I've been following this conversation at a ban-safe distance, and it's HILARIOUS. I especially liked the premise that 30 black women all have the 'same' perspective........seems more than a little racist.

As ever, the 'answer' is to look past skin color and treat everybody as an individual who has their own unique individual experiences and talents. Superficial 'diversity' isn't our strength, it's REAL diversity that comes from DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT!

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Member when Apple's DEI chief got fired for saying that a room full of white men could be diverse? I member!

"There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation... Diversity is the human experience... I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT.”


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In today's world, a white guy would be a diversity hire!

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I believe the correct phrase is 'Token Saltino.'

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True story..Husband is in the music biz. Did All the great videos of the ‘80’s. The RB/rappers called him, ‘Saltine’ great times...

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Love. It.

Me and my 69 year old buddy Bill play open mics, guitars and harps. We do a lot of blues stuff which is funny because we're not your typically blues demo.

As AndinBC so eloquently put it, we both look like we are of North European Ancestry.

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Hub is white as snow😆

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"Saltino." 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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White conservative woman ultimate AA hire. It's why they abolished it. Back in the kitchen wrench, no coin for you!!( totally said like the soup nazi)

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Do you mean "wench?"

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Yes lol, thanks for catching that. I'm leaving it though. 😁

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That's cool. I just was making sure I was understanding the comment correctly. There are days comprehension is spotty. 😕

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where are these rare birds you speak of?

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I'm sorry I don't know what you are referring to? Bird watching?

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conservative women

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Are you a plumber with your kitchen wrench?

Or did AutoPhil decide that "wench" was racialist or sexist or something?

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Both. I see you've never been a housewife that had to fix the disposal. 🤣

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No, indeed..

I have to separate the organic raw compost from the other compostables which go to the municipal collection, so that our own compost remains untainted. Some plastics go into the recycling, others are not acceptable. Then I have to figure out which bin is to be presented for collection on a not-quite-random schedule and ensure its approved location and time of presentation (the evening before is verboten because the bears may prefer to dine at the roadside rather than the back yard.)

We have eschewed the garburator for some possible ecological reason, and so as not to stress or offend the septic system.

I have proven myself incapable of changing the capsule in the Moen single-handled faucet on three occasions, resulting in the purchase of a new set. Last week I stripped the thread in the shower hose while trying to replace the washers, again requiring a new set.

So, kudos for being able to fix the disposal.

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Or mix hair plaster having gone to barber shop to get the hair. Oxen not around any more, so had to settle for human.

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shhh. whatever genius figures this little gem out, all hell will break loose, maybe.

won't that be entertaining

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It's our secret 😁

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The Defending Elite Ignorance mafia — DEI

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I remember. There's no shortage of irony either (notice she wasn't a white male with blue eyes - see for example https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-diversity-vp-denise-young-smith-comments-white-men-2017-11).

How dare she say such an obviously true thing like skin color and gender are not the only factors in diversity. The outcome was no surprise - the dudet should have known better. What I found an interesting irony is that when she said that, it showed that it wasn't her skin color or gender that qualified her for the job ;-).

The amazing thing is that such a statement would be controversial. It illustrates the fraud of DEI.

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ah.. member berries. they member lots

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I’m SO glad I’m retired from the corporate world. Couldn’t hack this DEI crap.

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Also: interesting that the NY post article did not show a picture of Ms Smith.

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Too much short sighted thinking.


Companies need DIVERSITY to succeed.

Must have same racial (or whatever) mix of employees as population.

Create laws etc. to make it so with every company.

All companies have IDENTICAL workforces and no more diversity.


Turns out diversity is just a code name for entropy and used to bring everyone down to the same level. If we want human society to flourish we need to promote the creative people whoever they might be, forcing humanity to conform to average means we are sacrificing TOO MUCH.

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"diversity is just a code name for entropy"

This has Bumper Sticker potential.

