I look at the list of people adherent to the WEF Young Global Leaders and its predecessor, and sense that political and business careers are promoted within the club.
If the pro hockey league can scout prospects from their teen years, it's not too much of a stretch to imagine the WEF scouting promising talent and training them over a few years. There seem to be enough political "wannabe's" and bureaucratic ladder climbers that they would only need a 10% success rate to have us controlled. Recall Klaus Schwab's 2017 statement that he controlled half of the Canadian cabinet.
This explains your observation that it does extend down to the School Boards.
The medical establishment is a bit different, with some overlap such as Sir Jeremy. The WHO has attracted the same technocratic group, and medical training is quite powerful in producing conformity.
As it relates to the medical establishment, I think its going to be a long struggle with many battles
The pharma-medical-industrial complex is aided and abetted by not only the PHA'S; indeed legislative branch itself. The congress critters and the lobbyists might be #1 battle in order to effectuate any meaningful change with the "complex".
And don't get me started if our medical sovereignty is handed over to the WHO.
WEF School For Young Globalist Sociopaths graduates and acolytes everywhere.
“What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders..." ~ Klaus analSchwab at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2017
We must remember megalomania is a mental disorder and megalomaniacs are like mold spores, there are always some floating around waiting for conditions in which they can fester.
This smacks of a "limited hangout" to me. Throw the idiot Hancock under the bus to distract from excess deaths, fertility suppression, immune imprinting, midazolam etc.
If we hadn't witnessed the exact same thing in our country, it would be. I'm sure that there is just as much behind the scenes communication in the US that we haven't seen yet.
no confidentiality agreement, with editorial control?
I guess his narcissism had deluded him so much that he assumed that everyone else in the world thinks like him.
Kind of like when a man convicted of murdering his wife and son (by overwhelming evidence) has the balls to tell the Judge at sentencing "I did not kill them" (after having been caught in multiple lies that put him at the scene of the crime at the time of the crime).
Im a dummy.....why would he give her these texts? Did she charm his boots off and make him think she was "on the same team"? I dont understand. Im grateful but truly dont understand.
It was so stupid that to some people it seems like it must have been on purpose. Maybe they want the news focused on what they did three years ago and not what's happening now.
The limitation is the mechanism of publication. Selection and curation by the Telegraph, which is not exactly "anti-establishment", or even on the other side of the (fake) political aisle from Matt and his (ex?) mates currently in power. I'll bet there is more damaging stuff in there which will not come out if anyone can help it. With luck, it will leak anyway.
But, this should be enough to put the lot of them in jail for a long time. I have little confidence even Matt will serve time for it, unfortunately. The problem is they _do_ generally walk away unscathed.
Exactly.....the Covid web is deep, and complex, but all it takes is a tear to eventually destroy it. Every tear and rip is a cry from all of the fallen the last three years..may God bless their souls. Justice needs to be served, and some institutions and establishments need to stay destroyed, and rebuilt from scratch. This world is still full of beautiful souls to make that happen.
To be fair, everything in the 'news' is a limited hangout when you consider that standard virology experiments fail to meet the basic criteria for science because they are unfalsifiable (they do not use adequate controls) which means everything downstream from virology ('tests', lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, masks etc) is already scientifically invalid .... before we even get to the corrupt and self serving behaviour of politicians.
Ex-virologist Dr Stefan Lanka has already provided proof of 'SARS CoV2' using the standard virology protocols and equipment (cell culture CPE and genome assembly). What made his experiments significant is that he never added a fluid sample from a sick patient. In other words, the standard virology experiments will ALWAYS produce 'proof' of a so called 'virus' making virology a total fraud. He extracted the SARS CoV2 genome from a sample of yeast for god's sake!
Dr Lanka's experiments represent the controls that virologists refuse to do. Why aren't his results headline 'news'? Because it would enlighten the masses so they could rise above all the DRAMA and FEAR that keeps everyone controllable and exploitable.
'Viruses' are just the breakdown products of stressed, dying or dead cells. They don't 'cause' disease anymore than puddles of blood on the pavement 'cause' stabbings.
The real news is that the Big Pharma model of disease has got cause / effect the wrong way around. By sheer coincidence this is extremely profitable for Big Pharma, great for social control and it covers up the most common causes of disease which are industrial pollution, poor water quality, bad nutrition, psychological stress and other boring things like that.
The Lotus Eaters Media segment on this did comment on how it's weird that this release seems to consistently paint Boris Johnson as the sane one in private (but going along with his "advisors" in public, so not that flattering really...), and whether it's a case of trying to frame Matt so they leave everyone else alone. But currently that's pure speculation, and seems a little difficult to square if these are indeed Matt's own messages.
There is a point when the immense arrogance of evil gets sloppy in its sense of invincibility. It’s the soft underbelly that, when it reveals itself, can be robustly punched. Cudos to the brave journalist.
I wonder if Hancock isn't just the Zaphod Beeblebrox of this particular farse.
“The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had — he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud.” -Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
It seems to me this this journalist might be, witting or unwitting, a tool of those who are protecting themselves at the expense this 'Theater Kid' playing at being in charge.
In June 2021 I read the great book called A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth (author/researcher UK). It really opened my eyes and probably helped me in my decision to not listen to all these tosspots. I highly recommend it. As for Hancock - I actually cannot believe people didn't see through him immediately. If it looks like a weasel and sounds like a weasel then it IS a ruddy weasel. Although he is not alone in this mass scam. And I'm not talking just about the UK, as I reside in Italy and it was worse here. Us that chose to not partake in the experimental poison, have been vilified, excluded and treated pretty awfully. Anyway onwards and upwards - this might be just a distraction for the WHO Treaty that is going full steam ahead. 😟
I agree - Hancock was always - from day one - reminiscent of the weedy wimp at school who gets asked by teacher to come to the front to look after the class whilst she pops out and then uses his short moment of power to order his classmates around. At the very least he should be prosecuted for Misconduct in Public Office, as indeed should everyone - MP, Civil Servant and others on public payroll, especially police leaders for their shameful roles in the brutal lockdown enforcement.
