Once again, the men who's minds, (and spirits) I admire have hit the target well.
But I would add something- those soulless seeming forms in those artifical acts designed to rob you of your capacity for both great sex & genuine intimacy, once were, in many cases, children or youths filled with the potential for both, themselves.
The porn industry eats children & humans alive, imho. It is evil & it needs to die. And Smart Cats know it.
As I relayed elsewhere on this platform recently, I once knew a little girl who became a famous porn star. She committed suicide rather than do something she felt was unsafe.
I think that explains why there's usually a bible study camp across the street from the orgy dome in Black Rock City during Burning Man. AmIRight, bad kitty?
Never heard of cave paintings used to lure kids or sextort them or scare women or make money off teen boys etc. it’s a cia psyop. Modern internet porn is all but terrorism. Same function. Pffft
OK, Ryan, I'll raise my hand—sincerely, but with qualification and nuance.
The archetypal psychologist James Hillman reminded us that the act of self-love is inspired by the great god Pan. Although I do have a sense of shame (as distinct from guilt) after being overtaken by the divinely inspired madness, I can also exult somehow in its divine inspiration.
Can a devoutly monotheistic Christian understand such a paradoxical blend of shame and exultation? Maybe not. A polytheistic outlook may be required to appreciate the paradox, which contributes to my suspicion that Christianity (at least in its undiluted form) is a Procrustean bed for the human soul.
(To be fair, I may possibly need to credit Christianity with enabling the historical development of classical liberalism, but that's another discussion.)
I've been in Nioux, sorry sp! a great cave in Southern France you can still enter & see the original cave art from 36,000 years ago. It is magical & the animals on the walls move, have "smiles" and were not hunted. I think they are "Netters," "Spirit Guides" & Guardians.
The acoustics are flawless in these rooms & devices have been found that when you swing them they make the "ufo" or "hemi-sync" sounds which balance left/right hemispheres of the brain.
These are "churches" & shamanic spaces, imho. Ways to connect to the non-physical.
Nude pictures, paintings, photos, etc., while certainly art & sometimes very beautiful are not the same.
This type of nonsense is exactly why we’re in this mess. “Porn”’s intent is hostile. It is designed, in it’s ACTUAL, not theoretical modern iteration to enrage men and terrify women. It is succeeding, by hiding behind mountains of bullshit like this.
I've never felt enraged by porn. Amused, aroused, bored, disgusted, but never enraged. Though I'm sure some of the more outre forms are designed for that. But again, blanket statements fail to cover the bed.
What you can do yourself, personally, in reality, is far more enticing than watching other people “fake” it. Or “show” doing it. It’s not real. It’s not natural, or accurate, or completely satisfying. It’s inaccuracy immaculate and intimidation. I think this is why porn has never done it for me. It’s unsatisfying at its heart.
My fav quote Re porn. Learning sex from porn is like Learning how to drive from a van diesel movie. Great article on porn. Did you consider that porn is also part of the Tavistock agenda to subvert mass society.
Introducing sex in a young child is morally wrong. I believe people who do that are often doing it for their own sexual gratification or financial gain. Let kids be kids.
Yes I believe the constant sexual material in the media that young children are exposed to is meant to down grade society. To get kids sexually active before their minds can handle it maturely. As teens basic sexual facts can introduced in school. However introducing it too soon can have generational negative effects and I am sure that the powers to be that run the media are well aware of this.
Came here to comment similar. Children find access insanely easy. Youtube. Snapchat. Friends. No more trying to find a loophole. It is on demand in their pockets. Give them a cellphone and they are on a juvenile version of the dark web. Doesn’t matter how many restrictions, the workarounds are openly discussed on discord and reddit and 4 chan and 8 chan. It is an epidemic but unrecognized. Besides they are sharing with each other at school. Desensitize a person from a young age and watch that person disintegrate before your eyes. The internet brought so many good things to the world but dragged so much dysfunction in with it.
3) Don't let someone talk you into something you feel the slightest skeeziness about
4) How to not get/spread VDs and lice
That's it. Keep it factual, dry and boring - the teens (15+ at least!) will appreciate it far more if it feels as exciting as a trip to the dentist or the DMV.
Ideally, the parents ought to handle it, but since we have a moral obligation to kids with asshole parents, schools helping out is necessary. But absolutely not the way it's done today in some places. Burn the rainbow-flags and strip the activist teachers of their licenses, in public before the school board preferably.
Porn is the furrpect example of that freedom means allowing the weak, unlucky and susceptible to stupidity weed themselves out of the pool. With free speech and freedom of expression comes pornography. And with unlimited free access comes behaviours we can call self-abuse in more way than one.
Sadly, people falling prey to porn (and drugs and alcohol and eating themselves into blimps and so on) is the cost of freedom.
I hear you, and comprehend the arguments, but I disagree, & here is why. Once sexuality is sold, becomes a commodity, sexual enslavement, sexual abuse, sexual violance & child sexual abuse, human trafficking & child trafficking all proliferate.
Just the facts.
I've known girls who participated in these areas, albeit on the lighter side, nude dancing in biker bars, Playboy club bunnies, & read or listened to the histories of prostitutes, human trafficking victims & porn stars. All, & I mean all, were raped and/or sexually abused at very young ages & all men buying their "wares" were also were participating in, or "profiting from," the above behaviors these kids, at one time, had been subjected to, imo, whether they have any understanding of this or not. To men, on some level, to some degree there is no such thing, or rarely any such thing, as "bad sex. " Yes, I'm generalizing, please forgive me, but for women & children, this is not at all true.
Watch any good documentary or conference on human trafficking or child sex trafficking, and you will get to know these girls & their stories better. Watch the series on the Playboy Mansion & Heffner- it is disgusting, violent & murderous, what went on there, and while that business was just considered just "cute" & "harmless," back in the day. Today's world is worse, by far. The interview w/ Jordan Peterson, Jim Caviezel & Tom Ballard finally helped me comprehend what happens when men watch porn & go sideways with child Pornography.
