Walking in NYT's shoes for as long as I can stomach it, it's understandable. I'd be pretty embarrassed to if I kept getting dunked on by a super dank meme lord who still managed to prove himself smarter, more honest, and better with data than I was.
The AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION came out with a post similar to this yesterday about misinformation from "people who don't understand science" on the internet. I could use help growing our effort to involve more dentists to be part of the movement. We are writing a white paper to deliver to the ADA because like the AMA, they are totally captured!! Here's my story:
I am a dentist in Chapel Hill, NC who was censored on our statewide dental forum for discussing natural immunity. I have been extremely active in research and educating people about our missed opportunity to encourage prevention and early treatment for COVID. I am also seriously concerned about the current push by our profession to promote vaccination to our staff and patient population. Based on how these vaccines were designed, choosing to be vaccinated is an individual's choice because there only benefit to the recipient is to at best to mitigate symptoms. Since they cannot stop contraction or spread, there is no public benefit to mass vaccination with a novel therapeutic that has no long term safety data.
Like many dentists, we returned to full operation and treatment of patients in the midst of the pandemic. We had no other option, we had to choose faith over fear because unlike all of the telemedicine visits doctors were offering, dentistry is hands on, with masks off. Our profession is highly educated on sterilization and PPE and returning to patient care was not very different considering pandemic implications. I spent a lot of time studying how to keep my staff, my patients and my family safe but became frustrated by the lack of dialogue amongst our profession about prevention and early treatment of COVID. Especially since dentistry prides itself on these regular discussions with our patients about their oral care.
When I was censored on our statewide forum for promoting natural immunity while citing The Lancet, I challenged the other dentists about how we could be an OPEN Forum if we can't discuss emerging science. Eventually my post was restored and I took to task the topic of vaccine efficacy and safety. The ADA for months had been suggesting it is our moral obligation to be vaccinated and to educate our patients. In a field that encourages adequate informed consent before any procedure, I was disappointed to learn that vaccine recipients are not warned of possible SERIOUS adverse effects. Those willing to speak on the Forum called me tin foil hat wearing and suggested that I should have my credentials stripped for promoting anything other than the vaccines are 100% safe and effective.
Several brave souls reached out to me privately and we have formed a group to work on an open letter/white paper to the ADA and other downstream dental organizations that are in lockstep with the mask up and give everyone a vaccine narrative. Recently the ADA came out with an update to their ethical standards of practice, in which they made the suggestion that denying treatment to an unvaccinated patient is not considered unethical and perhaps is a responsibility in some cases, for the safety of the community.
Our small group of dentists is appalled at the position of the ADA on masks, vaccines and the ethical denial of treatment. We are hoping by reaching out to individuals with a broad population base, we can find other dentists outside of NC to join our effort and have our voices heard.
So I'm not mad after all? Since Dec. 1 I've been having goofy problems. I blame SubStack as it's also happening with Eugyppius. My earlier problm was "Reply" did nothing. Maybe not Firefox's fault after all (I bailed from beta, back to production release and it's still broke, as y'all note as well.
Dang, if only I lived in NC. I live in PR and just last Monday, two days ago, I went for my semiannual cleaning, and my dentist said I need to be vaxxed.
I started with a new dentist last week. As I slowly cracked the front door and crept in without my mask, just waiting to get yelled at, I slowly looked around to find that nobody at the desk or in the waiting room was masked. Phew! I asked the receptionist, "No masks?" and she replied, "No, you have individual rights here!" They did not mention the jab at all. I left feeling pretty good about the place!
I just made a tentative appointment with a new dentist in Virginia Beach. It's outside my insurance coverage, so I'll have to pay OOP. First appointment is 2 hours and nearly $500. Ouch. But less ouch than getting jabbed with experimental drugs.
I'll "interview" one more in VA Beach on Monday, and then I'll give my current dentist one last chance to get his head out of his arse.
My holistic dentist still double masks despite his vaccination. I've realized he was holistic in name only. He just wants to cash in on the holistic crowd. I'm back to driving to the big city for holistic dental care.
my naturopath prescribed me ivermectin just to have on hand in case the rona shows up. He's also been treating covid patients with NAC / Vitamin IV drips the whole time with great success. Great dude.