Total population control with totally clueless mindless fools at the controls. But this was a planned out exercise by those who use people like him...who TELL the CNNs of the World what to say and do...even high level elected officials who they have files on. Read Bodyguards of Lies and see what occurred before and during WW2...such is still on going since the JFK coup.
Well done for not folding....I am in Switzerland, and even knowing that we did not have it as bad as in Italy, we were also excluded, and vilified. Happily unmasked, untested, and un-jabbed throughout the whole scam...not always easy, but I did it, along with my two adult kids! And yes, we have to remain ever vigilant! There is no rest for us freedom warriors!
Boy, Do I feel your pain. In February 2020 somehow I knew this was all bullshit. By April it was verifiable. And the minions continue to this day to swallow fire hoses of stupidity. Zero questions asked. I hate everyone, twice 😜
So.... how is it that every Government- except Sweden - was full of Hancocks who all spontaneously, simultaneously, did exactly the same things and from what we are slowly finding out just as glibly and unwarranted? The under-bussing of Hancock distracts from the overall picture. It implies he was the instigator rather than being the executor of policy from higher up the food chain stretching outside Britain. It’s the ‘lone wolf’ tactic when ever there is an atrocity committed by someone yelling “Allahu Akbar” to distract us from the very thought that it can be blamed on the Religion of Peace™️.
When the ‘revelations’ are being selectively, drip-fed to us via the MSM, the same MSM who collaborated with Hancock et al to enforce his edicts, then you don’t have to be a signed up member of the Worshipful Company of Conspiracy Theorists to smell a very ripe, defunct rodent and suspect you are being led by the nose in a direction which will lead you up a blind alley away from the full story, and leave and the main culprits unmolested.
because nearly the entire west has become a "rule by rube" nonsense of government by drama club soy children and they all fell for the same clownshow/used it as an attempt to grab for the levers of power.
they have always been budding little totalitarians and aspired to dictatorial control. it's what we've been elected for ages. and they saw this as their big chance to strut their technocratic chops and flex a right to rule. and it all blew up in their faces because they got absolutely everything wrong and had no idea they were doing so.
But But… they DID NOT get it wrong. They did exactly what they were hired to do!! It was only wrong if you believe the premise that the entire pandemic charade was an honest one. It’s wasn’t. These rubes were ( are ) groomed and placed in office ( WEF young leaders etc..) because their grasping, opportunistic, power hungry, vapidity was/is useful for those who really are calling the shots and want to rule us all. Every would be totalitarian demi god needs an army of stupid, little putzy , steerable soldiers who think they are the totalitarian leaders and who are always disposable although their cluster b personality disorders won’t let them see that about themselves. ( aka useful idiots ) There is an ENDLESS supply of these troglodytes. We have not scraped bottom yet.
American government, corporations and institutions promote based on identity and playing political games, not merit and ability. Groupthink and saying what everyone else says is safe, then backstabbing when the moment is right.
I mean, trudeau WAS a drama teacher by trade. A substitute drama teacher who was fired by West Point Grey Academy private school in Vancouver. ( some entanglement with a female student )
don't forget, there is usually ALWAYS money involved somehow.
This guy is no different.
Golden rule of white collar crime prosecutors "follow the money"
Even the lunatic Scandinavian's motivations (aside from the obvious narcissism) involve MONEY (i will make my brand and make money off of if, with fame comes some type of financial renumeration from somewhere).
I think it's a mistake to give Sweden too much credit. Hear me out... If, for example, Trump had been balls deep into masking, do you think the Democratic governors in the U.S. would have also mandated it? The pageant was, almost COMLETELY, a result of the side of the coin selected by the guy they were trying to be different from. Sweden picked a side of the coin, and got lucky, more than anything else. (No offense to them, but I dispute the existence of magical politicians, who are selected from the same pool of single-cell puss, worldwide.)
I hadn’t read that particular one but I’ve read a number of similar publicly available documents from various health authorities, think tanks and institutes around the world. They’re seem to all be based on the same template and ideology.
"this was not some 8d chess game. watch these people speak. these are not cunning masterminds. these people are idiots. they are stupid, venal, and narcissistic. they think ONLY in narrative, not in facts or science or public welfare. they are not even technocrats, they are the people who play technocrats on TV. you did not get treated by health experts, you got treated by the people who played doctors on grey’s anatomy." - the bad cat really needs to look into and fully conceptualize the reality of the social dynamics system we all live and operate in. Here is a thread explaining the trap of compartmentalization of knowledge and competence.
The bad cat also missed the crucial part where the people that are shown to you and everyone else are presented as incompetent clowns and non-physically threatening individuals on purpose. This is done with clear intent, so people underestimate the danger and the consequences of what's coming. They want people to stay passive and observe the destruction and transformation of society without taking any direct and decisive action against tyranny. If they can keep you forever baffled, in a perpetual state of disbelief, passive despair, and amazed at what is taking place, they have you where they want you to be. They want you and the people to resort to using only half-measures, to be forever hopeful, to rely on civil disobedience, what system has to offer (political solutions, law, judiciary, etc.) and ridicule, and to use and rely on all sorts of other things that cannot save you or anyone else from what they are trying to achieve. The ones in charge, the true perpetrators behind the global coup on humanity, the members of The Party, know exactly what they are doing and what they want, and they are far from incompetent. In fact, they are quite the opposite of the image of the puppets they use, the puppets you see on TV that are presented to the masses. The grand deceit and illusion are upon us. They came prepared this time around. And nothing will change as long as people refuse to recognize how The Party has managed to influence and fool the dissidence movement into deceiving and sabotaging themselves.
"the bad cat really needs to look into and fully conceptualize the reality of the social dynamics system we all live and operate in." I would also say that everyone needs to look into and fully conceptualize the reality of evil. It exists, and it uses everyone - bumbling fools, narcissists, and genius masterminds. Until we realize this and counteract it with good, nothing will change.
