The purpose of the reorganization is to get better control of the narrative so as to be ready to attack the prey more effectively the next time a pandemic is created.
In deed. Making it a pandemic. Despite the lack of actual infected people, it is a crisis world-wide. Cool. What is not going to be so cool is when we see measures taken to promote the spread of it the way the "recommendations" and mandates elevated and spread COVID.
And of course we won't be allowed to admit that it's spreading pretty much among promiscuous gay men, so we will all get treated the same. Just like covid, when it was only the old and very unhealthy that were at real risk, but we locked the whole world down with devastating effects. Wokeness really is evil.
Yes they will launch a PR campaign to soften people’s view of the agency. Wouldn’t want the emperor to look bad. Kind of like their stupid Obamacare campaign to make it look hip and cool with pajama boy to get their (crappy expensive) insurance plan. Maybe they can use pajama boy again and some slogan about how CDC is looking out for Americans and go out and get your flu shot, covid shot, pox shot blah blah blah. 🤡
That’s why we need to fight back against this centralization and corruption. The most peaceful way is like this: WE NEED TO RE-INFILTRATE OUR OWN GOVERNMENTS - With people whose main goal is to fix the corrupted system with transparency and decentralization. It’s really not that hard. But it would require organization, a new code, and an agreement between sensible people.
This is how we can re-infiltrate our own governments (don’t worry it is a 100% free substack):
I know of some people who are actually doing this. They were a group getting together to pray about things, then decided they need to DO something. They formed a task force to learn the inner workings of politics, and once they felt like they were relatively savvy, they got several people ousted and several elected. They also got mask mandates obliterated, formed peaceful protests at certain organizations, made mass texts and calls to certain other organizations, did several other key things and generally made a difference starting from grass roots. A group of about 15 turned into a group of about 150 and they’ve really made some headway. YOU can start this where you are.
There was a group here in SE PA that did that too. We organized, and overturned the majority of several county school boards and set our kids free from mandatory masks. Because we had already stopped the masks, mandatory vax for kids was never even on the table. PA also amended our state constitution and made it much, much harder for our governor to continue with never ending states of emergency. I agree that the only peaceful way to change things is to change these orgs from the inside. Ideally we should abolish them, but I doubt there is the political will for that.
This is awesome and I agree. I am active locally. But if we want a real movement we need better technology built, and many many more people working on it. Read the article and you will see. For example for me to personally have trust in the CDC again it would require nearly 100% transparency. And to achieve that we would need way better tech designed by the people, not government. In order to get real control back from the Globalists we need a bigger movement.
Conservatives and Libertarians are not inclined to "organize and protest"
Not all, but there are a fair amount of us that just want to mind our own business. Of course I know how this does not work well for us.
Most of us are not "meddling" people.... We need to get involved, and encourage our friends and neighbors to also join this urgent need. If we do not, it could be the epic dilemma we can already see. The left is very good at turning everything they touch to 💩
I agree, Start small, community, then learn and grow. Get involved in the voting process, do canvassing and work at the polls.
I have done this for many years now (kids grown) You meet a lot of really neat people, and on election day you meet some really stupid democrats working the polls wearing Biden gear even though it is prohibited, they did wear their shirts masks hats.
Sorry, only communists (er, I mean, progressives) are allowed to infiltrate the government. If you or I tried it, it would constitute a "threat" to democracy!
Funny, but that is why it needs to be decentralized. We are allowed in America as voters - as far as I know - to have a say in our own government. The “re-infiltration” is tongue in cheek. But also kind of necessary at this point. Read the article and you will see.
Interesting. It absolutely didn't work in our case, but different animals. God bless.
Another issue, by sensible... If you mean ones that will negotiate... This must be worked out. Could work if you define it. Could really screw it up if you mean on core values people have..
Vatican was taken over.Catholics who knew something was wrong stayed in the new beast, to try to reform it... They didn't, and they lost their Catholic faith.
Only thise who left remained Catholic.
So they are different scenarios, but I thought of mine immediately.
Since the medical info at CNN comes via Dr Sanjay Gupta - a protégé of Klaus Schwab - it's clearly and unarguably not intended to brainwash but to convince the sheep who still watch CNN of the scientific accuracy of their guidance..
The fact that they are making a big public brouhaha about the re-org shows they know they have lost the public trust and have to do something to try and recapture it. However they completely misdiagnose the problem as inconsistent messaging rather than the message being flat out wrong (actually deliberately false).
You would think the way to fix people not believing lies would be to stop telling them. Instead they are going to ensure everyone is telling the same lie.
The good thing is this should accelerate the CDC's destruction. Mixed messaging can be plausibly blamed on old-fashioned government incompetence. Stalinist propaganda isn't so easily dismissed.
You're right! Except.. Dammit, family and co workers ain't budging. ???!?
Except my mom, she budged in December. Some. Finally. But, I'm the bad guy. She said she was thinking of moving to Austin, 3 children and 4th fairly close.... But when I told her I'd come and talk to her every day for 1,2 hours, she trashed the idea😎😃😁😁😄😆😂
Exactly. They aren’t admitting mistakes - they think they should have made those mistakes faster and with more authority to compel blind compliance to strategies that failed (and were always going to because they couldn’t work no matter what the stupid impotent people pontificating about a fantasy 💩 told themselves to feel powerful and important at night).
what role does the CDC play that, in the age of big data, could not be easily covered and exceeded by open systems of data subject to real, open debate and adversarial assessment?
why in the age of the bazaar do we want to trust the cathedral?
I find it impossible to believe anyone in 2022 actually thinks they should get their health advice from the government. Hell, most don't even believe their doctors.
It is probably more that most people don't understand, or haven't until recently, how much harm they are doing. How much information they are censoring? How truly corrupt all our agencies are, but in particular with health, directly affects our quality of life.
I am still, constantly, exposed to people who defend the CDC, the censorship, the abuse of power for political retribution, etc. because it is "their guys" doing it so it's not just ok, it must be essential. People who fail to see the obvious inconsistencies, who fail to see the questions being suppressed are reasonable, who fail to see the obvious in general. Because Their Guys are in charge now and that is all that matters.
