"if a vaccine cannot teach you to resist a disease, more of it probably cannot either. this idea that you need to keep antibodies high by boosting all the time has never had any basis in fact. it would seem to imply that you cannot remember the response and replicate it even 6 months post inoculation. nothing about that has ever passed the smell test." And yet, this is *exactly* what proponents of boosters claim. And, maybe more importantly, it is what people--some of whom I personally know and love--believe. Boosting == More Protection. For me, this is a core claim which is actually based upon the same logic as boosters have ALWAYS been based upon! And so, again we find ourselves at a fork in the road. If boosters are not efficacious for covid, then maybe, just maybe, they are generally less efficacious than has been suggested previously. Stated differently, the holes in the vaccination boat have always been there. It's just that some of us are just now noticing them.
They are far too dumb to do that: never, ever overestimate the IQ of your average Goon.
These are people who will happily spend $500,000 to send a single double agent into 'Field' in order to infiltrate a bunch of hippies who want to stop fox hunting.
While visiting Canada I find myself welcoming the spam phone calls -- I tell them I don't have time to buy whatever they are offering cuz my son just died from a Covid vax injury... and I have to attend his funeral in a few hours.
Then I ask them if they have been vaxxed - of course they all are -- then I tell them about the many people I know who had heart attacks strokes etc... after the vax....
I drone on and on ... they repeat that they are 'so sorry' and I turn the tables with them eventually begging off the line.
Their objections, with the comments to Bret Stephens' NYT "Masks Did Nothing" article as a fine example, show that many are just way too far in to back out now.
It's so closely tied to their identity.
Said previously, possibly here or elsewhere: "Yeah, our experts were wrong. But they support all of our _other_ policies."
- near-but-probably-not-verbatim Pi quote from before
You are taking the wrong approach. Look, overwhelming evidence shows that wearing the kind of reused cloth face coverings most mask zealots are using dramatically increases the risk of a serious respiratory infection such as pneumonia (a top cause of death in over 50 populations). These folks are putting their lungs in harms way to prove a point - to prove their loyalty. To prove that no fact is too obvious to ignore when I am showing solidarity with my party, my tribe!
They are quite literally risking their health to support their politics.
Instead of calling them wussys, acknowledge their bravery and dedication. "You are really one hell of a bad-ass. I wouldn't risk a painful death from pneumonia to support my party agenda! I bow to your dedication!"
It is pretty impressive. Many of them have gotten covid multiple times, still insist that they would have died had it not been for the vaccine. That the mask provided "protection" most of the time from harmful disease.
They have created this dystopian future where the unvaccinated all succumb and die to Covid. Yet they never ask questions like.
So why is that diabetic 50+ year old amputee who is unvaccinated still kicking around?
Why is my Aunt Bernice who believes conspiracy theories like Covid is not as bad as they say it is still sipping corona's off her back porch in Florida.
They believe these people are "lucky, very extremely lucky" and probably lied about having covid and recovering from it. Because the alternative can't possibly be true.
Yes here in the late great state of delusion, formerly known as California, I feel completely inadequate because AFAIK I have not had the deadly plague. Just about everyone I know, vaccinated or not, has "had it". Some hold up a positive COVID test like a right of passage or badge of honor. Me and my 88 year old dad have not yet. I might not know as I stopped testing when it was no longer required to travel. My dad tests frequently due to his age and political affiliation. Strange that.
Nice approach! Usually I invite them to "Go Boost Yourself" (GBY) though I'm tempted to straight up "agree" and urge them to stay fully vaccinated for everyone's good. And that's no lie. It really is for everyone's good if they off themselves.
I tell them it isn't for nothing. You learned some things about yourself. You learned what your price was. You learned a little about mass formation. If you can admit fault, there may be a chance you won't fall for it next time. It's like any relationship. At the very least, you learned what you don't want and what you can endure.
Well put. Sadly though I've learned that for a great many people, party loyalty prevents productive application of grey matter which has blocked learning. I've heard a lot of very creative rationalizations justify mandates and other things that the same people would see as obviously nuts were it not proposed as part of a loyalty test.
My own "research" suggests that the liver is a muscle too and responds positively to repeated "reps" regardless of the spirit. (Or so I *heard* on Discovery channel.)
Best pick-up line I ever had was "I've got my own apartment", because the crowd I ran with between 16-20 (started working at 16 instead of any higher ed, that came later), well...
...those that didn't live with parents or legal guardians or were wards of the state mostly lived in collectives, demolition contract-apartments (dirt cheap since the building was condemned) and such places or in juvie rehab/Borstal.
The girls liked a nice boy who said: "You take the bed, I'll roll up the carpet and sleep on the floor, it's no problem."
Man oh man, the punk and skin girls came in two varieties: skinny as KZ-prisoners, or heavy-set like lady wrestlers. Why did I read you guys sub-thread! I'm aching with nostalgia and memories!
Yikes! Tequila buzz - walk around looking kind of straight while blacking out. Jager shot buzz - stumble around uncoordinated while your mind feels clear, wondering why you can't walk. Both together ... you go first!
That would be the danger of extrapolation. With Tequila as with most things, it may look like it works initially but seldom ends well ;-). Really I was fine after the fourth shot. The next round came and I don't remember much after that. I woke up with fur on my tongue and no idea where I was....
One day, probably after a few Old Fashioned, I will recount the times I woke up in similar circumstances. Question you never want to find yourself asking, "Where are my pants?" (Again, this is third-hand information!)
One is good, two is neurotic, 3 is panic & 4 is dead. i know several who had this twisted thought progression—victims of the fear porn, tv addicts & doctors who aided, abetted the big lie.
In the reference frame "college" that assertion is true with respect to beer, tequila and companions. Most of us learned (painfully) that extrapolation is a dangerous thing ;-).
And one is *assumed* to be good despite the results of one, 4, or 64. Like real per-student government school spending. Up every year since 1960, meanwhile public "education" got worse every year. Solution? Clearly we're not throwing enough money at it! "Correlation is not causation", the parrot says. Hell, it's not even suspect.
I think they call that "repeated division by the base". College students wouldn't even know what that means these days. 90% of tuition paid to Maoist professors and worthless administrators and the kids squander the other 10%.
The square of the hypotenuse summed over the Galois field of infinite order defines a space of indefinite dimension in an n-dimensional imaginary space in which a maximum improbability is achieved and thus the unicorn lives.
(channeling the former worlds foremost expert on infectious diseases who made just as much sense explaining how NOW we're going to flatten the curve).
Yeah, when I looked at it in 1992, there was something like .5 or 1.5 admin for every teacher in LAUSD. Something ridiculous. Also looked at LAUSD terminations. In the prior 10 years, biggest school district in the USA, only 100 teachers were fired, not one was for being a crap teacher. All were for actual crimes like rape. That's what you had to do to get fired from LAUSD. Apparently all the teachers were top notch and just needed a raise.
They also were paid 50% more than the typical American of similar education, and were 50% more likely to send their own kids to private school, while they were telling everyone else ~"vouchers are evil".
I got through econ school ~38 years ago, never heard of the "repeated divn by the base" fallacy. A bit like gambler's fallacy I guess, except they never admit anything went wrong on the first 4.
It was an outstanding Chicago-style econ dept before the UC system went commie. Don't know what happened to the econ dept, but I'll bet it ain't good.
This is interesting. I worked in probability and statistics at a think tank for a while in the '80s, but it's all rusty now. My recommendation: Don't get old.
Lol. I’m old enough to remember when it was 2 doses bad but 3 was the magic number.
