I can’t say that it *started* with the unAffordable Care Act (colloquially known as Obamacare), but that was where it became clearly apparent. How could the government force me to buy health insurance I didn’t want from the private sector? But they did. And the sheep bleated their approval, drowning out the warnings that it wouldn’t stop at health insurance.

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That was the moment the democrats became the party of big pharma. A true chefs kiss, if you will ;)

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I remember a video where they stopped a woman on the street and asked: Which one is better, the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare? The woman answered: "The Affordable Care Act"... And why is that? "It is more affordable" (she said).

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Typical Ignoramus.

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But it wasn’t affordable , I didn’t get to keep my doctor and Obama bowed down to the Insurance Companies.... and the quality of preventive medical care has deteriorated to shit... there’s no money in being healthy.

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But at least the Kushner brothers became billionaires in their own right! The Kushner family is now raking in $$$$ by exploiting Opportunity Zones with capital from Saudi Arabia…NOTHING TO SEE HERE!! ;)

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Did you not read the post? Nobody here gives a flying fuck about ANY politicians or their families - THEY. ARE. ALL. CORRUPT.

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I was explaining why Obamacare is still the law of the land…Trump saved it because the Kushner family has made a lot of money by exploiting the monstrosity.

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I thought it was Dirtbag McCain who saved it with his voting with Democrats? But honestly, that was so long ago in my brain, I may not be remembering correctly.

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McStain got Trump an extra $300 billion in tax cuts by forcing the repeal of the individual mandate to be included in the tax cut package. Once again, when you buy a car you are paying for someone else’s health care costs…if you opposed health insurance reform then you are essentially fine with everyone but you spreading around the costs of a $100k emergency surgery.

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Not sure what your comment has to do with mine but re the Kushner Klan... if they’re guilty, they should be in jail... just like their Daddy. I don’t defend any guilty crooks making $ of govt connections. But it must be proven.

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You don’t know about how the Kushner family created a health insurance company based on taking the ACA Exchange subsidies??

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Nope, but if they did and if it’s illegal, I would think that the DOJ would have them all locked up but if they did that and it’s illegal, indict them. My son in law was reading a book that covered the nefarious dealings of the Kushners, and I asked him why no one has been indicted or why has it not been in the news and his answer was because both Democrats and Republican office holders were $ benefiting. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Kushner’s brother is WEF royalty…he’s always on mega yachts with Zuckerberg and Bezos and the Davos crowd.

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The entire 'debate' was hilarious.

People: Wow insurance isn't a good deal at all I don't even want it.

Government: We're on it.

Government: *emerges from back room with insurance CEOs trailing behind*

Government: We fixed insurance by making you buy it.

People: Uhhhhhhh................

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Lol, you are defending a system crafted by New Deal Democrats and the UAW!! You are clueless!

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As a “card carrying” Baby Boomer I can say with some confidence that it started with social security when Americans traumatized by memories the Great Depression went for the offer of individual savings accounts managed by, you guessed it, politicians and government bureaucrats, the usual suspects. Of course, the money set aside from each person’s income didn’t stay personal becoming an ‘investment’ money pot for the congress critters in 1969 under, you guessed it, democRAT president Lyndon Banes Johnson who was also heavily invested in the Vietnam War in full swing at the time. (For example I went to Germany on what was called “Lady Bird Air” by us Army boys Lady Bird being the First Lady). Anyway, Social Security has been “running out of money” one way or another seems like every election cycle since then. This has been a Cliff Notes style recap of sorts - heavily summarized.

So when are y’all beta boys gonna quit yer bitchin and bring out the modern versions of tar and feathers, rail riding and that most efficient implement of terminal justice ever made, Monsieur Guillotine’s greatest invention? Still eating too much propaganda tofu and media quiche are you? Stop it! Just stop it and maybe those family jewels will gain a carrot or two. 😈😏

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"So when are y’all beta boys gonna quit yer bitchin and bring out the modern versions of tar and feathers, rail riding and that most efficient implement of terminal justice ever made, Monsieur Guillotine’s greatest invention? Still eating too much propaganda tofu and media quiche are you?"