And well, they are the "Center" for "Disease Control", they must do some good, right ? Kind of like many said with masks, well sure they aren't perfect, but even if they protect 3-5% of the time then its worth it. 'cuz my safety.
People are terrible at risk analysis and easily fooled by salesmen. All of us, just some of us are aware and try to keep that in mind as much as possible.
I am not sure I agree that people are terrible at risk analysis, but I agree that to be competent at it takes effort, study and most of all valid information. Among my many activities and qualifications, I train people to fly airplanes and I train people in self defense (not at the same time ;-). In both, in addition to physical skills, mental skills are critical, and risk assessment is one of the key mental skills that need to be developed. Most people can learn, but many never are exposed to useful training.
When we study risk management, we realize that validity of information is essential. Making decisions on bad information is often fatal, whether responding to an emergency in the air or a threat on the ground.
The CDC has been and continues to be a source of invalid information and worse still seems determined to make validation of information difficult if not impossible. This makes bad decisions likely and good risk management not so much likely. The CDC is a political tool to achieve a political end, so this reality is no surprise.
Very fair points. I agree that with proper data and training most people can do a reasonable job of risk management. I guess maybe the statement should be more like we aren't great at consistently doing risk management - it can be difficult and in many cases we just trust others to do it for us.
I am a pilot and have been on the receiving end of said training. The risk management aspect is to me the single most important part of training and very fun. It helps me fly confidently and safely if I know I'm operating within the safety envelopes with proper margins. I've been able to apply a lot of that learning to other parts of my life.
The CDC does not really have the public's health or best interest in mind, nor the surgeon general. They are only there to help politicians achieve goals. And yes, those goals "may" look like public health, but they are always something like "find a solution for all the men dying of heart attacks" so it looks like I did something. The goal is usually valid, the solution rarely is and is even more rarely valid on an individual level.
Really do you want to start me on the doctors rant? Ok, it's your nickel...
Doctors are in a position of trust, and at some point, we will find ourselves needed to trust (and have faith in) a doctor or a collection of doctors. It's hard to do when you realize just how superficial is their knowledge. It must be the training and of course the culture of regulation (and CYA). Most docs simply follow guidelines which they often don't understand fully, beyond that if they don't follow the AMA and government guidance their license is at risk. Many docs don't seem to care to learn how the drugs they administer actually work, which seems to me (background in engineering and physics, not biology) seems nuts. But then, as a collective the life sciences have only insights in to how our bodies really work, with most of it still unknown. So this may be a habit: we can't know how it really works in the body, so why bother, just administer the drug and see what happens.
My biggest issue with this culture is lack of inquiry: most docs seem uninterested in finding actual causes. They have drugs to prescribe for conditions. Those conditions, be it high cholesterol (with an ever changing definition of high), blood sugar regulation, and so on, are likely clues - symptoms of something. Broad definitions like "type II diabetes" don't address underlying causes. This is particularly frustrating to those of us who believe in the kind of science that depends and acts upon observations (data). Look at the so popular non-diagnosis of "type II diabetes" and even more popular "pre-diabetes". Take ONE measurement, once or twice in a year, of blood sugar level, and base a diagnosis on it. That's nuts, kids. Today, we have technology that can continuously monitor blood sugar and log lots and lots of data. Most docs resist using it. That's even more nuts. The old argument "we do the best we can with what we can" for using one fasting blood sugar measurement as meaningful is obsolete. And studies that do continuous monitoring have invalidated most assumptions made from spot-checks and the one fasting number. We can do better, but we don't because we're so used to not doing better. That seems to be the culture of modern medicine.
Now want to talk about statin drug abuse? Maybe another day ;-)
"what role does the CDC play that, in the age of big data, could not be easily covered and exceeded by open systems of data subject to real, open debate and adversarial assessment?"
I sense a feline trap. You know what role the CDC plays and it has nothing to do with data or health.
The purpose of the CDC is to execute the will of The Party. The mission in 2020 was stop Trump from winning again. The roaring economy was a problem that needed to be solved, and the CDC did exactly their part in spreading fear and harm to assist in reversing prosperity and independence.
With southern border being open how is Homeland security dept. Justified? And public health dept? are the crossers being screened for contagious disease like Tuberculous? with the rapid entry of so many TB screening is unlikely. Policy Inconsistencies abound. How to prevemt weaponization of unelected agencies? Regulations do not work, laws ignoref
To my point, "dismantle these organizations" and then stop. We don't need to rebuild, we need to rethink and may go back to first principles, also known as the Constitution of the United States. End the abuse of the commerce clause. Regulating interstate commerce has been used to justify the legislation that creates and funds these agencies. Along with the misinterpretation of what "provide for the general welfare" means, abuse of the commerce clause accounts for the massive concentration of power in the federal government the constitution and structure of our representative republic defined therein were designed to prevent.
Think about the greater good, for real. Look at all the resources consumed by agencies hat should not exist like CDC and HHS as a whole. Consider how those resources could be used to provide for our common defense. Control of our borders is a critical part of that common defense. We the people empowered the federal government via the constitution to provide a common defense, not regulate drugs or food or packaging.
The reply I get too often when saying the CDC should get disbanded all together is along the lines of, "but misinformation will spread and people will die". So just like now, except without unelected, seemingly unaccountable political "scientists" making decisions effecting everyone's lives? Sounds good to me.
We need some staff to show us where the good studies are hidden & bodies are buried..
--->>> July 18, 2005 <<<<---
Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with Fort Dodge Animal Health, an animal biologics and pharmaceutical company, have developed the world’s first licensed DNA vaccine. The vaccine, which protects horses from West Nile virus, was licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) this week *. The technology could serve as a basis for future development of human vaccines.
“This is truly an exciting innovation, and an incredible scientific breakthrough that has potential benefits far beyond preventing West Nile virus in horses,” said CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding. “This science will allow for the development of safer and more effective human and animal vaccines more quickly.”
