Given the lack of enforcement on Jan 6, The repeated recorded attempts by Trump to increase security, the denial by Democrats, and continued attempts by democrats to create a narrative of "insurrection" to disqualify others they don't like... the only people that appear to be guilty of such a coup are the Democrats.

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"...they’d burn it all rather than hand over power..." is the underlying philosophy of modern leftism, as formulated in the '50s and '60s. They are desperate and dangerous, like cornered rabid dogs. To expect them to behave otherwise is a HUGE mistake.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

I'm not a Trump guy but, kinda feels like that, in order for someone to be guilty of leading or inciting an insurrection, there should be someone who has been convicted of, you know, insurrection.

As of Sep 23, 2023, nearly 400 J6ers convicted of crimes - none convicted of _insurrection_: https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-capitol-rioters-jailed-sentences-january-6-1826075

But *more securely fastens chin strap on shiny foil propellor beanie* I do think that #TeamSnoutsInTrough are purposely using that word. It does not mean what they think it means.


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“If Trump wins we all hang” - HRC ... they know, they know we know

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And they don’t care any more that we know

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Interesting thoughts. I can’t argue how abortion is a loser issue for R’s. For me, I became a one-issue voter over the concept of vaccine mandates.

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I can’t understand how goofy Democrat females don’t see that now abortion is a state issue, there can be no federal mandates of any kind. You have a problem- cross the state line and solve it. But they support federal mandates of the jabs. No escaping that. Make it make sense.

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They want it all and will not rest until they have all rights everywhere up to moment of birth. But, get vaxxed, hick!

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How many of your female friends argue with logic about the abortion issue?

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I can honestly say all of them. I have both pro-life and pro-choice friends. Everyone was horrified with all of the late term abortion. Everyone understood how there came to be some strict pro-life states.

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This. Thank you.

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Same. My body my choice all the way.

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But logically it's not your body. Not to start this argument (and I won't respond further), and I understand/respect that you feel the way you do, but our argument makes a lot of sense and is based in scientific fact. Yours is based on "feelings".

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Is that what anyone is sayin here? I take “my body, my choice” to vaccine mandates to be a true statement. Not so for a baby you are killing.

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I think we agree here, maybe I didn't express my views clearly enough. My body my choice is clearly correct with regards to vaccines. It is clearly incorrect in regards to the baby (rightfully considered a separate body up until like 5 minutes ago when it became convenient to ignore).

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Transgender/-sexual advocates will use "my body - my choice" too, you know.

My usual response to them on that is: "Sure. But you pay for your therapy out of your own pocket, since it's not necessary from a medical perspective."

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

Yes they will. That doesn't make them right or even give them a leg to stand on. Under age 18, it is clear-cut child abuse to allow hormone therapy or surgical intervention. After age 18 I'm less apt to care (though it still seems predatory and those 18 year olds should definitely be able to sue for big civil damages when they discover that the surgery did not cure their delusional issues.). Make your own absurd decisions if you want. You can smoke, drink, whatever else. Go ahead and cut off body parts. But under 18 is where this is a clear cut issue for me. It's not about "freedom", it's about criminality and child abuse.

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If you can be charged for double homicide for killing a pregnant woman, the law agrees the baby is a separate body.

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Amen. They're working on changing that though. SMH

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Me too. That’s why no Nikki Haley interest from me

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Haley is a leftist media plant. She is a RINO in every way and everything she says she will do is a lie.

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She's a dyed-in-the-wool Neocon. Neocons transcend any meaningful partisan distinction. They will attach themselves to any party which allows them perpetual war and feeds the MIC. Anything beyond this is pure theater.

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Her name isn’t even real.

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The thing is, we aren't stupid. We know abortion may be a loser politically. But so was freeing the jews in 1940's Germany. Sometimes you have to stand up even when it's unpopular. The same goes for "transgenderism". I may lose an election or two, but I will still have my conscience clean opposing the flippant attitude toward the creation and willful termination of human life that is so common in our culture and world.

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You're going to lose every election, though. And then when they have the majorities they need, you'll have federal laws mandating abortion till the second before birth, free trans surgeries for all, a green new deal that'll make Al Gore blush, and DEI in every institution public or private.

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Excellent point. A people who happily discard human life because it inconveniences them have lost their way. The society that embraces abortion is one that deserves to perish.

There are higher principles than what is good for the almighty self. "Do what thou wilt" is an awful principle to center a culture around. Impossible. We're finding that out the hard way right now.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

So funny because abortion and transgenderism is pushed mainly by the jews. Maybe if we “hadn’t freed them” we wouldn’t be here. Might be speaking German though. Darn.

