What continues to amaze / shock me are not the fascist actions of my government, but rather there is still a large proportion of my countrymen who are happy with this overreach of power, who don’t want freedom and/or still somehow support that POS we call a Prime Minister…

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East Germany. I remember having read in Berlin that, in some cities, 20% of the people were actively spying on the others for the government. You are surrounded by bad persons.

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I grew up in communism. I lived in a small town. In every town, there were

obvious people who were reporting back to the government (mailman, pub owner, etc.). You were always careful around those people. Years later a list of informants came out -- we were surprised who was on (and who wasn't).

After the collapse, you could go and check file they had on you.

Especially insidious was school spying. First day of school after summer vacation, we always had to write an essay: "What did I do during my summer vacation." or "What I think about <insert your favorite leader here>?" And kids would write stupid things that heard from parents/relatives.

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My mother grew up in a communist country. She told me a story about how her mother once spent Christmas in jail (6 month sentence, part of which overlapped Christmas) for listening to the radio. They lived in a 1 bedroom apartment in a large building. She said it was a given that one of the neighbors ratted her out. Not so long ago, almost anyone in a western country would have said, 'that could never happen here'. But here we are.

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Her name is Alexa. She has a nonbinary pal named Siri.

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your voice should be heard as the loudest against this tyranny and what awaits if it is allowed and worst, accepted.

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When I talk to westerners about communism, freedom and dangers of government overreach, they don't get it. They think I am paranoid and those things can never happen in their countries.

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I hear you loud and clear and so do many of us.

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"The Lives of Others" was an excellent movie about East Germany's spy apparatus. Alas, we in the West are now sliding into this nightmare. Only this time they are using algorithms rather than a tedious manual process to spy on everyone.


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Best film ever. Masterpiece. Stay for the ending.

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Great recommendation and comment.

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Yes! Loved that movie!

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Thanks for the tip.

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And they used intimidation and blackmail to a large degree. Family members were spying on each other out of fear.

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This is where we learn from the past and just say No.

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But we haven't learned from the past!

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We have, the idiots among us in the world have not. Do not put us in with them,,,,that would be a terrible insult.

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Either they out number us or we are cowards. Otherwise, we would not be where we are today.

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Two things that inhibit that. Human nature and self preservation. I am sure there are more reasons.

Very few are brave.

You have say:

The jews (whose accounts were seized in the beginning) who were being rounded up by Nazis.

The people of good conscious who hid them from said Nazis.

The people who told the Nazis who and where they were hiding the Jews.

Of course "never again!" they cried. Alas.

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Also, it recently came out that the person who betrayed Anne Frank and her family was another Jewish man who believed he had to do it to save his own family. At that point, it was a matter of survival.

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how did he live with that decision? had i been him, i would have been ashamed and disgusted with myself the rest of my life. we have to be willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for what we believe in, what is right and true. after all, it is only death and if you know where you are going afterward, it is a non issue. but to fight and die on the hill of truth is everything. How do you go to your grave knowing you are a gutless coward like the man above.

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Look up the german term "zerzetsung" for a chilling read - gaslighting is a cakewalk in comparison. There is a Wikipedia article on it, but well, it's Wikipedia so a critical approach is necessary given the nature of the page.

You can also visit the Stasi archives online, unfortunately the english parts are a little bare-bones but I'm sure anyone interested can use translation software.


You can also look for historian Hubertus Knabe's TEDtalks on the topic, if they are still available.

Those who do not know history will have to repeat it.

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"Those who do not know history will have to repeat it."

For a long time, Americans have not been taught real history, especially not the history of what happened in Europe...or other foreign countries. Young Americans barely know anything about their own history these days.

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What is so concerning is what they learn about socialism. Their teachers somehow missed the lessons of history about socialism and communes. They imagine human nature will allow that utopia. Every effort at community ends up in the same place - some work very hard, others not so much. As the hard workers discover the free loaders they either leave or stop working so hard so that eventually nobody works in the collapse. Not hard to understand. How educated people can't see this floors me.

We allow some socialized activities, for the common good. Most of us don't resent them in the main. We still resent the free loaders, tolerating them as long as they aren't so obvious.

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More recent episodes that put this fact on display include recent online attacks on actress Christie Alley (SP?). Many keep saying she was lying about not taking certain vaccines because they are required in the US. At least one posted the vaccine schedule for children born today. They have no idea that many simply were not available when people my age and my parents’ age where children and that we got the diseases and survived them before they were.

Another situation is from a decade or so ago. Commenters on the website for a Japanese newspaper brought up a case of a Japanese male college student in France who murdered a female classmate at ate her. One commenter said that he did not believe the story was real because he searched online and could not find any contemporary articles on the crime. The fact that it took place before tech allowed for the posting of news online and that it would take some to actually go through the old news papers at a library and physically type it (at the time of the discussion OCR was not ready available.) in. Far too many adults seem to believe that life has always been as it is. They have no clue not only what we had growing up, they also have no idea of what we did not have. How do you convince such people of anything?

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I hear and read many stories comparing what's going on in some of the worst countries (UK countries, Austria, etc.) with the Nazi regime in the 30s. The most apt comparison seems to be the ability of the Nazis to so thoroughly condition the population to believe in what the German government was doing and to turn a blind eye to all of it. Those comparisons are, as I say, appropriate for that reason specifically, That said, and I am in no way implying that the destruction of the populations of, particularly, European countries was not horrendous in the extreme, if we want to seen what real terror and destruction looks like, especially through mass starvation (which some are predicting for us), we need to look further east to Stalinist Russia. Tens of millions of ethnic Russians, Poles, Ukranians were systematically starved to death, a death toll that almost dwarfs the toll of the Nazis. Stalin did not have to apply the same level of psychological indoctrination that the Nazis did; he simply used his terror machine to force compliance on fearful populations. If things continue to get worse for the West under this new medical apartheid, even Western governments may abandon their mass psychosis operation and go full state terror.

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Regardless what most governments do, there is going to be starvation. You can not stop the world economy for an extended period of time and not have massive disruptions in production of necessities. Inflation, cause in no small part because of this disruption and made worse by printing and giving out money, is going to lead to death, more than it has so far. Even if the governments are just stupid and not evil, starvation is on its way. If evil, starvation for far more people.

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Actually you missed the Steenbergen's point. Stalin actually confiscated most of the Ukraine crop by requiring impossible production goals. Ukraine citizens died trying to meet those goals with sufficient food. The government actually allowed that starvation for the good of Mother Russia. Look up the Holodomor where you will find many explanations.

We urban dwellers are subject to food disruption, of course. Few of us know how to grow anything, but if necessary many of us will quickly return to basic life. I grew up in a time when most suburban families had a garden for a few basics. Necessity is often a driver of change. I recall kids selling small seed packets for money, house to house.

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Starvation takes far less time than it does to raise a crop to sustain oneself. My grand parents had a garden in the yard in the suburbs. It supplemented their diet, could not sustain it without switching to potatoes. There is a reason why the potato famine whipped out many Irish families. Do you think that everyone would do their civic duty and turn their yards into gardens in time? Do really think that you could go to bed near harvest time and not wake up the next morning and find all your produce gone or to have to witness a gang of thugs just ripping all your hard work out of the ground before your very eyes?

