This will force small business owners that are honest to at least consider tax evasion. They may buy a safe and become their own bank where cash transactions are concerned. Similar to how illegal drug operations work. If they get caught, the penalties are often harsher than those for violent crimes. It really feels like a concerted effort to destroy small businesses and force everyone to deal with mega corps.

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Their innocent explanation for this is garbage. The administration has said that the want to fundamentally change our economy. Looks to me like the want democratic fascism to be our new normal.

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Maybe it is the normal but we never realized it until recent actions began to reveal the tyranny of government.

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That's what I'm talking about! It's revelation not revolution at this point.

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I recently read a comment about the Fairy Tale Cinderella. Cinderella was exploited by her stepmother to be the unpaid servant who did all the dirty work. (Metaphor for the essential workers who do all the dirty work to keep the upper 1% fed and serviced.) But why didn't Cinderella leave? Why stay and be exploited? Think of the iron fist that prevents escape (prevents dissidence). There is a medieval law that states anyone found stealing (presumably from a wealthier person) would be immediately placed in jail. If Cinderella leaves, her stepmother only has to call the gendarmes and claim that Cinderella has stolen her clothes. Mission solved. Other tyrannical ways of preventing escape were discussed. Draconian laws that compel austerity for the middle class pressure the majority of citizens to become impoverished serfs of the upper class. See, for example, this interview with Michael Hudson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uiz934HVZjY&list=TLPQMTYxMDIwMjGpTRbu9EeVvA&index=29 Towards the end of this interview he predicts that a financial elite is attempting a globalist control of finances to consolidate their governmental control.

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I have commented previously that until 2020 I never considered myself particularly conspiracy minded. My tendency used to be to default to and optimistic interpretation of things. I don't really see a way to optimistically interpret what has occurred since 2020, though.

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Nor was I ever prone to conspiracy ideas. But lately, event after event stretches and then further stretches credibility to the point of being ludicrous. These days, virtually everything is stunningly absurd. It's like being in the Twilight Zone.

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Gotta have Faith. The one thing they don't want you to have.

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Then perhaps it is time for a coup and put our foot on their heads.

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Great Reset means that a lot of wealth and knowledge needs to be zeroed-out.

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I think some small business owners may end up following their conscience that these unjust laws should be disobeyed. I'm not in that circumstance, but I'm leaning more and more toward supporting those that are ready for a true revolution.

BTW, what are your thoughts on somehow just having certain states secede and form a separate country?

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Right now I am encouraged by the pushback coming from the state level, particularly FL and TX. I have children. A true, hot civil war terrifies me for their sake. But at this point a lot can be accomplished by opting out of this insanity at the state and even the local level. The Founding Fathers envisioned the separate states as separate laboratories where different policies could be tried to see what works and what doesn't. Ultimately people can vote with their feet and go to the state with the policies that align with their preferences. The net result would ultimately resemble a secession, but hopefully with no shots being fired. As individuals I think the best thing we can all do is say NO, not just with words, but also with actions. At every opportunity. NO is still a potent force against tyranny in my opinion.

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Good thoughts. I think my family will need to move. Our religious exemptions were temporarily accepted (good through Dec. 31, then reevaluate), and we defy the mask orders (sometimes refused service), but my kids' schools are super strict with masks and I think vax mandates there will be used to block kids from sports within next few months (I have 2 boys - 15 & 12). My blood boils that my kids have to wear the masks in school or not get to go. They don't like it but they don't want to homeschool. Mostly, I worry they are getting worn down and becoming accepting of totalitarianism. My younger son ended up in the principal's office twice for mask stuff. Very difficult for me to know what to do.

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It is evil what they are doing to children in all of this. They are the least able to stand up for themselves because they are still in the process of figuring out who they are.

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Hiding from government... So sad for America.

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I'm surprised the amount they decided on wasn't $666. Just sayin'.

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The purpose of bank monitoring is to further the "Show me the man, I'll show you the crime" soviet agenda. What a wonderful way to locate the supports of the wrong party or individual.

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IRS merely backstops The Fed while ensuring that disposable income is lowered to the point that propensity to borrow (from Fed owners) is greater, all while totally subverting 4A right to privacy from the get go. IRS can snoop on anyone as it is, this is just a PR stunt. IRS itself is illegal, and as such is not bound to any laws.

If you look at the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto it states that the surest way to destroy Capitalism are steeply graduated taxes on income and heavy levies upon estates of people when they die. IRS is an important tool in this Fascist death spiral which is accelerating rapidly.

