This is all a scam. A very dangerous scam. Did you know that EV batteries can spontaneously enter what's called "thermal runaway" and catch fire and even blow up, and that there are probably no fire departments that have the capability to put the fire out in a timely manner. Not only should you worry about your neighbor having an EV parked next to your house, but they are also putting these gigantic battery banks in your neighborhood too! Just last week one caught fire in Queensland Australia. They just let it burn (because they couldn't put it out). So environmentally friendly with all those OSHA controlled toxins in them going into the atmosphere. They told people to stay in their houses to avoid breathing the air - like their houses are airtight or something. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Also environmentally friendly is that they have torn up the Texas Hill Country and west Texas desert to run electric transmission lines from the boondoggle wind and solar farms in the western part of the state to the cities in the eastern part of the state. So environmentally friendly to tear up the environment and have high EMFs radiating on everyone. Did you hear me?! IT'S ALL ENIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY! You will believe it too, or off to the Gulag with you.

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It's an enterprise. No, really, they actually call it 'The Weather Enterprise':

Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018



Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) has been The Science (TM) of the pandemic: masking, jabbing, lockdowns, vax passports, nudging, manipulation, coercion. In this application of SBS the Enterprise:

”includes the network of government agencies, private-sector companies, and academic institutions that provide weather services to the nation."

The media is a big, big part of it, lots of local TV station weather departments (all owned by a handful of national and multinational corporations.) That were also instrumental in the pandemic fear porn pushing lockdowns, mask mandates, jab mandates, etc.

You'll even find infamous propaganda specialist Kate Starbird listed in it as a contributor. It further details how they use the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to advance climate fear porn propaganda with health regulatory powers under the auspices of public health. As well as a collection naming of all of the centers of power that are coordinating and collaborating with this massive psychological mind-farkery operation. It's a big, big, big man-caused climate change "enterprise."

Here's the contents:

Front Matter (You've gotta check out the names of some of these Boards and Committees that contributed!)


Ch 1 Introduction

Ch 2 The Motivation for Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

Ch 3 Assessing the Current State of Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

Ch 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences for Road Weather Concerns

Ch 5 Research Needs for Improving the Nation’s Weather Readiness and Advancing Fundamental Social and Behavioral Science Knowledge

Ch 6 A Framework to Sustainably Support and Effectively Use Social and Behavioral Science Research in the Weather Enterprise

Ch 7 Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations

Appendix A Examples of Funding for Social and Behavioral Science Activities by NOAA, NSF, DHS1

Appendix B Lessons from SBS Integration into the “Public Health Enterprise”

Appendix C People Who Provided Input to the Committee

Appendix D Committee Biosketches

I've seen no better single resource to understanding their operational climate con job plan and strategies in one place than this book. For those who wish to do a very deep dive. A 182-page exercise describing the imposition of stupidity masquerading as intelligence and enlightened thought on an unwitting nation and world. The enterprise of weather.

A book for curious felines to explore. And canids.

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Last I checked, the 60 year "war on poverty" has had zero effect on stemming the poverty rates in the United States, but it has created a behemoth taxing and regulatory government apparatus. The "green agenda" is merely a page out of that same "Communist Manifesto" handbook. The grift isn't new, it simply took on a new shade of color. Green is far more fitting a camouflage for this movement, as red always sticks out like a sore thumb.

Excellent post!

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I totally get that this whole enterprise is built on lies, fraud and deceit. That it is a globally synchronized effort to…what?

Bankrupt the entire world, but not until after you have starved, frozen or boiled, and impoverished the entire planet in the effort?

I hear that the WEF, extremely upset with the peasants not wholly buying into the vaccine, and now having the audacity to pushback against their climate terrorism, are looking into f’n with the world’s water supplies. “That’ll get them plenty scared and compliant!” they chortle.

Do they not think past the next 5 minutes?

I mean, seriously, what’s their endgame scenario?

It looks rather deadly to me.

