Another great article as always! Today's looking a lot brighter than yesterday, but I still don't believe the swamp can afford to allow this sale to go through -- which is hilarious because they ultimately may be responsible for it happening thanks to their lawsuit.



All these signs pointed to Twitter remaining in its current (awful) hands. But a lawsuit filed by the Twitter shareholders may be the key to Musk ultimately acquiring Twitter after all. The shareholders claimed that the ‘bot talk’ was simply Musk trying to tank the deal — a deal that they didn’t even vote on until two weeks ago. Now to avoid going to trial, Musk has shoved all his chips into the middle of the table, once again offering to buy the company at an inflated price.

With so much control on the line, the game is essentially the same as it was in April: How does the Twitter Swamp find a way to avoid the Musk deal to prevent him from looking under the hood and telling us all about what he finds there? For now, it seems like they may have painted themselves into a corner by villainizing Musk.

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What he finds under the hood may be a viper's nest of National Security Letters and the worst kind of spooks - those who spy on and manipulate their own country's population.

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once you have twitter, you can work around this.

you stand up another peer to peer protocol that is open source and owned by no one. then you link it with API so you connect, subsume, and ultimately consume twitter's content without losing it or the network graph.

lots of options once you control the substrate.

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Curious, have you checked out Mastodon, Gato? I personally haven’t but I’ve heard from a IRL acquaintance who uses it that it’s good. Marketed as a decentralized platform

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the idea seems good, but the scale is still tiny.

metcalf's law pertains and it's going to be very hard to replace something like twitter without incorporating or subsuming it.

dialogue flows to where the dialogue is.

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There you go; someone on top of it. : )

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Ah, so to catch up...the value of Twitter is in the brand. Because it is incumbent it has inertia, and you can't beat an incumbent by being just better, you have to offer something much, much better. But if you become the incumbent and then transform it, the transitional threshold is lower.

Got it. Thanks.

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Very true.

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I have heard that Truth.social is based on Mastodon, upsetting some people.

but I don't know if it is true.

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I had never heard of it. Just checked it out.

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Any good?

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Nice website but haven’t gotten into the meat.

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this sounds like abracadabra to me! I am glad to be able and open my email and read the news online. Anything else my computer does, I am totally ignorant! Never tried tweet, twitter, facebook etc because I don't trust it

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You and me both, Ingrid!

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Almost certainly that's what he will find -- and then we'll find out about it, too (fingers crossed). In the article above I posted a link about the "Election Integrity Partnership" - a public/private 'partnership - literally censoring the political speech of minority party. We have a word for that.

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The Election Integrity PROJECT is about clearing up the voter rolls of dead people, people who have moved, etc. I just wanted you to know, if you didn't, that there are good guys out there, too! 😊

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I wish there was a white hat hero but the kakistocracy never allows anyone to gain that level of wealth and prominence unless they are in the club. As I wrote in another reply, there's a lot of evidence Musk is serving the long-term agenda of creating a global totalitarian technocracy, just as his grandfather Joshua Haldeman supported back in the 30s and 40s. (Search for Elon Musk technocracy.news.) Interesting to note Buckminster Fuller was an ideologue, true believer, who closely advised Technocracy Inc and envisioned a globally connected energy and surveillance grid strictly monitoring the population and rationing everything. Of the two Technocracy Inc cofounders, Howard Scott and M King Hubbert, the latter was the geophysicist who formulated the equations for the Peak Oil Theory. If you dig deeply enough, you'll find post WW2 through this current time frame, there are a lot of prominent academics working on the 4IR Technocracy roll out. In the 21st century this is being accomplished via the creation of Human Capital Markets involving P3 takeovers of prison and criminal justice reform (reason Soros funded DA races), schools, and now healthcare. Musk and other hot flash issues represent distractions while the clock runs out.

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I recently came across an obscure Bucky Fuller book called ‘Ideas and Integrities’. Almost impossible to read. Can’t imagine many made it all the way through. I suffered it nonetheless. In my twenties I thought Fuller was a visionary. 50 years later I now realize he was crazy. Huge ego and complete blind faith in the religion of technology.