As I wrote here:
“In what universe would an effective prophylaxis for a disease appear to massively increase the risk of a severe outcome from that disease after 2 doses? What’s more, how would it then magically reduce it with an additional 3rd dose (but not to as low a level as for the infected unvaccinated)? Effective drugs just don’t work that way – or certainly shouldn’t.”
Before 2023 is out it will be 5 doses bad, 6 miraculous.
This is such a good read. Essential reading for all parents. The religion of vaccination needs to be brought to an end. It’s a sham. It’s all about profits, premature death, or premature illness.
I had this very argument on Twitter. "You're under the impression that more is better, it may not be." There's a chance that the immune system knows how to respond and decides that every reaction shouldn't be a Gatlin Gun response to a threat. If you see a mouse in the house, do you think "Time to get out that tank?"
Yeps, you're all good. "How bad is my batch" site data and many other factors of influence show wild divergence. If you think you're over the side effects then you are. You know yourself better than anyone, so cast off your doubts and live your life, with a new appreciation for it.
My brother got first 2 jabs than wised up. However after getting jabbed, his thyroid went wacko and his doctor had to increase dosage by a lot and still high. He blames the jab and his doctor thinks so too. Rare for a doctor to admit.
Anyone expecting any of these authorities to admit, at any point in time up to their positioning on the gibbets, to any of their large and small crimes, come see the portfolio of bridges I wish I could get rich from selling ya.
What I find puzzling is the number of prominent intellectual voices continuing to ask plaintively about when we can expect our apologies. This is the feebleness of the smart set these days.
We are truly, collectively, all on our own here. Even more so because of so much craziness infusing every level of "our side" too. Very few wise voices. At least this establishment has never, at any point, on any issue, wavered from unrelenting common sense backed up by good scientific analysis.
I don't expect apologies from the corrupt agencies nor anyone in govt. What I'm fighting for is to have these toxic shots REMOVED from the market so that my 18 and 20 year olds can live in peace and pursue whatever they desire. Colleges are complicit in attacking our young adults with their mandates.
I suspect a lot of prominent intellectuals are "system intellectuals" in that their status is linked to being acknowledged as a great influential thinker which requires that they acknowledge other great intellectuals and their supposed area of expertise.
This would mean that the famous astrophysicist or the world renowned mycologist (or financier or actor or political economist) will accept and support any message from an authority in a field they are not expert in, because that is how they "earn" support in their own field. Questioning outside of specialty means other people will question their expertise in their own area.
And there was a lot of this type of discrediting going on, I had the argument thrown in my face that "so and so is a historian, he has no idea of what he is talking about when he talks about something medical like masking!" but Rachel on TV listens to experts and transmits the information faithfully so she can be trusted.
there are some voices claiming "after all it is easier to train a smart dog than a dumb dog" but it does not reach the causes. Saying "it is the nature of the person to do so" which is pretty deterministic and ignores motivations and incentives.
Well said. I am semi-following someone who probably belongs to the system intellectual group. I read his stuff; always telling myself to keep an open mind. It’s a great exercise. It’s also fascinating to see hoe a system intellectual processes. Thanks for the enlightenment
Most of them are painfully immature; they're always vying to steal away one another's cult acolytes while trying to signal they're all in the same club.
Nothing made that clearer than the reactions to Sam Harris. All the smart people shaking their heads and saying every variation of "I used to like him/we were good friends/He used to say such perceptive things."
No--he was a marketer flogging a dumbed down washed-of-all-cultural-attributes Eastern religion as his genius meditation app for people who don't want to be tainted with belief in a religion.
Anyone who couldn't see that from the start, I'm supposed to believe has any intellectual underpinnings at all?
But it was sure a useful experience for me. The handful of thinkers I thought were maybe worth having a little trust in here and there--they took themselves full off my list.
It is a vindication of good instincts and a reminder that if you think it smells bad, your own nose is good enough indication that something is rotten somewhere.
I already posted this on Steve Kirsch's related article, but I'll copy it here:
In my opinion, they're no longer pushing this crap for profit motives. It's full on ass-covering mode. They have the data. They know how to, and already have, give it appropriate analysis.
The blatant amount of playing stupid or ignorant is because they know that the best case scenario (if the true scope of this debacle ever gets out to the average idiot) is that they spend the rest of their lives in prison.
the ultimate goal is the implementation of the Digital Health ID per WEF and W.H.O. plans. Look at Trudeau's threats of withholding funds from towns that refuse to implement it. This was never about the jab or health. The plandemic was the excuse to get to the CBDC and full CCP-style population control.
So true. I have spent the last 3 years in constant vigilance trying to protect my naive/blind but loving and hard-working Gen Z kids. Govt has told them that at 14 they get to call the shots. And school staff is there to cater to their needs for anything (contraception, abortion, puberty blockers, etc.). Fortunately, my old-fashioned tactics have kept them from getting jabbed. And when they call me "anti-masker", I bark back asking IF they have watched the YT video I sent them with Vinay Prassad talking about The Cochrane Rept on the ineffectiveness of masks. No one in my home reads or follows real scientists like I do. So they keep quiet. They'll thank me one day. Although I certainly do NOT need acknowledgement. All I want is for them to have healthy lives, to be able to have children if they wish, and above all, to learn to question authority. It's an uphill battle with Gen Z, for sure. For what it's worth, I had them late. So it could be that my baby-boomer attitudes have helped with my mothering habits.
Exactly....my kids are young adults now and they make their own life decisions, and most certainly not mine...never, no way. That is just crazy. And cowardly...from both sides. What an absolute lack of respect as well, from the children towards the parents, and from the parents towards themselves..no way for me to grasp this lack of care...this behaviour is the opposite of love. At this stage of the game, no one pushes no one. What a travesty.
None of us wore masks, got jabbed, and I never tested once....all a scam from the very beginning, and my kids saw through it as well. Still having a hard time understanding the mass compliance though....that is a stumper. I knew I was a rebel, but I never knew it may save my life one day.
Path of least resistance: from the 1980s on parent shave been taught that any conflict between child and parent, any unhappness or feeling of dissatisfaction for the child, anything the child has to do without, and anything slightly negative at all (such as chickenpox or scratching a knee when skateboarding) -
means they are Bad Parents.
And that insecurity opened the floodgates for even more charlatans re: rearing children than during the 1960s and 1970s.
So now, the only safe path to being a Good Parent (or Good Teacher, Good Police Good anyone of the old authority-figures and responsible adults really) is to give in to every single whim of the child, no matter its age, no matter reality.
Child of ten insists its vegan and that the parents buy the twenty times more expensive fake foods marked "vegan"? Doing what a real parent would of done, say "Your food is in the fridge when you get hungry - and when you earn the money you get to decide what we buy"? Uh-uh, Clyde! That's hierarchical man, that's tyranny bro, that's depriving the child of its rights, dontcher know.
Instead they weedle and plead and beg their kids. They put the responsibility to make adult decisions on the shoulders of kids barely out of diapers.
Me too...nice to know there are others. Child of 62! Kids on their own now and looking after themselves.... 25, and 24. It can be done. Hats off to you.
My mom died before my babies were born. So, I like to blend what I knew of her grandmotherly ways with MY grandmother's plus my mothering values.
12 is a beautiful age in that they still look up to you. Enjoy them.
Last night, a milestone of mine was achieved: all of us watched a YT video titled "Monopoly: Follow the Money" by a women's collective in The Netherlands. It's heavy stuff but so well presented. Not for your kiddos, though.
My 20 y.o. was in shock but finally opened her eyes to the lies. My key message is to question authority always, and to stay away from digital IDs.
