And the REASON that they do all of these things to shut down debate is simple -- they have no logical reasoning to stand on. They are absolutely obliterated when it comes to debate AND THEY KNOW IT.

Ask them why to explain why 'deplorables' think liberals hate them, and liberals will give you reason after reason that deplorables SHOULD be hated. They can't even fathom that another side of the argument exists, much less articulate it or defend it. This is a key aspect of debate. But these days debate is racist.

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'“if you disagree with me, it proves that i am correct” is not much of a position statement.'

Looks like avoiding to build a reasoned argument and then accuse the opponent of not understanding is nothing new. The last letter from Proudhon to Bastiat in the "Free Credit" collection is absolutely stunning: https://oll.libertyfund.org/page/fb-pariswritings2#chapter-6-7639

I recommend the whole collection of 14 letters back and forth between the two but this one in particular seems to be appropriate here.

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Awesome post!! Thank you. And, as a Christian, this catastrophe has crept into the evangelical world. This book nails it...

Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism's Looming Catastrophe https://www.amazon.com/dp/1684511801/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RW9AVY3J4SHZS82KRCWR

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The Mass was in Latin so that everyone could understand it.

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Is she a Muslim? If so, she has a monumental defense. I hope she wins her case.

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Incisive and important.

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"it’s a rigged carnival game and if you play stupid games, expect stupid prizes." Sums up why I gave up social media. So spot on!

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