Agree, that works better. But I would go back and evaluate that "if".
Is it really necessary to have public health agencies?
Maybe "yes" is a valid answer. But who's really asking the question? It is simply assumed we'd all die a horrible death or something else catastrophic will happen if we don't have a government entity dictating how we live. I think that's an assumption that needs constantly to be challenged and likely revised.
I have often wondered the same thing: are public health agencies necessary and I can imagine a society that can do just fine without them, even at the local level. “Public health” as a locus of study really isn’t a thing anyway, is it?
Maybe the FDA, if they were actually monitoring food production sanitation standards, could reappear as the FA. But then it would be good if they'd actually do their jobs instead of harassing people who want access to unapproved/alternative therapies.
The whole ruse is about the pretense of self-governance and improvement to ward off any actual, deep investigations into what goes on behind closed doors. No meaningful changes will occur, obviously.
I don't believe that they even realize that these things are a problem. They live in such a fantasyland world, and are so out of touch with anything outside the Beltway, that we can't expect them to have the faintest notion of reality. So, they make up 'reality' as they go.
I enjoyed a good, long laugh when I read, "restore public trust". That ship sailed many months ago. I will NEVER trust any of our current public "health" agencies again. It's time to dismantle all of them and start fresh with people who have a track record of following actual science and showing genuine concern for the public during the last two years.
He would be an excellent choice, though Florida would certainly miss him.
There is a brave "fringe" minority of doctors and scientists who have tirelessly fought against the overwhelming narrative. I would confidently accept health guidance from any of them. As for the millions who quietly went with the flow, never again!
I think that ship sailed many years ago, but it wasn't quite as obvious to the rest of us. In digging a bit into the history and work of the CDC and in particular the fellow they propped up as the worlds greatest infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, I realized they've been spreading dangerous misinformation for years - even decades. Fauci's claim to fame, aka the bulk of his publication history, is on AIDS and HIV. There are even more myths around HIV and the syndrome that Fauci has helped to propagate and maintain. He may even of originated a few. Some dangerous myths. The biggest being that AIDS is a "gay disease". The data and science show this is a fallacy on face value. The mechanisms for viral transmission is equally likely in heterosexual activity, and even more likely for non-sexual contact with infected blood. Data on both HIV rates and AIDS show that it is NOT a "gay disease" but spreads and attacks without regard for sexual preference.
It is very likely the spread of AIDS and HIV could have been reduced significantly had accurate information on risk factors been broadcast, instead of false information that made billions of people think they were not at risk due to sexual preference. Fauci was at the forefront with the full backing of the CDC and NIH. It took over a decade for the health care industry to realize the dangers of transmission through non-sexual means and develop reasonable risk mitigations.
Nothing about how AIDS and HIV were handled by CDC can be termed a success in objective review. The 2020-22 period has of course seen new extremes, but the practices and politics are not new.
"I think that ship sailed many years ago, but it wasn't quite as obvious to the rest of us."
Very true. Before 2020 I never really paid any attention to them, mainly because they didn't seem relevant to my life as a healthy, active person. The last two years opened my eyes, and I have subsequently learned far more about their activities. In hindsight, they have done all manner of horrible things over the years, and clearly have not served the public's best interests. Now that their malevolent actions are far more visible to all, I'm just one of many who are suddenly aware and actively distrustful of them. No amount of reorganization will repair that. Walensky's most effective move for the public at this point would be to fire everyone in the agency and then resign.
"Walensky also plans to ask Congress to grant the agency new powers, including mandating that jurisdictions share their data."
Wanna bet that "shared data" will become "hidden data?"
BTW... hidden data is happening now. Check out ethical skeptic on twitter. There is missing cancer and heart disease data from the NCHS. "day 74 of system upgrade"
For more than a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected data on hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the United States and broken it down by age, race and vaccination status. But it has not made most of the information public.
Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”
Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.
Yes, the priority of the agency that ‘suggested’ we all wear masks and that the vaccine would end the pandemic — even while knowing it would do nothing of the sort — is CLEARLY ensuring data is accurate and actionable.
This is all so disgusting, frightening and obvious at the same time. So Walensky is going to ask Congress for new powers, does that include police powers like IRS and shoot to kill abilities. Asking for a non Democrat.
"they learn that what you say is always the opposite of what you’re doing."
Same with government legislation - the Inflation Reduction Act that fails to reduce inflation; the Patriot Act that created a domestic surveillance state.
Adopt a George Costanza stance on government - everything it says is really the opposite!
the reverse nominative determinism of legislation ceases only when they don't even try to make the names line up and try to pass the "fluffy bunny act" to add diversity requirements to hairdresser licensing and then accuse anyone who opposes it of wanting to murder fluffy bunnies.
But that is EXACTLY what they do. All of the "executive orders", and most of the "fluffy bunny" legislation passed by this congress has had the effect of retroactively criminalizing the actions of tens of thousands of law abiding citizens.
Their new, 70,000 strong, army, and the arming of departments like the weather office is merely the start. The next few months, (until the election, could see proposals to reintroduce more "old fashioned" remedies.
Once again, they are showing you who they are. They don’t care about anything but gaining power and using that power to crush their enemies. (What good is having it otherwise?) If you do a bad thing AGAINST our political team, we’ll lock you up and throw away the key. If you do a bad thing FOR our political team, we will turn you into a hero!
This is yet another reason why the formation of the Ministry of Truth Disinformation Governance Board is so troubling. Recently DGB director Nina Jankowicz claimed that ‘verified users’ should be able to edit tweets made by others, if those tweets contain ‘misinformation’.
If you listen close, what she’s saying is that all ‘verified’ users should be ‘trustworthy’ — as determined by her board. In practice this means taking away the ‘verified’ status of anybody who doesn’t parrot The Narrative, and eventually the collapse of discourse as all opposing views are eliminated. We saw this happen with bans related to covid and more recently with Ukraine.
The mystery is why so many otherwise intelligent humans fail to see the obvious danger (and absurdity) in a government entity defining "truth" and policing "misinformation".
