out of the frying pan and into the fire. poor guy just doesn't understand. hope he lives long enough to figure it out. I have learned you can't tell people to believe something, they have to see it for themselves.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Rich, but the "big boys" are already in bed with the other party. You haven't heard a bunch of Rs vehemently defending an American's right to treatment or jumping up and down on the Senate or House floor denouncing the practice of testing and "vaccinating" as the only acceptable medical actions allowed have you?
You, me, we "fix it" by getting involved at whatever level you find yourself at. Speak up, let your representatives know what you think, vote for someone who speaks and acts the same way. Be prepared to get arrested when you defy vaccine mandates. Write and talk about your doctors, by name, who won't prescribe ivermectin or in general won't practice medicine but rather follow guidelines.
Above all, people need to learn how to think for themselves. And that includes figuring out who to trust when it comes to their health.
Hope your example of one is representative. I continue to believe if most media play this as a positive accomplishment, most Americans will see it that way.
There was some opinion expressed down here in NZ that the passport systems (called traffic light here) should have waited until more were vaccinated. Hopefully it's fallen over but how do you get a Prime Minister up on genocide charges now?
Time for REPARATIONS from every pharmaceutical megacorporation; test and worthless mask manufacturer; billionaire profiteer; complicit politician/official/bureaucrat; mandating company/educational institution/organization; and colluding agency that participated in the atomic detonation of the global economy, the mass murder and harm of millions, and the destruction of the public health in the name of public health.
Exactly! The tax payer has picked up 'the bill' for this fiasco at every turn of the wheel. Investigate and go after each for every dime that can be squeezed from them. Unfortunately, most likely we will see the same as 2008 - the biggest crooks will walk away with billions and average joe will pay the price.
Since the global pandemic threatened the very existence of humanity, it is understandable if the pharmaceutical companies decided to donate all shots related to COVID and any medication used to treat COVID. For humanities sake. After all, if people weren't around, who would need their products?
Reparations might be what they will agree on at some point in the future because they can deal with that sort of damage. No, that won't fix it. I wish for justice, that these people lose all influence on the population and the public gain awareness of their faults.
Somewhere a PhD student is writing a paper on how free tests prevent covid. In about 30 years, he will be the chief health officer of a major country.... The descent into idiocracy has begun
This is nothing new, it is a tactic the State has used over and over again.
A few examples:
- Child labor was on the wane before child labor laws were imposed.
- Civil rights for blacks were improving before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- Poverty rates among blacks were decreasing, homeownership increasing, and economic opportunities expanding, before LBJ's Great Society was imposed.
- Pollution was decreasing before the Clean Air Act was passed and the EPA created in 1970.
All of these trends were due to rising general prosperity in what was still a largely capitalist economy. Turns out that when people get wealthier, they don't want their children working, to discriminate against potential customers with rising incomes, or to live in polluted environments.
If anything, State intervention slowed or even reversed these laudable trends by imposing regulatory burdens, thereby decreasing the amount of income growth, or, in the case of Great Society, creating a gigantic bureaucratic fiefdom that created perverse economic incentives that have resulted in some 75% of black children being born out of wedlock and rules to keep the fathers uninvolved in raising them.
In short, the State has destroyed the black family.
"The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals' expansion of the welfare state."
The Brits did the same thing to their poor, but in that case they were largely white.
What is completely damning is that this result was both predicable and predicted:
“A community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken homes, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos. Crime, violence, unrest, unrestrained lashing out at the whole social structure — that is not only to be expected, it is very near to inevitable.”
~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.” 1965
What we have now are the lot who are screeching about "systemic racism" are the very ones that created the problems they so angrily cite to support their claims.
Although the vast majority are useful idiots, we can be certain that the "community organizers" know exactly what they are doing.
"I’ll have them n****rs voting Democratic for the next two hundred years."
~ Lyndon B. Johnson, speaking to two governors about his true motivations regarding his support of civil rights legislation, while aboard Air Force One, as described in Ronald Kessler's book, Inside the White House.
