She sucks. She tweeted that the disease was not deadly for the “vast majority of responsible Americans”. The people at risk have always been either already very elderly and sick or have been let down by a medical community practicing non early intervention malpractice. Not irresponsible. But she needs to continue to gin up an enemy for selfish hysterical political reasons.

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Most doctors don't know anymore how to treat an upper respiratory infection. That is pretty bad isn't it?

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What's even worse is that most doctors are afraid to say out loud that there are only two genders.

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Follow the money. Sadly, this logic applies to more situations than we care to think.

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A very large portion of URIs require no treatment; you manage symptoms and they resolve; many MDs used to prescribe antibiotics; totally useless and counter-productive.; now, fewer do. I learned this from a doc-in-the-box MD my last URI - 2014

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when a child I frequently had colds. The doc prescribed antibiotics until my body did no longer respond to them. At 14 I had pneumonia and had to go to a specialist who did not use antibiotics. He helped my totally undermined immune system fight the sickness and since then I hardly have been sick. Had a flu 3 times but it all healed without a doctor around, and I am now 64. I use herbal and homeopathic treatments and they do me well.

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"Irresponsible" is just a euphemism for "uncooperative or non-compliant". If they actually cared about people they wouldn't have demonized or prevented people from learning about and accessing effective, early treatment protocols. It's not a genuine awakening to the bigger issues.

As the saying goes.."A snake that slithers back into a hole is still a snake."

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And a number of people have good reason other than making a balanced judgement and choice not to be vaccinated, such as the immune compromised, fear of needles, history of allergies - the adjuvants in all vaccines are noted for their allergenic properties in sensitive people.

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Notice this horrible woman uses "responsible" Americans, meaning those who got the jab. I consider maintaining my long-term health by not getting the experimental jab pretty darn responsible, thank you very much.

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If they are retreating, we must continue to advance. We can never let our guard down as each apparent concession is only an “occasional indulgence” from Biderman’s Chart of Coercion (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant) and a pit stop on the way to “demonstrating omnipotence.”

And I am smitten with polka-dot baby zebra!! 😻😻😻 (tennis instructor 😹😹😹)

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Me, too. I love the combination of humor and intelligence in every post. Become ungovernable!

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"aged as well as a bait bucket left in the trunk of the car." Hilarious! I have to admit it took me a moment to get the "tennis instructor" but when I did I could not stop laughing. Thank you bad cat.

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she said "responsible" americans. that means deploarbles like me who won't be lemming are off their island......

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It is important to remember that the lemmings were pushed off the cliff for the Disney Corporation to film, for some perverse reason. The present crop of lemmings would do well to remember that and beware of those with mouse ears.

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Mouse ears. I got that...

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We deplorable are all to die during this dark winter, anyway 😸

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They are trying to get us to focus on hospitalizations but have no intention of distinguishing between hospitalizations FROM covid and hospitalizations WITH incidental covid.

That is their game.

They know omicron is highly contagious and the tests highly sensitive so they are counting on rising prevalence in the community to show up incidentally in a rising proportion of all cause hospitalizations.

They are just pausing to pull a little more air into their lungs before screaming "PANIC!!".

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It's astounding to me that the 'experts' haven't yet realized that if 10% of your population has a virus, roughly 10% of your hospitalizations and deaths will be positive for that virus -- even if it has nothing to do with why the patient is in the hospital or dead.

This was especially apparent last winter when positive rates and 'hospitalizations' rose in tandem, but overall hospital usage remained more or less flat.

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Thank you to whoever 'liked' this last, because look at what we see today:


"It's increasingly important for us to distinguish between patients hospitalized with COVID vs. for COVID as we see more and more spread in the community," county Health Officer Dr. Matt Willis said. "As prevalence increases in the community, we're going to collect more hospitalizations incidentally."

Looking at the bigger picture, at least 42% of Marin County's reported hospitalizations on Monday were "incidental COVID," a figure somewhat in line with other locations. The Florida-based Jackson Health Center reported that 57% of COVID-19-positive patients were "admitted to the hospital primarily for non-COVID reasons" while a study of hospital admissions from a city in South Africa found that 62% of patients had "incidental COVID-19."

