EVERYONE in the courtroom except the defendant and his attorney are paid for by the state... It's a wonder anyone can get a "fair" trial against those odds...
Its like that health insurance executive who was executed.
What's not a conspiracy theory in that case:
Is that tragedy has a direct link to the c19 abomination.
This man would never have been able to pull it off or escape authorities without the ironic pandemic connection of normalizing the fucking masks in our society.
Yes, I can tell the intelligence of the person when he/she is wearing a mask. I went to the veterinarian last week. The vet tech had a mask on. Why..because she was trying to avoid getting pneumonia she replied when I asked why. I did say "You do know that the cloth masks don't work. ? "" Yeah, but..." Ok, whatever makes you feel good. Beam me up Scotty!
or makes one ugly person feel more socially comfortable, to escape the sub-explicit ostracism and concealed disgust that ugly people experience every day in America (or wherever)...
Penny did what needed to be done to protect the safety and lives of every single person on that train. And the safety and lives of every single person Neely would've encountered had he lived to leave that train. The legal system failed society.
Our legal system has a remedy for its own failures built into it. Unfortunately (and by design) most people aren't educated about the remedy. Bringing it up inside a courtroom is prohibited.
Our legal system really doesn't want us to know about Jury Nullification. It will and has arrested citizens simply for trying to inform the public about it:
Even though the example of just sharing information cited above resulted in the charges being dismissed, the process is the punishment. Appeals courts will ultimately affirm that it's your right to share jury nullification information. But it will cost you dearly to assert your right to do so:
While jury nullification is primarily intended to overrule unjust laws it is also useful to overrule unjust application of just laws. I.e. arbitrary, capricious and whimsical prosecutions. Think of all the cases that would be overruled by juries fully informed about their power to overrule unjust laws and unjust prosecutions.
Those opposed to informing jurors about their right to nullify prosecutions often claim that it's a threat to the rule of law, the judicial system itself, produces distrust of the system. Those arguments ignore the culpability of those controlling the judicial system producing distrust. THEY break the trust with citizens with arbitrary, capricious and whimsical prosecutions. I.e. tyrannical prosecutions. Where Lady Liberty's blindfold has fallen off and who you are, your politics and values matters more than the crime you've been charged with. Tyranny breeds distrust of the judicial system, not information about the remedy to tyranny, Jury Nullification.
And the rank hypocrisy of those who argue against Jury Nullification because it allows a handful of people to determine which laws are just, which prosecutions are just or not is noxious and odious. Those who argue against Jury Nullification are typically the same ones who argue FOR the ability of prosecutors and judges to charge and determine guilt based on "prosecutorial discretion" and equity concerns. They are allowed to use their discretion, based on their values, but jurors and citizens are not? Tyrants arguing the merits of their tyranny while prohibiting any challenges to their tyranny.
We must use high profile cases like Penny's to educate the public about their right to nullify any prosecution they believe is unjust. There are scarce opportunities to do so, when there are many minds open to receive the information, when attention isn't elsewhere. We must educate, educate, educate, educate. On platforms like Substack. On pages like bad cattitude where readership is high. In comment sections on major media - that allow comments, fewer and fewer do. While handing out pamphlets in front of courthouses is legal, it comes with risk and the burden of asserting one's rights, a costly and temporary loss of freedom endeavor. For now, while we have a modicum of free speech on the interwebs we must use it.
Jury Nullification. Spread the word. And accept a jury summons. No matter how inconvenient. Being as stealthy as you can, without tipping your hand about your predisposition towards cases, impartiality, knowledge of the law that gets you disqualified. Unless it's verifiable you're a blank, impressionable slate. For freedom. And the health and safety of society.
I found many attorneys are more interested in their standing with in the Bar Association than with their paid clients. Clients come and go, but the members of the justice system are their "colleagues" who they work with for years.
Kangaroo courts pervade the US justice system and although blacks are normally the victims of overly aggressive and ambitious prosecutors, numerous poor whites also fall victim to the unfairness. On very rare occasions, a jury does not get deceived by the smarmy disingenuous arguments of the prosecution and brings in a Not Guilty verdict as happened in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, but normally you see the kind of travesty that happened in the murder case against the police officer who was partially responsible for Saint George Foreman's untimely but nonetheless well deserved demise. The police officer should never have been charged with murder in the first place because it was so obviously a borderline manslaughter case. At the time I thought the prosecution had made a mistake charging him with the ultimate crime because no sensible jury would convict him. How wrong I was!
Antiwhiteism is the moral imperative of today. It's the hidden grammar behind the George F incident, the Kyle R. incident, and this current trial. https://nowhiteguilt.org Streams Sunday, 5-9 PM EST.
I saw a bit of that “interview”, coming off like they were his friends, all the while manipulating him into a narrative that he used excessive force. Whether the victim or the perp, the cops are not your friends.
You would think the cops have had enough of dealing with the trash that infests the streets of NYC these days. I'd expect them to at least not actively manipulate someone they must have surely seen as one of the good guys.
I wonder if the detective was lying as he stumbled when stating 0331 after Daniel stated 0531. The detective claimed he had a tattoo that must be something common but he doesn't prove it. When you are military you are part of a close knit family even more so a Marines, the detective knows this and using it to his advantage to screw this guy. Don't they have to disclose why you are being arrested?