Read the stories of the rapes & drugging of women loaded up on Porn Hub. Listen to the girls & the boys. Pay attention, people. Pornography is NOT a victimless crime. It is an evil we have allowed to flourish.
Again, a blanket statement, and inaccurate. Certainly there are both men and women who fit those criteria, as there are in other pursuits. But it is not 100%, nor even 50%.
For men, that's a darn compelling reason to eschew porn aside from the obvious spiritual, psychological, emotional, and neurological costs.
Porn rewires the brain to react to that as the stimulus rather than a human being, so it eventually leads to impotence in many males.
These men then often resort to Viagra, which has many medical risks, including and most horrifically penile gangrene, which requires penile amputation to save the patient's life:
Thank you for taking the subject on. On a purely secular basis this is a good explanation for why porn is damaging. For those of us who also view sexual intimacy as something powerful and wholesome to be used within a marriage to help strengthen and sustain that enduring relationship, it provides additional support. Porn is a element of darkness to be eschewed by those seeking to fill the world with light.
Going off on a tangent here, but I find the use of the word "sleep" instead of "have sex" to be really annoying. How can someone sleep 1000 times in 12 hours?
Well, the math alone is janky. 60 minutes x 12 hours = 720 minutes. 720 minutes divided by 1057 men = 0.68 (i.e., less than a minute). IDK what kind of sex you can have in that time frame, because just walking into the room for the *ahem* “activity” probably takes more than the allotted time. We rabbits are noted for our reproductive fecundity, but we are still bound by the laws of nature as regards “time”.
"sex is at its real essence language, a means of communication and of sharing from the levels of genes to hormones to lizard brains, instinct, impulse, and intellectualism, a vast substrate upon which the finest of distinctions or none at all may be whispered or writ large."
Pervasive puerile prurience is a symptom of a general spiritual emptiness. People with worthwhile things to do, and to think about, seem quite a bit less likely to devolve into selfish, lonely and destructive pursuits.
I think you’ve unwittingly made the case for marital sex only. There’s nothing meaningful about the casual. Sex only has meaning in the security of a marital relationship.
But I think you’ve missed something very big. Sex makes babies—and it has since the beginning of time. It’s not just a language or a conversation to be had with anyone. It’s the only act in the universe that literally creates life. That will always be its chief purpose and function. Human beings have exercised caution in sexual engagement forever because a baby without a daddy is not a good thing. In fact, it’s the central thing destroying our civilization.
Sex isn’t just a conversation. Just look at the design. The male was made for the female. Our anatomies literally fit together. It’s not just language. It’s a conversation that cannot be had between everyone. It can only be had between some, hence the ethics of it all. The fact that some cannot engage in it implies that it is only for a certain time and place.
Time would fail to spell out the infinite meaninglessness young women feel in their pursuit of casual sex. Porn aside, a one night stand is just as bad. And casual sex is too. And so is a so-called meaningful sexual exchange between two people who don’t really love each other. “But we do!” If you did, you’d commit to each other in covenant. Taking somebody’s body and most intimate self without the sacrifice of commitment is not and never will be love.
You made some decent points about the emptiness of pornography. But I’d say you’ve gotta see the implications well beyond it.
but i don't think this speaks to sex limited to marriage at all. once could as easily argue the opposite that there are many with whom you might have meaningful conversations. i do not share your moral judgement of one night stands. that seems to be some additional your brining to the table here.
i think it's fine to have multiple partners over time and to explore. "casual" does not mean "devoid of meaning." life is full of interesting little surprises.
I like that you make the case for taking it seriously, and being sure that it's shared with someone you seem worthy. And I like the 'Creates Life' for what it does for us, what it means to our society.
But at its most literal you're suggesting that once you and your partner have had your 2.3 kids your sex life is over. And yet many of us in our denouement are still, you know, doing it and enjoying without a hint of Let's Make a Baby. We just like sharing it with our partner. In fact, I'd say that it's a necessary component of a healthy happy relationship.
When a couple is struggling, or when they divorced, I always say, "You've Lost That Rubbing Feeling." You don't want to lose that Rubbing Feeling.
I would say porn has no place - the dog shit brownies principal: just a little won’t hurt the taste, right?
You nailed it on everything else, it’s hollow and shallow and coarse and cursed.
In the era of C0bamaVid lock-downs and internet access and social isolation, it’s worse than ever: when we were young you had to hunt for it - find an older brother’s magazine or your buddy’s dad had a VCR tape in the man cave or something… Now? Now it finds you.
What!? I don’t virtue signal - I have a brain. I agree with almost all of what he had to say but I would add there is no place (I’m a prude I guess) for porn. Especially in the age of Biden-era child sex trafficking
Younger readers may be surprised to learn that within living* memory here in the USA, pornography was illegal to the point where if convicted of an offense, one could be sentenced to DECADES in prison.
I remember this. Society was much better off when the only access to porn was adult stores, and when pursuing it was shameful. Hugh Hefner and his followers did us no favors.
Lol! I'm a child of the 1960s & the whole concept of "free love," and no it wasn't a good deal on a prostitute or porn site. People had been so sexually repressed for so long that loosening the rules did make sense, imo. But I remember when the idiots, (again, imho,) legalized pornography. And immediately "free love" became a license for some very unsavory forms of lust; since then the dangers our kids must navigate have amplified immensely.
My daughter's generation can't see the harm in "Only Fans " because they have been BSed into believing that "at least the girls are getting the money."
The degradation when every woman/girl/boy/man considers selling his or her sexuality to pay the bills is not far from the streets in London in the days when 50% of women got pushed into prostitution to survive.
I pray we all wake up to the societal ill, (at best,) that this crap is.
And I salute the Great Cat for taking the unsavory subject on!
