Fauci just commented that if he had it all to do over again he’s have recommended stricter measures. This guy is all over the place. His answers largely have to do with his perception of people reaction to his last interview. Fauci is an insane person.

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There is a team of psychologists working with the PR Team ... they are sending out confusing signals because they want to confuse the hordes...

Other components of this include trannies dancing for children in libraries and bars... men swimming against women ... men who can become pregnant... refusal to define what a woman is....

The purpose of all of this? Confused hordes look to authority for stability and to be told what to do. Destroy the fabric of a society and that ensures greater compliance

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People will THRILL to their social credit scores...finally, the one thing that makes sense!

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100 percent

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I believe the term sociopath to be apropos.

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Narcissists more likely. Sociopaths/psychopaths (the distinction is if I recall correctly largely a US/rest of the world divide) generally lack both the IQ and the ability to delay gratification, have low to no impulse control and are generally very violent from before age 10, all of which show up in records - looking at such records is part of the diagnostic process: not that psychopathy as such is used as a diagnostic term today, outside of mainstream media, online debate and Hollywood - the diagnostic manuals use different terms and are wuite granular in their approach, though it's been a couple of years since I had reason to keep up with this, so I may misremember/be wrong.

The suave, charismatic dr Lecter/American Psycho-model of psychopath anointed by Hollywood only exists in the minds of the writers of drama, really. In reality, they are petty, petulant, have problems with basic hygiene and impulsively or even compulsively violent, and below average intelligence.

Narcissists (as in the psychological definition) do not generally deviate from standard intelligence, neither in level or substance. Their main problem (as opposed to the problems they cause for others) is that they are so self-centered they cannot fathom others talking about them if they are not present, or that others may well remember something they adamantly claimed as true in one converstion, only to contradict themselves in a different one with another person. The worst of them even do this when the first person is present.

To understand the clinical arcissist, you must realise that to them, they are the only person that really exists and that all others are their audience in the drama that is their life. This is not an adopted stance or a personality trait, but pathological - they are simply put wired that way. And Fauci may well be such a person, but no one can be diagnosed over the internet or from media - it's the same mistake people make when they claim historical persons had Aspergers or something equally unsubstantiable

Apologies if I come across as ranting, but random people assigning diagnoses to people they have never met is doing more harm than good - if Fauci is a psychopath, then he is not responsible or even culpable for his actions and words.

Ad that is letting him and others of his ilk off far too easily.

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Well said. We toss around terms a bit too loosely at times, we can't allow that to enable him avoiding punishment for his crimes. If he lives long enough he will die in utter disgrace. If he doesn't live to see that day (he's already 81), he will be disgraced in death. His is a uniquely terrible story, one of corruption and death in his wake.

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He lies. Constantly. Ergo, you shouldn’t listen to a word he says. Whether he is a narcissist or a sociopath is irrelevant.

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Right. All the psychoanalyzing and proof of corruption, etc mean nothing. Are we assuaged in the knowledge that we're being abused and victimized?

Where is the action?

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The label doesn't matter at all...

A rose by any other name....

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Ah I think that's where it's incorrect. In the sense that most of us here were 'sociopaths' in not accepting and believing the lies that almost everyone else went along with... So sociopath can be good or bad... Psychopath - that fits a lot better but not used as often even when it's 100% appropriate. They are so comfortable lying about everything just for their own ends, everyone else be damned..

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Not accepting nonsense has nothing to do with sociopathy. Sociopathy can’t be good or bad. It’s always bad.

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Or reject the scientism - the fake science of psychology. Fauci isn't "mentally ill"; he is wicked.

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Well, to give the devil (Fauci) his due, what he said was that if he had his druthers "there would have been much, much more stringent restrictions in the sense of very, very heavy encouragement of people to wear masks, physical distancing, what have you.”

Not mandatory lockdowns, mind you, just "very, very heavy encouragement".

You've got to hand it to the guy. He's a supreme weasel.

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His answering Rand Paul on whether he funded GOF research was perfect. He didn’t lie. But he completely misled everyone. He always threw in a qualifier word. ‘There was no direct funding...’. Okay. Direct, no. But did the money go there and was used that way? That wasn’t asked. Every answer allowed Fauci to lie but not in a way he could have been charged for. He was very slick.

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Since it's likely that he was dumb enough to actually take the shots for real (hey, he dosed himself with Paxlovid twice!), I think his mental acuity has definitely been affected. Chickens have consequences.....

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Clinically, Totally, Completely Insane. Certifiable. Sociopathic. CRIMINALLY INSANE.

So what does this tell you about our Congress, Judiciary, and Executive Branch of Government?

Chew on that a bit.

Elections, anyone??

Deciding to pay attention to our political system, local state, and federal governments a little more than we have been doing?

I suggest family vacations in State Capitals, and game shows on Civics.

Reading a bit more history, and taking a look at all their budgets, and all their Corporate Sponsorships......

Reading the real investigative reporters out there.

And voting with your feet and your money!!!

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< Elections, anyone?? >

Looking forward to film https://selectioncode.com/ next month. An eye opener I suspect.