Question: I´m a US citizen living in Mexico. A few times I´ve been just walking along a street somewhere and a police car will pull over and ask me where I´m going. Should I answer? It would seem unnecessarily rude and antagonistic to say "I don´t talk to the police," but maybe that´s what I should say. Opinions?
This is so true, I was with a group of friends I believe three or four vehicles we stopped to eat at a family's place in Tijuana before heading to Rosarito. Well one of the guys decide he needed to take a piss and so did outside of some building along the way and was busted by the police. Police knew we were all together so they directed us to follow them to the police station in Playas Tijuana. As we sat in the police station a couple of people turn to me and asked if I would understand and be able to reply in Spanish because apparently they were charging everybody $20 to get out of jail had I not been able to understand and respond in Spanish it would have cost me more money. Needless to say by the time we got to Rosarito and saw more cops again we decided to go back home.
That's how it is over there. When friends or family go to Mexico, I always tell them to take plenty of $20 bills. They think I'm paranoid. No, I'm realistic. Take lots of $20s - especially if you don't speak Spanish. I grew up in AZ/Mexico border towns. Speaking Spanish saved my @$$ more than once. So did having $20s.
I'm not American and have had no interactions with Mexican police/federales, but I suspect it is universal that if you answer the wrong way - according to the officers - you'll be taken for a ride.
Either downtown for questioning/harassment (most civilised nations, assuming you're not wanted or act violently os any some such).
Or to be pressured for a "fine" (bribe/protection racket) - not too uncommon in less civilised nations.
Or simply robbed and beaten up for being a foreigner. Thankfully not that common nowadays I think, not even in backwaters like Siberian Russia or such.
Do you have a right in Mexico to not answer their questions, could be the legal sticking point. Here (Sweden) they technically speaking have no right to demand an answer unless I'm engaging in suspicious activities already.
But refusing to answer/talk to them? Counts as suspicious activities and reasonable grounds for a detain and frisk.
The absolute best course I ever took was Business Law. My professor (and friend) said two things that have resonated for me and benefited me.
First, she posed an important question. “Why do you think this might be the most important subject of this entire MBA program? Answer: because most of you will be C-Suite executives and or business entrepreneurs/owners and YOU will get sued! You need to know when you need an attorney. This course merely scratches the surface of law, but when completed, you will know when to pick up your phone and call an attorney.
Second, because this course covers the basics, I encourage you to learn more about your God given rights in the USA. Get a copy of Black’s Law Dictionary and learn Common Law!
To your point, jabster; people who understand the importance of law and accountancy are consequential.
A family member is a senior homicide detective. He himself told me that if I ever shot someone, to say only “I was in fear for my life. I want an attorney.”
They (sic) ONLY thing Penny did wrong was to talk to the police without an attorney present.
That's why when read your rights, it includes, "you may remain silent but whatever you do say will be taken down and may be used in evidence AGAINST YOU."
I rest my case. DON'T talk to the Police without an Attorney.
I learned the hard way that if you are invited to talk with them at a police station but you refuse to talk to them without an attorney present they can and will formally arrest you and you will be charged with a crime. There's no winning once you have to deal with law enforcement.
That Penny was ever charged with anything is a travesty, but typical of how "justice" in Dem controlled areas of America is administered. If Penny had been black and the nutbag white, Penny would have been hailed as a hero and the mayor would have given him a medal. And just because Trump has been elected does not mean that this twisting of the Rule of Law is going to end quickly. There are vast numbers of deeply entrenched judges and prosecutors who should be removed, and that will be difficult, time consuming, and expensive. BUT, Never Give Up! Never Surrender!!!
100% correct, Ryan! There is a reason it's called the "Criminal Justice System!" It's CRIMINAL, and the boys in blue aren't your friend or advocate. They are so captured and jaded that it's mind-boggling.
I know I am going to get a whole bunch of people pile on me for making a so-called "blanket" statement. Go ahead, because my guess is you who pile on me know nothing about how the criminal effing "system" works!
@Ryan- the cops had no intention of charging him with anything. It was Alvin Bragg, the waste of a DA who needs to be disbarred, that saw an opportunity to turn it into a racist hit job.
Yeah. I know. But it was the information that he gave the cops that they relayed to the prosecutor that have been used to smear and indict him.
Plus the cops have been emasculated with cameras, etc. and they are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't abide by the dictates of the social justice tyranny schemes.
If you are ever involved in a shooting (I know this is different), you lawyer up. Say nothing to the cops. You can say, "I'll be glad to talk to you once my lawyer is present." And when read your rights, "do you understand them?" You say , no...as the system/judge determines what your rights are, so you say no, I don't understand them. I betch the cops will look at you & go "Huh?" " no one ever says that." Well, you do. Glad Penny got off. He never should have been charged.
What you suggest would be hard for me to do shortly after a violent confrontation. Adrenaline flowing and tapped into the fight/flight response. But you are correct, best to keep the mouth shut. That’s how the game is played these days.
That's what's wrong with the perverse incentives in our legal and law enforcement institutions; you should be able to talk to them without fearing you could become the next "Penny"
AG Bragg is a disgraceful awful person. Daniel Penny was a 24 year old “ kid” when confronted with the threats and possible actions displayed by this psychotic maniac. Penny addressed the situation as best he could with what was transpiring. Aside that he does not deserve any legal punishment, Bragg is sending the message to all New Yorkers that any Good Samaritan measures can result in criminal charges…and that is just plain effing stupid.