Hang him - then find the people that recommended midazolam and morphine to seniors that had a chance surviving and hang them too (I suspect they did the same with some handicapped as well)
My friend works in an old folks home. One old lady had a bad hip and went into the local hospital. They called the hospital a week or so later asking when to expect her back and they said that they had her on end of life "care". She was being euthanized! Her daughter went to the hospital and got her out of there and back into the home.
I've never been in favour of capital punishment, but in Hancock's case I could be persuaded.
In Colombia my father in law was executed. He went in for a broken bone, Covid negative. They threw him straight in the Covid ward and he was gone a few days later. Science is awesome.
- Farrer IS an idiot and should have been fired. The fact that ministers don't even know if they can fire their own advisors is 80% of the problem with how governments handled COVID.
- You can see that they were totally constrained by the public's irrational approach:
1. Politicians may not criticize "experts", only other "experts" can do that.
2. But "experts" will not under any circumstances do so in public.
So the masks in schools thing became like everything else a race to see whose expert goes crazy first, and Hancock KNEW it was crazy. Yet it was worthless to know that. Imagine the public response if he himself had come out and said "Actually, Scottish experts and the WHO are both wrong but I, Matt Hancock, am right". So they're totally at the mercy of idiots like Whitty and Valance who care much more about staying friends with people in their field than health, and when those guys won't say anything, they're fucked. They have to meet the new "higher standard" or be accused of not caring, not listening to expertise, etc.
Yes, Hancock and friends are clearly idiots and only care about messaging. No suggestion otherwise. But stop a moment and ask yourself WHY they only care about messaging. Guess what, it's because that's the only thing the public will let them care about. Public opinion was 100% clear at that time and arguably still is - scientists lead, politicians follow, and their primary purpose is to enforce compliance with whatever the scientists say. Opinions are not allowed.
Frankly I would have hated to be in Hancock's position. If by some accident of history I'd ended up there, I'd have got myself fired within minutes because I'd have had to tell Whitty/Valance to shut up on live TV when they started talking bullshit, and then every man/woman/child in Britain would think of me as an arrogant asshole who thought he knew better than people who studied health for their entire lives and delayed action at a critical moment. There's nothing you can do in that situation if you want to have any friends for the rest of your life; you have to obey. Which is why I am an anonymous internet troll instead of a politician!
Ultimately the core source of stupidity here is with us, the public. We have way too much trust in public sector expertise of all kinds. Politicians can't change that overnight, maybe not even with a lifetime of campaigning. So be depressed, be very depressed because there won't be any blowback from these messages. Hancock and his pals were doing EXACTLY what the public wanted them to do. It could not have been any other way.
"The fact that ministers don't even know if they can fire their own advisors is 80% of the problem"
I suspect that IS the problem. With government in general.
The elected, as a group, are not only unaware that they can fire "advisors", they lack a fundamental understanding of how power resides in the permanent bureaucracy. The old TV show, "Yes, Minister", (look it up!), was early reality television.
They did that around 20 years ago with Professor David Nutt. They asked him to do an assessment of recreational drugs and their damaging effects on society. The two legal drugs that we have, alcohol and tobacco came pretty close to the top of the list while illegal drugs like MDMA and magic mushroooms were a lot lower down. That didn't meet the governments agenda so they sacked him.
"Ultimately the core source of stupidity here is with us, the public. We have way too much trust in public sector expertise of all kinds. Politicians can't change that overnight, maybe not even with a lifetime of campaigning. So be depressed, be very depressed because there won't be any blowback from these messages. Hancock and his pals were doing EXACTLY what the public wanted them to do. It could not have been any other way." Indeed! I posted a similar sentiment, albeit not as well expressed, over on Eugyppius'substack. These "leaders" are morons, but what does that make the people who "follow them"? Ha!
Completely agree. I thought Hancock's view of Farrar and masking were two of the things he got right. The problem was that he lacked the backbone to stand up for his beliefs instead of "going along to get along". Imagine how much better off he would be now if he had stood up for himself. This is what makes what DeSantis did in FL all the more remarkable.
Perhaps just as telling is the texts from Boris Johnson, who seemed to understand privately that this was all overblown, but publicly toed the same line. And yet do we have a complete "dataset" here? Best case scenario is Boris and others were massive cowards. Worst case scenario is we have only seen the leaks that would be most useful to scapegoat Hancock, but absolve the government as a whole.
Note nothing about Rishi in the Lockdown Files. It was acknowledged that Boris, Gove, Hancock and Sunak were the inner Cabinet making all the decisions, yet unlike the others, the current PM remains unsullied. Odd how that happens.
He’s a creation of the MSM (or the controllers of the MSM).
Why would they be asking questions?
It took the party a while to finally choose “the right guy”. The press kept undermining the choice until the party finally chose someone the MSM were happy with.
These are all lies. They are trying to cover their asses. Trying to hide the fact that this disease is a product of vaccinations.
You can NOT release a new variant.
It needs a growth advantage. Plus, alpha was sequenced all throughout 2020.
They are throwing him under the bus, so people won't realize that these variants are not coming from any lab.
Even if these screenshots are real, they are not proof of a real conversation taking place. This is a criminal enterprise which premeditated the whole thing for many years. No way do they chit-chat via WhatsApp about how they are "releasing" new variants and to be frank: It's fucking ridiculous.
“You can NOT release a new variant. “ That of course is true which is why you need the BBC to interpret and clarify for you. What Hancock meant was, release the News that there was a new variant. Just in case conspiracy theorists spread... ‘misinformation’...
And remember, the "new variant" was to cover the fact that the vaccines were failing as we moved into winter 2021 -- exactly as the "seasonality theorists" said that they would.
Maybe that’s right in the Northern Hemisphere, but they also failed miserably in the Southern Hemisphere going into summer. This “virus” sure is mysterious and acts simultaneously across time and space. Spooky action at a distance 😀
That's how we knew they were going to fail during the winter. The summer sunbelt spike occurred in 2021 just like 2020 -- but in 2021 they told us it was the anti-vaxxers whereas in 2020 they told us it was the anti-maskers.
