Dec 29, 2021Liked by el gato malo

Well, let’s not make the mistake of thinking that the globalists, technocrats, and bankers are simply going to permanently give up on implementing their new digital technocratic financial and social credit system. This is nothing but a strategic pause as they scheme and plan out how to continue dismantling and replacing “legacy” social organizational systems like nation-states, citizens with constitutional rights, and fiat currencies which grant privacy and agency.

They’ll play a long-game, and so should we.

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the middle does not really "awaken" they will always go along to get along. they follow the low energy path that seems safe, productive, and high status.

but right now, that flow is about to become a torrent to wash this covidiocy away.

the key is to channel it in other useful directions.

gut health agencies, retake the schools, shrink the state, restore rights and plow the social and climate zealots and would be marxist safety and economic czars into the ocean.

this a battle, not the war.

but it's a pivotal battle. it's the kind of thing that (as happened after carter) users in a couple decades of rolling this mendacious meddling back.

looking forward to getting to work.

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Yes!! if there's a pause- and I really hope that you're right, beloved gato! - we need to get to work:

1) take steps to build independence outside of the systems that are under centralized control. They can be small steps for now: grow a bit of your own food, get off of social media, consider home schooling your children, build some infrastructure in your life that's not reliant on internet, electric grid, etc. Some of us are so horrified by what is happening in cities that we're joining the off-grid homestead movement, but it doesn't need to be such a big change. Build your independence. Good for you, good for society.

2) learn how to take legal action - without a lawyer - to defend your rights. This takes time but is powerful and so worthwhile. Many veteran legal activists who have been doing this work for a while will say that our judicial system is perfect; we just need to learn how to use it. Our perfect system is full of corrupt and lazy judges, most lawyers are not to be trusted, court staff have forgotten their purpose, etc. - but it's OUR job to hold public servants accountable for their actions. I'm learning to do this and it's very satisfying.

If we come out of this whole mess with the skeptical US population more equipped in these two areas, we could be looking at an amazing new era.

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Excellent!!!! I wish I could upvote this comment 100XX! You've nailed it!

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Here here! Well said. But how exactly do u learn to take legal action without lawyers etc. Tips?

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There are some folks out there who have been doing this for a while and are helping others. Warning: they're not slick! You won't find chic, cute websites with step-by-step instructions. But if you're patient you'll start to see what works for people and what/how you should study.

Dave Myrland

Alphonse Faggiolo (has a few YT videos if they're still up, and a TG channel)

Crrow777 radio has lots of episodes on legal victories by non-lawyers as well as interviews with some of the veterans

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Thanks so much!

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Since the list of occupations that psychopaths gravitate towards https://www.businessinsider.com/professions-with-the-most-psychopaths-2018-5?op=1#10-civil-servant-1

reads like who's who of the autocratic takeover under the guise of a "pandemic", I agree. The centralized positions of power need to be decreased and their power diminished, because those positions will always attract psychopaths who's agenda never will be the individual or common good.

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As a chef I can assure you all other chefs would agree….I’m also content with being #9….we are far from CEO level psycho.

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HOW DO WE gut not just health agencies but the state department, retake the schools, etc?!?

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Take care folks. We here on this and many other blogs and posts like Kirschs, Malone’s, Berensons, etal, are coming together as one to oppose tyranny in the form of primarily overreaching government but also big tech and big financial control. We oppose These individuals and entities (from POTUS (in the guise of ANY person) to FDA to NIH to HHS) to MSM to big tech to big pharma who are telling us, outside ANY authority WE the People have given them to govern justly, to comply to their unjust demands.

As we’ve discussed here and elsewhere, together we oppose their demands that run counter to ethics and morality. And this is Not JUST about injecting a foreign and unsafe substance into our bodies against our will but it certainly includes that.

But be careful. We are unified in our opposition to their unlawful and immoral demands. But we may not all be unified in other areas.

