Even seeing this unfold before my eyes, I have a cognitive bias against internalizing the significance. It really looks as if we are about to see a dramatic reduction in population and life expectancy, and there are three possibilities: total incompetence and venality, and doubling-down on stupid (for sure), intentional consent-free mass-experimentation (signs point to yes), the banality of technocratic evil (increasingly compelling). When EVERYTHING is headed this direction, from children sterilizing themselves for tiktok likes, to destroying farmland because weather, to an aggressive worldwide psy-op to force people to take a dangerous and worse-than-useless sterilizing and life-truncating medication, “oops” stops seeming as plausible as “Maybe there’s a plan here, and the people pushing this agenda figure they win either way.”
But who's the enemy? I think we all sorta know, or think we do, but without an obvious target - and a whole lot of suppressive fire - we're just shooting blind, wasting ammo.
To whom do we file this grievance?
Or stated differently: Who are we supposed to be shooting at?
Ultimately, it's Satan, his fallen angels and his highest-level human operatives, (most of whom have complete anonymity). The level of evil is so global and severe that it cannot be explained in the natural realm alone, IMHO. It appears this process began decades ago and was fully activated when the exotic technology to carry it out became available. The world is now run/controlled by the most malevolent people imaginable, and they are carrying out a program prophesied for thousands of years. Any other explanation simply doesn't account for all the evidence. The response must be primarily spiritual, not just physical, again IMHO.
What does it say "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" My faith is a muddled mess, but truth is truth.
There is hope to be found in Jesus. It is true what you remembered. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood". But remember Paul also says that "3For though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. 4The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor 10
There is a war being waged against your spirit, mind and body. The evil one wants it all. If he can't have your spirit he'll take your mind. If he can't have your mind, he'll attack your body. But know that it all begins with your spirit. The Living God, Jesus Christ, will set you free. Remember His words "He who commits sin is a slave to sin....but whoever The Son sets free is free indeed."
You are not destined to be a slave to sin but conquerors of it in the mighty name of Jesus! "For there is no other name under Heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved".
Do not fear. Rest in the arms of Christ. Repent of your sin, believe in Him, and you shall be saved. Rejoice. For your redemption draws near! Do not wait. The time for salvation is now!
May The Lord bless you and keep you. May you walk in righteousness.
Hmm. Your post is pretty hard for me to accept. "There is a war being waged against your spirit" you say. As a child, there was a war waged against my body. Despite all the time that has passed, that reality seems to override any other truth that I try to attach to. It is hard to understand a "Living God" that would allow that to happen, to happen continuously despite my desperate prayers that it would stop.
It is laughable to think that being 'set free' is in the cards now.
I hope this isn't your intent, but its hard not to think that your reply is somehow an invective against my honesty in admitting that my faith is muddled.
I am not a principality nor a power nor a leader or anything of the kind. I'm a person struggling to make what's left of my time here make a little sense. Just a little. Wouldn't your effort be more effective engaging with the thing we are supposed to struggle against as opposed to someone who dared to quote scripture?
i hope you can feel your faith bolstered by mine and that of others with high vibrations. this life and the bodies we inhabit are blips on the timeline. breathe into the present moment and remember that there are many who see the truth and are powerful beyond measure. see the path around the obstacle.
Repent and believe in Jesus Christ! He died for you! He was raised from the dead for you! "For there us no other name under Heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved".
Don't wait until it's too late to give your life to Christ! Make Him Lord of your life! He can only save the willing!
I've been commenting for a while that it's all very Satanic in a literal sense, and I have not had anyone disagree with me. And... if those people who are not particularly religious are seeing it too, that's a good sign IMHO.
We will all be forced to pick sides. And I'm afraid "the squishy middle" is playing for The Dark One, even if they don't know it.
I never considered myself religious, but you guys are making a lot more sense than the official narrative. Like you say, it's evil. I can't work out why so few can see it.
If you are open to the spiritual then you will understand what this verse from the Scriptures means: "12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Eph 6:12.
This has all been foretold! Over 2,000 years ago this was prophesied by the prophet Daniel and later by others. Revelation tells us this about the rulers and denizens of this age: "21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts."
Re 9:21.
That word "sorceries" is the word in greek PHARMAkon. You can see exactly how this scripture aligns with the world we are living in today. Moreover, the scriptures tell of a one world system that will be set up to bring about a one world leader called "The Man of Lawlessness". This man will cause all to be enslaved to his will. He will cause all to receive a mark, and without which no one on the whole earth will be able to buy and sell.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Re 13:16–17.
Ask yourself. How could a man 2000 years ago come up with a prophecy like this when even a hundred years ago people still had no idea how this could happen? It was ridiculed because "how can one man monitor the transactions of the entire planet"? And yet it, and almost all other prophecies in The Word of God have come to pass (save those yet to take place). It even talks about banning meat in "the last days".
4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth
1 Ti 4.
It talks of the famine and pestilence in the last days. All of it has been foretold!
And the most important thing is that Christ the savior died for you. We all stand condemned, guilty sinners before a Holy God. But know "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved"! Ro 10:9
It's never too late! He saved and redeemed me, and He can do the same for you too! All who call on His name shall be saved! Repent and believe! Peace be with you. God bless you!
Interesting, yes I am definitely open to spirituality. I learned more about Jesus on a ten day meditation retreat than any of the stuff I got as a kid. There seems to be a universal truth at the bottom of at least Buddhism and Christianity which are the only two religions I know past the most basic stuff. I find blind faith a bit difficult though.
JD Farag is a pastor in Hawaii that has been discussing the vax & prophecy for some time, especially in early January of this year. In the last days will be a great deception. The last days started when Israel became a nation again in 1948.
Thank you John. I've been saying this from day one. Human action alone will not win this fight. I have posted a simple prayer to say every day up until Christmas. Try it and you'll be surprised what it can do.
I have been saying this novena since the beginning of December and hope and pray that my prayers will be heard and my desires granted...an end to this fake pandemic and any requirements for people to take mRNA shots, the truth about the dangers of the shots and all vaccines be exposed and believed, and punishment for those responsible for inflicting this evil upon the world so that the children may be saved...may God hear and answer us, Amen.
Well yeah. I think that although many of us have differing opinions on the details the general form of evil is unmistakable.
We are in a battle for the soul of our nation, as the president said, and ultimately for the soul of the world. Although as the Apostle says we do not love the world or the things of the world, at the same time there is a difference between Judeo-Christian Western Civilization and the Worship of Power, Darkness, Perversion, and Death which has risen up so powerfully.
The enemy seeks to drag us back to the darkness that covered the ancient world, where we might well say life was nasty, brutish, and short. And for themselves they seek transhuman immortality, through neurolink, and AI, and other such nonsense, a digital fantasyland where they can cast off the ties between themselves and the Creator and remake themselves in their own image.
And yes, the only answer to this evil is the One God who did not seek to be above humanity but descended to be a man, not just a person but a man. Not a man of means or great intelligence or charisma but a homeless man who His own family thought was crazy, not a choice most of us would make. He joined not merely the poor but the criminal class, He was on the lam while He was still on the tit, from an infanticidal king who I can picture much easier now than I could in 2019. He was accused of mis, dis, and malinformation by a government that could not deal with His out of the box noncompliance, by His refusal to play the game. And in the most classic mass formation psychosis of all time the same ones who cried, 'Hosanna to the Son of David' on Sunday cried 'Crucify Him' on Friday. It all feels so much nearer to our world than it used to.
Whatever anyone says, there is only One God in any Pantheon who knows what it is like to have His back against the wall, One God who has been the underdog, One God who has been rejected by society, rejected by religion, forsaken by all men, and BTW faced down the Experts and the Lawyers, and the Bankers, and the Dark Power behind them, fought them in a way they could not comprehend, used Lefthanded Power(as Martin Luther put it, who perhaps knew best of all men how to wield His Master's power to topple evil in high places), conquered the strong by weakness, the rich by poverty, the wise by foolishness, and the winners by losing, that He might be mightily with the weak, the poor, the foolish Losers every time the Enemy came after us again.
The evil that's happening, Christ & others have and are warning ⚠️ us about but it's 24/7 and so to stay sane, I shut off the news ect but honestly it's non stop.
I just heard that a sixty year old woman was killed by a hit & run driver. Ppl did not even stop!!!
You are absolutely right brother! Continue to cast seeds in this dying world! Praise The Lord for He is sending laborers for the harvest! Continue toiling my dear brother. Your reward will be great in Heaven! Blessed are those who are persecuted for His namesake! Our Lord told us "If they hate you know that they first hated Me". AMEN!
Great is the trial set before us but greater still the reward! May The Lord Jesus Christ - Emmanuel, The One True God, El Shaddai - bless you and strengthen what remains of His beloved Church. You are bond servant of The Living God! You toil not in vain! You are loved! You are made strong in your weakness by His grace which is sufficient for you. Dear brother, take heart for our redemption draws near!
Praise His name! Keep running the race! Until we can finally have rest in His arms. God bless you! Go into all the earth and spread the good news of the Lord who became flesh that we might be saved! Hallelujah! :)
Yes, as John H noted just now, the enemy is The Enemy. In a world where objective moral evil is denied existence, it amazes me to continually find people making moral claims. However, there is TRUTH:
2000 years ago The God-Man stated He was “the way, the truth, and the life” and many other things most of His contemporaries could not hear. Today most still cannot bear to hear His Truth, they hate His Voice, because they hate Him! Never have we beheld such widespread global evil - man arrogantly seeking to alter life (GMO!) and become his own god. The WEF idiots who think they will transcend, merge with computers or whatever, and wish to eliminate us ... they are so deeply deceived by the Enemy and seek to draw all humanity along.
I confess I cheated, I read through the end of The Book. [spoiler alert!] God is triumphant, evil is cast into the lake of fire.