Taxation is theft. Death & Taxes is a lowly PSYOP to get everyone mindlessly repeating that false mantra while subjecting themselves to unconstitutional tyranny.

Time to wake up, and LEARN.

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This is even more in your face proof of the Communism in USSA: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/bidens-pick-comptroller-currency-born-raised-communist-ussr-wont-thesis-marxism-written-ussr/

Do NOT comply. If we do not actively fight back, we will lose what is left of this Republic, and I assure you very little is left.

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Remember when we all voted for this to be done to us?

I'm sure we can just vote it away.

We can absolutely do something about this. I'm sure of it.

There has to be a reason why literally everything the federal government has done to us since January that directly affects my life are things I'd say "no" to. And just keeps happening.

Must be all that freedom.

I guess I could take all my money out of the banks and do everything in cash...

That wouldn't kill my credit or make it impossible for me to shop non-physically, right?

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You cannot comply your way out of tyranny.

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You vote yourself into Fascism, but you shoot your way out of it. Sad, but true.

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...unless you're like Australia, and give up your guns willfully and willingly. Then, it takes someone ELSE to shoot YOUR way out of fascism.


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A much larger agenda to make us own nothing and be happy. 1984, Brave New World, Animal Farm etc. It is great to talk but we need to take action, on a large scale if possible. Will take much courage but if we don't, we will die slow deaths bc of tyranny. Storm Washington and all the democratic cities in peaceful marches, staying as long as it takes and if they use violence, then we do what we have to in order to protect ourselves. Sad to even think it would take this but I do not trust who counts the votes and WE the People are what keeps all the businesses running and ensuring the USA stays a free Republic, born out of the blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers.

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Guttermouth, are you part of an organized resistance yet? What state are you in?

I feel we have this quandry where the freer states aren't feeling the pain enough to resist, and the clamped-down states don't have any leverage or the numbers to resist. Help! What are we doing to put all this talk into action?

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Your mileage may vary. (There are other, apolitical but freedom-loving, resources on the site.)

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It's not $10,000 balances. It's $10,000 in aggregate inflows and outflows. This is a grab for more control of the weakest in our society.

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Which is essentially everyone!

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Use cash as much as possible, even when this creates frictions for you.

The more cash is circulating, the more sand is thrown in their eyes.

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IRS was never created by an Act of Congress, and is only "gov" agency that pays for postage. This is an illegitimate federal gov w/ criminal extra-constitutional agencies like the IRS, CIA, FBI, FDA, etc.

Look into Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act 1894 and SCOTUS ruling on it 1895, and the Victory Tax of 1942 and it's repeal 1944.

This is a fascinating subject that most Americans are completely ignorant of, thus, most arguments about the IRS and taxation come from a place of ignorance and opinion. The Founding Fathers were very clear about taxing the fruits of ones labors, same as they wanted Allodial Title for property, which is superior to Fee Simple Absolute due no entity, gov or private, laying any taxes, debts or other claims on your property.

How we've devolved as direct function of sheer ignorance and purposeful miseducation. Imagine of true Tax Law was taught vs CRT?

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PayPal sent me a notice telling me because of this new $600 snooping bill coming I have to verify my taxpayer status. Say what? They already have that info. So just out of curiosity I clicked the button and "error" so they won't let me do it. I am guessing they'll use the error (which there is no way to contact support so you can't fix) to keep my money and not allow me to get it. And it's not over $600.

Welcome to the new digital cash world they wish to force on us, once they are done forcing the vaccine passports, that is.

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Show us your bank account, Joe.

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Hunter manages all the banking, doesn't he?

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We can't "overly focus on moments in time that don't reflect overarching policy." Come on, man!

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Spot on. Big Brother Joe needs to be stopped dead in his tracks.

When I say this on Twitter I get messages saying I must be a tax cheat. Hah. What people don't realize is we are all tax cheats.

- Do you pay taxes on the $ you win in a friendly wager with your friend? Tax cheat.

- Do you pay taxes on the extra ladder you sold to a buddy? Tax cheat.

- Do you pay taxes on your birthday/Christmas/valentines/baby shower/mothers day gifts? You might think I'm being silly but here's the IRS definition of a gift "Any transfer to an individual, either directly or indirectly, where full consideration (measured in money or money's worth) is not received in return." If you don't , you're a tax cheat.

