People like Bill who post those type of tweets about "culling the human population" never stop to think that they could do us all a favor and go first... #ByeBill

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That's always my reply to the "too many people" ilk - Why are you still here?

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Under the new twitter (X), I posted an off the cuff remark to one of the WEF idiots going on about "too many people" and said "you first." LOL. That got me suspended for weeks.

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Badge of honor

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Got me suspended forever. lol

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shocking. I admit I have said worse to those evil slugs on X

-- well, i may have been suspended, but maybe never noticed... bc i am rarely on there 😂

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Don't be too enamoured by the "new" X. A name change, IMO, was simply to scrub up the platform's grubby reputation.

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Is that why I couldn’t log in? 😂

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Like the OTHER Bill. Gates, that is, and nobody needed to face the blue screen of death and become planned obsolescence more than him. LOL

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I’ll see your blue screen of death, and raise you “Clippy”.

If ever you needed evidence of pure evil in this world… res ipsa loquitur.

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All I can think is, “Oh, no, Mr. Bill!!”


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Pay now… bill me later.

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Hamburger today....pay you Tuesday

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Clearly not a true leader, then, our Bill. Because real leaders are not people who have followers; they are people who go first.

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Sort of like the guys who recruit suicide bombers.

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The death cult Globalists know an Ice Age would be far more efficient at killing billions than a warmer planet. Everything about what they want and what they are doing point to an effort to set off an Ice Age... For example, why were they spraying (chemtrails) so much during the winter months - right, they wanted to make it even colder.... we are one or two major volcanic eruptions away from the next ice age, but clearly they can't wait.

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I absolutely LOVE this fool's contention that global warming causes earthquakes!!! Serious standup comedy!!!

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When plate tectonics stop...you know then that we will have finally entered global climate change

These malthusians can't even do simple math...or use common sense. Every human on earth could fit into roughly 400 square miles if standing arms width apart.

The earth has a land mass of 60 mil square miles or roughly 37 billion acres ⁃ 19 bil, of which, are habitable. It takes roughly 400 mil acres to feed every human on earth for a year.. Additionally 30% of all food comes from water sources.

Do the math....we got a ways to go...and that assumes the yield per acre stays the same globally.

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Bill would say to you: Lies Damned lies and Statistics! Don't confuse us with the facts, besides you didn't take social distancing into the equation.

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I would follow you going the wrong direction against one-way arrows anytime. Mind the PLEXIGLASS tho!

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That f-ing plexiglass is still everywhere in My neck of the woods......really pisses my off. I'm getting hard of hearing and I really let these idiots have it. "WHAAAT , I CAN'T HEAR YOU WITH THIS BORDER WALL! PLEASE TAKE IT DOWN AND SEND IT TO TEXAS!!!!"

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It's just a sign of shame at this point

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Ow my nose! Now I know why you're following behind me.

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Why would they do the math? They already know the answer they want. No amount of evidence is going to convince them otherwise.

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And as you allude due to continually rising agricultural productivity - which includes the positive impact of CO2 on plant growth as well as technological innovation - the amount of land used for crop production has been declining for a decade or so , despite increasing population.

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This is exactly right.

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And then we see what Idaho did in shutting down a half million acres of farm land from getting water.

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We have to have the most moronic rulers in the history of mankind

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LIKE, Can I scream it any louder?

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it's impossible to scream any louder!.....arggh...

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the netherlands has had a glut of rainwater for nine months and our potato fields are inundated. so much so that a portion of the crop has failed. prices for this staple are already up. this and the idaho scenario has my irish blood freaking out.

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Apparently so the government can foreclose on their land and mine for cobalt.

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oh really??? And they'll use water too. Subordinate to the other water right holders, just like the farmers were? What. A. Scam!

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The geologists I used to work with had bumper stickers that said "stop continental drift"

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Don't wait up for it....:)

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The way things are going these days, who knows? kidding.

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But water is the real key to production. And water management. Mismanage and drought has just about dried up a lot of the Oglala aquifer.

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Maybe I’m just tired, but wouldn’t 8.1B people 6’ apart (arms length to arms length) be ~10,500sqmi? Regardless, still 0.02% of land mass, so yeah, peanuts.