Eastern Orthodox services are still 90 percent or so singing--all but the sermon and, at my church, at least, the creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the prayer before communion.
Exactly. Everything tptb are doing is Satanic. They never mention Jesus Christ when they tell us what they intend to do, even though their entire program usurps the Will of God and His dominion over the earth. Schwab/Harari and their ilk now openly blaspheme by claiming powers equal to and greater than God and they are not publicly challenged when doing so. This degree of global moral depravity, IMHO, has never been witnessed before, and according to Christ, will never be again (Matt. 24:21-22).
Schwab/Harari (WEF Davos) evil beyond the imagination. It seems there are many more mims than we ever thought. Mim = mimic = human mimic = homo sapiens mimicus = psykopats.
I was thinking about this earlier when reading another Substack. I was like, someone should hold the media accountable but who? Can't ask the government to hold the media accountable for covering up what the government is doing? What a mess!
Isn't it an interesting coincidence that so many of the rabid jabbers, such as Bill Gates, also happen to be neo-Malthusian true believers?
And that nearly all, if not all, are zealously in favor of the human-destroying policies you mention, and many more besides?
F.A. Hayek, in his eponymous 1944 book *The Road to Serfdom*, in chapter 10, "Why the Worst Rise to the Top", describes in detail how the more powerful the government, the more it attracts sociopaths and expels the sane.
Nearly eight decades later, I believe we have come to the logical and full fruition of his prediction: The formerly free world taken over by a cabal of all-powerful governments run by the clinically, criminally insane.
Truly, the inmates now control the asylum.
I don't know how we can reverse this, but am certain that if we cannot, these people will be our undoing.
I have been of that opinion for some time now. The data from the last 3 years validated it.
Reversal will come and it will be "biblical" when it does. I doubt we will see it coming. The central actors surely will not as they think they have already enslaved mankind.
Buy guns and ammo while you can. Ammo is nearing a 5 year low as far as price, following a tripling that took place just before the ‘Rona made its appearance. I expect it to be the apocolypse currency. “If I can’t buy it from you with bullets, I can certainly take it from you with them.” - Me
If you don’t wind up “needing” it, the range is a great place to relieve tension and have loud fun.
Odd that so many states are trying to override the recent Heller and New York Pistol rulings from the Supreme Court.
"The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - when the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees.
However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once."
~ Judge Alex Kozinski, dissenting in Silveira v. Lockyer, 328 F.3d 567 (9th Circuit 2003)
"As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities."
~ Voltaire
For decades I have seen the culmination of a century of progressive "education" and leftist State propaganda infantilize and essentially lobotomize large swaths of the population, creating a gigantic squabbling herd of supine gullible morons who will literally believe anything, no matter how absurd, and rabidly advocate the suppression, incarceration, and even destruction of those who refuse to accept nonsense.
My contempt for the great unwashed, always high, has in the last three years surpassed even perhaps the level of H. L. Mencken.
Having read William L. Shirer's *Rise and Fall of the Third Reich* and other tomes on totalitarian leftism (redundant?), for years I've understand on an intellectual level how a once purportedly civilized nation could descend into tyranny and barbarism.
Horrifyingly, that understanding has now become personal and visceral.
I live in the People's Republic of California, where the mob just re-elected, by a substantial margin, a leftist totalitarian governor who treated a state of 40 million souls as if it were his personal prison labor camp, based on transparently fraudulent "science", and in blatant violation of the rule of law and common human decency.
And, of course "81 million" "elected" Jacobin Joe Biden, an utterly corrupt pathological liar doing everything in his power to accelerate the descent of the US into one of those Third World "Shithole Countries" the Orange Menace was so fond of mentioning.
We have completely lost our way, and are truly in deep trouble as a nation and society.
I don't disagree with your assessment. I just suspect that that the money powers have over played their hand. Time is short but their haste will be their undoing.
Haste, and the final debasement of the dollar, 98% of the value of which the USG has inflated away, and the resultant loss of reserve currency status, which has been well underway for some time and is accelerating.
We have reached the point in the American Empire that has happened again and again throughout history, where a society's elites become so arrogant and stupid they have no idea what made the empire possible.
Jacobin Joe and his band of merry socialists are arguably the dumbest, most hubristic "leaders" in our history.
The petrodollar has allowed the USG to spend far beyond its means for a very long time by exporting inflation globally. Every fiat currency in history has collapsed, and when this inevitable fate befalls the USD, the resulting shitstorm will truly be something to behold.
As ever, timing is uncertain. What is certain, however, is that Leviathan will not go quietly into the night.
"exporting inflation globally." - Few understand this.
"resulting shitstorm" - Beginning about now as we see the rise in debt service that demands cuts to things people depend on. Devaluation is necessary to abrogate the debt, worldwide. A lot of people will be very, very mad.
I for one couldn’t figure out why certain government bureaucrats were placed in powerful positions until I discovered it’s because they use blackmail to get ahead.
A female Dean of a large University Education department told me how she got her job because the outgoing female Dean used some rules to subvert the requirements for a transparent hiring practices. She’s a typical leftist who supports man made climate change politics while she is only too happy to get someone else to provide for her to jet around the world to ‘conferences’ which could have easily been handled via Zoom. All of her big trips are like a bragging rights for her. Government bureaucrats and politicians also abuse travel and go to wasteful conferences. These are perks that they clamored for in addition to taking trips in to war zones like Ukraine so they don’t have to pay taxes. All you have to do is step foot in a war zone and you dot have to pay taxes for that month. That’s why they book their trips for the end of the month so they can claim two months by simply arriving on the last day and departing on the first day. They also get hefty per diems that they can pocket along with travel miles, extra. The big wig routinely book trips to Europe at Christmas time so they can enjoy the festive atmosphere, shop and dine. Who wouldn't want to take a trip to Germany during Octoberfest on Uncle Sam’s dime?
I wish you had not reminded me "the more powerful the government, the more it attracts sociopaths". I think we have arrived. Worse little accountability. Much of it comes via the money Gates provided to capture nearly every health organization including the government ones.
Now take a look at fertility trends by country after The Pill was licensed in the 1970s.
Great natural experiment b/c different countries rolled that out at slightly different times, so you can see the dominoes fall year by year around the globe.
That dwarfs this completely.
The voluntary / involuntary difference here is of course a huge ethical issue.
But on a society wide basis (what does a country look like when it has unnaturally few babies), we've already been living with that altered reality so long that the only people who can really remember how society looks with "normal" fertility are moving into Memory Care Homes as we speak.
I have a lot of conflicting feelings about the pill (and hormonal birth control in general). Physiologically and energetically (meaning on the mental, emotional, spiritual planes), I think it is detrimental. I see it as a dangerous and destructive drug. However, I am 100% in support of women taking control of their fertility, and I recognize that barrier methods and hormonal cycle tracking are not as easy. This is the only situation where women are choosing between putting themselves at odds with their bodies or at odds with their intentions, and that's a difficult position to be in. "Normal" fertility made womens worlds feel pretty small a lot of the time; wealthy women always hired or indentured poor women to nurse and raise their babies for them.
The pill has wreaked havoc on children and wildlife. Fish have been born with both sex organs for a while now and the boys just aren’t masculine the way they used to be.
My best guess is that the transgenderism uptick is a social contagion primarily affecting young women and is caused by a combination a predatory for profit medicalization industry with harmful TikTok videos, influencers and trans promoters who actively reach out to these People, LGBTQ radical gender theory ‘educators’ in school, media and leadership - Diversity, Inclusion & Equity operatives, along with the victimhood promoted by critical race theory. All of the above promote an environment that rewards via social credit for transitioning to transgendered status. As far as the predatory quacks they get huge profits. Planned parenthood is the largest seller of cross sex hormones. Some parents seem to be suffering from munchausen by proxy. Others are victims of powerful malignant narcissists exploiting and abusing children, parents, and others due to the wholesale corruption and callousness of leftists in charge of government, media, institutions.
I don’t believe there is an increase in homosexuals or homosexual transexuals. Transvestites might increase due to other factors like the greater availability of deviant pornography and the upswing in narcissism.
The history of hormonal BC drugs has a certain parallel. Many women were permanently altered as a result. It was a "choice" but in many cases the risk information was not provided - or mis-presented. It was sold, hard, as "safe and effective" without full disclosures. So while it was voluntary, it wasn't really an informed choice for many women.
We see a similar case with the vaccines. Even without mandates, many people flocked to the vaccine because it was sold as safe, effective and of great benefit (immunity to what was pitched as the scariest disease since creation). Still the true risk information is being suppressed. And may people are making the choice without being well informed of the risks and risk/benefit tradeoff.
I am not sure a lot of people even recognize that any of their issues are related to hormonal birth control. I think it has some subtle mental effects that aren't acknowledged.
That may be true. I was thinking about the very overt, not subtle effects which are clearly hormonal due to permanent alteration of hormones. My wife is one of those victims. She had no regular cycle after, and was unable to ovulate without introducing more hormone therapy (it took several years of trying different ones before it worked). She's had a plethora of endocrinological issues throughout her life as a direct result. Again nothing subtle.
It is becoming quite clear that many women are misdiagnosed as type II diabetic who are in fact insulin intolerant which is a malfunctioning endocrine system. It seems equally clear hormonal treatments messing with the endocrine system are likely factors. I've found some research that has shown connections, but this line of inquiry is unpopular. kind of a trend in medicine - explaining why things happen seems less popular than figuring out what drug we can use to treat the symptoms.
Still the hormone based BC is pushed hard by "the science". Google "side effects" and you'll find lot's of "advice" that going OFF birth control pills can be dangerous, and serious understatement of the risks of using it.
Gosh if I were prone to believe in vast organized conspiracies, I'd think this too was part of the culling of the human race conspiracy ;-). Of course I am not one of those "kooks". I know such levels of organization are unlikely from such a disorganized and chaotic race (humans).
