"we had no idea how this was going to play out."

as i recall, the people who suspected how it would play out were very quickly silenced.

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The good news is that I didn't take the vaccine and it has been 100 percent effective for me.

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A big question is: What does Sweden do about it? They refused to lockdown and mask like most of the world. Will they buck the world again and take an official position that the vaccines are a failure and move aggressively to treatments?

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"If we do a really good job with vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower {world population} by perhaps 10 to 15 percent." — Bill Gates, funder of Moderna (and likely Pfizer as well)

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"the simple fact is this: rushing vaccines of a brand new type never before used in humans (but known to be problematic in animals) was always a deeply bad idea." I have been pondering this truth lately. And, although you said we had no idea how this would play out, it PLAYED out similarly in ALL the animal trials (whatever animal they looked at!). Whether ferrets, cats, mice, baboons - these coronavirus vaccines were not working right, and often worsening outcomes. Further, the short-lived effectiveness (in other words, most definitely NOT DURABLE) showed up in every example I could find. Sort of like "coronavirus vaccine research 101" top info would be:




But, um, not only let's do this for humans (and all of their man-cubs), but let's skip animal trials in this case and rush this vaccine to market!! Because we're so ethical with our treatment of animals. As Beaglegate and Bat-Torturers and Baboon-SARS experiments show.

And that's not even considering what the horrific delivery system (mRNA and lipid nanoparticles) is doing to people.

My God, My God, please punish the wicked!! Do not let them wag their heads and say "God is not watching me!"

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A cult indeed, but this new religion has been years in the making. I have just finished working through Carl Zimmer's book A Planet of Viruses in a critical thinking class (yes, one needs to actually teach critical thinking, which students are highly suspicious of). Zimmer basically pushes germ theory and vaccines at every turn. Whaaat, a New York Times columnist would do such a thing?!! For an alternative view, students have to compare Zimmer to Zach Bush's monologue on the Virome, where he basically presents a terrain theory approach to understanding the pandemic. It will be interesting to see if I am reported for misinformation by the week's end (yes the college has an anonymous reporting system for “dangerous behavior”.

Winter is coming, respiratory illness season beckons in the north. People will soon discover what a colossal failure these injections are, fewer will be interested in the boosts, and Brandon is discovering post haste what a stupid idea the mandates were. I expect that his maskless appearances of late are a planned signal from the white house that it is time to move on, or the midterm massacre in a year will be even worse for team blue than already lke,ly to be the case. Democrats are likely scared scheissless over the investigations that will happen if the other side controls committees, and things are not looking good for them at the moment with “lets go Brandon” songs becoming the new national anthem.

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"taking the adverse event risk again," I could be mistaken, but i believe Robert Malone has expressed this risk is cumulative rather than just repetitive.

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This should lead folks ("should" is best case scenario) to wonder what the difference is between the vaccine and early treatments is? Let me see...early treatments (off label drugs, herbs, and supplements) augment your natural immune response but don't alter it, they don't need to be boosted every few months because your immune system learns from the experience, they work on all variants, the side effects are less and much more predictable, they're cheaper, they're widely available (barring deliberate f#$%wad interference), they don't require coercion and so on..

On the other hand, these 'vaccines' are in effect just crappy drugs. They don't work like vaccines, they have wild, severe and unpredictable side effects, they constantly need refreshing, they don't augment your natural immune response, and they have no long term safety data. The list goes on.

Neither is guaranteed to save you but which one would you choose?

C'mon man.

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My question is, how did Moderna and Pfizer know to stop their trials at 3-4 months? I don’t see how they could unless they’d already made and tested them.

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Great post as usual. Question about "the immunity was supposed to be sterilizing. it’s not." Do you have a link showing that this was what was said at the beginning? I thought it was, but haven't found any clear "official" statements.

When people ask why I'm not taking these vaccines, one thing I always mention is that "they've been wrong about so much - one reason I believe strongly in phase III trials."

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Moderna: We don't make mistakes, we make choices.

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With my natural immunity, I've been going everywhere trying to get variants. The more I'm exposed, the better off I'll be. But now I'm heading to San Francisco next week where I'll probably get exposed to much worse than covid variants. Extreme liberalism (shudder)

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They weaponized the flu.

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None of this information is unknown to or public health authorities. The fact they don't charge course, or even acknowledge these facts, is proof positive that there's something truly nefarious going on.

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Exactly how long does the risk from the vax last? Do we know? Does the risk fade with the efficacy or does the risk remain at some steady state forever? Do the boosters compound the risk or does it start anew with each shot? Is it the risk of a car accident on your one trip to Paris or is it the risk of running across the 405 freeway 24/7 for the rest of your life?

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The negative effectiveness needs to be explored further. I've begun to think of the mRNA therapies as a kind of "steroid". In the case of human growth hormone (HGH), one course will certainly help you generate muscle growth in the short term, particularly if you're trying to rehab an injury quickly; but repeated abuse has less-the-zero deleterious effects on the body, up to and including Leukemia. I suspect that continued boosting will be deleterious to at least one's immune system, but probably a number of other systems as well. You are, after all, forcing massive numbers of cells in the body to do something they were never intended to do. Like, well, Leukemia...

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