When I was censored on our statewide forum for promoting natural immunity and citing The Lancet, I challenged the other dentists about how we could be an OPEN Forum if we can't discuss emerging science. Eventually my post was restored and I took to task the topic of vaccine efficacy and safety. The ADA for months had been suggesting it is our moral obligation to be vaccinated and to educate our patients. In a field that encourages adequate informed consent before any procedure, I was disappointed to learn that vaccine recipients are not warned of possible SERIOUS adverse effects. Those willing to speak on the Forum called me tin foil hat wearing and suggested that I should have my credentials stripped for promoting anything other than the vaccines are 100% safe and effective.
Several brave souls reached out to me privately and we have formed a group to work on an open letter/white paper to the ADA and other downstream dental organizations that are in lockstep with the mask up and give everyone a vaccine narrative. Recently the ADA came out with an update to their ethical standards of practice, in which they made the suggestion that denying treatment to an unvaccinated patient is not considered unethical and perhaps is a responsibility in some cases, for the safety of the community.
The group of us are appalled at the position of the ADA on masks, vaccines and the ethical denial of treatment. We are hoping by reaching out to individuals with a broad population base, we can find other dentists outside of NC to join our effort.
Wow. Nothing like that at my dentist. Just had my 6 month checkup last week. This time: I came in with a hygienist coming back from break both of us w/out mask. No questions at all or temp check on entering, I sat in waiting area maskless, until woman came in half-masked with nose out, then I put on one to be polite. No peroxide gargle & they're cleaning/polishing again.
ugh! I went to my Dentist's partner for a check up last year and told him I had had Covid months previous. He said I should get the Jab. I began to doubt his medical knowledge.
My regular dentist retired early and now I wonder who I'll see...know any good dentists in Southern New York
"I was disappointed to learn that vaccine recipients are not warned of possible SERIOUS adverse effects"
I made this point elsewhere, and many times:
When you're watching TV and a drug commercial comes on, at least HALF of the commercial time is spent warning us of the actual and potential side effects.
When you're watching TV and a WuFlu drug commercial comes on...they spend literally ZERO time warning us of the actual and potential side effects.
I wonder why the Chinese virus experimental drugs are exempt from having to warn us of the downsides of the jabs...(no, I don't actually wonder).
I have yet to see a pharma commercial for any of the vaxxes, but we don't have paid TV service, we stream.
Here in MI I have seen many 'PSA' type spots paid for by our state. No warnings or disclaimers, as so far they have all been snippets of 'average' people, proclaiming their 'reasons' for being vaxxed.
My dentist informed me at my last visit that I would have to have a Covid test before my next six monthly cleaning, since I declined the experimental biologicals. The only thing this told me was he did not understand the science which says vaxxed patients can contract and transmit Covid. But oh well, it isn’t my job to educate my dentist. Will find a new dentist. I have zero faith in the present one🥰
It would be interesting to ask your dentist, "Do you require vaxxed patients to submit Covid test results, too? Because the vaxxed can and do catch and spread the virus, too. So I'm wondering whether you're being consistent, or discriminatory?"
You wouldn't have access to resources to be able to refer a dentist in Puerto Rico who *doesn't* require patients to be vaxxed, would you? Or perhaps in the Virginia Beach area, or in southern Maine/seacoast New Hampshire?
I suspect dentists in those to areas of the mainland aren't as scared or as ignorant as Puerto Rico's dentists, so I may have ok luck finding one on my own in the States. But, it won't be covered by my insurance, so if there's a dentist in Puerto Rico you can refer, that would be terrific.
And my apologies for using this Substack as a personal bulletin-board.
I hope it was not bad to make this post?? I am so frustrated and I don't do social media other than Substack. Not sure how to 'spread the word'? I do not have connections for you yet but I am working to create a parallel dental society that supports medical freedom and ethical practice.
Well I just subscribed to Unpacking Truth, so when that parallel society comes into existence, I'll be ready. (In the meantime, Ima be flossing every day.)
