when I was a kid in Europe, father worked and mom stayed at home and did the household. Seems like here in the US mothers started to work out way sooner. In our class of 32 kids, not one mother worked (or certainly not full time). Some helped out with some cleaning and some did some baby sitting, probably, but all mothers were stay-at-home. Thankfully I see young mothers start to do the same, and one is home schooling, which I think in the circumstances, is great. This is forbidden in most European countries though.
A stay-at-home mom with a college education is a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps the most important course I took was Child Develpment and Psychology in my pre-nursing curriculum. Raising children to be responsible adults is the most important job in the world. A career can wait.
This is why the effort to shame all stay at home mothers who educate themselves regarding food and medicine and the limitations of public education as "privileged" Karen types (if of a certain socioeconomic class) or "dumb" religious types. The message is clear that taking responsibility to raise A's is a threat to the powers that be.
Imagine the lesson that imparts to the child in a culture that claims child rearing is a waste of a mother with an education. Imagine what a child learns when they learn the low status that teachers hold.
Ah yes. In those days no married woman with kids was a seamstress or a shopkeeper or any of those things people have always had to do to keep the household afloat.
Of course it's true that the postwar prosperity that created an urban middle class throughout the Western world let an unprecedented number of women stay home.
Did your grandma stay home and keep house? Your great-grandma? Perhaps they were farmer's wives and worked from before sunrise to long after sundown, with one task or another, to ensure the farm succeeded.
The key here, though, stemming from Ryan's comment is that maybe there are Tasks - bread winning, house keeping, child rearing, et mucho al - and there are Roles.
Tasks can often be checked off by pretty much anyone.
But teaching a boy how to be a man, or to demonstrate to your daughter how a man should treat women, and how they treat a woman - which I just realized might be different - requires a Role Model and that just can't be done by anyone other than a man. A Masculine Man.
Since the idea that Masculinity could be generalized as Toxic was introduced, some important Tasks have have been left undone, and of course young men still found Role Models. They just haven't been Masculine Men.
I have said elsewhere that all the screaming feminists who helped destroy society were unlikely to have been the daughters of competent fathers.
I have also said elsewhere that far too many of the fathers of the boomers--that sad reviled cohort of which I am one--either survived a brutal war that left them damaged in a dreadful grab bag of ways, or were unfit for service and therefore the second or third choices of women whose desired choices were off getting killed or maimed.
Do HR harridans come from happy families with strong fathers? Does a competent father raise a daughter whose only goal in life is to major in gender studies and kvetch about everything to everyone ever after?
For where we are now, we should look back to the great-grandparents' generations. It didn't just happen by fell magic that we've got a shortage of intelligently masculine men now.
People like to kill those who don't want to follow their directives, or for any other reason too. Parents murder their kids all the time. Even easier to kill other people's kids. Human nature, etc. etc.
So true. Reminds me of an episode of the TV show "Roseanne" when the young son, D.J. - after a biting retort from Roseanne - says to his Dad (John Goodman) "I thought it was GOOD to be a man, Dad" and Goodman replies, "Oh, no, D.J. It hasn't been good to be a man since the '70s". Hilarious, sad and true.
Why yes my wife stayed home and kept house until the kid were high schooled. As did my mother, grandmother, great grandmother, etc. None were necessarily farmer's wives, none the less homemaking was, and is an honorable full time job.
I stayed home. Here in Northern Virginia we went to the pool and summer fairs, and to visit relatives. No lavish vacations to the Bahamas or other expensive entertainment. We did not miss it.
True, but in the 'olden days' there was not the rampant consumerism - in terms of quantity/variety - and the 'need' to have the latest of everything so many ppl feel today. Amazing how those who don't have two nickels to rub together seem to acquire a lot of stuff - big screen TV, boat, vacations... Back in the day, most ppl never had the time, the money, the choice or the ability to get what society today considers a necessity.
This is true. The postwar boom allowed for one income families in the middle class. It was a temporary phenomenon, turns out. People seem to think this is how it always was, in "the old days," but throughout history most families have needed both people working and the kids too in many cases.
When people talk about how normal it was for women to “stay home,” they’re not saying that there was no work for them to do in said home or that they didn’t spend their days doing it. My great-grandmother stayed home with eight kids… where, among other things, she baked the family’s bread every single day. It’s not a “coming from money” thing.
yes, same here. I stayed home, later got a part time job when the girls were in middle school. quit that a few years later. When I was a kid, I did not know any women that worked outside the home. My younger daughter wanted to home school her soon to be 4 kids (they decided, probably her husband, to adopt a kid from South Korea), but her controlling husband has already started them off in the chaotic world of public school. We will see how long that lasts. Anyway, I enjoyed staying at home, getting involved with school functions, mainly during the school hours volunteering etc.
Excellent Rosemary!! I’m so glad for you! When I was home with my kids, it was the best years I’ve ever had. Then I worked part time the school they were in. It was so perfect. It was a great life. I miss those times so much.
