el gato - You inspire. I speak at the 1h :55 mark and again at the 2h: 33. I leveraged your analysis of the Dec. 2020 JAMA study on household transmission of covid and specifically, "asymptomatic" transmission of 0.7% (that is the study I am holding up and showing the board of ed).
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge so eloquently. I am a more informed and formidable advocate because of your work.
Rancourt: "LOCKDOWN: A societal structure in which professional employees stay home while being serviced by the working class, during a wealth transfer from private business to large corporations, accompanied by propaganda supporting the said structure."
One of the critical steps is to create a federal police force with which to control the masses. Like our distributed form of governance, the local and regional police forces are a bulwark against control...against takeover. So, they got some uber-progressive DAs elected in a number of major cities. In turn, these DAs stopped enforcing the laws and let criminals out of jail/prison. Crime went up. There were calls to defund the police. Riots were called "mostly peaceful protests". Rioters had no consequences. Crime went up some more.
Chaos breeds fear. The masses look for answers. The masses look for saviors. Freedom is hard. It requires responsibility and commitment.
They have a plan, and they are executing to it.
We have been too soft and too distracted for too long. We've taken for granted that life will return to normal after a disturbance. But this time is different. We all feel it.
Keep your lamps trimmed and burning. We must not let down our guard. It will be uncomfortable. We must assert ourselves and raise our voices and push back.
“that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”
This is exactly right. Socialism in all its forms—communism, national socialism, woke progressivism, etc…— is merely a rationalization for envy and resentment. It is fundamentally grounded not in reason but in the baser emotions. And it is a tool for a self-appointed and corrupt ruling class to demagogically manipulate the general population, dividing them against each other by class, race, gender…, to persuade them to vest total authority in that ruling class.
And meanwhile that “socialist” ruling class enriches and engorges itself at the expense of the folks it purports to help. You’ll never meet anyone greedier for money or power than a socialist politician.
And our "leader" is currently ready with a national "plan" to combat recent crime in our country- which translates to : "we will take law-abiding citizen's guns, establish a national police force (i.e. brownshirts) to uphold the law, that will be dictated by those in the WH. Scary.
el gato - You inspire. I speak at the 1h :55 mark and again at the 2h: 33. I leveraged your analysis of the Dec. 2020 JAMA study on household transmission of covid and specifically, "asymptomatic" transmission of 0.7% (that is the study I am holding up and showing the board of ed).
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge so eloquently. I am a more informed and formidable advocate because of your work.
Exquisite writing! Thank you.
Rancourt: "LOCKDOWN: A societal structure in which professional employees stay home while being serviced by the working class, during a wealth transfer from private business to large corporations, accompanied by propaganda supporting the said structure."
They have a plan, and they are executing to it.
One of the critical steps is to create a federal police force with which to control the masses. Like our distributed form of governance, the local and regional police forces are a bulwark against control...against takeover. So, they got some uber-progressive DAs elected in a number of major cities. In turn, these DAs stopped enforcing the laws and let criminals out of jail/prison. Crime went up. There were calls to defund the police. Riots were called "mostly peaceful protests". Rioters had no consequences. Crime went up some more.
Chaos breeds fear. The masses look for answers. The masses look for saviors. Freedom is hard. It requires responsibility and commitment.
They have a plan, and they are executing to it.
We have been too soft and too distracted for too long. We've taken for granted that life will return to normal after a disturbance. But this time is different. We all feel it.
Keep your lamps trimmed and burning. We must not let down our guard. It will be uncomfortable. We must assert ourselves and raise our voices and push back.
“that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”
This is exactly right. Socialism in all its forms—communism, national socialism, woke progressivism, etc…— is merely a rationalization for envy and resentment. It is fundamentally grounded not in reason but in the baser emotions. And it is a tool for a self-appointed and corrupt ruling class to demagogically manipulate the general population, dividing them against each other by class, race, gender…, to persuade them to vest total authority in that ruling class.
And meanwhile that “socialist” ruling class enriches and engorges itself at the expense of the folks it purports to help. You’ll never meet anyone greedier for money or power than a socialist politician.
the greens can give them a run for their money...
In a Venn diagram of political associations, the union and intersection of Greens and Socialists would be nearly identical.
And our "leader" is currently ready with a national "plan" to combat recent crime in our country- which translates to : "we will take law-abiding citizen's guns, establish a national police force (i.e. brownshirts) to uphold the law, that will be dictated by those in the WH. Scary.