Indeed, Penny was referred to by the prosecution as “the white man” as if he had no name. If that had happened to any other race, what would have happened?
I don't know if this is true - haven't had time to verify. But over on Jeff Childer's substack, a commenter said that the same prosecutor (that creepy looking woman) who is going big guns after Penny also helped get practially no sentence for a black guy who pushed a white guy on the train tracks, resulting in the white guy's death. Elderly guy too, I believe.
He attacked an elderly man at an ATM, bashing him over the head to steal his money. The prosecutor looked into his history and felt sorry for him, so reduced the charges from what should have been murder.
Yeah the subway story was the one my post was talking about. How bad is it that there are so many! But then this BLM lady states “white men always get away with killing black men” Uhhh no.
I agree, wholeheartedly, but I also disagree with your choice of wording about one thing. (Sorry, I am a stickler for meaning...)
Everything you said is correct and I am in full agreement, but... I believe that it is not "just plain effing stupid". Rather, it is a fully intended act of pure evil designed to destroy society as we know it, with the goal of ushering in the "New World Order" of the Globalists (including Soros, Gates, Rothschilds, Klaus Schwab and the Mother-WEFers). To call it anything else is a disservice to those who suffer under these machinations.
Absolutely! In NY the law is whatever a judge says it is. Get a different judge you'll get a different answer. In effect, there is no rule of law in NYC, only rule of man (or other human species or gender).
Or, as my father use to say, "Don't make me come back there".
Now it's "Don't make us bring bus loads of sane people up there to kick your asses"!
I’ve been wondering about why Wiley actually went for this. Usually lower court judges are pretty circumspect about “inviting” grounds for appeal. But IIRC, after the “no bail” law went into effect, Wiley publicly said that “The law is stupid, but I have to follow it”.
It’s a bit of a long shot, but maybe Wiley wants the appeal to make a point (even though my personal preference is for a quick dismissal, with prejudice, of all charges).
Totally racially motived prosecution. Reverse----Penny black/Neely white----no charges. Shameful abuse of a good Samaritan. NYC has truly lost its mind.
Neely's family is suing Penny in civil court. Just like George Floyd, Neely was far more valuable to his family dead than alive. Leftist prosecutors, politicians, and media are vultures feasting at the expense of our society.
Not legally (civil suits cannot deprive someone of their freedom), but definitely morally!
The other legal trend that needs to be reversed is giving enormous verdicts that cannot be justified by the economic circumstances of the wronged party. Before her windfall from Trump for alleging “rape”, E Jean Carroll’s net worth was estimated at about $4m. Trump was ordered to pay $83.3m. The “reputational” damages were $11m. How can that be justified? Other examples include Rudy Giuliani’s case ($148m for “defaming” a couple of lowly government workers in GA), Brianna Taylor’s parents ($12m even though her salary was less than $50k/yr, but…Ben Crump!), and I could go on.
Why was the case against the manufacturer even allowed to proceed? The ride was designed with a maximum weight limit. Why should a manufacturer be held to standards they don’t claim to cover? The park was responsible for the minimum wage worker who allowed Tyre on the ride despite not fitting into the harness, but not the manufacturer.
This can work because antiwhiteism, as today's "moral imperative" allows (almost requires?) it. Anything that harms Whites is moral, hence good. There is a proven strategy to fix this problem. https://nowhiteguilt.org
Well, I'd like to see justice for Derek Chauvin too, whose railroading laid the tracks for this and every other case where a mob of grifters can hold cities hostage.
Chauvin was unfortunately a bully and a schmuck and his own temperament and behavior made it very easy to throw him on the shitpile, and Dr. Pierre Kory who now postures himself as one of our Plague Era Heroes was happy to help George Floyd's greedy family make big bucks from a lie.
Anyway as I said yesterday I hope the Penny jury continues to hang itself and smack Alvin Bragg right upside the head. And I hope someone someday will look into the legal abomination of civil suits where you get to try and bankrupt someone if you can't shiv 'em with the criminal justice system.
Jeff Childers, an attorney, points out that the judge is contradicting his specific instructions to the jury. They were not to address count 2 unless they found him guilty on count 1, which they did not.
"It was revealed in court that Neely was still alive when officers arrived on the scene and that he was administered Narcan, a drug used to reverse opioid overdoses. Moreover, jurors learned that, as a safety precaution, officers did not give Neely mouth-to-mouth because Neely looked dirty and disease-ridden.
“He was an apparent drug user and he was very dirty,” NYPD Sgt. Carl Johnson testified, according to the New York Post. “I didn’t want my officers to put their lips on his mouth. They could get hepatitis or AIDS … chest compressions would be enough to get him awake.”
"A caregiver failing to provide necessary medical attention or nutrition to someone under their care, resulting in death." (example of criminally negligent homicide) -- How many stories did we hear during Covid times of patients being denied nutrition and early treatment before succumbing to iatrocide? I think ADAs and DAs across the country have many doctors, nurses, hospitals, and elder care homes that they can charge with that.