Here in Australia they couldn’t blame 2021/2022 Omicron peak on anti-vaxxers as 90%+ of adults were recently vaccinated and a lot were boosted. They just called it a “game changer”, what more can you do, it is what it is. 🤷♂️
Interesting coincidence in timing of Omicron, 2 dose vaccination and booster rollout. This is also the middle of our summer.
Great article as ever El Gato. But the bigger scandal is even worse - democide. They reinstated the disgraced & banned Liverpool Care Pathway by renaming it, & used it to kill many old people in the care homes by denying them antibiotics & other safe & cheap drugs (Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquin) & instead subjecting them to huge doses of Midazolam & Morphine.
We knew the architects of the public health response to covid were mendacious and evil. We suspected some of them might also be dumb as hell. Turns out, we got three for the price of one almost across the board! Such a bargain. It is taking all my self-control not to troll friends and acquaintances who posted banal crap like, "I stand with Fauci." Better to smile to myself and know the truth than cast flame-balls all over LinkedIn, I reckon.
I think that we have missed the key point about the pandemic, which Peter and Ginger Breggin got right--that this whole mess was started by global human predators.
There are people stuck in Stockholm Syndrome who refuse to acknowledge the damage caused by psychological manipulation, resulting in fear and confusion--as designed--by psychopathic human predators. The fear and confusion resulting from manipulation undermined the critical faculties of people, which resulted in poor decisions and misplaced trust in public health. This manipulation also resulted in mental illness--germophobia and hypochondria, which continues and is exemplified by masking and social distancing and frequent testing. The people who have been harmed have been captured by public health and defend those same psychologically-manipulative policies by public health.
The main objective of the psychological manipulation, of course, was to create demand for jabs--and fear of disease was a powerful motivator to people to take jabs. Guilt and a false appeal to civic duty were also used to manipulate people into taking jabs. And the psychological manipulation was all based on lies.
But what are we to do about the multitudes who are victims of Stockholm Syndrome? They defend the people who preyed on them and are resistant to any logical argument. I think that one critical feature of these people is that they generally lack self-awareness and lack any ability to examine themselves. So, perhaps discussing the panic-demic (by which I mean the panic-mongering about the pandemic) and explaining how it produced fear and confusion and sabotaged our critical faculties is something to take up. This can be followed by an appeal for self-examination in order to be freed from the mental damage caused by the panic-mongering.
How many words are there in the English language to adequately describe these people? Revolting. Loathsome. Repugnant. Abhorrent. Deviant. Evil. Amoral. Psychopathic. Sociopathic. Sickening. Noxious. Gruesome. Vile. Rancid. Immoral. But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that they are in positions of power and they are dangerous. Existentially dangerous to all of us.
This may well be a theatrical performance (a limited hangout) to cover up a far more serious accusation. (And there are many serious accusations).
Evidence, witness statements and legal opinions were collected to enable our Health Secretary to be charged with murder. The Midazolam Murders. The case was assigned a crime number at Hammersmith Police Station but a senior Met. Police Officer smothered the case (of course). Just before the case was closed. before it could be officially investigated, our Health Secretary was caught on camera groping his mistress and had to resign – eye-wateringly entertaining but absolutely irrelevant.
Isabel referred to the Midazolam issue as “a conspiracy theory.” I submit that to refer to Isabel as an investigative journalist is but a conspiracy theory.
And there’s a “Hancock” in every globalist-infiltrated western country. Funny how that works…
Hancock's all the way down, from the very top to your local school board.
Never trust the guy who got wedgies in high-school with your health. That should be a lesson people learn.
The technocrats and bureaucrats had been waiting for this day all their lives.
Yup. Look at Gates. It’s like the revenge of the betas.
This isn't public health it's Revenge of the Nerds.
Revenge of the Terds
I look at the list of people adherent to the WEF Young Global Leaders and its predecessor, and sense that political and business careers are promoted within the club.
If the pro hockey league can scout prospects from their teen years, it's not too much of a stretch to imagine the WEF scouting promising talent and training them over a few years. There seem to be enough political "wannabe's" and bureaucratic ladder climbers that they would only need a 10% success rate to have us controlled. Recall Klaus Schwab's 2017 statement that he controlled half of the Canadian cabinet.
This explains your observation that it does extend down to the School Boards.
The medical establishment is a bit different, with some overlap such as Sir Jeremy. The WHO has attracted the same technocratic group, and medical training is quite powerful in producing conformity.
As it relates to the medical establishment, I think its going to be a long struggle with many battles
The pharma-medical-industrial complex is aided and abetted by not only the PHA'S; indeed legislative branch itself. The congress critters and the lobbyists might be #1 battle in order to effectuate any meaningful change with the "complex".
And don't get me started if our medical sovereignty is handed over to the WHO.
He screams 'I got picked last in footie'.
Unfortunately there are many “Hancock’s infiltrated in all governments all over the world.
in governments and further down through societal organisation. See "Common Purpose" in the UK, exposed by the UK Column guy ...
WEF School For Young Globalist Sociopaths graduates and acolytes everywhere.
“What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders..." ~ Klaus analSchwab at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2017
We must remember megalomania is a mental disorder and megalomaniacs are like mold spores, there are always some floating around waiting for conditions in which they can fester.
Many "Hancocks" in every globalist infiltrated country, which includes most countries.
Only 1? That's damn near the only people populating ALL bureaucracies.
There is no way that has any other meaning.
We need a decentralized safe haven for whistleblowers. Like this:
This smacks of a "limited hangout" to me. Throw the idiot Hancock under the bus to distract from excess deaths, fertility suppression, immune imprinting, midazolam etc.
he did it to himself.
it's the reporter who he had hired to write his memoir that leaked this. he gave her the materials.
“Egotism is the anesthetic which nature gives us to deaden the pain of being a fool.” ― Dr. Herbert Shofield
"Safe & Effective" Donald Trump is pain free.
Couldn’t it still be a limited hangout, if Hancock prefers this info be made public rather than something else?
Very good point. This could have been worked out in advance.