Yet I hear so many defending this and joining in the false premise that the wrong words must be stopped.
But as I'm a people, and most of my immediate family are people too, it's a bit harder to achieve. Even when I don't talk they share their views. That's a trait of people.
Rochy isn’t in charge. She is figurehead appointed under Biden and is out of her depth. She may take the fall, but it is the previous administration that caused this.
Previous administration? Surely you jest... this has been going on for decades. Trump and Biden are just the two most recent presidents to not know and do anything about the incompetence. Only now that the incompetence is seeing the light of day, will there be any reaction. Hopefully CDC bites the dust.
We can only hope that the CDC is ended, but this “restructuring” gives them a chance to try convince people that they are learning from their mistakes. They are trying to get ahead of the full on backlash they can see coming.
Yeah, I got it. You're right of course, from their perspective -- the problem is that the backlash that's coming is not like a downspout after a rainstorm, it is like a tsunami after a magnitude 10 earthquake. They have no idea how much distrust, even hatred, exists out there. How can they? They live in a silo designed to protect them almost completely from the consequences of their actions.
They have no idea how to handle the poison shots. The truth is coming out and the shots will be pulled from the market after the first multimillion dollar injury lawsuit judgment. They are quacking in their boots that they will be pulled into the legal tsunami that's coming
If a sweeping reorganization is announced and the leader of the organization stays in power, well, you know what you're getting. IIRC, Wallensky's husband is part of the academic/pharma grant .gov leviathan that is running this show. If anyone under the regulatory thumb of the .gov lied to them the way that they lied to us, we'd be under the jail and bankrupted.
I did a quick search at and found quite a few patents assigned to the CDC. I did this search: AN/"CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL"
got 143 results. I noted with some other search patterns that some are assigned using a "center" instead of "centers" also and other variations so there are at least a few more. Quite a few have to do with viruses and vaccines.
It is one of their businesses. But at least for the recent decade their business seems to be spreading fear and misleading information. Well funded, too.
Restore public trust? They have got to be kidding! The last thing we need is ANY public trust in these vile chuckleheads! The only sweeping I want to see is Walensky and her ilk swept up and dumped into a dustbin that is immediately hauled off to the highest security prison available and then thrown under it.
The purpose of the reorganization is to get better control of the narrative so as to be ready to attack the prey more effectively the next time a pandemic is created.
I actually think they are more worried about the controlling the narrative coming out of the midterms more than hoping for the next pandemic.
Yes. The Science™ changes in accordance to the polls.
Meanwhile China is sending troops to Russia for joint military exercises.
Hmmmm. Gi Whiz...I can't believe that's happening............
Really? You think it's all political? Whoa....[major sarcasm flag].
Absolutely it is about nothing but power. If a new pandemic were seen as a way to secure more power in November, you bet we'd have one.
They have been pushing monkeypox hard.
In deed. Making it a pandemic. Despite the lack of actual infected people, it is a crisis world-wide. Cool. What is not going to be so cool is when we see measures taken to promote the spread of it the way the "recommendations" and mandates elevated and spread COVID.
And of course we won't be allowed to admit that it's spreading pretty much among promiscuous gay men, so we will all get treated the same. Just like covid, when it was only the old and very unhealthy that were at real risk, but we locked the whole world down with devastating effects. Wokeness really is evil.
Yes they will launch a PR campaign to soften people’s view of the agency. Wouldn’t want the emperor to look bad. Kind of like their stupid Obamacare campaign to make it look hip and cool with pajama boy to get their (crappy expensive) insurance plan. Maybe they can use pajama boy again and some slogan about how CDC is looking out for Americans and go out and get your flu shot, covid shot, pox shot blah blah blah. 🤡
That’s why we need to fight back against this centralization and corruption. The most peaceful way is like this: WE NEED TO RE-INFILTRATE OUR OWN GOVERNMENTS - With people whose main goal is to fix the corrupted system with transparency and decentralization. It’s really not that hard. But it would require organization, a new code, and an agreement between sensible people.
This is how we can re-infiltrate our own governments (don’t worry it is a 100% free substack):
I know of some people who are actually doing this. They were a group getting together to pray about things, then decided they need to DO something. They formed a task force to learn the inner workings of politics, and once they felt like they were relatively savvy, they got several people ousted and several elected. They also got mask mandates obliterated, formed peaceful protests at certain organizations, made mass texts and calls to certain other organizations, did several other key things and generally made a difference starting from grass roots. A group of about 15 turned into a group of about 150 and they’ve really made some headway. YOU can start this where you are.
There was a group here in SE PA that did that too. We organized, and overturned the majority of several county school boards and set our kids free from mandatory masks. Because we had already stopped the masks, mandatory vax for kids was never even on the table. PA also amended our state constitution and made it much, much harder for our governor to continue with never ending states of emergency. I agree that the only peaceful way to change things is to change these orgs from the inside. Ideally we should abolish them, but I doubt there is the political will for that.
If my people…
This is awesome and I agree. I am active locally. But if we want a real movement we need better technology built, and many many more people working on it. Read the article and you will see. For example for me to personally have trust in the CDC again it would require nearly 100% transparency. And to achieve that we would need way better tech designed by the people, not government. In order to get real control back from the Globalists we need a bigger movement.
I get it, I really do.
Conservatives and Libertarians are not inclined to "organize and protest"
Not all, but there are a fair amount of us that just want to mind our own business. Of course I know how this does not work well for us.
Most of us are not "meddling" people.... We need to get involved, and encourage our friends and neighbors to also join this urgent need. If we do not, it could be the epic dilemma we can already see. The left is very good at turning everything they touch to 💩
I agree, Start small, community, then learn and grow. Get involved in the voting process, do canvassing and work at the polls.
I have done this for many years now (kids grown) You meet a lot of really neat people, and on election day you meet some really stupid democrats working the polls wearing Biden gear even though it is prohibited, they did wear their shirts masks hats.
Yay, it is fun!!
Sorry, only communists (er, I mean, progressives) are allowed to infiltrate the government. If you or I tried it, it would constitute a "threat" to democracy!