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You are correct. Time is a factor and I only have 6 months of food stored. Few have even three days. As Darwin notes, nature is cruel. I'll take a few thugs with me if I need. Hopefully those days will not happen. My fruit yields have been lousy the last two years but most years produce enough for gifts.

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I also highly recommend the movie, The Lives of Others. Human nature doesn't change, just the methods of oppression.

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I'm glad you mentioned East Germany. For one, because it definitely is instructive in how they kept their oppressive regime going, but on a more hopeful note, because even though they utilized these tools against their own citizens, they failed in the end.

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The story of how The Wall finally fell, is among the most important and amazing in history. It holds a key lesson for us all; it started with a feckless, but highly positioned bureaucrat who misinterpreted a piece of info he was presented with and asked to comment on, on live State TV. His erroneous blessing led directly to the collective action required to challenge, en masse, the guards who'd ordinarily shoot to kill anyone attempting to cross w/o the special permission. Ah, the collective action problem! One man, or a few, well they get shot, but hundreds and thousands, all declaring a likely (false) story, and the guards are confused. Nobody in their camp on the ground knows how to proceed, and the oppression collapses.

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I’ve dropped friends over this exact thing here - we are just too different now and I’m certainly in the minority.

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Your majority lies in your heart, head and in your belief of freedom, all else be damned.

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according to most polls barely 20% of Canadians are fine with the emergency act

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But that’s still 1 in 5…. it boggles my mind that 1 in 5 think this is in any way a reasonable, proportionate or responsible way to deal with citizens simply demanding a return of the basic freedoms we used to have…

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Not surprising, there's always 20-30% of fascist among any population they say. That's well represented here.

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Yes. Those 20-30% take pleasure in seeing others crushed. Until it's their turn. That's when they wake up, but by then it is too late.

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They never wake up. They embrace it and become little abuser who are the system. Only this time, it's different. They are to be totally controlled as well. But they will be used as the little useful idiots that they are until the point where the system can get rid of them and bring in the machines.

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It has been observed that this phenomenon aligns well with the Pareto Principle (a.k.a. the 80/20 rule).

Some 80% of people are decent folk who just want to be left alone to live their lives, make a living and raise their families. They are not that interested in using the State to bend others to their will.

20%, however, are on the fence and could go either way depending on circumstances. If the prevailing ethos is "live and let live", then perhaps 80% of this lot will largely adhere to it.

If not, then you get what your are seeing in Canada and the U.S. now.

The truly problematic people are the 20% of the of the 20%, or some 4% of the population.

These are the sociopaths. A high percentage of these people infest government, and the more powerful the government gets, the worse they get. These are our "leaders" whose mission in life is to live off of others and control them.

In the U.S., the percentage of people who "work" for the government ranges from between 14% to 20% of the population, and I don't think this is a coincidence.

It is a permanent constituency for authoritarianism.

"The sheer number of government employees and welfare recipients effectively transforms the purpose of government from maintaining order to confiscating as much as possible from vulnerable taxpayers."

~ James Bovard

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There's a solution to this: Voting is open to all net contributors. If you have a government job; if you live on welfare; if you work for a company that gets more in government contracts than it pays in taxes -- you can't vote. If you don't like it, find another job.

That would keep the parasites from voting their hands into the cookie jar. Otherwise, the system lacks a corrective feedback signal, and eventually goes open-loop and fails... (yes, I'm an engineer)


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Not a bad idea, but the "disenfranchised" would raise holy hell about their "voting rights" being violated and every leftist in the land would go berserk.

Well, perhaps *more* berserk is more accurate.

Plus, it has been quite awhile since the number of people sucking on the taxpayer teat exceeds those producing the milk.

I'm afraid our fate is now all but inevitable. The only question is when.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years."

~ Attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler and Alexis de Tocqueville

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Interesting thing, most of the 20-30% fascist are Antifa, BLM, Greenies, Watermelons & hard core communists. The climate change alarmists are very supportive of covid mandates & restrictions. Getting ramped up for when climate change will be the next cudgel to beat down the populace. Many of the elite Parasite Psychopaths use the environmental argument to justify their murderous behavior.

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I think Trudeau forgot how tenuous his support is.

His support among his caucus is fading, especially among his Quebec MPs.

If the NDP votes no, his minority government is in big trouble, it would mean basically no confidence in the government.

This is all in Jagmeet's hands.

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Jagmeet Singh, the man who condemned the truckers as 'extremist, dangerous, and hateful'? That Jagmeet Singh?

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He's as bad as dictator Turdeau yeah.

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All politicians are consummate power hounds. If a vote of non-confidence succeeds, Canada would likely find itself in a similar position as 2011: Conservative majority with NDP the official opposition, with around 100 MPs (they only have 25 today). They would likely have more influence than they do as a junior partner with Trudope's government.

The question is, do Canadians dislikeTrudope now, as much as they disdained Michael Ignatieff in 2011?

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Another WEF globalist

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He's as corrupt as trudeau is. He sees this as an opportunity to win favour with disaffected trudeau voters in the next election. he's a power hungry pig just as much as trudeau is.

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Hopefully the blue collar workers who once traditionally supported the NDP will now realize that they are not your friend, just as Americans are starting to realize about the Demonrats.

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All depends on how many Libs still have a soul and dissent

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I'd say half. The other half is full of Trudeau minions so there's not much to do. They might wake up if things get ugly in Ottawa. Imagine if they injured children or women there ....

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Well then we’re fucked

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The other curve that can never be flattened is the Bell Curve. While most "polls" are just part of the psyop to demoralize and shape our perspective of the landscape, the truth is there will always be a meaningful segment of the population that hold rather questionable opinions.

Just one more reason the people should have a say in who is allowed to become part of their nation and who is allowed to finance, administer, and run those institutions that serve that nation. We lost those wars long ago so here we are. 20% of our neighbors want to put us in camps. Another 20% will load us in the boxcars to keep their paychecks. Progress is expensive.

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I bet here in the good ole US of A it'd be higher. Probably 30-40%.

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Yes, it is easy to design polls to get the results of which you seek. They are close to worthless unless all their methods and granular data is stated up front, and then analyzed by a non-partisan statistician.

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We've seen a lot of polls you know. CTVNews has one where they say 90% do not support the emergency act. The reality is probably between those 2 polls.

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It has become clearly evident to me how Hitler was able to pull off what he did in Germany in the 1930's. These people were just willing sheep, and Goebbels put into play what our oligopoly of media run by Rogers and Bell is doing to our sheep now.

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This is probably the biggest realization of the last two years – so many people don’t care about accurate information, assume what they are told is the truth, don’t do their own fact checking and have lost any ability to think critically.

This has blown me away, especially in people I previously thought of as “smart”. They just parrot what CBC tells them… mind blowing…

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Yes, I have lost a lot of faith in human intelligence over the past two years. I can't believe people so "smart" can be so dumb. Including many people I respected. I find myself wondering if I will ever be able to see them the same way again. How will it be 10 years from now? Because even if the best happened and people seemed sane again, I imagine I would no longer be able to admire smart people as I did before. Something is broken that just won't come back.

