I've been following this conversation at a ban-safe distance, and it's HILARIOUS. I especially liked the premise that 30 black women all have the 'same' perspective........seems more than a little racist.

As ever, the 'answer' is to look past skin color and treat everybody as an individual who has their own unique individual experiences and talents. Superficial 'diversity' isn't our strength, it's REAL diversity that comes from DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT!

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This. "the emergence of 'you have to be on twitter to be relevant' is just death for high ego midwits."

I am rapidly reaching the conclusion that high ego is a necessary component, if not a defining characteristic, of midwittery. If you're a midwit, with high ego, you have NO CHOICE but to virtue signal as well. It. Is. What. It. Is.

Also, thanks for turning me onto Wei. I love the parody accounts that skewer assholes. Love!

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Not sure how the DEI crowd could be so misaligned with Martin Luther King Jr, and still think they are virtuous.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Um, people? Your DEI committee is racist and sexist (and somehow, you don't know it). Madness...

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This is hilarious. I used to watch "Shark Tank" until Cuban's ego did me in. What is it about a lot of money that turns mere idiots into magnificent morons?

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Ok, so not exaclty cat-related, bit more like dog...

Am I the only one???

Or has anyone else noticed that the Substack app is total dogsh*t?

Actually, I take that back, dogpoop has never done me so much wrong, I don't want to denigrate dogpoop to the extent of comparing it to the substack app.

How many of you have lost your text as you tab out for a second to retrieve a link, have you tried to find one of your comments, or someone else's comment on Substack, have you had to been writing a reply and since you cannot see the comment you are replying to, you try to go back and then realize you cannot go back forward to get back to the comment you were working on?

This is only a small sampling of the nightmares I've lived through while using this Godforesaken application.

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“ivory towers are crumbling into ruin and the smug sili valley simplicos are not only hoisting themselves by their own petards, but doing it live as free performance art for the proles.”


I wrote something similar in my post “On Fearing Freedom” last week:

“Talking hairdos no longer serve as the priesthood mediating our perception of reality because we now have the ability—thanks in part to Substack—to communicate directly with genuine, uncorrupted experts ranging from scientists to doctors to data analysts to journalists to attorneys to everything around and in between.”


For those who haven’t yet done so, I encourage you to add your voice to the comments of this post thanking Substack for standing up to the censorship bullies. My goal is to collect 500 signatures before I send it to the founders with the latest additions, and we’re getting close:


I’ve said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating:

So often, people are driven to take action by negative emotions like rage and disgust, but few people are activated by positive emotions like gratitude and love—and yet it is so important to reward people when they choose courage over cowardice, integrity over corruption, freedom over tyranny. This is our opportunity to do that, and it only takes a minute to let Substack know we appreciate their principled defense of free speech, even when it costs them financially to do so.

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Sun mew is a very wise cat

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The idea of equal representation is a ridiculous notion and this post demonstrates it. DEI though would have us go even further. Using the analogy of the basketball team, in order to properly include everyone into the NBA they need to do a read of a population of the entire world, and extrapolate basketball goal height based on it. In order to make sure of equity, those who are taller will have to play basketball on their knees. In order to make sure that the body positive people are also allowed to play, the fit will have to wear fat suits to encumber their playing. Further, to assure that basketball is not ablest, players are also required to at least during play, to make it fair for those with disabilities to get a proper chance at excellence. The list goes on and on...

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The meme's are eXtra spicy today.

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Sadly, I've been banned from Twitter four times now for the same opinions expressed in my memes, and two of those times were _since_ Elon assumed control.

Elon is lying about making Twitter open. Check out my memes to see whether you think they're so outrageous that the whole account should be banned from Twitter.

If Elon were serious about allowing open discourse on Twitter, he would flag individual Tweets, and not simply lock out the entire account for political incorrectness. Why exactly does he block entire accounts? There is no way to reconcile banning entire accounts with any sort of commitment to free speech.

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This. 1000 times this -- "they have no idea they are not smart and have been surrounded by bootlicker employees, sycophants, or (perhaps worse) academic groupthink and fake peer review"

Also, everyone that hates on twitter misses the crucial point that it is the ONLY venue where the hoi polloi can speak and debate Elites in an open forum.

The textbook Alinsky move is to break-up dissenters so that there is only one per small group. Since most people are virtual NPC's that just go along with the majority, if there's only one dissenter that they are exposed to, no one will be swayed to their side. However, if the entire group was together and people would be able to see there was a decided minority with compelling logical arguments it's a lot easier for them to garner more people to their side.

This is why Elites hate twitter and try every manner of soft-censoring when they are not meme-ing the virtual NPC's to hate it too.

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It fascinates me how people like Cuban talk so confidently about topics that it turns out that they know little about. Perhaps that's exactly why they are so confident.

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This is the super duper version of catnip. I am stimulated!

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Enlighten me why diversity is good again?

Navy seals: not diverse, basketball players: all tall dudes, grasshoppers: long legs and such

Just like evolution, your environment selects and advances for specific traits that will give your offsprings an advantage in surviving.

Sub surviving for making phat stacks and all you do by introducing DEI is diluting the winning gene pool of your company. Sure we can hire Diverse, it’s like getting fat around Thanksgiving. But when the lean times come ( they always do), the fat gets cut first ( kudos, Elon).

Anyways, if Mark Cuban had a few less billions people won’t give him the time of the day...

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Thanks for dragging out Silicon Valley from the memory dregs. That was a fun series. Best episode was when Erlich was tripping balls in the porta-potty on the side of the 101!

Problem all these rich guys have is just because they happen to be in the right place at the right time and cash in on their luck (intersection of opportunity and preparation) they feel entitled, nay, obligated to chime in on things way outside their areas of expertise, and expect to be taken seriously. Same thing goes for musicians. I don't want to hear about your quarter-baked politics, shut up and play!

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Catimus Decimus Purridias...catiator...tell me there is going to be a movie.

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