I would hope this WHOLE debacle has encouraged each of us to engage WITH caring for the person on the other side. No matter what “the other side” means. But we still may not agree.

We on this side of the vaccine argument yell loudly that the science is not being discussed, not being debated with any degree of openness. THAT is one thing I wonder if we stand together the most clearly on. I am a Christian. I for one believe I stand for science, not at the expense of my Jesus but because He lives in and through me and I cannot stand the lies, dishonesty and injustice (and just plain old illogic, RIGHT?) being perpetrated against humanity, especially our children. I think his heart in me is charged with a kind of vehement and righteous outrage, especially about the children.

But remember, many of us do not stand with each other on ALL issues, all fronts.

But we are standing together on freedom to SPEAK TRUTH to one another.

I definitely think we all stand together on the US Bill of Rights. Especially the freedom of speech. And we all invoke the moral authority of the Nuremberg Code.

Ps can anyone tell me if Merkel REALLY said she wanted to take the Nuremberg Code out/eliminate it? I think I saw she herself say it!!!!!!

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Excellent point. Let's not forget even tho we may not agree on all points in all causes, we stand for what are our US Bill of Rights and the Nuremberg Code, and FREE SPEECH without ramifications.

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I think it was European Commission President Ursula von der Leye who made the comment about eliminating the Nuremberg code...

You make excellent points about being united in this front now but perhaps not all things in the future. I don't think it's even healthy for everyone to agree on everything, the most important thing is that we do debate, not attack/dismiss/discredit/manipulate/prejudge/discriminate

and that we respect each other even if we disagree, allow adults to be adults and encourage everyone to take responsibility for themselves.

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Nice. Home page video is excellent. Will be reviewing the full site.

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As the Left's hero Mao said, "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun."

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Well a cultural revolution where state departments and public health officials that shut down schools and mandated masks are dragged out into the streets and you know what sounds OK to me.

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The path of least resistance.

Formerly the default for bureaucrats, now crowded with complybabies.

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What is OUR path of least resistance? Honest question...

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Which is why the pushback needs to continue....right until they are stripped of all their assets down to their prison garb. They will own nothing & they will be miserable.

And since they are soooo very much in love with their narcissistic superior selves, 4 walls of mirrors so all they see & point their finger of blame at when they open their eyes is their decrepit, evil selves.

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They must be punished somehow: Billy Boy, Klaus, and Fraudci

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The medical and economic system needs to be redone. It spends more money on pr/ propaganda than actually doing anything useful...

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Brilliantly said!

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Thank you for pointing out that what we are experiencing, regardless of the personal severity, are just the symptoms first steps of a globalist effort to fundamentally transform civilization.

Only when the root cause is identified and eliminated will humanity have a chance to prosper naturally.

Freedom is the most valuable commodity on Earth because there isn't an abundance of it and there are forces actively working against it.

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Not first steps, they'll just pivot back to ice age/global warming/climate change. This has all been and will continue to be a perpetual struggle between good and evil, light and dark. Envy, power, control.

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I agree. Same playbook but with the environment. Already attacking/villainizing meat.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

I'm thinking that first step is to get most of the world's population to willingly be cataloged and tracked under the same all-encompassing system. Whether it is a virus or climate or something else that gets them to that point is irrelevant to the overall goal of global control of humanity. China and the Big Tech folks are already well down that road with their social credits system.

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Or unwillingly:

"Canada Admits To Secretly Tracking 33 Million Phones During Covid-19 Lockdown"


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and yet where is the outrage over this? speaking as a Canadian there are still a lot of sleeping zombie sheep out there... Yesterday I was out and about and the majority of people outside are masked, there was a HUGE lineup at the local "vaccine" clinic, some people are double masked and the N95's appear to be gaining in popularity, so sadly, Canada is not out of the woods yet

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Far from the first steps. These people are playing the long game...generation after generation...they will not stop, they will not give up, they want it all and will dye trying to get it all.

