They know their ideas cannot stand scrutiny, so they must ban that scrutiny to hold on to their power.

In November we're going to find out if elections still matter.

Edit: Forgot to add, Ron Paul was right.

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The Dolores Umbridge Karen face is the predictable stuff of nightmares.

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A couple months ago Brett Weinstein did a bit on the DHS's new trifecta:

misinformation: stuff that isn't true, but which isn't deliberately untrue

disinformation: stuff that's deliberately untrue

malinformation: stuff that's true, but that's bad for trust in the authorities

With that last one, they've got all the bases covered. Oh, what you said was true? Too bad it was inconvenient for the people who matter. You're still a terrorist for saying it.

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One should never be judged by their looks.

That said, does she ever look creepy and evil.

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"She previously was a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center..."

Actual spit-take. Whiskey cocktail on computer screen. I will now attempt to go back and read past that sentence.

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"Irregular migration."

She means illegal immigration, right?

Illegal immigration?

Did I translate it correctly? ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION?

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Now, now. She's just the female version of Brianna Wu.

All kidding aside, how DID we fall into this movie? Is it the universe being ironic because we loved sci-fi too much? Is Orwell punishing me because I preferred Brave New World?

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Damn! Orwell's bio indicates he thought was writing a dystopian satire, not an instruction manual.

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When DHS was created I knew this day would come. The name "Homeland Security", taken directly from the Third Reich literature of Hitlers National Socialist Party should have been the red flag of danger to everyone.

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What we really need to do is repeal the patriot act, and dismantle the DHS. While we are at it, we can get rid of the department of education, the CDC, and I'm sure there are quite a few other government agencies we can rid our selves of. Maybe some of those redundant intelligence agencies would be a good start.

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These people treat the masses like the vaccine treats the immune system. The destruction of autonomy in favour of what 'we' say is best. Instead of teaching people how to improve their immune health with diet and lifestyle, we'll ram genetic instructions down their throat. Instead of teaching them how to think, we'll blast them with our nonsense until they parrot it.

If you don't agree with the poor information floating around, you create better information whose truth resonates with people. That is the remedy. Unless of course your goal isn't to spread light but in fact to keep people under your thumb.

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LOL LOL LOL "we/zey/zem, in order to form a more perfect union, impose social justice, ensure your proper pronouning, provide for the common pretense, promote the gender welfare, and secure the blessings of wokery for ourselves but certainly not for you, do ordain and establish..."


But seriously, all I had to do was look at the Ukranian flag on her tweets and that tells me EXACTLY all I need to know. Like you said--free speech helps us figure out who the asshats are....

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But don't worry, none of this will ever be used to suppress the speech of those advocating for it. 🤪 (sarcasm)

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9/11 was my red pill moment, but I thought it was to goad us into a war in the Middle East. Something Israeli/oil- related, whatever. Inexcusable, but plausible. I laughed at the conspiracy theorists that said it was to get the Patriot Act passed. I’m not laughing at them anymore.

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God that smug smirk makes me want to punch her lights out.

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Orwell wept...

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