Interestingly, they now also link to this disclaimer:
"If you are looking for “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review” by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate."
In fact, the content is MORE RELEVANT THAN EVER in our current climate. As if the validity of scientific content is subject to political winds.
If it was relevant in 2016, it remains relevant until AND UNLESS it is rebutted persuasively by newer credible science.
Cats are "peddling misinformation, researchers say" I had to reload and re-read that tweet a couple times to make sure it was real and really from the New York Times.
I have never been happier to be an el gato follower and a cat person!
I knew exactly who they meant when I saw a quote tweet of this on someone's publicly-available Twitter feed. God but you're getting under their skin fer shure.
And I wonder how soon Twitter will make it impossible to view anyone's feed without one's own account. First they came for the threads...
Considering how much traffic was driven by video clips that they've now severely censored, they're not in the least afraid of moves that might limit access. They're entirely a tool of the Overlords now. (If ever they weren't...)
Ah, targeting the kitty cat crowd? The New York Slimes never disappoint now, do they? Yes, we are winning if they’ve responded to our ‘misinformation’. Meowwwwww, they’re scared! Keep it up!
Per Wikipedia, the Davey Alba, who penned the NYT article, "attended De La Salle University, earning a degree in communication arts . . . She studied at Columbia University and received a masters in science journalism."
In other words, she has no qualifications.
But you have to admire her ability to get paid writing brain-dead leftist dreck.
"I studied science writing at Columbia University, and grew up in Manila, Philippines. Today I live in Brooklyn, New York, with my two cats, Laser Beam and Vivienne."
“Misinformation” = code word for truth used by Covidians and those running the psyops on them. “Lies” = used by non-Covidians when exposed to the same psyops.
Wow. Just wow. "Researchers say," you say? WHICH researchers? Do you mean all researchers? Or perhaps researchers who prefer dogs over cats? I love this false authority they try to tag onto their ridiculous assertions.
I’m tempted to send all writers at the NYT a large box filled with of cat turds for the holiday season - to show them how much I love their commitment to excellence and good journalism. Nothing says “New York Times, I appreciate you” like a big fat case of toxoplasmosis. LONG LIVE EL GATO!
On a different note, I’ve been dreaming of something special for the holiday. What if we take all the Red states and people who believe in freedom, civil liberty, The constitution, free speech and secede from the union. I’m so tired of progressives and lockdowns and fake Fauci scientists. Let’s just leave them behind and form a new country. We can even build a wall to keep the New Yorkers and Californians out. We can leave Fauci, Pelosi, AOC, the squad, The FDA the CDC, the NIH, the NYT and the rest of the dirty corrupt swamp behind. The government should build roads and bridges but stay the hell out of everything else. A New Republic full of hard working capitalists. A new country with an army of Bad Cats. And the baddest cat of all, our new kick A$$ president El GATO. Let’s GO Brandon! VIVA EL GATO!!!!!!!
Yes. We will snuggle you and your family in. THE NEW REPUBLIC will annex the entire province of Alberta. All EL GATO supporters are welcome. All unvaccinated are welcome. No one will ever touch your kids. No one will ever close our schools. No one will ever be fired from their job over refusal to take an experimental injection with no long term safety data. No vaccine mandates. Seriously. What better way to say F YOU BRANDON! Let’s just leave. We need a new country. We need some lawyers to draw up the papers and draw up a new border
The time is now. This is what El GATO has been talking about. It’s time to leave the sheep alone. It’s time to WAKE UP AND MOBILIZE THE OTHER LIONS. Let freedom ring baby! Let’s blow outta this mess.
I say watch out for dogs too. And hot looking women, and men. Images of delicious looking culinary dishes can exploit the appetite to sneak bad information and propaganda into the viewer's minds via the stomach. We should also be wary of photos of beautiful sunsets and landscapes. In fact anything that is appealing to human beings can serve as a potential vehicle for the spread of subversive conspiracy theories, white supremacy, Russian psyops, etc.
Images of cats can even be used by The New York Times to spread idiotic technology pieces.