Dear Gato, i made my 15 year old read your last post on the gompertz curve with additional reading material on Action Bias. 💪🏻 The garbage being fed to them at school needs counteraction.
We figured this out in summer 2020 but the 'experts' were clueless for far far longer. Many places implemented mask rules in the fall, only to see them (predictably) fail to contain the winter surge.
They have already begun this in many countries. Pathogenic priming, Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Original Antigenic Sin, or outright disease and death from the vaccine - it is the children who will pay the highest price.
This is of course similar to what happened with numerous vaccines. The disease frequency was down 80-90+% (and continuing down) when vaccines were introduced, and then they profess that the vaccines rid us of that disease. Total charlatanism and fraud.
If you look at NY state hospitalization numbers, you can see when mass distribution of the shots started because hospitalizations leveled off then. Others pointed this out but no one listened then... (https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/daily-hospitalization-summary select time period = all and note the shoulder on the curve starting 3/1/2021!)
The Brandon Administration took a page from Animal House. "I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part."
But Gato, the dance is basically harmless and has no costs associated. Couldn't we just do it out of an abundance of caution, and to display our vigilance and awareness of the crisis?
This thing I'm holding? No way, it is definitely not a stone knife to perform the ritual human sacrifice, and I am definitely not laying the groundwork for it with my sun dance.
We are going to need you to put together a comprehensive, irrefutable post consolidating ALL of the manifest dishonesty and chicanery of the Covidiots, the Left, and the Democrat Party.
We are going to need this roundabout early September, so there's plenty of time to shove it far up their asses before the midterms.
The post should be coated in salt and razor blades.
I scanned an article in The Atlantic talking about Ivm and how some "right-wing figures" are pushing it for treatment... What the heck? Could they be referring to the amazing doctors of the FLCCC? Clearly, there is zero journalism in legacy media.
Well Fauci said to give the toddlers a booster because they didn’t show enough of an immune response. What was he doing at Davos? Talk about ominous.
I fear the Feds have created a cottage industry around Covid. They’ve invested a lot of our taxpayer dollars in masks, tests, shots, pills. Not sure why masks and tests should be free.
Haha snort. A lot of your stuff cracks me up daily but this tickled my funny bone on a grey winter day in a blue state where n95s and permanent masking is being rammed through.
We CANNOT let them off the hook, and we cannot let our guard down. I don't care how much the Narrative appears to be crumbling, the Endgame is and always will be maniacally pursued. Everyone, please stay vigilant.
Not just hucksterism, they're bailing out the manufacturers/retailers who stocked up on tests and masks right before the omicron collapse would have left them sitting on shelves. Fauci & Company, specifically Robert Kadlec, have been doing this for almost 20 years now with the Strategic National Stockpile. RFK Jr. documents it well in his Fauci book.
To anyone who still believe these covid mitigation measures are making a difference - I have a rock that keeps tigers away I'd like to tell you about...
They did the same thing with the jabs last year, and it didn't work out well for them.
They don't control the virus. You'd think they'd know that by now. Of course, we all hope that this is the end of the virus portion of this nightmare. Only the virus or the WIV knows for sure.
They injected into a falling epidemic curve and claimed it as VE against the virus. When I pointed this out to my cousin, she and her friend went ballistic. I truly hope Omicron is the end of the epidemic waves, but we don't control the virus. If another variant shows up in the summer or fall, will the sleepers awaken or will they blame others for not masking hard enough?
Sadly, I think that most will just accept whatever narrative is spun for them by the "experts." Many are waking up though, as the fear subsides. Hopefully that continues.
Had a Dr. appt yesterday which led to an X-Ray. Doc knew I was conservative but since I said something kind while she was seeing me she demanded an X-ray to see if I actually had a heart.
Ok, not why I am writing. But in both facilities, EVERYONE is wearing a mask. And I wondered. These are supposed to be the smartest folks in town. These people are supposed to KNOW shit about how to keep me alive.
But they don't. They are the most sheepish of all sheep.
The Woke Zombie is great. Ferocious and brilliant.