As an educator I fully agree; one of the reasons I left the school system, and went out on my own. I could handle the kids, but the parents were a nightmare! Many of us have made a real mess that will take a long time to repair. Parenting is not easy, but we need to be in charge when they need it, and we will know when they don't anymore. That is our role, and we need to be serious about it...it's the most important contribution one can make in my mind. Nothing more sacred than that.
Iwas nearly kicked out ofTeacher's College here for saying this (my mouth always outruns my brain, that's why I like written communication better, less chance of getting into trouble):
"It's no different, raising a dog or a child!"
Was some lecture on Piaget I think. Got a summons to the prefect for my trouble.
You and I sound a lot alike. :-) Always up for a bit of provocation, especially with some of the dimwitted professors in Education. That was half the fun!
It’s true though! I speak with authority as I’ve raised a number of both. 🤗
When we were young parents, my husband and I noticed our friends that had shitty, undisciplined, and annoying dogs...followed up with children that shared those nasty characteristics. Uncanny.
I suspected that the children in this case might be grown adults, but I made the comment anyway because I have seen it elsewhere where the kids urging their parents to take the jab are actual youngsters.
I digress just a little but I recall an article back in 2020 I'm pretty sure whose bullet points were: 1- Masks make us Stupid. 2- Masks make us Scared. 3- Masks make us Mean.
I think that covers pretty much to all responses individually and collectively.
"the core claim from this data is that vaccines are associated with lower all cause deaths. 944.9 deaths per 100k person years vs 1026.7 in never vaxxed." All that data massaging and this was the best they could get? Note the lack of error bars, R value, etc. - at this point you don't need to be much of a skeptic to realize that +/-10% doesn't reach statistical significance. In a random sample, you can easily get 10% in favor of injected simply by not injecting people who won't benefit, such as terminally ill.
I don't believe any of this accounts for average comorbidities.
I've said this all along; that's really what we need to know and then we can work backwards from there for "true" numbers making legit "assumptions" like Gato is.
Good point. It is sad that the comorbidities are common place. It really offends me that there are loons that promote morbid obesity as a life style. Then add these shots and the inflammation on top of the inflammation from obesity, walking time bomb.
The classic for me came during the Summer of 2021 while visiting a Buddy's Pizza in the Detroit suburbs. As my wife and I were walking in, we saw this guy who had to be four hundred pounds sitting in his car with the door ajar, his legs sticking out, smoking a cigarette with his blue Covid mask pulled down just enough for him to put the cigarette into his mouth.
Data. Charts. Graphs. Statistics. Why do we even waste any more time reviewing, scrutinizing amd discussing them? They’re all fake. At this point, feels like a waste of time and energy. Let’s move on.
You go ahead and move on, Cathleen. Those of us who attend county and state board of health meetings rely on the good work of brilliant statisticians like el gato and Igor to challenge the unelected charlatans who are destroying our lives with their manipulated data, charts, graphs and statistics.
I'm a data analyst by career. I found myself inhaling everything data from the beginning. I even downloaded VAERS into PostgreSQL to do my own analysis. And I understand why the data analysis still goes on, though at this point it's become more about proving that the data is being manipulated rather than analyzing the data itself.
But if we're still doing data analysis to "prove" that vaccines are bad, we already know that. We also know that the government officials who function as the gatekeepers have been brainwashed or bribed or both to ignore any and all data that doesn't match the narrative, no matter how compelling or even horrifying it is. I think of Steve Kirsch who's even knocked on CDC management doors and put up billboards. If you're going to appeal to someone using either common sense or empathy, they have to have some - and it's pretty clear people were selected on the basis of having neither.
Most of us know, or should know, that this goes far beyond vaccines. One area of the globalist takeover that is rarely mentioned is children and education. Right now, billions from universities and corporations are being poured into systems that pipeline children into a slave-like future existence using emotional and psychological abuse, physical and emotional deprivation, and an oppressive monitoring system that uses technology, drugs, and genetic alteration to obliterate the individual so that they will make compliant slaves. The US govt under HHS has *already* paid private companies to build systems that identify vulnerable children for trafficking.
The globalists have all but abandoned vaccines for now and are concentrating on other things: destroying our energy, communication, trade and food supplies, poisoning our air, land, and water. They're tee-ing up 15-minutes cities and digital IDs and CBDCs (cbdctracker.org). They are still building mRNA factories for when they can make vaccines mandatory to conduct trade or hold a job or get on the internet.
While it makes sense for some energy to go into data analysis, if that's all we do, we'll be pivot-tabling our spread sheet as we walk up the ramp to the cattle car.
"But if we're still doing data analysis to "prove" that vaccines are bad, *we* already know that." [emphasis mine]
Sure, *We* the Little People know. Or many suspected. More importantly, many invoked the There's No 'But We Were Scared' Exception to the Constitution objection.
There are those who believe in The Science but have never really seen the data. Sure, there are many who are sure all the interventions worked fabulously absent any evidence or logic. They probably cannot be swayed by logic, nor at all.
But we must continue to hope that there are still some thinking people amongst them who can be convinced. We have to hope. We have to try.
I think there is a small percentage of people who are out there who can still be reached who just haven't come across the "right" data. But do you really think that there are many people waiting for that "perfect" article or graph to be put in front of them to change their mind? For example, I have one article that references 170+ studies on the ineffectiveness and the harms of masks for viruses. If I walked up to someone with a loose-fitting, filthy cloth mask and very kindly offered to go over it with them, all they know is that nice lady on the TV told them to wear a mask, so piss off.
The barrier to getting people to open their eyes isn't a lack of data. The immediate problem is that most people don't have basic mathematical skills, they couldn't interpret a simple line chart if their life depended on it and they don't have the ability to think critically. I know someone who doesn't know the difference between a fact and an opinion, and they don't care.
But the bigger issue is that while everyone is heads down in the data, the entire world is being very rapidly marched to either extinction or slavery. It doesn't matter one bit what you know about the data because the existence of data isn't going to stop the forward motion of the globalists one bit. For a lot of people, I think obsessing over the data is a way to avoid that bigger picture.
I think you are spot on. We are way past the point of convincing anyone with the right data.
I have more of a head for this stuff, and even my eyes glaze over sometimes as I wonder how gato has the time and energy to comb through this stuff and explain it to an audience that already knows it’s all shit anyway.
The thing that has been the most traumatic throughout this unveiling- this “apocalypse”-- is the horrible realisation that the majority of my species are totally lost-- and not just lost but dangerous to me and my family.
If the normies could really understand what it’s like feeling like you’re trapped in a planet-wide simulation and one of just a handful of people who are awake, they’d probably die.
Thank goodness for these substack communities; I realized I wasn't going insane after reading of other folks like yourself, who also feel "trapped in a planet-wide simulation".
Milehijules- thank you for saying it much better than I did. It feels like people are being tossed bits of data to scrutinize and discuss, (yet one more means of distraction) while the world is being destroyed around them. Analysis paralysis!
I don't think we have to obsess but I do understand your point.
But if we don't use data to back _our_ claim, what's the support for _our_ premise? Because _we_ say so?
Force? Mandates? That's why we're here now. If no one's using data to back their claim then how do we change things? It get them right in the first place?
Rhetorical Question: Why are there so many brilliant polemicists spouting off on Substack and so many flaming morons spouting off on the "official" channels and/or working for the CDC? (Don't answer that!)
Give this man a cee-gar! (Hope that's the right expression - recently rewatched "Dr Strangelove" and I've got Slim Pickens' pronounciation ringing in my ears.)
