You are 100% right. This is why Biden’s appointees are “firsts” instead of “bests”.

Mayor Pete, KJP, and Janet Yellen have no qualifications whatsoever and are garbage at their jobs, yet they were appointed to important positions.


To destroy from within through incompetence

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very much this.

every time you see "first" next to a hire/appointee, how do you not read it as "unqualified"?

if they were qualified, you'd speak to qualifications, steady hand, track record, etc.

and then you get a system of B's and C's regulating B's and C's and it generates collapse. no one has any idea what they are doing and every eye is on the wrong ball.

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Amazing to me that Stanford law students, Harvard Med students, etc, are not smart enough to see through this nonsense. I guess they have already been selected as B's and C's.

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Harvard 2022 grads disgraced themselves by giving a standing ovation to New Zealand fascist Jacinda Ardern at their graduation ceremony, all masked. There once was a time, when observers actually found intelligent life at Harvard.

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Harvard already discredited itself entirely when it started to have "separate but equal" black only graduation ceremonies.

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Must atomize/divide the serf population.

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The A’s have to work so much harder to get into law or med school. My nephew who achieved 99% in his MCAT was rejected by schools that accepted kids from his courses that had a far lower MCAT result but we’re on the intersectional ladder. what is surprising to me is he’s not resentful.

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What a time! That is the case for many. My brother who used to do the daily POTUS intellience breifing advised me and my wife to give our newborn twins American tribal styled names: like "DeerRunner", or "WhiteCloud", etc for that reason. He knew the field and its plantings, eh? That was 1982 or so.

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Question: What do you call a person who graduates at the bottom of their class? Answer: Doctor.

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Exactly what he said.

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"not seeing through the nonsense" is currently a mandatory requirement for entry into the elite class, Emperor's New Clothes etc etc...

if u admit to seeing through the nonsense you will be denounced and banished.

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Honesty is an immediate disqualifier.

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I see that that's true, but why exactly do the real A players put up with it? Are they just outnumbered?

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They are neutralized and fired, or--now--not hired in the first place.

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They probably are. It's just realistically, if they want decent paying jobs, they have to play this disgusting game, which, I imagine for them, they might do while sleeping off a giant bender precipitated by desperation at their inability to implement an alternative immediately.

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Most A’s figured out years ago that your life could be destroyed by accusations and innuendo. They are not at the Stanfords and Harvards. Only “get along” muppets go to those schools. Most A’s are hiding in the state schools or walking amongst us as electricians and plumbers. None of this changes as long as the older A’s with power allow the younger A’s to keep being destroyed and relegated to hiding.

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I’m sure there are lots there just frustrated as hell at the goings on and trying to find a “sane” school to apply to.

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Hillsdale College is sane.

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But, Hillsdale will not give you the whole truth, that is the most important part. You WILL get Churchill worship.

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fair criticism

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My parents have subscribed to Imprimis for years! Good stuff to have hanging around! They also required me to take Econ 101 before graduating since they paid for my degree. These days it feels that the “experts” seem to understand less than those of us who have only learned the basics.

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...from high school onwards

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The indoctrination and dumbing down start much earlier than that, now. The efforts to dumb down our children really started in the early 20th century, and they made (obviously) steady progress ever since.

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This progressive movement, the thing we call woke has achieved complete control over the means of cultural production.

Go speak to your kids, they are indoctrinated.

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Don't assume that they are not. many probably are. But have learned that their views are not welcomed, not tolerated, in the university. They are learning to be suppressed in order to succeed. Tow the line or at least keep your mouth shut.

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so my idea to combine as many firsts as possible into each hire wouldn't work, because the idea was never to "once we do this we will go back to hiring competent people." I was hoping to find a blind little person lesbian amputee person of color and check a lot of boxes, but sadly, intersectionality is not the intent.

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This! Exactly, this! You put to words precisely what most people think when hearing of a "first." And your explanation of why DEI happens makes utter sense, yet, I doubt I initially saw weakness as the cause. Yet, it is. And here we are.

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Why do you think Biden picked Harris?

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She was the best insurance against Impeachment.

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if you want to keep people in the frying pan, be sure the fire looks much, much worse.

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This is the equivalent of the rule by rube in the government Rube Goldberg Machine:


This guy must have stolen top secret government bureaucratic IP to build this.

The machine would be flawless if theyd just hire more bureaucrats!

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It's so far been very effective for him, I think!

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What do you think precipitates this? Is it affirmative action? Big donors? Two party system? No term limits? Did we ever have A’s running many enterprises? Seems to me we did but perhaps I was deluded or biased or something. Do we see this ever happening in sports?

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Yes, it has been noted for a long time that vice presidents are picked specifically not to be a threat to the president's job.

