The video is damning. What's the use of having humans holding these positions when they are no freer of thought, word, or deed that programmable robots?

As an aside to Kamala Harris and others like her: President Trump DOES say you should take the vaccine. In fact, if all the vaccine refuseniks are Trumpers, as you say (we're not), it goes to show that we actually are the free thinkers here, willing to boo him and hold him accountable when he calls it safe and effective. That's what pisses you off. We don't take orders from you and the others in government; if there's a boss here, it's not y'all. So keep on pretending to yourselves that the only reason we defy you is because we're following a different Dear Leader-- we're not following anybody. (Especially not if he calls himself The Science.)

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Excellent point. I’m personally a Trump supporter but I also hold him hugely accountable for the creation and pushing of this clot shot.

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He would not have mandated this clot shot even if he cheer-led it. I do hold him hugely accountable for not shutting down the tyrannical governors; he should have declared the emergency over after the first three weeks and given a world of hurt to governors who tried to keep it going.

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For better or worse, he couldn't have actually done that; governor's powers within their own states are squarely 10th Amendment issues. Their abuse of emergency powers was not "illegal."

Trump did not, himself, declare a federal state of emergency. That's all he had the power to do (or not do). He cannot force state governors to stand down if they are acting lawfully within their state constitutions and are not violating federal law (which they didn't).

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But he could have cut funding to states that were restricting commerce (I.e. forcing small businesses to close)

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He could have also fired Fauci and Redfield, and put people in charge of the CDC and FDA whose goal it was to tamp down the panic. Setting the PCR CT threshold to a reasonable number (like in Taiwan) would have cut the pandemic down by 90% or more.

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Mike answered correctly.

Trump declared a public health emergency under the Public Health Service Act on Jan. 31, issued two national emergency declarations under both the Stafford Act and the National Emergencies Act (NEA) on March 13, and invoked emergency powers via Executive Order under the Defense Production Act on March 18. On March 19, Trump named the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as the lead agency in the COVID-19 emergency response efforts, a designation previously held by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


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Great points!

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Me too, Mike. Me too. I was VERY disappointed he went down this “vaccine” path.

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I don't think Trump had any intention of issuing a mandate.

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No, he still opposes mandates, and he pushed for HCQ early on. But look at what his doctor, the guy who treated his Covid, has to say about it:


So why did Trump go so weak on this? Why can't he admit he was so wrong?

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Because he's a narcissistic moron.

I voted and supported him in 2020, btw.

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Because he is weak and a narcissist. Better than the current administration? Yup. That’s not saying much.

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I agree with you and I found the information Dr. David Martin shared in this video concerning and confusing. Start at around 5.5 minutes and hear/read what he has up about what Trump signed. https://www.brighteon.com/53ec5b5e-5ec3-4b25-b750-a4dace7672ae And let me know if you can discern what's going on!

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Did you read the comments on that video platform? There aren't many, but people can't seem to find the things in the documents that Martin says are in there.

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No, but I just did! The first commenter, John Armand Stern links the EO which I just skimmed through and I agree that those things are not in the document. In fact, the context is influenza vaccines and there is nothing about mRNA or adenovirus technology in that EO, only recombinant products. I have read elsewhere that Fauci's goal for years is to get the world vaxxed for influenza which is a fool's errand which means there's some other purpose behind it for him - like Gates and his population reduction agenda for Africa using vaccines.

Thanks for pointing this out! I still have issues with Trump's pushing the jab (even now), but I believe he was SO out of his knowledge base that he depended on "the experts." The problem with that line of thinking is that Trump prides himself (therein the problem) on being a good judge of character. Based on his choice of cabinet members during his presidency, I have to disagree! And he didn't do the most basic thing of getting rid of all the Obama undermining holdovers IMMEDIATELY and I think he grossly underestimated the power of the deep state.

I especially don't appreciate Martin fabricating evidence. A red flag just went up for me where he is concerned.

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That's when you know you are dealing with ideologically possessed people.