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Long ago, early in the 20th century, the great German sociologist Max Weber said that there were two ways of obtaining one's subsistence - the productive and the predatory.

All people fall into one category or the other at any given time.

He called the organization of the productive means the market.

He called the organization of the predatory means the state.

Marx was almost correct when he stated history is a constant battle between the exploited and the exploiters; he was just wrong on who is who. It's the predatory against the productive...

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The problem is increasingly more and more of those who should be earning their crust by productive means are earning it by working for the State… look how many Government departments and agencies there are and how many they employ. And don’t forget welfare - that’s an organisation stuffed with predators feasting o” what others produce.

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And welfare is getting worse all the time. People will not be happy if it's rolled back even though it is destroying the work ethic and can'do attitude of our people. Of course, that's what the WEF cabal wants.

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This is part of the long game. Dependents can be controlled. If a person is 100% dependent on their masters the master can get them to do anything. Some people do not want to believe this. I've seen it happen, dependence on a Government check will ruin a human.

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I knew we were swirling the drain when EBT cards arrived in the mail for my kids yesterday, unsolicited. We certainly would not qualify for that. 😒

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What is EBT?

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low income families get assistance to feed kids, kids aren't necessarily a prerequisite as a single man fresh out of prison with no job may be eligible (and it may be better to buy them some food than yolo and they end up kicking your door in) tough dilemma

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Got the same thing a few months back, shredded and trashed. I pay taxes how are they giving me EBT?

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Debt slaves stuck on the teet

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The market is equally psychopathic. The problem is that we have a government run by global markets and unelected people

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Just like everything in life, thoughts and ideas all depend on perspective. One man's junk(science) is another man's gold. The urge to control overrides all.

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You're right of course. Thing is, a lot of people have caught on to their game. They are no longer invisible.

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I agree. Those who have had a taste of totalitarian power the past two years are not going to simply pull their shades and retreat. No, cynicism gets the better of me. I believe another scenario that has global effect will be brought to bear before anyone has to announce mea culpa. The prospect of collapsing economies or a Russia/China war are looming overhead.

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Global warming. Plug and play.

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Global warming lockdowns have already been suggested, after the skies cleared over big cities during the first CONvid lockdowns when much fewer people were driving.

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Exactly. I am not trusting them anymore. I’m making plans too.

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Just read fired nurses are being offered their jobs back by several hospitals - with conditions. One nurse said to go back would be like returning to an abusive relationship: "Hero. Scum. Do this to make me happy. You are unworthy. I need you." Absolutely correct. It would take a lot to go back, if ever.

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It’s the *nurses* who should be demanding conditions for their return.

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Hospitals want weekly testing at employee expense! And there's no back pay! What a terrible apology!

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I think the hospitals (as we now know them) will have to crash and be reimagined. As long as BigPharma can sell and bribe doctors, hospitals (as we now know them) will continue to be killing machines as they have for the last 25 or so years.

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And there are no guarantees the stupidity won’t happen again. In other words, ok say I’m in health care (I am but I’m not a nurse) . Say they fire me but they can’t do business without me (not entirely true but right now they are really struggling staffing!). Say then in a couple of weeks they beg me to come back. What’s to stop them from doing it all over again!

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Dont get too far ahead of your skis, their gatito. Jan. 7 is a big day. Try to imagine SCOTUS saying the OSHA rule for 100+ workforce requires a vaccine or no job. Now try to imagine if they rule in favor. If they rule in favor, you might see some protests. If they rule against, the Eurocrats will be PISSED and crack down harder in cities in Europe, definitely passing the no vax no job laws in Europe in February. It's not over. We will know more on Jan. 7. If SCOTUS says OSHA cannot impose, then Europe will go haywire, US will be out of the woods for the most part. Europe will try to scare the US blue cities into submission and then we will have to see if months of protests in Europe against mandates succeeds or is ignored. My hunch is that by March we will have a better clue where this is going.