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Buckminster Fuller was the Malcolm Gladwell of the 1950s. A pond an acre wide and an inch deep.

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Wow, thanks. It's as though they're insane. Yet, most often, it turns out they're actors on the global stage. I see the Esalen Institute mentioned. As a young teen I came across the works of Joseph Campbell and thought I found a big key to understanding the human psyche. Turns out he's in the club. Some of the players are very subtle, like Campbell, harder to spot, though he was closely associated with Esalen.

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Thanks, I had no idea. I mostly know the name but many people talk about him. Seems like we can’t trust anyone.

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Trust your gut Dr Linda

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That means not much trust for anyone. : )

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Terrence McKenna gave many of his lectures at the Esalen institute, as far I can remember.

I just looked and he is prominent in the results.


Was Terrence McKenna in the club?

good question.

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He was very much in the club. I've read about this from several researchers. You might be able to find some of the work exposing him on Jan Irvin's Logos Media website and on Logos Media archives on youtube and altcensored.com. Some of the richest deep context came from Irvin's many excellent presentations with Dr Hans Utter (on altcensored) but that's a lot of material to wade through. McKenna also made some bizarre statements like in the future there should be far fewer men allowed, i.e. the population of humans should be almost all women.

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Fuller was indeed a visionary, a genius, and a nut case. All at the same time!

Which "Bucky" you see depends where you look. To me his profound talent was seeing what others could not or would not, looking beyond what is known to be possible or what "everybody knows". Sometimes seeing what no one else could see - which on some days may have been the hallucinations!

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For the record, "white hat" is no longer allowed to be associated with heroes. "white hat" and "black hat" are colorist and non-inclusive language....

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Is control of Twitter really such a game changer? If I'm honest, I admit I don't get the significance of one social media platform. But being honest I also have to admit before Musk got involved with it, I paid no attention to Twitter at all. So there is that ;-)

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There are several things going on imho. One is the objective to fragment dissenters, scatter them to "free speech zones" as echo chambers and for closer monitoring. Closer monitoring is also behind the authentication goal Musk says he wants for Twitter and this is part of a larger project to mirror the Technocracy being created in China. Musk said he wants to transform Twitter into a platform like WeChat that tracks everything we say and do and would also be used for purchasing items. Check out Hugo Talks on youtube. He has a video explaining this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8vLwkw_bww&ab_channel=HugoTalks

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I don't know if control of Twitter is as much a game-changer as the revelations that Musk can make about what's going on under the hood. (though moving forward, new management is clearly needed)

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Yes, I think shareholders have become aware that new management is needed. The earnings reports (negative) might be a clue. And of course correlation is not proof of causation, but the as Twitter censorship of political views as become more overt, the share price has dropped, as has revenue. This too should have shareholders attention on the leadership team even before Musk's takeover attempt began.

What I found fascinating in the thread is that it isn't about politics at all but about money. Musk and his friends see a huge profit opportunity. The ideology of these threads is consistent with Musk's record - the ideology of making more money. The seem to see a LOT more money to be made than what Twitter produces now.

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Did Musk say or imply he wants to transform Twitter into a WeChat style platform? WeChat in China is being used to centralize data on what people say and what they purchase. I understand the CCP uses the data harvesting to target dissenting voices. Musk's agenda of "authentication" would seem to fit in.

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find a way to avoid the Musk deal ....

epstein him

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Reasonable to consider this isn't St. Elon but Schmuck Elon and anyone can do both good and bad things regardless of their true natures. I ain't jumping up and down for a guy trying to force EVs on the world and unconcerned about doing business with China, but I'm enjoying the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth from the likes of Ben Collins and his sort.

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Indeed. Put not your trust in billionaires, but sit back and enjoy the show as they disrupt the Narrative.

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2016 was enlightening if you looked at campaign financing reports.

The nations wealthiest billionaires (and the wealthiest "off shore" too) poured money into the Clinton campaign, continuing and escalating the trend of funding DNC candidates at 2x to 10x the levels of competitions. One lone billionaire funding the competition (himself).