All they can do is cheer for their "team". No inflection, no soul searching, hell no thoughts, just tribalism and rehearsed rhetoric.

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I'm sick of the teams. (And have been for years). They ALL lose. The only team that wins is Team Individual Liberty. In my humble opinion. I do NOT need a king to tell me what to do or ANY dirty politician that thinks that just because the crowning achievement of their life is winning a so-called election they magically get the right to tell me what to do. Especially with my body and my life. No matter what team they are on.

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"People who need leaders are not qualified to select them."

~ Michael Malice

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Yes, this is exactly the point where the political narrative comes off the rails.

TDS is real.

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As she is nothing but a midair opportunist, it follows that she projects her mindset onto the rest of us

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Awesome Diana. Well said!!!

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Well, I was consistent. I didn't trust it under Trump and I don't trust it under Biden. Why? There's way too much money involved and the process was rushed, and that doesn't change with administration. And I know a lot of people who voted for Trump who feel the same way I do.

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Haha, did not see your answer! Exactly!

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So true Lillia. And yet we hear on the news (even on Fox News) that it's Trump supporters who are "vaccine hesitant."

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And all that was back when we thought the vaccine would actually stop transmission.

Today, they press forward knowing it does nothing of the sort.

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indeed, that has been one of the most dazzling aspects of all of this.

no matter how badly the vaccines fail, the answer is always "more vaccines."

it's like watching the climate change people pivot from global cooling to global warming claims but never doubting for a moment that the cure for both was "stop burning fossil fuels."

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And they could have so easily stopped. When Dr. Malone spoke up that the jabs behaved different than expected, they could have called a halt and use his testimony as the reason. No one would have protested, if the one who invented the mRNA said it was not safe. They could have booed him, but I don't think anyone would have blamed the government for trying to stop a sickness, and certainly not for stopping a dangerous jab. But they just keep on going. Which proves one thing. Money, Power.

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And don't forget "climate weirding". I think that was between "global warming" and "climate change", when the globe *wasn't* warming. It was just "weirding", I guess.

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And all this time archeologists find mammoth bones all over, from Antartica to the tropicals, and on the pole used to grow palm trees. So climate has changed quite a bit in the millions of years the earth is about. Only 100 years ago people started watching things closely. There is evidence that even in recent times climate changed considerably, some testimonies from the Middle Ages prove this. One only has to read some here and there !

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An argument that claims that every single part must be the same as the sum isn't a good one. Neither is an argument that pretends that temperature is the definition of climate.

The people who claimed the globe wasn't warming were people who cherry picked single year outliers. IE the people closer to the side claiming that changing the content of an atmosphere can't have negative effects. Using what the other side says and pretending it's what the opposite side said is weak tea.

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The benefactor of vaccines are drug corporations/the medical industrial complex. Their own clinical trials showed the Covid vaccine harms were higher than the benefits. Those trials were prematurely ended to make sure there wasn't more evidence. They've spent their efforts denying vaccine harms and dishonestly overselling the benefits.

The primary benefactor in human induced climate change is fossil fuel corporations and the rich who get to emit large amounts of pollution for free while everyone suffers the price of increased natural disasters, and damaged health. Fossil fuel corporations own research concluded their pollution was harmful but they spent their time denying it.

Both drug corporations and fossil fuel corporations get rich by operating in a non-free market. The drug corporations get patents (monopolies) while the fossil fuel corporations get to make everyone else to suffer the damage their pollution inflicts.

The vaccine enthusiast side in the Covid vaccine debate is closer in substance/style to the fossil fuel side in the climate change debate.

When did anyone of note say that burning fossil fuels would/was causing global cooling?

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Seems you're conflating pollution ("to suffer the damage their pollution inflicts"; "concluded their pollution was harmful"; "emit large amounts of pollution for free") with global warming ("fossil fuel side in the *climate change* (of course now you guys call it "climate change" because that covers EVERYTHING, especially when the planet ISN'T warming) debate").

An unfalsifiable belief or theory or hypothesis isn't science; it's religion. Global warming is an unfalsifiable belief. It's a religion, not much different in kind from a belief in God. Unfalsifiable.