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it won't matter.

even if scotus folds (very real possibility) the states are going to outright revolt and/or drop out from OSHA.

in many ways, that's a better long term outcome.

europe is a separate issue and it will take them longer to stop deranging themselves, but they will struggle to keep it up once the US packs it in.

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Still worried about what our batshit crazy "Jabs for Jesus" new governor of NY is capable of.

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I worry only if the bulk of US states succumb to Vaxpass fever. If that happens, it’s only the states free of such tyrannical control measures which hold up the example that Vaxpass accomplishes absolutely nothing except to cede control of your life to a faceless corporation.

In each European country, kept pretty much hermetically sealed by big media to what’s going on even in adjacent countries, the global overlords can secure victory one country at a time.

That’s so much harder in the USA.

Here’s my logical concern: they simply wouldn’t have started on a global coup d’etat of all the liberal democracies unless they had a winning game plan.

Since the current plan was always risky for them, and they’re not stupid, they have further disruptive events planned.

What those are, I don’t know. An engineered financial crisis is certainly within the power of the worlds central banks, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank etc. That could be set up to yield that there’s only one solution, CBDCs.

While I an ultimately optimistic about the USA leading the fight back, I think there could still be a multi year fight for freedom on our hands.

Let’s remain highly vigilant & keep speaking truth to those deep in a mass psychosis.


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In the USA, there already was a proposal( backed off of for the moment) for banks to report all transactions $600.00 and over to the IRS. So, you likely are on target.

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Yes, re fin crisis. You can get your paycheck in your digital credit card type thingy (looks like credit card with chip reader and your face on it) that stores your vaccine, but no one cares about the vaccine now...cuz its 2025 and the vaccine is off patent so fuck Covid...right? Remember, minus 100 points for driving a gas powered car! That comes right of your financial credit score, mind you. Get with the program! ; ) Or good luck with that 15% mortgage. Climate justice NOW!

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Lawyer Jeff Childers’ Coffee & Covid substack this morning had a great bit on vax passes. He is more sure that vax passports would be struck down as unconstitutional by SCOTUS than the OSHA mandates and he’s pretty sure that will be the struck down, too. He explains why, which makes sense and which is why, as he also says, Biden would have done passports by now if he could get away with them. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-wednesday-december-5b4/comments

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He puts out some good stuff

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Fingers crossed. I just got over Covid two weeks ago. Was a roughly 23 day ordeal. 14 people in my circle of family and friends got it post Thanksgiving. Anyway, wife not vaccinated (me either -- no one spent one night in an ICU...must be miracles of science) and said that if OSHA rule stays, she is quitting job rather than going to Two Short in the hood to make her a fake.

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YES!!! We *must* be resolved for the rest of our lives to *never* let them gain a foothold again. No matter what we must endure in the meantime. Keep pushing back until the bitter end.

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First, thank you so much for all you've done to help people stay awake! Looking back, you can maybe see how long "they" have been putting things into place so all this could happen so quickly. I'm not sure "they" counted on the stupidity of the drones they have pushing "their" agenda and the pushback from the people who understand and love freedom. I agree, this will be a multi-year battle if things will ever be right again--all the more reason not to give up.

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Yes, I’ve become convinced that planning for something like this has been decades in the works.

Find excellent YouTube video documentary by Paul Schreyer called “Pandemic Simulations: preparation for a new era?”

Use DDG. Google won’t find it.

The last pretence that this is natural falls away when watching the history.

Also, regret to say it looks like a home grown job, roping in others only more recently. That’s sad.

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But you're still roping them in--that's great!!! I think one of the important things now is to be sure we take care of ourselves, so we can be in it for the long haul.