Trump in deed disrupted the narrative.

Musk, one of those tech billionaires who has been supporting the DNC massively, seems now to be the enemy there of, disrupting a lot of things. Why? Because he broke with the "Trump must be stopped" imperative? That's what it seems...but as we've all learned, things are not always what they seem :0)

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Not just EVs, Musk supports the entire Fourth Industrial Revolution Technocracy aka Agendas 21 and 2030 - just like his grandfather Joshua Haldeman who oversaw the 1930s Canadian branch of Technocracy Inc, the blueprint for 4IR "Great Reset" which included continuous surveillance and a totalitarian rationing system focused on energy credits. Haldeman was also the Chairman of Canada's social credit party. He was forced to leave Canada due to subversion. There's a lot of detailed evidence on Musk revealing his true allegiance (see Technocracy expert Patrick Wood's list of Musk articles at technocracy dot news). Musk's strange and failed business ventures (Musk was helped to prominence and wealth like Gates, Zuckerberg, and Bezos) are chronicled on YouTube by Common Sense Skeptic (Debunking Elon Musk, parts 1 and 2). You can find pics of Elon's mother posing with overt Masonic symbols. There a pic of Elon sporting a white formal jacket (worn to a Met gala?) with the words New World Order in Latin. Neuralink and satellites also fit into the pyramid cap agenda.

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I'll not comment on Musk, but I'm happy as hell no one judges me based on my grandfathers.

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Got it. There are usually a few rotten apples in every family line. We can't choose relatives, but most people choose their mates. So what about Grimes, the mother of two of his kids (named X Æ A-Xii and Exa Dark )? A Luciferian pagan witch who sings the following lines:

People like to say that we’re insane

But AI will reward us when it reigns

Pledge allegiance to the world’s most powerful computer

Simulation: it’s the future

What will it take to make you capitulate?

We appreciate power

And if you long to never die

Baby, plug in, upload your mind

Come on, you’re not even alive

If you’re not backed up on a drive

Neanderthal to human being

Evolution, kill the gene

Biology is superficial

Intelligence is artificial









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I will say this about Musk's love life: any man with his net worth could be banging Brazilian supermodels on an endlessly rotating carousel with no thought of anything beyond the moment. He, on the other hand, seems to get entangled with difficult complicated women who challenge him in some intellectual or artistic way. He can't seem to manage to stay married, but he begets and supports many children. I don't think it's a good model for the bourgeoisie to emulate, but it's better than the sterile 'wouldn't bring a child into this awful world' trope so many of his contemporaries subscribe to.

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Lol. You just made my point. Elon's "other half."

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BTW this is a fundamental moral and legal principle embodied in the founding of the United States of America. And quite "radical" for it's time. In many cultures and most legal systems thereof before our experiment, one's lot in life was cast by their heredity. You could be held to account for the crimes of your ancestors. The idea that death severed the liability chain was not popular many places ;-).

Fundamental to our definition of "justice" is that you are accountable for what YOU do, not for what your past generations may (or may not) have done.

This is one of the principles that "wokeness" seeks to overturn. In the new definition of "social justice" you must pay for the crimes of prior generations. But not just your direct lineage, but for the crimes of anyone who may have physically resembled you in skin tone. The absurdity (and profound danger) should be obvious, but thar ya go.

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Musk is ON PUBLIC RECORD calling for establishment of a Technocracy on Mars as the new model for civilization. If he really didn't care for his grandfather's politics then he would not have said that. Right? You can verify this statement at Patrick Wood's website technocracy. news. It's very easy to do a search for Musk on Wood's site and Wood is the world's leading expert on Technocracy.

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Yes, this is the same conclusion I have come to. As the "plan" is rolled out, pavement over the top of humanity, we need a little "point and counterpoint" otherwise we may finally sit up and take notice.

Elon is IN.

Helped to wealth and power and weilding it to the same end goal. Totalitarianism. The very, very few, controlling the lives of everyone. And mating of humanity with something that definitely is not human or humane.