Interesting post by another stacker recently, not sure it might have been @igorchudov that was about how women on the pill are attracted to lower testosterone, lessasculine men, and the pill also seems to increase incidence of lesbianism
With apology for repeating something I saw someplace else, taking medical advice from people who think the world is overpopulated is a losing proposition.
Adding to the desire to deny and look the other way is the observation that many of the people and organizations who are now shouting so loudly about the need to vaccinate children have a history of advocating negative population growth. Deepening the desire to hide my head in the sand is observing that most political versions of "science", e.g. climate change litany, come back to the need to reduce the human population. There is a pattern.
Why specifically mRNA? My wife succumbed to the pressure and got J&J late 2021. What followed was a miscarriage two months later and hasn't been able to get pregnant since.
The other thing is they pretty quickly tried to get the use of Astra Zeneca and J&J down and basically pushed the mRNAs and the fact that China didn’t use the mRNA. It’s just creepy.
Also, the NIH and Moderna share a patent on the mRNA tech. That's why I believe Fauci was touting Moderna very early, within one week of the news coming out of China.
It's quite the coincidence that they had a vaccine for COVID ready to go to production a few weeks after they realized they had a Genuine Unwasted Crisis on their hands.
It's almost as if they knew the formulation of COVID right out of the chute.
I remember when they announced how soon the vax would be ready, and I said to my wife "How do they already know the viral sequence? The virus supposedly has not been isolated and cultured yet?" That's when I researched and read about the Wuhan lab. They had written MANY articles over many years in prestigious journals boasting about creating chimeric coronaviruses. The whole fiasco is hiding in plain sight for anyone who does any research.
Well I'm thinking the whole operation (warp$$$$) had to be on at least a 3 year timeline before the jabs hit the market in Dec 2020. It is just WAY too complex to design, procure, manufacture worldwide, transport and distribute worldwide, make the special refrigerators and refrigerated trucks, etc. So yes all the pieces were in place ahead of time.
Yes. So fast on the original, but not especially quick on keeping up with the variants. Another thing that makes that story smell tainted in retrospect.
Yeah St Fauci and Big Bill invested heavily in Moderna in late 2019 if I remember correctly, funny how they have been trying to make an mRNA vaccine for anything for 10 years and could never make it past animal trials because of mortality and ineffectiveness. I guess 40th time is the charm...
they have realised that their birth rate has dropped too low, and they don't want to reduce fertility further.
Not sure what the welding doors shut in burning buildings is all about. But they are nuts. Remember when they killed all the sparrows and started a famine? Nutters.
They are convinced both COVID and the Vaccines are US bioweapons and like the junior partner in any nefarious plot they are very suspicious of the senior partner?
Idea here: Direct from Wuhan doctors and scientists:
Covid Spike can attack egg cells. Difference between controlling a population and having a population decimated by inability to reproduce. They probably know (or acknowledge) something we don't.
The mRNA was supposed to stay in the arm, but a Japanese study showed it didn't. No idea if the adenovirus vaccines did actually stay in the arm as intended.
And there's the question of whether the injections are all the same, in different batches.
The mRNA itself should not be dangerous in the bloodstream. If it's encased in the lipid coating, then it's inert, and if it's loose, it's probably attacked and destroyed quickly. But if it's transfected into the cell as is the program, then it becomes malicious code that subverts the cell machinery to create the spike proteins, which are harmful.
And it’s also the antibodies created in response to spike. Spike looks like some human proteins and there is the possibility of vax induced autoimmune attack.
Sorry to hear about your struggles. Pray to Our Lady of LaLeche? Visit her shrine in St. Augustine? Do FLCCC or CHD docs/pros have any suggestions to detoxify?
Do we ask the guy who discovered the way to make your body produce spike proteins how to turn it off? No way. Look for doctors who spent their lives treating real patients not poking at lab animals.
The J&J also induces cells to produce the spike protein, so it carries the potential risk for autoimmunity as well. Have you considered the FLCCC post injection protocols?
We have a great life apart from this fact. So I believe there are others that might need it more.
That being said, it is a sweet gesture and I have no reason to deny it. Just so you know, I am an atheist and my wife is a Buddhist. I will leave it up to you to decide if that makes a difference.
I have a distant relative by marriage, in his 70s, who came down with creeping paralysis of the diaphragm (breathing muscle) sometime in the second half of 2021. Now cannot breathe unassisted.
Doctors think it's some kind of mystery autoimmune problem but have no real diagnosis, cause, or treatment plan.
This formerly active sportsman will likely die sedated on a ventilator as his capacity to move his lungs on his own fades away.
Sounds like ALS. It comes in many forms. And is almost certainly an autoimmune disease. Family member had ALS; very active sportsperson. My guess is environmental causes. Toxins in the local area? Many jabs over the years (more than most people due to travel)?
I just attended a 53 year old woman's funeral three weeks ago. Was perfectly healthy, started showing symptoms of an ALS like disease around April. By June, she could not walk up or down stairs. By August she was bedridden. The last few weeks she couldn't talk. I'm certain she was vaxxed but did not ask. This is what makes the depopulation agenda so crisp. Aside from the increases in all cause mortality, there is no way to prove that it was the shot that killed her. She left behind to school aged kids and a husband. Very sad, and I'm afraid this will be the "new normal".
I think this is some of it. That’s why we should ask people instead of just looking at numbers. Increase in fertility related care would help differentiate.
these are real questions: the problem that this nihilism haven't started until "end" of pandemic / beginning of ukrainian war. So this year. Why do you see a signal of birth drop 9 months after quakcination and already in the beginning of 2022? No one was in nihilism that time.
My son has tried to convince me that Bill Gates is not some maniacal guy. I told him you don’t go from talking about depopulation to touting forcing people to vaccinate with an untested biotech. Pretty obvious the vaccine isn’t for peoples health if his goal is to actually depopulate!
No, not individually. We'll just wind up with more state control. People as groups need to take to the streets. We're getting there.
The best idea is to racialize this like the left does... Find a black child injured or sterilized and "say her name". If left-wing political violence isn't a problem, that shouldn't be an issue for the Democrats that pushed this.
🤣OMG... I was just thinking of that the other day. In the midst of the end of the internet due to Elon, I was thinking, "uh, I thought net neutrality already killed the interwebs". I really hope that someone more diligent to me is recording all of the things memory-holed.
I’ve noticed a trend where I live where young couples are delaying marriage, deciding early on to not bring children into the world. They use any extra funds on travel, friend gatherings, and shower their extra love onto their pets - treat them like kids. When I bring up the subject of babies, they have no interest. Not only is it tough enough to meet their own living expenses (let alone an extra) they tell me, they have a kind of doomsday attitude about the world - global warming, over population, fear of the next pandemic. They tell me they wouldn’t consider bringing a child into this. Yikes - it’s depressing - well to me. They seem fine enough, resigned or adapted. My generation typically married and had kids if they could. I don’t know one young couple under 35 yrs planning or wanting a family. Maybe this is just where I live
"I’ve noticed a trend where I live where young couples are delaying marriage, deciding early on to not bring children into the world. They use any extra funds on travel, friend gatherings, and shower their extra love onto their pets"
The pretend it's about "a cruel world blah 3x" but, as noted elsewhere, I really see it just as you report it: They're selfish.
I would fall into your category of not having children, but having a pet. Too old to reconsider having kids these days. Fact is I just don't particularly like kids and never wanted them since I was young. I see someone else saying it's selfish, but I doubt bringing an unwanted child into the world would be in anyone's best interest, least of all the kid.
It does not. I was just agreeing with @Sanwish that, " young couples are delaying marriage, deciding early on to not bring children" and, Sanwish notes, that might have just pushed us over the tipping point.
Interesting. I don’t know the Swedish laws regarding abortion, but if birth rates are down related to vaxx-fertility issues then abortion rates should also be down. Is that obtainable information?
Swedish law on abortion, in short, is "if the woman says so" up until week 18. From then on it needs to be a medical emergency. More than 50% of all abortions are before week 9.
Last year, 33 700 abortions were carried out. If those children-to-be hadn't been terminated, the dip in fertility Gato is seeing wouldn't exist.
Edit: just checked in Socialstyrelsens public database. On average since 1985 there's 30 000 abortions per year, and there's no dip during the Covid years.
Rikard, there could be some confounding factors here that perhaps you can help sort out. Sweden is well-known to use monetary rewards for reproduction. Was there, perhaps, a lowering of the amount of child support that may have caused “birth hesitancy?” Also, due to its extreme immigration policies Sweden is now a 2 culture country. Is there any data available to show if the one culture or the other is seeing an outsized drop in births? Is there a difference in vax rates between those two cultures?
1) Child support from state wasn't changed, no. Nor anything else of the same group of potential factors, such as parental leave pay or availability of kindergarten or such.
"Monetary rewards for reproduction" I take to mean state child support (barnbidrag).
2) Data pertaining nation and people of origin is collected and exists, but is not publicly available.
Initially, vaccination rates among non-white and non-asian migrants was reported as alarmingly low (about 30% of adults/1 shot), but when that issue then led into the greater migration/population change-debate it was taken out back and shot by the media, so to speak.
China dropped its one child law in 2015 because they realized their population was going to collapse. Early in the “pandemic” there was publicized fear that women and girls would lose access to reproductive “care” because of lockdowns. From WaPo we see “Unfortunately, it’s too early to have empirical evidence of any large-scale upticks in pregnancies,” UNFPA spokesman Eddie Wright said of the agency’s global data. “We won’t see any covid-caused births for several months yet.” This is from an article July 15, 2020, so a severe decline in birth rates is a surprise to the abortion/population control activists at the UN.
Or, young people are so psychologically traumatized by this whole fear-mongering and pressuring to get jabbed, stay at home, distance, etc. government thing (which happened in Sweden, too) that they don't want to bring a new child into this ugly new world...