Funny, but that is why it needs to be decentralized. We are allowed in America as voters - as far as I know - to have a say in our own government. The “re-infiltration” is tongue in cheek. But also kind of necessary at this point. Read the article and you will see.
Have you not learned from 2020-22? Those who attempt to fix the corrupted system are dealt with. Harshly.
Which gets me pissed and ready to fight. Sad I don't have medical license to trade in for DISMISSAL letter... Those WILK be valuable.. A sign of honor
Interesting. It absolutely didn't work in our case, but different animals. God bless.
Another issue, by sensible... If you mean ones that will negotiate... This must be worked out. Could work if you define it. Could really screw it up if you mean on core values people have..
Again, I hope best
I don’t understand this? What didn’t work out?
Vatican was taken over.Catholics who knew something was wrong stayed in the new beast, to try to reform it... They didn't, and they lost their Catholic faith.
Only thise who left remained Catholic.
So they are different scenarios, but I thought of mine immediately.
As I said, I hope the best for you
And they paid $60k in lessons to make her come across trustworthy. Why? She gets medical info watching CNN? what's not to trust?
Well, she uses CNN as a guide, so there's that.
Yes, deep horror from any adult
Since the medical info at CNN comes via Dr Sanjay Gupta - a protégé of Klaus Schwab - it's clearly and unarguably not intended to brainwash but to convince the sheep who still watch CNN of the scientific accuracy of their guidance..
Yes. I was being bitterly sarcastic
Which at the rate they are going, should be sometime between Halloween and Christmas.
they will act Halloween but dress up like father Christmas
The fact that they are making a big public brouhaha about the re-org shows they know they have lost the public trust and have to do something to try and recapture it. However they completely misdiagnose the problem as inconsistent messaging rather than the message being flat out wrong (actually deliberately false).
You would think the way to fix people not believing lies would be to stop telling them. Instead they are going to ensure everyone is telling the same lie.
The good thing is this should accelerate the CDC's destruction. Mixed messaging can be plausibly blamed on old-fashioned government incompetence. Stalinist propaganda isn't so easily dismissed.
You're right! Except.. Dammit, family and co workers ain't budging. ???!?
Except my mom, she budged in December. Some. Finally. But, I'm the bad guy. She said she was thinking of moving to Austin, 3 children and 4th fairly close.... But when I told her I'd come and talk to her every day for 1,2 hours, she trashed the idea😎😃😁😁😄😆😂
If I'm lying I'm dying
And The Narrative™ and its moral certitude have proven to be catastrophic.
Exactly. They aren’t admitting mistakes - they think they should have made those mistakes faster and with more authority to compel blind compliance to strategies that failed (and were always going to because they couldn’t work no matter what the stupid impotent people pontificating about a fantasy 💩 told themselves to feel powerful and important at night).
People were so easily conned.
One never lets those who cause the problem solve or fix the problem.
The alphabet agencies need to be rebuilt from the ground up if they should even exist post the coming collapse.
why rebuild them at all?
what role does the CDC play that, in the age of big data, could not be easily covered and exceeded by open systems of data subject to real, open debate and adversarial assessment?
why in the age of the bazaar do we want to trust the cathedral?
True.. I had a CDC INSIDER TELL ME they are a CYA agency for Pharma and the government.
yes, i'veheard similar from several folks. the good people at CDC, NIH, FDA are leaving in droves.
they are becoming husks of incapability and dogmatism.
whether this is by design or happenstance really does not wind up mattering. what matters is that this makes them exceedingly dangerous.
incompetent and ideological is a potent mix.
even if we could "fix" them for a minute, this seems like the final form this pokemon is always going to wind up assuming.
the only way to avoid this ends state is to eliminate the agencies.
and i think that winds up being a big win. their monopolies are in the way of the emergence of something far better and more capable.
I find it impossible to believe anyone in 2022 actually thinks they should get their health advice from the government. Hell, most don't even believe their doctors.
It is probably more that most people don't understand, or haven't until recently, how much harm they are doing. How much information they are censoring? How truly corrupt all our agencies are, but in particular with health, directly affects our quality of life.
I am still, constantly, exposed to people who defend the CDC, the censorship, the abuse of power for political retribution, etc. because it is "their guys" doing it so it's not just ok, it must be essential. People who fail to see the obvious inconsistencies, who fail to see the questions being suppressed are reasonable, who fail to see the obvious in general. Because Their Guys are in charge now and that is all that matters.
And well, they are the "Center" for "Disease Control", they must do some good, right ? Kind of like many said with masks, well sure they aren't perfect, but even if they protect 3-5% of the time then its worth it. 'cuz my safety.
People are terrible at risk analysis and easily fooled by salesmen. All of us, just some of us are aware and try to keep that in mind as much as possible.
I am not sure I agree that people are terrible at risk analysis, but I agree that to be competent at it takes effort, study and most of all valid information. Among my many activities and qualifications, I train people to fly airplanes and I train people in self defense (not at the same time ;-). In both, in addition to physical skills, mental skills are critical, and risk assessment is one of the key mental skills that need to be developed. Most people can learn, but many never are exposed to useful training.
When we study risk management, we realize that validity of information is essential. Making decisions on bad information is often fatal, whether responding to an emergency in the air or a threat on the ground.
The CDC has been and continues to be a source of invalid information and worse still seems determined to make validation of information difficult if not impossible. This makes bad decisions likely and good risk management not so much likely. The CDC is a political tool to achieve a political end, so this reality is no surprise.
Very fair points. I agree that with proper data and training most people can do a reasonable job of risk management. I guess maybe the statement should be more like we aren't great at consistently doing risk management - it can be difficult and in many cases we just trust others to do it for us.
I am a pilot and have been on the receiving end of said training. The risk management aspect is to me the single most important part of training and very fun. It helps me fly confidently and safely if I know I'm operating within the safety envelopes with proper margins. I've been able to apply a lot of that learning to other parts of my life.