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That's a really broad (and frankly bizarre) generalization of "the jews" pushing abortion and transgenderism. SOME jews push abortion and transgenderism, just like SOME "christians" push those things and SOME atheists. You sound a little off the deep end.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

You should really look all that up before telling me I’m off the deep end.

Christianity doesn’t have 8 genders in in their book. Christianity doesn’t give the Ok for abortion.

While there may be Christians who are living in sin and pushing for abortion or transgenderism, the actual book they follow doesn’t support it (just as the pope is now supportive of same sex marriage- it doesn’t make him ok with God). The Talmud is great with all the depravity. This is Weimar Germany pre WWIi. It’s what we’re living through now.

I would have sounded like I was off the deep end to me two years ago…I have to remind myself that history is written by the winners.

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I'm Jewish.

Yes, there are many progressive Jews who forsake the Torah for every progressive ideology. Ask them "Name one thing the Democrats support that you don't because of your Jewish identity." MAYBE you'll get support of Israel. Maybe.

As for the Talmud, no. It does not support this stuff. That's an internet myth.

I saw someone claim that the Talmud supported transgenderism or the existence of multiple genders, and even gave a citation. So I checked it out.

Wasn't true.

The citation was some Rabbis discussing what Adam looked like before G-d took the rib to make Eve, i.e. if this primordial human being has both the male and female systems in one body.

That was it.

Literally in the realm of "how many angels dance on the head of a pin" kind of question.

Certainly not something that contradicts Deuteronomy 22:5.

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agree, you can search online and just as with other religions, you can find easily an explanation about how the bible or the talmud is okay with homosexuality. People are rewriting history every day

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The great majority of Western Jews don't know jack about the Talmud.

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This is an article, not from The NAZI Times, but from Scientific American and discusses the worlds first transgender clinic. It was Jewish. The NAZI’s burned it to the ground. Did “the Jews” invent transgenderism? No, but a Jew did. Abortion is pretty much the same. An inconvenient truth I guess. Kind of like when Dave Chappell said on SNL, there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood. A LOT. But it doesn’t mean anything.


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Be those as they may, you cannot blame "the jews" for the actions of specific jews, any more than you can blame "the republicans" for the actions of one mass shooter.

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Precisely why I made the distinction in my reply. That trans clinic was invented by A Jew, not all Jews. It was also Jewish, as in it was not Christian.

One of MrsS’s points that seems to be overlooked is the Talmud. Talmudic and Rabbinical Jews do hold views that most would call evil if not Satanic. Do 100% have these views? Probably not, but it’s close.

I get you’re not okay with the antisemitism and that’s okay (of course). But there are things, specifically in the Talmud that should concern all non Jews. It’s why the French burned all copies of the book - I don’t remember the year. When there was a fire at the Notre Dame cathedral a prominent Rabbi said it was revenge for the burning of the Talmud, or something to that effect. There are sects of Jews who are indeed extremely hostile toward all non Jews. And of course we know that Jewish interests don’t often align with American interests. This is the biggest problem. Jews have been expelled from 109 countries throughout history. To hear it from them, every time they did nothing wrong and were persecuted. Every single time. What are the odds? You get thrown out of 109 restaurants and it’s always their fault right. You never did anything wrong.

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Yes I can.

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well, was it really the first clinic? who really knows

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Same here. I was completely turned off by the Democrats’ behavior over the last 3+ years. I don’t always vote red, but I will never vote blue again.

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Left or right, they’re both wings of the same bird.

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You're forgetting the D's treated people as 2nd class vermin because they didn't take an experimental drug.

They also demanded children mask their faces for 2 years.

So I think there's hate (and evil) coming from the Left. I just don't see that on the Right.

However I agree with your overall sentiment.

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And the Republicans didn't push back against those things. Virtually all of the anti-vax republican politicians were pro-vax until the winds changed.

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They've released the footage of the "insurrection" and people are still pretending it's valid. The cops opened the doors for them, for Pete's sake! Lamest excuse for a false flag in a long time.

This whole thing is a set up for something else, but who knows what?

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023


Butternut -

Conspiracy analyst here to explain. If y'all don't know about this Rockefeller Report yet (below) & the planned Agenda 21/2030 / NWO plot to control the world (plus all the other forms of US authoritarian legislation over the years including all the many preliminary US govt "planning exercises" undertaken to scare us, such as the ones used to prepare for a "pandemic" or a disaster that happens as planned)...

... And including the table-top planning exercise called Event 201 (which was held in NYC in late Oct 2019 or DIRECTLY before the C19 scam-demic was pushed out in Jan 2020 which is documented in many videos) then it's just like bumping into The Truman Show walls & shouting WHY into the void.

