the pace at which the savvier members of team “lock down, mask up, and panic, panic, panic” are starting to switch jerseys and pretend they’ve been playing for the other team is really starting to accelerate.
either puckish prankster (and gatopal™) jay bhattacharya has hacked her twitter feed, or even jennifer “pro-hysteria” rubin is now sounding like a signatory of the great barrington declaration.
and only about 2 years too late…
this is the “pretend our defeat is a tactical/principled withdrawal” stage.
you’ll know this whole sordid affair is well and truly over when all such folks are pretending that such views have been their position all along.
(if you doubt this, recall that the votes for the iraq war were near unanimous in congress. try and find anyone from team donkey that remembers voting for it.)
but, of course, this has not always been jennifer’s position.
in a serious contender for “worst tweet of the entire pandemic” her position used to be this:
sure, this tweet has aged like a bait bucket left in the trunk of your car, but it was a POPULAR position at the time. it’s worth keeping that in mind.
it got fawning and glowing praise and agreement.
then, some other stuff happened…
but do not let the new “jersey de jennifer” fool you: she still believes.
this is all about political power and partisan positioning. the epidemiology is incidental.
and these folks, albeit currently in retreat WILL be back.
take it from a gato: operatives like this do not change their spots and you NEVER know where they are going to crop up next…
sure as summer sunshine, they’ll be back like a herpes flare up as soon as the societal immune system weakens again.
this is exactly why leaving the kind of power that has been abused lo these 21 months laying around in the hands of government, regulators, and technocrats will always lead to calamity.
it is not a question of “if”, merely a question of “when.”
you cannot stop it. you cannot convince them not to do it. you cannot find smarter people to hold this power and only use it wisely, enlightened though their despotism may seem at the time.
that is not how it works.
one simple fact is always and everywhere true: any power granted to government will one day be wielded by the politicians you hate most.
if you shudder to imagine them doing so, then this is not a power you should ever consider allowing government to have.
do you seriously need another tour of where that road leads?
government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.
no person without the ability to say “no” can truly grant consent.
become ungovernable.
She sucks. She tweeted that the disease was not deadly for the “vast majority of responsible Americans”. The people at risk have always been either already very elderly and sick or have been let down by a medical community practicing non early intervention malpractice. Not irresponsible. But she needs to continue to gin up an enemy for selfish hysterical political reasons.
"Irresponsible" is just a euphemism for "uncooperative or non-compliant". If they actually cared about people they wouldn't have demonized or prevented people from learning about and accessing effective, early treatment protocols. It's not a genuine awakening to the bigger issues.
As the saying goes.."A snake that slithers back into a hole is still a snake."