The prosecution is an utter disgrace. I hope to God there is at least one juror who refuses to convict. And it they cave, there needs to be an appeal because the judge is contradicting himself on the fly to get Penny's scalp
It’s sickening that they are making this solely a racist issue. It absolutely is NOT. A black man recently got off for killing a white man WITH DELIBERATION and certainly with viable guilt of manslaughter, so they can just sit down and shut up. BLM is the WORST thing that ever happened to our black citizens who just want to have a good life like the rest of us. I don’t know a single white person who hates a single black person. Never met any. But I have met many black people who literally hate all white people. And I blame this BLM spokesperson for being the cause of that.
The inevitable inevitably happens... It just takes the right circumstances... See one Bernhard Goetz from 1984... Eventually people who menace will run across the wrong person at the wrong time who has the skills and will to do what is necessary in the moment...
The bigger issue is if Penny is convicted of ANYTHING, it will be open season on innocents who are moving about their everyday lives...
Anyone still paying attention to what BLM says is a brain dead idiot. NOBODY thinks black lives don't matter. The exception being black gangsters killing each other in horrific numbers.
I went through BLM's entire website during the Floyd riots and found not one mention of black on black murder which is the leading cause of death for young black males.
Racist Marxist grifters bent on division for personal gain are what these propagandists are.
And boy did it pay well. Companies bent over backwards to send millions so the founders could buy multi-million dollar mansions. And the legacy media rolled on encouraging racial division.
"legacy media rolled on encouraging racial division."
The oligarch's that control legacy media biggest fear is a united citizenry. They employ a divide and conquer strategy that keeps the masses fighting each other rather than the massive corruption they are getting away with. It's why all issues are presented from polarized perspectives. The easily manipulated are their greatest weapon. Brainwashing from an early age is what conditioned useful fools like the prosecutor to do their bidding.
Not sure why you are so kind to them and treat them with kid gloves. The worst of the worst shakedown artists. Almost make Sharpton look respectable if you have forgotten about Tawana Brawley. An early example of MSM misconduct.
The ONLY thing Penny did wrong was to talk to the police without an attorney present.
Don't ever fool yourself; the police are not on your side if they start asking questions.
EVERYONE in the courtroom except the defendant and his attorney are paid for by the state... It's a wonder anyone can get a "fair" trial against those odds...
the double masking juror is a fitting touch.
Good grief. Exactly.
Its like that health insurance executive who was executed.
What's not a conspiracy theory in that case:
Is that tragedy has a direct link to the c19 abomination.
This man would never have been able to pull it off or escape authorities without the ironic pandemic connection of normalizing the fucking masks in our society.
Good luck putting that horse back in the stable.
Yes, I can tell the intelligence of the person when he/she is wearing a mask. I went to the veterinarian last week. The vet tech had a mask on. Why..because she was trying to avoid getting pneumonia she replied when I asked why. I did say "You do know that the cloth masks don't work. ? "" Yeah, but..." Ok, whatever makes you feel good. Beam me up Scotty!
"Beam me up Scotty" LOLOLOL.
There are days i look up longingly to the sky and say to myself:
"Just waiting on the astroid"...
That right there shows you at least one person who is not capable of evaluating the evidence.
If that mask saves just one grandma it was all worth it, Gato <s>
or makes one ugly person feel more socially comfortable, to escape the sub-explicit ostracism and concealed disgust that ugly people experience every day in America (or wherever)...
And probably the hold out.
Exactly. It is a wholesale indictment of the perverse incentivizes in our legal system.
Penny did what needed to be done to protect the safety and lives of every single person on that train. And the safety and lives of every single person Neely would've encountered had he lived to leave that train. The legal system failed society.
Our legal system has a remedy for its own failures built into it. Unfortunately (and by design) most people aren't educated about the remedy. Bringing it up inside a courtroom is prohibited.
The remedy? Jury Nullification
Our legal system really doesn't want us to know about Jury Nullification. It will and has arrested citizens simply for trying to inform the public about it:
Even though the example of just sharing information cited above resulted in the charges being dismissed, the process is the punishment. Appeals courts will ultimately affirm that it's your right to share jury nullification information. But it will cost you dearly to assert your right to do so:
While jury nullification is primarily intended to overrule unjust laws it is also useful to overrule unjust application of just laws. I.e. arbitrary, capricious and whimsical prosecutions. Think of all the cases that would be overruled by juries fully informed about their power to overrule unjust laws and unjust prosecutions.
Those opposed to informing jurors about their right to nullify prosecutions often claim that it's a threat to the rule of law, the judicial system itself, produces distrust of the system. Those arguments ignore the culpability of those controlling the judicial system producing distrust. THEY break the trust with citizens with arbitrary, capricious and whimsical prosecutions. I.e. tyrannical prosecutions. Where Lady Liberty's blindfold has fallen off and who you are, your politics and values matters more than the crime you've been charged with. Tyranny breeds distrust of the judicial system, not information about the remedy to tyranny, Jury Nullification.
And the rank hypocrisy of those who argue against Jury Nullification because it allows a handful of people to determine which laws are just, which prosecutions are just or not is noxious and odious. Those who argue against Jury Nullification are typically the same ones who argue FOR the ability of prosecutors and judges to charge and determine guilt based on "prosecutorial discretion" and equity concerns. They are allowed to use their discretion, based on their values, but jurors and citizens are not? Tyrants arguing the merits of their tyranny while prohibiting any challenges to their tyranny.