Oh my! That's hilarious! I actually did this yesterday! I wrote a giant post on big tech lords and authoritarian over reach, and knowing it would be shadow banned, I made a post above it with a funny cat meme saying now I've got your attention, please look at the important post below.
Where can I get a job researching useless crap like this? Is there a National Institute For Useless Studies out there somewhere? How do I apply for a government grant?
....and the US mandates getting suspended....and a few positive IVM rulings, where the family's of dying patients appealed and won.......formation of the WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH...(since the WHO is bought).....a groundswell type of shift....and still, as unvaxxed, anticipate a knock on the door, in some form or another, to demand my compliance. Like in Australia, parts of Europe. Both are going on at once.
Hehe. Let us not discuss with tasteless people. I am sure all cats will turn their heads in disgust Let us give them a sturdy pole to sharpen their claws !
Are you effing KITTEN me?!?
It is true, this cat litter-ing of the internet must stop right meow.
Hiss-tory will not judge catatonic NYTs writers well for this apawling cat attack!
Yeah, Michele had the purrfect pun!
Uh-oh, I'm feline more are on the way...
Walking in NYT's shoes for as long as I can stomach it, it's understandable. I'd be pretty embarrassed to if I kept getting dunked on by a super dank meme lord who still managed to prove himself smarter, more honest, and better with data than I was.
"...embarrassed *too".
Let's pretend it was autocorrect's fault and not me getting too excited about typing "dank meme lord" in an internet forum.
I did love that part....
I'm not that smart. But even I know I can trust someone who posts cat memes more than the NYT.
too true
Viva El Gato!!
Viva señor Wolf!! Muchas gracias amigo!
It's because they're scared!
The AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION came out with a post similar to this yesterday about misinformation from "people who don't understand science" on the internet. I could use help growing our effort to involve more dentists to be part of the movement. We are writing a white paper to deliver to the ADA because like the AMA, they are totally captured!! Here's my story:
I am a dentist in Chapel Hill, NC who was censored on our statewide dental forum for discussing natural immunity. I have been extremely active in research and educating people about our missed opportunity to encourage prevention and early treatment for COVID. I am also seriously concerned about the current push by our profession to promote vaccination to our staff and patient population. Based on how these vaccines were designed, choosing to be vaccinated is an individual's choice because there only benefit to the recipient is to at best to mitigate symptoms. Since they cannot stop contraction or spread, there is no public benefit to mass vaccination with a novel therapeutic that has no long term safety data.
Like many dentists, we returned to full operation and treatment of patients in the midst of the pandemic. We had no other option, we had to choose faith over fear because unlike all of the telemedicine visits doctors were offering, dentistry is hands on, with masks off. Our profession is highly educated on sterilization and PPE and returning to patient care was not very different considering pandemic implications. I spent a lot of time studying how to keep my staff, my patients and my family safe but became frustrated by the lack of dialogue amongst our profession about prevention and early treatment of COVID. Especially since dentistry prides itself on these regular discussions with our patients about their oral care.
When I was censored on our statewide forum for promoting natural immunity while citing The Lancet, I challenged the other dentists about how we could be an OPEN Forum if we can't discuss emerging science. Eventually my post was restored and I took to task the topic of vaccine efficacy and safety. The ADA for months had been suggesting it is our moral obligation to be vaccinated and to educate our patients. In a field that encourages adequate informed consent before any procedure, I was disappointed to learn that vaccine recipients are not warned of possible SERIOUS adverse effects. Those willing to speak on the Forum called me tin foil hat wearing and suggested that I should have my credentials stripped for promoting anything other than the vaccines are 100% safe and effective.
Several brave souls reached out to me privately and we have formed a group to work on an open letter/white paper to the ADA and other downstream dental organizations that are in lockstep with the mask up and give everyone a vaccine narrative. Recently the ADA came out with an update to their ethical standards of practice, in which they made the suggestion that denying treatment to an unvaccinated patient is not considered unethical and perhaps is a responsibility in some cases, for the safety of the community.
Our small group of dentists is appalled at the position of the ADA on masks, vaccines and the ethical denial of treatment. We are hoping by reaching out to individuals with a broad population base, we can find other dentists outside of NC to join our effort and have our voices heard.