There was plenty of news stories during the height of the pandemic lambasting Sweden and its citizens for their "reckless indifference" to the pandemic. Life was not normal but people went to bars, restaurants and shopped etc.
I'm of the opinion that the greatest and worst impact of wearing masks 24/7/365/forever, especially on the young 'uns, is that there are millions of unseen smiles that would have led to first kisses leading to crazy mad love, and so on, were lost to ... getting the votes to work out right.
But I think Climate Change - or was it Net Neutrality? I keep getting all my apacolypses confused - has already traumatized them into "not brining an innocent child into this horrible world (That we enjoy on our own just fine, than you, without any snot-nosed crumb snatchers underfoot)" from an early age.
So I think you're on the right track. It just wasn't The Government Response to COVID, or even the disease itself, that brought them here. But it did make them ripe for compliance and enforcement.
Could be but this is Swedish data so while they likely were not as social, they didn't experience much of the trauma most of the western youth experienced.
However, coupled with your observation which could lead to fewer births even in Sweden, I wonder if their economy plays a role in this sudden. I expect that the decline seen in 2011 was due to a huge downturn in the Swedish economy.
Don't forgett that we in Sweden have our childhood stolen. The climatescam almost has it's origin here. It affects people menthal health and future plans for family.
You don't need to think far ahead to not have children during economic downturns. Every economic downturn has led to decreased birth rates. The reason for this could be stress brought about by the downturn - divorces are higher when people are having financial issues, people can't enjoy life as much etc.
The glaring hole in this theory is that young people still like to do the deed.. and when their hormones are raging, they aren't typically thinking about contraception.
There are always unintended pregnancies but many are planned. If it were solely up to libido, there would not have been a huge dip in 2011 when the economy soured. Also note that stress
which increases during financial downturns plays a role in decreasing libido ie. people can not party as much or can't afford to travel etc.
It would also be interesting to know if Swedish immigrants/racial minorities have lower vaccination rates compared to native Swedes (as is the case in the UK, for example) and if Yes compare the birth rates between the two groups.
If vaccine is the culprit behind low birth rates it will mean the numbers are even LOWER for native white populations, and the overall numbers are being propped up by immigrant (unvaxxed) births. Only a hypothesis but too important to not look into.
Might I put forth a 3rd possibility? Perhaps some people are no longer willing to bring children in to this world. I am not condoning, supporting nor judging such an attitude, just speculating and noodling on the idea.
In Scotland, they said they wouldn't investigate the baby deaths by mothers' vax status as they are too scared of the truth:
From The Herald last month:
"In a statement, PHS added that there was also a risk that “identifying the vaccination status of the mothers, even at aggregate level, would result in harm to those individuals and others close to them, through actual or perceived judgement of the effects of their personal vaccination decision”.
Furthermore “the outcomes of such analysis, whilst being uninformative for public health decision making, had the potential to be used to harm vaccine confidence at this critical time”.
The decision came to light after the Herald on Sunday obtained internal emails and reports under freedom of information tracking the PHS response, with one email dated November 24 2021 stating: “We do not have any plans to examine maternal vaccination status, as there is no public health reason to do so”.
"In a statement, PHS added that there was also a risk that “identifying the vaccination status of the mothers, even at aggregate level, would result in harm to those individuals and others close to them, through actual or perceived judgement of the effects of their personal vaccination decision”.
These were the same people who would get the news of anyone unvaxxed dying of covid to the top of literally every news bulletin precisely in order to pressure the unvaxxed based on "actual or perceived judgement of the effects of their personal vaccination decision." Scotland has one of the most close minded politically controlled bureaucracies and civil society of anywhere in the world.
I've looked at the data for Norway. There is definitely a bump in heart issues in 2021. A few hundred excess cases in a country of 5mill. So not a huge percentage of the vaccinated, but a significant percent increase in the total number of cases.
While I appreciate the attempt of this article to remain open minded, let's be real. This entire episode that we've endured over the past almost three years was a planned event meant to bring the world's masses into line by all available means possible. The available means being employed are biologic, economic, societal and nutritional.
Biological means in terms of the gene therapy ("Vaccine") being the source of increased morbidity (especially among the young age groups) and a decrease in global birthrates (as this article has well laid out the evidence for)
Economic means in terms of a systematic destruction of the "owner/operator" (small business) strata of the global economy.
Societal in terms of the elimination of group gatherings and restricted travel, both resulting in forced isolation of the population (Control by Separation)
Nutritional in terms of the elimination of privately owned farm land in the Netherlands resulting in a reduction of food stock... BTW... Fun Fact: the Netherlands is the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural goods, behind only the United States, and its exports in that sector totaled roughly 105 billion euros in 2021 alone. On this note... It would be interesting to know how many "Corporate" nitrogen producers are being forced to submit to buyout and closure...??
That farm buyout story is bigger than people realize. Same with Gates buying farmland in the US. There are big plans lurking beyond their planned famine.
Absolutely... and you know it! The tragedy in all of this is that if the powers that would be (read Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc) have their way, then the majority of people aren't going to realize what's happened until they're staring at the plate full of bugs sitting in front of them on the kitchen table.
Fertility rates seem to have dropped in Australia between 67 and 71%. This is going to be hard to reverse, especially with a damaged population. Children Of Men was a documentary.
Yes, I've been watching that page for a few months and it seemed that 2022 was fairly normal vs the past few years and then October had a huge spike. Now November as well - which seems odd.
Deaths, on the other hand shows a consistent increase across 2022 vs previous years
Devil's advocate, could some of birth rate decrease be to general despair, I know I've got serious concerns about the state of the world my teens will be inheriting. Certainly not all of the effect. What do swedish depression/suicide figures look like in relation to other countries?
From World Population Review, which pulls its data from official sources:
"In 2019, Sweden had 14.7 suicides per 100,000 people."
The tale about our "very high" suicide rate is from the 1960s, and hasn't been true since then. Not that it isn't a problem, but it's nowhere near what urban legends would have you believe.
Your analysis focusses on the primary series of injections. Could it be that the continued low birth rate is a consequence of boosters? In other words, the effect is temporary for most people if they stop getting the jabs? Any way to approximate a booster effect from the data you have available?
Even seeing this unfold before my eyes, I have a cognitive bias against internalizing the significance. It really looks as if we are about to see a dramatic reduction in population and life expectancy, and there are three possibilities: total incompetence and venality, and doubling-down on stupid (for sure), intentional consent-free mass-experimentation (signs point to yes), the banality of technocratic evil (increasingly compelling). When EVERYTHING is headed this direction, from children sterilizing themselves for tiktok likes, to destroying farmland because weather, to an aggressive worldwide psy-op to force people to take a dangerous and worse-than-useless sterilizing and life-truncating medication, “oops” stops seeming as plausible as “Maybe there’s a plan here, and the people pushing this agenda figure they win either way.”
What’s that old saying... once is happenstance. twice is coincidence. three times is enemy action.
But who's the enemy? I think we all sorta know, or think we do, but without an obvious target - and a whole lot of suppressive fire - we're just shooting blind, wasting ammo.
To whom do we file this grievance?
Or stated differently: Who are we supposed to be shooting at?
Ultimately, it's Satan, his fallen angels and his highest-level human operatives, (most of whom have complete anonymity). The level of evil is so global and severe that it cannot be explained in the natural realm alone, IMHO. It appears this process began decades ago and was fully activated when the exotic technology to carry it out became available. The world is now run/controlled by the most malevolent people imaginable, and they are carrying out a program prophesied for thousands of years. Any other explanation simply doesn't account for all the evidence. The response must be primarily spiritual, not just physical, again IMHO.
What does it say "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" My faith is a muddled mess, but truth is truth.
That passage from Ephesians 6:12 is so timely, as are so many more now.
There is hope to be found in Jesus. It is true what you remembered. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood". But remember Paul also says that "3For though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. 4The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor 10
There is a war being waged against your spirit, mind and body. The evil one wants it all. If he can't have your spirit he'll take your mind. If he can't have your mind, he'll attack your body. But know that it all begins with your spirit. The Living God, Jesus Christ, will set you free. Remember His words "He who commits sin is a slave to sin....but whoever The Son sets free is free indeed."
You are not destined to be a slave to sin but conquerors of it in the mighty name of Jesus! "For there is no other name under Heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved".
Do not fear. Rest in the arms of Christ. Repent of your sin, believe in Him, and you shall be saved. Rejoice. For your redemption draws near! Do not wait. The time for salvation is now!
May The Lord bless you and keep you. May you walk in righteousness.
Hmm. Your post is pretty hard for me to accept. "There is a war being waged against your spirit" you say. As a child, there was a war waged against my body. Despite all the time that has passed, that reality seems to override any other truth that I try to attach to. It is hard to understand a "Living God" that would allow that to happen, to happen continuously despite my desperate prayers that it would stop.
It is laughable to think that being 'set free' is in the cards now.
I hope this isn't your intent, but its hard not to think that your reply is somehow an invective against my honesty in admitting that my faith is muddled.
I am not a principality nor a power nor a leader or anything of the kind. I'm a person struggling to make what's left of my time here make a little sense. Just a little. Wouldn't your effort be more effective engaging with the thing we are supposed to struggle against as opposed to someone who dared to quote scripture?
i hope you can feel your faith bolstered by mine and that of others with high vibrations. this life and the bodies we inhabit are blips on the timeline. breathe into the present moment and remember that there are many who see the truth and are powerful beyond measure. see the path around the obstacle.
Repent and believe in Jesus Christ! He died for you! He was raised from the dead for you! "For there us no other name under Heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved".
Don't wait until it's too late to give your life to Christ! Make Him Lord of your life! He can only save the willing!
God bless you!
Well said John. You're right on the money. This is a spiritual battle. No doubt about it.