"We have to revise our method for counting hospitalizations," Willis said. "The state, in their reporting process, needs to solicit this distinction. What we are going to see is a seeming surge in hospitalizations tied to community transmission that doesn’t signify an actual increase in severe COVID illness."


The fool winds up where the wise man began.

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I hope the next thing they force us to do is something I can deal with, for instance do 30 minutes exercise a day. But then I realize I could not stand such an imposition either.

Sometimes I would like to eat the blue pill, but that is not really true. I want to fight.

People that do what they are told seem happier, they are not sick of this madness. But honestly, I cannot be like them. I do not know why, and it hurts. Lots of headaches and bad nights.

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My only response to anyone about why I will not mask or vax has been, for about a year now, "I don't respond to threats." I don't argue science or stats or duelling peer-reviewed studies. There's no point.

I don't respond to threats.

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You're right not to argue the science, because the science doesn't matter. It's giving up rights, whether for a "good reason" or not, that matters. Never give up anything! We are fortunate that they chose to fight this battle with so little science on their side. Imagine if the pandemic had been truly dangerous, and the vaccines actually safe and effective. The battle would be that much harder to win.

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Believe it or not, this was actually something I had to learn from this moment in history. I used to think there were justifications for compromising fundamental rights- temporarily, in focused ways, all the usual excuses.

I also had a hard time separating the concepts of "lawful" and "moral." I'm glad I've had motivation to reflect on this stuff.

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I’ve thought a lot about what it would be like if this was a virus that was so dangerous that we could not leave the house. I don’t think our government overlords would have a chance in hell of finding a solution or even a viable means to fight it.

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It's an interesting thought experiment, and I'm sure you're right about the government. But my belief is that such a dangerous virus is a pure fantasy. Viruses have no evolutionary drive to kill organisms, and if the immune system has what it needs, it works.

If it was a dangerous virus, though, they wouldn't be trying to scare us. They'd be trying to calm us down.

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Well put. Like someone said, “real pandemics don’t need ad campaigns”—or something similar.

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And..if there was a deadly plague happening worldwide, the fool in the center of town screaming "Hoax!" would just be ignored. There would be no time or energy wasted to "debunk" him/her.

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The Irish govt. has to date spent over €40m advertising the scamdemic

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Justinian plague (541-549) and black death (1347-1351) were pretty deadly.

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They were indeed. They were apparently both caused by the same thing--a bacterium, incidentally, not a virus, which means it responds to antibiotics. There were actually cases of black death in Colorado in 2014, according to Wiki. It didn't say they led to death.

I'm very curious as to WHY so many people died of black plague in the middle ages. I'll never know, I guess. And I wonder if it's even possible for us to have a real pandemic any more. We know an awful lot about what makes for real health these days, necessary vitamin and mineral levels, diet, bodily conditions and comorbid factors, etc.

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Most of us would die and I'd finally get to live out my fantasy of being a warlord sitting on a throne made of two pickup truck beds welded together, being driven by hot guys.

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I'd love to be one of your drivers, but they always die right away, gruesomely, before the long flashy duel between the mains.

Also, I'm not hot enough.

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Nah, there's a lot of ways to be hot. Just pop your shirt off and scream something memorable, you'll be fine.

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I see you have recovered your good humor. I hope you can manage your fantasy without all the drama in the general pop. And that the beds have a solid weld.

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I'm a little toasted after a terrible day at the hospital and looking forward to getting the fuck out of NYC and back to my farm where, God willing, I'll go another 6 months without needing to wear a mask or show forged covid paperwork.

A solid weld with a clean grind is a beautiful thing.

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i don't respond well to authority and have serious issues with control freaks!

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I respond fine to authority. Trustworthy, competent authority to whom I've given my cooperation of my own free will without coercion.

I'll follow the right commander to Hell. As a CHOICE.

American culture used to recognize that loyalty gained through critical thinking and the conscious choice of sovereign beings is one of the most powerful forces in the world, able to overcome the greatest evils and meet incredible challenges.

I guess the most powerful among us took a look at China and the former Soviet Union and figured they could take shortcuts to a person's soul.

May we live long enough to show them their error.

Mors semper tyrannis.