Very interesting comment so far, but sadly the 'expand full comment' link is not working, so I'm not able to read your full remarks.
So I'm not mad after all? Since Dec. 1 I've been having goofy problems. I blame SubStack as it's also happening with Eugyppius. My earlier problm was "Reply" did nothing. Maybe not Firefox's fault after all (I bailed from beta, back to production release and it's still broke, as y'all note as well.
Same for me
Dang, if only I lived in NC. I live in PR and just last Monday, two days ago, I went for my semiannual cleaning, and my dentist said I need to be vaxxed.
I mean, my *now-former* dentist said that.
I'm afraid I'm going to hear that
I started with a new dentist last week. As I slowly cracked the front door and crept in without my mask, just waiting to get yelled at, I slowly looked around to find that nobody at the desk or in the waiting room was masked. Phew! I asked the receptionist, "No masks?" and she replied, "No, you have individual rights here!" They did not mention the jab at all. I left feeling pretty good about the place!
I just made a tentative appointment with a new dentist in Virginia Beach. It's outside my insurance coverage, so I'll have to pay OOP. First appointment is 2 hours and nearly $500. Ouch. But less ouch than getting jabbed with experimental drugs.
I'll "interview" one more in VA Beach on Monday, and then I'll give my current dentist one last chance to get his head out of his arse.
I wish you'd say that is a New York dentist
I'm sorry, no. It's PA. We have lots of people from NY travel in. If you're not too far from Northeastern PA, maybe travel in and make a day of it. :)
Can you tell me the town by any chance?
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
My holistic dentist still double masks despite his vaccination. I've realized he was holistic in name only. He just wants to cash in on the holistic crowd. I'm back to driving to the big city for holistic dental care.
Same with a "Naturopath" I recently saw. Couldn't believe she was playing the game.
my naturopath prescribed me ivermectin just to have on hand in case the rona shows up. He's also been treating covid patients with NAC / Vitamin IV drips the whole time with great success. Great dude.
Glad you found a responsible one. I live in California, so there's that.
You're lucky to have found someone so well informed!
All of this makes me sad for the medical/healthcare profession
Yea, the expand button is locked.
Right. Someone....please repair. I’m especially interested in this comment.
When I was censored on our statewide forum for promoting natural immunity and citing The Lancet, I challenged the other dentists about how we could be an OPEN Forum if we can't discuss emerging science. Eventually my post was restored and I took to task the topic of vaccine efficacy and safety. The ADA for months had been suggesting it is our moral obligation to be vaccinated and to educate our patients. In a field that encourages adequate informed consent before any procedure, I was disappointed to learn that vaccine recipients are not warned of possible SERIOUS adverse effects. Those willing to speak on the Forum called me tin foil hat wearing and suggested that I should have my credentials stripped for promoting anything other than the vaccines are 100% safe and effective.
Several brave souls reached out to me privately and we have formed a group to work on an open letter/white paper to the ADA and other downstream dental organizations that are in lockstep with the mask up and give everyone a vaccine narrative. Recently the ADA came out with an update to their ethical standards of practice, in which they made the suggestion that denying treatment to an unvaccinated patient is not considered unethical and perhaps is a responsibility in some cases, for the safety of the community.
The group of us are appalled at the position of the ADA on masks, vaccines and the ethical denial of treatment. We are hoping by reaching out to individuals with a broad population base, we can find other dentists outside of NC to join our effort.
That is absolutely stunning. But, I suppose I've seen enough these past two years that I shouldn't be shocked.
Wow. Nothing like that at my dentist. Just had my 6 month checkup last week. This time: I came in with a hygienist coming back from break both of us w/out mask. No questions at all or temp check on entering, I sat in waiting area maskless, until woman came in half-masked with nose out, then I put on one to be polite. No peroxide gargle & they're cleaning/polishing again.
Wow. Awful. Thank you for speaking out.
ugh! I went to my Dentist's partner for a check up last year and told him I had had Covid months previous. He said I should get the Jab. I began to doubt his medical knowledge.