I've been commenting for a while that it's all very Satanic in a literal sense, and I have not had anyone disagree with me. And... if those people who are not particularly religious are seeing it too, that's a good sign IMHO.
We will all be forced to pick sides. And I'm afraid "the squishy middle" is playing for The Dark One, even if they don't know it.
I never considered myself religious, but you guys are making a lot more sense than the official narrative. Like you say, it's evil. I can't work out why so few can see it.
If you are open to the spiritual then you will understand what this verse from the Scriptures means: "12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Eph 6:12.
This has all been foretold! Over 2,000 years ago this was prophesied by the prophet Daniel and later by others. Revelation tells us this about the rulers and denizens of this age: "21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts."
Re 9:21.
That word "sorceries" is the word in greek PHARMAkon. You can see exactly how this scripture aligns with the world we are living in today. Moreover, the scriptures tell of a one world system that will be set up to bring about a one world leader called "The Man of Lawlessness". This man will cause all to be enslaved to his will. He will cause all to receive a mark, and without which no one on the whole earth will be able to buy and sell.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Re 13:16–17.
Ask yourself. How could a man 2000 years ago come up with a prophecy like this when even a hundred years ago people still had no idea how this could happen? It was ridiculed because "how can one man monitor the transactions of the entire planet"? And yet it, and almost all other prophecies in The Word of God have come to pass (save those yet to take place). It even talks about banning meat in "the last days".
4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth
1 Ti 4.
It talks of the famine and pestilence in the last days. All of it has been foretold!
And the most important thing is that Christ the savior died for you. We all stand condemned, guilty sinners before a Holy God. But know "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved"! Ro 10:9
It's never too late! He saved and redeemed me, and He can do the same for you too! All who call on His name shall be saved! Repent and believe! Peace be with you. God bless you!
Interesting, yes I am definitely open to spirituality. I learned more about Jesus on a ten day meditation retreat than any of the stuff I got as a kid. There seems to be a universal truth at the bottom of at least Buddhism and Christianity which are the only two religions I know past the most basic stuff. I find blind faith a bit difficult though.
JD Farag is a pastor in Hawaii that has been discussing the vax & prophecy for some time, especially in early January of this year. In the last days will be a great deception. The last days started when Israel became a nation again in 1948.
Thank you John. I've been saying this from day one. Human action alone will not win this fight. I have posted a simple prayer to say every day up until Christmas. Try it and you'll be surprised what it can do.
St. Andrew Christmas Novena
I have been saying this novena since the beginning of December and hope and pray that my prayers will be heard and my desires granted...an end to this fake pandemic and any requirements for people to take mRNA shots, the truth about the dangers of the shots and all vaccines be exposed and believed, and punishment for those responsible for inflicting this evil upon the world so that the children may be saved...may God hear and answer us, Amen.
Well yeah. I think that although many of us have differing opinions on the details the general form of evil is unmistakable.
We are in a battle for the soul of our nation, as the president said, and ultimately for the soul of the world. Although as the Apostle says we do not love the world or the things of the world, at the same time there is a difference between Judeo-Christian Western Civilization and the Worship of Power, Darkness, Perversion, and Death which has risen up so powerfully.
The enemy seeks to drag us back to the darkness that covered the ancient world, where we might well say life was nasty, brutish, and short. And for themselves they seek transhuman immortality, through neurolink, and AI, and other such nonsense, a digital fantasyland where they can cast off the ties between themselves and the Creator and remake themselves in their own image.
And yes, the only answer to this evil is the One God who did not seek to be above humanity but descended to be a man, not just a person but a man. Not a man of means or great intelligence or charisma but a homeless man who His own family thought was crazy, not a choice most of us would make. He joined not merely the poor but the criminal class, He was on the lam while He was still on the tit, from an infanticidal king who I can picture much easier now than I could in 2019. He was accused of mis, dis, and malinformation by a government that could not deal with His out of the box noncompliance, by His refusal to play the game. And in the most classic mass formation psychosis of all time the same ones who cried, 'Hosanna to the Son of David' on Sunday cried 'Crucify Him' on Friday. It all feels so much nearer to our world than it used to.
Whatever anyone says, there is only One God in any Pantheon who knows what it is like to have His back against the wall, One God who has been the underdog, One God who has been rejected by society, rejected by religion, forsaken by all men, and BTW faced down the Experts and the Lawyers, and the Bankers, and the Dark Power behind them, fought them in a way they could not comprehend, used Lefthanded Power(as Martin Luther put it, who perhaps knew best of all men how to wield His Master's power to topple evil in high places), conquered the strong by weakness, the rich by poverty, the wise by foolishness, and the winners by losing, that He might be mightily with the weak, the poor, the foolish Losers every time the Enemy came after us again.
*edited to add link to my 🎄 post*
What beautiful prose brother. Look forward to reading the post. God bless you! He is risen indeed!
Amen 🙏
The evil that's happening, Christ & others have and are warning ⚠️ us about but it's 24/7 and so to stay sane, I shut off the news ect but honestly it's non stop.
I just heard that a sixty year old woman was killed by a hit & run driver. Ppl did not even stop!!!
What sick world this is.
"The love of many will run cold..."
Lord have mercy on us. May we have the strength to bring souls to You that they may repent and be saved.
You are absolutely right brother! Continue to cast seeds in this dying world! Praise The Lord for He is sending laborers for the harvest! Continue toiling my dear brother. Your reward will be great in Heaven! Blessed are those who are persecuted for His namesake! Our Lord told us "If they hate you know that they first hated Me". AMEN!
Great is the trial set before us but greater still the reward! May The Lord Jesus Christ - Emmanuel, The One True God, El Shaddai - bless you and strengthen what remains of His beloved Church. You are bond servant of The Living God! You toil not in vain! You are loved! You are made strong in your weakness by His grace which is sufficient for you. Dear brother, take heart for our redemption draws near!
Praise His name! Keep running the race! Until we can finally have rest in His arms. God bless you! Go into all the earth and spread the good news of the Lord who became flesh that we might be saved! Hallelujah! :)
No mentioning of a covid style pre or mid tribulation apocalypse in either Daniel or Revelations.
The Anti-Christ would have presented himself as a savior of such a calamity.
But a Trans-Humanism brain chip could be the Mark of the Beast in a collapsed financial system to buy or sell.
Anti-Christ = Elon Musk ??
Yes, as John H noted just now, the enemy is The Enemy. In a world where objective moral evil is denied existence, it amazes me to continually find people making moral claims. However, there is TRUTH:
2000 years ago The God-Man stated He was “the way, the truth, and the life” and many other things most of His contemporaries could not hear. Today most still cannot bear to hear His Truth, they hate His Voice, because they hate Him! Never have we beheld such widespread global evil - man arrogantly seeking to alter life (GMO!) and become his own god. The WEF idiots who think they will transcend, merge with computers or whatever, and wish to eliminate us ... they are so deeply deceived by the Enemy and seek to draw all humanity along.
I confess I cheated, I read through the end of The Book. [spoiler alert!] God is triumphant, evil is cast into the lake of fire.
Hold fast in faith, beloved of Him!
PSALM 2 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
I recommend you go back and re-read Joshua, truly a man of action.
And how sad that most churches gave up the historical & Biblical practice in worship of SINGING THE PSALMS!
Eastern Orthodox services are still 90 percent or so singing--all but the sermon and, at my church, at least, the creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the prayer before communion.
Exactly. Everything tptb are doing is Satanic. They never mention Jesus Christ when they tell us what they intend to do, even though their entire program usurps the Will of God and His dominion over the earth. Schwab/Harari and their ilk now openly blaspheme by claiming powers equal to and greater than God and they are not publicly challenged when doing so. This degree of global moral depravity, IMHO, has never been witnessed before, and according to Christ, will never be again (Matt. 24:21-22).
Schwab/Harari (WEF Davos) evil beyond the imagination. It seems there are many more mims than we ever thought. Mim = mimic = human mimic = homo sapiens mimicus = psykopats.
WEF seems like a good target. All the young leaders turned completely tyrannical regarding the vax.
True, but the Chinese had access to the virus and the technology behind it via Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak.
Their senior leaders have advocated for a biological strike against the US and the west.
Speeches by General Chi Haotian and Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Wei Fenghe have indicated their intention and ability to do so.
I was thinking about this earlier when reading another Substack. I was like, someone should hold the media accountable but who? Can't ask the government to hold the media accountable for covering up what the government is doing? What a mess!
Seems the Malaysian PM described it in 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEnNP6M-dgw&t=2s
And OECD seems to fit his narrative.
Detectives say there are no coincidences!
As an amateur detective I second that thought.
So does Judge Judy lol.
Nice Chris Martenson reference :)
Great saying!
Isn't it an interesting coincidence that so many of the rabid jabbers, such as Bill Gates, also happen to be neo-Malthusian true believers?
And that nearly all, if not all, are zealously in favor of the human-destroying policies you mention, and many more besides?
F.A. Hayek, in his eponymous 1944 book *The Road to Serfdom*, in chapter 10, "Why the Worst Rise to the Top", describes in detail how the more powerful the government, the more it attracts sociopaths and expels the sane.
Nearly eight decades later, I believe we have come to the logical and full fruition of his prediction: The formerly free world taken over by a cabal of all-powerful governments run by the clinically, criminally insane.
Truly, the inmates now control the asylum.
I don't know how we can reverse this, but am certain that if we cannot, these people will be our undoing.
All of us.
I have been of that opinion for some time now. The data from the last 3 years validated it.
Reversal will come and it will be "biblical" when it does. I doubt we will see it coming. The central actors surely will not as they think they have already enslaved mankind.
Buy guns and ammo while you can. Ammo is nearing a 5 year low as far as price, following a tripling that took place just before the ‘Rona made its appearance. I expect it to be the apocolypse currency. “If I can’t buy it from you with bullets, I can certainly take it from you with them.” - Me
If you don’t wind up “needing” it, the range is a great place to relieve tension and have loud fun.