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agree! but, that's not what (i.e., 'trustworthy, competent, and not without coercive tactics) we have in canada, currently, not by a long stretch. we have a sock puppet instead! here in BC, the government just keeps digging the covid hole deeper and deeper. i won't be surprised if they somehow get to the endpoint of vax requirements and passports for all. when they start denying access to food (i.e., grocery stores) instead of 'just work' without a passport, then we are well and truly screwed. meanwhile on last evening's news...wear a N94 or 95, WITH both a surgical and cloth mask to protect yourself from omicron. SMOG!

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Praying for you all in Canada Sue. Totally nuts up there.

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they are seriously that crazy, yes.

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I agree with your distinction between trustworthy and untrustworthy authority, but remember that a leader who would lead you to hell isn't a trustworthy one -- unless he's leading you there in order to battle against it. 🙄

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That was my implication.

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I agree in some respects. This should be for each of us s personal choice. To say NO to what isn’t right for us or for what isn’t right period.

But a lot of this has been about censorship and a lack of willingness on the part of the radically provax MDs and phds to properly debate the science.

I’ve posted about this before but one of my dearest friends has an MD. When I broached the subject carefully, asking her to help me understand immunology before I got into the vac discussion, she said “I know what this is about” and refused to listen to anything after that although she did let me cite the names Luc Montagnier and Robert Malone before she totally shut me down.

When I asked for her own sources she sent me a link to CDC. That’s it.

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Nice friend there.

I'll bet she's as angry as all the other CDC cultists are right now about the reduced quarantine time announcement.

You should ask her if the CDC was a reprehensible, corrupt organization back when it was saying things she agreed with, or only just now.

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Sure, you respond to threats: You engage, then you counter and defeat them.

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I like it. Thank you for sharing. Going to start using this immediately.

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The nice thing is it includes peaceful and passive resistance, too, which is something I know you crazy kids are into. 😉

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Can I use that? Perfect.

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Speech is open source. 😊

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What utter fools are the individuals cited in this article. When their time comes may it be slow, painful, degrading, and alone. They were the cheerleaders of tyranny and an authoritarian approach to this virus. They must pay.

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I'm like a feral cat. Ungovernable. Thanks for your work during this interesting time.

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I am going to start calling myself an ungovernable feral cat in the third person. Don't doubt me little kittens.

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I mean don't doubt ungovernable feral cat little kittens.

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So 900 lives right?!❤️

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I wish I could like this several times.

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Oooh I like that. It’s going on my quote fridge tomorrow at work!

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Thank you for the excellent analysis and constant reminders to be ungovernable. The solution is with the culture, not the government.

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The ratio on that tweet is glorious.

Fuck these liars and Mandarins. Mock them at every turn.

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"Become ungovernable" says it all the best, perhaps the most succinct lesson of the COVID era.

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Yes! I've been screaming (albeit mostly at myself lol) for many years when one "side" is pushing something they think is only going to punish the other "side", "Don't you realize that whatever you get implemented in the name of politics will eventually come back on you eventually!?" In the past, it didn't seem like such a big deal, but now... Oh man! People *demanding* mandatory medicine for people's bodies? Seriously? The people demanding this kind of madness just don't seem to (or want to) think down the road a ways like, "what's going to happen when something comes along that you don't want and you are no longer allowed to refuse?" With the way things are with this "vaccine" alone, one can imagine a time when 3 or 4 people out of 5 are either croaking or getting maimed and there will be absolutely no choice (it will be an "acceptable" risk). After all, if it saves just one life...

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I suspect the Rubicon on that one will actually be about reproduction.

They should read about the kind of things communist countries with population SHORTAGES did to fix the problem.

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Just wait untill they come up with the Great Brandon Declaration.

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Great guidance and principles as always. BUT what is it EXACTLY that we Gatos are going to do going forward as individuals in the specific situations we face in our personal lives as the rats like this one start pouring out of the basement? This tweeter means nothing to me. The people who I thought were my friends are a different issue.

In the past with the statists it’s always been two steps “backwards” towards feudalism, and sometimes one step back towards reality, over and over to the point where we are now down to just about nothing. This happened with TSA and Homeland Security. Will you EVER see the end of TSA? Will you ever see the end of the idea, now well established that in certain non-voted on circumstances you have to “show your papers”? Showing you papers is now part of us. It’s a tool in “our” kit, maybe put away for now, but sure to return.

You can’t assume it of just anyone unless they said or did something specific, but some number of your “friends”, when at home alone, considered that maybe you should be starved to death, disqualified from anything at all and or put in a concentration camp? They will deny it, but WE know what happened. What it was like.