WE are the endangered species today and Elon is moving that agenda forward as fast as anyone on Earth.

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IMO he's going to get it. I don't think he would've bought the initial shares if he already hadn't made up his mind to buy it outright.

So we may get to see very soon how strong his principles are.

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It's always a very elaborate script, like a Matrix soap opera. Difficult to explain in a comment but my professional background is medical neuroscience and I realized what was being created 20 years ago as a young researcher in training. Nearly every day since I've been researching patterns of political, economic, academic, and social theater (neurolinguistics, govt mind control projects, large scale social engineering e.g. mass formation, shock doctrine, etc). It's humbling and painfully complicated. Bottom line is there are always white hat actors thrown into the mix to keep us engaged in managed narratives.

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EVs don't need to be forced on or by anyone

EVs will come to dominate personal transportation by consumer choice because despite the endless FUD, EVs do work. Its not a matter of if, its only a matter of when, and when is sooner than most people think.

This will happen despite, not because of government intentions. Gov is if anything an impediment as gov efforts slow it down by inducing mfgs to chase the subsidy rather than satisfy consumer needs and gov action also justifiably fosters resentment and in so doing induces people to reject them.

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Consumer choice like States banning the sales of gasoline power vehicles in 8 years?

I own an EV, it’s really cool but it’s a gadget...I don’t take it too seriously. Until and unless battery tech evolves EV’s will not be viable.

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Wishful thinking laws

Its like passing a law that the sun shall come up tomorrow.

The only thing this law will do is slow adoption because it justifiably creates resentment. Its stupid and counterproductive but they want to try to be able to take credit for things that are gonna happen regardless.

Kinda like how laws banning 'child labor' didn't actually abolish child labor. The reality is increased production created widespread wealth gains throughout the population and as people's wealth increases they have less need to send their kids to work.

Or how gov credits OSHA for making workplaces safer when in truth workplace accidents had been declining for years (again a consequence of broader wealth - people get wealthier they place higher value on safety), and after OSHA declined at comparable rates YoY.

Last week on 9/29 we took a 459 mile day trip in our EV

Had we driven our truck instead this trip would have taken about 9 minutes less time than it actually took - an imperceptible difference.

The only reason I even know how much time difference it would be is because I'm a data nerd and I record things most people don't record.

That is serious, real, and functional. The tech is there now.

Upfront cost is the only real problem that needs resolving before wider spread adoption and here again government stupidity is the culprit - prices had been falling till gov decided to shut a lot of things down and simultaneously go on a money printing bender beyond anything they'd ever done before.

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Don’t rechargeable EV batteries lose capacity over time? 459 miles today, 459-x next month, etc until you need a new battery? Are the rare minerals needed to create these batteries as plentiful as fossil fuels?

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Yes, they degrade over time but the expectation is to get 15-20 years and/or 300k to 500k useful miles out of the batteries.

No I'm not making that up (and neither are the people making the claim)

Real world experience in Model S/X/3 Tesla's vehicles so far is retaining 90-94% after 100k, and 85-90% after 200k miles.

For my own personal experience, we quickly lost 4-5% but then stabilized and have remained stable over the last 2 years/30k miles.

In the grand scheme of things its not as meaningful a thing as you might expect because what matters more is the maximum range of the passengers.

I expect to stop every 100-150 miles for food or bathroom regardless of if I'm driving our EV, or our gas truck. Maybe if circumstances dictate, push to 180-200 but that's not common.

I didn't drive 459 miles straight. Needed 30 minutes of charging to do it. Sounds like time wasted but remember, the car charges while we take meals (we had 2) and bathroom breaks. Had we driven our truck instead we'd have still made the same number of meal stops and bathroom stops.

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Most of the battery degradation happens early. I think there have been Tesla’s that have been driven for 1 million miles.

In terms of the rare earth minerals, the answer is no, they are far from plentiful. And they are extremely toxic to mine. We don’t mine them is the US. Most mining occurs in SE Asia and South America and is done by children. The kids who mined the materials for my battery are probably all dead from cancer. The mining takes more fossil fuels than the EV will ever save - it’s a joke.