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Those "smart" people were never smart to begin with.

Frankly, I've come to the conclusion that anyone who goes along with authority without serious questioning is not smart and never was.

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disillusionment is a bitch

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I think there must be an element here of "invested trust" that remains after many decades when the media an govt. were not total liars. Nonetheless, you are quite right about how so many people are so uncritical.

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Covid has portraited our society and most of us as the shit we are. We all have witnessed unfair measures and have done nothing. People that cannot be with their kin in their last moments, for example. We have tolerated this. If there is a God we will pay.

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We are awake and will not allow it to repeat, no matter what that takes. And it may take alot, perhaps all.

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And yet, it IS happening. Right now. And we do nothing.

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I am doing my part believe me. And more everyday.

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There is but one way to end this. The longer it takes for enough to realize that, the harder and more costly it will be to end it.

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so very true TS, so true

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time ? we are out of time .... it's hammer time.

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if you ever wondered how people were able to comply with the rise of fascism in Europe pre-WW2, now you know.

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It's time to look again at what Hitler did in Germany. You have it very wrong.

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Sadly I am not amazed at this. Most in the West have lived under more than 70 years of 'we're the good guys, we liberated the world', and have not seen any tyranny in decades. The fact that all our own govts are acting against us, like so many have in Eastern block countries in the 1900's, is totally out of the realm of comprehension for most of us. And the >85% of adults agreeing with this stuff are teaching the youth/young that this is all normal. I'm quite scared to see the outcome after 5 or 10 more years of this. The youth/young will be led by the next crop of 'young global leaders' and anyone who steps outside the narrative (if they even know there is one) will be ostracized.

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ostracize me then, i do not care. to be part of that group of idiots is to be insane and to cave and I will not go to my grave a coward, a sniveling, groveling, pathetic coward.

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They'll feel that way right up until the power is used against *them*.

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But it has been – and they’ve drank every drop of lockdown / mask / vax Kool-Aid they’ve been fed…

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he really is a scum sucker. a very low life form indeed, actually the lowest, he and all his cronies. Clear thinking Canadians, start moving out of Canada.

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And move where? If there was a viable option I would certainly be entertaining it. The media and the lunatic lefties have desrtoyed the country that I love.

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Norway. I had a crazy idea, they could take a ship and escape north, then east to Norway.

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Jens Stoltenberg. There, I fixed it for you.

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They are all mindless buffoons!

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Why do you suppose that is?

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I'm a GiveSendGo Convoy leaked name, and I have been contacted by a media outlet, though not the CBC. I didn't respond.

I won't pretend that it's not unsettling. I imagine I am now on a list. Luckily I am not in Canada.

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I think we are all on a list anyway. With as much information that corporations/governments have gleaned from social media, Amazon, Google etc. They already know. I do what I can to protect my privacy, but I refuse to let their fear influence my beliefs or any other thing. Ef em.

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Fuck their lists, their intimidation, their tactics. Stand firm for we are right and they are evil and evil in the end, is always destroyed.

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It might start getting real when they swipe your money.

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all in a safe took out a long time ago

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Or freedom.

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Or both!

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Feb 17, 2022
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Me? Fight. Better pick your battles and be selective about who you lock arms with. Most people who have refused the jab are probably not the ones that lay down. At least that culls out the not freedom appreciators.

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If you comment on a conservative blog you're probably already on a list. Even behind a handle, your supposed anonymity out here in comment land is tissue thin.

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thats ok,,,,at least we do not hide behind blackface like some politicians and other masks...

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I've been on lists since 9/11 and dgaf. Live free or die.

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yes. Live free, or die on your feet.

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YOU ARE A HERO-DO NOT LET THEN INTIMIDATE-EYE ON THE PRIZE-FREEDOM. We are in the right, keep remembering that.

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Oh I would respond. And tell them exactly what I think about them and tear apart their BS game. Not that it would help, except for holding a mirror at least before some pukeworthy individuals.

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I would respond with this, Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny

Stand Down … So You Can Stand Up, by Margaret Anna Alice:


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Great idea, SmithFS! 😁🙏

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Wear it like the badge of honor it is.

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First to camp get choice of bunk! Gulag for the Win!

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Do you really think being on a list in any country is a good thing?

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Let them have their lists, they can clutch those lists to their hearts or wipe their asses with them. Don't care. In the final analysis, we stand or fall and I for one will stand.

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I'm not sure what you mean. Where did I say it is a good thing? I think our irony meters might be on two different settings.

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Could be.

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how can you define 'a good thing' - You mean the hyenas don't yet have your scent? Do you think that a life spent avoiding the disapproval of a damaged authority is a better thing?

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If the list is really really long, I don't se why you would be scared?

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Where did I say that I was scared? I said it was somewhat unsettling. *bangs laptop* Is this thing working?

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aha ! MacGuffin, the man who lives 'in the moment' ...

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I just tweeted that Orwell quote at Justin Trudeau last night! (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1494082325881126912)

Here are some other examples of my ongoing campaign to hold Justin accountable if anyone still on Twitter wants to join in:

• “You had the opportunity to choose between diplomacy and despotism, democracy and dictatorship. History will not forget which direction you have chosen, Justin.” (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493394811126046721)

• “There are just laws and there are unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

—MLK Jr. (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493394483693588482)

• “The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.”

—Thomas Paine (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493396254193115136)

• “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”

—Thomas Jefferson (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493396400465268737)

• So let me get this straight. You are threatening to steal money from freedom-defending truckers and the patriots who support them while simultaneously offering financial assistance to a foreign country. Wake up to your hypocrisy, Justin. (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493417402029068289)

• “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

—John F. Kennedy, Address on the 20th Anniversary of the Voice of America (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493418787781054465)

• “A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others.… And it all comes from lying—lying to others and to yourself.”

—Dostoevsky (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493437191539757058)

• “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”

—C.S. Lewis (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493437371471183872)

• “Where do your loyalties lie, Justin, with Klaus Schwab/WEF/Davos or the Canadian people? If the former, as is evident from your actions and words, doesn't that make you a traitor to Canada? If you're not a traitor, prove it by talking to your people. Millions await.” (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493593067793747968)

• I agree—everyone is fed up with this “pandemic,” so add “simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness” back to the definition, and vòila, no more pandemic.