Funny how despite exponential increases in the extraction of so-called "fossil" fuels for decades hasn't just not depleted the stores, but we keep finding more and more. Maybe they're NOT "fossil" fuels. Maybe they ARE a "renewable" resource.

Now, as to your concern about the warming of the planet, can you tell us what is the ideal temperature for each portion of the globe (I assume you don't think the entire planet should be the same temperature all over)? Break the planet down into segments however you choose. Then tell us how and why you chose those segments, tell us what the ideal temperature is for each of those segments, AND then tell us how you arrived at those temperatures being ideal for each segment of the planet.

Can't wait to see the science!

Maybe spend some time here, too: https://wattsupwiththat.com/

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"while everyone suffers the price of increased natural disasters, and damaged health"

Yet many of the people in power who want to limit our freedoms and impose huge financial costs on us...are the same people buying multi-million dollar properties that will be underwater if their dire, apoplectic, apolcalyptic warnings come to be.

When THEY start acting like they're worried about global warming, then and ONLY then might I GAFF what they have to say.

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The richest 10% use 20 times more fossil fuels than the poorest 10%. The powerful are currently imposing ill health and financial costs onto us by letting themselves pollute for free. You getting cancer so a rich person can be richer isn’t helpful to you. Why would the powerful worry about something that makes them richer and will will mostly harm you?

Climate related natural disasters have increased by hundreds of percent over the last 4-6 decades or so.



Are you unaware that fossil fuel pollution damages peoples health and that is unrelated to its effects on temperatures and climate? Coal miners maybe able to tell you how the lungs are harmed by coal dust.

Hypothesis: breathing in harmful chemicals harms peoples health. (Complaining about the harms of masks while insisting the rich dump heavy metals and pollution into the air is an interesting position)

Hypothesis: changing the atmosphere by increasing greenhouse gasses increases temperatures and natural disasters.

The data for those things are available. The effects of pollution have been tested. If you want to argue that car exhaust isn’t harmful do so but pretending like it is impossible to test if pollution is harmful because the tests reject your “fossil fuel religion” is an argument vaxxers make.

It’s interesting how you’re asking me what the ideal climate is while insisting that the rich and powerful be able to make money changing the climate. The ideal climate for the middle class is the one where natural disasters don’t increase by hundreds of percent so the rich can get richer.

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Oh, and natural disasters are NOT increasing, let alone increasing because of global warming.

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What all of you who spend your time pointing out their hypocrisy are missing is this: they love it that they can do what we can't. They love it that they can lie to us, change the narrative, and do the opposite of what they force us to do. What would the elite be without privilege to do whatever they want with impunity? That's what they get off on. They love it when we howl "unfair," because it gives them a power surge of lusty gratification. It literally turns them on. It's not that they like the actual things they are doing-- they like that we CAN'T.

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They play the people like puppeteers.

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Yep. Repressive tolerance. It's the whole point.

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First, Lets Go Brandon! Second, Love Trump! Third-Would it not be wonderful to be able to afford those videos to go up on the digital billboards and screens all over Times Square with no one able to stop them. I would do it if I could afford and had insider help. Can you imagine what it would be like for all of America to see this hypocrisy, high up in their face in a 24 feed? Dare to Dream.

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I agree with MOST but Trump was hoodwinked by everyone. I don't think he should run in 2024.

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I think he should run in 2024 even if only a MSM distraction for someone like Ron DeSantis. I suspect the 2022 election will be more important than the 2024 presidential. If these lunatic dismantlers have 2 more years of unchecked power just think of the added destruction they can do.

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I hope he does if he could get a fair election. He has my vote!

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Well let's see he ran against a person that was VP twice before and performed the eulogy for the grand wizard of the KKK (Byrd), he called AA's "Negros", said other things. He entered the race 7 months before the election and spent most of this time in his basement while his contender was having rally's with excess of tens of thousands. He THEN picked a VP because she was an Asian, no a Jamaican, no right an AA herself that kept AA men in prison in CA that got to where SHE was because she slept with Willie Brown. AND she dropped out of the race FIRST because no one liked her oh yeah AND she called her "boss" a RACIST on stage!! If you think any election will be fair from here on in I have some things to sell you !!