It almost seems too farcical to believe.
If we hadn't witnessed the exact same thing in our country, it would be. I'm sure that there is just as much behind the scenes communication in the US that we haven't seen yet.
it is astonishing!
Indeed they are all guilty and stupid as bricks.
I hope many more people wake up but ...... so so many will not.
Those will be the ones that dig their heels in. 'how dare you"
no confidentiality agreement, with editorial control?
I guess his narcissism had deluded him so much that he assumed that everyone else in the world thinks like him.
Kind of like when a man convicted of murdering his wife and son (by overwhelming evidence) has the balls to tell the Judge at sentencing "I did not kill them" (after having been caught in multiple lies that put him at the scene of the crime at the time of the crime).
Pure psychopathy.
Im a dummy.....why would he give her these texts? Did she charm his boots off and make him think she was "on the same team"? I dont understand. Im grateful but truly dont understand.
It was so stupid that to some people it seems like it must have been on purpose. Maybe they want the news focused on what they did three years ago and not what's happening now.
Yes. Hancock is truly not only a nerd gone wild but a dumbass nerd gone wild.
he got hanclocked.
The limitation is the mechanism of publication. Selection and curation by the Telegraph, which is not exactly "anti-establishment", or even on the other side of the (fake) political aisle from Matt and his (ex?) mates currently in power. I'll bet there is more damaging stuff in there which will not come out if anyone can help it. With luck, it will leak anyway.
But, this should be enough to put the lot of them in jail for a long time. I have little confidence even Matt will serve time for it, unfortunately. The problem is they _do_ generally walk away unscathed.
Heh heh heh SWEET
Yes. Suddenly this reporter is so righteous.
You're certainly not the only person noting this reasonable possibility. For a funny take on this, check out this short "debate" between Monkey Boy and Doctor Dr. McHonky-Honk: https://twitter.com/TheEyes2022/status/1632343768060895234?s=20
That is hilarious!!! Love that Monkey Boy.
That was great!
No, this is called The Boomerang, when all that was hidden is being revealed.
Buckle up, the D5 avalanche of evidence is rolling downhill now....
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive..." ~ Sir Walter Scott
Exactly.....the Covid web is deep, and complex, but all it takes is a tear to eventually destroy it. Every tear and rip is a cry from all of the fallen the last three years..may God bless their souls. Justice needs to be served, and some institutions and establishments need to stay destroyed, and rebuilt from scratch. This world is still full of beautiful souls to make that happen.
"This smacks of a "limited hangout" to me."
To be fair, everything in the 'news' is a limited hangout when you consider that standard virology experiments fail to meet the basic criteria for science because they are unfalsifiable (they do not use adequate controls) which means everything downstream from virology ('tests', lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, masks etc) is already scientifically invalid .... before we even get to the corrupt and self serving behaviour of politicians.
Ex-virologist Dr Stefan Lanka has already provided proof of 'SARS CoV2' using the standard virology protocols and equipment (cell culture CPE and genome assembly). What made his experiments significant is that he never added a fluid sample from a sick patient. In other words, the standard virology experiments will ALWAYS produce 'proof' of a so called 'virus' making virology a total fraud. He extracted the SARS CoV2 genome from a sample of yeast for god's sake!
Dr Lanka's experiments represent the controls that virologists refuse to do. Why aren't his results headline 'news'? Because it would enlighten the masses so they could rise above all the DRAMA and FEAR that keeps everyone controllable and exploitable.
'Viruses' are just the breakdown products of stressed, dying or dead cells. They don't 'cause' disease anymore than puddles of blood on the pavement 'cause' stabbings.
The real news is that the Big Pharma model of disease has got cause / effect the wrong way around. By sheer coincidence this is extremely profitable for Big Pharma, great for social control and it covers up the most common causes of disease which are industrial pollution, poor water quality, bad nutrition, psychological stress and other boring things like that.
Same playbook as using Fauci as the scapegoat.
Do not let them get away with this tactic.
Fauxi is not a scapegoat. He is an evil, demonic, mass murderer and deserves everything coming to him - on this earth and in the next life.
Yes, he is all of that.
But so are other people in this whole COVID mess. And to focus the blame on him alone and not the rest in addition is what I mean by scapegoat.
That's a bingo!
The Lotus Eaters Media segment on this did comment on how it's weird that this release seems to consistently paint Boris Johnson as the sane one in private (but going along with his "advisors" in public, so not that flattering really...), and whether it's a case of trying to frame Matt so they leave everyone else alone. But currently that's pure speculation, and seems a little difficult to square if these are indeed Matt's own messages.
Whats amazing, I mean truly incredible, is that these messages were not leaked, he GAVE THEM TO THE JOURNALIST
The guy literally thinks he did nothing wrong and the archives would paint him in some benevolent light
This is why I am resolute that these people are beyond redemption. And Hancock is but one of oh so many... he is the norm, not the exception.
They are so arrogant that they can’t see how ignorant they really are.
There is a point when the immense arrogance of evil gets sloppy in its sense of invincibility. It’s the soft underbelly that, when it reveals itself, can be robustly punched. Cudos to the brave journalist.
You heard it here first: "Isabel Oakeshott did not kill herself"
They are so pathological that they can’t see how arrogant they really are.
I wonder if Hancock isn't just the Zaphod Beeblebrox of this particular farse.
“The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had — he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud.” -Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
It seems to me this this journalist might be, witting or unwitting, a tool of those who are protecting themselves at the expense this 'Theater Kid' playing at being in charge.
In June 2021 I read the great book called A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth (author/researcher UK). It really opened my eyes and probably helped me in my decision to not listen to all these tosspots. I highly recommend it. As for Hancock - I actually cannot believe people didn't see through him immediately. If it looks like a weasel and sounds like a weasel then it IS a ruddy weasel. Although he is not alone in this mass scam. And I'm not talking just about the UK, as I reside in Italy and it was worse here. Us that chose to not partake in the experimental poison, have been vilified, excluded and treated pretty awfully. Anyway onwards and upwards - this might be just a distraction for the WHO Treaty that is going full steam ahead. 😟
I agree - Hancock was always - from day one - reminiscent of the weedy wimp at school who gets asked by teacher to come to the front to look after the class whilst she pops out and then uses his short moment of power to order his classmates around. At the very least he should be prosecuted for Misconduct in Public Office, as indeed should everyone - MP, Civil Servant and others on public payroll, especially police leaders for their shameful roles in the brutal lockdown enforcement.