The CDC does not really have the public's health or best interest in mind, nor the surgeon general. They are only there to help politicians achieve goals. And yes, those goals "may" look like public health, but they are always something like "find a solution for all the men dying of heart attacks" so it looks like I did something. The goal is usually valid, the solution rarely is and is even more rarely valid on an individual level.
Most do believe their doctors.
Really do you want to start me on the doctors rant? Ok, it's your nickel...
Doctors are in a position of trust, and at some point, we will find ourselves needed to trust (and have faith in) a doctor or a collection of doctors. It's hard to do when you realize just how superficial is their knowledge. It must be the training and of course the culture of regulation (and CYA). Most docs simply follow guidelines which they often don't understand fully, beyond that if they don't follow the AMA and government guidance their license is at risk. Many docs don't seem to care to learn how the drugs they administer actually work, which seems to me (background in engineering and physics, not biology) seems nuts. But then, as a collective the life sciences have only insights in to how our bodies really work, with most of it still unknown. So this may be a habit: we can't know how it really works in the body, so why bother, just administer the drug and see what happens.
My biggest issue with this culture is lack of inquiry: most docs seem uninterested in finding actual causes. They have drugs to prescribe for conditions. Those conditions, be it high cholesterol (with an ever changing definition of high), blood sugar regulation, and so on, are likely clues - symptoms of something. Broad definitions like "type II diabetes" don't address underlying causes. This is particularly frustrating to those of us who believe in the kind of science that depends and acts upon observations (data). Look at the so popular non-diagnosis of "type II diabetes" and even more popular "pre-diabetes". Take ONE measurement, once or twice in a year, of blood sugar level, and base a diagnosis on it. That's nuts, kids. Today, we have technology that can continuously monitor blood sugar and log lots and lots of data. Most docs resist using it. That's even more nuts. The old argument "we do the best we can with what we can" for using one fasting blood sugar measurement as meaningful is obsolete. And studies that do continuous monitoring have invalidated most assumptions made from spot-checks and the one fasting number. We can do better, but we don't because we're so used to not doing better. That seems to be the culture of modern medicine.
Now want to talk about statin drug abuse? Maybe another day ;-)
"what role does the CDC play that, in the age of big data, could not be easily covered and exceeded by open systems of data subject to real, open debate and adversarial assessment?"
I sense a feline trap. You know what role the CDC plays and it has nothing to do with data or health.
The purpose of the CDC is to execute the will of The Party. The mission in 2020 was stop Trump from winning again. The roaring economy was a problem that needed to be solved, and the CDC did exactly their part in spreading fear and harm to assist in reversing prosperity and independence.
With southern border being open how is Homeland security dept. Justified? And public health dept? are the crossers being screened for contagious disease like Tuberculous? with the rapid entry of so many TB screening is unlikely. Policy Inconsistencies abound. How to prevemt weaponization of unelected agencies? Regulations do not work, laws ignoref
Thus the toys must go.
To my point, "dismantle these organizations" and then stop. We don't need to rebuild, we need to rethink and may go back to first principles, also known as the Constitution of the United States. End the abuse of the commerce clause. Regulating interstate commerce has been used to justify the legislation that creates and funds these agencies. Along with the misinterpretation of what "provide for the general welfare" means, abuse of the commerce clause accounts for the massive concentration of power in the federal government the constitution and structure of our representative republic defined therein were designed to prevent.
Think about the greater good, for real. Look at all the resources consumed by agencies hat should not exist like CDC and HHS as a whole. Consider how those resources could be used to provide for our common defense. Control of our borders is a critical part of that common defense. We the people empowered the federal government via the constitution to provide a common defense, not regulate drugs or food or packaging.
The reply I get too often when saying the CDC should get disbanded all together is along the lines of, "but misinformation will spread and people will die". So just like now, except without unelected, seemingly unaccountable political "scientists" making decisions effecting everyone's lives? Sounds good to me.
We need some staff to show us where the good studies are hidden & bodies are buried..
--->>> July 18, 2005 <<<<---
Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with Fort Dodge Animal Health, an animal biologics and pharmaceutical company, have developed the world’s first licensed DNA vaccine. The vaccine, which protects horses from West Nile virus, was licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) this week *. The technology could serve as a basis for future development of human vaccines.
“This is truly an exciting innovation, and an incredible scientific breakthrough that has potential benefits far beyond preventing West Nile virus in horses,” said CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding. “This science will allow for the development of safer and more effective human and animal vaccines more quickly.”
If there must be public health agencies, why not rid ourselves of any federal public health bureaucracy and put it in the hands of the states.
Agree, that works better. But I would go back and evaluate that "if".
Is it really necessary to have public health agencies?
Maybe "yes" is a valid answer. But who's really asking the question? It is simply assumed we'd all die a horrible death or something else catastrophic will happen if we don't have a government entity dictating how we live. I think that's an assumption that needs constantly to be challenged and likely revised.
I have often wondered the same thing: are public health agencies necessary and I can imagine a society that can do just fine without them, even at the local level. “Public health” as a locus of study really isn’t a thing anyway, is it?
Whoa, I just read and wow. Just wow. Noting that their own map shows no outbreaks anywhere in the world and het the advice stays in place?
Now why would here be a credibility problem again?
When the “news” blasted a major shakeup at CDC I stopped to listen but then saw Walensky (who should be fired). I laughed and turned off the tv.
Yup. Before you know it, we're all gonna have to walk around with Gumby "condom" suits.
Expect that you, of course, will model the new "safe" wardrobe for us. Pls post a pic.
Look at this and the website name.
no agencies need to exist. None of them are for the benefit of the average citizen.
Maybe the FDA, if they were actually monitoring food production sanitation standards, could reappear as the FA. But then it would be good if they'd actually do their jobs instead of harassing people who want access to unapproved/alternative therapies.
OH that's why they called themselves alphabet. Since they are now in charge of the alphabet agencies. I'm a bit slow on the uptake.
I didn't see anything in there about, you know, serious investigations into regulatory capture, political interference, and influence peddling.
No doubt it's in the fine print.