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Thanks, actually what is being demanded is CONFORMITY and not diversity, it is double speak but because it is a touchy topic I had not bothered to dig too deeply, this humorous post let my mind wonder a bit and I was trying to figure out WHY it is such a bad idea to force 'diversity' but they are actually doing the opposite and causing mental confusion in those that try to find the logic.

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"hanks, actually what is being demanded is CONFORMITY and not diversity"


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replace "is just a" with equality sign--drivers need a really quick read

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Brevity is key on the road.

We'll put you down for a cut of the proceeds, V^3!

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I'll spend them on more fruit trees!

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"used to bring everyone down to the same level"

There is another, much older, term for this 'leveling'.

"Socialism" has been tried, and attempted, and tried.

And imposed.

Usually by force.

And it has NEVER never worked!

"Socialism" ALWAYS devolves into cannibalistic orgies of infighting.

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I saw The Cannibalistic Orgies of Infighting open for The Foo Fighters in 2007.

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Yeah! Great group.

Or at least a great name for one!

Assume you planned to audition for front man.

Once you sold the name I mean.

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I'm not the right fit for Front Man for COI, for the obvious reasons.

But I do throw a mean set of Pan Pipes. And, again, just look at me - this is the body of a Pan Piper for sure.

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** Scratches head. Frowns**

Ponders ... "Gotta be a one liner suitable for a family 'stack"

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SC - DEI is as contradictory as MATER DEI (Mother of God). I've always been an equal opportunity annoyer viz. I hold everyone in the same level of suspicion and CONTEMPT - until they have PROVEN THEMSELVES to be what they TRULY are.

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You're going to love what I'm working on now.....DEI and cheating at the FAA.......

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Lots of reading to do, so I wouldn't expect anything until tomorrow at the earliest....but wow the case is crazy. (For a sneak peek, check out the last link in my 'notes' section)

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My new bumper sticker. I am gonna need a bigger car. "I hold everyone in the same level of suspicion and CONTEMPT - until they have PROVEN THEMSELVES to be what they TRULY are."

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The owner of such a bumper sticker may have anti social personality disorder

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One more way to label someone to "keep them in their place."

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Regarding people with “contempt and suspicion” is anti social pathological

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Enjoy your degree in psychology while you can. No one respects you once they learn what you are.

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more than a little. It is also flat out stupid on face value. and pointing that out will get you fired, or at least, not invited to the next meeting ;-).

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Yet somehow the benefits of homogeneity plus the negatives of multiculturalism vastly outweigh having a slightly different perspective on last night's episode of [current TV show.]


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This. "the emergence of 'you have to be on twitter to be relevant' is just death for high ego midwits."

I am rapidly reaching the conclusion that high ego is a necessary component, if not a defining characteristic, of midwittery. If you're a midwit, with high ego, you have NO CHOICE but to virtue signal as well. It. Is. What. It. Is.

Also, thanks for turning me onto Wei. I love the parody accounts that skewer assholes. Love!

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wei is what twitter is for.

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His comments section might out do him!

OMG I just wasted 30 minutes laughing at them

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But....but..."we used to own the news...we used to own the facts"...

That's what all these temper-tantrums are about.

I for one have zero sympathy for these midwitotalatarians!

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That quote, about owning the news and the facts, tells you a lot about the absolute, bottom-grazing, depths to which midwittery plumbs.

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Yeah exactly.

It tells you they're flailing without a life preserver!

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So invest in a business selling them straws to clutch at, while they're still solvent?

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I like to think that my wit makes it possible for the other wits to understand that, grading on a curve, they are above the line of wittism.

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You're my new pal, Jimmy!

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I want to see more replies from YOU! :)

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The Millennials, for one example, are on fire with midwit high ego.

Same here regarding parody accounts. Super brilliant fun

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As my mother always said, I wish I could buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he *thinks* he's worth.

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Love it!

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Not sure how the DEI crowd could be so misaligned with Martin Luther King Jr, and still think they are virtuous.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Um, people? Your DEI committee is racist and sexist (and somehow, you don't know it). Madness...

