"the kids are not alright"
yeah, no kidding. so maybe stop tormenting and alienating them and let them have their lives back
the social pressures and strictures brought to bear around covid have been surreal. they have fallen hardest upon the children. we uprooted their lives, masked and muzzled them all day, prevented basic non-verbal communication, impeded learning, closed their schools, ended their activities, broke up their social networks, and ground their lives to halt.
this alone would have been more than many could bear. but on top of that, we piled guilt, recrimination, and stigma atop it. we made the kids out to be careless killers of grandma and rendered becoming ill with a respiratory virus a grievous moral failing.
we have done staggering emotional damage to them and it’s really starting to show.

and it keeps getting worse. vaccinating kids has become the new flashpoint and the new socialization horror. and no, it’s not “science” is nonsense.
the actual scientists at FDA vaccines quit over what an atrocity this was. they are not even empaneling experts to assess this anymore out of fear of what those experts might say.
it has become a railroading.
it has also become a vicious campaign of social shaming and in group/out group signaling in the demographic most intensely sensitive to such things.
look at this picture. she looks like she just won a the “little miss vaccinated” pageant. people applaud.
these are the images they bombard the kids with.
you might think this is a joke or just a photo op, but it’s not.
this is the reality they force your offspring to inhabit.

and yes, it CAN happen here. it IS happening here.
on puerto rico, in the private schools to which many of my friends send their children, kids are being asked, in front of the class, about their vaxx status by teachers and headmasters. those who get jabbed are applauded. those who are not are scorned.
of course, they will ALL need to be vaxxed for febraury. every single child over 5 must be twice jabbed + 2 weeks or be excluded from in person education. and it’s tearing schools apart.
many parents here are falling all over themselves to comply. i have heard some brag that their tweens are already boosted.
many others are literally pulling kids out of school, forming pods, and saying “no fricking way am i submitting my kids to this.”
the bifurcation is fierce and the arguments vicious.
and who is caught in the crossfire?
yup. los niños y las niñas.
even if you manage to get an exemption (extremely difficult) you have not escaped this regime of terror. for your kids, it may just get worse.
my friend’s teen daughter said that all she wanted for chirstmas was to get vaccinated so that all her friends would stop excluding her. yes, she said, i know it’s useless, i don’t care. it’s worth it to get my life back.
let that one sink in. imagine trying to make that choice with your child and balance what is best for them.
imagine being cornered into having to choose between mental or physical health for your daughter because some jumped up health department bureaucrat with a middle school science education and the empathy of a half-starved hyena made the two mutually exclusive.
because it’s happening. and many no longer need imagine…
adolescence is hard enough without this kind of excess baggage piled on top of it.
the kids are breaking and it’s because WE are breaking them.
not covid, not the pandemic, us.
this is not an act of nature, it’s an act of shameless, self-serving, cowardly adults pushing fake science and brutalizing social policy so that they can assuage their wet pants atavistic fears and proudly point to piles of damage done as though it were virtue and claim “i did something!”
and then the deny the costs. they claim it was the pandemic, not the responses to it.
and this is the worst lie of all.
it takes the mountains of harm and makes them seem inevitable and even more pernicious, like “it would have been worse had we not done this.”
no, it wouldn’t.
it would have been better.
closing schools made NO difference to covid. masking kids all day made no difference to covid. making them isolate and sit 6 feet apart and eat outside and tracking them and poking them and testing them and terrifying them and vilifying them made no difference to covid.
but wow did it make a difference to the kids.
and as the panic brigade for the next round of bambino brutalizing by shutting down their lives once more, it’s damn well time people heard this.
this is not an issue to be pussyfooted around any longer. it’s one to be taken head on not only in scientific terms (as clearly most of these people are epidemiologically illiterate and listen only to appeals to purported authority) but in the moral terms in which this should have been framed all along.
this is amoral and savage. this is not civilization or social consciousness, it is their abrogation.
“we must use our children as human shields to buy false comfort for their elders!” said no society with a future. ever.
the school systems that push this and cower cravenly instead of standing strong should fail. they deserve to fail.
make school choice the issue of our time and they WILL fail.
the rising generations deserve so much more than this.
we are failing them.
so how about we get it together and remember who are supposed to be the adults around here?
the civilization we save may be our own…
No moral society asks children to sacrifice their health or freedom to protect the old.
We are no longer a moral society.
My brother at 66 had a chest x-ray in March which showed no visible lung cancer. On May 7, he had his 1st Pfizer jab. 2 days later his blood pressure starts going up and 10 days later he starts swelling up. June 16, he is diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer (liver biopsy), July 7 he is dead. And the hospital staff says it is impossible for the "vaccine" to do this.
Mark my words, excess deaths are going to go way up, when we finally see the reports.