Too many other thoughts about how society needs a shift to a consciousness where civic service is held in highest regard. Requires a whole new architecture of selecting people's representatives in the republic methinks. Uniparty needs to be expunged. Said architecture likely a new field of endeavor needing much haste but no warp speed. Paraphrasing Einstein, we won't solve our problems with the same thinking / same system that created them. Sigh. Best I can hope for is to rub up against a feline.

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Fauci has repeatedly lied to the US Congress. Why wouldn't he lie to anyone else?

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In his defense, most of the things said on Capitol Hill are lies.

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Watch "Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies (Official Music Video)" on YouTube


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Well, if you're good at something....

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Don't accept this so blithely, my friend. Get mad, get active, and end the power of these career criminals!

So very many fine people are fighting this diabolical agenda with everything they have..

"For Evil to prevail all that is required is for good People to do nothing."


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Lying to the US Congress is the duty of any responsible citizen, so it doesn't count.

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Jul 26, 2022
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It is contempt of Congress.

No one cares.

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Only if you're a Republican!

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His whole life has been contempt of God. The punishment is a bit more severe.

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Birx’ new tome is apparently a confessional about how she & Faux-Xi fabricated “flatten the curve” & then how to EXTEND it, social distancing, lockdowns. Not to mention admitting in print that she knew the jab wouldn’t work as advertised. As if she knows, like Hilly, Comey, Hunter, et al, that there will be zero consequence & 2 standards of justice for “our betters” & the masses of the great unwashed. And unless we find a way for them to be held to acct, they’re right

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She saw me jabbin on the sofa... it wasn’t me... Saw the marks on my shoulder...

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Now I got anxiety...it wasn’t me...thanks a lot Doctor Fauci.

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Lied then, lies now, will lie in the future. ...but we all know. He’ll just have to pack it up and try to live on that $450,000 a year pension plus whatever royalties he gets from pharma. Of course, he will be on the board of directors for several companies as well. What have we learned? THE GAME IS RIGGED.

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String the gnome up from the nearest mailbox.

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He’s already admitted his declarations were not based on science but on what he thinks the public can “handle” or what would make the public feel more safe. He’s lied to the public, Congress, and God knows who else the whole time. Not a word that comes out of his mouth should be believed. In fact, whatever he spews, do the exact opposite, you’ll be safer!


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I am not a biologist, or epidemiologist, or MD of any kind, but I know a bit about consistency. I can spot logical inconsistency and contradictions. And it's pretty darn easy to spot these contradictions.

It's like elections officials holding a press conference to describe how they ignored the state's law AND the United States Supreme Court in handling ballots, bragging about their criminality, and then the media and politicians saying there was nothing to investigate. It just doesn't add up kids.

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I remember when Peppermint Patty told us last year that it wasn't the current administration that locked down the country, it was the prior administration. The jersey swapping has been slowly building for some time now.

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That was another of those contradictions. Patty was on the team denouncing Trump because he DID NOT order a national shutdown as "the scientists" (aka Fraudulent Fauci) were calling for...

In fact it was state governors, issuing illegal orders, in 46 out of 50 states plus 2 federal territories. Governors who's orders were nearly word for word identical, as if crafted by one person acting on behalf of a national party committee. Note not all of those 46 states were "blue" kids - they had "red" governors going along, too.

But that's just the history that happened. Not the history that will be told.

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She also told us the only ones who ever supported defunding the police were Republicans.

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Incredible music choice

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Ahh but you’re not getting the Clinton-style distinction between “Lockdown “and “shut down”! I guess he’s saying he did not recommend house arrest…!! 

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I think he took one too many boosters. He should take another one or two. Just to be sure.

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We have seen Fauci all over the place. Prime example of another aspect of this is restrictions were dependent upon the situation. Fauci had tons to say about baseball, BBq's, family get to togethers, churches, and protesting the lockdowns and restrictions, he was all against that. However, ask him about what happened in the wake of the George Floyd case, and he's quick to qualify, hem and haw, and rationalize how that event is different because, you know, Covid differentiates based on behavior. Covid is the Santa Claus of respiratory diseases. I knows when you've been bad or good.

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Throwing Under The Bus gonna be the next Olympic sport

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Under the Short Bus.

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Does he not know the internet lives forever?

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The eternity of the internet doesn't come close to countering the 15-second attention span of the average American voter.

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The Internet is forever, but the memories of the media and voters go back no more than two weeks.

Plus for millions of Americans "the Internet" is Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which of course are aggressively censored.

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Psychopaths don't care

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There's a rumor going round, it might be going down, black screen death, on all devices. When it is returned, everything will have been "lost." But, be happy! Now your money has been converted to digital "dollars" which you can access with your brand new global ID (as soon as you verify you are up-to-date). Yay!

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But they will still not allow voter ID

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Jul 27, 2022
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Yes, I’ve watched it and personally know the researchers. It’s the real deal.

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But does it live forever?

Who's really in control?

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I guess it's just the audacity of "them" thinking there isn't a "go back" machine where we can prove it happened (at this point anyway) but maybe he has dementia too!

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He’s been contradicting himself and lying forever. Never any consequences. He doesn’t care because he knows nothing will happen to him.

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Rats always abandon a sinking ship. It's happening now with Rat-Face Fauci leading the mob and Birx right behind with nose up his rudder. Creeps one and all.

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