Sadly, I was forced to become an early quasi-expert on this topic when I was with my ex-husband. At the time we met, 1999, internet porn was in its baby stages and no one really talked about it much other than to snicker and compare stories (OMG! I watched this chick do XYZ! I didn't even know that was possible! Ewwww!). I was also "sex positive" as you put it, didn't really think of porn as bad necessarily. What I came to discover (oh dear/possible inadvertent pun there) was that as a person watches more and more porn it begins to desensitize them. Two things then follow; one is that they begin to require crazier and more frequent things in order to get off; and two is they begin to not be able to function well with a live human. They reach a point where they can no longer get off with a live person that requires their own stimulation and connection. As an example, my ex was watching porn of women with giant breasts...however he had a wife with H cups that he had zero interest in having sex with and indeed was not even able to perform properly. As you can imagine, this ultimately led to the destruction of our marriage. Over the course of 8 years with him I read all of the early books on the topic of porn addiction, we saw counselors, I connected with internet forums filled with women having these same experiences. It's a tragic circumstance that almost nobody is talking about, so I really appreciate you posting this discussion. Usually as soon as you tell someone that your marriage broke up over porn use, their eyes glaze over and you get branded as a prude and a crazy person. But it has nothing to do with prudery (for example, I offered to let my ex film me, take pics, etc.). Just as shocking, when I became single and started dating I discovered that even younger men in their 20s (I was in my 30s at the time) could not perform. This is EXTREMELY widespread and any woman that is sexually active has seen this but probably not necessarily connected it to porn use. This is a MAMMOTH problem in society and you cannot just call people prudish for calling out porn and discussing its destructive nature. Porn addiction is not a religious issue (though of course it can be for some people). It is a societal issue that warps relationships, destroys families and the affected individuals. And while I am generally Libertarian-leaning I do believe that we need to take better steps to make porn inaccessible to minors and we need to be having more conversations about responsible porn use by adults (and I am not the pro on that topic, but I do believe there are ways to use porn that do not lead to addiction/I just don't know what that looks like). It's not something you can or even should try to legislate away, but rather keep it in its proper context and amongst adults only.
Circumcised men are 4.5 likely to have erectile dysfunction.
Turns out, cutting off the foreskin which has loads of nerve endings and pleasure receptors is not a good idea.
Also, it's sexual trauma - no wonder Americans consume loads of Viagra...all of the places where boys are mutilated and tortured do.
Too bad most Americans are complete fools and think their newborn sons are born defective and disgusting.
Let's not forget about the circumcision violent male genital mutilation child sexual abuse solely perpetrated upon boys for a hundred years in the so called land of "freedom and liberty" USA, so much freedom yet men don't own their own cocks.
Not to mention all of the disgusting and debased cruel jokes about circumcision and the shaming of foreskin in crappy Hollywood garbage films and banal sitcoms.
Men don't have basic genital integrity and body autonomy for a century in a land where people see themselves as world leaders and the most moral and ethical! Such evil misandrist hypocrisy.
Women talk about my body my choice, and society is blind to the routine sexual mutilation and fight flight freeze trauma that is perpetrated upon baby boys.
Also, women have optional motherhood, but fatherhood is forced and at the mercy of the woman and the state. Men don't have reproductive rights either.
Then there's the male only draft, but I digress.
Circumcision is violent blade rape.
Europe, Japan, the majority of the world - knows better.
That's actual rape culture.
Foregen is a biotech company raising money for the final phase 3 of 3 human trials on GoFundMe.
They are regenerating foreskins through regenerative medicine to reverse circumcision mutilation.
They've already had successful phase 2 animal trials and have received millions on donations.
They're almost ready to be public.
Over 6500+ species of mammals have foreskins, it is not a mistake.
It has the majority of nerve endings and sensitivity of the penis. More pleasure, lubrication, less excessive friction WHICH ACTUALLY REDUCES DISEASE TRANSMISSION! YES, YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT. CIRCUMCISION=MORE FRICTION=MORE MICRO CUTS AND ABRASIONS=MORE HIV TRANSMISSION AND STDs - look it up.
European medical associations know how disgusting and crippling circumcision is.
Iceland almost banned circumcision but the selfish ADL and the USA pressured them not to. They will vote in a few years again to try to ban it again.
I hope they do.
Any culture that circumcises is not ethical or modern, but they are child sexual abusers and traumatizers.
No argument about it.
Also, they sell baby boy foreskin cells online as HFF, neonatal human foreskin fibroblasts, for $500 a vial in Sigma Aldrich and other biotech firms.
Circumcision and foreskin is a billion dollar industry.
Cosmetic companies can test their product on foreskin fibroblasts and then say they are CRUELTY FREE on their packaging! Why! Because they didn't test on the precious animals! Animals that are cared for more than human baby boys.
I am one of 5 brothers. Three of us had our genitals mutilated. Two of us did not. I’ll just say that there is a big difference in our sexual behaviors.
It is a great cruelty to baby boys. I had a daughter, but if I had had a son, no one would have gotten near his privates with a knife!
My father, who was born 1918, educated me on the trauma that this unholy practice is & his message made total sense to me.
I've dated Europeans as well as Americans & married a German man. All the Europeans I knew were on one piece; none of the Americans were. It's something that once you grasp the trauma which actually changes the brain, permanently, you will think differently about, I promise.
I have a friend who went through the same thing in about ‘98. Satellite TV was newly affordable and the internet wasn’t widely available yet, but by the time she left him, they had gone almost two years without romance. All his “pleasure” was in his imagination.
It’s “generation online” with expectations of instant gratification in all things that worries me. So many, heads down constantly, scrolling.
The sex act itself is probably more effort than it’s worth when they can just watch & be done with it, rather than go on a date, followed by the wonderful motions of seduction & surrender.
Add in the insecurities created by the naturally, or surgically (or now AI) “endowed” & some may never want to try.
Creating relationships takes longer than reaching orgasm. ("This Just In!") Expecting otherwise is deadly to relationships, leading to loneliness and (guess what?) more porn.
For those claiming to be of the Faith, what does God’s Word say about this? One is either of the Faith and Spirit led or one is not. “The gate is narrow and hard is the way that leads to life. Those who find it are few.” Be…in the Word.
The same god that mutilates boys genitals which gives rise to sexual issues in the first place then talk about the wonders of sex in the book of the song of Solomon?