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The looming financial crisis has been engineered by central banks and politicians since the last one, so for the last couple decades. This one will be much worse than the last one. My thinking is that when it occurs the masses will no longer have the luxury of worrying about a virus that isn't truly much of a threat to them. They will have much more serious things to worry about.

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I look for your words! - 16 months now - thank you. No state, except possibly CA, has signaled any statewide vax pass plans. It is 6 or so of the big blue cities; Boston the latest to have done so.

Hard to say how "rational" they will be in an impending plandemic defeat; WWIII flaring over Ukraine would certainly count as a "disruptive event" - Winter of Death writ large!

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We, who love freedom, won't let them win.

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They might try all at once in different test tubes...

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She is a monster! Can't stand that *witch* and I don't even live there.

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She has crazy eyes like Gloria Swanson in the final scene of "Sunset Boulevard." They look alike, too.

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She is nuts, agreed.

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Yeah, NY and Cali or home to the World Economic Forum in the US so their getting many calls from WEF advisors I am sure.

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With the vast numbers of vaxxed people getting sick, SCOTUS has an "out"

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Yeah, my neighbors, all vaccinated, and for many months now, all sick with Covid except for parents. They're next and they know it. They are all rushing for the booster and I said, booster is useless until roughlyi two weeks after shot...no way you have a daugther with Covid and another xposed to Covid running around your house and will get out of this without the sniffles. She said she is "furious" cuz middle aged child -- a lacross player -- had a three day ordeal post vaccine. Then laid out for roughly 20 days, just like me, unvaxed, with covid pneumonia etc. I must be a cybernetic life force or something...

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This year is going to be the year of State's rights no doubt - SCOTUS ought to tee off on the OSHA mandate to set the stage for pushing the abortion issue back to States. Agreed though, either way, good Governors will push forward with getting Fed Gov out of their States no matter what. It's time.

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Very few states will outright revolt and attempt to drop out of OSHA, I'm afraid. That would not be politically popular in most states and most Republican governors would not risk being labeled as hostile to worker safety, which is exactly what will happen by both the Democrats and media....but I repeat myself.

DeSantis is the only one that for sure has the balls to try that. Maybe Abbott would. I don't see any others that might have the appetite for that.

I may be more optimistic about SCOTUS ruling on the OSHA mandate than you are, but I'm definitely less optimistic about the prospect that the US as a whole is ready to pack it in on COVID. Ultimately this administration and this COVID response from a national perspective is run by the coastal elites and they are nowhere near that point yet. Biden is talking about vaxx passes for domestic air travel now. They're unfortunately in the process of digging in, not packing it in.

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A picture's worth a thousand words. Biden walking a beach in a mask? I doubt they are letting the gift of covid to technocratic globalist go. Also, let's not forget the MSM doesn't report anything unless it's been okayed by the globalist regime.


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Drop out from OSHA?! If that's possible, that's GOOD.

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Understanding that's in the works doesn't mean it will be fast. But I'm glad it's moving and demonstrating for other states again, thank you FL.

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That is unfortunately not an optimistic reading for the viability of the idea.

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Liberal rag

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They're ALL liberal rags, which is a good part of the problem

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not liberal...statist

people need to learn this and adjust their language. it's not left right. it's the state against you...authoritarians against you...totalitarians against you...both parties, all government, and all media are chock full of authoritarians and totalitarians.

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But it doesn't mean what it says about the difficulty for a state to extricate itself from OSHA is not true. A clean break would be a very difficult thing to accomplish and really would seem the first step toward succession.

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And I was just going to bring up Jan 7 - Scotus begins to hear arguments on the OSHA mandate - (we won't have a ruling then; think more like last 10 days of Jan.).

But what does Biden's "no federal solution" portend? Is the admin going to rescind the mandate? Has Sotomayor - who has leaked before - told them SCOTUS will concur in the 5th Circuit ruling (5th Circuit is over-turned least often among all 13); rather, the ruling that the 5th Circuit telegraphed. El Gato is correct; FL has already set in place the mechanism to remove itself from OSHA supervision (it is possible).