I think the distinction is: dogs solved their problems re: other predators, food and shelter and access to mates by forming a symbiotic social bond with humans. Sure, us humans have the upper hand because we train dogs to think we are Master - there's not a man alive who can take three medium-sized dogs (like German Shepherds) in a fight without weapons. To say nothing of beasts like the Ovcharka or Cane Corso.
Wolves instead toughed it out so to speak, which worked fine until humans started using traps, ranged weapons and dogs.
(To any ethologist reading: yeah, I know I'm anthromorphising the animals and that this is a largely metaphorical comparison.)
Awesome piece of work, the fact that the ONS numbers simply cant stack up shows how panic-stricken the authorities must be to cover up the truth and the amateurish manipulation of the numbers highlights this charade.
In the long run, bureaucrats can be, and often are, brought down by public outrage once their malfeasance comes to light. But yeah, for the time being "because we can" is good enough for them, and they can't see far enough ahead to be afraid of the consequences when it comes out.
Even if they "get off lightly" by claiming it was an accident, they'll be stuck with being painted as incompetent in line of "how could they have missed this".
“Comes to light” The media, no matter how overwhelming the data, will never bring this stuff into the light unfortunately. Tony Fauci literally killed hundreds of thousands of people and the media still has him up on a pedestal. These bureaucrats are a million miles away from facing the music. The media cant hold anyone accountable because that would mean that the narrative they pushed so hard were lies. They will never admit that.
I agree with you that it won't be the legacy media that calls them out. Big media is dead, it just doesn't know it yet. But if you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed the truth is starting to come out, and once enough people realise that "everyone else knows the truth too", well, just sit back and watch the fireworks.
If you've been following Coffee and Covid substack, you'll have noticed that this is already beginning to happen on a local level in parts of the US.
I never understood the current obsession with antibodies: "the shot raises your antibodies!" Yes, and a snake bite raises your antibodies. Why would anyone assume that raised antibodies is automatically a good thing?
If you look at the pandemic exercises, they see as as a dumbed-down mass that they can cajole, manipulate or threaten into obedience. I think that actually makes them the stupid ones. But of course, if all we do is collect data and make graphs, we can do that all the way up to when they load us into the cattle cars.
They use language that most people don't really understand. Produces a strong immune response - means it spikes antibody levels. Most people assume that it good, even though it says absolutely nothing about the injections effects on covid infections. Especially when the antibodies are against the spike protein from the 2019 strain.
My other half works as a neurologist and they were doing some studies on the vaccines. I asked about the details and she told me that the studies showed that antibodies persisted after 3 months. I pointed out that it was a shit study for the reasons above. I asked who designed such a shit study. Silence. I assume it was designed by Pfizer. I think she is stuck in a hard place, she realizes that its a lot of nonsense but is too afraid to say it publicly.
"if a vaccine cannot teach you to resist a disease, more of it probably cannot either. this idea that you need to keep antibodies high by boosting all the time has never had any basis in fact. it would seem to imply that you cannot remember the response and replicate it even 6 months post inoculation. nothing about that has ever passed the smell test." And yet, this is *exactly* what proponents of boosters claim. And, maybe more importantly, it is what people--some of whom I personally know and love--believe. Boosting == More Protection. For me, this is a core claim which is actually based upon the same logic as boosters have ALWAYS been based upon! And so, again we find ourselves at a fork in the road. If boosters are not efficacious for covid, then maybe, just maybe, they are generally less efficacious than has been suggested previously. Stated differently, the holes in the vaccination boat have always been there. It's just that some of us are just now noticing them.
If one is good; 4 is better. That's what I told myself in college.
These people do not understand the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Same with masks.
"If one is good; 4 is better."
in fairness, that sort of thinking is what got me elected social chair of the rugby team...
That's what made me the recruiting director in my fraternity.
I refuse to admit any previous occasions where I made use of this fallacy. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
ahh, strong use of the shaggy defense.
"wasn't me"
You call it the shaggy defense. I say, "the science changed." Do I not deserve amnesty?
How many shoes do you have in your closet that looked snappy on the rack, but don't work with the rest of your gear?
My wife's always getting on me about that.
You've been hacked again my friend.
Hope you know
yes, I'm getting spam from https://substack.com/profile/130250329-ei-gato-maio
eI gato maIo replied to your comment on the new UK ONS data is out and it's worse than before.
I'm absolutely sure the goons with the Intel agencies would never do such a thing!...
They are far too dumb to do that: never, ever overestimate the IQ of your average Goon.
These are people who will happily spend $500,000 to send a single double agent into 'Field' in order to infiltrate a bunch of hippies who want to stop fox hunting.
Did that mean being in charge of the parties Gato? 😘
While visiting Canada I find myself welcoming the spam phone calls -- I tell them I don't have time to buy whatever they are offering cuz my son just died from a Covid vax injury... and I have to attend his funeral in a few hours.
Then I ask them if they have been vaxxed - of course they all are -- then I tell them about the many people I know who had heart attacks strokes etc... after the vax....
I drone on and on ... they repeat that they are 'so sorry' and I turn the tables with them eventually begging off the line.
It's great fun.
Their objections, with the comments to Bret Stephens' NYT "Masks Did Nothing" article as a fine example, show that many are just way too far in to back out now.
It's so closely tied to their identity.
Said previously, possibly here or elsewhere: "Yeah, our experts were wrong. But they support all of our _other_ policies."
- near-but-probably-not-verbatim Pi quote from before
Here's what I kept telling myself (in my head) while I was talking to my friends about how big of wussy's they were for wearing mask:
"But if I quit now, I'd have spent all this time for nothing!"
I'm guilty in the first degree!
You are taking the wrong approach. Look, overwhelming evidence shows that wearing the kind of reused cloth face coverings most mask zealots are using dramatically increases the risk of a serious respiratory infection such as pneumonia (a top cause of death in over 50 populations). These folks are putting their lungs in harms way to prove a point - to prove their loyalty. To prove that no fact is too obvious to ignore when I am showing solidarity with my party, my tribe!
They are quite literally risking their health to support their politics.
Instead of calling them wussys, acknowledge their bravery and dedication. "You are really one hell of a bad-ass. I wouldn't risk a painful death from pneumonia to support my party agenda! I bow to your dedication!"
You know, or not ;-).
It is pretty impressive. Many of them have gotten covid multiple times, still insist that they would have died had it not been for the vaccine. That the mask provided "protection" most of the time from harmful disease.
They have created this dystopian future where the unvaccinated all succumb and die to Covid. Yet they never ask questions like.
So why is that diabetic 50+ year old amputee who is unvaccinated still kicking around?
Why is my Aunt Bernice who believes conspiracy theories like Covid is not as bad as they say it is still sipping corona's off her back porch in Florida.
They believe these people are "lucky, very extremely lucky" and probably lied about having covid and recovering from it. Because the alternative can't possibly be true.
The mask useless. The vaccines were ineffective.
Yes here in the late great state of delusion, formerly known as California, I feel completely inadequate because AFAIK I have not had the deadly plague. Just about everyone I know, vaccinated or not, has "had it". Some hold up a positive COVID test like a right of passage or badge of honor. Me and my 88 year old dad have not yet. I might not know as I stopped testing when it was no longer required to travel. My dad tests frequently due to his age and political affiliation. Strange that.
Buy Aunt Bernice a round on my behalf ;-).
Nice approach! Usually I invite them to "Go Boost Yourself" (GBY) though I'm tempted to straight up "agree" and urge them to stay fully vaccinated for everyone's good. And that's no lie. It really is for everyone's good if they off themselves.