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Add the US National Park Service to your list as well. The MLK National Memorial in DC includes dozens of his quotes, but decided the “. . .content of their character.” quote wasn’t important or didn’t advance their crooked agenda.

We live in a broken world.

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" I have a dream that one day, my four children will one day live in a nation that will not be judged by the content of their character, or the color of their skin, but on how well their thoughts align with other designated 'people of color.'" ~Martin Luther King Jr. Jr. Jr..

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I have a dream that someday people will desanctify MLK Jr., not least because he was a prime example of an absent father whose self-anointed prophet status ensured he'd never be home for his children. Not to speak of that transgressing the marital vows thingy. "I gotta blow off steam" is certainly classic "why I can't keep it zipped."

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Seems most of the committees DO know it. But its "good racism" not bad. See? Easy, huh?

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I go back to that every. damn. time.

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This is hilarious. I used to watch "Shark Tank" until Cuban's ego did me in. What is it about a lot of money that turns mere idiots into magnificent morons?

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Being surrounded by suckups who just want access to your money for years on end affects your brain.

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same here. What an arrogant turd. I bet he picks the contestants (or whatever they are called [??] ) specifically to get an extra share of demoralizing, embarrassing and belittling bright happy people

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He wants to kill their dreams with ridicule.

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It's a form of bullying.

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absolutely correct!

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Everytime he says something about the "American Dream" I scream at the TV, "NO DEAL!!!"

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luv-it! VC's pretending to care!

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Ok, so not exaclty cat-related, bit more like dog...

Am I the only one???

Or has anyone else noticed that the Substack app is total dogsh*t?

Actually, I take that back, dogpoop has never done me so much wrong, I don't want to denigrate dogpoop to the extent of comparing it to the substack app.

How many of you have lost your text as you tab out for a second to retrieve a link, have you tried to find one of your comments, or someone else's comment on Substack, have you had to been writing a reply and since you cannot see the comment you are replying to, you try to go back and then realize you cannot go back forward to get back to the comment you were working on?

This is only a small sampling of the nightmares I've lived through while using this Godforesaken application.

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Keep supporting this dedicated free speech platform and I’m sure it will improve in functionality.

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Keep on your toes, if required all the free thinkers that have been corralled onto SS may find themselves without a home if it serves the powers.

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Every 'large' 'stack owner I know exports their subscriber list frequently. (We learned from our experiences with Twitter)

If Substack 'went under' today, my subscribers would get an email about it tonight.

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And thank you in advance.

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Right, we need every possible optional alternative, but so far this is the friendliest and most robust. Many alternatives are not comprehensible for anyone but techies.

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I hope so, the content here is very good, but navigating this platform is a constant battle, or should I say misery?

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It works fine on a laptop.

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Agreed, much, much more navigatable on computer, just the phone app that is an abomination.

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I did finally discover that if you get email notifications of replies, the word comment in the first sentence “someone replied to your comment” is a hyperlink to your actual comment. They mislabeled (or misprogrammed) the button at the bottom that reads view comment. And why oh why does this show only the reply, not the comment? It would also be nice if you could view all your comments from your profile. Too bad there appears to be no effin way to communicate with the PTBs at Substack.

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I would so love to view all my comments together and finally confirm that I'm not as smart as I think I am.

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If it weren’t for the free speech, it wouldn’t be worth using. Try getting help with an issue. Nonexistent. I have a paid subscription I have no memory of adding. When I click the link to go to the page to unsubscribe, it displays the message the publication no longer exists. So I am stuck with a paid subscription to a ghost publication. There is no one to contact about this that I can find.

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Also once a subscription is "paused", you can no longer see it in either Paid or Free list - so there is NO way to cancel it. You wait until the pause is over - you get a notification that you have just been billed, and THEN you can cancel it. Ouch!

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Total dogshit. Couldn't agree more.

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You agree with dogshit?!


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No mixing *that* metaphor...

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I haven't noticed that as much as some others I guess.

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I have PTSD just thinking about it, I don't use social media on a phone and have about 6 apps side loaded on my vintage android phone so the SS app has no chance to ruin my day.