If one has been through a divorce there are some parallels here. Can there be a reconciliation? If so, under what terms? Most of the time, one party or the other simply cannot unsee what one has seen about the other party. They didn’t invite you to dinner because you were “unclean”. Is it all better now? Forgive and forget? Will you just walk away and lick you wounds? At this point, there is no next time. There have to be at least three steps back towards our social contract. There have to be consequences for bad behavior.

One place to start, and maybe there is a stack one could point me to where anecdotal evidence...short stories and reflections...are collected about what it was like to live through these times unvaxxed. Seems like it would make a good book to have circulating.

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We are all talking like this has ended. While I agree it’s “over” in scientific truth (in some ways), our detractors are still considering vaxxing their kids (I know one), vaxxing themselves, arguing with us about early treatment (as recently as 2days ago with a friend of mine) Our fight for science and against evil is still going on. Don’t stop now. Fauci is still out of jail. EUAs are still on the books, my job is still requiring testing.......

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Why do people think the pandemic has ended? Vaccines and passports are still being mandated and people are still wearing masks. My friends have ordered the new home test kits so they can continue to check themselves for the "deadly" disease. Look how far this ruse took the powers that shouldn't be! I doubt they are ready to give up such a successful campaign. I think we should expect more assaults from the pandemic camp. War is good for business and a war against an invisible enemy that only experts can see and detect in conjunction with the rise of surveillance technology and bioengineering advances in their hands puts humanity all at a crossroads. I agree we cannot afford to let our guard down one bit.

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Kids are masked to go to school in a horrifyingly large percentage of the population.

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I rarely see kids masked in Utah. My husband asked a man at the store a while back why he was unmasked but his child wore one. He said, "It is like a comfort blanket". If I hear that, I will tell them to be the parent and break them of the habit. Masks are full of germs. Sometimes deadly ones. I am tired of the dipitty-do parents.

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It's just gotten worse than its ever been here in Chicago.

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I don't think we are at war. To me, it seems the war is over, bad guys won. These jackals are just trying to consolidate their political gains.

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I agree we can't stop till Nuremberg 2.0- and we can't stop after that or the CIA will be secretly hiding half the war criminals in some government research programs- life isn't about stopping anyway, it's about living- we will continue to live knowing that we must remain vigilant

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Agree Laura. But, whether the fight is over or still on..you have been or are being punched in the face. What are you going to do about it?

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You fight for street fighting pro freedom candidates, throw the bums out and try to get those accountable for poisoning the population to face justice. You tell people the truth and give them ammo like Gato does. Once in a while I pull a Gato Truth Nugget out on people. Turns their little disgusted frown even deeper and my gleeful "eat the truth jerk" smirk even smirkier. There should be a "I will take no pharma money ever"pledge. Oh and - When Romney speaks in Utah, they boo him off stage.

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I agree. I am speaking the truth as best I understand it to any individual willing to listen. I will speak until they refuse to hear. While I don’t have a large audience. The funniest thing is that I am currently speaking out to our lunch room and I have ALL three responses here (1) basically ignoring, but you never know, she asked an interesting question, (2) one asking intelligent questions about PCR but then saying she needs to booster, (3) condescension and denial of everything I say.

I am speaking but I clam up when I have people that refuse to listen to truth when presented accurately. I don’t mind debate but many don’t debate. They refuse.

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Bet the refusenicks are ignoring the news about the PCR tests today. Total denial. I have gone from trying to reason with them to treating them like the idiots they are. I am developing a look of pity/disgust. My husband said I was born with it, but... when you have a mission you stop at nothing short of purrrrrfection.

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"You can't assume it of just anyone unless they said or did something specific, but some number of your 'friends', when at home alone, considered that maybe you should be starved to death, disqualified from anything at all and or put in a concentration camp?" You can bet that they are thinking just that. No, they will not say such things to your face; and if by chance they let something like that slip, they will quickly say, "but I didn't mean you personally." How can it not be personal if you are saying Group X deserves bad things to happen to them or that Group X is evil, and the person you are saying it to is, unknown to you, a member of Group X? It IS personal, very much so. I believe it was Golda Meir who said "If someone says that they want to kill me, I take it very, very seriously."

