it’s becoming truly amazing how much of the medical science of the past we never seemed to notice before only to see it seemingly all come to light at once…
pro tip: nothing says “guilty conscience” quite like 30 different people simultaneously answering, over and over again, a question they were never asked…
“he who controls the past controls the future. he who controls the present controls the past.”
and thus history and whole bodies of science do become fiction.
It's especially amusing/troubling (troubmusing? Hilarifying?) to see the unasked-for answers substantially DIVERGE: so far in the past two weeks I've seen the epidemic of heart failures and heart damage blamed on cold weather, hot weather, new imagined psychological conditions, and "being too fit," as well as COVID itself in 'fully vaccinated' victims.
I ran a marathon last weekend. I could have used a little bit of help from the "too fit" having cardiac arrests to help me move up in the standings.
Of course, it's always been normal to have seen the roads littered with young athletes in their prime gasping their last breath, while old, fat codgers such as my self, shuffle on to victory. Who doesn't remember the 200 dead competitors at the 1984 US Olympic marathon in LA? What a great day for sport and humanity!!
I'm going to think that those who buy the "too fit" narrative are also all in on the "inflation is just transitory" narrative.
I remember how every single year- not just beginning in November of 2020- the fields of professional athletics events were littered with the bodies of young athletes in their prime. "Don't go to so many practices," we'd warn our children, "you'll become too strong and fast and your heart will explode."
As a crisis clinician I was reprimanded when a relative of the patient overheard my quite funny dark remark to the cute nurse. Behind closed doors, they told me and ordered me to write an apology. That really set her off. Death threats are invigorating.
I think gallows humor is becoming a must in the "profession" of just staying alive and sane standing midst the ruins of our nation, culture and civilization.
On the nose. It does feel pretty hopeless. Meanwhile this week a father in Germany killed his wife and three children before himself because his wife got caught with a fake vax pass. Sometimes I wonder if I might choose liberty and death over slavery.
Where are you at IvyRose? I’m in the Netherlands. Vax passes for almost all public life except shopping. But not for work thank goodness. Germany is worse and I can understand feeling desperate. I think I would keep fighting as long as possible. But I have to say my greatest nightmare is someone taking my kids away. And maybe death is the lesser of two evils.
And the sad thing is some people are so far gone that they'll accept both answers simultaneously.
And, when they learn that they've been lied to, they'll fly into an uncontrollable rage and blame capitalism or Trump or almost anything but the person looking back at them in the mirror.
That's the crux of my problem with accepting their regrets as they shuffle over to our side: "Great that you're becoming critical NOW, but do you understand why you weren't critical in the first place? What will you do to ensure you're not bamboozled again in the future?" These people follow trends and especially those that activate their overly sensitive lizard-brain or whatever. Until I know the answer to the question I posed above, I won't trust these people who, five minutes ago, were a-okay with me facing serious consequences for insisting on my own medical freedom and bodily autonomy.
This is why I have a stubborn insistence that people explicitly admit fault before I accept anything resembling an apology. It's not my desire to dominate or humiliate a "defeated" foe, but to know that the person actually understand what the mistake was and has internalized it and isn't simply trying to handwave their way back to status quo. Otherwise, I absolutely cannot trust they are unlikely to do it again.
I expect to be very disappointed over the next few years. :)
I think that is the completely wrong approach. The issue at hand is so important that we can't allow ourselves to create the smallest hint of a barrier that could deter people from coming over to our side.
It means not saying "I told you so" when someone comes to you with a 'revelation' that you specifically warned them about 6 months prior (I have personal experience with this situation). It means we have to welcome everyone with open arms, no matter what they've said before. For the sake of everyone, we have to put our egos aside, however hard it may be.
In the future, when the threat is truly over, we can have the discussion about how we prevent this type of thing from ever happening again.
I get plenty of apologies. Mostly because I'm completely unafraid of offering them myself when I'm wrong. Reciprocity is a good basis for honorable relationships.
I'm pretty intense and not for everybody. I do okay.
To truly forgive is to forget. This is why Darling Sneauxflayke's approach is necessary for real healing. Demonstrate that they understand what they did and why they did it along with now knowing what is right.
Agreed. I think many say "forgive but don't forget" because forgiveness, which is ineluctably tied into our deepest human emotions, indeed our essence, has, along with humanity itself, been cheapened. You have no obligation to forgive somebody who is not sincere in repentance.
You may not have a moral obligation to forgive, but not forgiving is carrying the negativity around in your own heart. Doesn't necessarily matter to the unforgiven. Forgiving heals the forgiver.
their sense of reasoning has been damaged. we can't understand it because we see it. how many intelligent people have you seen this happen too? It is beyond belief. over and over we see this happening
Don’t. The charity of thinking people and naivety is the reason these morons are over abundant everywhere. If they’d hear “fuck off, moron!” more often and prople would dismiss them when they first opened their dumbass mouths then we might have a chance. Guess what? We don’t have any chance. Forget about protests. It does fuck all!
The communist bastards behind this have too much control and people who think we’re slowly winning are even dumber than those pricks taking the shots and cheering mandates…
I'm going to have to see a lot of evidence over a long period of time (perhaps a RCT too) before I trust these people. Unless the change goes deep, they are bound to revert to the mean. I don't need that in my life anymore. I've tolerated it too long.
Looking for yourself takes effort. It is easier to watch TV and parrot others. Very little people go through the trouble of looking things up. An now with computers it is so easy to find it all. Even with all the blacked out pages, it is. There is plenty of information left.
Bob Fixx- Joy of Jogging or something like that keeled over from a heart attack at 50. That's when I gave it up. Stick to walking briskly and looking both ways in crosswalks.
Yeah, "troubmusing" is pretty shitty. It makes me have to do weird things with my lips in the middle of a word without a vowel, which is the hallmark of silly words like Polish place names and generic drugs.
LOL. I once worked with a boozing Scandinavian master boatbuilder and his boozing wise-ass son. Trying to get to know them a little better, I asked, “So are you Norwegian, Danish, or Swedish?”