Odd that so many states are trying to override the recent Heller and New York Pistol rulings from the Supreme Court.
"The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - when the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees.
However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once."
~ Judge Alex Kozinski, dissenting in Silveira v. Lockyer, 328 F.3d 567 (9th Circuit 2003)
Which is why we keep our skills levels up.
My AO is well provisioned and the sound of "range" time is very common out this way. I don't think it will go down like that however.
I hope you are correct, but I am skeptical.
"As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities."
~ Voltaire
For decades I have seen the culmination of a century of progressive "education" and leftist State propaganda infantilize and essentially lobotomize large swaths of the population, creating a gigantic squabbling herd of supine gullible morons who will literally believe anything, no matter how absurd, and rabidly advocate the suppression, incarceration, and even destruction of those who refuse to accept nonsense.
My contempt for the great unwashed, always high, has in the last three years surpassed even perhaps the level of H. L. Mencken.
Having read William L. Shirer's *Rise and Fall of the Third Reich* and other tomes on totalitarian leftism (redundant?), for years I've understand on an intellectual level how a once purportedly civilized nation could descend into tyranny and barbarism.
Horrifyingly, that understanding has now become personal and visceral.
I live in the People's Republic of California, where the mob just re-elected, by a substantial margin, a leftist totalitarian governor who treated a state of 40 million souls as if it were his personal prison labor camp, based on transparently fraudulent "science", and in blatant violation of the rule of law and common human decency.
And, of course "81 million" "elected" Jacobin Joe Biden, an utterly corrupt pathological liar doing everything in his power to accelerate the descent of the US into one of those Third World "Shithole Countries" the Orange Menace was so fond of mentioning.
We have completely lost our way, and are truly in deep trouble as a nation and society.
I don't disagree with your assessment. I just suspect that that the money powers have over played their hand. Time is short but their haste will be their undoing.
Haste, and the final debasement of the dollar, 98% of the value of which the USG has inflated away, and the resultant loss of reserve currency status, which has been well underway for some time and is accelerating.
We have reached the point in the American Empire that has happened again and again throughout history, where a society's elites become so arrogant and stupid they have no idea what made the empire possible.
Jacobin Joe and his band of merry socialists are arguably the dumbest, most hubristic "leaders" in our history.
The petrodollar has allowed the USG to spend far beyond its means for a very long time by exporting inflation globally. Every fiat currency in history has collapsed, and when this inevitable fate befalls the USD, the resulting shitstorm will truly be something to behold.
As ever, timing is uncertain. What is certain, however, is that Leviathan will not go quietly into the night.
"exporting inflation globally." - Few understand this.
"resulting shitstorm" - Beginning about now as we see the rise in debt service that demands cuts to things people depend on. Devaluation is necessary to abrogate the debt, worldwide. A lot of people will be very, very mad.
I for one couldn’t figure out why certain government bureaucrats were placed in powerful positions until I discovered it’s because they use blackmail to get ahead.
A female Dean of a large University Education department told me how she got her job because the outgoing female Dean used some rules to subvert the requirements for a transparent hiring practices. She’s a typical leftist who supports man made climate change politics while she is only too happy to get someone else to provide for her to jet around the world to ‘conferences’ which could have easily been handled via Zoom. All of her big trips are like a bragging rights for her. Government bureaucrats and politicians also abuse travel and go to wasteful conferences. These are perks that they clamored for in addition to taking trips in to war zones like Ukraine so they don’t have to pay taxes. All you have to do is step foot in a war zone and you dot have to pay taxes for that month. That’s why they book their trips for the end of the month so they can claim two months by simply arriving on the last day and departing on the first day. They also get hefty per diems that they can pocket along with travel miles, extra. The big wig routinely book trips to Europe at Christmas time so they can enjoy the festive atmosphere, shop and dine. Who wouldn't want to take a trip to Germany during Octoberfest on Uncle Sam’s dime?
There is no other hope than Jesus Christ my friend. All of this has been foretold. Repent and believe in Him while there is still time! God bless you!
I wish you had not reminded me "the more powerful the government, the more it attracts sociopaths". I think we have arrived. Worse little accountability. Much of it comes via the money Gates provided to capture nearly every health organization including the government ones.
Now take a look at fertility trends by country after The Pill was licensed in the 1970s.
Great natural experiment b/c different countries rolled that out at slightly different times, so you can see the dominoes fall year by year around the globe.
That dwarfs this completely.
The voluntary / involuntary difference here is of course a huge ethical issue.
But on a society wide basis (what does a country look like when it has unnaturally few babies), we've already been living with that altered reality so long that the only people who can really remember how society looks with "normal" fertility are moving into Memory Care Homes as we speak.
I have a lot of conflicting feelings about the pill (and hormonal birth control in general). Physiologically and energetically (meaning on the mental, emotional, spiritual planes), I think it is detrimental. I see it as a dangerous and destructive drug. However, I am 100% in support of women taking control of their fertility, and I recognize that barrier methods and hormonal cycle tracking are not as easy. This is the only situation where women are choosing between putting themselves at odds with their bodies or at odds with their intentions, and that's a difficult position to be in. "Normal" fertility made womens worlds feel pretty small a lot of the time; wealthy women always hired or indentured poor women to nurse and raise their babies for them.
The pill has wreaked havoc on children and wildlife. Fish have been born with both sex organs for a while now and the boys just aren’t masculine the way they used to be.
Do you think the current trend of transgenderism is related?
My best guess is that the transgenderism uptick is a social contagion primarily affecting young women and is caused by a combination a predatory for profit medicalization industry with harmful TikTok videos, influencers and trans promoters who actively reach out to these People, LGBTQ radical gender theory ‘educators’ in school, media and leadership - Diversity, Inclusion & Equity operatives, along with the victimhood promoted by critical race theory. All of the above promote an environment that rewards via social credit for transitioning to transgendered status. As far as the predatory quacks they get huge profits. Planned parenthood is the largest seller of cross sex hormones. Some parents seem to be suffering from munchausen by proxy. Others are victims of powerful malignant narcissists exploiting and abusing children, parents, and others due to the wholesale corruption and callousness of leftists in charge of government, media, institutions.
I don’t believe there is an increase in homosexuals or homosexual transexuals. Transvestites might increase due to other factors like the greater availability of deviant pornography and the upswing in narcissism.
Some of the young boys seen on Twitter trying to promote themselves on fan sites are awfully feminine in appearance.
Define ‘young boys’.
17-20 year old. I hear that younger ones lie about their age.
Agree that the BCP did a lot more to society than we currently understand.
The history of hormonal BC drugs has a certain parallel. Many women were permanently altered as a result. It was a "choice" but in many cases the risk information was not provided - or mis-presented. It was sold, hard, as "safe and effective" without full disclosures. So while it was voluntary, it wasn't really an informed choice for many women.
We see a similar case with the vaccines. Even without mandates, many people flocked to the vaccine because it was sold as safe, effective and of great benefit (immunity to what was pitched as the scariest disease since creation). Still the true risk information is being suppressed. And may people are making the choice without being well informed of the risks and risk/benefit tradeoff.
I am not sure a lot of people even recognize that any of their issues are related to hormonal birth control. I think it has some subtle mental effects that aren't acknowledged.
That may be true. I was thinking about the very overt, not subtle effects which are clearly hormonal due to permanent alteration of hormones. My wife is one of those victims. She had no regular cycle after, and was unable to ovulate without introducing more hormone therapy (it took several years of trying different ones before it worked). She's had a plethora of endocrinological issues throughout her life as a direct result. Again nothing subtle.
It is becoming quite clear that many women are misdiagnosed as type II diabetic who are in fact insulin intolerant which is a malfunctioning endocrine system. It seems equally clear hormonal treatments messing with the endocrine system are likely factors. I've found some research that has shown connections, but this line of inquiry is unpopular. kind of a trend in medicine - explaining why things happen seems less popular than figuring out what drug we can use to treat the symptoms.
Still the hormone based BC is pushed hard by "the science". Google "side effects" and you'll find lot's of "advice" that going OFF birth control pills can be dangerous, and serious understatement of the risks of using it.
Gosh if I were prone to believe in vast organized conspiracies, I'd think this too was part of the culling of the human race conspiracy ;-). Of course I am not one of those "kooks". I know such levels of organization are unlikely from such a disorganized and chaotic race (humans).
They give hormonal birth control if you just don’t like your period! It’s really bad.
Interesting post by another stacker recently, not sure it might have been @igorchudov that was about how women on the pill are attracted to lower testosterone, lessasculine men, and the pill also seems to increase incidence of lesbianism
I've done pretty well so far by avoiding any medicines promoted by evangelists for population control.
Alas, my daughters did not.
Understand. 2 daughters and three grand daughters got jabbed to keep their jobs.
One of the things that *might* or *might not* help is this:
It's worth a shot. I have two people I know on it.
With apology for repeating something I saw someplace else, taking medical advice from people who think the world is overpopulated is a losing proposition.
Adding to the desire to deny and look the other way is the observation that many of the people and organizations who are now shouting so loudly about the need to vaccinate children have a history of advocating negative population growth. Deepening the desire to hide my head in the sand is observing that most political versions of "science", e.g. climate change litany, come back to the need to reduce the human population. There is a pattern.
Didn’t they use the mRNA just like the rest of the west?
They don’t have excess deaths? That’s intriguing. I’d like to see those charts.
Why specifically mRNA? My wife succumbed to the pressure and got J&J late 2021. What followed was a miscarriage two months later and hasn't been able to get pregnant since.
mRNA is the one where i have strong data on a priori cause and JnJ was so small that it's hard to attribute signal.
it could very well be causing something similar, i just do not have the data to make any sort of rigorous claim.