“Medically, the pandemic moniker is unjustifiable.” —Forbes



• If you use force against peaceful, freedom-loving protesters who are beloved by children, baking grandmothers, and the Canadian people, you will exacerbate the wounds, intensify hatreds, and provide evidence of the very tyranny they are decrying. The only way out is diplomacy. (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1491066348897648642)

• The ineffectual, non-scientific, and totalitarian COVID measures “are endangering jobs, impeding trade, threatening the economy, and obstructing our communities. They must stop.” (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1491605978629894144)

• The children are on the truckers’ side—not yours. Your only way out of this is diplomacy. Any show of force against these brave defenders of freedom will become evidence of the tyranny they are peacefully dismantling. Checkmate, Justin. (https://rumble.com/vtejkv-canadian-children-send-messages-of-support-and-thanks-to-the-truckers-freed.html) (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1491606966052929539)

• The blockades to restore freedoms & rights are not illegal; YOUR failed COVID measures are. You have violated the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms, and the charter’s last living signatory Brian Peckford will hold you accountable in court, Justin:



• For two years, your fascistic and failed COVID policies have been “causing real harm to workers and economies on both sides of the border.” #EndTheMandates now, and Canada can resume life free of totalitarian infringements on their rights and freedoms. (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1491971830575296512)

• How about standing united with the people of Canada and respecting their individual sovereignty, human rights, and bodily integrity? (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1492592189481705473)

• Since you haven’t gone down to see the Winter of Love with your own eyes, here’s a glimpse at the overflowing joy you are trying brutally quash:



• Oh, and Justin, tell your agents to stop trying to pull these ridiculous Reichstag stunts:



• Your feds were caught on camera attempting to instigate an “insurrection.” Your dirty tricks are backfiring big-time, Justin, and it is only serving to awaken the people to the degree of deception they’ve been subjected to:



• Diplomatic resolution to the current tensions. Precisely what I have been repeatedly advising, Justin.



• Still waiting for you to stand strong in support of Canadians’ individual sovereignty and bodily integrity. (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493028924762124289)

• The only further actions you need to take are to #EndTheMandates and resign. They’ll settle for the first, though, so take the offer while it’s still on the table. (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1493084913582542849)


For my other replies, see:


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It looks like nearly every country in the world has been infiltrated by Manchurian candidates courtesy of the WEF Schwab's Young Global Leaders. These people have been so threaded into seats of power there is no chance of changing course. Schwab himself bragged about half of Trudeau's cabinet being occupied by YGL graduates. They've been stealthly operating till now. (Crenshaw, a YGL member, came in masked as a conservative military patriot.) Suddenly it is safe enough to "take off the masks" and take credit.

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Schwab can brag all he wants. The joke is on him. He has no idea what waits for him but he will not like or enjoy it. And so the countdown begins....

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I've always liked Tulsi since she took the high road, exposed & then quit the DNC. I suspect that she was well on the path to be another highly promoted Toadie like Trudeau, with a gilded path to power. Since that turn she took, the opposite has been true. So I suspect she bit the hand that was feeding her and hasn't looked back since. Just like that RCMP on Trudeau's squad defected. There are defectors & whistleblowers. We very much need those. I'm not sure about Putin, whether he is still playing their game or if he has defected. I wish someone in the media would directly ask them.

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I'll admit that I'm struggling with Tulsi. I'll always appreciate her takedown of Kamala and I find that I agree with eighty percent of what she says, particularly her staunch anti-war stance particularly as an officer in the armed forces. She more than anyone understands the cost of pointless wars of opportunity.

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Her takedown of the harpy Kamala is always worth watching again:


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When Reichsleiter Hillary Clinton denounces you as a Russian asset, you know you are on the right path and your excommunication from the WEF cult is imminent.


Her non-interventionist views are spot on, but domestically she is sadly just another progressive-socialist, who doesn't understand that what she advocates at home leads to what she opposes abroad.

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No she ain't another progressive socialist. She's a populist nationalist on the left vs Trump who is a populist nationalist on the right. Even Bannon recognizes that an alliance of populist nationalists is needed to take on the real enemy which are the corporate controlled globalist neoliberal/neocon alliance. This alliance of populist left & right is exemplified in the Yellow Vest movement and that is why the globalist corporate overlords fear it so much.

As for socialism, the biggest case of socialism in the history of human civilization is the US Armed Forces. That is socialism on steroids.

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She wants the State to pay everyone's college tuition.

She supports UBI.

She wants to outlaw drilling in ANWR and feed the "green energy" scam.

She's a socialist.

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"quit the DNC" - I think they abandoned Tulsi. Their progressive flank is rapidly discovering their low popularity, per today's NYT warnings. As we struggle with coming out of this pandemic I am reminded of "Where's the beef" from an old TV ad.

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What progressive flank? They've all been absorbed into the neoliberal blob, including Bernie Sanders. You won't find any progressives in the Demonrat party anymore. The last one was Tim Canova and he had his election stolen by Wasserman Schulz using Dominion Voting machines. Funny Rosenstein wouldn't prosecute that blatant election fraud. Progressive is the People's Party that's it. And the Green party is just another Davos stooge organization. In Germany the Greens are the pro-war party.

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My husband is a big Tulsi fan. Hmmmm.

She could be part of a powerful Republican ticket one day.

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Could be. Or the candidate for the Peoples Party. Or even the Democrat party (they are so bad now, looks like they're going to go with Hilary again - Wow). In any case with all the exposure of the Young Global Leaders program, she is going to have to seriously address that issue.

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It sure looks that way, doesn't it?

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MAA, poodeau is one of the worst. do not waste your time for you are writing to him in Urdu at this point. He does not read, hear or see truth. He is a thug, a thing, a scum sucker. He knows what he is doing is not noble and he is not doing it bc he thinks it is right. This is for power and elitism and the great reset. He is crafting his own political assassination for his reputation is shit, he is morally bankrupt, he takes delight in sadism and he is a true narcissist. There are enough that recognize it and call it out. WE will not be silenced. WE THE PEOPLE.

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Right, I am not naïve enough to think Poodeau (that’s a new one—and I’ve seen so many!) actually reads any of these messages or would be open to any ideas outside of what the WEF has instructed him to say and do. I am doing this more to buoy up the people, document his crimes, and join in the massive display of discontent with his tyrannical actions.

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There have been some great ones; my current fave is "Vladimir Poutine."

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Trudeau's pronouns are He/Hid

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I think Trudope's goose is cooked (not sure if before or after he shot it for honking...)

It is only a matter of time now. He's done. Handwriting's on the wall... your choice of cliche. He's given the opposition plenty of ammo to take him on with, they only question is how long it will take. Couple weeks ago I gave him 30 days... who can say.

It's also pretty sure, that he is paying no attention to what any of us are saying. We're all preaching to the choir... as is he. This sort of polarization cannot stand for long. Trudope will not back down voluntarily; a confidence vote is the most likely way. We shall see.

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or a bullet.

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That would just make him a martyr. I'd prefer he be done in by his own compatriots, left to the dustbin of history.

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good point but i just want him gone, dont care how it happens, dead poodeau is the best poodeau

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Margaret Anna Alice -- I have been liking and retweeting your quotes, but I am new on Twitter with only 1 follower. Does it do any good to like and retweet?

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Susan -- regardless of liking, re-tweeting etc -- follow your heart and say what you believe to be true. Popularity follows the truth, not the other way around. (Though sometimes it takes a frustratingly long time... people are so set in their, often deluded, ways.)

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I so appreciate that, Susan, and absolutely, it helps! For the Trudeau tweets in particular, there are so many flooding in, only the ones with the most likes stay on the page. The rest disappear almost as soon as they’re posted since thousands are tweeting simultaneously.

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thanks for letting me know!