Wake up!!! Jesus Christ, don’t you see the commercials on TV that are attacking men all the time?! They make every white man look like a fool whether it’s a little girl five years old at Friendly’s, who can figure out the tip and the father can’t, to paint commercial with the mother putting your hand on the father to tell him to shut up, or dishwasher commercial we have the woman yelling at the man he better do the dishes. Wake the hell up.
They forced women to go to work in the 80s by giving a couple of the first people dinks double income, no kid yet a really good home that needed two incomes. The first people got the price. Couple years later, the houses were too high for many people to buy with one income.
Believe me, the government, Department Of Education has their hand in every daycare
They do the curriculum from when the kids are weeks old
It’s all disgusting propaganda Both people work and pay taxes, the kid is with the government people.
It’s disgusting
Every female creature in the world has a right to be with the baby that they have birthed Try taking a baby away from any other creature snakes and spiders are better mothers than many American women.
The globalist thinking is that home schooling has to be prevented because it creates thinking individuals AND it keeps one of the parents out of the labor market.
Of course, because then you get smart and get cheaper know the sales don’t buy stupid things that have to go in a storage facility because your garage is filled
It was more common here in the past as well. The main thing that changed was the availability and affordability of clothes washers/dryers, dishwashers and microwaves.
Indeed, how many women with professional jobs now outsource their child rearing to low IQ women, possibly with poor language skills, and then wonder why their children become low achievers or even de-railed into addiction.
Interesting. That could be why the bad guys in the indie horror video game "Fran Bow" were the kamala, and they were indeed terrible, ghostly, and dire. The game was written by a Swedish couple, and it is quite logical to think they may have had some understanding of neighboring Finland's language.
The emasculation of men is indeed horrid. It is the feminist movement gone wrong. When will women wake up and realize their potential to be vastly influential while still supporting the personal growth and masculinity of the men in their lives? Oh wait, those are Biblical principles. It will take a revival.
Male culture has some truly horrid elements that needed to be purged, but the focus was on purging and not on “what do we keep.” And I believe that a determined single mom can raise an incredible son.
Fathers have been systematically removed from the family for decades. Beginning with the urban black neighborhoods. A bigger welfare check for another out of wedlock kid. As long as the father wasn’t in the home. This Damaged at least a generation of black families, especially affecting the boys. The literal loss of lives & loss of opportunities for good & productive lives due to these liberal policies is a crime.
Males are 99.4% of the water and sewer workers. We wouldn’t get a drop of water without men. We would all be dead.
They built our houses put in electricity, put in gas, take our garbage away at great risk to themselves. There have been very strong, firemen and policemen who have saved our lives.
Another SS-er - Ayaan Hirsi Ali in her SubStack "Restoration" - had a very cogent article about this idea: "Political Gender Polarization Among Young People. What’s Driving the Sexes Apart?" Sept. 4, 2024. Give it a tumble.
The B’s and C’s also tend to have a lot more time and energy for workplace politics since they can’t compete on work quality; the A’s are more focused on quality work. This is how the mediocrities rise through an organization.
Isn't that really the biggest problem with our society as a whole?
People with too much time on their hands pushing agendas that the working man and woman are too busy making an honest living to take the time to oppose.
in order to get more women stay at home, it is necessary that the men get a wage that can support the family. Seems like it is impossible to raise a family on one wage nowadays, specially now that the prices of everything have doubled and tripled!
I remember dad saying, that he noticed at work long ago, how the incompetent workers were 'promoted' away from the work floor. I guess that only has gotten worse in the last 50 years.
An enterprising at home spouse can add much more than wages to the family. Yardwork, home repairs, painting, cleaning, childcare, paperwork , food preparation, researched economical buying and on and on. All the things people spend salary on when no one is home.
Amen Charles. As a nurse with a BSN, I can tell you that being a dedicated wife and mother was the most important job of my life. Genuine self esteem is garnered through right decisions and satisfying choices. This is a foreign language to today's Gen Z and I am sad.
If a woman wants to work, that's cool. My wife has worked all her life, but when the lids were at home, she kept a close eye on them, and they turned out fabulous.
Personally, looking back, I would prefer a wife that places the importance of giving a bright future to the children by home schooling, or at the very least, being involved in their education. We don't need to have the latest model SUV, a half million-dollar home big enough to house three families, or a recreational vehicle for every season.
We live in the far west of Northern Virginia. Everyone is loaded. These days mostly lawyers or tech industry. Everyone goes on lavish vacations.
and own fancy cars. When my daughters were in high school, the student parking lot was full of mercedes and high end new cars. It was not so good, kids are bad drivers. And stupid kids run around the lot and destroy cars.
My daughter drove an old mazda, probably the oldest car in the lot. haha
Reminds me of the big ole boat my mom gave to my oldest son. "71 Pontiac Catalina. Puke Green. He backed into the very solid bumper of an oil truck and folded up the trunk. We made him drive it until he had enough money for a pickup. I guess it was still better than riding the bus. Ha!
Most wealthy NOVA's work for the government in some form or another. We are all paying for those Hummers. My family farm straddles Clarke and Frederick Counties. Clarke has stayed rural due to a determined zoning board but may not be able to hold out. The tax base is barely keeping the schools functioning. But the rural contrast to the rest of NOVA is striking.