Boy, a proposed biological mechanism that has always been around in humans is somehow, suddenly manifesting itself to an unprecedented extent after an unprecedented rollout of an unprecedented vaccination technology.
I sure am glad we have illustrious guides in the media to explain this coincidence.
I wonder what the catalyst could have been to trigger this syndrome in high performance athletes? So, genetic athletic superiority that has always existed but never manifested itself before in cardiac failure events is just suddenly materializing? It would be much less demeaning to us if they would just outright say, "We uneducated, moron urinalists think you are bigger imbeciles than us."
I've mentioned this before. In many cases, if their pictures are available on their profiles, those who are out screaming how everyone needs to get their shots and wear masks etc are obviously overweight. I have a dear friend who is morbidly obese (and she knows it) and she is one of the true believers. "We all need our shots for her". We don't discuss this subject of course because I really do care about her. Sigh. I know that controlling one's weight isn't the answer to everything regarding health, but is sure as heck would be a good start.
Very true. How often do newspapers say, "Healthy child in hospital/died from Covid!!!" And then they show a picture of a morbidly obese kid. In other words, not healthy at all.
This is an obesity inducing culture, so they are victims. Change the system to protect them, don't force healthier people to submit for their "common good." Life altering biological agents are fundamentally different than wearing seatbelts, or staying in your lane. There's intermittent enforcement of dangerous traffic behaviors and "public health" officials don't mandate exercise and feeding "guidelines" or ban known obesigens.
And what about the ubiquitous climate change…really affects the heart! Rising water levels, rising blood pressure, arteries closing in on themselves…cardiac arrest! How’s that for science!
That is for sure! High temperatures and cardiac arrests are almost synonyms. Do you drive to your office? It is your fault! You must go by private jet like bill gates!
She initially demanded something that could go cross-country direct. She didn't want to be in flyover country for 30 minute fuel stops. Poor thing has to settle for a G-4
Hahaha ! Because there is no food in the store we get covid? Something like that? Jeeez they might be on to something ! Since we don't get enough vitamin C and minerals we all get sick !
With Fauci’s score card on saving lives he should be enough to at least “tar and feather” and run out of Government and the medical profession for life for blocking pre-treatment with HCQ. Personally I would help build the scaffolding for a gallows. You odds of dying from WuFlu in America was the highest in the World.
“As the world watched, Tony Fauci dictated a series of policies that resulted in by far the most deaths, and one of the highest percentage COVID-19 body counts of any nation on the planet. Only relentless propaganda and wall-to-wall censorship could conceal his disastrous mismanagement during COVID-19’ s first year. The US, with 4 percent of the world’s population, suffered 14.5 percent of total COVID deaths. By September 30, 2021, mortality rates in the US had climbed to 2,107/ 1,000,000, compared to 139/ 1,000,000 in Japan.”
— The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
But don't forget how many of those "COVID-19" deaths turned out (according to coroners in many states) to have bullets in the chest, massive head traumas, end-stage cancer, advanced diabetes, etc. So we really don't know how many "of covid" deaths there have been, as opposed to "with covid" deaths -- or what kinds of tests were used to determine the presence of covid at all.
Yeah. I agree with what you say but also keep in mind that a lot of those deaths were "with covid" not "of covid". some of these people had stab and gunshot wounds.
Prepping the field for normalizing strokes in kids, MI's in healthy athletes, etc. as a form of CYA. Wonder if they care that some people are noticing.
I have learned many lessons since this whole thing has been going on. One, facts have no place in the minds of narrative believers. Two, any narrative, regardless of how ridiculous it is such as this one in this post, will be believed unquestioningly by the absolutely, unequivocally stupid people who have fallen for this whole thing. Sure that's harsh, sometimes honesty is that way.
There is an expression in Afrikaans, "Al nael die leun hoe snel, die waarheid agterhaal hom wel!" English translation, "No matter how fast the lie runs, the truth catches it eventually!"
While reading the news I became terrified and I had to rush out and get the next greatest test to see what is wrong with me. Sure enough! I have a horrible case of climate change. I was told to go lock myself in my home for at least 14 days and wear a mask and social distance. They told me that in 14 to 20 days if I don't feel better I better go to the emergency room and get put on a ventilator. For the earth.
Yes. I'm glad I am not a woman because they said colder temps are really gonna mess with your vagina. So it looks like 98% of congress is in for a long winter lol. Stay warm!
What I find very disturbing lately is the number of radio ads "sponsored" by Pfizer/Bristol Meyers Squib that sound sort of like public service announcements about how to spot the signs of DVT, Stroke, and Afib. I've never heard these before. Just now, when I did a search for "Pfizer Bristol Meyers.." to see if I had the spelling correct, this older article came up (pre-covid) about a drug they are collaborating on - sounds like an anti-coagulant. Hmm..
Do you get it? It's our responsibility to come to the aid of our family, friends, and neighbors who have been so gullible as to get the jabs (and boosters, and jabs and boosters for the new variant, etc., etc.) so that they don't die. We need to help Big Pharma play the "It's safe and effective" game.
Well, compare this to autism. Of course there have always been autistic people; in the olden days they were simultaneously so few as to be a noted anomaly yet so present as to become a cliche--the hermits of the wilderness and the eccentric bug collectors of the placid English village.
Just last week a news item noted that one in 40 American children is diagnosed with autism. It may well be true that expanded diagnostic criteria and intense professional scrutiny of any toddler not within a prescribed "norm" may be partly the cause--but still?!?!?! Any reasonable person must conclude the numbers are now off the charts.
I was unsure about this for years. Not so unsure anymore. Just watched an explained episode on Netflix where two out of five kids in the family had autism and doctors tried to get the parents to institutionalize them. Holy red flags. I don’t know what the heck is going on but I’m very concerned.
Well, it is true that genetics play as strong a role in neurological miswirings as they do in neurological strengths, and sometimes an issue that may be easily overlooked in the parents because "it's not so bad" results in a child with a more severe form.