Like removing all of someone's taste buds then antagonizing them with the description of a wonderful 3 Michelin star meal?
Your God is a circumcising baby boy torturing man hater.
Circumcision is demonic child torture.
Circumcised men are 4.5 likely to have wrictle dysfunction.
Most of the nerve endings and pleasure receptors are in what is amputated, the foreskin.
Americans know nothing of this.
So much for freedom and liberty...in a land where you don't own your own dick. Then get thrown in the draft system to be companion fodder in war for you mutilators.
USA treats boys like hot garbage.
Let's not forget about the circumcision violent male genital mutilation child sexual abuse solely perpetrated upon boys for a hundred years in the so called land of "freedom and liberty" USA, so much freedom yet men don't own their own cocks.
Not to mention all of the disgusting and debased cruel jokes about circumcision and the shaming of foreskin in crappy Hollywood garbage films and banal sitcoms.
Men don't have basic genital integrity and body autonomy for a century in a land where people see themselves as world leaders and the most moral and ethical! Such evil misandrist hypocrisy.
Women talk about my body my choice, and society is blind to the routine sexual mutilation and fight flight freeze trauma that is perpetrated upon baby boys.
Also, women have optional motherhood, but fatherhood is forced and at the mercy of the woman and the state. Men don't have reproductive rights either.
Then there's the male only draft, but I digress.
Circumcision is violent blade rape.
Europe, Japan, the majority of the world - knows better.
That's actual rape culture.
Foregen is a biotech company raising money for the final phase 3 of 3 human trials on GoFundMe.
They are regenerating foreskins through regenerative medicine to reverse circumcision mutilation.
They've already had successful phase 2 animal trials and have received millions on donations.
They're almost ready to be public.
Over 6500+ species of mammals have foreskins, it is not a mistake.
It has the majority of nerve endings and sensitivity of the penis. More pleasure, lubrication, less excessive friction WHICH ACTUALLY REDUCES DISEASE TRANSMISSION! YES, YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT. CIRCUMCISION=MORE FRICTION=MORE MICRO CUTS AND ABRASIONS=MORE HIV TRANSMISSION AND STDs - look it up.
European medical associations know how disgusting and crippling circumcision is.
Iceland almost banned circumcision but the selfish ADL and the USA pressured them not to. They will vote in a few years again to try to ban it again.
I hope they do.
Any culture that circumcises is not ethical or modern, but they are child sexual abusers and traumatizers.
No argument about it.
Also, they sell baby boy foreskin cells online as HFF, neonatal human foreskin fibroblasts, for $500 a vial in Sigma Aldrich and other biotech firms.
Circumcision and foreskin is a billion dollar industry.
Cosmetic companies can test their product on foreskin fibroblasts and then say they are CRUELTY FREE on their packaging! Why! Because they didn't test on the precious animals! Animals that are cared for more than human baby boys.
Thank you for raising a very difficult issue. I am blessed with an intact husband, so I know all about the difference between sex with and without a foreskin.
It's really hard to talk about this, especially in North America, because the vast majority of men (certainly in the GenX and Boomer groups) have been mutilated.
It doesn't help that virtually all the male porn actors have been as well.
I heard but can't confirm it is finally below 50% in the US. Ultimately it should be outlawed, and anyone with a "religious" fetish for it can do it after age 18 as a consenting adult.
If anyone has felt good about themselves 5 minutes after watching porn, raise your hand.
Nuff said.
Once again, the men who's minds, (and spirits) I admire have hit the target well.
But I would add something- those soulless seeming forms in those artifical acts designed to rob you of your capacity for both great sex & genuine intimacy, once were, in many cases, children or youths filled with the potential for both, themselves.
The porn industry eats children & humans alive, imho. It is evil & it needs to die. And Smart Cats know it.
Having a daughter brought an end to going to strip clubs. They are all someone’s daughter.
Exactly. I have a hard time with this stuff precisely because of what you said
As I relayed elsewhere on this platform recently, I once knew a little girl who became a famous porn star. She committed suicide rather than do something she felt was unsafe.
Even at her level, she called no shots.
You know, Ryan, there's a *raises left hand* joke in there somewhere.
But the tone of this article doesn't suggest that sort of response is suitable, nor mature, so I'm sure glad I didn't say it out loud.
Hey Pi, I take great umbrage regarding your slur on we majestic southpaws.
Maybe more appropriate the O’biden celebrated fisting they so loved 🤢
Yeah, sorry, William. Being a baseball fan I should know the value of a Majestic Southpaw. We know y'all are the ones in the breach, filling the void.
I mean, there's no such thing as a crafty right-hander - amirite?
I was a Southpaw pitcher. We can be difficult to deal with
😊 I'll just bet.
<temporarily uses hands for typing>
Implying _both_ hands were not on the keyboard only a moment before...
Well now I feel bad for making that joke.
I laughed at your post while simultaneously thinking that you have a certain sensitive quality. Make sense?
It does to me
I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
the comment to which you responded has been deleted, which makes this even more intriguing. lol
It was me. Accidentally. And I can't remember what I said...lol
Memory is the second thing to go. I can’t remember the first.
well if pi guy found it intriguing, it must have been good
On the one hand, there are various interpretations of "feel good."
On the other hand is lotion, making it hard to type a response.
🎵 With deep spray-on tans and creamy lotiony hands
You can't grip a tackle box 🎶
Sounds like you need to push away from the screen and, shall we say, bait your hook.
Lyrics credit: "I'm Still a Guy" by Brad Paisley
It's a fun little ditty.
Is this a Catholic quiz?
Can I put my hand down now? Just kidding.
Switch hands and tough it out!
Felt good, yes, about myself, no. It's a very ambiguous time.
That's why i said after you're "done"....;)
No no, even after the act there is the afterglow, but it is a false one. It's like the enjoyment of Chinese food.
Hungry in an hour?
my dad used to joke that after sex with someone of chinese descent, a person was horny again in an hour
Why would I raise my hand 5 minutes after watching porn? Sounds like a good way to get my keyboard dirty
I’m glad we gave this subject the serious consideration it deserves.