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Just compose your response in Notepad or such, then paste it.

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Yeah, I do have a Notepad-like app or two on the phone, and most of the time I remember to compose in there before copy/pasting into Substack once the composition is complete, but from time to time I've forgotten, or thought I was only going to write a quick sentence, only to then realize that the sentence is growing into a novella. Sometimes I caught myself and copied the content to the notepad and continued from there, and another time, as this afternoon, I've forgotten, or didn't catch myself in time, and paid a heavy price.

Dumbphones are not proper work platforms anyway, they're not suitable for most things that a computer is ideal for.

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I find that switching tabs for research and copy-paste material gets me lost on many platforms. I'm even willing to be some of those instances are self-inflicted, mostly just me being in a Browser Tab Haze.

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Yeah, a whole lot. 🤣

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Every three months or so Substack prevents me from “liking” or commenting on any of the posts on the Stacks to which I subscribe. The only remedy is to unsubscribe and resubscribe to each and every Stack. It’s a bore and I often wonder if this happens to anyone else.

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Wow, that's one heck of a "bore" alright!

Glad I haven't encountered that one yet.

Hope you can get it sorted.

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ha, you had me at apps.

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Me, too. So I don't use the app.

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Ok, another complaint. This comment appears to have stacked wrong. Happens to me a lot.

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Why ever would you install an app? The (mobile) web version works perfectly well.

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It was to see what the Chats were about... I couldn't see or participate, forget now, it was telling me that I needed the app to see the Chats?

Something like that, so installed to see what all the Chat stuff was about.

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Ah, I see. If I did even notice when substack chat was announced it made so little impression on me that I literally don't remember it at all.

I should explain: I am absolutely not a fan of the "every app must do everything" approach ; The last thing I need to have to pay attention to is Yet Another Messaging App; so naturally that was no inducement for me.

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“ivory towers are crumbling into ruin and the smug sili valley simplicos are not only hoisting themselves by their own petards, but doing it live as free performance art for the proles.”


I wrote something similar in my post “On Fearing Freedom” last week:

“Talking hairdos no longer serve as the priesthood mediating our perception of reality because we now have the ability—thanks in part to Substack—to communicate directly with genuine, uncorrupted experts ranging from scientists to doctors to data analysts to journalists to attorneys to everything around and in between.”


For those who haven’t yet done so, I encourage you to add your voice to the comments of this post thanking Substack for standing up to the censorship bullies. My goal is to collect 500 signatures before I send it to the founders with the latest additions, and we’re getting close:


I’ve said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating:

So often, people are driven to take action by negative emotions like rage and disgust, but few people are activated by positive emotions like gratitude and love—and yet it is so important to reward people when they choose courage over cowardice, integrity over corruption, freedom over tyranny. This is our opportunity to do that, and it only takes a minute to let Substack know we appreciate their principled defense of free speech, even when it costs them financially to do so.

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I added my name several days ago. Thank you for organizing this Margaret. Now, come on folks, add your thanks. Took me two minutes.

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Sun mew is a very wise cat

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The idea of equal representation is a ridiculous notion and this post demonstrates it. DEI though would have us go even further. Using the analogy of the basketball team, in order to properly include everyone into the NBA they need to do a read of a population of the entire world, and extrapolate basketball goal height based on it. In order to make sure of equity, those who are taller will have to play basketball on their knees. In order to make sure that the body positive people are also allowed to play, the fit will have to wear fat suits to encumber their playing. Further, to assure that basketball is not ablest, players are also required to at least during play, to make it fair for those with disabilities to get a proper chance at excellence. The list goes on and on...

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Harrison Bergeron IRL

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(Hang In There Harrison!)

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or just outlaw competition. problem solved.

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Yes, well we keep the game going, just make sure everyone gets a trophy. If everyone gets a trophy. no one gets a trophy.

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Participation trophies for all!

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The meme's are eXtra spicy today.

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Sadly, I've been banned from Twitter four times now for the same opinions expressed in my memes, and two of those times were _since_ Elon assumed control.

