given to male babies in Malmö was Mohammad. I’ve read that non-Nordic’s were not so heavily vaxxed as Swedes. Together these two factors could cause the natality declines in Swedes to be much greater than Gato has demonstrated.

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Just posted about this before I saw your comment. In the UK we know ethnic blacks tended to avoid the clotshot in much larger numbers. Our politician overlords were pulling hairs as to how demonise these 'antivax' groups while at the same waving BLM flags, staying woke and kissing a** to their loyal voting base.

It was quite something to observe 😂

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I know some like to blame some single factor, but a confluence of greed, overconfidence, foolish group think, incompetence account for much - from the leak to the responses. OTOH, Mr Gates seems to have his fingers in way too many pies, maybe all four factors.

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"Sweden has benefited" - Maybe the imported folk help population grow but benefit might not be the right word.

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Benefitted how? And you are dead wrong about the nativity of immigants (non-whites). They breeed like ____. Negro women with 10 kids are not uncommon. Kids born here.

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Benefited? Only in terms of birth rates.

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So it appears that although Sweeden did not go for lockdowns or other covid craziness, they did go for the "vaccines". Shame...

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From the comments here, I glean that the Swedish have always leaned “ compliant”, so mandates were not necessary. I’m 25% Swedish, 25% Finnish... clearly Finnish stubbornness dominates! I watch the on going PSA’s from the CDC to get the latest better than ever Booster and I’m appalled at the verbal manipulation and veiled fear mongering.

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The Covid-jabs rode in on the coat-tails of the older vaccines (smallpox, lockjaw, measles, tuberculosis, polio) so most people 30-something or older assumed these jabs were on the up and up too.

Add to that the sickening propaganda where any questioning of the of official narrative was labeled "right-wing extrmist" and "Trump-supporter" (yes really, swedish regime-loyal media has been on a TDS-high á la 'The Young Turks' since 2016, still going strong too).

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Yes, pointing out that the Polio vaccine was in trials for 7 years made you a conspiracist. 🤦‍♀️

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Remind me why we're only looking at Sweden (only country with accessible data? Only country with no lockdown so less noise?). Trend would have to be replicated in many other countries to be vax related.

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seemed like the cleanest signal and has good data.


have looked at some others as well. other nordics also good data and little noise.

will update as time permits

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This austrian expat to Norway has some articles where he looks at Norway. You'll have to dig in his archive, as he is presently covering other issues.


You could also try looking at Peter Sweden's substack, I think he's glanced at the issue in Norway too?


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