The other thing is they pretty quickly tried to get the use of Astra Zeneca and J&J down and basically pushed the mRNAs and the fact that China didn’t use the mRNA. It’s just creepy.
I always thought that was a tell. Why were they yammering on about J&J blood clots, while ignoring that Pfizer and Moderna had the same problem?
“One and done?”
"tried to get the use of Astra Zeneca and J&J down and basically pushed the mRNAs"
I'm going to go with "The kickbacks from Pfizer and Moderna were better."
Also, the NIH and Moderna share a patent on the mRNA tech. That's why I believe Fauci was touting Moderna very early, within one week of the news coming out of China.
*adjusts chin strap on tin foil hat*
It's quite the coincidence that they had a vaccine for COVID ready to go to production a few weeks after they realized they had a Genuine Unwasted Crisis on their hands.
It's almost as if they knew the formulation of COVID right out of the chute.
I remember when they announced how soon the vax would be ready, and I said to my wife "How do they already know the viral sequence? The virus supposedly has not been isolated and cultured yet?" That's when I researched and read about the Wuhan lab. They had written MANY articles over many years in prestigious journals boasting about creating chimeric coronaviruses. The whole fiasco is hiding in plain sight for anyone who does any research.
Well I'm thinking the whole operation (warp$$$$) had to be on at least a 3 year timeline before the jabs hit the market in Dec 2020. It is just WAY too complex to design, procure, manufacture worldwide, transport and distribute worldwide, make the special refrigerators and refrigerated trucks, etc. So yes all the pieces were in place ahead of time.
Yeah, and all the CEOs who started bailing in 2019. Complete coincidence, I'm sure. I remember reading about that then and hoping it was a fluke. Here's an article about it from early 2020. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/why-did-hundreds-of-ceos-resign-just-before-the-world-started-going-absolutely-crazy/
Yes. So fast on the original, but not especially quick on keeping up with the variants. Another thing that makes that story smell tainted in retrospect.
None of this came from Pfizer or Moderna. US Mil:
Yeah St Fauci and Big Bill invested heavily in Moderna in late 2019 if I remember correctly, funny how they have been trying to make an mRNA vaccine for anything for 10 years and could never make it past animal trials because of mortality and ineffectiveness. I guess 40th time is the charm...
We know China has no problem with “controlling” their population. Why would they refuse mRNA? Any ideas?
they have realised that their birth rate has dropped too low, and they don't want to reduce fertility further.
Not sure what the welding doors shut in burning buildings is all about. But they are nuts. Remember when they killed all the sparrows and started a famine? Nutters.
They are convinced both COVID and the Vaccines are US bioweapons and like the junior partner in any nefarious plot they are very suspicious of the senior partner?
It could be as simple as not trusting the west, or not wanting to give them the huge sales boost.
Idea here: Direct from Wuhan doctors and scientists:
Covid Spike can attack egg cells. Difference between controlling a population and having a population decimated by inability to reproduce. They probably know (or acknowledge) something we don't.
Wu et al 2021, Co-expression of the SARS-CoV-2 entry molecules ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in human ovaries. https://medquotes.substack.com/p/cells-melt-together-into-syncytia
Because welding their front doors shut "for the greater good" prevents them from getting to their primary care doc?
Is it the mRNA or the spike protein?
As I understand it, the J and J jab also creates spike proteins.
We don't know if the mRNA itself is toxic. However, the mRNA codes for the spike protein which is toxic. The spike protein damages the lining of blood vessels (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33300001/), and the lipid nanoparticle delivery system accumulates in the ovaries (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168365912000892?via%3Dihub).
I tend to think it's the spike protein.
That being said, there researchers out there who claim that there is no mRNA in the vaxxes, and all the damage is due to graphene oxide.
The mRNA was supposed to stay in the arm, but a Japanese study showed it didn't. No idea if the adenovirus vaccines did actually stay in the arm as intended.
And there's the question of whether the injections are all the same, in different batches.
The mRNA itself should not be dangerous in the bloodstream. If it's encased in the lipid coating, then it's inert, and if it's loose, it's probably attacked and destroyed quickly. But if it's transfected into the cell as is the program, then it becomes malicious code that subverts the cell machinery to create the spike proteins, which are harmful.
And it’s also the antibodies created in response to spike. Spike looks like some human proteins and there is the possibility of vax induced autoimmune attack.
Sorry to hear about your struggles. Pray to Our Lady of LaLeche? Visit her shrine in St. Augustine? Do FLCCC or CHD docs/pros have any suggestions to detoxify?
And maybe explore React19.org, which Dr. Malone highlighted today?
Do we ask the guy who discovered the way to make your body produce spike proteins how to turn it off? No way. Look for doctors who spent their lives treating real patients not poking at lab animals.
I'm so sorry for you and your wife.
The J&J also induces cells to produce the spike protein, so it carries the potential risk for autoimmunity as well. Have you considered the FLCCC post injection protocols?
all of the vax use the spike, its the spike protein as the antigen, regardless of platform.
I'm so sorry. Would it be OK to pray for you and your wife?
We have a great life apart from this fact. So I believe there are others that might need it more.
That being said, it is a sweet gesture and I have no reason to deny it. Just so you know, I am an atheist and my wife is a Buddhist. I will leave it up to you to decide if that makes a difference.
Not at all. God loves everyone. May your lives be blessed.
What other autoimmune wackiness have people seen?
I have a distant relative by marriage, in his 70s, who came down with creeping paralysis of the diaphragm (breathing muscle) sometime in the second half of 2021. Now cannot breathe unassisted.
Doctors think it's some kind of mystery autoimmune problem but have no real diagnosis, cause, or treatment plan.
This formerly active sportsman will likely die sedated on a ventilator as his capacity to move his lungs on his own fades away.
PS get him on a BiPAP machine asap.
Sounds like ALS. It comes in many forms. And is almost certainly an autoimmune disease. Family member had ALS; very active sportsperson. My guess is environmental causes. Toxins in the local area? Many jabs over the years (more than most people due to travel)?
I just attended a 53 year old woman's funeral three weeks ago. Was perfectly healthy, started showing symptoms of an ALS like disease around April. By June, she could not walk up or down stairs. By August she was bedridden. The last few weeks she couldn't talk. I'm certain she was vaxxed but did not ask. This is what makes the depopulation agenda so crisp. Aside from the increases in all cause mortality, there is no way to prove that it was the shot that killed her. She left behind to school aged kids and a husband. Very sad, and I'm afraid this will be the "new normal".
Would be curious to see the texture of the brain tissue.
Remember when the Georgia guidestones were destroyed and nobody investigated who did it?
Need to get that population under 500,000,000 in "perpetual balance with nature" and can't have the normies understanding that is the plan....
Has anyone done a poll asking the reasons why people may be delaying childbearing? Is it purposeful or that they are unable to conceive?
Are some delaying because they suspect they may not want to get pregnant close to vaccination?
Is there an uptick in initial Fertility clinic visits or fertility- related lab testing?
What do you do in a lockdown? Most people aren’t knitting. The famous blackout in NewYork in 2003 caused a large uptick in childbirth 9 months later.
And delaying for pregnancy concerns would infer that the people getting the shots are critical thinkers.
I think this is some of it. That’s why we should ask people instead of just looking at numbers. Increase in fertility related care would help differentiate.
these are real questions: the problem that this nihilism haven't started until "end" of pandemic / beginning of ukrainian war. So this year. Why do you see a signal of birth drop 9 months after quakcination and already in the beginning of 2022? No one was in nihilism that time.
I think that is a very reasonable hypothesis that should be considered.
My son has tried to convince me that Bill Gates is not some maniacal guy. I told him you don’t go from talking about depopulation to touting forcing people to vaccinate with an untested biotech. Pretty obvious the vaccine isn’t for peoples health if his goal is to actually depopulate!
You are correct IMHO.
No, not individually. We'll just wind up with more state control. People as groups need to take to the streets. We're getting there.
The best idea is to racialize this like the left does... Find a black child injured or sterilized and "say her name". If left-wing political violence isn't a problem, that shouldn't be an issue for the Democrats that pushed this.
Looks like climate change.
and white supremacy.
And racism
this has all the signs of classic Russian disinformation! Forgive me, I just watched a Taibbi video on Hunter Biden story 😜
Net Neutrality
🤣OMG... I was just thinking of that the other day. In the midst of the end of the internet due to Elon, I was thinking, "uh, I thought net neutrality already killed the interwebs". I really hope that someone more diligent to me is recording all of the things memory-holed.
I’ve noticed a trend where I live where young couples are delaying marriage, deciding early on to not bring children into the world. They use any extra funds on travel, friend gatherings, and shower their extra love onto their pets - treat them like kids. When I bring up the subject of babies, they have no interest. Not only is it tough enough to meet their own living expenses (let alone an extra) they tell me, they have a kind of doomsday attitude about the world - global warming, over population, fear of the next pandemic. They tell me they wouldn’t consider bringing a child into this. Yikes - it’s depressing - well to me. They seem fine enough, resigned or adapted. My generation typically married and had kids if they could. I don’t know one young couple under 35 yrs planning or wanting a family. Maybe this is just where I live
"I’ve noticed a trend where I live where young couples are delaying marriage, deciding early on to not bring children into the world. They use any extra funds on travel, friend gatherings, and shower their extra love onto their pets"
The pretend it's about "a cruel world blah 3x" but, as noted elsewhere, I really see it just as you report it: They're selfish.
I would fall into your category of not having children, but having a pet. Too old to reconsider having kids these days. Fact is I just don't particularly like kids and never wanted them since I was young. I see someone else saying it's selfish, but I doubt bringing an unwanted child into the world would be in anyone's best interest, least of all the kid.
I wouldn’t call your decision selfish, I’d call it thoughtful and wise.
That doesn't explain a downturn in birthrate in the data at this specific time though.