I tell them it isn't for nothing. You learned some things about yourself. You learned what your price was. You learned a little about mass formation. If you can admit fault, there may be a chance you won't fall for it next time. It's like any relationship. At the very least, you learned what you don't want and what you can endure.
Well put. Sadly though I've learned that for a great many people, party loyalty prevents productive application of grey matter which has blocked learning. I've heard a lot of very creative rationalizations justify mandates and other things that the same people would see as obviously nuts were it not proposed as part of a loyalty test.
Very good way of putting it Jimmy
can you read the comments without signing in somehow?
@Poor Scottish and possibly also Spanish Dog:
how do you know about my dog?
Ahh my username. Kind of describes my dog to an extent. Spainsh with a Scottish owner.
It's a fine portmanteau.
I've found that this does not work with Tequila.
My own "research" suggests that the liver is a muscle too and responds positively to repeated "reps" regardless of the spirit. (Or so I *heard* on Discovery channel.)
Then my liver should look spectacular. *flexes fatty tissues*
love it. I found Jägermeister chased Tequila very well. OMG, what it was like to be young!
too long for a hashtag...but:
We drink more before 9 AM than most people do all day...:)
Well, as I tweeted about a week ago, "Drinking rum before 10 a.m. makes you a pirate, not an alcoholic." ~ Earl Dibbles, Jr.
as a resident of the caribbean, i can confirm.
It'll fit on a t-shirt though.
Alternatively: "You can't drink all day if you don't start drinking in the morning."
That explains the "sunk cost phallacy" in college....:)
Like when you’ve spent 3 hours and $200 on drinks, only to step out to the car and realize she’s a 3.
Sorry ladies. Boy's are in the locker room right now.
Best pick-up line I ever had was "I've got my own apartment", because the crowd I ran with between 16-20 (started working at 16 instead of any higher ed, that came later), well...
...those that didn't live with parents or legal guardians or were wards of the state mostly lived in collectives, demolition contract-apartments (dirt cheap since the building was condemned) and such places or in juvie rehab/Borstal.
The girls liked a nice boy who said: "You take the bed, I'll roll up the carpet and sleep on the floor, it's no problem."
Man oh man, the punk and skin girls came in two varieties: skinny as KZ-prisoners, or heavy-set like lady wrestlers. Why did I read you guys sub-thread! I'm aching with nostalgia and memories!
After that many drinks 3’s and 8’s are hard to distinguish. But tomorrow . .
Back in college the next apt over was 3 women. Trust me, they say just as much (and worse) about men ;-).
Don't the Girls All Get Prettier at Closing Time?
Yikes! Tequila buzz - walk around looking kind of straight while blacking out. Jager shot buzz - stumble around uncoordinated while your mind feels clear, wondering why you can't walk. Both together ... you go first!
We were so stupid. My parents would tell me "don't try that at home". So I just went to a friends house.
my favorite trick was to convince my buddies to do shots of "clear" booze and I'd tell the bartender to give me a water. They still don't know! LOL.
Of course I learned that while bartending my way through college.
"Tequila buzz - walk around"
I understand all the words individually bit strung together like that... Tequila + Walk
Nope, not so sure.
That would be the danger of extrapolation. With Tequila as with most things, it may look like it works initially but seldom ends well ;-). Really I was fine after the fourth shot. The next round came and I don't remember much after that. I woke up with fur on my tongue and no idea where I was....
There are two kinds of people:
1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.
One day, probably after a few Old Fashioned, I will recount the times I woke up in similar circumstances. Question you never want to find yourself asking, "Where are my pants?" (Again, this is third-hand information!)
better than "who's pants are these?" (referring to the ones you're wearing). Like you said - heard it from a friend ;-).
"after a few Old Fashioned"
If you really do your Old Fashioneds up, I highly recommend these Maraschino Cherries:
Excellent! Starlino itself is nice to sip. I take any and all suggestions for improving my Old Fashioned. For research purposes, of course.
One is good, two is neurotic, 3 is panic & 4 is dead. i know several who had this twisted thought progression—victims of the fear porn, tv addicts & doctors who aided, abetted the big lie.
I've never been a "more is better" proponent. I've been a mac user since 1984.
Not anymore unless it's ice cream. Oh boy
In the reference frame "college" that assertion is true with respect to beer, tequila and companions. Most of us learned (painfully) that extrapolation is a dangerous thing ;-).
And one is *assumed* to be good despite the results of one, 4, or 64. Like real per-student government school spending. Up every year since 1960, meanwhile public "education" got worse every year. Solution? Clearly we're not throwing enough money at it! "Correlation is not causation", the parrot says. Hell, it's not even suspect.
The false premise is the foundation of politics.
If there were no guns, there would be no violence.
Your mask protects me / your vax choice puts me at risk.
Elections are fair if we win.
CO2 is causing global warming. Or is it cooling this week? We'll call it "climate change" and cover whatever happens!
Those [fill in whatever party you're not] bastids want to starve children and kill off the elderly
We can tax the rich to pay for it
I tell you what's more perplexing is the author here writes a brilliant essay and all we're talking about is tequila and college jokes.
Seems a mild improvement over the "my free nasal rinse cure" and "viruses don't exist!" distraction posts. Maybe it's organic but I suspect not.
Lol. I hope im interpreting you correctly.
Viruses don't exist crowd is like arguing with ignorant people; they'll drag you down and beat you with their experience.
I think they call that "repeated division by the base". College students wouldn't even know what that means these days. 90% of tuition paid to Maoist professors and worthless administrators and the kids squander the other 10%.
'So the graduations hang on the wall
But they never really helped us at all...'
Cased closed.
The square of the hypotenuse summed over the Galois field of infinite order defines a space of indefinite dimension in an n-dimensional imaginary space in which a maximum improbability is achieved and thus the unicorn lives.
(channeling the former worlds foremost expert on infectious diseases who made just as much sense explaining how NOW we're going to flatten the curve).
😂😂😂I'll have to save that argument for twitter. Insurmountable!
The science is settled :-).
Yeah, when I looked at it in 1992, there was something like .5 or 1.5 admin for every teacher in LAUSD. Something ridiculous. Also looked at LAUSD terminations. In the prior 10 years, biggest school district in the USA, only 100 teachers were fired, not one was for being a crap teacher. All were for actual crimes like rape. That's what you had to do to get fired from LAUSD. Apparently all the teachers were top notch and just needed a raise.
They also were paid 50% more than the typical American of similar education, and were 50% more likely to send their own kids to private school, while they were telling everyone else ~"vouchers are evil".
I got through econ school ~38 years ago, never heard of the "repeated divn by the base" fallacy. A bit like gambler's fallacy I guess, except they never admit anything went wrong on the first 4.
It was an outstanding Chicago-style econ dept before the UC system went commie. Don't know what happened to the econ dept, but I'll bet it ain't good.
Its all a scam. ALL of it.
Negative exponentials btw.
My alma mater had BLM riots and a drag queen for homecoming KING.
This used to be an upstanding school where professors challenged you and expected debate.
And we wonder why all the college kids were screaming for more restrictions during the Scamdemic!
This is interesting. I worked in probability and statistics at a think tank for a while in the '80s, but it's all rusty now. My recommendation: Don't get old.
Lol. I’m old enough to remember when it was 2 doses bad but 3 was the magic number.
As I wrote here:
“In what universe would an effective prophylaxis for a disease appear to massively increase the risk of a severe outcome from that disease after 2 doses? What’s more, how would it then magically reduce it with an additional 3rd dose (but not to as low a level as for the infected unvaccinated)? Effective drugs just don’t work that way – or certainly shouldn’t.”
Before 2023 is out it will be 5 doses bad, 6 miraculous.