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I always have hope.

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Hope is a good thing.. and BTW he NOW has 15.6 M followers on Twitter.

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who does? I am not on the twit, as I call it.

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This hoodwinked theory is confirmed in the new Dr. Scott Atlas book. He was fighting for a common sense approach but up against government bureaucrats, mainly Birx and Fauci as ringleaders.

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If he was hoodwinked, he was hoodwinked early on.

Have a look at Executive Order 13887, signed September 19 2019, the day after the WHO Global Preparedness Monitoring Board met and announced a year-long "global simulation of the release of a respiratory pathogen".


“The day after the Chinese, the NIAID, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in criminal conspiracy, in interlocking directorates, in racketeering, declared…war on the world, Donald Trump signed an executive order actually mandating that the toxin be released on the public. ”


OK, water under the bridge... but thousands of Americans dead now, many injured, many more to come. Why doesn't he admit his mistake?

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I have no idea to be honest. I think he had a LOT more to dump when he first got in (the swamp) then he realized but that doesn't give him a pass in my book.

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Sad most of us could see it but Trump could not?

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Facebook has already blocked this video as “missing context”…..they sure are in your face with this shit!

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The context is....back then Trump was president and now Biden is president.

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Hypocrisy is the very foundation of partisanship, for sure. And it usually leads to bad policies.

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This is what pathological narcissists do. They are experts in manipulation. The most vociferous are psychopaths. They are also not very smart, yet claim to be the repository of all knowledge. Their ascension to power is more dangerous than any virus, and is in fact, a virus in and of itself.

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I'd say they're more sociopaths than psychopaths, i.e., amoral rather than immoral.

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It's a big pyramid, with many layers of sociopaths holding up a few incredibly evil people at the top.

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Yes, it's important to distinguish between evil and illness.

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pretty much the whole dark triad is represented there. Some are sociopaths. Some are psychopaths, some are just lunatics. Regardless, none of them are "normal" and are severely damaged beings.

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"The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."

-G. K. Chesterton

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Fully agree. I posted something in this kind a while ago and almost got tar and feathers myself LOL. Several people jumped on it and declared me nuts. But I got used to that now thanks to the virus craze ! Chesterton is totally right. When it is you own people in your own village (even a town is too big, you should personally know them, no more than say 5000 people) you can get to know them, talk to them, meet them and see if they behave as they say. It used to be like that long time ago and if worked. Why does everything have to be so big and clumsy ? You try and get to do something with the government... I am scared to have them involved in anything !

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That is the video that REAL, ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT hackers need to use in an interrupted broadcast on as many screens in America as possible. And keep doing it until every person in that video is swinging from a lightpole (or tree, I'm not picky).

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Crowd sourcing might be a way to finance the project.

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This was excellent. Thank you. Also, i like Tousi a lot. Nice to see him “ here”.

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Just wow. Waxzines save lives now that Trump is gone

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I am reading Dr. Scott Atlas book, if you really want to understand what was going on in the White House and how decisions were made, his book is the best. Bobby Kennedy's book is essential excellent reading for all the other machinations. Hope you all give Dr. Atlas a read, you will better understand the sad and sick rot of bureaucracy and the harm career government workers in leadership roles can do.

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Apropos that WA gov Inslee and senator Patty were in this. They want WA state shut down forever now and Inslee has passed vac mandate.

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Wait did Inslee do something new lately?

He's 100% in the tank for Gates/Bezos/Biden/China. Ruining our state!

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Our problem is that we elect our politicians when we should draft them out of the general population. Pay them dirt, no retirement provisions, provide them with a barracks in Wash. D.C. with a cafeteria, pay for a trip home once every six months and require their employers to reinstate their jobs when their tour of duty is over.

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Lined up against a wall or dangling from a rope.

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