I was pumping gas the other day when a neighbor came up and after a bit of small talk--"Hi, how are you" sort of thing, she started in on "those people who won't wear masks and don't get vaccinated." Fortunately I was done and as I hung up the nozzle, I turned my maskless face to her and said, "well, I must get going now, because I AM one of those people." And I got into my car and drove off, leaving her standing there speechless.

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I'm with you about "what can we do." Not everyone is a writer like El Gato, not everyone can fight on the front lines. But maybe we can do something.

Pay cash.

Buy Bitcoin.

Run a crypto node.

Buy/sell things with/for crypto.

Plant a garden.

Learn permaculture.

Shop at the farmer's market.

Buy real estate overseas.

Get a second residence or passport.

Get medical care outside of insurance.

Find a private doctor.

Read "Whatever Happened to Justice"

Read "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy"

Read "The Bitcoin Standard"

Read "Anatomy of the State"

Read "The Law"

Donate to CHD

Donate to Collateral Global

Donate to FLCCC

Donate to Steve Kirsch's study

Donate to the Weston Price Association

Donate to the Mises Institute

Donate to the Institute for Justice

Buy RFK's book

Buy Berenson's book

Wear a "Let's Go Brandon" t-shirt (?)

That's just what I thought of sitting here. I would LOVE to get more suggestions. If it seems worth it, I can post it somewhere.

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This is kind of off my original topic, but FWIW...Have done, as most sensible people have, pretty much all those things (but prefer PMs to Crypto: suit yourself when you want to buy a dozen eggs next door and the lines are down. Everyone knows where the transformers are)...and have put it together as soon as I could afford to starting thirty years ago. But thinking about it here by my wood fire, necessary or not, the Prepper position is, when you think about it, a losers position. It throws away centuries of progress. Do you really want to be stuck in some hollow milking goats the rest of your life? How defensible is THAT really? Is that where we all should be? It may be where we have to be, but, is that a goal?

We need to NOT RUN away, but stand and fight. These people and ideas have to be routed out and civilization restored. So back to the topic...what are you going to do about the people who are now fully prepared to blame you for their stupid decisions?

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What are you going to do??? Exactly the question I'm asking. We need to take action, but WHAT?

Hoping for something beyond "shout insults at former covidians".

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I may not agree with ALL of these things but great list.

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Buy ammo

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Read "Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg published by Chelsea Green. Great list!

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Not so fast my friend! You did notice the subhead on the WaPo headline, did you not? "Let irresponsible Americans face the consequences of the reckless conduct." These losers are not admitting anything. They *still* think they are correct and we are "irresponsible" for not taking Pfizer's magic juice. Maybe there is some other game afoot. Or, maybe a small victory is still a victory?

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yes they are. they are admitting they lost and trying to score cheap points on the way out to avoid looking defeated.

they'll bluster and bray and blame, but they are in retreat now.

the smart ones have realized this issue has become a political boat anchor.

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I certainly hope you are correct, and I am wrong. That said, Rubin makes my skin crawl. What a complete loser!

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but globally, if the people who did this are still in power, it isn't going away. And as long as the kids are being indoctrinated, they will have built in followers. How do we stop this thing for good?

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Even after this wave is over, the majority will still think that Omicron was mild because most people were vaccinated. So even though all talk of this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated has gone quiet, most people won't notice and will still think the unvaccinated are causing all the 'cases'. This won't change until main stream media admits it and I don't think that's in the cards.

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They're just getting through the "NY Vs Florida" comparison game they started in summer.

They're also wanting people outside the USA to get on the vax treadmill/ID bandwagon.

If they can get a global majority sorted, then when the global depression hits later in 2022 they can combine the digital currency based financial reset with digital global ID and Vax system.

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ungovernable not going to accept that.

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It's not gonna be black and white but if they can get a good chunk of everyone signed up as a foothold. They're well set. The financial problem and their solution will be compelling to many holdouts.

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I'm not a fan of them but we need to rollout bitcoin and ripple to small retailers whilst trying to maintain cash as Plan A.

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The volatility of cryptos is tragic. My store of value went from 5figures to 7 to 6. Not impressed, we need a genuine consumer price stablecoin. BasketOfGoods coin that gets minted/burnt to stay stable. And minted fairly to onboard new users.

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