Jonathan, as we all should know by now, "if it doesn't work, do it harder." #SoSayethLordFauci
The Wiltster: And your comments don’t even begin to touch on adverse side effects.
Agreed. Absolutely.
This is such a good read. Essential reading for all parents. The religion of vaccination needs to be brought to an end. It’s a sham. It’s all about profits, premature death, or premature illness.
I had this very argument on Twitter. "You're under the impression that more is better, it may not be." There's a chance that the immune system knows how to respond and decides that every reaction shouldn't be a Gatlin Gun response to a threat. If you see a mouse in the house, do you think "Time to get out that tank?"
exactly true.
Thankfully I never got injected with their abomination
Glad I got off the train at 2 shots - regret them both. Thankfully the side effects I had for a few months are gone now
dose is poison. You're fine.
I think so
Yeps, you're all good. "How bad is my batch" site data and many other factors of influence show wild divergence. If you think you're over the side effects then you are. You know yourself better than anyone, so cast off your doubts and live your life, with a new appreciation for it.
My brother got first 2 jabs than wised up. However after getting jabbed, his thyroid went wacko and his doctor had to increase dosage by a lot and still high. He blames the jab and his doctor thinks so too. Rare for a doctor to admit.
Wow. That is rare.
It'd be interesting to be a fly on the wall with a conversation like that.
It's all going to come out. The truth is starting to seep out from their pot of lies!
"this is bad data, possibly by design"
This is a very generous comment
Anyone expecting any of these authorities to admit, at any point in time up to their positioning on the gibbets, to any of their large and small crimes, come see the portfolio of bridges I wish I could get rich from selling ya.
What I find puzzling is the number of prominent intellectual voices continuing to ask plaintively about when we can expect our apologies. This is the feebleness of the smart set these days.
We are truly, collectively, all on our own here. Even more so because of so much craziness infusing every level of "our side" too. Very few wise voices. At least this establishment has never, at any point, on any issue, wavered from unrelenting common sense backed up by good scientific analysis.
edited for spelling
I don't expect apologies from the corrupt agencies nor anyone in govt. What I'm fighting for is to have these toxic shots REMOVED from the market so that my 18 and 20 year olds can live in peace and pursue whatever they desire. Colleges are complicit in attacking our young adults with their mandates.
Medical freedom is the fight of our times.
100%, squared.
I suspect a lot of prominent intellectuals are "system intellectuals" in that their status is linked to being acknowledged as a great influential thinker which requires that they acknowledge other great intellectuals and their supposed area of expertise.
This would mean that the famous astrophysicist or the world renowned mycologist (or financier or actor or political economist) will accept and support any message from an authority in a field they are not expert in, because that is how they "earn" support in their own field. Questioning outside of specialty means other people will question their expertise in their own area.
And there was a lot of this type of discrediting going on, I had the argument thrown in my face that "so and so is a historian, he has no idea of what he is talking about when he talks about something medical like masking!" but Rachel on TV listens to experts and transmits the information faithfully so she can be trusted.
there are some voices claiming "after all it is easier to train a smart dog than a dumb dog" but it does not reach the causes. Saying "it is the nature of the person to do so" which is pretty deterministic and ignores motivations and incentives.
Well said. I am semi-following someone who probably belongs to the system intellectual group. I read his stuff; always telling myself to keep an open mind. It’s a great exercise. It’s also fascinating to see hoe a system intellectual processes. Thanks for the enlightenment
Most of them are painfully immature; they're always vying to steal away one another's cult acolytes while trying to signal they're all in the same club.
Nothing made that clearer than the reactions to Sam Harris. All the smart people shaking their heads and saying every variation of "I used to like him/we were good friends/He used to say such perceptive things."
No--he was a marketer flogging a dumbed down washed-of-all-cultural-attributes Eastern religion as his genius meditation app for people who don't want to be tainted with belief in a religion.
Anyone who couldn't see that from the start, I'm supposed to believe has any intellectual underpinnings at all?
But it was sure a useful experience for me. The handful of thinkers I thought were maybe worth having a little trust in here and there--they took themselves full off my list.
That's quite insightful, especially coupled with the knowledge that many experts suffer imposter syndrome.
"Trust in the experts!" said the expert... Even as the failures pile ever higher, and need more and more tricks to hide, censor or obscure.
Make that an expert on trust talking to an expert on experts, and we've got the whole set!
I am grateful for collective aspect of on our own; lonely but not alone
It is a vindication of good instincts and a reminder that if you think it smells bad, your own nose is good enough indication that something is rotten somewhere.
I have never felt so alone, but so alive
I agree. But, there are some long knives out now within the "Team Reality" lately.
Just an observation.
"We are truly, collectively, all on our own here."
"The older I get, the more I understand why he wanted to live alone with Max his dog."
I already posted this on Steve Kirsch's related article, but I'll copy it here:
In my opinion, they're no longer pushing this crap for profit motives. It's full on ass-covering mode. They have the data. They know how to, and already have, give it appropriate analysis.
The blatant amount of playing stupid or ignorant is because they know that the best case scenario (if the true scope of this debacle ever gets out to the average idiot) is that they spend the rest of their lives in prison.
the ultimate goal is the implementation of the Digital Health ID per WEF and W.H.O. plans. Look at Trudeau's threats of withholding funds from towns that refuse to implement it. This was never about the jab or health. The plandemic was the excuse to get to the CBDC and full CCP-style population control.
They're not even trying to hide the bigger picture.
Coming up.....poi$on antidote for poi$on $hots is my best guess
Sadly, both my brother and his wife, and my sister and her husband lasted until Fall, 2022, then got jabbed because their kids wanted them to.
So stupid...
Context addendum: my brother is 71, my sister is 56.
How is it that parents now allow the children to run the show? I remember back in the day when it was the adults who made life decisions.
So true. I have spent the last 3 years in constant vigilance trying to protect my naive/blind but loving and hard-working Gen Z kids. Govt has told them that at 14 they get to call the shots. And school staff is there to cater to their needs for anything (contraception, abortion, puberty blockers, etc.). Fortunately, my old-fashioned tactics have kept them from getting jabbed. And when they call me "anti-masker", I bark back asking IF they have watched the YT video I sent them with Vinay Prassad talking about The Cochrane Rept on the ineffectiveness of masks. No one in my home reads or follows real scientists like I do. So they keep quiet. They'll thank me one day. Although I certainly do NOT need acknowledgement. All I want is for them to have healthy lives, to be able to have children if they wish, and above all, to learn to question authority. It's an uphill battle with Gen Z, for sure. For what it's worth, I had them late. So it could be that my baby-boomer attitudes have helped with my mothering habits.
Exactly....my kids are young adults now and they make their own life decisions, and most certainly not mine...never, no way. That is just crazy. And cowardly...from both sides. What an absolute lack of respect as well, from the children towards the parents, and from the parents towards themselves..no way for me to grasp this lack of care...this behaviour is the opposite of love. At this stage of the game, no one pushes no one. What a travesty.
None of us wore masks, got jabbed, and I never tested once....all a scam from the very beginning, and my kids saw through it as well. Still having a hard time understanding the mass compliance though....that is a stumper. I knew I was a rebel, but I never knew it may save my life one day.
Path of least resistance: from the 1980s on parent shave been taught that any conflict between child and parent, any unhappness or feeling of dissatisfaction for the child, anything the child has to do without, and anything slightly negative at all (such as chickenpox or scratching a knee when skateboarding) -
means they are Bad Parents.
And that insecurity opened the floodgates for even more charlatans re: rearing children than during the 1960s and 1970s.