And, of course, she’s right. These clowns are flailing around desperately trying to exert control (or to appear to be exerting control) over something they really can’t control. They are, in this, like Keynesian economists trying to manage the economic cycle, but even more destructive.
Our public health officials really ought to read some ancient philosophy—in particular the Stoics. There are a few things under our control and many things that aren’t. When we try to control things we cannot, we cause a great deal of misery for ourselves and those around us.
I get paid for rain dances. I look at the satellite rain images, judge when it's going to rain, and then do my dance. It always impresses the natives - not my dancing skills but the fact it starts raining.
I am gonna get some. Get someone sick to swab for me and then wear it like a badge in my neighborhood rec center. To the cards, to the courts, dancing. I have asthma so I won't even have to fake cough! OK Im not gonna do that. I want to. At least on the street so ppl will leave me be.
If I were to order the masks/kits, and I'm not because I refuse to play these moronic covid games, I would test my cat's poo wrap it up in the masks and send them off to Fauci and Biden.
But even my cat's poo is too good for those assholes.
Apparently Chicken Little next door to me never heard of the free masks. She has been wearing the same batik gaggy mask for over a year. She needs SuperNanny to come with her mask ferry to collect it for the other coockoos needing a mask.
Well, it helps when you can even redefine things to reshape the curve as you go. PCR was supposed to go away three weeks ago. Think that helped bring "case" counts down?
in NJ, the tyrant gov murphy still orders children to wear masks in schools. Murphy appears in public outside wearing two masks. Their plan is to watch the seasonal decrease in cases , have the state of the unions and then Im sure murphy will lift the executive orders and claim credit. They are using children as a political weapon. They are leveraging all the choke point places they control in the state: mass transit, gov offices, schools, health care facilities, and instisting on masking in these places so they have SOMETHING to point to to make them look like they did something. When really NOTHING they have done has made any difference.
Also at Joe's big "depresser" today, he stated that not only must we finish jabbing everybody in the U.S. but the whole world as well. Fauci was probably grinning from ear to ear on that one, as he pulled Joe's strings. I think old Joe is pimping for Tony and Bourla at Pfizer. Would that be called OMICronyism THEN!!!!!!!
I think the whole reason they are giving out free rapid tests is to cover the numbers of fully vaxxed that are getting covid. If they don't collect the data, it aint happenin.
When the rain doesn't come and the crops fail, guess who they went after? Hope it still holds in the urban jungle.
You put it much better than I did, but when true believers remaining in my circle got excited that home test sign-up started a whole day early yesterday, I replied that it would still take 10-15 days to deliver, just in time to not need them anymore. They apparently extended the mask mandate for NY to February 1, though no one around here seems to care anymore, so we'll get our taxpayer-funded "free" masks also just in time for the mandate to go away outside the commune that is NYC.
They can take any dismal item in history and spin it their way. And it sure helps to have the media do it for you. Again, until the masses wake up, they can get away with it. By election time, everyone will be praising Biden. It's after the next election we have to brace ourselves for, regardless of the victor.
Nine of us who are vax-free just had more mild cases than EVERYONE I know who has the vax. We are 80, 72, 41, 40, 39, 6, 5, 4, 3. ALL of us recovered in 3 days or less, even those with the highest fevers. Nobody took fever reducers as we believe fever has a useful purpose. We did take vitamins in higher doses (D and C) and took zinc. I also took niacin. But only 25 mg several times a day. Two of nine took two doses of ivermectin. Yes, positive covid test.
In order of most sick to least sick. 72, 39, 6, 40, 5, 3, 80, 41, 4. 80 year old had sore throat Saturday. Fatigue Sunday and Monday. Low-grade fever Monday. Better Tuesday! He was on the fence about the vaccine but wanted to see how it went for the 1st year. Was considering Novavax. He didn't take Ivermectin. Has 83 Vitamin D level. Did take 20,000 IUI of Vitamin D for those days. Did take 3,000 lypospheric C. 50 mg zinc. Find a great health care warrior who will help you with your vitamin choices.
