^"government will use media, social media, and internet to censor speech and the oligarchs of googlemetabookinstatwittube will fall all over themselves to do it for self- preservation and for self-promotion."

Why is it so vital and necessary for the combined monolithic apparatus of government, corporations, and NGOs, to brute force censor everyone while decimating the careers and reputations of the dissenters? Here is why:

The reason the First Amendment is prime directive order 1, is because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first target an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover—preventing a target from assembling, communicating, and organizing a response to an assault grants an enormous advantage to the aggressors.

This is and has been occurring all across the globe since the minute this COVID-19 fraud, and now Russia/Ukraine war, was propagated to every corner of the earth.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

Everyone needs to read the following and watch all of the videos, arm yourself with knowledge, please: https://tritorch.com/takeover

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Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022Liked by el gato malo

100%, brother. We win this war because the best weapons are tailored for our outcome and they are probably not smart enough to even realise this. But what are we doing about it? I have all the resources to make this happen and I'm doing it. You know how to reach me.

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This cannot happen soon enough. After PayPal unpersoned me at the end of August, I switched to Ko-fi, and now I've discovered they're jumping on the deplatforming bandwagon, too:


My biggest concern is Substack solely relies on Stripe for its payment processing, making both Substack and individual creators extraordinarily vulnerable. We need to address that bottleneck ASAP to build resilience here while the new economy is being constructed.

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Please keep talking about Australia. We are trapped in an abusive relationship with our government:


New shiny Covid camps are still being built, god only knows why (we can possibly guess why). Premiers are extending their emergency powers another couple of years - legislation allows them to literally remove your clothing and forcibly vaccinate you against your will.

We really, really need you and others with a platform to keep drawing attention to Australia.

We are not ok down here.

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Learn to barter.

Learn skills

Grow your own food, even if it’s just herbs in a windowsill.

Spread signs, stickers, anything outside the realm of the tech industry. If you’re worried about your car being vandalized, put it on a magnetic backer to remove when the cars parked.

Speak up.

Go to local meetings and speak up.

Make T shirts, even if it’s writing on a white tee in permanent marker.

Pay in cash, speak to store owners.

Remember how hard the Taliban was to control, once they just ditched all their technology? Be that. Be ungovernable.

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I'd add one thing to this plan: infrastructure. Digital currency and peer to peer internet are useless if the regime can turn off the juice. Small scale distributed production of electricity is vital.

People sneer at the idea of solar roofs and driveways, but there are more ways to make electricity than to make fossil fuels. The idea of renewable energy is good; it's just the way it's been coopted as part of a totalitarian ideology that's bad. In my opinion, reclaiming that technology for the empowerment of individual will be crucial.

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How exactly does one become ungovernable? Asking for a friend.

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Another annoying thought:

Have you considered that BitCoin et al are nothing but beta-testing for e-money? You can bet your short hairs on every major governement and national bank having kept very close tabs on BitCoin, including having their own accounts (more than one), from day one.

It's free beta-testing of what has been in the works for at least two decades - and this isn't even a secret; the swedish national bank has for years posted regular updates on project E-Crown and what pitfalls, risks, prblems and advantages they have found or think will come up. You think the Fed in the US hasn't done this, I've got a bridge to sell you.

And when it's finally E-day, the comptrollers and controllers of crypto-currencies will be given an offer: have a seat at th kiddies table with the option of donning big boys' pants in a few years, or get eliminated any which way is the most expedient.

Want to know in advance how it will go down? Study history, namely how private money - including mints and promissory notes and all the other names it's had down the ages - was folded into what we now call national banks.

Put for early adopters there's still money to be made of course. That's the trick, to know when the table turns so you can cash in your markers beforehand.

PS: and if my soothsaying here is proven wrong down the years, you do realise it will be to my great satisfaction - I want to be wrong about this, but I don't think I am.

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Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022

There is no technical fix for statism. As physical beings, you and I need to BE somewhere. If government can't implement income or even sales taxes, it will impose property taxes or road taxes or head taxes. If necessary, it will eyeball a home to estimate the owner's net worth and then tack a tax bill to the front door, with some arbitrary amount added for imputed hiding of assets.

If we think that any of this is unconstitutional or illegal, all we need is to look back to March 2020 to see how easily governments imposed mass house arrest around the world, constitutions be damned. Or how proof of vaccination requirements spread around society like a virus, HIPAA be damned.

Joe Biden gave the game away with his quip about using F-15s against an armed populace: they will have no qualms engaging in mass murder to stay in power.