I think that explains why there's usually a bible study camp across the street from the orgy dome in Black Rock City during Burning Man. AmIRight, bad kitty?
Never heard of cave paintings used to lure kids or sextort them or scare women or make money off teen boys etc. it’s a cia psyop. Modern internet porn is all but terrorism. Same function. Pffft
OK, Ryan, I'll raise my hand—sincerely, but with qualification and nuance.
The archetypal psychologist James Hillman reminded us that the act of self-love is inspired by the great god Pan. Although I do have a sense of shame (as distinct from guilt) after being overtaken by the divinely inspired madness, I can also exult somehow in its divine inspiration.
Can a devoutly monotheistic Christian understand such a paradoxical blend of shame and exultation? Maybe not. A polytheistic outlook may be required to appreciate the paradox, which contributes to my suspicion that Christianity (at least in its undiluted form) is a Procrustean bed for the human soul.
(To be fair, I may possibly need to credit Christianity with enabling the historical development of classical liberalism, but that's another discussion.)
So what would a double amputee raise?
Depends on the porn. There are other options on objects raising.
Drawbridges, wages, questions, eyebrows - yeah, lot's of stuff.
Raises hand.
You people overthink this. Porn serves its function. Early cave man paintings; some of our most esteemed Greco-Roman art etc etc the list goes on
Am an admirer of womens physical attributes. You cant date all the body shapes and sizes you are exposed to in porn.
Thats why i love reddits
Social media is such a wonderful thing
Etc etc
You think cave paintings and pornhub are the same? Not real insightful.
he didn't say they were the same. he said they serve the same function.
Which they do not. ; ))
I've been in Nioux, sorry sp! a great cave in Southern France you can still enter & see the original cave art from 36,000 years ago. It is magical & the animals on the walls move, have "smiles" and were not hunted. I think they are "Netters," "Spirit Guides" & Guardians.
The acoustics are flawless in these rooms & devices have been found that when you swing them they make the "ufo" or "hemi-sync" sounds which balance left/right hemispheres of the brain.
These are "churches" & shamanic spaces, imho. Ways to connect to the non-physical.
Nude pictures, paintings, photos, etc., while certainly art & sometimes very beautiful are not the same.
This type of nonsense is exactly why we’re in this mess. “Porn”’s intent is hostile. It is designed, in it’s ACTUAL, not theoretical modern iteration to enrage men and terrify women. It is succeeding, by hiding behind mountains of bullshit like this.
I've never felt enraged by porn. Amused, aroused, bored, disgusted, but never enraged. Though I'm sure some of the more outre forms are designed for that. But again, blanket statements fail to cover the bed.
You don’t have any ethical concerns at all? ok? You’re a psycho.
What you can do yourself, personally, in reality, is far more enticing than watching other people “fake” it. Or “show” doing it. It’s not real. It’s not natural, or accurate, or completely satisfying. It’s inaccuracy immaculate and intimidation. I think this is why porn has never done it for me. It’s unsatisfying at its heart.
Preferably after you've washed it....
What an interesting observation.
My fav quote Re porn. Learning sex from porn is like Learning how to drive from a van diesel movie. Great article on porn. Did you consider that porn is also part of the Tavistock agenda to subvert mass society.
Introducing sex in a young child is morally wrong. I believe people who do that are often doing it for their own sexual gratification or financial gain. Let kids be kids.
Yes I believe the constant sexual material in the media that young children are exposed to is meant to down grade society. To get kids sexually active before their minds can handle it maturely. As teens basic sexual facts can introduced in school. However introducing it too soon can have generational negative effects and I am sure that the powers to be that run the media are well aware of this.
Came here to comment similar. Children find access insanely easy. Youtube. Snapchat. Friends. No more trying to find a loophole. It is on demand in their pockets. Give them a cellphone and they are on a juvenile version of the dark web. Doesn’t matter how many restrictions, the workarounds are openly discussed on discord and reddit and 4 chan and 8 chan. It is an epidemic but unrecognized. Besides they are sharing with each other at school. Desensitize a person from a young age and watch that person disintegrate before your eyes. The internet brought so many good things to the world but dragged so much dysfunction in with it.
Much like the CIA's deal, with the Mafia, in the 1950s to destroy black communities by use of opiate addiction.
Sex ed should never be more than:
1) How to not get (someone) pregnant
2) Consensual only - you body your choice
3) Don't let someone talk you into something you feel the slightest skeeziness about
4) How to not get/spread VDs and lice
That's it. Keep it factual, dry and boring - the teens (15+ at least!) will appreciate it far more if it feels as exciting as a trip to the dentist or the DMV.
Ideally, the parents ought to handle it, but since we have a moral obligation to kids with asshole parents, schools helping out is necessary. But absolutely not the way it's done today in some places. Burn the rainbow-flags and strip the activist teachers of their licenses, in public before the school board preferably.
Porn is the furrpect example of that freedom means allowing the weak, unlucky and susceptible to stupidity weed themselves out of the pool. With free speech and freedom of expression comes pornography. And with unlimited free access comes behaviours we can call self-abuse in more way than one.
Sadly, people falling prey to porn (and drugs and alcohol and eating themselves into blimps and so on) is the cost of freedom.
I hear you, and comprehend the arguments, but I disagree, & here is why. Once sexuality is sold, becomes a commodity, sexual enslavement, sexual abuse, sexual violance & child sexual abuse, human trafficking & child trafficking all proliferate.
Just the facts.
I've known girls who participated in these areas, albeit on the lighter side, nude dancing in biker bars, Playboy club bunnies, & read or listened to the histories of prostitutes, human trafficking victims & porn stars. All, & I mean all, were raped and/or sexually abused at very young ages & all men buying their "wares" were also were participating in, or "profiting from," the above behaviors these kids, at one time, had been subjected to, imo, whether they have any understanding of this or not. To men, on some level, to some degree there is no such thing, or rarely any such thing, as "bad sex. " Yes, I'm generalizing, please forgive me, but for women & children, this is not at all true.