I think the pandemic debacle knocked them over the edge
It does not. I was just agreeing with @Sanwish that, " young couples are delaying marriage, deciding early on to not bring children" and, Sanwish notes, that might have just pushed us over the tipping point.
They steal our children (and they have more time for it if they have none of their own to keep them busy.)
Interesting. I don’t know the Swedish laws regarding abortion, but if birth rates are down related to vaxx-fertility issues then abortion rates should also be down. Is that obtainable information?
Swedish law on abortion, in short, is "if the woman says so" up until week 18. From then on it needs to be a medical emergency. More than 50% of all abortions are before week 9.
Last year, 33 700 abortions were carried out. If those children-to-be hadn't been terminated, the dip in fertility Gato is seeing wouldn't exist.
Edit: just checked in Socialstyrelsens public database. On average since 1985 there's 30 000 abortions per year, and there's no dip during the Covid years.
Rikard, there could be some confounding factors here that perhaps you can help sort out. Sweden is well-known to use monetary rewards for reproduction. Was there, perhaps, a lowering of the amount of child support that may have caused “birth hesitancy?” Also, due to its extreme immigration policies Sweden is now a 2 culture country. Is there any data available to show if the one culture or the other is seeing an outsized drop in births? Is there a difference in vax rates between those two cultures?
1) Child support from state wasn't changed, no. Nor anything else of the same group of potential factors, such as parental leave pay or availability of kindergarten or such.
"Monetary rewards for reproduction" I take to mean state child support (barnbidrag).
2) Data pertaining nation and people of origin is collected and exists, but is not publicly available.
Initially, vaccination rates among non-white and non-asian migrants was reported as alarmingly low (about 30% of adults/1 shot), but when that issue then led into the greater migration/population change-debate it was taken out back and shot by the media, so to speak.
Tack för svaret! Jag hade glömt vad barnbidraget heter.
Inget problem!
China dropped its one child law in 2015 because they realized their population was going to collapse. Early in the “pandemic” there was publicized fear that women and girls would lose access to reproductive “care” because of lockdowns. From WaPo we see “Unfortunately, it’s too early to have empirical evidence of any large-scale upticks in pregnancies,” UNFPA spokesman Eddie Wright said of the agency’s global data. “We won’t see any covid-caused births for several months yet.” This is from an article July 15, 2020, so a severe decline in birth rates is a surprise to the abortion/population control activists at the UN.
That seems like a really good idea.
Or, young people are so psychologically traumatized by this whole fear-mongering and pressuring to get jabbed, stay at home, distance, etc. government thing (which happened in Sweden, too) that they don't want to bring a new child into this ugly new world...
There was plenty of news stories during the height of the pandemic lambasting Sweden and its citizens for their "reckless indifference" to the pandemic. Life was not normal but people went to bars, restaurants and shopped etc.
This argument does not hold water IMO.
"Mister, we sure could use a man like Reckless Indifference."
I'm of the opinion that the greatest and worst impact of wearing masks 24/7/365/forever, especially on the young 'uns, is that there are millions of unseen smiles that would have led to first kisses leading to crazy mad love, and so on, were lost to ... getting the votes to work out right.
But I think Climate Change - or was it Net Neutrality? I keep getting all my apacolypses confused - has already traumatized them into "not brining an innocent child into this horrible world (That we enjoy on our own just fine, than you, without any snot-nosed crumb snatchers underfoot)" from an early age.
So I think you're on the right track. It just wasn't The Government Response to COVID, or even the disease itself, that brought them here. But it did make them ripe for compliance and enforcement.
Could be but this is Swedish data so while they likely were not as social, they didn't experience much of the trauma most of the western youth experienced.
However, coupled with your observation which could lead to fewer births even in Sweden, I wonder if their economy plays a role in this sudden. I expect that the decline seen in 2011 was due to a huge downturn in the Swedish economy.
Don't forgett that we in Sweden have our childhood stolen. The climatescam almost has it's origin here. It affects people menthal health and future plans for family.
Possible but IMHO unlikely ....
You really think young adults think that far ahead when it comes to their extracurricular activities? 😜
You don't need to think far ahead to not have children during economic downturns. Every economic downturn has led to decreased birth rates. The reason for this could be stress brought about by the downturn - divorces are higher when people are having financial issues, people can't enjoy life as much etc.
The glaring hole in this theory is that young people still like to do the deed.. and when their hormones are raging, they aren't typically thinking about contraception.
Abortion is used as birth control in all western countries these days.
There are always unintended pregnancies but many are planned. If it were solely up to libido, there would not have been a huge dip in 2011 when the economy soured. Also note that stress
which increases during financial downturns plays a role in decreasing libido ie. people can not party as much or can't afford to travel etc.
"ugly new world" by snowflake standards.
It would also be interesting to know if Swedish immigrants/racial minorities have lower vaccination rates compared to native Swedes (as is the case in the UK, for example) and if Yes compare the birth rates between the two groups.
If vaccine is the culprit behind low birth rates it will mean the numbers are even LOWER for native white populations, and the overall numbers are being propped up by immigrant (unvaxxed) births. Only a hypothesis but too important to not look into.
There's a confounding factor here, because immigrants to Sweden already tend to have higher birth rates.
It should be looked into but I am not sure that anyone has access to this data.
I would expect the migrant population to be less vaxxed than the native population as they tend to be less trusting of government.
Might I put forth a 3rd possibility? Perhaps some people are no longer willing to bring children in to this world. I am not condoning, supporting nor judging such an attitude, just speculating and noodling on the idea.
"this would be trivial for a country with health data like sweden or norway or denmark or israel to put to bed if they wanted to."
Yes, also heart damage and others. It makes obvious that the people in power are involved in this shit
Ok, but why haven't they if it's "trivial"? (just asking the obvious)
In Scotland, they said they wouldn't investigate the baby deaths by mothers' vax status as they are too scared of the truth:
From The Herald last month:
"In a statement, PHS added that there was also a risk that “identifying the vaccination status of the mothers, even at aggregate level, would result in harm to those individuals and others close to them, through actual or perceived judgement of the effects of their personal vaccination decision”.
Furthermore “the outcomes of such analysis, whilst being uninformative for public health decision making, had the potential to be used to harm vaccine confidence at this critical time”.
The decision came to light after the Herald on Sunday obtained internal emails and reports under freedom of information tracking the PHS response, with one email dated November 24 2021 stating: “We do not have any plans to examine maternal vaccination status, as there is no public health reason to do so”.
"In a statement, PHS added that there was also a risk that “identifying the vaccination status of the mothers, even at aggregate level, would result in harm to those individuals and others close to them, through actual or perceived judgement of the effects of their personal vaccination decision”.
These were the same people who would get the news of anyone unvaxxed dying of covid to the top of literally every news bulletin precisely in order to pressure the unvaxxed based on "actual or perceived judgement of the effects of their personal vaccination decision." Scotland has one of the most close minded politically controlled bureaucracies and civil society of anywhere in the world.
It's sad to see what has happened to my country.
I've looked at the data for Norway. There is definitely a bump in heart issues in 2021. A few hundred excess cases in a country of 5mill. So not a huge percentage of the vaccinated, but a significant percent increase in the total number of cases.
While I appreciate the attempt of this article to remain open minded, let's be real. This entire episode that we've endured over the past almost three years was a planned event meant to bring the world's masses into line by all available means possible. The available means being employed are biologic, economic, societal and nutritional.
Biological means in terms of the gene therapy ("Vaccine") being the source of increased morbidity (especially among the young age groups) and a decrease in global birthrates (as this article has well laid out the evidence for)
Economic means in terms of a systematic destruction of the "owner/operator" (small business) strata of the global economy.
Societal in terms of the elimination of group gatherings and restricted travel, both resulting in forced isolation of the population (Control by Separation)
Nutritional in terms of the elimination of privately owned farm land in the Netherlands resulting in a reduction of food stock... BTW... Fun Fact: the Netherlands is the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural goods, behind only the United States, and its exports in that sector totaled roughly 105 billion euros in 2021 alone. On this note... It would be interesting to know how many "Corporate" nitrogen producers are being forced to submit to buyout and closure...??
That farm buyout story is bigger than people realize. Same with Gates buying farmland in the US. There are big plans lurking beyond their planned famine.
Absolutely... and you know it! The tragedy in all of this is that if the powers that would be (read Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc) have their way, then the majority of people aren't going to realize what's happened until they're staring at the plate full of bugs sitting in front of them on the kitchen table.
Fertility rates seem to have dropped in Australia between 67 and 71%. This is going to be hard to reverse, especially with a damaged population. Children Of Men was a documentary.
Australian birth rate data lags a year. No conclusions can be drawn yet, though the trend is not encouraging.
Not in the state of Victoria: I found up to date data here. October and November they registered a bumper crop of new babies.
Yes, I've been watching that page for a few months and it seemed that 2022 was fairly normal vs the past few years and then October had a huge spike. Now November as well - which seems odd.
Deaths, on the other hand shows a consistent increase across 2022 vs previous years
Devil's advocate, could some of birth rate decrease be to general despair, I know I've got serious concerns about the state of the world my teens will be inheriting. Certainly not all of the effect. What do swedish depression/suicide figures look like in relation to other countries?
have you been to sweden lately?
there is no despair.
From World Population Review, which pulls its data from official sources:
"In 2019, Sweden had 14.7 suicides per 100,000 people."
The tale about our "very high" suicide rate is from the 1960s, and hasn't been true since then. Not that it isn't a problem, but it's nowhere near what urban legends would have you believe.
well, it's also basically dark for 2 straight months midwinter.
no way that helps the stats.
Yup, it's called SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder, a form of depression.
Fair enough 😁, would love to go sometime, wife's family from there.
Your analysis focusses on the primary series of injections. Could it be that the continued low birth rate is a consequence of boosters? In other words, the effect is temporary for most people if they stop getting the jabs? Any way to approximate a booster effect from the data you have available?