But I can't yet, like KR up there, embrace El Gato's triumphalism - with voluntary mask wearing nearing 100% in NJ - "we won" just doesn't fit. And I am on my butt, home from work, on a soft lockdown (and evading the test police!).

Still "no federal solution" might just turn out to be the hoist of the white flag from the bunker. 10-20 very interesting days coming up! Where that goes is where we go. Look also at what Adams - new NYC mayor as of Saturday does - he has not spoken on the insane every-single-employer vax Mandate in effect as of Monday in the city.

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I'm thinking at least part of what Biden means by "no federal solution" is that the federal government is no longer willing to send coronavirus money to the states.

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I agree re: Europe. The Eurocratic theater going on now is to pursuade the US (and Canada) to follow the "sophisticated vaccinated crowd" of Europe. Remember, Americans -- our ancestors left the open air museum, aristocratic and fascistic lands of West Europe for a reason. Let's never ever go back there. (Except to visit the Louvre or something...)

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Or to come and liberate us from this BS

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very true. we'll see how many 'conservative' justices were paid a visit by men in suits and shown photos of their grandchildren at a playground.

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Undoubtedly a potential risk. And this is exactly the kind of gangster bullshit the SCOTUS justices have to push back on heavily, immediately and devastatingly.

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Most have no guts. Only Thomad and Alito have the balls to fight back. Sad.

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Or themselves on a certain island.

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I think it's a done deal that Roberts won't allow intervention even into what is a plain violation of the separation of powers "law" passed by the executive branch. Pissant.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

Yep. Europe is much further along with the cert infrastructure and there's no way that that will be unraveled. The QR code is the new symbol of subordination.

The medical and public health justification for this BS has now clearly evaporated and ordinary people have had enough.

The off ramp for the pandemic is staring Eurocrats in the face and it remains to be seen if they'll engage in a tactical retreat and claim victory or go for broke and double down.

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Europe has an ace up it's sleeve - a frigid winter resulting in energy shortages, followed by food shortages in the spring. Maybe the Clowns will wake up with angry crowds at their front door.

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How do the various countries in the EU "stare Eurocrats in the face" on a practical level?

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

I meant that the Omicron variant resulting in covid becoming an endemic common cold that everyone will get irrespective of vaccination status is the off ramp, the pandemic industrial complex can be wound up and the Eurocrats can declare victory over the virus and move on.

Whether they do that or ramp up the power grab is the open question.

They'll have to wage an even harder war on objective reality to do so though.

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Yeah... Right now in Italy they are continuing to ratchet up tighter the vice to unjabbed.... I am not sure about the other EU... almost commie in Italy

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It Italy it is currently getting worse and worse as even local towns are coerced by local govt to push green pass at bakeries. This is as of Dec 29 2021, today.

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Which is why part of the argument against the vaxx passes must include the reality that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission. Can OSHA really mandate injections that don't work?

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It's not over until these people are in jail.

There was NEVER a pandemic. The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.

In March/April 2020 they slaughtered tens of thousands of elderly people and stole the last few moments of dignity for these people. Through forced medical protocols that amounted to grotesque forms of medical malpractice these elderly people had their lives brought to an early end.

These are crimes. There was no pandemic.

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It was a planned genocide and a way to kick start the plandemic with a lot of scary deaths to justify lockdowns. The Blue states took orders from someone (not sure who yet, hopefully that will come out eventually). I remember when Blue governors came out with the same talking points at exactly the same time. It was a coordinated effort to kick start Covid in the US and to kill the elderly in nursing homes. I watched a funeral director from the UK that unequivocally stated that he found evidence of a euthanasia drug in the early Covid patients. I wonder if that was happening here too. I’m in a Blue state and I always thought Blue governors should be investigated for their early crimes. There are people out there that know the real story. Why haven’t more come forward? Fear of death? Like the doc that tried to blow the whistle on Graphene Oxide.