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My first encounter with the wind turbine grifters was when a friend whose tourism business was crushed by lockdowns took work with a South African outfit. As a professional mountaineer he was forced to undergo the most basic climbing training because... money. And every pettyfogging stupid 'training' thereafter. And the international overlords had to take their cut or they wouldn't grant qualification. His first job was on a windfarm in the semi desert. Like a nightmare novel of incomptence and greed. Lying idle for days, no proper water supply and when finally working, crap food of an amount that might have kept a 7 year old alive. Management completely isolated from the toilers and as arrogant as they could have been. It was like a modern 'green' version of the Dickensian workhouse. The stop oil girlies and boys would not have lasted a day in that hell.

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I want my incandescent bulbs back!!!💡💡💡

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ESG = Engineering Scarcity Globally. Gretas Green Guards are the new Mao’s red guards who will enforce the regimes edicts. Calculate your ESG score to see if you will escape the gulag: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score

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Not ti mention all the solar panels are made in China and there is no way to dispose of them that is environmentally friendly. Hypocrites.

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Remember chiruns, the carbon they want to remove is YOU!

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I encourage folks to read "The Unpopular Truth About Electricity and The Future of Energy" by Dr. Lars Schernikau. Went to a conference where he laid waste to the alt energy movement. The physics behind these forms of energy just aren't viable on a basis of eROI (energy return on energy invested).

Here is a recorded talk of his: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_uBiHoIZIw

Fossil fuels are here to stay until we can find a way to efficiently and effectively proliferate a safer version of nuclear power...that day may already be here...https://x-energy.com/reactors/xe-100

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Many are puzzled and continue to ask "...but why would they do this??"

If you assume it's a death cult, then it all makes sense. The hate themselves and project it onto humanity.

The most amazing thing is what obvious horseshit it is. Everything - ALL Life on Earth relies either directly or indirectly on plants. So, which is best for plants - higher or lower CO2?

We're currently at ~415 PPM (as an average, which itself is an absolutely idiotic measure of anything). People engaged in serious growing in greenhouses try to jack CO2 levels up to anywhere from 800-1200 PPM because PLANTS FUCKING LOVE CO2 and grow like crazy in higher CO2 levels. Below 150 PPM is where plants die off and that is where global extinctions happen. Check the CO2 levels in the fossil records against ice ages.

These people aren't just fuckheads; they're fuckheads intent on destroying human civilization because none of them cares one whit for any of it. It's all about the grift and power over others. Dumb and Evil don't have an excluded middle; most frequently, in fact, those traits travel in tandem. Unfortunately, they also tend to have a third companion, smugness.

South Park nailed this quite some time ago.

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Climate Change:

"The grift that keeps on giving."

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In the UK in the last two years when gas prices shot up, my "100% renewable electricity" bills shot up even more. How can this happen? They were paying gas prices to renewable suppliers who weren't facing increased fuel costs. er... so when were renewables ever going to reduce prices ? something is rotten.

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We are going to achieve Net Zero alright. Unfortunately, it's going to be Net Zero energy available.

If the high priests of the Church of Climate, and the Dyspeptic Saint Greta, were serious at all about their fear of the dreaded Carbon, they would be pushing Nuclear power, which is about as Net Zero as you can get. But they are fighting against nuclear just as hard as they are fighting for solar/wind. As the author of this article so neatly puts, they don't want a solution to their imaginary problem because it's about the money. There are a very few well connected people who have managed to position themselves at the outflow end of an extremely large pipeline that is gushing the money that the government is stealing from us taxpayers. They are getting stinking rich from solar and wind and they absolutely don't give the first frogs fart about climate or carbon or any of the rest of it. This has never been about climate and certainly not about me or you. This is purely about money, and about how much of it they can put in offshore banks before we all wake up and put a stop to it. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen tho...

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Exactly. Cui bono? It’s a massive fabrication to con you. Control and stealing your money is what the Left is about. Don’t behave well, then we will turn off your electric car or your electronic money. You’ll own nothing and we will be happy - because we own it. See how that works?

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Science can't even control or seriously influence local weather. Yet politicians want us to believe they can control the real weather makers such as the Gulf Stream and El Nino and La Nina.

When people's ideas of science come from Hollywood actors and DC politicians, you KNOW we're screwed.

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