The evidence on the PTB's actual plans is everywhere to be researched & shared so we can stop it. See Rosa Koire, an intrepid California govt official, who spent many years trying to wake folks up, here:

> Rosa Koire Exposes the UN Agenda (2012) - The Corbett Report - https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/rosa-koire-exposes-the-un-agenda

Topics discussed include: What is Agenda 21? What is communitarianism? What is the history of this agenda? How is it being implemented? And what can people do to combat it?

ICYMI The 2010 Rockefeller Report below is a stunning historical document & very shocking in its proof & specificity as to the PTB's leaders' goals to force, manipulate & scare us into a NWO/ "Great Reset". You can read through this Report and follow along w/what they have accomplished "so far" & learn exactly what they plan for us in their outlined goals. :/

See below how all those (created? stolen? laundered? DoD? Pentagon? Trafficking?) billions have been used in the PTB's brainwashing/propaganda schemes to gin up fear levels over all manner of so-called deadly infectious diseases over decades & have used coercion & threats too in order to turn regular people into quivering acquiescent boobs. Sad to say.

Read & save this for later > 2010 Rockefeller Report by the Rockefeller Foundation - Scenarios For The Future Of Technology And International Development... (outlines all the fascist steps)


PLEASE read Page 18 of the Report above to reference the long-planned Lockstep Operation, (which, although said to only be an "exercise" in reality it actually outlines the EXACT world-wide UN/WEF/WHO/PTB plots/plans/govt coups to force a complete & total compliance state of biosecurity/digital/surveillance on us.

Alternate Report link > 2010 - Scenarios For The Future Of Technology And International Development -- Rockefeller Foundation : Rockefeller Foundation? Global Business Network? : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

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Thanks for the links.

Something evil this way comes...

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Yes. And hence propaganda that makes no sense ,is obviously false etc. to undermine the ground upon which we stand and not to convince

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J6 was a coup that most Americans are clueless about.

The whole insurrection narrative, repeated ad nauseum for months, was planned & executed by tptb. Remember the visual of the capital being fenced off to protect the elites from the white supremacist unwashed? Remember the bomber that was never identified yet they were able to identify hundreds of J6 patriots. None of course charged with actual insurrection. It was planned for 2020 & will be just part of the 2024 plan. My guess - no election allowed.

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It was the last attempt at the attempted coup that started when Hillary released the Steele dossier and then democrats went with Russia Russia…the Mueller investigation that was just as bogus and the 2 impeachment attempts.

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You're assuming that a significant portion of the populace has seen at least some of the previously embargoed video. Most have not, and they will continue to embrace the FBI/Democrat narrative. No amount of evidence will ever change their minds. They are reality impaired and proud of it.

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Sadly, that's a common syndrome these days: intellectual poverty complicated by blind obedience and willful ignorance!

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Spot on!

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Usually with a 1:1 correlation of severity related to degree status.

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Agreed: degrees make the terrain more treacherous. Then we must be wary of impenetrable ignorance with bulldog malocclusion. Keep yer head on a swivel, mates!

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Focusing all our attention on only these two geriatric old men is awful sad & pathetic, innit??

Like you & most here in the comments, it seems incredible to us that ANYONE would argue that Trump led "an insurrection". It's such an obviously bald-faced big lie that it's massively ridiculous & convinces me that we're living in an entirely dif reality from the brainwashed Dim-mers. There really is a Trump Derangement Syndrome & I've seen it in some of my own family, friends & colleagues. What I truly don't get is how anti-Trumpers think Cornpop is any better than Don the Con? God, he's worse. Maybe we should all contribute to billboards that say: RELAX... Don't worry... Our selected president has no power or control over what is happening. ; 0

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023

How about the white vans full of antifa/fbi operatives escorted onto the capitol grounds by black suvs on Jan 6? https://www.bitchute.com/video/YXUL0TawSBkJ/

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Such set up. They are fomenting a civil war. Hell they just might skip civil war 2 and go straight to WW3 if it meant they'd kept power.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

I can’t necessarily speak to the endgame of it all, but I can say that it has been pretty clear for a while now that they ludicrously and instantly started using the “insurrection” word almost as soon as Jan 6 happened.

I thought it was weird and unusual at the time and then I remembered that part of the 14th Amendment and it all made sense. This lawfare - whatever the end goal - has been the plan all along. You might even say the almost instant use of the “insurrection” term is circumstantial evidence that inciting Jan 6 was an inside job, as many people already suspect.