One benefit is that EV’s produce more CO2 than ICE vehicles when the battery production is taken into account. Two separate German studies produced these results. CO2 is great for the environment so that’s one nice benefit of EV’s.

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"The mining takes more fossil fuels than the EV will ever save"

Wild Bill's Law of Fungible Factors says that the true environmental cost of anything is equal to its purchase price. (You could just as easily say that the total labor cost of anything, etc.) Because the factors of production are fungible; but more importantly because when you think you are buying 'labor' you are actually buying what that worker buys with the money you pay him. Same for buying 'energy' or 'raw materials.' And that repeats for many generations of expenditure.

Basically, everything that goes into making anything can be expressed as labor, energy, raw materials, finance costs etc. Because if you trace where that money goes, after only a very few iterations (maybe two or three), you are basically buying the same things.

This is a bit of a mind-blowing concept at first, but it has many practical and useful consequences. One of which is that the 'embedded energy' required to make anything is equal to (or proportional to, if you prefer) the cost to buy it. And the same is true for any other factor -- labor for instance.

So yes, an EV is harder on the environment than an equivalent and less-expensive ICE vehicle, simply because it costs more to make and to buy. This will always be true, so long as EVs cost more than ICEVs. Over time, as production quantities and experience increase, the cost of EVs should be expected to come down, barring a limiting factor like just not enough lithium to go around. In the past though, such things have never actually come to pass -- 'peak oil' for example. Look up the famous Simon-Ehrlich wager for more.


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Officials in captured governments obey moneyed interests as much as they can. The alternative lens to the Prohibition era was Big Oil wanting to squeeze out competition making small batches of ethanol for fuel (mainly farms using crop waste). The Rockefellers used a religious front organization to get Prohibition legislation passed.

This is the repeating pattern of decentralized production and innovative new solutions being crushed. Fits in with food production, healthcare, education, and other categories.

The situation of using coal for electricity production is being phased out in the West while China aggressively builds more coal plants, and clean burning natural gas is under attack, tells us "government intentions" are more about getting everyone dependent on a centralized electrical grid for all of our energy needs. This would be for control, not the environment. Wind and solar aren't sustainable and depend on a big fossil fuel platform.

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The grid is centralized now

New techs are making decentralization ever more possible

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I think we have the knowledge to make decentralization work very well. Problem is the WEF Agenda 2030 plan is for complete global energy integration. First on the continent level as that represents NWO regional rule plans, called "technates". For example, North America (the NAU) is slated to be a technate after nations are essentially dismantled (hence lots of engineered US state vs state political friction). Buckminster Fuller, serving Technocracy Inc as a close advisor, came up with the global electrical grid plan represented with his Dymaxion Map which is the map GENI uses today. technocracy.news/global-smart-grid-technocracys-endgame/

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You can do it today, right now, you just have to pay the cost upfront

If you want additional freedom its gonna cost you more than it does to be a domesticated human. True today as its ever been

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Lol. Your arguments have zero foundation. They are only pronouncements.

EVs are impossibly difficult to produce and charge en masse. They depend on the grid which is already overstrained and breaking down, and relies on coal, gas, oil and nuclear to make electricity! No shift at all; same old same old.

Solar and wind are a joke. Low outputs, low longevity, high carbon and rare earth minerals to manufacture. Absurd really.

And try outrunning a hurricane or a forest fire in an EV with a dead battery when the power is out!

EVs are a way to lock the masses in prison without needing a police force. Keep you home WHEN the criminals come or the flood/fire/ arrives or the Corporate Enforcers. Or when you were headed to the Capital for a million man March.

Don't fall for it people. If the Evil ones running Earth today wanted to produce clean energy we would all be driving versions of Stanley Meyer's Water Car today; this is 100% about CONTROL imho.

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That's your answer - "EVs are never gonna work, but could I interest you in a perpetual motion machine that the evil big oil squashed"

Reality check

Big oil doesn't love oil, they love money. A 'free' energy machine is the next best thing to a money printer.