Know any good NMDs in Oregon/SW WA? I’m so done with allopathy as it is truly a disservice to humanity at this point. Might consider them for a broken leg, but even then, might be smarter to just hop around on the other leg for 8 weeks until it healed.
We did do "lemon socks" to draw a fever from a child's head. (lemon in very warm water, soak cotton socks in it, put on legs to cover calves, cover with wool socks). Calves must be hot for it to work. It draws the fever into the core and out of the head. Our homeopathic MD taught us this trick.
I got H1N1 in 2013, and I took an aleve because the headache was bad. I understand. I have a few more tools now that I'd try first, but I'm not totally opposed to pain relief from OTC meds.
Try high dose of turmeric/curcumin for a headache if you want to avoid artificially lowering the fever. It actually supports a healthy inflammation response, rather than pushing an anti-inflammatory suppression. My chiropractor recommended I try high-dose turmeric in my quest to eliminate pharmaceuticals from my migraine protocols and it’s been life-changing. I had Covid last February and the bear of a headache was quickly relieved. (Personal preferences: Terry Naturally’s CuraMed 750mg and YouTheory’s Extra Strength Turmeric).
lol, you mean like the mild cases of measles they get too? A lot of people around here (Long Island / NYC) were sick and missed Christmas and New Year's sheltering in place despite 2/3 shots and other measures, it's broken a lot of them.
State of the Union was moved to March for a reason.
"The state of our union is STRONG!..... and we also beat covid! Check out these falling numbers!"
And the people will eat it up
Ignoring the fact that we saw the same exact drop last spring, and likely the spring before that, we just didn't have testing then.
yeah but... uniparty...
Biden is quite capable of destroying the Democrats forever.
I think Biden is a symptom not the cause - the Democraps are set on auto-destruct and nobody can remember the code to deactivate it.
I am expecting the PTB to pack Republican candidates with as many RINOs as possible.
out of the frying pan and into the fire. poor guy just doesn't understand. hope he lives long enough to figure it out. I have learned you can't tell people to believe something, they have to see it for themselves.
I agree that the big boys will just target the other party if they think the Democrats are not going to deliver. So how do you fix it.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Rich, but the "big boys" are already in bed with the other party. You haven't heard a bunch of Rs vehemently defending an American's right to treatment or jumping up and down on the Senate or House floor denouncing the practice of testing and "vaccinating" as the only acceptable medical actions allowed have you?
You, me, we "fix it" by getting involved at whatever level you find yourself at. Speak up, let your representatives know what you think, vote for someone who speaks and acts the same way. Be prepared to get arrested when you defy vaccine mandates. Write and talk about your doctors, by name, who won't prescribe ivermectin or in general won't practice medicine but rather follow guidelines.
Above all, people need to learn how to think for themselves. And that includes figuring out who to trust when it comes to their health.
Letting them know what we think doesn’t seem to make a difference. The only opinions they care about are the ones they lobbyists express.
Hope your example of one is representative. I continue to believe if most media play this as a positive accomplishment, most Americans will see it that way.
There was some opinion expressed down here in NZ that the passport systems (called traffic light here) should have waited until more were vaccinated. Hopefully it's fallen over but how do you get a Prime Minister up on genocide charges now?
It’s time to repurpose my 1970s WIN “Whip Inflation Now” lapel button. I’ll change the Inflation to Influenza as WCN doesn’t flow as well.
Time for REPARATIONS from every pharmaceutical megacorporation; test and worthless mask manufacturer; billionaire profiteer; complicit politician/official/bureaucrat; mandating company/educational institution/organization; and colluding agency that participated in the atomic detonation of the global economy, the mass murder and harm of millions, and the destruction of the public health in the name of public health.
Exactly! The tax payer has picked up 'the bill' for this fiasco at every turn of the wheel. Investigate and go after each for every dime that can be squeezed from them. Unfortunately, most likely we will see the same as 2008 - the biggest crooks will walk away with billions and average joe will pay the price.
Now that is reparation I can believe in!