My cousin married a guy who was "weird." Many, many decades later in discussion he noted he had self-diagnosed as autistic. He was highly functional. They had two daughters, and I think each of them might fall on the Asperger's spectrum but you'd need to look hard to see it. The younger daughter, who was more "weird" than her sister, had a son with autism and he's quite badly affected. Intelligent, verbal and affectionate but severe behavioral problems. And his father has addiction and impulsivity problems--highly intelligent, a software designer, but unstable. And it took me a lifetime to realize that my cousin herself is likely on the spectrum. Now I understand what her "cluelessness" and lack of--uh--emotional intelligence might be properly described as.
So the third generation inherited a real genetic swampload. I think he'd be a very vulnerable adult even if he was self-supporting in, say, a tech field.
The third generation inherited three generations worth of vaccine and environmental poisoning. I understand that you do not wish to believe that the string pullers are as evil as they are, but your denial (and that of countless others) is part of the problem.
Instead of relying on what you'd like to believe, why don't you do what virtually nobody does and conduct a little research. I'll help you get started. Using DuckDuckGo, do searches for "chabad-lubavitch", "Frankists", "Sabbateans", and "Black Nobility".
There's enough actual lunacy perpetrated upon us by scientists to have no need for hysterical conspiracy theories where them bad Jews are the purported heart of everything. Thanks much, though...
I'm a Jew, too. The Lubavitcher-Sabbatean-Frankist crowd is not Jewish. They despise Jews; hence, the Holocaust (which, by the way, means "burnt offering"). The Zionists (who, again, are not Jewish in any sane sense of the word) left "religious" Jews to die in Germany (as a burnt offering), while they allowed any "Jew" who claimed to be Zionist into the Holy Land.
Anyway, it is quite clear from your "butt-hurt" reaction that your mind is under the control of the ADL and B'nai B'rith. You can only see things in terms of pro-Semite and anti-Semite; and you probably do not even know that there are no Semites, only Semitic-language speaking peoples such as the Arabs - the people most often labelled anti-Semitic.
It's not suspicious at all that these events are happening all of a sudden and at the same time. There is no special cause to see here. "These are not the facts you are looking for." "Move along, move along."
Absolutely! If you play hard it will cause these young, fit, super-vulnerable men to play hard; and we all know what that could do to their spike protein-infested heart tissue.
I like the book way better than the movie. It's amazing that 1984 was required reading when I was in 5th grade many many years ago. Can you imagine what would happen to a teacher now if they presented this book as required reading for their class?
I don't think Orwell was prescient at all, I think he read documents from the elite planners like Carol Quigley did.
What is interesting about the geopolitics of the book is that the world might have looked like this if Hitler never existed. The 3 empires are the Anglosphere with their holdings (South America, South Africa), the USSR + Europe (we know Stalin was building a huge army in the 30s) and basically China (because they can't conquer that).
So is it possible this was an early plan for the 30s and 40s, and maybe that is why Orwell was allowed to read it? Then Hitler came along and forced them to change plans and it is not until about now they are going for the same thing they envisioned pre war.
I'm confused...are they bullshitting us, or gaslighting us, or lying to us, or obfuscating, or being duplicitous, or perfidious, or... just wish I knew what the correct term was...
Huxley was a Lubavitcher-owned junky who was under major mind control. Brave New World was nothing more than the Sabbateans/Frankists playing one of the their favorite games: telling us what they are going to do to us before they do it.
George may have been truly trying to warn us out of a sense of moral responsibility.
I have gone back and forth, from believing there was an "upper room" full of guys smoking cigars and twirling Snidely Whiplash moustaches, to thinking most of this crap can be explained by unfortunately coincidences of stupidity and greed interacting. When I look at the sheer number of people falling all over themselves, trying to exonerate the COVID-19 vaccines as freaking obvious harbingers of doom, I am perplexed. Is Pfizer paying that many bonuses on the sneak? Does BMGF control *that* much thought in science? Dayam!
To be fair and to not sound "unhinged," to quote a certain cat, I believe there's a relatively small smattering of psychopaths covering their asses at the cost of human lives or playing God with society- there are vast numbers of cowardly, dumb, and/or submissive proles carrying these machinations out through bureaucracy.
It depends how strictly you define "willful." To me, and I suspect you, yes, absolutely. But certain discussions of evil smack of irrational conspiracy theory in skeptical circles, and I can agree to disagree as there's a bigger fight.
The herd in its truest sense. Remember in March/April 2020 the hysterics were braying about the use of the word "herd" as in "herd immunity" waa inappropriate because we're not animals? 🙄 People, I swear...
I do *not* think there are no bad guys. Thank you for educating me while reading between the lines I did not write. What I am saying, evidently unclearly, is that it is hard for me to believe there has been overt planning for *all* of this dumpster fire. Bad Guys? Hellz yes! (Pfizer makes "bad guys" of cartoon land look like Fairy God Mothers of Disney!) However, controlling the narrative directly? Probably not. Are we still screwed either way? Unfortunately, yes.
Without getting in too deep--which sounds like a great high school nickname--I am painfully aware of how much influence BMGF have in academia alone. My alma mater being a fantastic example, which sickens me.
Oh, all the media toadies and stenographers, er, I mean "journalists", have been little more than a circus troupe of yammering parrots for quite some time.
Personally, I cannot wait to see and hear the next cacophony of bullshit that boobus Americanus will ingest and start parroting.
And now the same morons who swallowed these cacophonies of bullshit will be lining up to gulp and then regurgitate the preposterous idea that Comrade Biden and his merry band of neo-bolsheviks are making then richer instead of poorer.
How some half the country can believe all this nonsense never ceases to amaze me.
Love your Substack. Thanks for brightening every of my days with humor, wit, and an amazing take on the craziness that is our daily lives under the spell of Covid.
I say the new blame is: supply chain. These athletes are just too stressed about empty shelves and having to settle for an off-brand air fryer for moms for Christmas.
Jesus H Christ, I'm tired. Tired of all this bullshit. Tired of the incremental fall into this totalitarian abyss. But that's what they want. To grind us down so we give up and say Fuck It. But we can never give up.