As Judge Learned Hand once wrote, “Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it; no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it."

Our only hopes lie in generating widespread enough support for liberty that State crime won't even enter into the thinking of politicians and bureaucrats, or that the costs of committing the crimes will be high enough to deter them.

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So what you propose is just a different flavour of gloablism, looks like.

Q: how does this system handle states outside which are organised along different lines?

Q: how does this system handle groups which follow a collectivist ideology without any opt-out clause for those born into it or living in areas where the group is represented in force?

You really need to think hard on things like religion, race and ehtnicity. Even if your above ideas are only applied to the USA, you have lots of groups who now identify as [race] first, american second, religion third, income/class fourth and fellow human being with prerogative and privileges and rights fifth (all these points are in reality blended, overlapping, intermingled, what have you).

"No, you aren't allowed to drive down this road even if you offer to pay, you are [wrong group]."

How does your idea handle stuff like that? Answering that is as a important to a liberal (and libertarians are liberals) as is answering where incentive comes from for a communist.

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I find it inspiring that someone so well versed in the details of the venality that surrounds us is capable of optimism. Catnip on the house.

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We’ll have to do this AFTER we win the coming French war.. pretty sure we’ve already crossed your metaphorical event horizon

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Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022

Thank you for writing this important and timely essay. Lots of food for thought and opportunity for action.

One point of clarification. You are not a serf in the USA. You are taught to think like one and the system works hard to keep you in fear and ignorance just so you will remain a serf in your mind. You can learn the truth about the history and application of the tax laws in America by reading Pete Hendrickson's book, "Cracking the Code". They put him and his wife in jail for writing and publishing his book but a large number of people, including me, have filed educated "returns" for many years with success. You can see the evidence of that at his website as well:


Read his book, confirm the actual words in the statutes and Supreme Court rulings and act accordingly. All Americans will have more resources for the coming hard times and more tools for building a robust, free and healthy decentralized society if we educate ourselves and break the walls of fear the banksters have worked at building for over a century.

Learn, Improvise, Adapt and Overcome - And be ungovernable.

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I think the last line, "become ungovernable", is also the bottom line. And if you look at California, especially its big cities, you should recognize "being ungovernable" as the main trend. (It's been happening since at least the 1980s). The ungovernables have already taken over.

So government focuses more and more regulation and pressure upon those who play by the rules, pay taxes, and have a stake in the visible official system. But that just pushes more and more onto team ungovernable.

And the attempts to bring the ungovernables back into good standing have failed. You only have to look at California's marijuana legalization laws and the reality on the ground to understand that. Most of the pot is still sold on the black market.

But also look at the new "freedom to walk act", the new loosened restrictions on street vendors, the county DAs who intentionally free violent perpetrators, the high rate of uninsured drivers, the changes in car impoundment for unlicensed drivers, grade inflation and curriculum changes and dropout rates in schools, and LA's new First Street Bridge.

I do think being ungovernable is the answer for everyone in these times. But once you go ungovernable, you never go back. Society won't return to the days when most people willingly tried to follow laws and regulations. That's gone.

So get ready for the tax evasion of Greece, the street crime of Brazil. and the corporate-government fusion of, well, Pfizer and the FDA. California leads the way.

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I love you Cat. But. I don't think a Wild West of Investment is the actual answer. Pornography, Prostitution, Human Trafficking, (formerly known as the Slave Trade,) and illegal drugs plus gambling, have always been the largest money makers on Earth.

Other than War and Finance, perhaps. Many will put their crypto there, just for the profits. How much money did pHarma just suck from us? And how many people bought those stocks?

The Mob in control of the Government of the United States is what got us into this mess, imho, that plus the twin devils of greed and ego. We need to deal with this in a way that takes money OUT of evil endeavors.

Read Whitney Webb's "One Government Under Blackmail," go down the Drug Trafficking rabbit hole with Catherine Austin Fitts or the Human Trafficking with "In Our Backyard."

Crypto can be "dissappeared" by any government if it really decides to commit the act. After the last two years and now with watching the whole hog insanity in Ukraine, funded with my tax dollars, I will put NOTHING past the criminals in office.

Only a hard asset based currency minted by a Government controlled the People control can fix this mess. One with total transparency. Imho.

But that requires a People who are honest. Decent. Moral. And educated. And ready to give all they have to reestablish Freedom. Life, Libertyand the Pursuit of Happinessfor All.

Educated on the playground, in practical life, and at university, lol!

And not for sale to the latest Pimp on the corner....

Profits notwithstanding.

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