Total population control with totally clueless mindless fools at the controls. But this was a planned out exercise by those who use people like him...who TELL the CNNs of the World what to say and do...even high level elected officials who they have files on. Read Bodyguards of Lies and see what occurred before and during WW2...such is still on going since the JFK coup.
Well done for not folding....I am in Switzerland, and even knowing that we did not have it as bad as in Italy, we were also excluded, and vilified. Happily unmasked, untested, and un-jabbed throughout the whole scam...not always easy, but I did it, along with my two adult kids! And yes, we have to remain ever vigilant! There is no rest for us freedom warriors!
Didn’t need to read a book to see it was a scam from the beginning. I’m surrounded by idiots and weaklings!
not alone. so so sick of it.
My very own family it so triggered.
Hubbs and I (retired and still in the big house) have gotten a lot of stuff done in the mean time.
Boy, Do I feel your pain. In February 2020 somehow I knew this was all bullshit. By April it was verifiable. And the minions continue to this day to swallow fire hoses of stupidity. Zero questions asked. I hate everyone, twice 😜
Keep fighting the good fight. The unshotted are healthy and unafraid.
So.... how is it that every Government- except Sweden - was full of Hancocks who all spontaneously, simultaneously, did exactly the same things and from what we are slowly finding out just as glibly and unwarranted? The under-bussing of Hancock distracts from the overall picture. It implies he was the instigator rather than being the executor of policy from higher up the food chain stretching outside Britain. It’s the ‘lone wolf’ tactic when ever there is an atrocity committed by someone yelling “Allahu Akbar” to distract us from the very thought that it can be blamed on the Religion of Peace™️.
When the ‘revelations’ are being selectively, drip-fed to us via the MSM, the same MSM who collaborated with Hancock et al to enforce his edicts, then you don’t have to be a signed up member of the Worshipful Company of Conspiracy Theorists to smell a very ripe, defunct rodent and suspect you are being led by the nose in a direction which will lead you up a blind alley away from the full story, and leave and the main culprits unmolested.
because nearly the entire west has become a "rule by rube" nonsense of government by drama club soy children and they all fell for the same clownshow/used it as an attempt to grab for the levers of power.
they have always been budding little totalitarians and aspired to dictatorial control. it's what we've been elected for ages. and they saw this as their big chance to strut their technocratic chops and flex a right to rule. and it all blew up in their faces because they got absolutely everything wrong and had no idea they were doing so.
the rest is just pfizer bribery and lying.
But But… they DID NOT get it wrong. They did exactly what they were hired to do!! It was only wrong if you believe the premise that the entire pandemic charade was an honest one. It’s wasn’t. These rubes were ( are ) groomed and placed in office ( WEF young leaders etc..) because their grasping, opportunistic, power hungry, vapidity was/is useful for those who really are calling the shots and want to rule us all. Every would be totalitarian demi god needs an army of stupid, little putzy , steerable soldiers who think they are the totalitarian leaders and who are always disposable although their cluster b personality disorders won’t let them see that about themselves. ( aka useful idiots ) There is an ENDLESS supply of these troglodytes. We have not scraped bottom yet.
American government, corporations and institutions promote based on identity and playing political games, not merit and ability. Groupthink and saying what everyone else says is safe, then backstabbing when the moment is right.
Military is the same!
I mean, trudeau WAS a drama teacher by trade. A substitute drama teacher who was fired by West Point Grey Academy private school in Vancouver. ( some entanglement with a female student )
"The best and brightest" lead us!
don't forget, there is usually ALWAYS money involved somehow.
This guy is no different.
Golden rule of white collar crime prosecutors "follow the money"
Even the lunatic Scandinavian's motivations (aside from the obvious narcissism) involve MONEY (i will make my brand and make money off of if, with fame comes some type of financial renumeration from somewhere).
I think it's a mistake to give Sweden too much credit. Hear me out... If, for example, Trump had been balls deep into masking, do you think the Democratic governors in the U.S. would have also mandated it? The pageant was, almost COMLETELY, a result of the side of the coin selected by the guy they were trying to be different from. Sweden picked a side of the coin, and got lucky, more than anything else. (No offense to them, but I dispute the existence of magical politicians, who are selected from the same pool of single-cell puss, worldwide.)
And yet they went nuts with the jabs. I don’t understand. I’m guessing extreme coercion was in play
Good points!
Read the gameplan right here, it's all spelled out:
Thanks for the link. 👍
I hadn’t read that particular one but I’ve read a number of similar publicly available documents from various health authorities, think tanks and institutes around the world. They’re seem to all be based on the same template and ideology.
Agreed. WEFfers take the long term, multi-generational view. They're just collecting more data now to feed to the AI.
"this was not some 8d chess game. watch these people speak. these are not cunning masterminds. these people are idiots. they are stupid, venal, and narcissistic. they think ONLY in narrative, not in facts or science or public welfare. they are not even technocrats, they are the people who play technocrats on TV. you did not get treated by health experts, you got treated by the people who played doctors on grey’s anatomy." - the bad cat really needs to look into and fully conceptualize the reality of the social dynamics system we all live and operate in. Here is a thread explaining the trap of compartmentalization of knowledge and competence.