Right.....cuz there have been SO MANY deaths of athletically inclined people over the last 100 years. Wow - they are really struggling to blame anything else other than the obvious.
Most of us can find a copy of 1984. It would be helpful to append a link to the study in the headline. I was describing the "Telephone Game" played in Cubs as a boy as an example of the distortion that a phrase underwent as it was passed around a circle of 6 to 8 boys- my friend said they played it at Girl Guides (Commonwealth equivalent of US Girl Scouts) as well.
There has always been a small number of adolescent cardiac athletic deaths, previously attributed to IHSS (look it up), with health economic papers considering whether it was cost-effective to require (the present day "mandate") echocardiograms before allowing participation. The absolute risk was too low to require screening of entire cohorts.
It's especially amusing/troubling (troubmusing? Hilarifying?) to see the unasked-for answers substantially DIVERGE: so far in the past two weeks I've seen the epidemic of heart failures and heart damage blamed on cold weather, hot weather, new imagined psychological conditions, and "being too fit," as well as COVID itself in 'fully vaccinated' victims.
Too fit??
I ran a marathon last weekend. I could have used a little bit of help from the "too fit" having cardiac arrests to help me move up in the standings.
Of course, it's always been normal to have seen the roads littered with young athletes in their prime gasping their last breath, while old, fat codgers such as my self, shuffle on to victory. Who doesn't remember the 200 dead competitors at the 1984 US Olympic marathon in LA? What a great day for sport and humanity!!
I'm going to think that those who buy the "too fit" narrative are also all in on the "inflation is just transitory" narrative.
What a clown world we are living.
I remember how every single year- not just beginning in November of 2020- the fields of professional athletics events were littered with the bodies of young athletes in their prime. "Don't go to so many practices," we'd warn our children, "you'll become too strong and fast and your heart will explode."
But they never listened.
hilarious! You are!!
But they never listened and exploded.
This is so sad, sickening and alarming but thank you for making me laugh out loud.
I read on several occasions that policemen dealing with lots of crime scenes and deaths, joke about it too. Just to keep from doing otherwise...
Yes, gallows humor is a must in certain professions.
As a crisis clinician I was reprimanded when a relative of the patient overheard my quite funny dark remark to the cute nurse. Behind closed doors, they told me and ordered me to write an apology. That really set her off. Death threats are invigorating.
I think gallows humor is becoming a must in the "profession" of just staying alive and sane standing midst the ruins of our nation, culture and civilization.
But EVERYONE got a medal, right!😉
My two favorite explanations for exploding hearts of late are "post-pandemic stress" and "lockdown diets". These are definitely troubmusing times.
At least we will have half a dictionary of new words thanks to the panic attack-plandemic
...and of course 'rewritten' definitions to study (like vaccine and adverse event)
Being too fit is dangerous now?
I can breathe a sigh of relief then. My lack of fitness is saving me.
What a great answer for the doctor who tells us we need more exercise ! I always thought it to be unhealthy to work out so much !
we really need an 'LOL' button!
Yes. I am surprised it is not yet on the keyboards !
It's right next to the "Any" key.
On the nose. It does feel pretty hopeless. Meanwhile this week a father in Germany killed his wife and three children before himself because his wife got caught with a fake vax pass. Sometimes I wonder if I might choose liberty and death over slavery.
"There is more than one way to die. Physical death is one of them. A dystopian future is another" - Joshua Mitchell
My thoughts exactly on some darker days… great quote.
wow! that shows how scared they all are. we're in the same predicament, I fear...
Where are you at IvyRose? I’m in the Netherlands. Vax passes for almost all public life except shopping. But not for work thank goodness. Germany is worse and I can understand feeling desperate. I think I would keep fighting as long as possible. But I have to say my greatest nightmare is someone taking my kids away. And maybe death is the lesser of two evils.
Oh no. There's no copping out here. You and I will stand on the barricades and see this through.
there's plenty who will cheer that outcome.
How effed up is that?? Not about saving lives I guess….
like pro-lifers ignoring inoculations killing babies
And the sad thing is some people are so far gone that they'll accept both answers simultaneously.
And, when they learn that they've been lied to, they'll fly into an uncontrollable rage and blame capitalism or Trump or almost anything but the person looking back at them in the mirror.
That's the crux of my problem with accepting their regrets as they shuffle over to our side: "Great that you're becoming critical NOW, but do you understand why you weren't critical in the first place? What will you do to ensure you're not bamboozled again in the future?" These people follow trends and especially those that activate their overly sensitive lizard-brain or whatever. Until I know the answer to the question I posed above, I won't trust these people who, five minutes ago, were a-okay with me facing serious consequences for insisting on my own medical freedom and bodily autonomy.
This is why I have a stubborn insistence that people explicitly admit fault before I accept anything resembling an apology. It's not my desire to dominate or humiliate a "defeated" foe, but to know that the person actually understand what the mistake was and has internalized it and isn't simply trying to handwave their way back to status quo. Otherwise, I absolutely cannot trust they are unlikely to do it again.
I expect to be very disappointed over the next few years. :)
I think that is the completely wrong approach. The issue at hand is so important that we can't allow ourselves to create the smallest hint of a barrier that could deter people from coming over to our side.
It means not saying "I told you so" when someone comes to you with a 'revelation' that you specifically warned them about 6 months prior (I have personal experience with this situation). It means we have to welcome everyone with open arms, no matter what they've said before. For the sake of everyone, we have to put our egos aside, however hard it may be.
In the future, when the threat is truly over, we can have the discussion about how we prevent this type of thing from ever happening again.
hang together or debate our differences in the FEMA camps
Subtlety train people to become critical thinkers
Gathering that you don't get many apologies. We may have to be grateful for our allies, no matter how crazy or craven they aren't.
Bad allies can be worse than strong enemies.
I get plenty of apologies. Mostly because I'm completely unafraid of offering them myself when I'm wrong. Reciprocity is a good basis for honorable relationships.
I'm pretty intense and not for everybody. I do okay.
sorry to assume. Just saying we are still a fringe minority, so our small tent is precarious.
yes. forgive but never forget. Those of us who learn from the past.