I'm sure they had something like a "crisis consultant" come in and give them some superficial things to say/do to put a band aid on the problem.
I wonder if we'll see a wardrobe change for Walensky, using colors that test as "trustworthy."
The whole ruse is about the pretense of self-governance and improvement to ward off any actual, deep investigations into what goes on behind closed doors. No meaningful changes will occur, obviously.
They may make some meaningful changes, such as tightening the control and monitoring of citizens.
Not my favorite kind of meaning, but it is a meaning.
Alas, they see those as features, not bugs.
I don't believe that they even realize that these things are a problem. They live in such a fantasyland world, and are so out of touch with anything outside the Beltway, that we can't expect them to have the faintest notion of reality. So, they make up 'reality' as they go.
I I always play Reagan's quote in my head "It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so"
As are all "devils".
I enjoyed a good, long laugh when I read, "restore public trust". That ship sailed many months ago. I will NEVER trust any of our current public "health" agencies again. It's time to dismantle all of them and start fresh with people who have a track record of following actual science and showing genuine concern for the public during the last two years.
YES. And when they dismantle these felonious orgs they need to put FL Surgeon General Joe Lapado in charge.
He would be an excellent choice, though Florida would certainly miss him.
There is a brave "fringe" minority of doctors and scientists who have tirelessly fought against the overwhelming narrative. I would confidently accept health guidance from any of them. As for the millions who quietly went with the flow, never again!
Ladapo- my bad
I think that ship sailed many years ago, but it wasn't quite as obvious to the rest of us. In digging a bit into the history and work of the CDC and in particular the fellow they propped up as the worlds greatest infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, I realized they've been spreading dangerous misinformation for years - even decades. Fauci's claim to fame, aka the bulk of his publication history, is on AIDS and HIV. There are even more myths around HIV and the syndrome that Fauci has helped to propagate and maintain. He may even of originated a few. Some dangerous myths. The biggest being that AIDS is a "gay disease". The data and science show this is a fallacy on face value. The mechanisms for viral transmission is equally likely in heterosexual activity, and even more likely for non-sexual contact with infected blood. Data on both HIV rates and AIDS show that it is NOT a "gay disease" but spreads and attacks without regard for sexual preference.
It is very likely the spread of AIDS and HIV could have been reduced significantly had accurate information on risk factors been broadcast, instead of false information that made billions of people think they were not at risk due to sexual preference. Fauci was at the forefront with the full backing of the CDC and NIH. It took over a decade for the health care industry to realize the dangers of transmission through non-sexual means and develop reasonable risk mitigations.
Nothing about how AIDS and HIV were handled by CDC can be termed a success in objective review. The 2020-22 period has of course seen new extremes, but the practices and politics are not new.
"I think that ship sailed many years ago, but it wasn't quite as obvious to the rest of us."
Very true. Before 2020 I never really paid any attention to them, mainly because they didn't seem relevant to my life as a healthy, active person. The last two years opened my eyes, and I have subsequently learned far more about their activities. In hindsight, they have done all manner of horrible things over the years, and clearly have not served the public's best interests. Now that their malevolent actions are far more visible to all, I'm just one of many who are suddenly aware and actively distrustful of them. No amount of reorganization will repair that. Walensky's most effective move for the public at this point would be to fire everyone in the agency and then resign.
Note how no such agency ever says "Deserve the public's trust"...
How about we "dismantle all of them" and then stop. :-).
"Walensky also plans to ask Congress to grant the agency new powers, including mandating that jurisdictions share their data."
Wanna bet that "shared data" will become "hidden data?"
BTW... hidden data is happening now. Check out ethical skeptic on twitter. There is missing cancer and heart disease data from the NCHS. "day 74 of system upgrade"
The CDC has been doing this a long, long time.
For more than a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected data on hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the United States and broken it down by age, race and vaccination status. But it has not made most of the information public.
Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”
Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.
Yes, the priority of the agency that ‘suggested’ we all wear masks and that the vaccine would end the pandemic — even while knowing it would do nothing of the sort — is CLEARLY ensuring data is accurate and actionable.
Look- let's just go with Phizer and nobody tells anybody anything for the next 75 years. Wouldn't be any worse off than we are now...
This is all so disgusting, frightening and obvious at the same time. So Walensky is going to ask Congress for new powers, does that include police powers like IRS and shoot to kill abilities. Asking for a non Democrat.
"they learn that what you say is always the opposite of what you’re doing."
Same with government legislation - the Inflation Reduction Act that fails to reduce inflation; the Patriot Act that created a domestic surveillance state.
Adopt a George Costanza stance on government - everything it says is really the opposite!
yeah, that's always the game.
the reverse nominative determinism of legislation ceases only when they don't even try to make the names line up and try to pass the "fluffy bunny act" to add diversity requirements to hairdresser licensing and then accuse anyone who opposes it of wanting to murder fluffy bunnies.
But that is EXACTLY what they do. All of the "executive orders", and most of the "fluffy bunny" legislation passed by this congress has had the effect of retroactively criminalizing the actions of tens of thousands of law abiding citizens.
Great. MORE government involvement to spread the lying narrative. What could possibly go wrong. 🙀😾
Why don't the liars just stop lying?
They can't. They're psychopaths.
In that case I guess they'll have to just shut us up the old-fashioned way.......
Their new, 70,000 strong, army, and the arming of departments like the weather office is merely the start. The next few months, (until the election, could see proposals to reintroduce more "old fashioned" remedies.
Liar ~ Henry Rollins
So you think you're going to live your life alone
in darkness and seclusion... yeah, I know
you've been out there and tried to mix with the animals
and it just left you full of humiliated confusion
but the feeling of loneliness never leaves you
it haunts you everywhere you go
and then you meet me and your whole world changes
because everything I say is everything you've ever wanted to hear
so you drop your defenses, and you drop all your fears
and you're so busy feeling good that you never
question why things are going so well
You want to know why?
'Cause I'm a liar, yeah, I'm a liar
I'll tear your mind out, I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me, I'll turn you into me
'Cause I'm a liar, a liar, a liar, a liar...