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"in the fine tradition of "the maine" and fort sumpter..."

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I understand about the Maine, but Fort Sumter? This is interesting. Pray, do explain!

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The Lincoln Administration was overjoyed that SC fired on the fort, making the South the aggressors in the eyes of the world.

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Thanks. I'm not familiar with the details of the lead-up to the first shot being fired. After secession, the federales were occupying foreign territory, but did they also do anything particular (threats, actions) to get themselves shot at?

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Not as far as I know. Lincoln refused to abandon forts, because they were the property of the US government. He kept resupplying Sumter, thereby assuring federal presence at the mouth of Charleston Harbor. That's the only act that could be ascertained as provocative by the South. Passive-aggressive.

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It is the name of the Union Fort in Charleston SC where the first shot in the US Civil War was fired.

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I've been there. 😀 What I was wondering about is why Gato put it in the same thought as the Maine: he seemed to be suggesting that there was some kind of deception regarding the events there to justify what came afterward.

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Yes. The script was written and the actors showed up and played their parts.

How often did you hear the word "insurrection" before Jan 6?

Whenever you hear one rarely used word repeated over and over, it's the script.

Did anyone actually use the word "defund" before they rolled out "defund the police?"

How about "election interference," or "flatten the curve?"

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But, "we're all in it together"!

Lol you're right!

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Before Jan 6, I only knew of "Insurrection" as one of the lesser Star Trek movies.

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To win elections, you don’t have to be right. You have to be consistent.

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I thought it had something to having the most votes added to your tally.


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The 1/6 plan, just like the plandemic plan, was long in the works, including prepared media kits explaining how the story was to be told and sold. They worked even better than expected, I'd imagine.

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The endgame is the same it was in the 19__s USA: that those in power who profit from the conditions of today, remain in power and profit from the conditions of tomorrow.

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It was telling the moment the entire corporate media began using the phrase "insurrection" at the exact same time. A word almost never used in current events before.

Just like how every news organization started using "social distancing" and "the new normal" at the exact same time.

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"it has been pretty clear for a while now that they ludicrously and instantly started using the “insurrection” "

Sorry I didn't read down far enough before a previous comment about the word "insurrection: but I agree that that word doesn't mean what they think it means.

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I'm sorry but this is not hard. The Left is attempting to take him out legally before they assassinate him. Yes the Left has no trouble "burning down the house" as long as they are in control of the matches ,wood and kerosene.

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I think you are correct. Ultimately they will kill him which will indeed start a civil war.

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Just like they killed the Kennedys, Malcom, MLK...

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Civil war is the reason. The salivating hyenas can't wait to slam down hard with marshal law, curfews and shoot-to-kill orders.

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Exactly the plan.

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"attempting to take him out legally before they assassinate him"

*Yikes! Ruby Ridge has entered the chat*

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Challenging legal political authority is insurrection?

Well then, election is insurrection if anyone but the power in power wins.

See how neat it is?

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God, I hope not....but I totally see your point.

Someone needs to save us from radicals on both sides.

I'm in the middle...I just want to run my business and be left alone...but neither side seems capable of that.

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The "I want to be left alone" bus left the terminal 15 years ago.

The Feds have *zero* intention of leaving anyone alone.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

Well people who don’t get involved let their kids and grandkids get drafted into dangerous, stupid wars. You have to get involved. Trump is a deeply flawed man who’s ego appears to be a super power (really can’t think of anyone who took this sort of media, legal and personal abuse and harassment and still stayed in the game). I support him because he is the only one right now who would actually still try to clean stuff up.

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I can see why you believe this & also want to poke the eyes of those torturing Trump, but he's not gonna do anything different in a second term. He's a pawn & patsy for NWO too.

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They need both sides - right and left wings - to fly.

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Thank you for the Big Think-Tank explanations; for connecting seemingly random dots; for the Gird Your Loins warning... and providing sour milk on my breakfast cereal this morning facilitated by your astounding command of the English language and catty observations, Mr. Gato.

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"i have friends who are sane, reasonable, smart people but are so adamant and rabid on this issue that if it even seems like it’s on the ballot, they’d vote hugo chavez over any republican and not even care that hugo is dead"

This is an awfully depressing take (that I can't discount) as the Democrats know this and will run every election on abortion, regardless of the opposing candidate's position. In elections in VA this past year every political ad for a D prominently discussed the abortion issue. We can't restore sanity to politics if "sane, reasonable, smart people" would vote for enslavement if it meant saving the institution of abortion.

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Leftism and Progressivism are totalitarian ideologies. We see this manifested EVERY day in America. Democrats are nothing if not totalitarian wanna-be despots. We see THAT manifested every day as well.