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In 2009 they were not able to sustain the narrative for several reasons- one of the primary ones was they simply did not have the body count. This time they took care of that.

"Coincidentally" the attempt to gin up a global pandemic in 2009 came on the heels of the massive financial collapse of 2008. Funny how there was a massive financial collapse in Fall of 2019 and here we are.

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This is why THEY cannot back down. Liability, both criminal and civil is pending.

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Also: Alex Berenson now totallyhas it in for Greasy Tony Falsie now with the passing of Tejada at NYT due to vaccine booster. Veritas is coming after him directly too. With Rand and RFK already kicking this slimy murderous smartass, I hope to see him fired and indicted in 2022. Won’t be long till media completely throws him under the bus too. Pass the popcorn.

Time to invest in Rope Futures.

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He should probably stay out of Arkansas.

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Nor go on a hunting trip with Dick Cheney

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Keep dreamin'.

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they are still trying to eliminate the control group with mandates and covid passes. It's their only remaining move to cover their crimes. Either way, there is no going back. not to the old normal and not to their new normal. they incinerated trust in every institution imaginable from govt. agencies to the media (which almost had none to begin with) to genocidal hospitals, corrupt academics and bribed doctors and pharmacists. Nothing will ever be the same even after the big lie reaches critical mass exposure. we will have to rebuild a parallel society from these ashes and it will take years and resources we don't have and they will try to block it at every turn.

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I have lost confidence in any doctor that I don't know for certain still can think. In my opinion, most of them should be in jail. I'd love to start building a parallel medical system not run by Big Pharma.

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A few years ago I brought a friend to the Hoxey Clinic in Tijuana. Highly recommended. He is still doing fine. (Cancer) if you read the history of that place you can get a good feel for how alternatives can work in spite of “official” attempts to strangle them.

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We absolutely have to begin building a parallel society. How and where I'm not sure yet but we have to start a serious discussion. In the US, they already have a basis in their Red States. Use that as a starting point and basically declare independence (practically if not legally - that can come later) from the Loonie Left Coast and Yankiedom in the east. In Canada, it's more complex. Every single province followed the psychopaths in Ottawa. They are ALL compromised. We're going have to take over the Western provinces, throw out the Liberals (and the liberal/leftists) and carve it out of Canada. Breaking up the US and Canada and smashing the EU are vital first steps. No more power (and money!) centers.

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It's NOT over however, and we must not let our guard down, and must continue to pursue justice from the monsters that killed and further corrupted. Who is in? How to do it?

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Priceless: "as they try to claim that the last helicopter out of saigon was a scheduled vacation"....🤣😂

This may be ending, for now. But only temporarily. Authoritarians don't give up this easily.

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oh, to be sure, this is just a battle, not the war.

but it's a pivotal one.

an awful lot of people saw what underpinned this and are ready to start rolling back the other hallucinations and impositions as well.

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So we need lists of things people can do. Concrete action. Before the memory fades. Some will fight legal battles, some will write, but what set of actions can others take that cumulatively will weaken their grasp?

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See Coffee and Covid. Jeff is looking for volunteers to write and flood elected officials, agencies, businesses, etc. A start.

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Reestablish the thirteen colonies and start over! Build Back better from the bottom up.

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A tactical retreat would still be a respite to get ourselves in order for the next assault.

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Remember, Gettysburg was the pivotal battle, yet the Civil War didn’t end for another 21 months.

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I subscribed to the WSJ in May, 2020, after dumping the NYT a month earlier. The were quite anti-lockdown at the beginning, especially in the Op/Ed section, but once the vaxxes were on the horizon, they started getting too excited about ending the plague (+ a few companies & people were about to make a few bucks) via the jab. And I cancelled. Let's hope this new trend in the financial press becomes a wave, but I think I'll be sticking w/the bad cat, Berenson, Kirsch, Jordan Schachtel, and the rest of the Substack crew for my daily information.