Elon is lying about making Twitter open. Check out my memes to see whether you think they're so outrageous that the whole account should be banned from Twitter.

If Elon were serious about allowing open discourse on Twitter, he would flag individual Tweets, and not simply lock out the entire account for political incorrectness. Why exactly does he block entire accounts? There is no way to reconcile banning entire accounts with any sort of commitment to free speech.

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I got banned for tweeting that all those dead Ukrainians and the destruction in their country was for nothing and I hoped they hang Zelensky for treason. They claimed that was inciting violence. They asked if i wanted to delete my tweet, I answered id rather delete my account.

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Yes, same experience here! I said that Fauci was responsible for mass murder and that the appropriate response would be to try and hang him. And this is 100% true.

Yet I am told to grovel and delete that and other far more pedestrian Tweets. No fucking way.

Twitter's banning of whole accounts rather than moderation of individual Tweets is proof that huge swaths of the population are being deliberately excluded from Twitter because they do not support the oligarchy.

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This. 1000 times this -- "they have no idea they are not smart and have been surrounded by bootlicker employees, sycophants, or (perhaps worse) academic groupthink and fake peer review"

Also, everyone that hates on twitter misses the crucial point that it is the ONLY venue where the hoi polloi can speak and debate Elites in an open forum.

The textbook Alinsky move is to break-up dissenters so that there is only one per small group. Since most people are virtual NPC's that just go along with the majority, if there's only one dissenter that they are exposed to, no one will be swayed to their side. However, if the entire group was together and people would be able to see there was a decided minority with compelling logical arguments it's a lot easier for them to garner more people to their side.

This is why Elites hate twitter and try every manner of soft-censoring when they are not meme-ing the virtual NPC's to hate it too.

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See a prior post to see how true your comment really is ;)

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It fascinates me how people like Cuban talk so confidently about topics that it turns out that they know little about. Perhaps that's exactly why they are so confident.

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Agree. I saw Cuban on TV talking about PPP at the start of the C-19 stuff. I sent him an email letting him know his solution to PPP wouldn't work. I tried to help him to not look stupid. He disagreed with me, so I explained the multiple levels upon which his idea would fail and why. No response.

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Rich people think they are rich because they are smart.

They are not smart...they are just lucky.

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I find that those willing to put in very long hours often find they are lucky.

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Salesmen know they only have to make something sound good or plausible for 90% of people to buy it without question.

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This is the super duper version of catnip. I am stimulated!

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Enlighten me why diversity is good again?

Navy seals: not diverse, basketball players: all tall dudes, grasshoppers: long legs and such

Just like evolution, your environment selects and advances for specific traits that will give your offsprings an advantage in surviving.

Sub surviving for making phat stacks and all you do by introducing DEI is diluting the winning gene pool of your company. Sure we can hire Diverse, it’s like getting fat around Thanksgiving. But when the lean times come ( they always do), the fat gets cut first ( kudos, Elon).

Anyways, if Mark Cuban had a few less billions people won’t give him the time of the day...

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Exactly. Show me the studies that show "diversity," in any sense is a net benefit for a team.

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Grasshoppers aren't making complex decisions with lots of unknown variables involving millions of other grasshoppers. In many (not all) cases, multiple perspectives is a strength: varied cultural backgrounds, socioeconomics, education, experience, etc. are going to give you more consistently high-quality input and decisions.

It also depends how you define "merit," and whether you think talent actually rises to the top in this economy.

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Thanks for dragging out Silicon Valley from the memory dregs. That was a fun series. Best episode was when Erlich was tripping balls in the porta-potty on the side of the 101!

Problem all these rich guys have is just because they happen to be in the right place at the right time and cash in on their luck (intersection of opportunity and preparation) they feel entitled, nay, obligated to chime in on things way outside their areas of expertise, and expect to be taken seriously. Same thing goes for musicians. I don't want to hear about your quarter-baked politics, shut up and play!

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Catimus Decimus Purridias...catiator...tell me there is going to be a movie.

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