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As always you are elegant in expression. Keep the faith.

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Aww, thanks, HardeeHo, and I certainly will :-) I've done another barrage today if anyone wants to see the new ones:


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Great set of comments and quotes from people we should pay attention to again.

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Good on you Margaret.

Keep fighting the good fight.

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It can get much worse very quickly. A couple of weekends ago I was in downtown Tokyo and saw something that I could not understand. A “QR Only” public toilet in a shopping area. To use the toilet you must first purchase something from one of the stores in the shopping area. Once you make the purchase, the clerk will allow you to scan the QR code into your “smart phone” for you to use the toilet. Glad I was with my wife as I have an old flip phone and needed to use the toilet.

Folks, it ain’t even a step away to use this for vaccine passports, or any other point system they want at any and all doors they want to put these QR code readers on.

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... and conveniently, once we scan, we are in a nifty database. For our safety. I refuse to carry a "smart phone" anywhere anymore. We lived a long time without this stuff. I guess I'll just have to move to San Fran where it's legal to just crap on the street without scanning.

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Yep. I too do not have an idiot phone. Though I do have iPads, so….

Years ago, before the turn of the millennium, there was a sign in my colleges rec, center that read, “For your comfort and safety, surveillance cameras are in operation.” I was the only one who thought this odd.

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I would have done it on the sidewalk.

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In California, they would have given you a crack pipe and a new condo.

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LOL! compliments gavin gruesome

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with no kitty or doggy bags in sight! let the suckers step in it!

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I am happy to use the bathroom as my dog does if that is what it takes. Good enough for her, good enough for me!

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I bought my first and last "Smart Phone" in the mid 2010s, realized I can't store my contacts numbers on the SIM anymore but actually had to connect to the big tech phone OS provider's account and they'd have my contacts.

That SIM card was in that phone for about 30min, and that's it for my smart phone usage (as a phone. I still use it as emergency GPS and mediaplayer cam thingy, while carrying a dumb phone when necessary, which is usually OFF (really off)).


Everyone who has no good idea of how deep these things go (big tech profiling you inside out), needs to watch Rob Braxman's channel (YT or odysee)

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big tech can suck it. let them play with themselves in dark corners since they dwell in the dark profiling. that is all they are good for anyway-the masturbators of misinformation.

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I would have pissed in the street. Stop travelling to countries that endorse this BS and take the money and energy to fight it in your own country.

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Can’t travel here as the border is shut and has been for two years. I live here and have for most my adult life, almost half my entire life. It is my wife’s and son’s homeland. But most of my problems are from the good ole’ USA. It is their FATCA law that causes my financial woes. The QR codes are just a new facet to life in the digital age. If Japan can use these to control toilet use in shopping areas, do you not think that Canada will not use the same or similar against the truckers and those who support them? How about the US? The UK? Singapore? I bet there are many other such users worldwide, or will be shortly.

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that is why you do not spend your dollars there. you are smart, find a way. we all have to find one. canada is worse than US right now. biden has dementia so he is worthless but poodeau is a real sick twist and needs to go.

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Don’t spend my dollars where? In Japan where I live? I have no dollars, only yen and after losing most of my employment during the past 2 years, very little if that. Not spending it on much of anything apart from necessities.

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gotcha TS, I thought you were in US being a tourist in Japan. I stand corrected.

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Nope. First time here was in the early 90s on one of uncle Sam’s canoes. Then a couple of years as a foreign exchange student and then working. However, tourists have not been allowed in to the country since Feb. 4th (I think that is the correct day.) 2020. Not possible to be here as a tourist and hasn’t been for a long time. This fact is what I lost 1/3 of my monthly earnings starting in March 2020.

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I urge them to keep it up. They aren't scaring me. They're just making me more angry (not violent anger... righteous anger) and *more* courageous. I've let down my guard a few times in the past in my life when I decided the fight wasn't worth it. Not this time. They're going to have to literally kill or jail millions of people. This is our very future we are fighting for. Do we really want the "utopia" they are promising where we are all locked in our houses, can't work or eat without permission and have to prove we are "healthy" (their standard for healthy is how many chemical "medicines" we have gleefully let be shot into our bodies, not eating a salad and getting fresh air). I'm having none of it. Fool me once... Stay strong everyone. Over 2 years of fear only prepared us for what's next. I choose courage for myself and my family.

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Right? It's not the "you will own nothing" part that scares me...it's the "you will be happy" part. Have a feeling that one involves a "vaccine," somehow...

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And now we know why they refuse to address the truck protests and have responded - this was the goal all along, notice how not a single world leader has even commented on Canada? Almost like it’s a plan with everyone being in on it.

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Even if Trudeau invoked prima nocta, many liberal “men” would cheer it on and happily watch

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Even today, if Reichsärzteführer Anthony Fauci announced that The Science™ showed that the virus was spread through flatulence and that henceforth butt-plugs were required in all public spaces, all of Team Blue would be walking bowlegged.

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Such claims have been made early on, but apparently, Tony has not, shall we say, gotten wind, of it:


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Thanks for digging this up. Once for the books.

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It's for the greater good, after all.

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All getting more worrying. This power grab will continue once invoked. Hopefully it will wake more people up though.

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Privacy coins eliminate the state and banks. The entire west should be racing to Bitcoin and privacy coins in a hurry to transact. The solutions already exist. The people need to wake up and run to them before its too late.

Or Canada will be all blue on this map.


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"You can run but you can't hide."

All this talk about using crypto to evade tyrannical governments is silly. At most it's a temporary workaround. But any government that is tyrannical will find a way to outlaw crypto and any other money it doesn't like. Yeah, maybe you can try to use crypto to get all of your money out of a country (and then leave yourself), but if you intend to remain in your country then crypto is not going to help you. You must oppose government tyranny.

On the other hand, once you have overthrown that tyranny and replaced it with a better government, then perhaps instituting crypto will help prevent that new government from backsliding into tyranny so easily.

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Because what happens when non-approved cryptos won't be accepted by banks, large corporations, etc. Or, they can't be converted to other currenices. Or, your internet access is blocked.

Barter is about the only thing that can't be blocked.

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Not to mention that people like Bill Gates have pretty much said that the "Biometric" system of control will use blockchain tech based on carbon, health and social credit. I'm doubling down on skills I can trade and things I can make to trade completely outside of the control grid. We should probably be doing a little of *everything* not putting all of our eggs in one basket and certainly not looking to bitcoin and privacy coins as our saving grace. I support alternative money... but most of them rely on electricity and internet to work. If either of those is taken down or shut off you no longer have "money".

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i will cheer when that pos drops dead....

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Simplest way would to disallow bitcoin as payment for the electricity bill.

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Absolutely. I don’t know why no one is realizing that authoritarian governments can just outlaw the use of non-government controlled currency for goods and services inside their national borders.

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Nor can I. People complain that the government is breaking the law and come up with a way to protect themselves that is dependent upon the government not breaking the law.

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so what’s the answer for us? You can only get so much gold and silver. Plus the government could reuse to accept this as payment for utilities, etc.

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Can we use gold or silver or diamonds or the like to pay for anything? First, you have to sell these to get cash.