We must use high profile cases like Penny's to educate the public about their right to nullify any prosecution they believe is unjust. There are scarce opportunities to do so, when there are many minds open to receive the information, when attention isn't elsewhere. We must educate, educate, educate, educate. On platforms like Substack. On pages like bad cattitude where readership is high. In comment sections on major media - that allow comments, fewer and fewer do. While handing out pamphlets in front of courthouses is legal, it comes with risk and the burden of asserting one's rights, a costly and temporary loss of freedom endeavor. For now, while we have a modicum of free speech on the interwebs we must use it.
Jury Nullification. Spread the word. And accept a jury summons. No matter how inconvenient. Being as stealthy as you can, without tipping your hand about your predisposition towards cases, impartiality, knowledge of the law that gets you disqualified. Unless it's verifiable you're a blank, impressionable slate. For freedom. And the health and safety of society.
Excellent comment, thank you.
BOOM. Well put
Hawt dayum, yes!
... and I'm not so sure of the attorney a lot of the time
I found many attorneys are more interested in their standing with in the Bar Association than with their paid clients. Clients come and go, but the members of the justice system are their "colleagues" who they work with for years.
Touché (LOL kinda like literary agents)
Kangaroo courts pervade the US justice system and although blacks are normally the victims of overly aggressive and ambitious prosecutors, numerous poor whites also fall victim to the unfairness. On very rare occasions, a jury does not get deceived by the smarmy disingenuous arguments of the prosecution and brings in a Not Guilty verdict as happened in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, but normally you see the kind of travesty that happened in the murder case against the police officer who was partially responsible for Saint George Foreman's untimely but nonetheless well deserved demise. The police officer should never have been charged with murder in the first place because it was so obviously a borderline manslaughter case. At the time I thought the prosecution had made a mistake charging him with the ultimate crime because no sensible jury would convict him. How wrong I was!
Antiwhiteism is the moral imperative of today. It's the hidden grammar behind the George F incident, the Kyle R. incident, and this current trial. https://nowhiteguilt.org Streams Sunday, 5-9 PM EST.
I saw a bit of that “interview”, coming off like they were his friends, all the while manipulating him into a narrative that he used excessive force. Whether the victim or the perp, the cops are not your friends.
You would think the cops have had enough of dealing with the trash that infests the streets of NYC these days. I'd expect them to at least not actively manipulate someone they must have surely seen as one of the good guys.
I’ll leave it here for you to decide.
Amen, ScottyG. Amen.
So true. They will lie to you to establish trust. Anyone who has a free pass to lie to you is not your friend.
I wonder if the detective was lying as he stumbled when stating 0331 after Daniel stated 0531. The detective claimed he had a tattoo that must be something common but he doesn't prove it. When you are military you are part of a close knit family even more so a Marines, the detective knows this and using it to his advantage to screw this guy. Don't they have to disclose why you are being arrested?
Obligatory link to the classic video of professor of law James Duane's "Don't talk to the police":
Should have known you'd beat me to it, Rikard! Everybody watch this!!
Say "I want a lawyer" and then shut up...That's all the Supreme Court has left us...
Question: I´m a US citizen living in Mexico. A few times I´ve been just walking along a street somewhere and a police car will pull over and ask me where I´m going. Should I answer? It would seem unnecessarily rude and antagonistic to say "I don´t talk to the police," but maybe that´s what I should say. Opinions?
I can tell you several horror stories about the federales extorting money from people.
This is a common ploy.
Its like phishing in person, Rainbow
This is so true, I was with a group of friends I believe three or four vehicles we stopped to eat at a family's place in Tijuana before heading to Rosarito. Well one of the guys decide he needed to take a piss and so did outside of some building along the way and was busted by the police. Police knew we were all together so they directed us to follow them to the police station in Playas Tijuana. As we sat in the police station a couple of people turn to me and asked if I would understand and be able to reply in Spanish because apparently they were charging everybody $20 to get out of jail had I not been able to understand and respond in Spanish it would have cost me more money. Needless to say by the time we got to Rosarito and saw more cops again we decided to go back home.
That's how it is over there. When friends or family go to Mexico, I always tell them to take plenty of $20 bills. They think I'm paranoid. No, I'm realistic. Take lots of $20s - especially if you don't speak Spanish. I grew up in AZ/Mexico border towns. Speaking Spanish saved my @$$ more than once. So did having $20s.
I'm not American and have had no interactions with Mexican police/federales, but I suspect it is universal that if you answer the wrong way - according to the officers - you'll be taken for a ride.
Either downtown for questioning/harassment (most civilised nations, assuming you're not wanted or act violently os any some such).
Or to be pressured for a "fine" (bribe/protection racket) - not too uncommon in less civilised nations.
Or simply robbed and beaten up for being a foreigner. Thankfully not that common nowadays I think, not even in backwaters like Siberian Russia or such.
Do you have a right in Mexico to not answer their questions, could be the legal sticking point. Here (Sweden) they technically speaking have no right to demand an answer unless I'm engaging in suspicious activities already.
But refusing to answer/talk to them? Counts as suspicious activities and reasonable grounds for a detain and frisk.
Caveat: I ain't no lawyer.