To truly forgive is to forget. This is why Darling Sneauxflayke's approach is necessary for real healing. Demonstrate that they understand what they did and why they did it along with now knowing what is right.
Agreed. I think many say "forgive but don't forget" because forgiveness, which is ineluctably tied into our deepest human emotions, indeed our essence, has, along with humanity itself, been cheapened. You have no obligation to forgive somebody who is not sincere in repentance.
You may not have a moral obligation to forgive, but not forgiving is carrying the negativity around in your own heart. Doesn't necessarily matter to the unforgiven. Forgiving heals the forgiver.
their sense of reasoning has been damaged. we can't understand it because we see it. how many intelligent people have you seen this happen too? It is beyond belief. over and over we see this happening
This. It’s hard to witness because we don’t get it. Even given the media assault I find it hard to be charitable, but I try.
Don’t. The charity of thinking people and naivety is the reason these morons are over abundant everywhere. If they’d hear “fuck off, moron!” more often and prople would dismiss them when they first opened their dumbass mouths then we might have a chance. Guess what? We don’t have any chance. Forget about protests. It does fuck all!
The communist bastards behind this have too much control and people who think we’re slowly winning are even dumber than those pricks taking the shots and cheering mandates…
oof well this is pessimistic, but you may have a point. fuck.
I'm going to have to see a lot of evidence over a long period of time (perhaps a RCT too) before I trust these people. Unless the change goes deep, they are bound to revert to the mean. I don't need that in my life anymore. I've tolerated it too long.
I want to see the RCT (there must be an RCT right?) showing that being fit is actually a comorbidity where Covid shots are concerned. I'll wait.
Similar with political refugees from NY moving to Florida.
Wow I wish I knew more shufflers so I could even consider this process.
LOL same!
It is a thing, you know!
Yup, eXactly.
Looking for yourself takes effort. It is easier to watch TV and parrot others. Very little people go through the trouble of looking things up. An now with computers it is so easy to find it all. Even with all the blacked out pages, it is. There is plenty of information left.
No CL... they'll blame the Un-Vaccinated !
I always knew fitness was bad for me. Now I have articles to prove it.
Even better, you can just say you're Following The Science (tm)!
Bob Fixx- Joy of Jogging or something like that keeled over from a heart attack at 50. That's when I gave it up. Stick to walking briskly and looking both ways in crosswalks.
I vote for hilarifying. I've also heard hilarible.
Yeah, "troubmusing" is pretty shitty. It makes me have to do weird things with my lips in the middle of a word without a vowel, which is the hallmark of silly words like Polish place names and generic drugs.
Ha, Polish! Have you seen Welsh?
Yes, and I'm afraid of offending them. They were about the only Britons my ancestors couldn't "teach" Danish to.
LOL. I once worked with a boozing Scandinavian master boatbuilder and his boozing wise-ass son. Trying to get to know them a little better, I asked, “So are you Norwegian, Danish, or Swedish?”
“We don’t know!” laughs the old man.
Super cool. 😁
Having lived in Minnesota, most people I knew up there would just say "Oh ya" in response. 😂
Y'all are cracking me up!!
Thanks for the giggles. ; D
It would be funny if it were not so deadly
You forgot "climate change" ;)
I haven't seen all these could you put them all together in a tweet or post? Would be popular I bet
Yes, likewise, I've seen all the reports that COVID is to blame for heart problems, that it naturally causes them, so even more reason to...
The genes that make you predisposed to authoritarianism may be the same ones that make you susceptible to manipulation.
Interesting thought. I think you may well be right.
i see an image of one of those balance scales tipping...
Boy, a proposed biological mechanism that has always been around in humans is somehow, suddenly manifesting itself to an unprecedented extent after an unprecedented rollout of an unprecedented vaccination technology.
I sure am glad we have illustrious guides in the media to explain this coincidence.
I wonder what the catalyst could have been to trigger this syndrome in high performance athletes? So, genetic athletic superiority that has always existed but never manifested itself before in cardiac failure events is just suddenly materializing? It would be much less demeaning to us if they would just outright say, "We uneducated, moron urinalists think you are bigger imbeciles than us."
“Urinalists”-I love it! 🤣
It brings a whole new light to the saying “they piss on us and tell us it’s raining”
Amazing we have never seen such deaths at any Olympics ever. The world's largest collection of athletes must not be so great.
they need to keep the thumb on us...they'd never say that :)
So, obesity is ignored as a factor of severe or fatal virus outcome, but being healthy is named as a cause for cardiac death. Upside-down world.
Ah yes, I also remember the good old times when obesity, not the fitness, was damaging the heart.
I've mentioned this before. In many cases, if their pictures are available on their profiles, those who are out screaming how everyone needs to get their shots and wear masks etc are obviously overweight. I have a dear friend who is morbidly obese (and she knows it) and she is one of the true believers. "We all need our shots for her". We don't discuss this subject of course because I really do care about her. Sigh. I know that controlling one's weight isn't the answer to everything regarding health, but is sure as heck would be a good start.
Very true. How often do newspapers say, "Healthy child in hospital/died from Covid!!!" And then they show a picture of a morbidly obese kid. In other words, not healthy at all.
This is an obesity inducing culture, so they are victims. Change the system to protect them, don't force healthier people to submit for their "common good." Life altering biological agents are fundamentally different than wearing seatbelts, or staying in your lane. There's intermittent enforcement of dangerous traffic behaviors and "public health" officials don't mandate exercise and feeding "guidelines" or ban known obesigens.
I've noticed that
Mustn't reduce those COVID case numbers by pointing out the dangers of obesity.
those days were jammed down the memory hole
well it's all that now, including cold and thing it will be fresh fruit and veggies!
"Porn might damage your heart, experts claim."
haha that's been said before covid..they warn you to be careful with their little blue pill (which can also hurt you)
WTF I Googled it and I found results. It was a joke.
They are trying different approaches.
The first one I heard of was pollution.
Then post pandemic stress disorder.
Now this shit.
They must try harder!