Since the global pandemic threatened the very existence of humanity, it is understandable if the pharmaceutical companies decided to donate all shots related to COVID and any medication used to treat COVID. For humanities sake. After all, if people weren't around, who would need their products?
Reparations might be what they will agree on at some point in the future because they can deal with that sort of damage. No, that won't fix it. I wish for justice, that these people lose all influence on the population and the public gain awareness of their faults.
Oh, believe me, I want them to experience the *full force* of justice as well!!
Somewhere a PhD student is writing a paper on how free tests prevent covid. In about 30 years, he will be the chief health officer of a major country.... The descent into idiocracy has begun
I think you mean xer.
Best comment of the day 😂🤡🌎
Watch out for the free tests since they make no sense on the face of it. Contamination is a real danger, and also what the contaminants may be.
Or tracking.
And the government will have your address if you request tests - want to bet they come after you to report your results to them?
This is nothing new, it is a tactic the State has used over and over again.
A few examples:
- Child labor was on the wane before child labor laws were imposed.
- Civil rights for blacks were improving before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- Poverty rates among blacks were decreasing, homeownership increasing, and economic opportunities expanding, before LBJ's Great Society was imposed.
- Pollution was decreasing before the Clean Air Act was passed and the EPA created in 1970.
All of these trends were due to rising general prosperity in what was still a largely capitalist economy. Turns out that when people get wealthier, they don't want their children working, to discriminate against potential customers with rising incomes, or to live in polluted environments.
If anything, State intervention slowed or even reversed these laudable trends by imposing regulatory burdens, thereby decreasing the amount of income growth, or, in the case of Great Society, creating a gigantic bureaucratic fiefdom that created perverse economic incentives that have resulted in some 75% of black children being born out of wedlock and rules to keep the fathers uninvolved in raising them.
In short, the State has destroyed the black family.
"The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals' expansion of the welfare state."
~ Thomas Sowell
"Poverty rates among blacks were decreasing, homeownership increasing, and economic opportunities expanding, before LBJ's Great Society was imposed."
And then they got worse.
The Brits did the same thing to their poor, but in that case they were largely white.
What is completely damning is that this result was both predicable and predicted:
“A community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken homes, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos. Crime, violence, unrest, unrestrained lashing out at the whole social structure — that is not only to be expected, it is very near to inevitable.”
~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.” 1965
What we have now are the lot who are screeching about "systemic racism" are the very ones that created the problems they so angrily cite to support their claims.
Although the vast majority are useful idiots, we can be certain that the "community organizers" know exactly what they are doing.
"I’ll have them n****rs voting Democratic for the next two hundred years."
~ Lyndon B. Johnson, speaking to two governors about his true motivations regarding his support of civil rights legislation, while aboard Air Force One, as described in Ronald Kessler's book, Inside the White House.
Dear Gato, i made my 15 year old read your last post on the gompertz curve with additional reading material on Action Bias. 💪🏻 The garbage being fed to them at school needs counteraction.
We figured this out in summer 2020 but the 'experts' were clueless for far far longer. Many places implemented mask rules in the fall, only to see them (predictably) fail to contain the winter surge.
they're learning from the climate alarmists
Because they're all the same a$$hole$.
They are also fond of child sacrifice
They have already begun this in many countries. Pathogenic priming, Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Original Antigenic Sin, or outright disease and death from the vaccine - it is the children who will pay the highest price.
This is of course similar to what happened with numerous vaccines. The disease frequency was down 80-90+% (and continuing down) when vaccines were introduced, and then they profess that the vaccines rid us of that disease. Total charlatanism and fraud.
If you look at NY state hospitalization numbers, you can see when mass distribution of the shots started because hospitalizations leveled off then. Others pointed this out but no one listened then... (https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/daily-hospitalization-summary select time period = all and note the shoulder on the curve starting 3/1/2021!)
The Brandon Administration took a page from Animal House. "I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part."
you were saying 😁 https://inumero.substack.com/p/bat-house
But Gato, the dance is basically harmless and has no costs associated. Couldn't we just do it out of an abundance of caution, and to display our vigilance and awareness of the crisis?