NO! Absolutely not.
But please stay safe
The police are here to protect Society, not you.
The police are here to maintain order, not safety. Any safety benefits you receive are incidental.
Don't talk to cops.
If you think you might need an attorney, you need an attorney.
Consequential people know the value of attorneys and accountants.
And if you don't think you need an attorney, you *really* need an attorney.
This is not a way-out-there conspiracy theory, it's literally settled law.
Amen, jabster!
The absolute best course I ever took was Business Law. My professor (and friend) said two things that have resonated for me and benefited me.
First, she posed an important question. “Why do you think this might be the most important subject of this entire MBA program? Answer: because most of you will be C-Suite executives and or business entrepreneurs/owners and YOU will get sued! You need to know when you need an attorney. This course merely scratches the surface of law, but when completed, you will know when to pick up your phone and call an attorney.
Second, because this course covers the basics, I encourage you to learn more about your God given rights in the USA. Get a copy of Black’s Law Dictionary and learn Common Law!
To your point, jabster; people who understand the importance of law and accountancy are consequential.
Police exist to protect their pensions, and by extension, those who preside over their pensions.
A family member is a senior homicide detective. He himself told me that if I ever shot someone, to say only “I was in fear for my life. I want an attorney.”
They (sic) ONLY thing Penny did wrong was to talk to the police without an attorney present.
That's why when read your rights, it includes, "you may remain silent but whatever you do say will be taken down and may be used in evidence AGAINST YOU."
I rest my case. DON'T talk to the Police without an Attorney.
I learned the hard way that if you are invited to talk with them at a police station but you refuse to talk to them without an attorney present they can and will formally arrest you and you will be charged with a crime. There's no winning once you have to deal with law enforcement.
And it seems a good number of the better detectives got canned with the vax mandates.
Cuz they can think on their own. We need more police officers like that
I suspect many have already moved to Florida.
That Penny was ever charged with anything is a travesty, but typical of how "justice" in Dem controlled areas of America is administered. If Penny had been black and the nutbag white, Penny would have been hailed as a hero and the mayor would have given him a medal. And just because Trump has been elected does not mean that this twisting of the Rule of Law is going to end quickly. There are vast numbers of deeply entrenched judges and prosecutors who should be removed, and that will be difficult, time consuming, and expensive. BUT, Never Give Up! Never Surrender!!!
Police everywhere want to make arrests and obtain convictions. They are not overly interested in solving crimes.
100% correct, Ryan! There is a reason it's called the "Criminal Justice System!" It's CRIMINAL, and the boys in blue aren't your friend or advocate. They are so captured and jaded that it's mind-boggling.
I know I am going to get a whole bunch of people pile on me for making a so-called "blanket" statement. Go ahead, because my guess is you who pile on me know nothing about how the criminal effing "system" works!
Correct, the cops are not your friends...The only safe thing you can say when you're arrested is "I want a lawyer."
@Ryan- the cops had no intention of charging him with anything. It was Alvin Bragg, the waste of a DA who needs to be disbarred, that saw an opportunity to turn it into a racist hit job.
Yeah. I know. But it was the information that he gave the cops that they relayed to the prosecutor that have been used to smear and indict him.
Plus the cops have been emasculated with cameras, etc. and they are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't abide by the dictates of the social justice tyranny schemes.
@Ryan- exactly
In other words do you think their fidelity was to him or their jobs?
Police, more like Zogbots.
If you are ever involved in a shooting (I know this is different), you lawyer up. Say nothing to the cops. You can say, "I'll be glad to talk to you once my lawyer is present." And when read your rights, "do you understand them?" You say , no...as the system/judge determines what your rights are, so you say no, I don't understand them. I betch the cops will look at you & go "Huh?" " no one ever says that." Well, you do. Glad Penny got off. He never should have been charged.
What you suggest would be hard for me to do shortly after a violent confrontation. Adrenaline flowing and tapped into the fight/flight response. But you are correct, best to keep the mouth shut. That’s how the game is played these days.
That's what's wrong with the perverse incentives in our legal and law enforcement institutions; you should be able to talk to them without fearing you could become the next "Penny"
Yep it’s become a game. Justice has nothing to do with it.
AG Bragg is a disgraceful awful person. Daniel Penny was a 24 year old “ kid” when confronted with the threats and possible actions displayed by this psychotic maniac. Penny addressed the situation as best he could with what was transpiring. Aside that he does not deserve any legal punishment, Bragg is sending the message to all New Yorkers that any Good Samaritan measures can result in criminal charges…and that is just plain effing stupid.
Only if they are white. White people are not allowed to be good Samaritans.
Yes, racial resentment drives people like Bragg and so many other Soros-supported mediocrities to perpetuate such injustices.
Indeed, Penny was referred to by the prosecution as “the white man” as if he had no name. If that had happened to any other race, what would have happened?
Exactly. Jordan Williams (black) had all his charges dismissed in a very similar case, shortly after the Daniel Penny incident.
I don't know if this is true - haven't had time to verify. But over on Jeff Childer's substack, a commenter said that the same prosecutor (that creepy looking woman) who is going big guns after Penny also helped get practially no sentence for a black guy who pushed a white guy on the train tracks, resulting in the white guy's death. Elderly guy too, I believe.