The wage issue is fundamental to this whole issue. When a man, and it usually is a man, cannot support a family on one wage then inevitably women will need to take up the slack.
The family unit will become weakened and wages across the board will be lowered because the labour pool is now literally twice the size it was.
Fine for high achieving ‘power couples’ who promote the new system as ‘progress’. Not so good for everyone else.
Or the birth rate and the ongoing viability of that society. Of course women should be able to do whatever they like. As long as everyone is hired on merit. But that, as the article points out, is not happening.
I know a lot of people who can still do it. The more you go around telling everybody that it’s impossible the more discouraged, the young people feel. Stop with the propaganda.
Americans have so much shit that they bought they literally millions of storage centers everywhere and you know it because there are some near you
People buy so much crap that they filled their garage and then they have to put it in storage This is why women have to work.?!? to put shit in storage?!?
In 1968 there was not one storage place and now there are millions . they tell people they have to put food on the table. Bullshit. Even the cars around my area have to park on the street even though they have a gigantic garage. It’s filled with a bunch of crap that they don’t need. They put the rest in storage.
But they love busywork. Our extraordinarily incompetent public school district busily churns out reports and graphs about DEI and all sorts of nonsense.
I worked at a company where they took seriously, formed a committee, and drafted a document called The Millennial White Paper which was shared with HR and Middle Mgmt as a guide to what The Young People were thinking.
So, for example, when young employees suggested they should do more pizza parties at the office, no one in Upper Management - I swear there were some really good As in that bunch - stepped in and said, "Actually, we've been running this business for 40 years without treating pabulum like that as if it deserves respect. How about instead we kick some project @$$, win over more clients, do good work, and maybe celebrate at Happy Hours sometimes but, mostly, let's do Good Work."
I was at a Fortune 500 company for 32 years and retired as a Director in 2012, just before all of what you describe went full burner. But I saw the genesis of it and the early years of its unfolding. It came in through the HR departments of nearly every F500 company, including the company I worked for. it was HR “As” that brought it in. These were very comptent people who graduated high in their class with the “new” HR degrees that mandated agenda activism rather than service. It was to become a world where management worked for the HR department rather than the other way around, as it was when I started my career. The activism was all about taking control of the hiring, firing and promotion process away from managers and centralizing it(sound familiar?) under the control of HR. Enter Woke and DEI. The rest is history, described very well in this piece.
I had a similar experience Brien. After working for 25 years for long established firms where HR was strictly and admin function, I finished my career working for a company that had been started around the turn of the century. I was shocked to find HR telling managers who they could hire. These were not incompetent HR people, but they still had nowhere near enough knowledge of specific depts to be telling the managers who they should be hiring.
Someone once explained to me that HR isn't there to protect the employees. It's there to protect the company.
So, when your company's customers require that your workforce meet certain demographic requirements, then HR selects for those sorts of people. Maybe not in the C-Suite and hopefully not overly amongst the real earth-movers, but definitely around the margins in Admin, in Customer Support, too often in The Field, and definitely in HR.
Anyone who’s ever dealt with HR on any issue beyond their hiring learns right quick that they exist for the benefit of the company, not the employees. All that happy talk that they lay on about “we’re here for you” is garbage.
Everything sifts down to “cover your ass.” The most important thing becomes how to do some facsimile of your job, while never risking being exposed.
This is why, in medicine, I always look for independent practitioners. I don’t want anyone who is part of a large organization. I want a specific person’s reputation to be on the line for my family’s care.
I think small, independent, practitioners groups are the best, but in my area, they are being bought up by a large corporate hospital. Even the best independents are falling for the corporate group-think trap.
The government agencies are the worst because they don't even make a product or sell a service that has to "work" ... there are no actual objective metrics to determine in someone is "doing a good job" or even what exactly theirjob is. It is literally, shuffling the TPS reports around.
I love the description and couldn't have thought of a better way to explain what I've seen in real life at work (As hire As and Bs hire Cs). At Honda mfg, we had one Paint dept with 2 lines. Line 1 was awesome, they had a different Level 3 manager. Line 2 was awful - just like you said. They had promoted a low B as Line 2 Level 3 mgr, and he proceeded to fire/demote all of the As and replace them with Cs. That had happened 5 years before I got there. I left and went to work at US Steel - they had the same problem. I didn't last there long, because I'm a B. I used to be an A - that's the other problem - As self-demote for job security. My sister's husband works for Boeing. One problem he is having is an undersized washer in the upper part of the interior (I don't know all the details but his group was assigned to do the structural analysis). He's spent dozens of hours in meetings over the course of months because it will cost millions to redo all of the 3D CAD drawings. He's saying the specified washer (100s of them along the length of the plane) is too small, and he's being pressured by multiple other engineering groups to change his mind. As for Boeing manufacturing, they had the same problem most companies had over the past 4 years. Replacing experienced, competent retiring Boomers with green Gen Z workers. A lot of them good, but too many of them don't care about doing a decent job or show up for work reliably. A couple of years ago, I had line operators tell me they were scared to be at work some days, worried about accidents.