This thing I'm holding? No way, it is definitely not a stone knife to perform the ritual human sacrifice, and I am definitely not laying the groundwork for it with my sun dance.
We are going to need you to put together a comprehensive, irrefutable post consolidating ALL of the manifest dishonesty and chicanery of the Covidiots, the Left, and the Democrat Party.
We are going to need this roundabout early September, so there's plenty of time to shove it far up their asses before the midterms.
The post should be coated in salt and razor blades.
This is so excellent! I’ve already shared it. See Coffee and Covid on Substack for more on Narrative 2.0… https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-monday-january-caf
My other favorite substack!
O/T but boy do we need more of this right now:
You go girl.
Omiword... civil rights attorney, speaking for the people! Ty for sharing this !
I scanned an article in The Atlantic talking about Ivm and how some "right-wing figures" are pushing it for treatment... What the heck? Could they be referring to the amazing doctors of the FLCCC? Clearly, there is zero journalism in legacy media.
You always know exactly how many virgins to sacrifice by when it rains.
Well Fauci said to give the toddlers a booster because they didn’t show enough of an immune response. What was he doing at Davos? Talk about ominous.
I fear the Feds have created a cottage industry around Covid. They’ve invested a lot of our taxpayer dollars in masks, tests, shots, pills. Not sure why masks and tests should be free.
Nothing is free.
Haha snort. A lot of your stuff cracks me up daily but this tickled my funny bone on a grey winter day in a blue state where n95s and permanent masking is being rammed through.
We CANNOT let them off the hook, and we cannot let our guard down. I don't care how much the Narrative appears to be crumbling, the Endgame is and always will be maniacally pursued. Everyone, please stay vigilant.
Not just hucksterism, they're bailing out the manufacturers/retailers who stocked up on tests and masks right before the omicron collapse would have left them sitting on shelves. Fauci & Company, specifically Robert Kadlec, have been doing this for almost 20 years now with the Strategic National Stockpile. RFK Jr. documents it well in his Fauci book.
To anyone who still believe these covid mitigation measures are making a difference - I have a rock that keeps tigers away I'd like to tell you about...
They did the same thing with the jabs last year, and it didn't work out well for them.
They don't control the virus. You'd think they'd know that by now. Of course, we all hope that this is the end of the virus portion of this nightmare. Only the virus or the WIV knows for sure.
Yes, but did they mail the jabs as so many had suggested? Safe and effective compliance!
They injected into a falling epidemic curve and claimed it as VE against the virus. When I pointed this out to my cousin, she and her friend went ballistic. I truly hope Omicron is the end of the epidemic waves, but we don't control the virus. If another variant shows up in the summer or fall, will the sleepers awaken or will they blame others for not masking hard enough?
Sadly, I think that most will just accept whatever narrative is spun for them by the "experts." Many are waking up though, as the fear subsides. Hopefully that continues.
**shamans" :-)
hey, both are politically incorrect...shamyns, come on!
shamxns, Michxle.
Well ‘sham’ is certainly right.
No, the "e" instead of the "a" is essential to truly identifying who they are.
Had a Dr. appt yesterday which led to an X-Ray. Doc knew I was conservative but since I said something kind while she was seeing me she demanded an X-ray to see if I actually had a heart.
Ok, not why I am writing. But in both facilities, EVERYONE is wearing a mask. And I wondered. These are supposed to be the smartest folks in town. These people are supposed to KNOW shit about how to keep me alive.
But they don't. They are the most sheepish of all sheep.
Terrifying. Sad. Maddening.
The Woke Zombie is great. Ferocious and brilliant.
And, of course, she’s right. These clowns are flailing around desperately trying to exert control (or to appear to be exerting control) over something they really can’t control. They are, in this, like Keynesian economists trying to manage the economic cycle, but even more destructive.
Our public health officials really ought to read some ancient philosophy—in particular the Stoics. There are a few things under our control and many things that aren’t. When we try to control things we cannot, we cause a great deal of misery for ourselves and those around us.