So if such a thing existed big oil would not have squashed it, they'd have bought his design and installed it on everything that you could fit the thing on. Bicycles, cars, trains, aircraft, air conditioners, even blenders.

When you decide to visit the real world we can talk again. Thanks

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Well Bob Lazar, whatever you think of him, DID build a hydrogen powered Corvette.

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Unlike woo-woo water powered cars, a hydrogen powered vehicle isn't an impossibility.

Impractical as they may be at present, they at least do exist.

Hydrogen will no doubt have its place in the world for certain use cases (mining, agriculture, perhaps OTR trucking). Under the hood it will still be an EV.

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There is no woo to what Stanley Meyers worked out. Too many witnesses then and today. Too many investigations. Too many honest reporters.

H2O IS hydrogen. Just tease that molecule apart and you have exactly what you need to run your hydrogen car.

I've spoken with too many people with direct experience of the technology. Meyer figured it out. It's why he's dead.

If he was just a crackpot woo practioner he would have died of old age.

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Been there, done that. They squashed it 100,000%! And the inventor conveniently dropped dead, as did the next group who was reviving his work. I don't agree with Dr. Steven Greer on everything, but I sure agree that coal, gas, oil and nuclear are mighty big Piggy Banks!

Anything that actually threatens them vanishes for sure.

I don't know if your misinformed or misinforming, but either way the facts are very different than what you're proposing.

Break Through Power is an interesting book. As are all the articles on Meyer's and the water car.

Also consider the leaps in technology in other fields, Tesla included.

But the answer is expensive inefficient batteries we need to rape Earth for, while we are tied to the cracking old fossil fuel technology energy grid?? Sorry. That's just more BS. Kinda like mRNA Spike Protien coding devices labeled "vaccines."

I'll keep my gas/diesel power for now.

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If some dingdong in his garage figured out how to do it 30 years ago, why hasn't some dingdong in his garage duplicated it yet?

Here's a couple of the patents. Go build one



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You can't outrun a hurricane or forest fire in an ICEV with an empty gas tank and the gas stations all closed, either.

EV vs ICEV is an agnostic issue regarding the environment, control, or any other factor. Simply a matter of personal preference and intended use. Whether we allow the government to control us entirely or not is up to us, not our choice in transportation.

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There is that joy.

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The first bit of entertainment was watching the woke greenies turn on him. The reversal was so fast it was almost dizzying. Musk the savior of the planet, founder of the first EV company to make it "mainstream". He could do no wrong! Then he said that Trump has as much right to tweet as anyone else, and boom....instant right wing sympathizer spawn of the devil himself.

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Yep, entertaining. It's a classic Dr Steve Pieczenik script. Pieczenik, trained as a psychiatrist, is a highly placed globalist who headed a US Psychological Warfare Division. Pieczenik also wrote screen plays for Hollywood.

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Too many over-rich weird skeevy guys running things these days, overtly and otherwise.

But the spectator sport of watching heads (virtually) explode--always up for it.

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Don't put your faith in the words of saviours before you've seen their acts played out.

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In Musk We Trust

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i think it unwise to trust anyone in matters of this magnitude, but if elon is going to push this, i will put my shoulder behind him and push also.

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Hey our hosting cat, you should have seen the freakout today by the pro-censorship Left patting each other on the back how they will leave Twatter with news the Twat's legal department released a statement they will accept Musk's original offer

The Twatting Left moaned and cried and were asking where are we going? One guy said, you don't need to announce your departure at the airport. Just go. So I mocked their planned exit and said they should find a safe space for their desired censorship. I was permanently suspended shortly after.

So, I've filed an appeal and told them to detail the alleged violation. Then I said I will take it to their incoming boss, Elon Musk.

Hope that really pisses them off.

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Should the macque monkeys who died during Elon's N

euralink expts have trusted his intentions?

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I will take 23 monkeys over 8 mice ! You should read the article.