I worked with a small, privately owned defense contractor that was purchased by a larger company. Immediately the new management began replacing the older, experienced engineers and technicians with younger, cheaper ones. The "troublemakers" who pointed out the problems, all A's, were quickly let go. Eventually safety problems and cost overruns began piling up. This company made small warheads and rocket motors. One tech told me it was only a matter of time before someone blew up the assembly plant.
You precisely describing my employment situation at the VA. A “B” middle management individual removed any person who could make her look less than stellar.
I've recently been kicking around this idea that the problem with Public, that is _Government_, Schools is that Parents are no longer the customer. The Teachers are.
I have it thoughts on Education specifically but can't hijack your comment to flesh it all out. But more generally, that's what's wrong with Government: The customers are no longer We the Little People.
The Government's Customers are Government Employees. It's all a bunch of Make-Work stuff and they don't have to turn a profit they can afford to keep hiring Cs and C-s, and a veritable army s of Deltas... I mean Ds.
DEPED issues updated guidelines on parents-teachers associations
The Department of Education has issued DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2022 or the omnibus guidelines on the regulation of operations of the Parents-Teachers Associations (PTAs) to update and harmonize its functions to the Department's mandate. The new Omnibus PTA Guidelines of 2022 prescribes additional provisions for the association such as allowed and prohibited activities of PTA; conflicts/dispute resolution, disciplinary proceedings, and sanctions; and miscellaneous provisions.
Look at the visceral hatred people like Chuck Schumer have for Donald Trump. Trump is an A. He built a real estate empire, then did an outstanding job as President. How dare he come in and demonstrate the venal incompetence of the B's and C's in the political class.
You don't get only simply incompetent people that move up, you get especially those that lie and manipulate, you literally end up with psychopaths at the top.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. Most people still don’t even know what’s happening to them. They know something isn’t right but they can’t put their finger on it. Others are just singing the happy tune and going along for the ride.
We need to avoid the “labels” trap, there’s lots of good Liberals out there, especially the classicals.
Lack of specificity muddles our thinking, and precludes action. Words like authoritarian, murderous, duplicitous, tyrannical, censoring and even communist have a lot more meaning than labels like NAZI, Fascist, racist or “far-right”. Labels are tantamount to name calling.
i don't know its origin, but i do know i was told, lierally, "A's hire A's, B's hire C's" by a pretty good manager in about 1995. that is, the pattern has been observed essentially forever. DEI is newer
Nail on the head.
I think another contributing factor is the emasculation of men for the last 3 decades. "The war on patriarchy" will/has led to disorder.
How bad is it...well our vice president's name spells it:
¡Que Mala!
when I was a kid in Europe, father worked and mom stayed at home and did the household. Seems like here in the US mothers started to work out way sooner. In our class of 32 kids, not one mother worked (or certainly not full time). Some helped out with some cleaning and some did some baby sitting, probably, but all mothers were stay-at-home. Thankfully I see young mothers start to do the same, and one is home schooling, which I think in the circumstances, is great. This is forbidden in most European countries though.
A stay-at-home mom with a college education is a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps the most important course I took was Child Develpment and Psychology in my pre-nursing curriculum. Raising children to be responsible adults is the most important job in the world. A career can wait.
This is why the effort to shame all stay at home mothers who educate themselves regarding food and medicine and the limitations of public education as "privileged" Karen types (if of a certain socioeconomic class) or "dumb" religious types. The message is clear that taking responsibility to raise A's is a threat to the powers that be.
Imagine the lesson that imparts to the child in a culture that claims child rearing is a waste of a mother with an education. Imagine what a child learns when they learn the low status that teachers hold.
100%!!! There is no more important job in the world.
Ah yes. In those days no married woman with kids was a seamstress or a shopkeeper or any of those things people have always had to do to keep the household afloat.
Of course it's true that the postwar prosperity that created an urban middle class throughout the Western world let an unprecedented number of women stay home.
Did your grandma stay home and keep house? Your great-grandma? Perhaps they were farmer's wives and worked from before sunrise to long after sundown, with one task or another, to ensure the farm succeeded.
Wow. Brutal but seems pretty true.
The key here, though, stemming from Ryan's comment is that maybe there are Tasks - bread winning, house keeping, child rearing, et mucho al - and there are Roles.
Tasks can often be checked off by pretty much anyone.
But teaching a boy how to be a man, or to demonstrate to your daughter how a man should treat women, and how they treat a woman - which I just realized might be different - requires a Role Model and that just can't be done by anyone other than a man. A Masculine Man.
Since the idea that Masculinity could be generalized as Toxic was introduced, some important Tasks have have been left undone, and of course young men still found Role Models. They just haven't been Masculine Men.
Pity for Us.
I have said elsewhere that all the screaming feminists who helped destroy society were unlikely to have been the daughters of competent fathers.