“The U.S. Has Passed the Hospital Breaking Point.”-Atlantic Monthly 12/20
“Hospitals Are Once Again at the Breaking Point as COVID-19 Cases Surge”-Healthline 8/21
“US Hospitals are once again ‘at a breaking point’, with Delta and Omicron”-NBC News, 12/21
“Hospitals near a breaking point with latest influx of COVID patients.”-PBS, six days ago
Shouldn’t the hospitals have broken by now?
Or maybe all of this hyperbolic rhetoric is giving a distorted view of what’s actually happening?
It just seems very odd, given this:
“Omicron has passed peak in South Africa, causing relatively few deaths and hospitalizations, authorities say.”-Washington Post, 12/21
Maybe Fred Sanford is managing our hospitals (and our media):
♥️ for Fred Sanford😀
I get paid for rain dances. I look at the satellite rain images, judge when it's going to rain, and then do my dance. It always impresses the natives - not my dancing skills but the fact it starts raining.
Andrew Cuomo's June 2020, "we went from worst to first." (Isn't NYC still the historic covid world's worst by all measures?)
Fifth time's a charm...
Has anyone actually received a free test or mask?? I just heard that you can order them now and they might arrive in a week or two...
straight to trash bin if they do show up
I'm thinking I'll sell mine to some nervous fool...little pocket cash...
I am gonna get some. Get someone sick to swab for me and then wear it like a badge in my neighborhood rec center. To the cards, to the courts, dancing. I have asthma so I won't even have to fake cough! OK Im not gonna do that. I want to. At least on the street so ppl will leave me be.
Call me paranoid, but I have to wonder what'll be on the swabs of those "free tests" ...
So like 2 years in we all get free tests and masks?
If I were to order the masks/kits, and I'm not because I refuse to play these moronic covid games, I would test my cat's poo wrap it up in the masks and send them off to Fauci and Biden.
But even my cat's poo is too good for those assholes.
Apparently Chicken Little next door to me never heard of the free masks. She has been wearing the same batik gaggy mask for over a year. She needs SuperNanny to come with her mask ferry to collect it for the other coockoos needing a mask.
I am not in the US, but the public health wonks decided before Christmas break to send each child at school home with a kit of 5 tests.
I am told that a great many of the kits distributed to the high school never made it back out to the sidewalk!
Yeah, I was thinking you can sell them. There's got to be a lot of crazy people who want tests.
I am surprised the kids didn't think of that
Shout out for NJ's own Woke Zombie!
Now what to do with the idiots who still are watching in amazement instead of figuring this out?
Sacrifice them to appease the gods? They should be willing to have such a glorious, useful end.
The entire Plandemic is a LIE
Satanic Pfizer: The Occult Symbolism Found On The Pfizer Mural. They Are Mocking Us
The Pfizer Mural created in 1960 depicts Coronavirus officially discovered in 1965
Well, it helps when you can even redefine things to reshape the curve as you go. PCR was supposed to go away three weeks ago. Think that helped bring "case" counts down?
in NJ, the tyrant gov murphy still orders children to wear masks in schools. Murphy appears in public outside wearing two masks. Their plan is to watch the seasonal decrease in cases , have the state of the unions and then Im sure murphy will lift the executive orders and claim credit. They are using children as a political weapon. They are leveraging all the choke point places they control in the state: mass transit, gov offices, schools, health care facilities, and instisting on masking in these places so they have SOMETHING to point to to make them look like they did something. When really NOTHING they have done has made any difference.
Love it, great point. Will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Also at Joe's big "depresser" today, he stated that not only must we finish jabbing everybody in the U.S. but the whole world as well. Fauci was probably grinning from ear to ear on that one, as he pulled Joe's strings. I think old Joe is pimping for Tony and Bourla at Pfizer. Would that be called OMICronyism THEN!!!!!!!
I wrote about this today. They are going to "Take Credit for the Plunge" in cases: https://hangtownreasoning.substack.com/p/taking-credit-for-the-plunge
I think the whole reason they are giving out free rapid tests is to cover the numbers of fully vaxxed that are getting covid. If they don't collect the data, it aint happenin.