Kennedy apparently didn't get that memo and it cost him his life.

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Biden didn't, JuQu. She was picked by Brandon's handlers, who have at least a few brain cells banging around up there. They picked him, too.

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Hell, Biden & Harris were put into place for the exact same reason. Literally, it's time to wipe nearly all of DC and start with a clean slate of public servants. And I put emphasis on the word public, as opposed to corporate, which is what we have now....

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Corporate is hardly synonymous with competent in the post-pandemic business world

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What I meant was we need public servants who are truly committed to serving the public, not serving corporate interests (which is what we have now)

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Indeed, we need health care professionals who are committed to improving the health of the public, rather than serving the propaganda of Big Pharma

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That would require intelligent voters, not voters easily swayed by wedge issues.

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How about headquartering them- the absolutely necessary ones only- scattered all over the country? No need for a DC establishment at all.

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Depends on the nature of their role. Some jobs can be virtual from anywhere, some need to be co-located with other co-workers in a specific location, but not necessarily in DC. I'm all for distributing staff as widely as is practical. Having worked for USDA for a few years in the past, my personal opinion is that most (not all) of the GS-13/14s and up are too firmly entrenched in prior undesirable practices and just need to go. The GS-12s and below are the ones who do all the real work and it would be much more of an operational disaster to cut all them loose too. Most of them are decent people and understand the public service mission.

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And add Garland and Blinken to your list. The bureaucrats love it when this happens. It entrenches their power even more.

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And Mayor "Pothole" Pete as Secretary of Transportation. What a clown show. I believe the PTB decided it was time for the US takedown in a spectacularly humiliating fashion.

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The nut job they picked to be the nuclear waste disposal czar takes the award for most absurd. They couldn't tell just by looking at it?

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Yes, the luggage-stealing queen! I remember the photo of him and Asst HHS Sec Dr. Levine (in full uniform with skirt) in heels, proud of their political achievement. Crayons.

The rest of the world, if they have time to care about US idiocracy, must be having a good laugh at our comeuppance.

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I suspect, (fear?), that "the rest of the world" doesn't give a flying f#$@ about the US any more.

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I agree. The people are just trying to stay alive. The elites have time to laugh.

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Oh god that POS.

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This was not some grand conspiracy, it's the secondary effect of putting controllable puppets in charge in the first place.

An AAA president cannot be controlled by the powers that shouldn't be, but a B line can. But the B recruits C to ensure that he won't be replaced, and over time this eats away at the entire institution, the rot started at the head. The powers didn't plan for this, they got here as a long term effect of their short term goals.

Which is why cryptocracies built around control over key institutions have a determined shelf life, unlike open societies built around open debate and truth.

The gang in charge got in charge after jfk, and they are now over, no-one around them can take over. The 50 years timespan is identical to what killed the usssr. That gang took power after Stalin, and lasted 50 years. Then the collapse happened fast, as neither the geriatrics nor the incompetent bureaucrats couldn't keep the show running.

Putin is grooming a successor gang, and they probably have 30 years ahead of them, like the current crop of Chinese.

Then the cycle starts over again.

So it's not a grand orchestrated collapse, it's organic. It's what happens when you rely on kompromat for control. B recruits C... the A are not willing to become immoral to get unearned power and status. It's why they are A, and thus purged.

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Good additions to the list

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Your identity is not a job qualification!

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It's also not a substitute for a personality.

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I am immediately suspicious when some begins a comment, "As a ..." You can fill in the blanks: "Black American," "Single mother," "Jewish person," "Proudly gay man," "Non-binary, person of color," "A woman of power," and so on. There are so many alternatives to the implicit and unmentionable category.

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not sure I follow your meaning

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It means that just because Mayor Pete likes it up the butt doesn't mean he can handle the actual job of being the Secretary of Transportation.

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Does he have any experience in that sector or industry? Surely you would be able to demonstrate some expertise to get a job like that?

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No one voted for Biden on the basis of competence, obviously.

Biden returns the favor to his electorate by also selecting without regard to competence.

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You'd think so, wouldn't you?

Yet this is exactly how Biden picked his VP.

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Let's not forget the women who are men elevated to the top power positions. I wonder if they had to go through menopause?

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Claiming you are a woman and not going through menopause is sort of like claiming you are a doctor without going through med school, internship and residency. Back in the day, we would call someone like that being an IMPOSTER.

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They say they "feel like a woman" ..

....doesn't that count?

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I feel like a doctor!

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You forgot to include The Admirable Richard "Rachel" Levine. But I get it, you cannot put forth a complete list of Biden's career clowns due to space limitations......

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Call him Dick.

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Add the VP to your list.

