I cannot express how distraught I was when they excommunicated you from twatter. It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I learn that you have landed here to share your wisdom.

Speaking of tinfoil hat stuff, I do not know if sarscov2 escaped from Fauci's pet lab in Wuhan but what I have determined is that the people that are orchestrating this assault on freedom would absolutely have no qualms unleashing a lab virus on the populace at just the right time to achieve their evil objectives.

That sounds sick and demented and 18 months ago I would have laughed at myself for saying something like that but sadly I now believe it. Further, it is my view that Bill Gates fancies himself a messiah. He wants to be THE guy that is read about in history books 500 years hence as the person that saved the planet. When you have a guy with his means and that mindset, it is time to set off the alarm bells.

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You were right before and you are right now. The Biden administration will only strengthen this abomination. The GOP has full control of the legislative branch in 30 states. They are our primary hope in pushing back destructive policies and it's imperative that we do this NOW. Too long have Republicans sat back and allowed our freedoms to be whittled away or even stab us in the back. Georgia was a huge self-inflicted stupidity.

A package of critical legislation regarding key issues should be packaged and coordinated with those 30 states to be a bulwark against public and private leftist organizations and govts. Some states are implementing laws piecemeal like funding students vs the system(public schools) or banning Critical Race Theory in govt. DeSantis seems to be the leader against vaccine passports. These are all great issues for legislation but we need to do more. We need a modernized Citizen's Rights Compact. Along with the above we need: Passing election passports(voter id), banning mail-in ballots, mandating absolute chain of custody and video of all election activity, banning electronic voting machines. Banning social media from censuring posts or deleting accounts purely for exercising their First Amendment rights. Banning banks and credit card companies from dropping accounts based on ideological grounds. Banning companies from collecting private data about customers, enacting a "right to forget" where all info regarding an individual is deleted forever. Banning govts and companies from using racial data/quotas for hiring purposes. Mandate MSM must have ideological balance of viewpoints in employees, maybe revive the Fairness Doctrine. Eliminate qualified immunity for govt officials, we need to be able to sue them and win.

The other targets are the colleges/universities. Red states' laissez-faire/corporatist model has allowed intolerant far left cancers to sprout and take over the public ones. There is no excuse not to do a thorough excising of the tumors. From replacing the administration to eliminating the cancerous depts like gender studies or Critical Race Theory to cutting down on administrative bloat. The left like to tout the free college from some European countries but that education is bare bones. No dorms, no sports, it's education only. We need to get back to that ethos and we also need to force private institutions to peg their tuition to inflation, and get this, retroactively. There is no reason that private college shouldn't be as affordable in 2020 as it was in 1980. It's become a greedy Academic Welfare State that supports parasitic liberals who can't get jobs in the real private sector. And our young are debt slaves for it.

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I just wish more than 6 people were reading what you wrote...will link on my SM accounts. And yes, I am prepared to get kicked off of them for doing so. Worth it.

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"in 2019, did you think they were allowed to mandate lockdowns . . . did that maybe surprise you a bit?" The terrifying thing is, there are way too many people who would say that they are not surprised, that the vaccine passport is necessary for people's safety, and that they like the idea. And when we tell them the dangers, they'll ask us what planet we live on. They haven't noticed the moving goalposts. They haven't caught on to the lies. They don't have a clue how ridiculous all these restrictions are. Yesterday, I saw a lady all masked up, alone in her car (what, she's scared her dashboard is going to sneeze on her?). Yet she was driving while staring right at her phone. She's scared of Covid but not of killing people in a car crash.

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I want to shout what you wrote from the rooftops. I want to shake people and *make* them listen. Because I think you are 100% correct...it CAN happen here; it IS happening here, and too many people are to complacent, or comfortable or in denial to see it...and by the time they wake up it will be too late!! And there’s nowhere left to run to. We were the last frontier, the place you could go to escape tyranny and corruption. Once the USA falls, the world is in for a dark, dark time.

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The “vaccines” were not made for the Rona; the Rona was made for the “vaccines.” Next one is planned. Even Naomi Wolf is alarmed, says this is “a hill worth dying on.” Better believe it. https://www.facebook.com/Naomirwolf/videos/960699208032434/?d=n

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Sadly it turns out that the people I thought were lions were actually sheep, fearfully watching but not voicing disagreement.

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What am i supposed to do

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Also from 2019, November:

RFK jr.: "Globally, what they are trying to do, is to make sure that every child on the earth is fully vaccinated, and adults, and if you are not vaccinated, you loose entitlements, you will not be able to get a passport, you won't be able to get a drivers license, you will not be able to attend a sports game, or collect welfare or entitlements or social security." https://youtu.be/hE6A7dfku38?t=3320

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Hey El Gato Malo!

Your ejection from Twatter was appalling - I myself was reflexively ejected earlier for predicting "an election defined by fraud" back in September.

Anyway, I am happy to have discovered that you have reappeared here. An excellent article this one. What is happening is scary, my entire life has been cancelled, the limitations for me are massive and now vaccine IDs are needed to get a cup of coffee or a haircut in my European country. It all seems unstoppable - #NowhereToRun

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Really needs a quick edit here: "what is is is a requirement for you" > what it is is

Just thought I'd add some unsolicited feedback in case it might not be worthless to your new endeavour: Though I see some viability of your stylistic choice, after reading a few articles over a couple of days I feel a global sentence-case operation might help. I think your work is brilliant and that a little more conventional polish would put it in the top league for intrinsic merit and power to broadly influence.

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shared on my still living twitter and facebook accounts

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Brilliant as always. I'm ready and willing to fight, but sooo many sheep! As Whitaker Chambers warned us in his brilliant biographical manifesto on Communist infiltration of our government, Witness, it may be too late.

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Pretty hilarious that the same people who think requiring ID to vote is akin to Jim Crow also think we should prevent people from any freedom at all without a vaccine passport (from an "emergency use" vaccine no less).

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I agree with everything toy said. Vaccine passports are a bad idea. I remember Columbo, but I never watched it. I will definitely come back for more. You can check out my blog where I talk about these issues as well: thedesertsofmars.com Lukasz

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