I have also said elsewhere that far too many of the fathers of the boomers--that sad reviled cohort of which I am one--either survived a brutal war that left them damaged in a dreadful grab bag of ways, or were unfit for service and therefore the second or third choices of women whose desired choices were off getting killed or maimed.
Do HR harridans come from happy families with strong fathers? Does a competent father raise a daughter whose only goal in life is to major in gender studies and kvetch about everything to everyone ever after?
For where we are now, we should look back to the great-grandparents' generations. It didn't just happen by fell magic that we've got a shortage of intelligently masculine men now.
No, it definitely happened by design. Wars serve so many purposes which is why we're constantly having them.
People like to kill those who don't want to follow their directives, or for any other reason too. Parents murder their kids all the time. Even easier to kill other people's kids. Human nature, etc. etc.
So true. Reminds me of an episode of the TV show "Roseanne" when the young son, D.J. - after a biting retort from Roseanne - says to his Dad (John Goodman) "I thought it was GOOD to be a man, Dad" and Goodman replies, "Oh, no, D.J. It hasn't been good to be a man since the '70s". Hilarious, sad and true.
Well, that explains my last 50 years. *sigh*
*waves* Hey, Jules!
Well said, Pi!
Very astute comment!
Why yes my wife stayed home and kept house until the kid were high schooled. As did my mother, grandmother, great grandmother, etc. None were necessarily farmer's wives, none the less homemaking was, and is an honorable full time job.
You must come from people with money.
My mother got to stay home. Her mother didn't.
People with money? Nope, mostly shanty Irish.
Frankly, growing up during WW II and a bit after I can't recollect any cousins or friends that didn't have stay at home moms.
same here but even later into the 60s and 70s
I stayed home. Here in Northern Virginia we went to the pool and summer fairs, and to visit relatives. No lavish vacations to the Bahamas or other expensive entertainment. We did not miss it.
There is a difference between "no lavish vacations" etc. and being unable to afford a basic middle-class life without two parents working.
True, but in the 'olden days' there was not the rampant consumerism - in terms of quantity/variety - and the 'need' to have the latest of everything so many ppl feel today. Amazing how those who don't have two nickels to rub together seem to acquire a lot of stuff - big screen TV, boat, vacations... Back in the day, most ppl never had the time, the money, the choice or the ability to get what society today considers a necessity.
"Amazing how those who don't have two nickels to rub together seem to acquire a lot of stuff - big screen TV, boat, vacations..."
These same people often can't pay back their school loans, and can't afford to buy a house.
"But I made my minimum payment every month!"
Bazaars are a modern invention?
I see the gray area here but you're pretty on top of it with your responses.
Everything is a matter of scale. You wouldn't have SpaceX without that guy who invented the wheel.
This is true. The postwar boom allowed for one income families in the middle class. It was a temporary phenomenon, turns out. People seem to think this is how it always was, in "the old days," but throughout history most families have needed both people working and the kids too in many cases.
When people talk about how normal it was for women to “stay home,” they’re not saying that there was no work for them to do in said home or that they didn’t spend their days doing it. My great-grandmother stayed home with eight kids… where, among other things, she baked the family’s bread every single day. It’s not a “coming from money” thing.
Thank you for explaining life on your planet. I never would've guessed.
yes, same here. I stayed home, later got a part time job when the girls were in middle school. quit that a few years later. When I was a kid, I did not know any women that worked outside the home. My younger daughter wanted to home school her soon to be 4 kids (they decided, probably her husband, to adopt a kid from South Korea), but her controlling husband has already started them off in the chaotic world of public school. We will see how long that lasts. Anyway, I enjoyed staying at home, getting involved with school functions, mainly during the school hours volunteering etc.
Excellent Rosemary!! I’m so glad for you! When I was home with my kids, it was the best years I’ve ever had. Then I worked part time the school they were in. It was so perfect. It was a great life. I miss those times so much.
great memories and so many lovely friends
Same. The attack on men has created disorder to natural order.
These are intended consequences imo; an attack on the family.
Wake up!!! Jesus Christ, don’t you see the commercials on TV that are attacking men all the time?! They make every white man look like a fool whether it’s a little girl five years old at Friendly’s, who can figure out the tip and the father can’t, to paint commercial with the mother putting your hand on the father to tell him to shut up, or dishwasher commercial we have the woman yelling at the man he better do the dishes. Wake the hell up.
They forced women to go to work in the 80s by giving a couple of the first people dinks double income, no kid yet a really good home that needed two incomes. The first people got the price. Couple years later, the houses were too high for many people to buy with one income.
Believe me, the government, Department Of Education has their hand in every daycare
They do the curriculum from when the kids are weeks old
It’s all disgusting propaganda Both people work and pay taxes, the kid is with the government people.
It’s disgusting
Every female creature in the world has a right to be with the baby that they have birthed Try taking a baby away from any other creature snakes and spiders are better mothers than many American women.
You still haven't answered the question. Attacked by whom?
There is an answer.
The globalist thinking is that home schooling has to be prevented because it creates thinking individuals AND it keeps one of the parents out of the labor market.