I'd suggest that the older ones, with fewer years left to rot in prison, will have to be the ones to take the hit. A friend of mine who went to Vietnam has confessed he longs for the diagnosis of 3 months left to live so he could take out some people who need taking out. I think he is kidding, but who knows.

If you were on Lady Bird air, you must be at least 73. How long would a life sentence for you be, anyway?

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Guess what. My comment didn’t go through.

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Insurance...cars, mortgages, homes, businesses...no insurance, no drive, no business, no bank loans...it is gambling, only you are betting that bad things will happen to you, and the insurance company, aka, The House, is betting they won't. Insurance companies own more assets than any other industry. Of course government makes you buy it. You're SO silly...This is one of the only things I agree with Muslims on...

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I don’t have to have a car, therefore I don’t have to buy car insurance. Try not to compare apples to zebras.

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You are an accountant?? Health care costs are a line item in a budget for Fortune 500 companies—that’s a VAT, bro! Whenever you purchase a good or a service you are paying for someone else’s health care costs!! But you want to pick up your tab for a $100k emergency surgery!?! Wake up, bro!

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Subject: Re: New comment on the political philosophy of cats

You missed by a hair age wise. Your friend has a lot of company from that period in his death wish. By the time it was declared over many of us considered bring that war home to those who perpetrated and profited from it but in the end the thought of exposing naive loved ones, children and friends to the realities I think ultimately perished the thought. But I only speak for myself here.

The less than satisfactory problem with us seniors stepping forward (again), once more speaking for myself only, is that we would be taking our likely final hit for a majority population who wouldn’t appreciate us ‘geezer guerrillas’ sacrificing what’s left of our health much less our lives for nothing more than to delay once again our spawn and their spawn having to step up themselves to appreciate and defend what is / was good about the nation and culture that they grew up in. It’s•your•turn.

That being said, here’s my favorite t-shirt:

Don’t piss off old people. Life in prison isn’t the deterrent it used to be.

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started w/hanging chads in fla in 2000, bush got away with it....

obama was bush lite

hillary underestimated the cheat needed to defeat the deplorables.

biden's gang over estimated by 4 million....

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Bush won. Obammy was Bush on steroids. 4 million? Try 21,000. # states were won by 42,000 votes. They cheated just enough to not repeat the under-cheating mistake the Hildebeast made.

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The Deep State has fried your brain bro!! Bush stole the 2000 election and then lied us into an asinine war all the while selling us out to China! Remember Bush’s “victory lap” at the 2008 Beijing Olympics?? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!

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That was just another brick in the wall. It is a very good example of how party loyalty induced blindness works. And how hard the loyal will work to, and how much will be ignored, to support that which they wish to believe.

One challenge to the ACA was the penalty associated with the mandate. It went to the supreme court and was controversial. It should not have been. Congress wrote "penalty" and "fine" in the law. The constitutional problem is congress has no authority to fine. So the government argued that congress meant "tax" because tax is clearly within the authority of congress. One justice wrote that if congress meant "tax" they should write "tax" and it isn't the role of the courts to guess what they meant. This idea that the court should judge the law on the words that appear and not the ones congress did NOT use was deemed radical.

This decision followed a pattern that had built up for decades of inventing radical sounding labels for when a judge or justice did the right thing according to the definitoin of judicial powers in the constitution. "Constructionist", "originalist" and "conservative" and so on. The idea of "activist" judges, who make law instead of ensure the law is followed, predates the ACA by a number of decades. As did the tactic of "you can read it after we pass it!", and of course the time honored foundation of politics, name it something with which no one can disagree (who's against 'affordable care') and completely misrepresent it's content at every turn. And of course when anyone reads it and speaks the truth, shout loudly "liar, partisan hack!" over and over.