And what about the ubiquitous climate change…really affects the heart! Rising water levels, rising blood pressure, arteries closing in on themselves…cardiac arrest! How’s that for science!
That is for sure! High temperatures and cardiac arrests are almost synonyms. Do you drive to your office? It is your fault! You must go by private jet like bill gates!
you mean Nancy Pelosi and a good part of many in congress. Nancy Pelosi has her own plane paid for by tax payers
She initially demanded something that could go cross-country direct. She didn't want to be in flyover country for 30 minute fuel stops. Poor thing has to settle for a G-4
Probably in Aspen
Can you think a better use for your money?
Apparently climate change is altering babies in the womb now which is their excuse for more babies being born with heart defects
We really need to bundle these strains for later. What a joke it will be to read them to the flabbergasted boosterizers
let the 'red haired one' tell the tales haha
Is there some way they can blame the supply chain? Don't think they've tried that one yet...
Of course!!! Their kale is not coming and they are eating meat.
After a long search the scientists came to the truth ! Americans don't eat enough real food.
monsanto/gates' et al fault
they can just fly to england and kill a lamb for dinner
Hahaha ! Because there is no food in the store we get covid? Something like that? Jeeez they might be on to something ! Since we don't get enough vitamin C and minerals we all get sick !
With Fauci’s score card on saving lives he should be enough to at least “tar and feather” and run out of Government and the medical profession for life for blocking pre-treatment with HCQ. Personally I would help build the scaffolding for a gallows. You odds of dying from WuFlu in America was the highest in the World.
“As the world watched, Tony Fauci dictated a series of policies that resulted in by far the most deaths, and one of the highest percentage COVID-19 body counts of any nation on the planet. Only relentless propaganda and wall-to-wall censorship could conceal his disastrous mismanagement during COVID-19’ s first year. The US, with 4 percent of the world’s population, suffered 14.5 percent of total COVID deaths. By September 30, 2021, mortality rates in the US had climbed to 2,107/ 1,000,000, compared to 139/ 1,000,000 in Japan.”
— The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
But don't forget how many of those "COVID-19" deaths turned out (according to coroners in many states) to have bullets in the chest, massive head traumas, end-stage cancer, advanced diabetes, etc. So we really don't know how many "of covid" deaths there have been, as opposed to "with covid" deaths -- or what kinds of tests were used to determine the presence of covid at all.
Totally agree the death count was a sham......but if he wants credit...give him credit......or discredit....he is an embarrassment to the World.
How about building a guillotine?
This is my vote!!
Yeah. I agree with what you say but also keep in mind that a lot of those deaths were "with covid" not "of covid". some of these people had stab and gunshot wounds.
If I’m not mistaken, the bad feline had a steaming pot and some fluffy stuff ready many months ago.
This book is a treasure. I’m sure Alex’s is as well, my next venture into the dark world of COVID.
Prepping the field for normalizing strokes in kids, MI's in healthy athletes, etc. as a form of CYA. Wonder if they care that some people are noticing.
I have learned many lessons since this whole thing has been going on. One, facts have no place in the minds of narrative believers. Two, any narrative, regardless of how ridiculous it is such as this one in this post, will be believed unquestioningly by the absolutely, unequivocally stupid people who have fallen for this whole thing. Sure that's harsh, sometimes honesty is that way.
Yeah, but I still want to hear Peter Doocy ask Raggedy Ann McCircleBack about it. That ought to be some epic spewing of non-fact BS.
There is an expression in Afrikaans, "Al nael die leun hoe snel, die waarheid agterhaal hom wel!" English translation, "No matter how fast the lie runs, the truth catches it eventually!"
In England they said The Lie Goes Seven Leagues, before Truth gets its boots on. And I don't think they were talking about the Premier League.
Oh fun! I am only familiar with the Dutch version—it definitely gives one reason to hope!
What is the Dutch version?
Al is de leugen nog zo snel, de waarheid achterhaalt haar wel
Thanks, I would have understood that...
I bet you can understand more in Dutch than I can in Afrikaans even if they are so close!
In my experience the Dutch understand our kitchen Dutch pretty well 😊
Huh.. i thought it was climate change.
Yes- I read that it was simultaneously global warming and colder temperatures. Not sure how that works, but ok…
While reading the news I became terrified and I had to rush out and get the next greatest test to see what is wrong with me. Sure enough! I have a horrible case of climate change. I was told to go lock myself in my home for at least 14 days and wear a mask and social distance. They told me that in 14 to 20 days if I don't feel better I better go to the emergency room and get put on a ventilator. For the earth.
we could ask that doctor who just diagnosed his patient with climate change, maybe he'll know something?
Yes. I'm glad I am not a woman because they said colder temps are really gonna mess with your vagina. So it looks like 98% of congress is in for a long winter lol. Stay warm!
Crikey. I didn't realise a dry vagina was a potential "vaccine" injury.
Just means we blokes need to step up our seduction game. All-natural cures are the best. ;)
Herbal and homeopathic treatments work for dogs and cats. They do for humans too !!!
LOL! As my son says, "I can't even"
It is getting better and better LOL
Same cause as the bad weather that kept planes on the ground a few weeks ago. Planes probably work out too much too ? Or the pilots do? Not sure...
HAARP. That's how it works.
Nope; systemic racism.
Their shamelessness is breathtaking.
I have a super good one!!!!
Vaxxed are getting heart attacks because we are making them nervous talking about heart arrests in vaccinated people!!!!
That one is the good one!!!
PERFECT. Goes with the "wear a mask because otherwise you are upsetting all the other people who wear masks" argument.
Do you have a link?
I made that one up!
Sadly, it was all too plausible...
Yes. We will probably hear it sooner or later.
And it will be the fault of unvaccinated since we are the ones saying that. We are scaring them into heart attacks.
What I find very disturbing lately is the number of radio ads "sponsored" by Pfizer/Bristol Meyers Squib that sound sort of like public service announcements about how to spot the signs of DVT, Stroke, and Afib. I've never heard these before. Just now, when I did a search for "Pfizer Bristol Meyers.." to see if I had the spelling correct, this older article came up (pre-covid) about a drug they are collaborating on - sounds like an anti-coagulant. Hmm..