We are all tax cheats. This won't bother the rich but it's guaranteed to be disproportionately hard on the lower and middle classes.

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Love how you framed this!

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We are doing these things with technology because we can. Now that humanity can store, move and manipulate yottabytes of data in an automated fashion, we do, without consideration for the potential for harm. Every new technology is either developed as a weapon, or weaponized eventually. Without restraint, our use of technology will march inexorably forward to the point that it will in due time use us, which is already happening. Until SkyNet comes to pass, the next oligarchy are those that control the data and the tools to manipulate it.

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Yup. The question was never "if" but "how soon."

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If anyone has ever doubted that Big Brother is watching you...

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I am still learning and not very knowledgeable about Bitcoin but my understanding is that it was invented to solve some of these kinds of problems of fiat currency such as governmental “stealth robbery” through inflating away the buying power of a currency. Michael Saylor is a good one to check out for a presentation of some of the features and arguments.

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Yup. And it's been working fabulously for the people who understood how important it was years ago.

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USDC is a good place hold your money. My guru is Cultivate Crypto on YT. Those guys made me good cash. I was afraid at first. Now I'm not. Learning the ropes and what's fake news was one of my best decisions. This is not investing advice. Just FYI.

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My understanding is you always want to hold your money OFFLINE in what is called “cold storage” in order to not expose yourself to the counter party risk of some online intermediary getting hacked. The point of Bitcoin is that it makes it possible to be your own bank and disintermediate banks and governments. Bitcoin will ultimately destroy banks.

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But won't the govts. ban any crypto that is not part of their own digital currency? I'm invested for the $ benefits, but wary about how long I'll have access, even to my own Bitcoin.

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I am just beginning to learn but you can quickly find very intelligent people hashing all these issues out. I like Max Keiser Orange Pill programs, Pompliano, Raoul Pal, Michael Saylor. Bitcoin is designed to be the end of things like naked short selling, and lots of official frauds that are business as usual if you are “ in the club.” Members of “the club” would love to destroy it but it apparently is not possible, “ the genie is out of the bottle.” Recently El Salvador became the first government to embrace it. So now there is a situation that governments see that it can be an advantage to their country to attract Bitcoin wealth holders to become citizens etc. I watched an interview between Pompliano and a young man who had developed software that used Bitcoin to send money around the world. He said that in El Salvador he met a family that lives on $100 USD a month sent from a gardener in the USA. When he sends a check, they have to travel 4 hours to the city to cash it and 4 hours home, hoping not to get robbed on the way, and pay about $50 of that $100 in various fees. Using the system he developed they can now get their $100 direct in their phone almost instantly for almost no fees. So these kinds of innovations are going wipe out Visa, Western Union, etc. Of course the banks are not pleased and are going to try to choke it but there are already too many little people using it who have much to gain and little to lose so they are going to risk it and find/create/ invent a way in the black market if necessary. It is definitely going to be a cobra vs. mongoose thing though.

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"the sales pitch on this whole program looks hilariously implausible even by the standards of this gang and let’s face it: that’s a bar so low you could trip over it in the dark.

it seems profoundly unlikely that leadership are so witless as to believe this. rather, the bet seems to be that we are."

I've been saying this from the get-go. It's not that the administration is stupid (although they're certainly not the sharpest tools in the shed, of that there is no doubt), it's that the administration knows that millions of Americans in the electorate are stupid. And they are.

How else to explain why SO many people still only go to the alphabet legacy media for their "news"? They're LIVs - low-information voters - because they're stupid enough to think the alphabet legacy media are newsfolks when they're nothing but Democrat Party propagandists.

And the administration is at least smart enough to know that there are millions of stupid or ignorant Americans who vote, and that they have an actively complicit media who carry the Democrat Party's buckets of stupid water.

THAT is their target market with these comical and absurd statements and lies. Millions of LIVs.

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Those of us who are/were gamers (or at least keep up with gamer culture) refer to that same group of people as NPCs: Non-Player Characters. They will only act and react as the game devs programmed them to.

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That is a terrific description: "They will only act and react as the game developers programmed them to."

That is a perfect description of the folks who only go to the alphabet legacy media for their "news".

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White House : "Opposition to IRS snooping proposal driven by top 1% and lazy banks". Well, I may be wrong, but that snooping isn't free; it would drive up operations costs. An unintended consequence could be small accounts aren't worth the hassle, and the bank would no longer want to do business with small businesses.

Reminds me a bit of FACTA.

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