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You are 99% right. You only needed to add Treasonous Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton…and all their appointees, starting with The Federal Reserve—Powell, all of the Security Agency Directors & their Security Briefers and Lawyers who protect them. It’s both the left and right paradigm masters of corrupt PAC monies (particularly APAC) that control them all, then us, the imbecilic masses. It’s amazing to me how lost people really are; why We The People Majority never gravitate to natural-normal moderate-center and elect our leaders as Independents (I) rather than extreme Republicans and Democrats? This unnatural divide is what’s truly killing U.S.

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You forgot to include The Admirable Richard "Rachel" Levine. But I get it, you cannot put forth a complete list of Biden's career clowns due to space limitations......

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As our primary and secondary schools continue producing proportionately more Bs and Cs endowed with incompetence, incuriosity, and ignorance of American civics and values, so does our society proportionally shift toward socialism, wokeness, and DEI. I might add that a growing proportion who substitute identity and self for faith in a higher power and service to others is a cofactor in the race to the bottom.

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It's not that the schools are producing more Bs and Cs. They are.

It's that the Bs don't just _hire_ Cs. They vote for them as well. And the Cs vote for Cs. And can't tell the difference between a C and a D so will vote for Ds as well. Silvia Garcia is a C at best. Fetterman can't even be there.

I just hope the As are all really voting better.

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If qualifications are no longer prioritized because they have been vilified as the emphasis of whiteness/patriarchy/racism/transphobia/homophobia/bigotry/etc this is the result.

My thought is that things are less insidious than Gato is stating. Wokeness is less of a factual/intellectual pursuit, and more of an emotional trap.

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What makes it insidious is that the people in charge hold to these principles and have clearly demonstrated their willingness to punish those who don't.

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Actually Adam, wokeness is a particularly loathsome, soul destroying, form of mental illness. And sadly, the disease seems viral-ly contagious. It not only destroys the afflicted, it seems to terminally infect the society in which the sufferer resides.

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I agree that it's about emotions, and that's why wokeness is impervious to reason.

When someone can gain so much emotionally _and_ financially by claiming "discrimination" and find an army of similarly incompetent people strongly motivated to believe and support him or her, it's literally a no-brainer.

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Voting,schmoting! Who manufactures/monitors the voting machines?

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That's why we need the Israeli system: paper ballots, in person at local school, election day only, tallied up by members of all parties until the totals agree for that school.

But who among the officials elected by the machines is ever going to implement that?

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The good news is that I don't think incuriosity is terminal. I think I was incurious for years, or rather, my curiosity was distracted by other frivolous activities. But once I was told I had to participate in the pathology, I got very curious.

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Yes, my experience too. Maybe we are the new woke

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Do you have a website? You make me howl, which, at breakfast, is some doing!

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I do have my substacks. Visual Banter, is my main one. I also have an art site I need to update. It is jimmygleesonvisualbanterandliteraryillustration.com

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Every movement is a religion and every religion is a cult, and higher power may be defined any way anybody needs to. Group thinking and enforced articles of faith were the model that got us here, too.

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I am going to misquote a "Meet the Fokkers" line that Robert Dinero delivered.

"I just made a bowel movement, is that also a religion?"

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Yes. Mr. Hanky is my deity.

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Coprophilians might best answer that question.

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Right on !

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Why do we continue to use their acronym, their construct? Why not wax subversive and refer to it as diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE)? Because DIE is what happens to organizations afflicted by it.

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FWIW. Im a Long time ed researcher and when DEI was first introduced to schools via Ivy academic teaching institutions it WAS acronym’d DIE. But when people in the early days ( 10+ years ago ) started calling DIE out on its bull crap the purveyors quickly changed the letters around so the poison was not so obvious. Commie’s are not known for subtlety .

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DIE : DEI :: "Global Warming" : "Climate Change"

The same bad ideas just rebranded.

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Like communists and communism and nazism and fascism and organized crime and kings are all rebranded terms for dictators and dictatorship.

Poor mental students try to make them different when they all have elites and a head capo criminal chief.

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They're also not known for intelligence.

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Completely agree. Some still call them the 'elites'. I switched to 'cabal' some time ago.

Actually, this is completely on display with the defunct bank SVB: they had a risk manager whose prime job was woke garbage.


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"Elites" and "Experts" no longer mean what they once did. It's more a warning label than a superlative.

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One of my favourite movies is The Gay Divorcee with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire from 1934 and no, I'm not quite that old. 'Gay' meant 'happy and carefree' and could apply to either gender.

However, I am stubborn and I don't like my words changed especially when there are other more appropriate words and I'm sure you know what they are.