So now, the only safe path to being a Good Parent (or Good Teacher, Good Police Good anyone of the old authority-figures and responsible adults really) is to give in to every single whim of the child, no matter its age, no matter reality.
Child of ten insists its vegan and that the parents buy the twenty times more expensive fake foods marked "vegan"? Doing what a real parent would of done, say "Your food is in the fridge when you get hungry - and when you earn the money you get to decide what we buy"? Uh-uh, Clyde! That's hierarchical man, that's tyranny bro, that's depriving the child of its rights, dontcher know.
Instead they weedle and plead and beg their kids. They put the responsibility to make adult decisions on the shoulders of kids barely out of diapers.
/rant, as the kids say.
Never in my home!!!
Glad to be an older mom, a child of the 60s/70s raising an 18 & 20 y.o. with the old-fashioned wisdom of my grandmother. ;-)
Me too...nice to know there are others. Child of 62! Kids on their own now and looking after themselves.... 25, and 24. It can be done. Hats off to you.
Born in 64. Raised in a conservative family and surrounded by the elders (grandparents, aunts and uncles) and lots of cousins. Hats off to US!!!
Me and the wife did the same, thirty years ago: asked our (great)grandparents for advice.
Hey me too. I'm an older papa. But mine are 12 year old twins.
The only downside was when they were younger it would sometimes hurt my knees to get down in carpet and wrassle with them.
My mom died before my babies were born. So, I like to blend what I knew of her grandmotherly ways with MY grandmother's plus my mothering values.
12 is a beautiful age in that they still look up to you. Enjoy them.
Last night, a milestone of mine was achieved: all of us watched a YT video titled "Monopoly: Follow the Money" by a women's collective in The Netherlands. It's heavy stuff but so well presented. Not for your kiddos, though.
My 20 y.o. was in shock but finally opened her eyes to the lies. My key message is to question authority always, and to stay away from digital IDs.
Me too! I have used covid as an opportunity to do exactly what you're talking about
As an educator I fully agree; one of the reasons I left the school system, and went out on my own. I could handle the kids, but the parents were a nightmare! Many of us have made a real mess that will take a long time to repair. Parenting is not easy, but we need to be in charge when they need it, and we will know when they don't anymore. That is our role, and we need to be serious about it...it's the most important contribution one can make in my mind. Nothing more sacred than that.
Iwas nearly kicked out ofTeacher's College here for saying this (my mouth always outruns my brain, that's why I like written communication better, less chance of getting into trouble):
"It's no different, raising a dog or a child!"
Was some lecture on Piaget I think. Got a summons to the prefect for my trouble.
You and I sound a lot alike. :-) Always up for a bit of provocation, especially with some of the dimwitted professors in Education. That was half the fun!
"It's no different, raising a dog or a child!"
It’s true though! I speak with authority as I’ve raised a number of both. 🤗
When we were young parents, my husband and I noticed our friends that had shitty, undisciplined, and annoying dogs...followed up with children that shared those nasty characteristics. Uncanny.
My brother is 71. My sister is 56.
I suspected that the children in this case might be grown adults, but I made the comment anyway because I have seen it elsewhere where the kids urging their parents to take the jab are actual youngsters.
Interesting. I'm 52 and my youngest brother is 39.
And my closest uncle is 54 (like a big brother)
In my case, my daughter wouldn't let anyone who wasn't vaxed see my new granddaughter.
That I've never been boosted has apparently not been a concern.
I am sorry they put you in a corner like that...the manipulation caused by false fear was atrocious. It was insane.
Yeah. I'm not too proud but I really love those Little Lucy eyes. :)
I was disinvited from my BIL's Thanksgiving get together because of our vaxx status. And this is a guy who I initially funded his small business.
The hardest part is FIL got mad at me because he tried to get me to lie about it and I refused.
I digress just a little but I recall an article back in 2020 I'm pretty sure whose bullet points were: 1- Masks make us Stupid. 2- Masks make us Scared. 3- Masks make us Mean.
I think that covers pretty much to all responses individually and collectively.
Back in the day when adults ... existed :-)
"the core claim from this data is that vaccines are associated with lower all cause deaths. 944.9 deaths per 100k person years vs 1026.7 in never vaxxed." All that data massaging and this was the best they could get? Note the lack of error bars, R value, etc. - at this point you don't need to be much of a skeptic to realize that +/-10% doesn't reach statistical significance. In a random sample, you can easily get 10% in favor of injected simply by not injecting people who won't benefit, such as terminally ill.
I don't believe any of this accounts for average comorbidities.
I've said this all along; that's really what we need to know and then we can work backwards from there for "true" numbers making legit "assumptions" like Gato is.
Good point. It is sad that the comorbidities are common place. It really offends me that there are loons that promote morbid obesity as a life style. Then add these shots and the inflammation on top of the inflammation from obesity, walking time bomb.
I can't tell you how many times I was scolded at convenience stores by people that were there to buy a 12 pack and a carton of cigarettes.
Sadly for about 6 months I would go to convenience stores as my "social time". Initially the owners didn't care and I'd chat them up.
The classic for me came during the Summer of 2021 while visiting a Buddy's Pizza in the Detroit suburbs. As my wife and I were walking in, we saw this guy who had to be four hundred pounds sitting in his car with the door ajar, his legs sticking out, smoking a cigarette with his blue Covid mask pulled down just enough for him to put the cigarette into his mouth.
He's just taking care of his health. Any germ that finds its way into his lungs will die from the soot.
Just crazy!
I have so many pics on my phone of the absurdities.
I plan to keep them so my kids remember how fast totalitarianism can sneak up on you
The normalization (scaling) error from the difference in sample sizes exceeds that delta.
But that's only if we use math. Clearly the didn't' do that ;-)
Data. Charts. Graphs. Statistics. Why do we even waste any more time reviewing, scrutinizing amd discussing them? They’re all fake. At this point, feels like a waste of time and energy. Let’s move on.
You go ahead and move on, Cathleen. Those of us who attend county and state board of health meetings rely on the good work of brilliant statisticians like el gato and Igor to challenge the unelected charlatans who are destroying our lives with their manipulated data, charts, graphs and statistics.
I'm a data analyst by career. I found myself inhaling everything data from the beginning. I even downloaded VAERS into PostgreSQL to do my own analysis. And I understand why the data analysis still goes on, though at this point it's become more about proving that the data is being manipulated rather than analyzing the data itself.
But if we're still doing data analysis to "prove" that vaccines are bad, we already know that. We also know that the government officials who function as the gatekeepers have been brainwashed or bribed or both to ignore any and all data that doesn't match the narrative, no matter how compelling or even horrifying it is. I think of Steve Kirsch who's even knocked on CDC management doors and put up billboards. If you're going to appeal to someone using either common sense or empathy, they have to have some - and it's pretty clear people were selected on the basis of having neither.
Most of us know, or should know, that this goes far beyond vaccines. One area of the globalist takeover that is rarely mentioned is children and education. Right now, billions from universities and corporations are being poured into systems that pipeline children into a slave-like future existence using emotional and psychological abuse, physical and emotional deprivation, and an oppressive monitoring system that uses technology, drugs, and genetic alteration to obliterate the individual so that they will make compliant slaves. The US govt under HHS has *already* paid private companies to build systems that identify vulnerable children for trafficking.
The globalists have all but abandoned vaccines for now and are concentrating on other things: destroying our energy, communication, trade and food supplies, poisoning our air, land, and water. They're tee-ing up 15-minutes cities and digital IDs and CBDCs (cbdctracker.org). They are still building mRNA factories for when they can make vaccines mandatory to conduct trade or hold a job or get on the internet.