So.... clear agenda, if true.
He attacked an elderly man at an ATM, bashing him over the head to steal his money. The prosecutor looked into his history and felt sorry for him, so reduced the charges from what should have been murder.
Oh right! I think I have it conflated with another story. Thanks for clearing it up.
Yeah the subway story was the one my post was talking about. How bad is it that there are so many! But then this BLM lady states “white men always get away with killing black men” Uhhh no.
I agree, wholeheartedly, but I also disagree with your choice of wording about one thing. (Sorry, I am a stickler for meaning...)
Everything you said is correct and I am in full agreement, but... I believe that it is not "just plain effing stupid". Rather, it is a fully intended act of pure evil designed to destroy society as we know it, with the goal of ushering in the "New World Order" of the Globalists (including Soros, Gates, Rothschilds, Klaus Schwab and the Mother-WEFers). To call it anything else is a disservice to those who suffer under these machinations.
I just reread my comment. "Klaus Schwab and the Mother-WEFers" sounds like the name of a punk rock band...
Dark techno
I think I like "dark techno" better...
Zuck and the Digital Overlords
Who else is tired of antiwhiteism?
they don't hate racism, they hate white people
Exactly. Racism is just another antiwhite slur they use to justify their desire to victimize us.
Ugh… that scenario being the end game is beyond depressing. The arrogance of Bragg being that he thinks somehow he will be exempt from this anarchy???
“the judge chose to let the prosecutor dismiss it in order to “get to the other charge” is a pretty iffy move”
This is reversible error by the Judge. (Opinion based on my 25 yrs as a lawyer).
As Childers correctly points out, (1) the Prosecution agreed to the jury instructions and (2) the Judge doesn’t get to change the jury instructions.
The jury followed the instructions. Once they deadlocked on Count 1 the Judge had only one legally correct option…to dismiss the case.
appreciate the take.
what is the legal standard that governs here?
(apart from the obvious ethical issues) why can't the prosecutor dismiss one charge?
"what is the legal standard that governs here?"
I believe it's the "Fuck you, that's why" clause.
Absolutely! In NY the law is whatever a judge says it is. Get a different judge you'll get a different answer. In effect, there is no rule of law in NYC, only rule of man (or other human species or gender).
Or, as my father use to say, "Don't make me come back there".
Now it's "Don't make us bring bus loads of sane people up there to kick your asses"!
I’ve been wondering about why Wiley actually went for this. Usually lower court judges are pretty circumspect about “inviting” grounds for appeal. But IIRC, after the “no bail” law went into effect, Wiley publicly said that “The law is stupid, but I have to follow it”.
It’s a bit of a long shot, but maybe Wiley wants the appeal to make a point (even though my personal preference is for a quick dismissal, with prejudice, of all charges).
Totally racially motived prosecution. Reverse----Penny black/Neely white----no charges. Shameful abuse of a good Samaritan. NYC has truly lost its mind.
It makes me sick. We have fallen so far.
When I was growing up that guy he restrained would've been pummeled by every able bodied male in the train.
Indeed everyone, male or female, would've expected males to be "duty-bound" to protect innocent females, children and the elderly.
I’m with you, but MTGA sounds like a city transit system. Let’s keep our current hats, and say, Make Androgens Great Again! 😉
Im down with that!
Neely's family is suing Penny in civil court. Just like George Floyd, Neely was far more valuable to his family dead than alive. Leftist prosecutors, politicians, and media are vultures feasting at the expense of our society.
we really need to drop this idea that people can be sued for crimes they were not convicted of.
it basically amounts to double jeopardy.
Not legally (civil suits cannot deprive someone of their freedom), but definitely morally!
The other legal trend that needs to be reversed is giving enormous verdicts that cannot be justified by the economic circumstances of the wronged party. Before her windfall from Trump for alleging “rape”, E Jean Carroll’s net worth was estimated at about $4m. Trump was ordered to pay $83.3m. The “reputational” damages were $11m. How can that be justified? Other examples include Rudy Giuliani’s case ($148m for “defaming” a couple of lowly government workers in GA), Brianna Taylor’s parents ($12m even though her salary was less than $50k/yr, but…Ben Crump!), and I could go on.
The latest was this one: https://nypost.com/2024/12/06/us-news/missouri-teen-tyre-sampson-family-awarded-310-million-from-austria-funtime-handels-over-florida-icon-park-death/
Why was the case against the manufacturer even allowed to proceed? The ride was designed with a maximum weight limit. Why should a manufacturer be held to standards they don’t claim to cover? The park was responsible for the minimum wage worker who allowed Tyre on the ride despite not fitting into the harness, but not the manufacturer.
Total insanity. The employer of the kid who allowed this obviously doesn’t have as deep of pockets so we get this. Litigious lottery
Unless the perp is pardoned by a sitting President…..
Penny should sue Neely for raising such a POS.
He should be able to sue the state for wrongful prosecution
This can work because antiwhiteism, as today's "moral imperative" allows (almost requires?) it. Anything that harms Whites is moral, hence good. There is a proven strategy to fix this problem. https://nowhiteguilt.org
Well, I'd like to see justice for Derek Chauvin too, whose railroading laid the tracks for this and every other case where a mob of grifters can hold cities hostage.