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It's 10.5 billion square feet. Which is 378 sq. miles.

I forgot to say 1 ft. depth and arm to arm

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If I get to stand between JLo and Shakira, I'm fine with that 400 square miles thing. And since it's at 1 foot depth, put Sofia Vergara in front of me. I don't care who's behind me...as long as it's a female.

Although that's at arm's width apart, so I'm game for 200 square miles...

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I'll take Christy Brinkley and Farrah Fawcett in their heyday

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Hey RG and Swabbie- you're not addressing the really big problem- the universe is expanding. Here is how I see it-


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next they will say it causes autism

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It also probably causes herpes and arthritis....What is Mr. Bill's sexial orientation, anyway?

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No, unfaithful spouses cause herpes.

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I've heard that fiction a dozen times from acolytes, demonstrating that many people lack functioning neurons

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Valentina Zharkova -- April 2020 -- Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling

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this looks like the OLD SCIENCE...almost forgot about that

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Exactly! Not that far off either.

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me, too

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Came here to discuss the SAI (chemtrails) as well!

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The analogy to religious dogma is apt. The high priests of climate science are busy selling indulgences, just like the Church in the Middle Ages.

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Malthusians need robes!

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This. "team malthus with its scare quote claims of “too many people, geometric growth, limited resources, we’re all royally screwed any minute now” have a 0.000 lifetime batting average." That really hit me in a soft spot that I enjoyed immensely!

What I find fascinating, is that no matter how much time goes by, people still cling to Malthusian predications as if they made sense. Consider, Mathus made this prediction in 1798. “The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race.” At that point the population of the earth was roughly 1/10 of what it is now. C'mon! When should I start worrying?

Yet, many people apparently still don't get it. I posted that quote on LinkedIn with the (I thought snide) hashtag, "#AnyDayNow" and one of my followers thought I was sounding the alarm bell about how we really need to get serious, now! (Facepalm.) I mean, if we wait long enough, is a prediction actually a prediction, or just some B.S. this guy said that eventually came true? And if, by almost any measure, we are no closer to earth "filling up" now than we were back then, can we just call this guy an asshole and move on?

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A friend made me laugh once, when I told him the Chicken Littles had always been wrong in the past. He said, "But won't they always be wrong...until the last time?" I had to laugh, and confess he was right.

Still not holding my breath for the last time.

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Dontcha just love when the cretins take your sarcasm seriously?

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Hmm. Is the term vulcanologist now a symbol of white supremacy or anti-LGBTQ or something now?

Thanks for everything you do to keep us informed on actual science, el gato malo.

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I wish it were the term for a person who falls into a volcano never to be seen or heard again. What a tool this guy is!

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As someone of Icelandic ancestry, I could suggest he go to Iceland...LOL.

Like the TV program Yellowstone's "taking someone to the train station."

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LOL! If this “scientist” believes in lowering the population, let’s start with him doing a swan dive into a volcano….lead the way and such….

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Maybe yes. Lets play Joe (Biden) vs the vulcano.

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Here’s some truth:

US CO2 emissions have decreased 20% since 2005.

The world has not changed the decarbonization trend since 1992…but have spent a fortune doing so. Probably the most massive transfer of wealth in history. Makes the New Deal look like an elementary school project.

Climate change needs to change focus to risk management…not controlling the climate. How will a changing climate impact humanity and how we will adapt (remember the law of nature…adapt or die). The answer is more energy…

We cannot currently conduct attribution analysis between emissions - climate - cost. These charlatans have no legal standing to affect any change. It can only be legislated by their cronies. Or done through force.

Single most meaningful act we can do today to reduce CO2 emissions is to phase out coal. Natural gas has entered the chat…

GDP = Workforce x Productivity. Less people = less GDP. Massive reduction is quality of life and life expectancy. What’s up Stone Age?

The “lucky billion” live in energy wealth. What do the others need to do in order to enjoy a higher quality of life? Energy expansion. Renewables cannot physically meet this demand. Hydrocarbons and nuclear for the humanity win!

The elites want to electrify everything…yet the world is actually in a phase of de-electrification (decommissioning generation at a higher rate than commissioning the same base load).