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The tax code is the root of this evil. It rewards bad behavior. If Americans actually understood how the system is working now, they'd be dumping proverbial tea in the proverbial harbor. Most people don't even know that the ACA is part of the tax code, and that it added over 5,000 words to the code, not including the regulations that went with it.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The tax code is being used to further impoverish people who work, redistribute wealth at a level that would make Stalin blush, and handsomely reward single parents over married parents, among other things. It is the vessel that has enabled this breakdown in our society.

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The 'taxation with out representation' is a recurring theme in our history. What is perplexing is how many people see "redistribution of wealth" as a good thing, even when all the evidence (throughout history) is that what it means is transferring all the wealth to control by a very few, and less, not more, to those not part of the privilege elite. The promise of of "take form the rich to give to the poor" has, since even before the legend of Robin Hood, a total lie. Yet it still works to excite and enrage those who despise the reality that someone else has more than they have.

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ACA was something close to the Enabling Act (1933) - call it a rhyme - as in history does not repeat but it does rhyme.

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More like PenisTax…that’s why the only way for a white Christians man to get ahead if Kamala wins in 2024 will be to chop off their balls or convert to Islam…all praise to Allah!! ;)

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I'm not sure it really matters WHO is in the presidential seat. Biden, Kamala....does anyone think either of these two could or would run anything? Everything is done behind the curtains. Others are calling the shots. Biden and whoever succeeds him will just be the teleprompter readers.

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Trump appointed Tillerson and Bolton and Rosenstein and Wray…was he calling the shots???

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Bingo! And that’s why it was so important to get Trump into office as the Kushner family is heavily invested in the ACA Exchange subsidies and so the Deep State knew Trump wouldn’t repeal the monstrosity!

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He certainly tried to appeal it

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Not really. Anyway if you go back and read about what was going on during the first round of manufacturing job losses under Reagan it had a lot to do with each factory worker had to have health insurance to cover their entire family and the economics didn’t work out. Reagan should have reformed health insurance at that time and a lot of factory jobs could have been saved.

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One wonders why we still need ANY government? After 10,000 years, it still ain't working out.

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But, but without a government to rob, extort, intimidate, kidnap and murder us, we would have.... disorder.

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Both very good points. Without ANY Govt. the anarchy evolves into tribal wars and Warlords. Some guys had the idea that a limited, minimal Govt., chosen by the people and highly regulated, could provide for common defense, gaurantee freedoms, etc.

A bold expertiment. Lasted about 200 years then started falling apart when the people got spoiled and took it for granted.

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The purpose of the constitution, and especially the BOR, should have been to recognize and protect property rights, beginning with SELF ownership. This should have been explicitly stated in the preamble, instead of the "promote the general welfare" mumbo jumbo that's there. There were too many fatal flaws and encroachments built into it.

Also, sovereign immunity for all public serpents, and limited liability for stakeholders in corporations should have been expressly prohibited. No one should be shielded from liability for the damage that their actions cause. "If you break it, you buy it" should be the law of the land.

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Best way to pay for title defended by the state is the state to charge for it, instead of taxing income


Adam Smith, in his 1776 book The Wealth of Nations, first rigorously analyzed the effects of a land value tax, pointing out how it would not hurt economic activity, and how it would not raise contract rents.

Ground-rents are a still more proper subject of taxation than the rent of houses. A tax upon ground-rents would not raise the rents of houses. It would fall altogether upon the owner of the ground-rent, who acts always as a monopolist, and exacts the greatest rent which can be got for the use of his ground. More or less can be got for it according as the competitors happen to be richer or poorer, or can afford to gratify their fancy for a particular spot of ground at a greater or smaller expense. In every country the greatest number of rich competitors is in the capital, and it is there accordingly that the highest ground-rents are always to be found. As the wealth of those competitors would in no respect be increased by a tax upon ground-rents, they would not probably be disposed to pay more for the use of the ground. Whether the tax was to be advanced by the inhabitant, or by the owner of the ground, would be of little importance. The more the inhabitant was obliged to pay for the tax, the less he would incline to pay for the ground; so that the final payment of the tax would fall altogether upon the owner of the ground-rent.

— Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Book V, Chapter 2, Article I: Taxes upon the Rent of Houses

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I had a quick look at the Guardian's take on the Van Tam appointment. As expected, it is sick-making, full of praise for his blokey football metaphors. The phrase 'national treasure' is used. What would they say about a Defence minister going to work for an arms manufacturer, or the head of the FCA being on the board of a bank? But Pharma gets a pass. No conflict of interest there!

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This was especially good. I’m gradually introducing my husband to bad cattitude. Makes him laugh, which is always a good thing in a terrible world.

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"if you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you."

-oscar wilde

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I think our cat should declare his awesome genius.

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Better yet: Give them yourself to laugh at. You may quote me.

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Dr McFillin, on the Radically Genuine podcast, devoted his latest episode to the corruption of pediatrics, with lots of pharma money involved, featuring a very special guest (me!). For those interested:


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Well, at least Judas regretted taking the 30 pieces of silver.

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Ain't nobody got time for a conscious, morals and regret today - there's money to be made!

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But they've made the money so obviously fake it no longer motivates.

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This is why there are lamp posts.

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It's strange but whoever I vote for, I always end up with John McCain....

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Especially true if you vote republican.

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Human greed and duplicity are limitless.

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Frederic Basticat? Ok, that might exceed anything you've ever done.

Are cats more interested in liberty and dogs more in servitude? To ask is to answer.

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humans domesticated dogs, then cats domesticated humans.

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Eh, I domesticated my cat. It turns out that if you can ignore them more than they can ignore you... they start to wonder what's wrong.

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I've been Dogmesticated for sure.

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It follows then, “Gatos uber alles!”

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"cats domesticated humans"......not sure about that. There are rather a lot of failures in that department. Cats need to get busy.

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A good dog is a good partner.

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Dogphobia? Really??

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Finster's Laws:

1. No matter how cynical you think you are, you are not nearly as cynical as the people who run things are.

2. There is no such thing as law. There is only context.

3. Legalism breeds lawyers.

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#3. I was taught that lawyers were the result of anal sex. Don't tell me Grandad was wrong.

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Mayor Pete…I’m preggers!?! The condom must have broke! And it must have broken the time before, because it’s twins!?!

Chasten Buttigieg

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I remember this man with his faux soft soothing voice , peering over his glasses in a grandfatherly fashion all soft and plump on the outside but with an inner core of cold steel. He sent many down the path to get their covid injections they trusted him and he was rolled out, when there was stirrings of uncertainty, as the face of our trusty all knowing, kindly public health. Disgusting, greedy duplicitous man.

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" because it is always cheaper to buy politicians than to compete in free markets, gato’s first law remains undefeated and regimes of plunder prevail. "

And we see the results of this in health care, education, and health insurance. It is the virus of facism infecting the marketplace doing damage to the middle class.

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Ha yes to all of it.

And all of it normal in the cycles of human history. Hard tough builds the systems leading to survival of softer weaker and then them guys lead to collapse and hard tough gotta build again. Those among ye safe with tools, practice your whittling. We're gonna need you soon.

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Round and round it goes and where it stops almost no one cares is the real problem. Half of our country couldn't point to Paris on a map let alone care about this kind of Tom Fuckery going on.

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Who’d of thought that the movie Idiocracy was predictive?

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Charlie: Yes, but a large part of that 'half' are the ones maintaining our infrastructure, be it roads, wires, agriculture etc. (could you?) They're not stupid. They just can't believe that people who *don't* work their hands are so overwhelmingly *evil*.


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Monero, that’s bitchin’.

Any time the government grants a license or an exclusive moat, it’s very lucrative. And you can bet the politicians and bureaucrats who granted it are gonna cash in. It’s a function of Ricardo’s economic rent concept. And a big part of our boom - bust, corrupted economy.

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Perhaps separation of church and state should include separation of pharma and state. Or is pharma a religion and already falls under church? It is rooted in faith, after all.

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