They need to be destroyed, not just defeated.

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One of the last fights I had with my ex-wife before we divorced was where she started by saying that if I wanted to stay together I could no longer "cancel out" her vote with mine, nor could I just not vote; no, I had to vote her way, because abortion rights were the most important issue. When I tried to say that I was actually mostly pro-choice but that there were other issues that were also important, so (like any reasonable person) I balanced things out before I chose how to vote, she rejected that by saying that abortion rights were the ONLY issue.

I asked her if that meant she would vote for Hitler if he guaranteed abortion, and she said "that's not fair". Oh, I thought, so there ARE other issues you think are important, you just don't want to admit it.

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Well, actually, is IS fair for you to make that argument about Hitler and abortion. After all, her side seeks to define a whole category of people as sub-human, such that it's OK to kill them with impunity. I can think of a government in the 1930s-'40s that did exactly that...

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Uggh. Sorry to hear that man.

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"This is an awfully depressing"

It's really worse than that. It's both sides.

Just think: in a head-to-head Stalin (D) vs Hitler (R), one of those of MFers is going to win.


And my friend Lillia has another name for TheBigThem: https://lilliagajewski.substack.com/p/the-elephant-and-ass-show

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All anyone has to do is think of things so outrageous & absurd 10, 20, 50 years ago that are now “mainstream” & in our faces. And the more outrageous (trannys, pedos ad nauseum) the better. The left are lunatics but they are patient & satisfied w/ incremental nibbling for years until it’s too late & we are left w/ wide open borders, LGBTQs swearing oaths on porno children’s books, Satan clubs @ schools & tranny story hour, congressional aids defiling a congressional hearing room, a demented fool “Resident” LGB-FJB so corrupt & beholden to America’s enemies that he should be charged w/ treason, on & on....

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The goal is to force people to give verbal, public agreement to things that are patently false. If you can force people to repeat a lie that they know is a lie, you can break them and humiliate them. At that point, you control them and they know it, and many will despise themselves for giving in, but give in they will. Others will happily repeat the lies and even convince themselves those lies are true to avoid the shame that comes from being dominated by a bully. It makes it much harder for people to resist once you have done that on almost any issue, big or small.

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Fire! Nailed it.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

Regardless of Jan 6th, this is all part of the left's overall "Clower-Piven"-like strategy to overwhelm their opponents with constant attacks, in the effort to tie down Trump and his defenders like Gulliver consuming their time, money, and reputation in order to deter, bankrupt and exhaust them while running out the clock.

Obama, the ex-college lecturer slip-and-fall-lawyer-in-Chief and his administration, initiated this in a big way issuing an almost endless series of executive orders, rules and regulations caring little whether they'd eventually be overruled or not. They knew the process takes years and by then they would change the facts on the ground.

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Abortion is a terrible thing, and the Left has lost the moral high ground here, going from “safe and rare” to “you can murder your full-term baby.” There may be some people who are okay with this, but I think that most people aren’t okay with this.

Also, we are dealing with fifty years of public school brainwashing. Overturning Roe didn’t outlaw abortion, it sent it back to the states, which is where more things belong. Not just that. We need to return a lot of the federal government’s power that we have ceded to the states.

Government naturally becomes corrupt over time, and the further it is from you, the less control you have over it.

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This smacks of a continuation of the pre-2016 chaos antics followed by the "insurance policy" after Trump won. The goal is to taint Trump and plant seeds of doubt in as many uncritical and unthinking minds as possible. It also serves up red meat to the leftist devotees, equally uncritical and unthinking, driven only by their hatred of Trump, which itself was crafted into existence though the use of "nudge" campaigns. It reminds me of the pre-2022 "red wave" narrative that captured the later devastated and crestfallen political right. We're being played, people. Don't watch the shells, watch the hands moving the shells.

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Masterful analysis, Cat. So many of you talk as if there were two parties and two choices. The fact is there is one party, the ruling party, and they ALL want to stay in power. Oh, there are rebels within the party, sure, but they are impotent to change the course of events as they are now unfolding. But let's assume for arguments sake that Trump is elected. What and how do you think he would change our current trajectory? Could the American voters (or the vote counters) ensure a "left wing" Congress to compensate? Or even if it's just the House - they could ensure we're slaves to 4 years of steady impeachments and special counsels. There's already a cold war revolution afoot. What will be the spark to set it aflame?

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Mr operation warp speed will change nothing. He is part of the game as you said. He wants to be in power end of. All theater.

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Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad......

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That's great and all, but can we get on to the destroying soon, please?

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