The bad cat also missed the crucial part where the people that are shown to you and everyone else are presented as incompetent clowns and non-physically threatening individuals on purpose. This is done with clear intent, so people underestimate the danger and the consequences of what's coming. They want people to stay passive and observe the destruction and transformation of society without taking any direct and decisive action against tyranny. If they can keep you forever baffled, in a perpetual state of disbelief, passive despair, and amazed at what is taking place, they have you where they want you to be. They want you and the people to resort to using only half-measures, to be forever hopeful, to rely on civil disobedience, what system has to offer (political solutions, law, judiciary, etc.) and ridicule, and to use and rely on all sorts of other things that cannot save you or anyone else from what they are trying to achieve. The ones in charge, the true perpetrators behind the global coup on humanity, the members of The Party, know exactly what they are doing and what they want, and they are far from incompetent. In fact, they are quite the opposite of the image of the puppets they use, the puppets you see on TV that are presented to the masses. The grand deceit and illusion are upon us. They came prepared this time around. And nothing will change as long as people refuse to recognize how The Party has managed to influence and fool the dissidence movement into deceiving and sabotaging themselves.
[1] Why science, data, research, or evidence-based approach doesn't mean anything in this war. https://twitter.com/B33Mello/status/1592552040965685249
[2] Why all the talk about prosecutions, tribunals, and Nuremberg type of trials is all farce, smoke screen, and nonsense:
Biden is a perfect example of this!
Proper trials. Then, anti-aircraft rounds to the chests.
"the bad cat really needs to look into and fully conceptualize the reality of the social dynamics system we all live and operate in." I would also say that everyone needs to look into and fully conceptualize the reality of evil. It exists, and it uses everyone - bumbling fools, narcissists, and genius masterminds. Until we realize this and counteract it with good, nothing will change.
Hang him - then find the people that recommended midazolam and morphine to seniors that had a chance surviving and hang them too (I suspect they did the same with some handicapped as well)
My friend works in an old folks home. One old lady had a bad hip and went into the local hospital. They called the hospital a week or so later asking when to expect her back and they said that they had her on end of life "care". She was being euthanized! Her daughter went to the hospital and got her out of there and back into the home.
I've never been in favour of capital punishment, but in Hancock's case I could be persuaded.
Public hanging - quickly, and then the ones that killed all those seniors (I’ve no doubt - mass homicide)
yes, horrible.
In Colombia my father in law was executed. He went in for a broken bone, Covid negative. They threw him straight in the Covid ward and he was gone a few days later. Science is awesome.
In fairness to Hancock (I know, I know):
- Farrer IS an idiot and should have been fired. The fact that ministers don't even know if they can fire their own advisors is 80% of the problem with how governments handled COVID.
- You can see that they were totally constrained by the public's irrational approach:
1. Politicians may not criticize "experts", only other "experts" can do that.
2. But "experts" will not under any circumstances do so in public.
So the masks in schools thing became like everything else a race to see whose expert goes crazy first, and Hancock KNEW it was crazy. Yet it was worthless to know that. Imagine the public response if he himself had come out and said "Actually, Scottish experts and the WHO are both wrong but I, Matt Hancock, am right". So they're totally at the mercy of idiots like Whitty and Valance who care much more about staying friends with people in their field than health, and when those guys won't say anything, they're fucked. They have to meet the new "higher standard" or be accused of not caring, not listening to expertise, etc.
Yes, Hancock and friends are clearly idiots and only care about messaging. No suggestion otherwise. But stop a moment and ask yourself WHY they only care about messaging. Guess what, it's because that's the only thing the public will let them care about. Public opinion was 100% clear at that time and arguably still is - scientists lead, politicians follow, and their primary purpose is to enforce compliance with whatever the scientists say. Opinions are not allowed.
Frankly I would have hated to be in Hancock's position. If by some accident of history I'd ended up there, I'd have got myself fired within minutes because I'd have had to tell Whitty/Valance to shut up on live TV when they started talking bullshit, and then every man/woman/child in Britain would think of me as an arrogant asshole who thought he knew better than people who studied health for their entire lives and delayed action at a critical moment. There's nothing you can do in that situation if you want to have any friends for the rest of your life; you have to obey. Which is why I am an anonymous internet troll instead of a politician!
Ultimately the core source of stupidity here is with us, the public. We have way too much trust in public sector expertise of all kinds. Politicians can't change that overnight, maybe not even with a lifetime of campaigning. So be depressed, be very depressed because there won't be any blowback from these messages. Hancock and his pals were doing EXACTLY what the public wanted them to do. It could not have been any other way.
"The fact that ministers don't even know if they can fire their own advisors is 80% of the problem"
I suspect that IS the problem. With government in general.
The elected, as a group, are not only unaware that they can fire "advisors", they lack a fundamental understanding of how power resides in the permanent bureaucracy. The old TV show, "Yes, Minister", (look it up!), was early reality television.
They did that around 20 years ago with Professor David Nutt. They asked him to do an assessment of recreational drugs and their damaging effects on society. The two legal drugs that we have, alcohol and tobacco came pretty close to the top of the list while illegal drugs like MDMA and magic mushroooms were a lot lower down. That didn't meet the governments agenda so they sacked him.
"Ultimately the core source of stupidity here is with us, the public. We have way too much trust in public sector expertise of all kinds. Politicians can't change that overnight, maybe not even with a lifetime of campaigning. So be depressed, be very depressed because there won't be any blowback from these messages. Hancock and his pals were doing EXACTLY what the public wanted them to do. It could not have been any other way." Indeed! I posted a similar sentiment, albeit not as well expressed, over on Eugyppius'substack. These "leaders" are morons, but what does that make the people who "follow them"? Ha!
I can discard a comment I was working on along the exact same lines.
Well said and spot on.
Completely agree. I thought Hancock's view of Farrar and masking were two of the things he got right. The problem was that he lacked the backbone to stand up for his beliefs instead of "going along to get along". Imagine how much better off he would be now if he had stood up for himself. This is what makes what DeSantis did in FL all the more remarkable.
They all want to stay in the party circuit!
Perhaps just as telling is the texts from Boris Johnson, who seemed to understand privately that this was all overblown, but publicly toed the same line. And yet do we have a complete "dataset" here? Best case scenario is Boris and others were massive cowards. Worst case scenario is we have only seen the leaks that would be most useful to scapegoat Hancock, but absolve the government as a whole.