The is only one way to stop an abusive government once it decides to ignore the rights of its citizens.

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Careful, blockchain tech, including Bitcoin, is terribly open to abuse from authorities they're literally a unified, open, easily queried ledgers; so totally open kimono on your finances.

Privacy coins... well yeah, they don't suffer this and ensure that nobody has an idea... Privacy coins would mean governments and police have to find the crime, not have a traceable money flow do the hard yards for them. But if you get frauded, same rules apply nobody will be able to recover your money. Or seach "I lost all my monero" for some painful stories.

Ideally, we get sensible leaders back in charge to fix our existing systems. Cash is a real, tangible privacy coin. A heterogenous, higgledy-piggledy banking system does provide security and some protection against authoritarianism. A well run central bank, can work well for it's citizens and their economy.

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no such thing as a well run central bank, sorry. There is the possibility of a / the treasury issuing debt free money, but that's very very different. Central banks are the central problem.

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Well, they're almost as old as civilisation itself

"All these pieces of paper are issued with as much solemnity and authority as if they were of pure gold or silver... and indeed everybody takes them readily, for wheresoever a person may go throughout the Great Kaan's dominions he shall find these pieces of paper current, and shall be able to transact all sales and purchases of goods by means of them just as well as if they were coins of pure gold."

— Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo

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but too many people have woken up to their game for it to just go on as before. I know they ain't going anywhere fast, but they are not in our future either.

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May I put in a good word for old school "tech"? Cash money (currency) outside the banking system. Gold and silver coins or other high density wealth. These cannot be frozen electronically. Of course they suffer the problem of any physical assets: risk of loss, theft or confiscation. Not to mention difficulty for anything beyond face-to-face transactions. Sorry, I have no brilliant solutions there. Point: push come to shove, if all your other assets are frozen or worthless, those rolls of silver dimes or the coffee can of gold coins buried in the back yard starts to look more appealing.

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Cash in the freezer, baby. Like Grandma.

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90% silver, baby.

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exactly. Privacy coins. Fools and their monero... We cannot hold society back for the least capable any more.

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Guess you missed that part where the US GVT ransomed in bitcoin and then sucked dry the accounts of some hackers. You'd have to go to barter to be fail safe as long as there are treasuries the GVT by definition controls the money.

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"Assuming the assets were stored outside of a regulated Canadian cryptocurrency exchange, the assets could easily be distributed to a “mixer,” an online tool that clouds the ability of law enforcement to identify Bitcoin of interest."

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Explain to me how one can use bit coin to buy groceries? I have yet to see a single place that accepts them.

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I found two in Canada in three seconds and this list is probably old. Thousands of vendors around the world accept crypto. Once you see the sticker at the register you can't unsee it and you'll see it everywhere. Buying online is in the millions of places now. There are also 870 BTC ATMs in Canada to convert to cash to go buy groceries. If one wanted to do something they'd make an effort and do it because their liberty depended on it.


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That is good to know, but I still do not see how they would not be able to throttle this too.

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Steve kirsch posted a how to to keep secure, within last two days see his stack.

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I just found myself unable to use public toilets in a shopping area in Tokyo without a “smartphone” and QR code. You don’t thin k they can use the same tech to keep you out of any B&M store or shop including ATMs?

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Your choices are stay in corrupt fiat and risk being canceled by the overlords or adopt something else. Leap of faith? Maybe. But you’re not first and you won’t be last.

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Dude, I’ve been dealing with FATCA for several years now and so have many of your fellow Canadians.

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I’m not Canadian

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Nor am I. Nor are my wife and child. There are Japanese. FATCA directly affects all whom the US deems to be a US person, which includes but is not limited to US citizens. Indirectly, it affects everyone.

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Two questions: 1) why is FATCA an impediment to you hedging fiat? 2) is there any way that non-Canadians have been able to donate to the convoy without getting themselves doxed?

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It’s just a mask!😂

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I work at a college. I am so close to following my gut and saying no more to the mask mandates. What would I lose? In very real terms, half of my family's income, 10 more years of retirement contributions, and tuition exchange for my youngest child at another college. I also would have to immediately pay back grad school loans the school gave me to get another masters degree in my early 50s. I worked so hard for that degree and the promotion I got because of it.

What would I gain? Nights of deep sleep, peace instead of crippling anxiety and the ability to tell my future grandkids: I stood up when it was so much easier to sit down. I wanted to sit down. But I also wanted freedom for you.

Lord, make it so.

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Grandkid [via zoom of course; the kid has never known 'live' human contact with a 'useless eater' elder in their lives]: Grandma/Grandpa, what did you do during the scamdemic, when the New World Order was just beginning to show up at people's doorsteps?

Grandma/Grandpa: Well, let's see....I did pay off my loans!

1. Default. You're already on a list, why not get on the bad credit list, too. Big whoop.

2. Kid doesn't need to attend an institution that is fascist, nor do you need to support fascism with your hard work.

3. Pension? You realize the sun's probably going to micro nova before you ever need to draw it down, right?


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Yes. There is a sense of humor about it when it is viewed from a distance. Up close, though, it feels like everything is on the line.

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I do feel you--I quit my job over the mandates. And you are right, it is all on the line. But for me there was no question, and I chose to walk away. I have no pension, a car with 200k miles on it, and very little savings. I am not young. I do not know what is next, but I have been breathing free and sleeping well (ok, as well as we can all sleep, during these crazy times) for the last year. I wish you peace whatever your decision, and I hope you can be guided by the same calm certainty I got, whichever way you need to go. I rarely get that kind of peace and 'there is no other option' feeling. Which is how I knew it was real.

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strength and wisdom

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Didn’t Naomi Wolff get banned on twitter for waving the red flag on social credit systems? or was that mRNA vaccine adverse events? oh never mind. just another tin hat.

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Check out her interview with Tucker Carlson. It's worth the subscription.

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Also his convo with GOAT JP and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

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She is a rock star!

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She is someone who was willing to pivot towards truth. I appreciate the bravery she has demonstrated.

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Justin "I ♥ the CCP" Trudeau was, perhaps, always going to spearhead the pilot of a social credit system in the West.

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I am sure you are aware of his infamous off-the-cuff (and therefore revealing) comment that the country he most admired was China, whose 'basic dictatorship allows them to turn things around on a dime.'

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How much would you be willing to sacrifice for freedom? And in what way, preferably? How far would you be willing to go? And what if I told you that you don’t need to put your life at substantial risk to achieve that?


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Honestly, it's not so much that we will have to sacrifice for freedom. They are going to take it from us after taking whatever assets we have. We need to go into this fight with the idea that we have nothing to lose, because as you see from the blatant disregard for fundamental rights, they will gladly eliminate any right that impedes the onset of The Great Reset. Then they will eliminate those who object.

Stand. Fight. There is nowhere to run to.

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Agree, John, the proposition has always been there, its baked into the cake. All your nice things are subject to a license to participate in the System. Like the terms of service nobody reads. Take any of their actions to the logical conclusions and it's a fool's errand to think one can avoid being presented with the new terms.