My regular dentist retired early and now I wonder who I'll see...know any good dentists in Southern New York
I am hoping to create a movement within dentistry and create a network of dentists that can think critically.
"I was disappointed to learn that vaccine recipients are not warned of possible SERIOUS adverse effects"
I made this point elsewhere, and many times:
When you're watching TV and a drug commercial comes on, at least HALF of the commercial time is spent warning us of the actual and potential side effects.
When you're watching TV and a WuFlu drug commercial comes on...they spend literally ZERO time warning us of the actual and potential side effects.
I wonder why the Chinese virus experimental drugs are exempt from having to warn us of the downsides of the jabs...(no, I don't actually wonder).
I have yet to see a pharma commercial for any of the vaxxes, but we don't have paid TV service, we stream.
Here in MI I have seen many 'PSA' type spots paid for by our state. No warnings or disclaimers, as so far they have all been snippets of 'average' people, proclaiming their 'reasons' for being vaxxed.
Me neither, it's only been PSAs.
And yeah, as if I'm going to take health and medical advice from TOTAL strangers in a TV PSA/commercial.
My dentist informed me at my last visit that I would have to have a Covid test before my next six monthly cleaning, since I declined the experimental biologicals. The only thing this told me was he did not understand the science which says vaxxed patients can contract and transmit Covid. But oh well, it isn’t my job to educate my dentist. Will find a new dentist. I have zero faith in the present one🥰
It would be interesting to ask your dentist, "Do you require vaxxed patients to submit Covid test results, too? Because the vaxxed can and do catch and spread the virus, too. So I'm wondering whether you're being consistent, or discriminatory?"
Oh, I know this is flat out discrimination. But I also know the sheeple won’t budge💕💕
You wouldn't have access to resources to be able to refer a dentist in Puerto Rico who *doesn't* require patients to be vaxxed, would you? Or perhaps in the Virginia Beach area, or in southern Maine/seacoast New Hampshire?
I suspect dentists in those to areas of the mainland aren't as scared or as ignorant as Puerto Rico's dentists, so I may have ok luck finding one on my own in the States. But, it won't be covered by my insurance, so if there's a dentist in Puerto Rico you can refer, that would be terrific.
And my apologies for using this Substack as a personal bulletin-board.
I hope it was not bad to make this post?? I am so frustrated and I don't do social media other than Substack. Not sure how to 'spread the word'? I do not have connections for you yet but I am working to create a parallel dental society that supports medical freedom and ethical practice.
Well I just subscribed to Unpacking Truth, so when that parallel society comes into existence, I'll be ready. (In the meantime, Ima be flossing every day.)
Great! I will keep you posted!!
And right off the bat I got a great link from you, the Lancet thing on the pandemic of the vaxxed, so to speak, from just a couple of weeks ago.
The Lancet article is a huge admission. This is what I have been studying for months from so many sources. I can't believe they put this in print!
I always found it interesting that one of the most comprehensive explanations of the ineffectiveness of masks was from 2016 on an oral health site…that incidentally was taken down *on purpose* as soon as masking became polarized. (Still available through the Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/20200618031535/https://www.oralhealthgroup.com/features/face-masks-dont-work-revealing-review/ )
Interestingly, they now also link to this disclaimer:
"If you are looking for “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review” by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate."
In fact, the content is MORE RELEVANT THAN EVER in our current climate. As if the validity of scientific content is subject to political winds.
If it was relevant in 2016, it remains relevant until AND UNLESS it is rebutted persuasively by newer credible science.
Now that's certainly a new twist to the concept of 'climate change'
Thank you for this. Masks are part of the white paper and this is a great reference to include.
The rest of my story is seen below...
I loved what I saw. made me hopeful and thankful to you. Expand link is broken
You are winning - and we are thankful. #FightingWithFeline
Yes but the need to expand the audience is critical...
Poor PhARMA can't compete with kittens undermining their efforts to save humanity. *smirk*
LOL that s a good one. Combined cats beat the NYT easily
Cats are "peddling misinformation, researchers say" I had to reload and re-read that tweet a couple times to make sure it was real and really from the New York Times.