I'll hide behind a smile and understanding eyes
and I'll tell you things that you already know so you can say:
I really identify with you, so much...
I'll come to you like an affliction but I'll leave you like an addiction
You'll never forget me... you wanna know why?
'Cause I'm a liar, yeah, I'm a liar
I'll rip your mind out, I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me, I'll turn you into me
'Cause I'm a liar, a liar, liar, liar, liar liar...
I don't know why I feel the need to lie and cause you so much pain
maybe it's something inside, maybe it's something I can't explain
'cause all I do is mess you up and lie to you
I'm a liar, oh, I am a liar
but if you'll give just one more chance I swear I will never lie to you again
'cause now I see the destructive power of a lie,
that's stronger than truth
I can't believe I ever hurt you, I swear I will never lie to you again
please, just give me more chance, I'll never lie to you again, no,
I swear... I will never tell a lie, I will never tell a lie, no, no...
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho Ho Ho Ho! Sucker! Sucker! Sucker!
I am a liar, yeah, I am a liar, yeah
I like it, I feel good, I am a liar, yeah
I lie, I lie, I lie... oh, I lie,
I'll lie again, I'll again and again...I'll keep lying, I promise.
Would you ask a cat to stop purring or a bat to stop eating bugs?
It's what they do and who they are.
It's true, exactly like the scorpion and the frog:
Once again, they are showing you who they are. They don’t care about anything but gaining power and using that power to crush their enemies. (What good is having it otherwise?) If you do a bad thing AGAINST our political team, we’ll lock you up and throw away the key. If you do a bad thing FOR our political team, we will turn you into a hero!
This is yet another reason why the formation of the Ministry of Truth Disinformation Governance Board is so troubling. Recently DGB director Nina Jankowicz claimed that ‘verified users’ should be able to edit tweets made by others, if those tweets contain ‘misinformation’.
If you listen close, what she’s saying is that all ‘verified’ users should be ‘trustworthy’ — as determined by her board. In practice this means taking away the ‘verified’ status of anybody who doesn’t parrot The Narrative, and eventually the collapse of discourse as all opposing views are eliminated. We saw this happen with bans related to covid and more recently with Ukraine.
The mystery is why so many otherwise intelligent humans fail to see the obvious danger (and absurdity) in a government entity defining "truth" and policing "misinformation".
Yet I hear so many defending this and joining in the false premise that the wrong words must be stopped.
I stopped talking to people so as not to have to hear this.
That is a solution.
But as I'm a people, and most of my immediate family are people too, it's a bit harder to achieve. Even when I don't talk they share their views. That's a trait of people.
yes, you have to live only with dogs, as I do. Can't say I recommend it though
I'll believe it's a re-org when Rochy is led out in cuffs to the gallows.
Rochy isn’t in charge. She is figurehead appointed under Biden and is out of her depth. She may take the fall, but it is the previous administration that caused this.
I think you mean "administrations"
Much like Biden is the figurehead appointed to take the fall.
That's not to say if he were in his right mind he wouldn't be making the worst decisions possible, though.
Previous administration? Surely you jest... this has been going on for decades. Trump and Biden are just the two most recent presidents to not know and do anything about the incompetence. Only now that the incompetence is seeing the light of day, will there be any reaction. Hopefully CDC bites the dust.
We can only hope that the CDC is ended, but this “restructuring” gives them a chance to try convince people that they are learning from their mistakes. They are trying to get ahead of the full on backlash they can see coming.
Yeah, I got it. You're right of course, from their perspective -- the problem is that the backlash that's coming is not like a downspout after a rainstorm, it is like a tsunami after a magnitude 10 earthquake. They have no idea how much distrust, even hatred, exists out there. How can they? They live in a silo designed to protect them almost completely from the consequences of their actions.
They have no idea how to handle the poison shots. The truth is coming out and the shots will be pulled from the market after the first multimillion dollar injury lawsuit judgment. They are quacking in their boots that they will be pulled into the legal tsunami that's coming
as the comment above you suggested, they don't have a clue, yet.
They don't live in the same reality as us
All the figureheads need to be tried and swing
The CDC reforming itself is about as realistic a goal as a whorehouse reinventing itself as a Roman Catholic convent.
I will never trust the CDC or a doctor, ever again.
If a sweeping reorganization is announced and the leader of the organization stays in power, well, you know what you're getting. IIRC, Wallensky's husband is part of the academic/pharma grant .gov leviathan that is running this show. If anyone under the regulatory thumb of the .gov lied to them the way that they lied to us, we'd be under the jail and bankrupted.
and you didnt even get into the conflicts of interest of owning vaccine and vax tech patents from these criminal adventurers
well, in fairness, that's really more of the NIH's signature play, no?
Robert Kennedy has claimed they own many patents, i dont have the links to this info at this time tho
ah, interesting. was not aware the CDC also had its fingies in this particular pie. if someone has some cites/examples, would love to see them.
i am just starting to read this, there are links in the article to the patents:
I did a quick search at and found quite a few patents assigned to the CDC. I did this search: AN/"CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL"
got 143 results. I noted with some other search patterns that some are assigned using a "center" instead of "centers" also and other variations so there are at least a few more. Quite a few have to do with viruses and vaccines.
their main business is buying and selling vaccines. That's what they do.
It is one of their businesses. But at least for the recent decade their business seems to be spreading fear and misleading information. Well funded, too.
I’ll peruse my copy of THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. It’s in there.
Sounds like the only “sweeping” occurring involves a lumpy rug the size of North America.
Liars never confess. They just invent bigger and better lies.
I dunno if they're " better lies" ...but a lot of effort probably goes into them?
We should view the Nobel prizes as celebrating the biggest and best of the lies..... that would wake a few people up to the truth.
Restore public trust? They have got to be kidding! The last thing we need is ANY public trust in these vile chuckleheads! The only sweeping I want to see is Walensky and her ilk swept up and dumped into a dustbin that is immediately hauled off to the highest security prison available and then thrown under it.