Watch any good documentary or conference on human trafficking or child sex trafficking, and you will get to know these girls & their stories better. Watch the series on the Playboy Mansion & Heffner- it is disgusting, violent & murderous, what went on there, and while that business was just considered just "cute" & "harmless," back in the day. Today's world is worse, by far. The interview w/ Jordan Peterson, Jim Caviezel & Tom Ballard finally helped me comprehend what happens when men watch porn & go sideways with child Pornography.
Read the stories of the rapes & drugging of women loaded up on Porn Hub. Listen to the girls & the boys. Pay attention, people. Pornography is NOT a victimless crime. It is an evil we have allowed to flourish.
Again, a blanket statement, and inaccurate. Certainly there are both men and women who fit those criteria, as there are in other pursuits. But it is not 100%, nor even 50%.
I'm not sure if it's me your replying to, because your claims don't really fit what I said, I think.
well stated and furrpect, Rikard
Penile gangrene.
For men, that's a darn compelling reason to eschew porn aside from the obvious spiritual, psychological, emotional, and neurological costs.
Porn rewires the brain to react to that as the stimulus rather than a human being, so it eventually leads to impotence in many males.
These men then often resort to Viagra, which has many medical risks, including and most horrifically penile gangrene, which requires penile amputation to save the patient's life:
• https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4543925/
Why are American doctors so obsessed with surgery for everything?
Just be patient and it will fall off by itself.
Great line!
Now my wife can't stop laughing.
Woah! I was not ready for that pic of a gangrene-riddled weiner. Never been a viagra user myself, but I’m scared stiff now!
Thank you for taking the subject on. On a purely secular basis this is a good explanation for why porn is damaging. For those of us who also view sexual intimacy as something powerful and wholesome to be used within a marriage to help strengthen and sustain that enduring relationship, it provides additional support. Porn is a element of darkness to be eschewed by those seeking to fill the world with light.
I couldn’t agree more!
Going off on a tangent here, but I find the use of the word "sleep" instead of "have sex" to be really annoying. How can someone sleep 1000 times in 12 hours?
Narcolepsy + ADHD?
Thanks for the laugh.
I just do not even want to think about this. the visual or logistics.
This woman will not be famous for anything but by utter wicked disgust.
Sits down for coffee.
"So, I'm the chick who was schtupped by 1057 men in 24 hours."
You don't think that's an amazing ice breaker for a relationship?
Glad to see "schtupped", been awhile. I read that in Mel Brooks' voice.
Well, the math alone is janky. 60 minutes x 12 hours = 720 minutes. 720 minutes divided by 1057 men = 0.68 (i.e., less than a minute). IDK what kind of sex you can have in that time frame, because just walking into the room for the *ahem* “activity” probably takes more than the allotted time. We rabbits are noted for our reproductive fecundity, but we are still bound by the laws of nature as regards “time”.
They each stuck it in for the count. It's a ridiculous and dehumanizing stunt, and no one remembers her name even now, nor cares.
I kinda wondered that myself… thanks for clarifying… I mean, if she were indeed a rabbit I could imagine….but she’s not
I did the math, too, and could barely comprehend what that "activity" must have been like. All I could think of was: that must have hurt!
Serial narcoleptics.
"sex is at its real essence language, a means of communication and of sharing from the levels of genes to hormones to lizard brains, instinct, impulse, and intellectualism, a vast substrate upon which the finest of distinctions or none at all may be whispered or writ large."
Such beautiful language.
Now I need a cigarette.
Pervasive puerile prurience is a symptom of a general spiritual emptiness. People with worthwhile things to do, and to think about, seem quite a bit less likely to devolve into selfish, lonely and destructive pursuits.
I think you’ve unwittingly made the case for marital sex only. There’s nothing meaningful about the casual. Sex only has meaning in the security of a marital relationship.
But I think you’ve missed something very big. Sex makes babies—and it has since the beginning of time. It’s not just a language or a conversation to be had with anyone. It’s the only act in the universe that literally creates life. That will always be its chief purpose and function. Human beings have exercised caution in sexual engagement forever because a baby without a daddy is not a good thing. In fact, it’s the central thing destroying our civilization.
Sex isn’t just a conversation. Just look at the design. The male was made for the female. Our anatomies literally fit together. It’s not just language. It’s a conversation that cannot be had between everyone. It can only be had between some, hence the ethics of it all. The fact that some cannot engage in it implies that it is only for a certain time and place.
Time would fail to spell out the infinite meaninglessness young women feel in their pursuit of casual sex. Porn aside, a one night stand is just as bad. And casual sex is too. And so is a so-called meaningful sexual exchange between two people who don’t really love each other. “But we do!” If you did, you’d commit to each other in covenant. Taking somebody’s body and most intimate self without the sacrifice of commitment is not and never will be love.
You made some decent points about the emptiness of pornography. But I’d say you’ve gotta see the implications well beyond it.
hence my inclusion that it's a language of genes.
but i don't think this speaks to sex limited to marriage at all. once could as easily argue the opposite that there are many with whom you might have meaningful conversations. i do not share your moral judgement of one night stands. that seems to be some additional your brining to the table here.
i think it's fine to have multiple partners over time and to explore. "casual" does not mean "devoid of meaning." life is full of interesting little surprises.
'... brining to the table...' - salty language in a discussion about porn! 🤣🤣
For which, thanks. Nicely argued.
I like that you make the case for taking it seriously, and being sure that it's shared with someone you seem worthy. And I like the 'Creates Life' for what it does for us, what it means to our society.
But at its most literal you're suggesting that once you and your partner have had your 2.3 kids your sex life is over. And yet many of us in our denouement are still, you know, doing it and enjoying without a hint of Let's Make a Baby. We just like sharing it with our partner. In fact, I'd say that it's a necessary component of a healthy happy relationship.
When a couple is struggling, or when they divorced, I always say, "You've Lost That Rubbing Feeling." You don't want to lose that Rubbing Feeling.
I would say porn has no place - the dog shit brownies principal: just a little won’t hurt the taste, right?
