We keep asking the questions, tucked away on Substack, but WHERE THE HELL ARE THE 'PROFESSIONALS' in media? Why hasn't any of this clown cabal had to answer real questions from a hostile audience? Everything we've been saying is accepted truth now, but nobody seems to want to admit where the truth leads next.

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the whole f***ing system is rotten from core to crust and all of it could be fixed in one afternoon with simple piano wire.

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"bonnie and clyde of bioethics" - ok, can we fast-forward to the end of the movie now? It's the best part.

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So both of them have generously filled their pockets, telling lie after lie to benefit from it. What a disgusting kind of people are these. (running to bathroom puking)

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I was talking to my 75 year old neighbor a few months ago when the subject of Dr. Fauci came up somehow.

She grew up in Brooklyn, near 13th Ave and 83rd Street in Dyker Heights, which is the next neighborhood over from where we both currently live. She said that Dr Fauci's father owned a pharmacy on that corner, so everyone in that area knew the Fauci family. Way back then everyone pronounced it the real Italian way, Fow-ooochi, not the americanized "Fowchi".

She remembered when she was 13 years old, which would have been 1959, the young Mr Fauci (who would have been about 18) had just gotten his driver's license and a car, and would often be seen driving around the neighborhood. One day he ran over a dog, severely injuring it; when the police came, they had to shoot it to put it down. Reckless driving, indifference to the suffering of an animal.

Fast forward fifty years or so; Dr Fauci using dogs in his medical experiments?

Reckless researching, indifference to the suffering of humanity.

Some people never change.

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I...did not know this. This is, I was gonna say "shocking," but that word is overused these days. Horrifying? Grotesque? Unsurprising given the realities of the deep state and the swamp that sustains it? Jesus where are the fucking Republicans in Congress?!?!?! Why is Rand Paul the only one who ever, every questions Fauci?! Where is the fucking commission to evaluate the COVID responses and the relationships that spawned them?! Jesus I'm getting all spun out here on my phone, trying to swipe-type my extreme anger and massive frustration! Fuck!

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How is anyone getting away with stating the vaccines have anything to do with preventing transmission at this point?

Hasn't that reality even been accepted by The Discourse by now?

Some sort of misinformation hammer should come down on everyone who holds some kind of official status while repeating that debunked conspiracy theory.

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Doktor and Herr Doktor Mengele

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The ultimate swamp power couple. The 3rd world standard of care argument is EXACTLY the same one that was used on Africa Americans last century. I guess when they could no longer experiment on Africa Americans they had to move on to Africans. No wonder Africans don't trust western "we're from the government and we're here to help" medical help.

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And the federal government has followed this playbook to the letter. Emails, letters, "town halls" at work warning repeatedly, firmly: "there will be consequences for you unjabbed boys and girls".

Indeed. I finally received my "reasonable accommodation" ruling from the Office of the Inspector General this week after submitting a request months ago. The beneficent overlords proclaim that I can continue employment, but only if my section can find work for me that is not face to face patient care. Kinda hard to do when your specialty is hands-on physical rehabilitation.

Need I add that I've had nary a sniffle in two years while the pincushions keep calling in sick?

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Both are senescent, their brain and souls are gone. Not only should those 2 have left their jobs 20.years ago, but the conflict of interest should have gotten them to jail a long time ago. Shameful scenery from the US elite akin to banana republics

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All I'm asking is that these people who 1) arguably started the epidemic 2) lied about tranmissibility 3) lied about 'vaccines' 4) changed standards to eliminate 'immunity' from definition of 'vaccine', because otherwise it could not be considered a 'vaccine' 5) suppressed cheap effective drugs to more efficently drive large amounts of money to their personal bank accounts and so on.....

Be held to the same standards the government insures the public adheres to. And receives the same level of scrutiny in investigations that the government employs in law enforcement.

But since the government is 'enforcing' the 'laws', and the MSM is propagandizing the same, even millions of excess deaths laid right at this couples feet, is not enough to 'ostracize' these criminals from polite society.

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And now there's boosters for 5-11 year olds! Pure Evil.

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"That's a man baby!"

- A. Powers

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I am so bloody sick of these charlatans and grifters.

How will we ever be rid of these despicable people?

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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