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Sadly, at the moment they are the ones driving the culture and media, so they get to pick the words, and they can even change definitions. Or they believe they think they can. Meanwhile, they merely undermine the definitions of the words they think they are changing.

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They made the mistake of using the accurate term "Wuhan Virus" at first, and I've stuck with it ever since, though they then declared their own term racist somehow.

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It's been pretty obvious from the start that the virus came out of Wuhan. However, who is responsible for it's release, accidental or deliberate, is another story. I'm not sure it was China.

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Responsibility for creating the virus rests with Fauci, who was funding Daszak in Wuhan to create it.

The timing of the pandemic, just after impeachment failed to remove Trump, is super-suspicious. The people who wanted to ruin the economy before the 2020 "election" either released it on purpose or got super-lucky. But in the end they had to cheat on the election anyway.

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"Elites" and "experts" are rapidly becoming expletives

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Nonother than one Gad Saad refers to it as "the DIE religion," so he agrees with you. So do I.

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He also calls Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "occasional cortex," which is pretty funny if fill-in-the-blank offensive lol.

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I think DIAF is an even better acronym.

Sums up my feelings for them perfectly.

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As in "the die is cast."

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"what they seek to exclude is excellence and meritocracy."

The most talented people get cancelled by brazenly cutthroat B's. This is both devastating and accelerating in frequency. Smartest governors DeSantis and Noem are vilified for successful defeat of COVID, without covidmania, in their states. Medical boards seize licenses of doctors who were earliest with successful treatments for COVID patients. Parents who stayed awake in 9th grade biology and can define "woman" are treated as criminals in school board meetings by knuckle-draggers who have no legitimate claim to be educators.

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"what they seek to exclude is excellence and meritocracy."

*Harrison Bergeron has entered the chat*

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Yes, and Atlas of Atlas Shrugged. Heck, I left prior career choices and went into medicine precisely *because* it's a meritocracy at the clinical level, because patients don't want to monkey around with B's. They need the best thoughts and efforts of the A's.

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I saw a meme or quote something like:

"Start eating right and exercising. Your future doctor is using ChatGPT to write Med School papers."

That's not verbatim. Don't quote me on that.

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Part of the Rockefeller Medical/pharmaceutical Genocide Op. Doctors can claim Plausible Deniability: "The AI algorithm and ChatGPT made me do it"

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Ha! Me too! Was sick of wasting merit where it was only serving to paste a target on my back.

But let me introduce you to my (ex) medical staff manager, who had a dagger to the throat of anyone with talent -- as a 30-year-old girl with a 2-year education, she'd even go up against the top surgeons, intentionally scheduling them in rooms with inadequate equipment. Or hiding our stools before operations. This girl even stole the Christmas cash money from every employee with particular talent, and gave out the cash gifts only to the team of C's that she personally hired. When she was appointed in that role, 30% of our talented staff quit in the first week. This random girl did more damage to the career paths and happiness of surgeons than can be fathomed.

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what a hideous wretch. Unfortunately, there’s too many people like that in the workforce. They are unstoppable without alot of effort and strategy - effort and time most people would rather spend on doing a good job or something productive

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And to the patients of the good doctors she drove away.

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And to future patients. This young girl managed to sabotage our plastic surgery team by weaseling a new position for a friend of one of the C-grade yes-women that she hired (same nationality that bands together). She organized this new position by going through the administrative side. With the consequence that C-level friend of C-level yes-woman employee hired by this girl scores a full-time plastic surgery position in her last year of medical school (one of 5 positions in the entire capitol city here). That student had zero experience in anything aesthetic or anything that required manual dexterity and pristine detail, and nothing on her CV that demonstrated any interest in or talent for aesthetic pursuits. She was someone who you'd appreciate bringing a nice fluffy dessert to a potluck, but never someone who I would donate the future of my face to. I wouldn't even want her for scar removal. She was strategically inserted to kick out a plastic surgeon in training who had studied in 3 of the world's top aesthetic institutions -- who had the misfortune of also being female and thus arousing raging jealousy of the sub-mediocre Staffing girl.

At least in a situation like that, product (of surgeon) directly reflects merit. No secrets to colleagues of who has talent and not. But susceptible future patients will fall victim to a sleek webpage and end up with damage.

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You must work in 'alternative' medicine, because the creeping encroachment of stupidity in defensive practice would definitely keep you awake biting your nails. If you only knew how many practitioners are already incompetent and incompetent at learning to become competent because of their training and licensing requirements! Medical 'education' currently primarily consists of indoctrination and 'checking off protocol lists', promoting the lack of any capacity or motivation to even locate, let alone analyze, cogent medical research - which itself , as any professional medical practice or research whistleblower knows is utterly corrupt in most cases anyway.

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