Do you get it? It's our responsibility to come to the aid of our family, friends, and neighbors who have been so gullible as to get the jabs (and boosters, and jabs and boosters for the new variant, etc., etc.) so that they don't die. We need to help Big Pharma play the "It's safe and effective" game.
There is a way to get to the bottom of the issue, I think it’s called an autopsy.
Or is it a insurrection?
The phrase "doth protest too much" has suddenly taken on a deeper meaning than I ever imagined
Genes that give them an athletic edge?!? I didn't think you were allowed to say that. Especially not with the accompanying photo.
Athletes are so fit that they're falling over from heart attacks? What other gems does Dr. Orwell have for us? Sheesh.
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein
Well, compare this to autism. Of course there have always been autistic people; in the olden days they were simultaneously so few as to be a noted anomaly yet so present as to become a cliche--the hermits of the wilderness and the eccentric bug collectors of the placid English village.
Just last week a news item noted that one in 40 American children is diagnosed with autism. It may well be true that expanded diagnostic criteria and intense professional scrutiny of any toddler not within a prescribed "norm" may be partly the cause--but still?!?!?! Any reasonable person must conclude the numbers are now off the charts.
I was unsure about this for years. Not so unsure anymore. Just watched an explained episode on Netflix where two out of five kids in the family had autism and doctors tried to get the parents to institutionalize them. Holy red flags. I don’t know what the heck is going on but I’m very concerned.
Well, it is true that genetics play as strong a role in neurological miswirings as they do in neurological strengths, and sometimes an issue that may be easily overlooked in the parents because "it's not so bad" results in a child with a more severe form.
My cousin married a guy who was "weird." Many, many decades later in discussion he noted he had self-diagnosed as autistic. He was highly functional. They had two daughters, and I think each of them might fall on the Asperger's spectrum but you'd need to look hard to see it. The younger daughter, who was more "weird" than her sister, had a son with autism and he's quite badly affected. Intelligent, verbal and affectionate but severe behavioral problems. And his father has addiction and impulsivity problems--highly intelligent, a software designer, but unstable. And it took me a lifetime to realize that my cousin herself is likely on the spectrum. Now I understand what her "cluelessness" and lack of--uh--emotional intelligence might be properly described as.
So the third generation inherited a real genetic swampload. I think he'd be a very vulnerable adult even if he was self-supporting in, say, a tech field.
The third generation inherited three generations worth of vaccine and environmental poisoning. I understand that you do not wish to believe that the string pullers are as evil as they are, but your denial (and that of countless others) is part of the problem.
Instead of relying on what you'd like to believe, why don't you do what virtually nobody does and conduct a little research. I'll help you get started. Using DuckDuckGo, do searches for "chabad-lubavitch", "Frankists", "Sabbateans", and "Black Nobility".
There's enough actual lunacy perpetrated upon us by scientists to have no need for hysterical conspiracy theories where them bad Jews are the purported heart of everything. Thanks much, though...
I'm a Jew, too. The Lubavitcher-Sabbatean-Frankist crowd is not Jewish. They despise Jews; hence, the Holocaust (which, by the way, means "burnt offering"). The Zionists (who, again, are not Jewish in any sane sense of the word) left "religious" Jews to die in Germany (as a burnt offering), while they allowed any "Jew" who claimed to be Zionist into the Holy Land.
Anyway, it is quite clear from your "butt-hurt" reaction that your mind is under the control of the ADL and B'nai B'rith. You can only see things in terms of pro-Semite and anti-Semite; and you probably do not even know that there are no Semites, only Semitic-language speaking peoples such as the Arabs - the people most often labelled anti-Semitic.
Signed, one o' them bad Jews
It's not suspicious at all that these events are happening all of a sudden and at the same time. There is no special cause to see here. "These are not the facts you are looking for." "Move along, move along."
When they start to blame lying on the sofa of an evening reading Substack with a bottle of wine, I will really start to get worried.
well, do not put out any ideas for these narcissists - anything any one is doing that they do not like is a "problem"
It's even worse when you reply in that state. Thankfully not censored the same as MSM or medical journals.
So I, at 60, am gonna have to take it easy on the recent college grad athletes in our weekly men's pickup basketball games?
Absolutely! If you play hard it will cause these young, fit, super-vulnerable men to play hard; and we all know what that could do to their spike protein-infested heart tissue.
Climate change causing blood clots in 6 year olds
Misinformation Caused Post-Vaccine Stress Syndrome causes myocarditis in young men
Puzzling increase in rare cancers among likely Biden voters found
Covid mandate protests cause excess mortality among the elderly, study finds
Nah. It’s their deep breathing wot does them in. More viruses & deeper into their lungs. Nearer their hearts, see?
wha...? I hadn't considered... That makes sense.
I am reading 1984 right now. Had never read it before.
I like the book way better than the movie. It's amazing that 1984 was required reading when I was in 5th grade many many years ago. Can you imagine what would happen to a teacher now if they presented this book as required reading for their class?
I don't think Orwell was prescient at all, I think he read documents from the elite planners like Carol Quigley did.
What is interesting about the geopolitics of the book is that the world might have looked like this if Hitler never existed. The 3 empires are the Anglosphere with their holdings (South America, South Africa), the USSR + Europe (we know Stalin was building a huge army in the 30s) and basically China (because they can't conquer that).
So is it possible this was an early plan for the 30s and 40s, and maybe that is why Orwell was allowed to read it? Then Hitler came along and forced them to change plans and it is not until about now they are going for the same thing they envisioned pre war.
5th Grade or 5th Form? We had 1984 and Brave New World in Grade 10 or 11, with the dreaded "Compare and Contrast" essay assignment.
well first they'd have to learn how to scroll the pages.
read Animal Farm next.
try Atlas Shrugged. read it this summer and felt like we were actually living.
I'm confused...are they bullshitting us, or gaslighting us, or lying to us, or obfuscating, or being duplicitous, or perfidious, or... just wish I knew what the correct term was...
all of the above Tom !