"AND it keeps one of the parents out of the labour market"
Every time a Mom stays home an IRS Angel cries.
Plus according to WAPO nuclear families are unfair to non-nuclear families and so should be eliminated via tax penalties etc.
*Green Eggs and Ham at bedtime has entered the chat*
My wife stayed home full time when our first of three was born and never went back. Best investment we made was having her be full time mom.
Of course, because then you get smart and get cheaper know the sales don’t buy stupid things that have to go in a storage facility because your garage is filled
Very smart !!
same. as my dutch mom would say "Dose werrrre da daze"
It was more common here in the past as well. The main thing that changed was the availability and affordability of clothes washers/dryers, dishwashers and microwaves.
Indeed, how many women with professional jobs now outsource their child rearing to low IQ women, possibly with poor language skills, and then wonder why their children become low achievers or even de-railed into addiction.
Too many!! Even one is too many, but unfortunately, there is a lot more
Also, the Department Of Education tells you exactly what to teach even in daycare
It’s all propaganda that is best to stay away from
A ton of my classmates mothers helped out part-time in the school system like a thousand years ago when I was in elementary.
... You don't look a day over 753.
In finnish, "kamala" means "terrible" or "ghastly" or "dire".
The Matrix is trying to tell us something, it seems.
Lol. That is incredible. Almost seems prophetic.
The name was a joke in some circles here from the moment she was first mentioned in public and it seems it was a fairly earned slur.
Outstanding! Hahaha!
Interesting. That could be why the bad guys in the indie horror video game "Fran Bow" were the kamala, and they were indeed terrible, ghostly, and dire. The game was written by a Swedish couple, and it is quite logical to think they may have had some understanding of neighboring Finland's language.
The emasculation of men is indeed horrid. It is the feminist movement gone wrong. When will women wake up and realize their potential to be vastly influential while still supporting the personal growth and masculinity of the men in their lives? Oh wait, those are Biblical principles. It will take a revival.
Male culture has some truly horrid elements that needed to be purged, but the focus was on purging and not on “what do we keep.” And I believe that a determined single mom can raise an incredible son.
"And I believe that a determined single mom can raise an incredible son."
Statistically, though, the Incredible Sons from that group are outliers. By a lot.
Fathers have been systematically removed from the family for decades. Beginning with the urban black neighborhoods. A bigger welfare check for another out of wedlock kid. As long as the father wasn’t in the home. This Damaged at least a generation of black families, especially affecting the boys. The literal loss of lives & loss of opportunities for good & productive lives due to these liberal policies is a crime.
She is full of shit. 87% of children without a man in the home are living in poverty.
And they turn out pretty faggy. She probably has a son with a man bun.
Gross !!!!🤢
Maybe there wouldn't be so many single mothers if men actually were allowed to be men? You know like duty, honor and sacrifice for family.
I agree with you, Ryan
Males are 99.4% of the water and sewer workers. We wouldn’t get a drop of water without men. We would all be dead.
They built our houses put in electricity, put in gas, take our garbage away at great risk to themselves. There have been very strong, firemen and policemen who have saved our lives.
It’s bullshit that masculinity is toxic
How fucking dare you?
Bless you, Gato. That's why I come here. :-)
Kiss kiss, hug hug.
Another SS-er - Ayaan Hirsi Ali in her SubStack "Restoration" - had a very cogent article about this idea: "Political Gender Polarization Among Young People. What’s Driving the Sexes Apart?" Sept. 4, 2024. Give it a tumble.
The B’s and C’s also tend to have a lot more time and energy for workplace politics since they can’t compete on work quality; the A’s are more focused on quality work. This is how the mediocrities rise through an organization.
Isn't that really the biggest problem with our society as a whole?
People with too much time on their hands pushing agendas that the working man and woman are too busy making an honest living to take the time to oppose.
(edited to add the fairer but equal sex Ha!)
in order to get more women stay at home, it is necessary that the men get a wage that can support the family. Seems like it is impossible to raise a family on one wage nowadays, specially now that the prices of everything have doubled and tripled!
I remember dad saying, that he noticed at work long ago, how the incompetent workers were 'promoted' away from the work floor. I guess that only has gotten worse in the last 50 years.
An enterprising at home spouse can add much more than wages to the family. Yardwork, home repairs, painting, cleaning, childcare, paperwork , food preparation, researched economical buying and on and on. All the things people spend salary on when no one is home.
Amen Charles. As a nurse with a BSN, I can tell you that being a dedicated wife and mother was the most important job of my life. Genuine self esteem is garnered through right decisions and satisfying choices. This is a foreign language to today's Gen Z and I am sad.
. . . and there are a lot more opportunities for work from home jobs and careeers now.
Glad you wrote “at-home spouse.” Dads can do this, too, if mom’s job pays more.
If a woman wants to work, that's cool. My wife has worked all her life, but when the lids were at home, she kept a close eye on them, and they turned out fabulous.
Personally, looking back, I would prefer a wife that places the importance of giving a bright future to the children by home schooling, or at the very least, being involved in their education. We don't need to have the latest model SUV, a half million-dollar home big enough to house three families, or a recreational vehicle for every season.
no we don't and back then we didn't.