This is a spiritual war. Or in a pragmatic sense, a war of will. They know we are largely willing to trade liberty for comfort. This is clear. So now we are just negotiating the price. Oh, the price just tripled? Go ahead and switch cable providers. Of course, its all the same. That's the point.

So, our strength is not in negotiating with the system that seeks to enslave us. It is in the myriad of ways in which we demonstrate we do not need the system. That is a state of mind. That state of mind is something they can never take from us.

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Exactly. "How do I get to keep all my money and stuff" is not how one survives as a dissident.

Holding the wrong ideas according to the prog orthodoxy has long been a risky proposition in terms of one's ability to live accordingly in the open. Oh, you donated to a "pro-life" nonprofit? Give us your business. "Trumper?" good luck getting that contract. White male? LOL.

This whole thing is a mass sorting of people based on what they truly value. Which is not about what you get to keep, but what you are willing to lose. As long as we are focused on money and nice things and other comforts, they win.

Technology is a big part of how we go here. More "tech" is not the answer. Community is the answer. If you don't have people willing to lose those nice things, working together for their mutual reliance, you're just negotiating for more time before the real transaction is put upon you. The real parallel economy is about people, not how they transact.

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Great comment. So true.

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Absolutely! Beautiful comment. Thank you.

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Mello.B33, I’ve been tweeting your fabulous quote memes at Justin—thanks for rounding those up!

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I guess I can’t go to Canada. Oh darn, I’m so scared. 😂😂😂. Little baby boy Trudeau doesn’t like me. 😂😂😂.

These people are rather easy to work around, particularly for the married. Stupid humans make these rules, smarter humans walk right around them. APMEX is a good place to turn some savings into physical assets - short or long term. Physical crypto wallets are better than app based. Keep cash and metal on hand at all times in case digital exchanges get frozen. Find a good lawyer.

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But they're only going to seize the funds of the really bad people, right? (time to get your money out of Canadian banks.)

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Bitcoin fixes this.

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Monero and Zcash to avoid state seizure.

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Taproot and the Lightning network are both features that help btc. Spin up on a node on a Raspberry Pi and voila.

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Not too sure about Lightning. Jack Dorsey's CashApp? Remember Visa and MC bowing to political pressure also, and Lightning is just a Layer 2 that can be manipulated and controlled. There is a precedent...

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Umbrel have an app that installed on a Raspberry Pi which enables a lightning node to be run from home. Self ownership and self custody. I agree with the other lighting wallets on the phone, custody of sats isn't yours. I use Blue Wallet on my own node bitcoin and lightning node. But don't put anything over £30 on it: https://getumbrel.com

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Feb 17, 2022Edited
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And a cold wallet, if politicians can get block bank accounts, I'm sure they will do the same with trading accounts.

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Bought my first batch of tokens a few days ago. Selling my under performing assets to move into more tokens

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What can we do? I agree we can’t give into this, but what can we do to stop it?

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Not much. Drive Ottawa downtown today if you can, or tomorrow. Hope that the police will not arrest peaceful citizens. If the truckers fail prepare an exist plan from Canada because things gonna get ugly in the next 2 years.

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There is a petition on internet to get rid of Trudeau. I thought I posted it yesterday on Jessica rose or here. I’ll look for the link. It look legit and for voting Canadians only. I sooo wanted to sign it but I’m US.

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Petitions are worthless. We need a non-confidence vote but part of the opposition, the NDP, is always in favour of dictator Turdeau. There's not much we can do since we want to stay peaceful.

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Stop using centralized systems and corrupt money.


Beyond that; as Gato always says… be ungovernable

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I don't think the mandarins in Ottawa and their handlers at the WEF and Beijing have thought this through. The assumption that one's private property is protected from government predation absent legal due process is fundamental to a functioning economy in the west. That assumption has now been blown to bits. A government will seize your money based on nothing more than comments made on some internet web blog. Or what you thought was a private donation to a peaceful protest. How will commerce proceed when no one can trust that the counter party's funds will actually be available on the day of delivery? This mess is going to unravel the entire global economy rapidly unless the bankers intervene quickly to restore private property rights. They have everything to lose and nothing to gain here.

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Oh there is gain to be had.

So people run the banks and cash out what they can? So what? There's maybe a tenth of the existing money available in cash so most will be left out for starters. Some may use what savings they have to buy stuff or pay off debt, or invest overseas.

Not a problem as such.

As the switch to e-money is fully realised and cash transactions as well as barter is outlawed, any and all old money will be declared null and void (excepting the elites themselves who will have moved all assets before the swithc is made).

So even if you have a stash of cash, you'll own nothing. Adding to that, make it law that any transaction undertaken up to n years before the switch to e-money may be declared invalid based on whatever reasons you can conjure up: "This here payoff in 2022 when you paid your student debt? Yeah, sorry, but it's been voided due to you having been flagged as a possible domestic terrorist in 2024."

The goal isn't money per se: the goal is to control power. Can't make yourself more powerful without risking conflict with other powers? Make everyone else less powerful thereby making you more so, relatively speaking. And the object of power is power.

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"...use money to fund politics we don’t like, and we’ll shut you out of the banking system."

And I'd add: we'll do this to YOU using the money we stole FROM YOU via taxation...

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If they do this for the trucker protest then it should be done for every protest, BLM included. Tell your friends. That’s how you get the left’s attention. Use their tools of destruction against them.

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they always accuse us of what they themselves are

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This has NEVER been about a virus. Never. Never ever.

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Just because I've always enjoyed the subject of history didn't mean I wanted a real-life "You are There" experience of how to build a genocide. May we stop now please?

I mean, this is some hell of an avalanche we're in the midst of. But I'm one of the fools who didn't see it coming in the beginning. Admiration and gratitude to everyone who did.

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Maybe the truckers should set up a guillotine in front of Parliament to send a clearer message?

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What a great idea!!! It's not like shiteau is not accusing them of being terrorists already. What's the point of making a threat you can't act upon?

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Looks like freezing truckers bank accounts is backfiring. People are rushing to withdraw cash causing a shortage of actual money. Banks are having outages.

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we are at war

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This is a war on religion, this is a war on the children https://youtu.be/O9a_P0evO7Y

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I've been saying for a long time now, in the face of the optimistic postings that the narrative was cracking and we'd be back to "normal" soon, that it would never be that easy. That things would get worse before they got better. This is exactly what I meant.

No way these tyrants that have gone all in with their careers and reputations would ever just roll over and admit defeat. They would and will bring the full force of their powers to bear in maintaining that power. They will literally do and say whatever is necessary. That's who these people are and who "we've" elected for so many years to ....ahem...represent us. When you put people in power who have no fidelity to individual liberty....see collectivists.....this is the inevitable result. They aren't persuaded by reason, evidence or rationality. They know and understand only one thing.....force. And once you've put them there, that's the only thing that will remove them as well. And the problem is, we are still WAY too far away from the tipping point where more people are feeling like the truckers and their supporters than not to actually put an end to this madness and remove those responsible from their positions of power.