When the rain doesn't come and the crops fail, guess who they went after? Hope it still holds in the urban jungle.
You put it much better than I did, but when true believers remaining in my circle got excited that home test sign-up started a whole day early yesterday, I replied that it would still take 10-15 days to deliver, just in time to not need them anymore. They apparently extended the mask mandate for NY to February 1, though no one around here seems to care anymore, so we'll get our taxpayer-funded "free" masks also just in time for the mandate to go away outside the commune that is NYC.
They can take any dismal item in history and spin it their way. And it sure helps to have the media do it for you. Again, until the masses wake up, they can get away with it. By election time, everyone will be praising Biden. It's after the next election we have to brace ourselves for, regardless of the victor.
last winter the jab roll out occurred on the negative slope of the gopertz and they all gave pfizer the blame....
recent performance is possibly not new!
Wait… 🤔 did Birx come back?
Watch that word "tribe," gato.
Nine of us who are vax-free just had more mild cases than EVERYONE I know who has the vax. We are 80, 72, 41, 40, 39, 6, 5, 4, 3. ALL of us recovered in 3 days or less, even those with the highest fevers. Nobody took fever reducers as we believe fever has a useful purpose. We did take vitamins in higher doses (D and C) and took zinc. I also took niacin. But only 25 mg several times a day. Two of nine took two doses of ivermectin. Yes, positive covid test.
In order of most sick to least sick. 72, 39, 6, 40, 5, 3, 80, 41, 4. 80 year old had sore throat Saturday. Fatigue Sunday and Monday. Low-grade fever Monday. Better Tuesday! He was on the fence about the vaccine but wanted to see how it went for the 1st year. Was considering Novavax. He didn't take Ivermectin. Has 83 Vitamin D level. Did take 20,000 IUI of Vitamin D for those days. Did take 3,000 lypospheric C. 50 mg zinc. Find a great health care warrior who will help you with your vitamin choices.
That's the way to do it. I proved it in my book, with myself, my family and my patients.
Yes! I've been following you and other warriors for a long time! Thankful for you!
Know any good NMDs in Oregon/SW WA? I’m so done with allopathy as it is truly a disservice to humanity at this point. Might consider them for a broken leg, but even then, might be smarter to just hop around on the other leg for 8 weeks until it healed.
Subbed to your stack just now. Thank you.
That is useful information. Smart ol papa to wait.
The “no fever reducer” has been my approach to low grade fevers in the past, but recently I HAD to take Tylenol because my head hurt so much.
We did do "lemon socks" to draw a fever from a child's head. (lemon in very warm water, soak cotton socks in it, put on legs to cover calves, cover with wool socks). Calves must be hot for it to work. It draws the fever into the core and out of the head. Our homeopathic MD taught us this trick.
I got H1N1 in 2013, and I took an aleve because the headache was bad. I understand. I have a few more tools now that I'd try first, but I'm not totally opposed to pain relief from OTC meds.
Try high dose of turmeric/curcumin for a headache if you want to avoid artificially lowering the fever. It actually supports a healthy inflammation response, rather than pushing an anti-inflammatory suppression. My chiropractor recommended I try high-dose turmeric in my quest to eliminate pharmaceuticals from my migraine protocols and it’s been life-changing. I had Covid last February and the bear of a headache was quickly relieved. (Personal preferences: Terry Naturally’s CuraMed 750mg and YouTheory’s Extra Strength Turmeric).
They mean the Vax made Omicron. Period
Don’t forget to suggest that in taking all those jabs they look taller too. Idiots love flattery.
lol, you mean like the mild cases of measles they get too? A lot of people around here (Long Island / NYC) were sick and missed Christmas and New Year's sheltering in place despite 2/3 shots and other measures, it's broken a lot of them.
Yet the ‘booster’ actually boosted infection rates among the boosted.
You make a great point Momabear. This has given purpose to so many, and they don't WANT to go back to who they were before.
But we NEED public lynchings! Nothing short will deter such behavior.
I’d settle for an uppercut to their chins.