We live in the far west of Northern Virginia. Everyone is loaded. These days mostly lawyers or tech industry. Everyone goes on lavish vacations.
and own fancy cars. When my daughters were in high school, the student parking lot was full of mercedes and high end new cars. It was not so good, kids are bad drivers. And stupid kids run around the lot and destroy cars.
My daughter drove an old mazda, probably the oldest car in the lot. haha
I remember in 2006 one kid had a Hummer.
Reminds me of the big ole boat my mom gave to my oldest son. "71 Pontiac Catalina. Puke Green. He backed into the very solid bumper of an oil truck and folded up the trunk. We made him drive it until he had enough money for a pickup. I guess it was still better than riding the bus. Ha!
Most wealthy NOVA's work for the government in some form or another. We are all paying for those Hummers. My family farm straddles Clarke and Frederick Counties. Clarke has stayed rural due to a determined zoning board but may not be able to hold out. The tax base is barely keeping the schools functioning. But the rural contrast to the rest of NOVA is striking.
yes. We moved to Loudoun in the 90's
There were only two high schools, Broad Run and Loudoun County in Leesburg?
Ashburn Village was just getting built. Lots of cows horses and donkeys
The wage issue is fundamental to this whole issue. When a man, and it usually is a man, cannot support a family on one wage then inevitably women will need to take up the slack.
The family unit will become weakened and wages across the board will be lowered because the labour pool is now literally twice the size it was.
Fine for high achieving ‘power couples’ who promote the new system as ‘progress’. Not so good for everyone else.
Or the birth rate and the ongoing viability of that society. Of course women should be able to do whatever they like. As long as everyone is hired on merit. But that, as the article points out, is not happening.
I know a lot of people who can still do it. The more you go around telling everybody that it’s impossible the more discouraged, the young people feel. Stop with the propaganda.
Americans have so much shit that they bought they literally millions of storage centers everywhere and you know it because there are some near you
People buy so much crap that they filled their garage and then they have to put it in storage This is why women have to work.?!? to put shit in storage?!?
In 1968 there was not one storage place and now there are millions . they tell people they have to put food on the table. Bullshit. Even the cars around my area have to park on the street even though they have a gigantic garage. It’s filled with a bunch of crap that they don’t need. They put the rest in storage.
It’s greedy.
Oh brother! Stop white knighting nobody likes it anymore because they are sick of it
But they love busywork. Our extraordinarily incompetent public school district busily churns out reports and graphs about DEI and all sorts of nonsense.
I worked at a company where they took seriously, formed a committee, and drafted a document called The Millennial White Paper which was shared with HR and Middle Mgmt as a guide to what The Young People were thinking.
So, for example, when young employees suggested they should do more pizza parties at the office, no one in Upper Management - I swear there were some really good As in that bunch - stepped in and said, "Actually, we've been running this business for 40 years without treating pabulum like that as if it deserves respect. How about instead we kick some project @$$, win over more clients, do good work, and maybe celebrate at Happy Hours sometimes but, mostly, let's do Good Work."
Nope. Instead, they went all https://tenor.com/search/hello-fellow-kids-gifs
Very well put together and articulated.
I was at a Fortune 500 company for 32 years and retired as a Director in 2012, just before all of what you describe went full burner. But I saw the genesis of it and the early years of its unfolding. It came in through the HR departments of nearly every F500 company, including the company I worked for. it was HR “As” that brought it in. These were very comptent people who graduated high in their class with the “new” HR degrees that mandated agenda activism rather than service. It was to become a world where management worked for the HR department rather than the other way around, as it was when I started my career. The activism was all about taking control of the hiring, firing and promotion process away from managers and centralizing it(sound familiar?) under the control of HR. Enter Woke and DEI. The rest is history, described very well in this piece.
I had a similar experience Brien. After working for 25 years for long established firms where HR was strictly and admin function, I finished my career working for a company that had been started around the turn of the century. I was shocked to find HR telling managers who they could hire. These were not incompetent HR people, but they still had nowhere near enough knowledge of specific depts to be telling the managers who they should be hiring.
I find it difficult to believe that anyone in HR is an A. I've only met one, and she was the head of her HR department before DEI.
Someone once explained to me that HR isn't there to protect the employees. It's there to protect the company.
So, when your company's customers require that your workforce meet certain demographic requirements, then HR selects for those sorts of people. Maybe not in the C-Suite and hopefully not overly amongst the real earth-movers, but definitely around the margins in Admin, in Customer Support, too often in The Field, and definitely in HR.
Anyone who’s ever dealt with HR on any issue beyond their hiring learns right quick that they exist for the benefit of the company, not the employees. All that happy talk that they lay on about “we’re here for you” is garbage.
Everything sifts down to “cover your ass.” The most important thing becomes how to do some facsimile of your job, while never risking being exposed.
This is why, in medicine, I always look for independent practitioners. I don’t want anyone who is part of a large organization. I want a specific person’s reputation to be on the line for my family’s care.