You nailed it on everything else, it’s hollow and shallow and coarse and cursed.
In the era of C0bamaVid lock-downs and internet access and social isolation, it’s worse than ever: when we were young you had to hunt for it - find an older brother’s magazine or your buddy’s dad had a VCR tape in the man cave or something… Now? Now it finds you.
Agree completely, Jeff. That assertion made a nonsense of the whole essay.
I think this comment is virtue signalling cookie cutter nonsense.
What!? I don’t virtue signal - I have a brain. I agree with almost all of what he had to say but I would add there is no place (I’m a prude I guess) for porn. Especially in the age of Biden-era child sex trafficking
Younger readers may be surprised to learn that within living* memory here in the USA, pornography was illegal to the point where if convicted of an offense, one could be sentenced to DECADES in prison.
*Perhaps very old people, but still alive.
I remember this. Society was much better off when the only access to porn was adult stores, and when pursuing it was shameful. Hugh Hefner and his followers did us no favors.
Lol! I'm a child of the 1960s & the whole concept of "free love," and no it wasn't a good deal on a prostitute or porn site. People had been so sexually repressed for so long that loosening the rules did make sense, imo. But I remember when the idiots, (again, imho,) legalized pornography. And immediately "free love" became a license for some very unsavory forms of lust; since then the dangers our kids must navigate have amplified immensely.
My daughter's generation can't see the harm in "Only Fans " because they have been BSed into believing that "at least the girls are getting the money."
The degradation when every woman/girl/boy/man considers selling his or her sexuality to pay the bills is not far from the streets in London in the days when 50% of women got pushed into prostitution to survive.
I pray we all wake up to the societal ill, (at best,) that this crap is.
And I salute the Great Cat for taking the unsavory subject on!
Sadly, I was forced to become an early quasi-expert on this topic when I was with my ex-husband. At the time we met, 1999, internet porn was in its baby stages and no one really talked about it much other than to snicker and compare stories (OMG! I watched this chick do XYZ! I didn't even know that was possible! Ewwww!). I was also "sex positive" as you put it, didn't really think of porn as bad necessarily. What I came to discover (oh dear/possible inadvertent pun there) was that as a person watches more and more porn it begins to desensitize them. Two things then follow; one is that they begin to require crazier and more frequent things in order to get off; and two is they begin to not be able to function well with a live human. They reach a point where they can no longer get off with a live person that requires their own stimulation and connection. As an example, my ex was watching porn of women with giant breasts...however he had a wife with H cups that he had zero interest in having sex with and indeed was not even able to perform properly. As you can imagine, this ultimately led to the destruction of our marriage. Over the course of 8 years with him I read all of the early books on the topic of porn addiction, we saw counselors, I connected with internet forums filled with women having these same experiences. It's a tragic circumstance that almost nobody is talking about, so I really appreciate you posting this discussion. Usually as soon as you tell someone that your marriage broke up over porn use, their eyes glaze over and you get branded as a prude and a crazy person. But it has nothing to do with prudery (for example, I offered to let my ex film me, take pics, etc.). Just as shocking, when I became single and started dating I discovered that even younger men in their 20s (I was in my 30s at the time) could not perform. This is EXTREMELY widespread and any woman that is sexually active has seen this but probably not necessarily connected it to porn use. This is a MAMMOTH problem in society and you cannot just call people prudish for calling out porn and discussing its destructive nature. Porn addiction is not a religious issue (though of course it can be for some people). It is a societal issue that warps relationships, destroys families and the affected individuals. And while I am generally Libertarian-leaning I do believe that we need to take better steps to make porn inaccessible to minors and we need to be having more conversations about responsible porn use by adults (and I am not the pro on that topic, but I do believe there are ways to use porn that do not lead to addiction/I just don't know what that looks like). It's not something you can or even should try to legislate away, but rather keep it in its proper context and amongst adults only.
Circumcised men are 4.5 likely to have erectile dysfunction.
Turns out, cutting off the foreskin which has loads of nerve endings and pleasure receptors is not a good idea.
Also, it's sexual trauma - no wonder Americans consume loads of Viagra...all of the places where boys are mutilated and tortured do.
Too bad most Americans are complete fools and think their newborn sons are born defective and disgusting.
Let's not forget about the circumcision violent male genital mutilation child sexual abuse solely perpetrated upon boys for a hundred years in the so called land of "freedom and liberty" USA, so much freedom yet men don't own their own cocks.
Not to mention all of the disgusting and debased cruel jokes about circumcision and the shaming of foreskin in crappy Hollywood garbage films and banal sitcoms.
Men don't have basic genital integrity and body autonomy for a century in a land where people see themselves as world leaders and the most moral and ethical! Such evil misandrist hypocrisy.
Women talk about my body my choice, and society is blind to the routine sexual mutilation and fight flight freeze trauma that is perpetrated upon baby boys.
Also, women have optional motherhood, but fatherhood is forced and at the mercy of the woman and the state. Men don't have reproductive rights either.
Then there's the male only draft, but I digress.
Circumcision is violent blade rape.
Europe, Japan, the majority of the world - knows better.
That's actual rape culture.
Foregen is a biotech company raising money for the final phase 3 of 3 human trials on GoFundMe.
They are regenerating foreskins through regenerative medicine to reverse circumcision mutilation.
They've already had successful phase 2 animal trials and have received millions on donations.
They're almost ready to be public.
Over 6500+ species of mammals have foreskins, it is not a mistake.
It has the majority of nerve endings and sensitivity of the penis. More pleasure, lubrication, less excessive friction WHICH ACTUALLY REDUCES DISEASE TRANSMISSION! YES, YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT. CIRCUMCISION=MORE FRICTION=MORE MICRO CUTS AND ABRASIONS=MORE HIV TRANSMISSION AND STDs - look it up.
European medical associations know how disgusting and crippling circumcision is.
Iceland almost banned circumcision but the selfish ADL and the USA pressured them not to. They will vote in a few years again to try to ban it again.
I hope they do.
Any culture that circumcises is not ethical or modern, but they are child sexual abusers and traumatizers.