While it makes sense for some energy to go into data analysis, if that's all we do, we'll be pivot-tabling our spread sheet as we walk up the ramp to the cattle car.
"But if we're still doing data analysis to "prove" that vaccines are bad, *we* already know that." [emphasis mine]
Sure, *We* the Little People know. Or many suspected. More importantly, many invoked the There's No 'But We Were Scared' Exception to the Constitution objection.
There are those who believe in The Science but have never really seen the data. Sure, there are many who are sure all the interventions worked fabulously absent any evidence or logic. They probably cannot be swayed by logic, nor at all.
But we must continue to hope that there are still some thinking people amongst them who can be convinced. We have to hope. We have to try.
I think there is a small percentage of people who are out there who can still be reached who just haven't come across the "right" data. But do you really think that there are many people waiting for that "perfect" article or graph to be put in front of them to change their mind? For example, I have one article that references 170+ studies on the ineffectiveness and the harms of masks for viruses. If I walked up to someone with a loose-fitting, filthy cloth mask and very kindly offered to go over it with them, all they know is that nice lady on the TV told them to wear a mask, so piss off.
The barrier to getting people to open their eyes isn't a lack of data. The immediate problem is that most people don't have basic mathematical skills, they couldn't interpret a simple line chart if their life depended on it and they don't have the ability to think critically. I know someone who doesn't know the difference between a fact and an opinion, and they don't care.
But the bigger issue is that while everyone is heads down in the data, the entire world is being very rapidly marched to either extinction or slavery. It doesn't matter one bit what you know about the data because the existence of data isn't going to stop the forward motion of the globalists one bit. For a lot of people, I think obsessing over the data is a way to avoid that bigger picture.
Hear, hear, Milehijules.
I think you are spot on. We are way past the point of convincing anyone with the right data.
I have more of a head for this stuff, and even my eyes glaze over sometimes as I wonder how gato has the time and energy to comb through this stuff and explain it to an audience that already knows it’s all shit anyway.
The thing that has been the most traumatic throughout this unveiling- this “apocalypse”-- is the horrible realisation that the majority of my species are totally lost-- and not just lost but dangerous to me and my family.
If the normies could really understand what it’s like feeling like you’re trapped in a planet-wide simulation and one of just a handful of people who are awake, they’d probably die.
Thank goodness for these substack communities; I realized I wasn't going insane after reading of other folks like yourself, who also feel "trapped in a planet-wide simulation".
Milehijules- thank you for saying it much better than I did. It feels like people are being tossed bits of data to scrutinize and discuss, (yet one more means of distraction) while the world is being destroyed around them. Analysis paralysis!
I don't think we have to obsess but I do understand your point.
But if we don't use data to back _our_ claim, what's the support for _our_ premise? Because _we_ say so?
Force? Mandates? That's why we're here now. If no one's using data to back their claim then how do we change things? It get them right in the first place?
People believe this instead https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/evidence-covid-19-vaccines-dont-increase-risk-death-contrary-claim-financier-edward-dowd/
Yeah but graphs and charts and stats are awesome!
Feed me.
They are easy visual reminders of the lying and cheating as well.
It feels like we're in an extended episode of The Twilight Zone.
NEW SUBSTACK RELEASE. The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street. Twilight Zone meets the Covid Tyranny. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-monsters-are-due-on-maple-street
Twilight Zone Spoof: Nightmare at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. President Pfauci finds himself in an underground bunker beneath the White House besieged by “anti-vaxxer” forces. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/twilight-zone-spoof-nightmare-at
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This is incredible. Thx
Rhetorical Question: Why are there so many brilliant polemicists spouting off on Substack and so many flaming morons spouting off on the "official" channels and/or working for the CDC? (Don't answer that!)
Why do wolves howl and dogs bark?
This riddle is too ruff. But I'll give it a shot.
Because wolves are ungovernable and dogs are domesticated?
We had to form a "wolf-stack" here
On a serious note it's "selected" evolution; true predators have to be smarter and communication is more complex
A wolf could theoretically bark (if surrounded by dogs) but a dog can not truly howl
Give this man a cee-gar! (Hope that's the right expression - recently rewatched "Dr Strangelove" and I've got Slim Pickens' pronounciation ringing in my ears.)
I think the distinction is: dogs solved their problems re: other predators, food and shelter and access to mates by forming a symbiotic social bond with humans. Sure, us humans have the upper hand because we train dogs to think we are Master - there's not a man alive who can take three medium-sized dogs (like German Shepherds) in a fight without weapons. To say nothing of beasts like the Ovcharka or Cane Corso.
Wolves instead toughed it out so to speak, which worked fine until humans started using traps, ranged weapons and dogs.
(To any ethologist reading: yeah, I know I'm anthromorphising the animals and that this is a largely metaphorical comparison.)
I'd leave this blank...but it wouldn't be good for gato's KPI's...:)
Awesome piece of work, the fact that the ONS numbers simply cant stack up shows how panic-stricken the authorities must be to cover up the truth and the amateurish manipulation of the numbers highlights this charade.
They can do whatever they want with whatever numbers they want. Its called the FYTW clause.
F$ck you thats why. And nobody can do anything about it.
In the long run, bureaucrats can be, and often are, brought down by public outrage once their malfeasance comes to light. But yeah, for the time being "because we can" is good enough for them, and they can't see far enough ahead to be afraid of the consequences when it comes out.
Even if they "get off lightly" by claiming it was an accident, they'll be stuck with being painted as incompetent in line of "how could they have missed this".
“Comes to light” The media, no matter how overwhelming the data, will never bring this stuff into the light unfortunately. Tony Fauci literally killed hundreds of thousands of people and the media still has him up on a pedestal. These bureaucrats are a million miles away from facing the music. The media cant hold anyone accountable because that would mean that the narrative they pushed so hard were lies. They will never admit that.
I agree with you that it won't be the legacy media that calls them out. Big media is dead, it just doesn't know it yet. But if you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed the truth is starting to come out, and once enough people realise that "everyone else knows the truth too", well, just sit back and watch the fireworks.
If you've been following Coffee and Covid substack, you'll have noticed that this is already beginning to happen on a local level in parts of the US.
I never understood the current obsession with antibodies: "the shot raises your antibodies!" Yes, and a snake bite raises your antibodies. Why would anyone assume that raised antibodies is automatically a good thing?
If you look at the pandemic exercises, they see as as a dumbed-down mass that they can cajole, manipulate or threaten into obedience. I think that actually makes them the stupid ones. But of course, if all we do is collect data and make graphs, we can do that all the way up to when they load us into the cattle cars.
They use language that most people don't really understand. Produces a strong immune response - means it spikes antibody levels. Most people assume that it good, even though it says absolutely nothing about the injections effects on covid infections. Especially when the antibodies are against the spike protein from the 2019 strain.
My other half works as a neurologist and they were doing some studies on the vaccines. I asked about the details and she told me that the studies showed that antibodies persisted after 3 months. I pointed out that it was a shit study for the reasons above. I asked who designed such a shit study. Silence. I assume it was designed by Pfizer. I think she is stuck in a hard place, she realizes that its a lot of nonsense but is too afraid to say it publicly.
Agreed. It is easy to bury it but the shunning and ridicule takes its toll. It's like high school but in a dangerous, deadly way.
Alive and well
Not sure if you are aware of Norman Fenton gato: https://open.substack.com/pub/wherearethenumbers/p/uk-statistics-regulator-agrees-with?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android
He is. He referred to Norman and Neil in one of the comments on this post.
Data Swapped = Data Swamp
Edit: not you gato; them