I am going with massive cowards and entitled, decadent „end-of-cycle“ weak men who inevitably preside over the ruin of their nations.
Note nothing about Rishi in the Lockdown Files. It was acknowledged that Boris, Gove, Hancock and Sunak were the inner Cabinet making all the decisions, yet unlike the others, the current PM remains unsullied. Odd how that happens.
Even 'odder' is how he came to be PM and no questions raised by the MSM.
He’s a creation of the MSM (or the controllers of the MSM).
Why would they be asking questions?
It took the party a while to finally choose “the right guy”. The press kept undermining the choice until the party finally chose someone the MSM were happy with.
These are all lies. They are trying to cover their asses. Trying to hide the fact that this disease is a product of vaccinations.
You can NOT release a new variant.
It needs a growth advantage. Plus, alpha was sequenced all throughout 2020.
They are throwing him under the bus, so people won't realize that these variants are not coming from any lab.
Even if these screenshots are real, they are not proof of a real conversation taking place. This is a criminal enterprise which premeditated the whole thing for many years. No way do they chit-chat via WhatsApp about how they are "releasing" new variants and to be frank: It's fucking ridiculous.
“You can NOT release a new variant. “ That of course is true which is why you need the BBC to interpret and clarify for you. What Hancock meant was, release the News that there was a new variant. Just in case conspiracy theorists spread... ‘misinformation’...
And remember, the "new variant" was to cover the fact that the vaccines were failing as we moved into winter 2021 -- exactly as the "seasonality theorists" said that they would.
Maybe that’s right in the Northern Hemisphere, but they also failed miserably in the Southern Hemisphere going into summer. This “virus” sure is mysterious and acts simultaneously across time and space. Spooky action at a distance 😀
That's how we knew they were going to fail during the winter. The summer sunbelt spike occurred in 2021 just like 2020 -- but in 2021 they told us it was the anti-vaxxers whereas in 2020 they told us it was the anti-maskers.
Here in Australia they couldn’t blame 2021/2022 Omicron peak on anti-vaxxers as 90%+ of adults were recently vaccinated and a lot were boosted. They just called it a “game changer”, what more can you do, it is what it is. 🤷♂️
Interesting coincidence in timing of Omicron, 2 dose vaccination and booster rollout. This is also the middle of our summer.
I remember that there was no talk of "variants" (they were called "strains" when I studied biology) until the vaccine appeared.
You can release a new variant!
It’s accomplished by using the scientifically proven press release method of virus mutation. 😀
Great article as ever El Gato. But the bigger scandal is even worse - democide. They reinstated the disgraced & banned Liverpool Care Pathway by renaming it, & used it to kill many old people in the care homes by denying them antibiotics & other safe & cheap drugs (Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquin) & instead subjecting them to huge doses of Midazolam & Morphine.
And Remdesivir?
Yes correct, I believe that was heavily used in other countries.
Is there anyone that has been paying attention surprised by this? The only surprise is that a journalist actually did their job without bias.
We knew the architects of the public health response to covid were mendacious and evil. We suspected some of them might also be dumb as hell. Turns out, we got three for the price of one almost across the board! Such a bargain. It is taking all my self-control not to troll friends and acquaintances who posted banal crap like, "I stand with Fauci." Better to smile to myself and know the truth than cast flame-balls all over LinkedIn, I reckon.
And now they are saying "I stand with Ukraine" No shame, no apologies, worse no learning (eg we will be karens again next time).
My standard line when talking about Ukraine, Biden, Climate Change, etc is "get some more boosters!"
It is Pfizer Friday! Get some more boosters!
If you haven't learned from this, you never will. I have stopped trying to teach. it is tourniquet time.
I think that we have missed the key point about the pandemic, which Peter and Ginger Breggin got right--that this whole mess was started by global human predators.
There are people stuck in Stockholm Syndrome who refuse to acknowledge the damage caused by psychological manipulation, resulting in fear and confusion--as designed--by psychopathic human predators. The fear and confusion resulting from manipulation undermined the critical faculties of people, which resulted in poor decisions and misplaced trust in public health. This manipulation also resulted in mental illness--germophobia and hypochondria, which continues and is exemplified by masking and social distancing and frequent testing. The people who have been harmed have been captured by public health and defend those same psychologically-manipulative policies by public health.
The main objective of the psychological manipulation, of course, was to create demand for jabs--and fear of disease was a powerful motivator to people to take jabs. Guilt and a false appeal to civic duty were also used to manipulate people into taking jabs. And the psychological manipulation was all based on lies.
But what are we to do about the multitudes who are victims of Stockholm Syndrome? They defend the people who preyed on them and are resistant to any logical argument. I think that one critical feature of these people is that they generally lack self-awareness and lack any ability to examine themselves. So, perhaps discussing the panic-demic (by which I mean the panic-mongering about the pandemic) and explaining how it produced fear and confusion and sabotaged our critical faculties is something to take up. This can be followed by an appeal for self-examination in order to be freed from the mental damage caused by the panic-mongering.
How many words are there in the English language to adequately describe these people? Revolting. Loathsome. Repugnant. Abhorrent. Deviant. Evil. Amoral. Psychopathic. Sociopathic. Sickening. Noxious. Gruesome. Vile. Rancid. Immoral. But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that they are in positions of power and they are dangerous. Existentially dangerous to all of us.
Yes. All you can do is not comply, with any of them.
This may well be a theatrical performance (a limited hangout) to cover up a far more serious accusation. (And there are many serious accusations).
Evidence, witness statements and legal opinions were collected to enable our Health Secretary to be charged with murder. The Midazolam Murders. The case was assigned a crime number at Hammersmith Police Station but a senior Met. Police Officer smothered the case (of course). Just before the case was closed. before it could be officially investigated, our Health Secretary was caught on camera groping his mistress and had to resign – eye-wateringly entertaining but absolutely irrelevant.
Isabel referred to the Midazolam issue as “a conspiracy theory.” I submit that to refer to Isabel as an investigative journalist is but a conspiracy theory.