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I read about this study in the past, seemed inhumane. Sometimes animal rights groups, like the ones claiming artificial insemination of cows is tantamount to rape, go too far, but in this case, from the article itself, there were worrying signs the animals did indeed suffer.

"One primate developed a bloody skin infection and had to be euthanized. Another was discovered missing fingers and toes, “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma,” and had to be put down. A third began uncontrollably vomiting shortly after surgery, and days later “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue.” An autopsy revealed the animal suffered from a brain hemorrhage."

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Who would do this kind of work? Like the people actually touching the monkeys?

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I started laughing with delight reading this stack. And I thought, oh ho ho - there is NO WAY that the gang/pack of twitter tyrants are going to suffer Elon optimizing that environment for positive Human potential! This is shaping up to be really INTERESTING!

I'm pleased that Elon pointed out the ongoing child porn making industry twitter is absolutely complicit in, and other exploitation and destruction he is obviously going to put an end to. He's going to need more security resources, because how dare he interfere with the business of the world!

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The Bee stings back soon...?!

I'm hoping this all proves to be an important step in the establishment of a truer marketplace of ideas.

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Twitter is and will be controlled opposition, there’s already free speech on the internet. They try everything they can to shut it down, and failing that, they ignore it and act like it’s fringe and doesn’t exist.

If Elon cared about free speech, he’d give the money to some place like Gab to grow their media presence.

But that’s not acceptable… because Gab has free speech.

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Here's my take from 4 months ago. And I reposted earlier today at SimComm's spot:

Musk was always going to get Twitter imo.

I think he's using a material adverse clause (MAC) to have twatter negotiate against itself. He's smooth. Look at his initial move; it was a head fake.

He took a 9.2% bite of the company and made it clear he was going to exercise his "influence" over twatter through it's board. That allowed him to get a look under the kimono. Then he "stunned" them by making an offer to buy the company outright and take it private.

He's using a "push-pull" sales/marketing strategy right now. It's one of the reasons he's saying he would re-instate Trump - amongst other things. Watch closely as he pushes twatter at new customers, while at the same time pulling people to twatter. He's using a shotgun and a scalpel.

He's basically doing a re-launch with a bunch of free media advertising. Gives him time to figure out how to monetize twatter and make it a better product. He's dealing with children who couldn't negotiate at a garage sale.

Hes literally doing this on their dime right now. He wants it. Pretty sure he made the decision, before buying the original shares, to close a deal because it wasn't worth starting a new platform if he can modify an existing one. Could be wrong though, cuz he's not afraid of folding em' like Kenny Rogers

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Gato, you write "peer to peer", and I dream of Napster rising from the ashes.

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Isn't Musk one of Klaus Schwab's shining graduates of his program for authoritarian psychopaths, along with Trudeau and Newsom? I'm not going to jump aboard the Twitter Train to Freedom anytime soon.

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Maybe big brother "Mob" made him and offer that he couldn't refuse.

He'll be in the information management club and will have to pay tribute to "the family."

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I somehow trust Musk. At least more than what twitter and the government are now

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Great morale booster to start the day!

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A cat just made me cry. Here is to hope!

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I like systems that gravitate automatically to the desired goal instead of requiring constant tending and energy to prevent runaway abuse and corruption.

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At the heart of capitalist free market process is innovation which is market disruptive and brings economic and social progress. The alternative, particularly if Government or Big Corporate is in charge, is stagnation and strangulation at birth of new ideas. Ironic that the Twitten SS fought to stop Musk buying it, then fought to make him buy it. I wonder if his lawsuit was really a way of manipulating them to ensure the sale?

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Musk like Trump (whatever you think of either) is 5 to 10 moves ahead of his opponents.

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Indeed. Both are wealth creators and in a capitalist free market in order to make yourself more wealthy, you have to make others more wealthy too. Their detractors who accuse them of this and that have never created a penny of wealth in their lives, they are parasites, leeches gorging on the wealth of the rest of us. They are both fighters, particularly Trump. The parasites hate them because they are smart. for their success and for their unwillingness to be compliant, because it shows them up for nitwits, osers and cowards they are.

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