Would be nice to see a run on those Canadian banks now, but that's probably wishful thinking. If I'm a Canadian citizen with money in a Canadian bank, I'd have closed out my accounts immediately. I'm already charting my strategy for that when it comes here to the U.S. next.

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shadow banking. when hitler could not trade he used internal mefo notes to do business. muslims have a tradition of their own bank system. a few days and many can do w/o banks.....

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Yes, there is some mileage here.

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Point of clarity - the Minister labels dissenting thought “trumpism” because most people in Canada have been programmed to go feral at the mention of the name. It’s going to cost a lot of people their homes - while half my country cheers ☹️

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“(hey remember that IRS edict to report all transitions over $600 that biden wanted? still seem non ominous?)”. WaaaA Waaaa! We Americans living outside the US and dual Canada/US citizens have been dealing with this for years. FATCA. I have every single transaction here in Japan reported to the US and have since at least June 2014. Don’t have a clue what the Fuck I’m talking about? Then you are a day late and a dollar short. You are already in the net but just haven’t been hauled aboard yet. Your fellow Canadians have been trying to warn you of much of this for years. I know because I have sent cash in envelopes through the postal system to help pay for their lawsuit against it. This is how I know that most of humanity could care less, because no one care at all when your fellow Canadians claimed by the US tried to warn you. Too bad schadenfreude is not an emotion that I feel. If it were, I would be feeling pretty good right now.

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Well said. While it doesn't affect me (I live on the plantation), I recall reading that some U.S. citizens (expatriates) gave up their citizenship. Not because they hate the USA, but because of the hassle to their everyday lives while living overseas.

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It’s not a hassle, it’s impossible. We are forced to either follow the laws of our homeland, the USA, or those of the country we reside in. FBAR requires me to spy on my wife’s finances. She is Japanese and we live in Japan. To report her financial information Toma 3rd party for any reason violates Japanese law yet US law requires me to do so. I don’t. FATCA is how the US finds out that I did not spy on her for them. My kids too.

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Oh, and it does affect you though indirectly. FATCA is reciprocal. US financial institutions are to provide information on account holders form or resident in other countries to those countries. While many argued this would never happen as it would require legislation, many, myself included said that it would just be done through regulation. Those who thought it would be done through regulation were called all the names you can think of….and were correct. However what the regs require US FIs to provide to other countries is not as extensive as FATCA requires Foreign FIs to provide on me. These regs greatly increase the cost for US based FIs, which are then passed on to you. Other affects and effects are perhaps less discernible but real none the less.

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true and JT may be removed, 7 provinces are against him, https://palexander.substack.com/p/premier-brian-peckford-e-mail-this

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How ? There's a non-confidence vote but if the shitlibs and NDP are pro-Turdeau he will stay where he is.

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read what Dr Alexander wrote, I am an American, he says that 7 provinces are against JT etc.

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It doesn't matter if the provinces are. Unless the opposition party calls for no-confidence nothing happens. The fact that they haven't and are only talking tough means they are putting on a show and they support the government.

They could be forcing an election right now if they really wanted to do something.

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They don't do it now because they are not sure if the NDP will vote in favour of the shitlibs. If so the non-confidence vote fails nothing more will happen and we will have exhausted all the possible peaceful solutions. They are just extremely cautious ...

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Parlement votes today looks like senate votes tomorrow then Parlement gets out of town and doesn’t sit at all next week (we’ll timed for a crack down by the stormtroopers) - going to get bad and If you can get your assets before they do

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6 so far. Quebec, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. But that has no impact on the federal decision.

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But you listed 7.

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Sad to see yet another young woman in a position of power and influence, (Dep PM), doing the dirty work of old men, but what I found just a tiny bit mind boggling is her name; Chrystia- feminine derivation of Christ, the anointed one- Freeland,! Couldn't make it up, truly!!

The "Good Germans" were the real problem back in the 30's, not the bastards in power.

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Over the past couple of years I've heard the following over and over: "I never thought they'd sink this low!" At each new outrage, I'd hear this same thing. My response has always been the same: "Until you're being prodded into the showers or up to the edge of a pit at the point of a rifle, you ain't seen nothin' yet." This has been greeted with eye-rolling. Maybe this will cause some folks to start taking this shit a lot more seriously, because we're not far from camps and mass murder.

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We need to put together a good team of hackers to dump online the whole list of WEF "young global leaders".

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I'm in the UK and contributed via GiveSendGo. I suspect that if my bank tried unlawfully suspending my account on the behest of a foreign dictatorship then litigation would follow. But these days who knows what these despots are capable of. Once we allow them to make whatever rules they want the inch becomes a permanent mile.

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I don't think random executions of governmental officials are that far off at this point.

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what would Henry Bowman do?

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One of the worst failures of Canada's last Prime Minister (double entendre?) was to continue to allow the CBC to continue to exist even though it has been nothing more than an anachronistic activist partisan and parasitic media for decades. Today, when the Canadian parallels with Nazi Germany of the early 1930s are increasingly ominous, the CBC has stepped up and no longer simply acts as Propaganda Ministry for the aspiring Fuhrer but are reaching into the turf of the Gestapo.

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Poodeau better watch it, if he continues hurting and threatening Canadians, there is a very good chance he will end up like JFK. He thinks he is invincible but one bullet can change that. He really ought to be more careful as he is digging his own grave. But then again, he will reap what he has sewn. Karma.

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We are not too far from what Fidel Jr is doing.. Let that sink in. Vote them out

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Vote with your feet and your money for that matter. TD Bank is losing all our business by end of month thanks to Trudeau and Freedland antics. Congratulations to Fidel Jr and Chrystia The Phony Freedland. Sure glad I pitched her shitty book “Plutocrats” in the dumper 10 years ago. She and Fidel are repulsive reptilians. Lying sack o shits.

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please do not insult the reptiles.

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...nor the sacks of shit.

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How in hell can Castreau freeze accounts of US citizens in US banks?!? Strikes me as an empty threat! I'm poor, but mab does this make me want to donate!!!

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As an American, I am mystified by the Castro connection--Has it always been an inside joke about Castro being the baby daddy?

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I don't know if it's always been an inside joke 🤷

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mystified as in you are unsure?

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I don’t know whether it’s a joke or…so yes, unsure is a better word for mystified

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ps I particularly love the name Castreau cuz for some reason it makes me think castrated, or castrado every time I hear it!

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This is the first shot (and not figuratively, either.)

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They are even 'sanctioning' crypto wallets! You'd think that maybe the 'leaders' would get the hint, but no.


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If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.

Curtis LeMay

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how long until the big banks in canada get emptied out ?? a week :)

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Could you elaborate and give more context to "especially given the role of police agencies in response to the protest"? What does that mean? Are we to infer that police agencies have donated to the freedom convoy, or does this imply a police-agency effort to go after people who've donated? I'd like more clarification on this, thank you.

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That was the old days. When people got off easy. In 2024 in Britain you go to prison.

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Commies are murderers and liars, like their father, satan himself

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So the next Prime Minister can seize the accounts of anyone who donated to Justin Trudeau based on information gleaned from hacked donor lists.

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Thanks for posting those videos. I live in the U.S. and am 72 years old. I cannot believe this is happening.

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