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I hadn’t heard of Jordan Schachtel prior to your mention. Just read several pieces. Really good stuff. Thanks my friend!

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Check out WSJ again. I’d saying they’re coming around.

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Will do. Not sure if I want to give them any $ yet.

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They have talked favorably about ivermectin. They just had an article about fluvoxamine as a viable, cheap treatment for Covid.

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Doesn't matter. Our mayor has gone full blown Nazi/Stasi/Great leap forward with this


We, the residents of NYC, are now the faceless army of this fascist regime. I can't wait for for Jan 1 to come and for him to get kicked out of office. Also, in the meantime, CityMD (one of the largest providers of healthcare) has closed many locations due to staffing shortages. Can life get more miserable in NYC?

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Horrific. But even when he's kicked out of office, we still have our insane "Jabs for Jesus" new governor and I wouldn't put anything past her.

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She's insane. Her incompetence is driving her paranoia

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NYC is currently going further insane based on this and a new video by Awakening with JP

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Another pissed off NYCer here! I'm counting down the days until Mayor Decommio is out. Waiting to see if Adams will be any better, but I'm not holding out much hope.

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I heard Adams say he was going to "review" the mandates, which gave me some small hope.

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Nah we cant trust him. He's part of the corrupt, incompetent system. The only way is for us to protest and say it loud that enough is enough. I for one will not attend a concert, eat at a restaurant or go anywhere indoors. These cowardly enablers will not have my money.

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I'm afraid there have been hopeful anecdotes like this several times throughout this ordeal, but they've all been whack-a-mole'd back down by the powers that be and this is likely no different. They're getting more desperate, and more dangerous in the process. Biden is signaling vaxx passes for domestic airline travel is coming now. Fauci is signaling that fully vaxxed will be defined as 2 jabs plus a booster now. The mass vaccination campaign is transitioning to a mass booster campaign, which will inflect yet more damage. Mask mandates appear in the process of transitioning from cloth and surgical masks to N95 masks, which is way worse for everybody involved.

I think it's time to buckle up because the worst is coming. May be the death throws but it won't be pleasant, at least not for a long while yet. There's too much invested, they've gone too far now to concede that easily. This is no time to let down the guard.

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The lone voice of reason.

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Twitter just permanently suspended the account of Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology and a highly credentialed vaccine expert, because he wasn't toeing the mass vaxx and booster is the only way out line. They're not waiving any white flags, they're mounting new offensives.

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I have no idea who you are, El Gato Malo, but you are awesome! Gracias para todo, amigo! Me ayudaste mucho!

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Looking ahead, the big question is, what will happen the next time? (And trust me, there will be a next time.)

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They are now emboldened with power. We must never capitulate again.

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I can’t celebrate until the colleges give up on mandates. Completely screwed so many kids including mine. I’m not confident that they will ever reverse course. Then there’s the question of what nys will do with public school vaccine requirements. Opportunity to screw over my younger two before we even get to the question of college. This isn’t won until we push them ALL the way back, hold individuals accountable and then pass legislation to stop this from ever happening again

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Stop paying.

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I'm torn and honestly confused. On the one hand, I completely agree that the media coverage in the US, and even abroad has shifted, and they are starting to admit the lies. On the other hand, the admin is still floating Domestic travel Vax-port over our heads. Additionally, having my immediate family in Austria lets me see how the things are going over there, and they are still talking about compulsory vaccination laws in Austria and Germany. In Israel, people who aren't boosted can't even buy things at the mall. My family can't come see me in the US because they are not vaxxed, and there is a Border that is secured by VAXPORTS for foreigners. A lot of damage is already done, so the question is, " Who will undo it?".

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This is following the pattern of one of my favorite quotes:

"How did you go bankrupt?"

"Very slowly, then all at once."

End scene.

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