Chauvin was unfortunately a bully and a schmuck and his own temperament and behavior made it very easy to throw him on the shitpile, and Dr. Pierre Kory who now postures himself as one of our Plague Era Heroes was happy to help George Floyd's greedy family make big bucks from a lie.
Anyway as I said yesterday I hope the Penny jury continues to hang itself and smack Alvin Bragg right upside the head. And I hope someone someday will look into the legal abomination of civil suits where you get to try and bankrupt someone if you can't shiv 'em with the criminal justice system.
Watch "The Fall of Minneapolis" if you have not. Another racially motivated prosecution.
I watched the trial and the full 20-minute bodycam video and that was more than sufficient.
Figure it out.
Which is CRAZY because the prosecution never even accused him of being racist, IIRC!
Jeff Childers, an attorney, points out that the judge is contradicting his specific instructions to the jury. They were not to address count 2 unless they found him guilty on count 1, which they did not.
I am hoping the jury heard this....
"It was revealed in court that Neely was still alive when officers arrived on the scene and that he was administered Narcan, a drug used to reverse opioid overdoses. Moreover, jurors learned that, as a safety precaution, officers did not give Neely mouth-to-mouth because Neely looked dirty and disease-ridden.
“He was an apparent drug user and he was very dirty,” NYPD Sgt. Carl Johnson testified, according to the New York Post. “I didn’t want my officers to put their lips on his mouth. They could get hepatitis or AIDS … chest compressions would be enough to get him awake.”
Mouth to mouth has not been in practice for many years. Portable breathing devices are used.
Well maybe for LE people but the Red Cross still teaches it AND they give you those little plasticy things to cover the dummies mouth!
Doesn’t matter really. He had a pulse meaning he WAS alive when the cops got there.
That caught my attention as well. : )
"A caregiver failing to provide necessary medical attention or nutrition to someone under their care, resulting in death." (example of criminally negligent homicide) -- How many stories did we hear during Covid times of patients being denied nutrition and early treatment before succumbing to iatrocide? I think ADAs and DAs across the country have many doctors, nurses, hospitals, and elder care homes that they can charge with that.
It's so crazy to me that Daniel Penny even LOOKS like some sort of Roman god or Greek hero.
we're in a simulation. the signs are everywhere. lol.
Indeed, if you know where to look.
There really is no other conclusion to come to.
Lol. I'm jealous of his curly, golden locks!
The prosecution is an utter disgrace. I hope to God there is at least one juror who refuses to convict. And it they cave, there needs to be an appeal because the judge is contradicting himself on the fly to get Penny's scalp
It’s way past time to start prosecuting the prosecutors.
Authority resists accountability.
"Government has investigated the government and found the government did nothing wrong."
“Make Jury Nullification Great Again” to roll back the power of psychopaths to use the “Just Us” System to destroy the lives of the sane.
It’s sickening that they are making this solely a racist issue. It absolutely is NOT. A black man recently got off for killing a white man WITH DELIBERATION and certainly with viable guilt of manslaughter, so they can just sit down and shut up. BLM is the WORST thing that ever happened to our black citizens who just want to have a good life like the rest of us. I don’t know a single white person who hates a single black person. Never met any. But I have met many black people who literally hate all white people. And I blame this BLM spokesperson for being the cause of that.
She saw how rich and influential Al Sharpton was allowed to become and - rightly - felt she can become the same.
The inevitable inevitably happens... It just takes the right circumstances... See one Bernhard Goetz from 1984... Eventually people who menace will run across the wrong person at the wrong time who has the skills and will to do what is necessary in the moment...
The bigger issue is if Penny is convicted of ANYTHING, it will be open season on innocents who are moving about their everyday lives...
I was thinking of Goetz as soon as I heard about this incident, and my first thought was how prophetic Goetz's situation was.
Not long ago, we watched all three “Death Wish” movies. Yeah, very dated in some ways, but also highly satisfying and entertaining.
Charles Bronson was great in those movies. True Justice.
I was talking about those movies. They shaped me. 🙂
I was living in NYC then. Remember that well...
“the case for criminally negligent homicide is stronger against dafna than it is against daniel”
Anyone still paying attention to what BLM says is a brain dead idiot. NOBODY thinks black lives don't matter. The exception being black gangsters killing each other in horrific numbers.
I went through BLM's entire website during the Floyd riots and found not one mention of black on black murder which is the leading cause of death for young black males.
Racist Marxist grifters bent on division for personal gain are what these propagandists are.
And boy did it pay well. Companies bent over backwards to send millions so the founders could buy multi-million dollar mansions. And the legacy media rolled on encouraging racial division.
"legacy media rolled on encouraging racial division."
The oligarch's that control legacy media biggest fear is a united citizenry. They employ a divide and conquer strategy that keeps the masses fighting each other rather than the massive corruption they are getting away with. It's why all issues are presented from polarized perspectives. The easily manipulated are their greatest weapon. Brainwashing from an early age is what conditioned useful fools like the prosecutor to do their bidding.
You may like what this "based" grandma has to say: https://kwnorton.substack.com/p/the-elite-1-hate-us-as-they-fear-dbf
Not sure why you are so kind to them and treat them with kid gloves. The worst of the worst shakedown artists. Almost make Sharpton look respectable if you have forgotten about Tawana Brawley. An early example of MSM misconduct.