No argument about it.
Also, they sell baby boy foreskin cells online as HFF, neonatal human foreskin fibroblasts, for $500 a vial in Sigma Aldrich and other biotech firms.
Circumcision and foreskin is a billion dollar industry.
Cosmetic companies can test their product on foreskin fibroblasts and then say they are CRUELTY FREE on their packaging! Why! Because they didn't test on the precious animals! Animals that are cared for more than human baby boys.
If you care about boys, say something.
I am one of 5 brothers. Three of us had our genitals mutilated. Two of us did not. I’ll just say that there is a big difference in our sexual behaviors.
It is a great cruelty to baby boys. I had a daughter, but if I had had a son, no one would have gotten near his privates with a knife!
My father, who was born 1918, educated me on the trauma that this unholy practice is & his message made total sense to me.
I've dated Europeans as well as Americans & married a German man. All the Europeans I knew were on one piece; none of the Americans were. It's something that once you grasp the trauma which actually changes the brain, permanently, you will think differently about, I promise.
I have a friend who went through the same thing in about ‘98. Satellite TV was newly affordable and the internet wasn’t widely available yet, but by the time she left him, they had gone almost two years without romance. All his “pleasure” was in his imagination.
Sorry you went through that.
I hope there will be more thought given to how to somehow restrict access to porn without banning it. Tricky.
Some doctors call that problem "death grip."
It’s “generation online” with expectations of instant gratification in all things that worries me. So many, heads down constantly, scrolling.
The sex act itself is probably more effort than it’s worth when they can just watch & be done with it, rather than go on a date, followed by the wonderful motions of seduction & surrender.
Add in the insecurities created by the naturally, or surgically (or now AI) “endowed” & some may never want to try.
Yes, I agree, the instant gratification is a big part of the problem.
Creating relationships takes longer than reaching orgasm. ("This Just In!") Expecting otherwise is deadly to relationships, leading to loneliness and (guess what?) more porn.
"i did the routine, i nailed the moves, i stuck the landing, why do i feel nothing?"
so much more could be said about that in our world of credentialed idiots that equate movement with progress
:::sigh::: when I read that, it reminded me of my waning days after so many blasterific years of figure skating.
For those claiming to be of the Faith, what does God’s Word say about this? One is either of the Faith and Spirit led or one is not. “The gate is narrow and hard is the way that leads to life. Those who find it are few.” Be…in the Word.
It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality...
— 1 Thessalonians 4:3
The same god that mutilates boys genitals which gives rise to sexual issues in the first place then talk about the wonders of sex in the book of the song of Solomon?
Like removing all of someone's taste buds then antagonizing them with the description of a wonderful 3 Michelin star meal?
Your God is a circumcising baby boy torturing man hater.
Circumcision is demonic child torture.
Circumcised men are 4.5 likely to have wrictle dysfunction.
Most of the nerve endings and pleasure receptors are in what is amputated, the foreskin.
Americans know nothing of this.
So much for freedom and liberty...in a land where you don't own your own dick. Then get thrown in the draft system to be companion fodder in war for you mutilators.
USA treats boys like hot garbage.
Let's not forget about the circumcision violent male genital mutilation child sexual abuse solely perpetrated upon boys for a hundred years in the so called land of "freedom and liberty" USA, so much freedom yet men don't own their own cocks.
Not to mention all of the disgusting and debased cruel jokes about circumcision and the shaming of foreskin in crappy Hollywood garbage films and banal sitcoms.
Men don't have basic genital integrity and body autonomy for a century in a land where people see themselves as world leaders and the most moral and ethical! Such evil misandrist hypocrisy.
Women talk about my body my choice, and society is blind to the routine sexual mutilation and fight flight freeze trauma that is perpetrated upon baby boys.
Also, women have optional motherhood, but fatherhood is forced and at the mercy of the woman and the state. Men don't have reproductive rights either.
Then there's the male only draft, but I digress.
Circumcision is violent blade rape.
Europe, Japan, the majority of the world - knows better.
That's actual rape culture.
Foregen is a biotech company raising money for the final phase 3 of 3 human trials on GoFundMe.
They are regenerating foreskins through regenerative medicine to reverse circumcision mutilation.
They've already had successful phase 2 animal trials and have received millions on donations.
They're almost ready to be public.
Over 6500+ species of mammals have foreskins, it is not a mistake.
It has the majority of nerve endings and sensitivity of the penis. More pleasure, lubrication, less excessive friction WHICH ACTUALLY REDUCES DISEASE TRANSMISSION! YES, YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT. CIRCUMCISION=MORE FRICTION=MORE MICRO CUTS AND ABRASIONS=MORE HIV TRANSMISSION AND STDs - look it up.
European medical associations know how disgusting and crippling circumcision is.
Iceland almost banned circumcision but the selfish ADL and the USA pressured them not to. They will vote in a few years again to try to ban it again.
I hope they do.
Any culture that circumcises is not ethical or modern, but they are child sexual abusers and traumatizers.
No argument about it.
Also, they sell baby boy foreskin cells online as HFF, neonatal human foreskin fibroblasts, for $500 a vial in Sigma Aldrich and other biotech firms.
Circumcision and foreskin is a billion dollar industry.
Cosmetic companies can test their product on foreskin fibroblasts and then say they are CRUELTY FREE on their packaging! Why! Because they didn't test on the precious animals! Animals that are cared for more than human baby boys.
If you care about boys, say something.
Thank you for raising a very difficult issue. I am blessed with an intact husband, so I know all about the difference between sex with and without a foreskin.
It's really hard to talk about this, especially in North America, because the vast majority of men (certainly in the GenX and Boomer groups) have been mutilated.
It doesn't help that virtually all the male porn actors have been as well.
I heard but can't confirm it is finally below 50% in the US. Ultimately it should be outlawed, and anyone with a "religious" fetish for it can do it after age 18 as a consenting adult.
Hear hear!
How about pro integrity, like love, marriage, monogamy….just a thought 🙏 ok, ya SELF-DISCIPLINE