I have never been happier to be an el gato follower and a cat person!
What a cat-astrophe! I’m feline bold now!
ya'll are killing me
This is a catfight!
The future's so bright, I Gato wear shades!
Meow!! Load the Furballs!
First they came for the cats, and I did not speak out...
quiet as a meowse?
I knew exactly who they meant when I saw a quote tweet of this on someone's publicly-available Twitter feed. God but you're getting under their skin fer shure.
And I wonder how soon Twitter will make it impossible to view anyone's feed without one's own account. First they came for the threads...
They'd be morons to limit it to account holders. I hope they don't go there.
Considering how much traffic was driven by video clips that they've now severely censored, they're not in the least afraid of moves that might limit access. They're entirely a tool of the Overlords now. (If ever they weren't...)
LOL!! Gato has hit the big time!!!
Hell hath no furry like a feline scorned.
We would line our litter boxes with the NY Slimes but it’s not even good for that.
Bird owners had to stop using it as cage liner because poop was repelled and bounced up to ceiling 😛.
Don't anyone tell Gatito Bueno, an impressionable young kitten like that will internalize the blatant gatophobia.
oh, i'm plenty cheesed too, mr wesley.
these people are going to wish they had done something easy like starting a land war in asia!
That word... I do not think it means what you think it means.
Ah, targeting the kitty cat crowd? The New York Slimes never disappoint now, do they? Yes, we are winning if they’ve responded to our ‘misinformation’. Meowwwwww, they’re scared! Keep it up!
Even Orwell would be rolling over in his grave
His coffin is already burnished to ash.
Very well then, his ashes would be swirling around in their cinerary urn! 😁
Per Wikipedia, the Davey Alba, who penned the NYT article, "attended De La Salle University, earning a degree in communication arts . . . She studied at Columbia University and received a masters in science journalism."
In other words, she has no qualifications.
But you have to admire her ability to get paid writing brain-dead leftist dreck.
But per her own website?
"I studied science writing at Columbia University, and grew up in Manila, Philippines. Today I live in Brooklyn, New York, with my two cats, Laser Beam and Vivienne."
SHE IS A CAT PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So is Catturd - at least I hope.
Do they rent cats out for photo-ops?
“Misinformation” = code word for truth used by Covidians and those running the psyops on them. “Lies” = used by non-Covidians when exposed to the same psyops.
Miss Information (we, they) works overtime in intelligence circles, which overlap with academic spheres, in a Venn diagram of ocelot persuasion.
Wow. Just wow. "Researchers say," you say? WHICH researchers? Do you mean all researchers? Or perhaps researchers who prefer dogs over cats? I love this false authority they try to tag onto their ridiculous assertions.
this is akin to "experts say" the new omicron variant is spreading fast and super-dangerous, so be sure to get your booster...blah, blah...
Experts on fear, maybe?!
Obviously, these researchers are canine in nature. This is all just part of their conspiracy to remove their rivals from human affection.
I’m tempted to send all writers at the NYT a large box filled with of cat turds for the holiday season - to show them how much I love their commitment to excellence and good journalism. Nothing says “New York Times, I appreciate you” like a big fat case of toxoplasmosis. LONG LIVE EL GATO!
On a different note, I’ve been dreaming of something special for the holiday. What if we take all the Red states and people who believe in freedom, civil liberty, The constitution, free speech and secede from the union. I’m so tired of progressives and lockdowns and fake Fauci scientists. Let’s just leave them behind and form a new country. We can even build a wall to keep the New Yorkers and Californians out. We can leave Fauci, Pelosi, AOC, the squad, The FDA the CDC, the NIH, the NYT and the rest of the dirty corrupt swamp behind. The government should build roads and bridges but stay the hell out of everything else. A New Republic full of hard working capitalists. A new country with an army of Bad Cats. And the baddest cat of all, our new kick A$$ president El GATO. Let’s GO Brandon! VIVA EL GATO!!!!!!!
My family is trapped in communist-Canada. Can we come too?