I think small, independent, practitioners groups are the best, but in my area, they are being bought up by a large corporate hospital. Even the best independents are falling for the corporate group-think trap.
The government agencies are the worst because they don't even make a product or sell a service that has to "work" ... there are no actual objective metrics to determine in someone is "doing a good job" or even what exactly theirjob is. It is literally, shuffling the TPS reports around.
I love the description and couldn't have thought of a better way to explain what I've seen in real life at work (As hire As and Bs hire Cs). At Honda mfg, we had one Paint dept with 2 lines. Line 1 was awesome, they had a different Level 3 manager. Line 2 was awful - just like you said. They had promoted a low B as Line 2 Level 3 mgr, and he proceeded to fire/demote all of the As and replace them with Cs. That had happened 5 years before I got there. I left and went to work at US Steel - they had the same problem. I didn't last there long, because I'm a B. I used to be an A - that's the other problem - As self-demote for job security. My sister's husband works for Boeing. One problem he is having is an undersized washer in the upper part of the interior (I don't know all the details but his group was assigned to do the structural analysis). He's spent dozens of hours in meetings over the course of months because it will cost millions to redo all of the 3D CAD drawings. He's saying the specified washer (100s of them along the length of the plane) is too small, and he's being pressured by multiple other engineering groups to change his mind. As for Boeing manufacturing, they had the same problem most companies had over the past 4 years. Replacing experienced, competent retiring Boomers with green Gen Z workers. A lot of them good, but too many of them don't care about doing a decent job or show up for work reliably. A couple of years ago, I had line operators tell me they were scared to be at work some days, worried about accidents.
I worked with a small, privately owned defense contractor that was purchased by a larger company. Immediately the new management began replacing the older, experienced engineers and technicians with younger, cheaper ones. The "troublemakers" who pointed out the problems, all A's, were quickly let go. Eventually safety problems and cost overruns began piling up. This company made small warheads and rocket motors. One tech told me it was only a matter of time before someone blew up the assembly plant.
We’re somehow managing to kill more than enough people without getting any better at it. That’s one factory I’d like to see implode.
The anecdote about the washer calls to mind the famous "O ring" incident that was the cause of the NASA Challenger disaster.
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
- Winston Churchill.
Well, not exactly. Equally is only the bait as the fish usually finds out too late.
You precisely describing my employment situation at the VA. A “B” middle management individual removed any person who could make her look less than stellar.
I bailed in 18 months
I've recently been kicking around this idea that the problem with Public, that is _Government_, Schools is that Parents are no longer the customer. The Teachers are.
I have it thoughts on Education specifically but can't hijack your comment to flesh it all out. But more generally, that's what's wrong with Government: The customers are no longer We the Little People.
The Government's Customers are Government Employees. It's all a bunch of Make-Work stuff and they don't have to turn a profit they can afford to keep hiring Cs and C-s, and a veritable army s of Deltas... I mean Ds.
DEPED issues updated guidelines on parents-teachers associations
The Department of Education has issued DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2022 or the omnibus guidelines on the regulation of operations of the Parents-Teachers Associations (PTAs) to update and harmonize its functions to the Department's mandate. The new Omnibus PTA Guidelines of 2022 prescribes additional provisions for the association such as allowed and prohibited activities of PTA; conflicts/dispute resolution, disciplinary proceedings, and sanctions; and miscellaneous provisions.
Boom. Exactly
Government isn’t a business. Citizens aren’t customers, neither are students profit centers. Gov’t thinks we’re all products.
Look at the visceral hatred people like Chuck Schumer have for Donald Trump. Trump is an A. He built a real estate empire, then did an outstanding job as President. How dare he come in and demonstrate the venal incompetence of the B's and C's in the political class.
You don't get only simply incompetent people that move up, you get especially those that lie and manipulate, you literally end up with psychopaths at the top.
*points to 09 Sep 2024 on Calendar* You Are Here.
This explains Joe Biden hiring Kamala Harris, Kamala hiring Tim Walz perfectly.
Wonderful article that is beautifully put together, great examples and bold but plain and simple statements
This post should be a substitute for every MBA programme on the planet.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. Most people still don’t even know what’s happening to them. They know something isn’t right but they can’t put their finger on it. Others are just singing the happy tune and going along for the ride.
Well There is an "A" comment 👍😀
To condense what you so purrfectly describe:
Liberals destroy everything they touch.
We need to avoid the “labels” trap, there’s lots of good Liberals out there, especially the classicals.
Lack of specificity muddles our thinking, and precludes action. Words like authoritarian, murderous, duplicitous, tyrannical, censoring and even communist have a lot more meaning than labels like NAZI, Fascist, racist or “far-right”. Labels are tantamount to name calling.
I find the good liberals tend to live as conservatives but espouse the kind & popular thing.
Every label you wrote describes the Liberals that I see trying to destroy our nation.
I hope that clears up what I wrote.
i don't know its origin, but i do know i was told, lierally, "A's hire A's, B's hire C's" by a pretty good manager in about 1995. that is, the pattern has been observed essentially forever. DEI is newer