Heart issues post vax are "transitory" ... once you are dead there is no more issue.
It's a cult
1984 and Brave New World, an exact prediction of the future. Had we just read them a bit more attentively
Huxley was a Lubavitcher-owned junky who was under major mind control. Brave New World was nothing more than the Sabbateans/Frankists playing one of the their favorite games: telling us what they are going to do to us before they do it.
George may have been truly trying to warn us out of a sense of moral responsibility.
I thought it was because they were "over-exercising." At least that's what they said a few weeks ago. Guess that didn't stick.
Apparently, the over-exercising has only occurred since the onset of Covid shots.
Come on we answered that last week… It’s cold weather!
Are you fit shaming me?
(Boy does that sound like pig latin. LOL)
I have gone back and forth, from believing there was an "upper room" full of guys smoking cigars and twirling Snidely Whiplash moustaches, to thinking most of this crap can be explained by unfortunately coincidences of stupidity and greed interacting. When I look at the sheer number of people falling all over themselves, trying to exonerate the COVID-19 vaccines as freaking obvious harbingers of doom, I am perplexed. Is Pfizer paying that many bonuses on the sneak? Does BMGF control *that* much thought in science? Dayam!
I'm getting tired of hearing about "unfortunate coincidences of stupidity."
Keep telling yourself there are no bad guys. Join the swollen ranks of the coincidence theorists.
It is worse than bad guys. These are evil people with intent. Malfeasance in real time on the entire planet.
To be fair and to not sound "unhinged," to quote a certain cat, I believe there's a relatively small smattering of psychopaths covering their asses at the cost of human lives or playing God with society- there are vast numbers of cowardly, dumb, and/or submissive proles carrying these machinations out through bureaucracy.
Okay, but doesn't that mean the vast numbers are willful in their role? Yikes. I am thankful for the critical thinking questioning cats out there.
It depends how strictly you define "willful." To me, and I suspect you, yes, absolutely. But certain discussions of evil smack of irrational conspiracy theory in skeptical circles, and I can agree to disagree as there's a bigger fight.
The herd in its truest sense. Remember in March/April 2020 the hysterics were braying about the use of the word "herd" as in "herd immunity" waa inappropriate because we're not animals? 🙄 People, I swear...
"Keep eating. Your wool will be ready in the fall." - JP Sears
This. A thousand times, yes.
I do *not* think there are no bad guys. Thank you for educating me while reading between the lines I did not write. What I am saying, evidently unclearly, is that it is hard for me to believe there has been overt planning for *all* of this dumpster fire. Bad Guys? Hellz yes! (Pfizer makes "bad guys" of cartoon land look like Fairy God Mothers of Disney!) However, controlling the narrative directly? Probably not. Are we still screwed either way? Unfortunately, yes.
there be no bad guys...just demons and their master luciferina
Yes and yes.
Without getting in too deep--which sounds like a great high school nickname--I am painfully aware of how much influence BMGF have in academia alone. My alma mater being a fantastic example, which sickens me.
Oh, all the media toadies and stenographers, er, I mean "journalists", have been little more than a circus troupe of yammering parrots for quite some time.
More Work™
Fake News Is Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy™
Trump's War™
Beginning of the End™ Turning Point™ Bombshells™
Personally, I cannot wait to see and hear the next cacophony of bullshit that boobus Americanus will ingest and start parroting.
And now the same morons who swallowed these cacophonies of bullshit will be lining up to gulp and then regurgitate the preposterous idea that Comrade Biden and his merry band of neo-bolsheviks are making then richer instead of poorer.
How some half the country can believe all this nonsense never ceases to amaze me.
Yeah, who hasn't noticed all those dead bodies piling up at the Olympic Games tracks?
Malcolm X: "The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent"
I would suggest: The media in collaboration with gaslighting governments are the most powerful entity on earth...
The powers-that-be rely on the masses having an extremely short memory. After all, they created this world of infinite distractions.
Love your Substack. Thanks for brightening every of my days with humor, wit, and an amazing take on the craziness that is our daily lives under the spell of Covid.
If that ain't a crock of sh**. The noses are getting bigger with all the lies! Pinocchio Syndrome.
I say the new blame is: supply chain. These athletes are just too stressed about empty shelves and having to settle for an off-brand air fryer for moms for Christmas.
How long before it is stated by Dr. F that vaccines simply cannot cause death and have never caused death?
the pfizer CMO is already making that claim.
"other vaccines have caused death. not pfizer."
Wow. Just... wow. I was unaware. I guess if you're going to lie, then go for the Big Lie that is contradicted by your own research.
Have most of the concerned athletes received Astra Zeneca “ vaccine”? If so, is there a difference. In that “ vaccine”?
National Geographic's answer to the question they were never asked - it's long covid - duh! (paywall, couldn't read, but I bet there is no need to)
Jesus H Christ, I'm tired. Tired of all this bullshit. Tired of the incremental fall into this totalitarian abyss. But that's what they want. To grind us down so we give up and say Fuck It. But we can never give up.
One has to wonder with liars like this, will it ever end? Truthteller lions arise!
Right.....cuz there have been SO MANY deaths of athletically inclined people over the last 100 years. Wow - they are really struggling to blame anything else other than the obvious.
Most of us can find a copy of 1984. It would be helpful to append a link to the study in the headline. I was describing the "Telephone Game" played in Cubs as a boy as an example of the distortion that a phrase underwent as it was passed around a circle of 6 to 8 boys- my friend said they played it at Girl Guides (Commonwealth equivalent of US Girl Scouts) as well.
There has always been a small number of adolescent cardiac athletic deaths, previously attributed to IHSS (look it up), with health economic papers considering whether it was cost-effective to require (the present day "mandate") echocardiograms before allowing participation. The absolute risk was too low to require screening of entire cohorts.
Thanks, R
"Boy did I call it or what?" That you did, Eric.
They just pulled that out of their ass!
Dr. Eric Topol (yes, THAT Eric Topol) just got his own substack. Please give him a warm welcome, everybody, will ya!
Must be just another example of us not paying attention for the past few thousand years, right?