To summarize, this academics and politicians need not dictate what they do not know, nor experience. They are a protected class of privilege that has no understanding of the world. Step aside. Let the adults speak.

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entirely too much common sense. my cup runneth over.

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Me too

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The cat tearing off the paper from the printer is so badass. Also looks like our baby!

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El Gato Malo pulling the 1st copy of this article to proof read?

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Maybe that's why he's always saying he's not a good editor?

Who could be with all that shredded paper?!

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Climate catastrophism is a convenient hook for them. At the end of the day, they’re eugenicists (a plague on our civilization that necessarily follows the fraud of Darwinism), and the best way to defeat them is science. DNA is functional read forward, backward, every third letter: no way that happened randomly, and mutation must with very rare exception be very bad for survival. God, the great designer, not random mutations from fictitious soup.

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Maybe the funniest thing is his cries of innocence where he tries to exclaim that his tweet was intentionally misunderstood LOL- he was pretty clear about a pandemic with a high fatality rate, no less. This guy was maybe auditioning for a job with Bill Gates?

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Since I can no longer believe anything the government says, I can't help but wonder if they are culling chickens using compliant farmers because all farmers have to comply with the government because all farmers play ball with the government and public health agencies in order to sell meat or eggs.

Chickens fall sick, chickens die, farmers report to the authorities because they can't not, then the whole flock is "depopulated" and the farm investigated for modes of transmission which defaults to wild birds flying overhead. Are they swabbing the wild birds and do I trust their PCR tests? Did they do a great job mapping the last pandemic? Will Johns Hopkins set up a bird flu dashboard?

Who is to say whether such outbreaks might be seeded, and with what natural or unnatural toxins, if any? My government lies about very many important things.

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They get money from the federal government for killing off the chickens vs no money if the chickens die off on their own.

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Yep. Like PREP act covid protocols that kept hospitals in business and extra money flowing to them only if they followed the protocols.

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Me too

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What until he learns that we've taken too much CO2 and sulfur out of the atmosphere and global warming is now accelerating!* No more 66 months! But I'm sure they'll find a way to refill the atmosphere with something less dangerous than sulfur, eh? Thanks for another great read!

*Yes, Virginia, it was always mostly the sun doing it.

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Like, no, love

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I'm wondering if the heat wave being generated over the US and moving across the Atlantic to pick up moisture isn't to generate hellacious storms in Ukraine to stop Russia.

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I'm convinced our ability to manipulate local weather is rather better advanced than most people know. Across continents, I have my doubts.

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I will rather go with Dr Willy Soon, astrophysics. He and a multitude of other scientists have put together a film about the nonsense like what this here Billy proclaims. Dr Soon will make firewood of his theories.


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I have always loved science fiction. My 1st book was a hard bound HG Wells anthology bought from the school book store when I was 8. The science fiction of those times was far more positive and far more science based than much of it is now. Besides the space opera books , so much is cataclysms, and dystopian nightmare wet dreams. Bill McGuire looks to fit right in.

8 Years To Save The Planet. Gee, I guess we didn't save it. Perhaps if Obummer hadn't been elected, or more importantly re-elected, the planet would have survived. Because the trajectory of the planet has been mostly down hill since. I think the cause of the climate change has been gaslighting. Turn that off and I think the planet will recover bit by bit. Of course, the depopulation plan which he so easily "suggests" but does not just come out and say "Ve must do it, so take your vaccines, eat ze bugs, Stay in 15 minute cities, own nothing (say nothing, do nothing) and you vil be happy." No, he only makes the suggestion because if others do it he will feel he has no blood on his hands. Well I think such people should lead by example: Delete himself and prove he has the courage of his convictions!

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El Gato..you keep surpassing yourself.

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Ah yes. I thought the name seemed familiar somehow.

Tell the guy Pele wants a real hot date with him. Soon. [No, not *that* Pele, silly!]

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As usual, I hope people don't conflate climate change garbage with climate manipulation. There are extreme climate events worldwide. Some are probably natural, but many are the result of geoengineering. Here's one that affected me personally. Unbelievable, so the headlines say. Took down my beautiful 80 ft more than 80 year old blue spruce.


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Our learned interventions always seem to mess things up more than doing nothing would ever have.

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Absolutely agree.

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