Yes. We will snuggle you and your family in. THE NEW REPUBLIC will annex the entire province of Alberta. All EL GATO supporters are welcome. All unvaccinated are welcome. No one will ever touch your kids. No one will ever close our schools. No one will ever be fired from their job over refusal to take an experimental injection with no long term safety data. No vaccine mandates. Seriously. What better way to say F YOU BRANDON! Let’s just leave. We need a new country. We need some lawyers to draw up the papers and draw up a new border
The time is now. This is what El GATO has been talking about. It’s time to leave the sheep alone. It’s time to WAKE UP AND MOBILIZE THE OTHER LIONS. Let freedom ring baby! Let’s blow outta this mess.
bring all of mexico to north america, and we can go down there!
we may have to go to the moon...
I'm so PROUD of you, Gato!! Pa'lante!!
Wow, talk about desperation!
Meowlan Labe!
Telling you the truth...I'd be reading your posts with or without the cat motif. NYT and clowns are certainly synonymous.
They may take our lives..........but they will never take.................OUR FELINES!!
All your cats all belong to us.
Congrats to nasty cats.
MSM are nervous as rats:
They've upped the squeaking
Cause their boat is leaking
And their lifejackets are full of sand
There really is no bottom with these people...
Nunca te rindas, gatito!
El Gato, you make the world a better place.
I say watch out for dogs too. And hot looking women, and men. Images of delicious looking culinary dishes can exploit the appetite to sneak bad information and propaganda into the viewer's minds via the stomach. We should also be wary of photos of beautiful sunsets and landscapes. In fact anything that is appealing to human beings can serve as a potential vehicle for the spread of subversive conspiracy theories, white supremacy, Russian psyops, etc.
Images of cats can even be used by The New York Times to spread idiotic technology pieces.
Sales is a transfer of emotion.
Oh my! That's hilarious! I actually did this yesterday! I wrote a giant post on big tech lords and authoritarian over reach, and knowing it would be shadow banned, I made a post above it with a funny cat meme saying now I've got your attention, please look at the important post below.
They're onto me 😂😂😂
Well, I've been hearing the "they're getting desperate" mantra out there. Now there's absolute proof! They really are desperate. Wow!
Where can I get a job researching useless crap like this? Is there a National Institute For Useless Studies out there somewhere? How do I apply for a government grant?
NYTimes got a bad case of pussy envy. If only they could be so cute and cool while telling the truth. (Oh wait. Not the last part.)
Desata a los gatitos de guerra!
No only is the Tide Turning but some of quiet dissenters within the Healthcare System have now mucked up the courage to start speaking out: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(21)00258-1/fulltext?s=08&fbclid=IwAR2Jc-1XsWXUm3ijBNKE00S-VAWeeO7jGTURzpaHFmMZ3uSMk1QbPV_v-QU#%20
....and the US mandates getting suspended....and a few positive IVM rulings, where the family's of dying patients appealed and won.......formation of the WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH...(since the WHO is bought).....a groundswell type of shift....and still, as unvaxxed, anticipate a knock on the door, in some form or another, to demand my compliance. Like in Australia, parts of Europe. Both are going on at once.
NYT cat-erwaling again. Much meow about nothing.
Oye gato malo... ¡Nunca te des por vencido! ¡Todos los gatos te apoyan!
These sort of media trial balloons are usually followed by official government actions or other coordinated suppression.
prob related to Agrawal's new censorious decree...next we will need to know the felines CONSENTED to having their images used...
But cats chasing a laser dot is such a great metaphor for leftists chasing fake news. What next, Twitter banning memes with humans?
Hehe. Let us not discuss with tasteless people. I am sure all cats will turn their heads in disgust Let us give them a sturdy pole to sharpen their claws !
give them Dr. F
although he's not sturdy...he'll go down fast. maybe that's even better...
Serious journalism.
The NYT isn't even good enough to line a litter box. Fight on Felines!
No messing with El Gatos’ NINE lives... in numerology “9” is the “Humanitarian” and the number of “Completion”...... MEOW x 9!
My cat approves this message.
I think they based it mainly on this substack. Congrats, you have a secret admirer at NYT, El Gato!
he may to get gatito-guards for his safety