It's really awesome to see Democrats complain about the hand they've been dealt when they literally went through the deck and took the cards they wanted. I think if Harris ends up being the nominee, that will be as close to a white flag as we see in the 2024 election. Who else is going to want to jump on that grenade? Hillary? (The Clintons just endorsed Harris, so that looks unlikely.)

The other issue the Democrats have is that they're tied to the same crappy policies that Joe was tied to -- open borders, trillions in spending, men in women's sports, abortion until birth, etc.

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You're assuming they don't indict Trump for bullet evasion.

I hear they plan on ringing him up for obstruction of justice for not keeping his head still during his "slugshot".

C'mon man...everyone knows bullets have the right-of-way!

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Trump was interfering with the conduction of government proceedings.

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Trump said Biden asked him why he turned his head.

Isn't that ... strange?

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Biden was asking for a friend, the one with "hunting" skills.

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“You're assuming they don't indict Trump for bullet evasion.” Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me. Makes as much sense as all the other indictments.

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",,,,, bullets have the right-of-way!" So funny, I actually laughed out loud!

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No, Indictment for Bullet Evasion was better!

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Excellent point. To my Democrat friends who'd been asking if I'd vote for Harris or Newsom or Shapiro or Whitmer in the event that Biden dropped out, my response is: Is any of them more likely than Biden to get tough on Iran and Putin; to lay off Israel; to fix the border; to stop pushing "inclusive" language in government documents; to make student debtors pay off their loans; and to stop telling us what kind of stove we may have and what type of car we may drive?

They're not? Then my answer is No, I wouldn't vote for any of them any more than I'd vote for Biden.

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God bless you for thinking for yourself. ❤️

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Constitutional government is voluntary. When people choose not to adhere to it, Biden's America is what you get - to start. Pray that we don't ever find out what follows...

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Biden's America simply finally exposed the extent of rot and corruption that has existed in our government since the minute after the ink dried on the signing of the Constitution as the nature of man, the dark side, always exists and if there are no constraints against that terrible nature, more and more people turn to their dark side and soon enough evils explode and take control and nations and empires collapse.

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And, do any of them slap down the State like the People clearly want and need.

Electing *any* Democrat is rewarding these 8 years of Democrat narrative.

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They're going to throw in the towel on 2024 and circle the wagons for '26 and '28. If they can successfully blame Trump for the failures of the Biden admin, they can run from the center and the left at the same time and claim to be the "normalcy" candidates, especially if they drum up a bunch of "culture war" issues in the meantime.

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Besides, it's way more fun to be the opposition party who just has to fling shit.

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That’s all they have ever done anyway, even when in power. They always behave as the opposition party, never giving real hope.

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Bingo! Not only is it all they have ever done, it's their signature platform. Fling shit every which way because they are actually retards-all of them. And while fling shit they manage to destroy everything they touch.

Cheveron Deference opens the door to burn down every filthy, useless, fraudulent, soul crushing alphabet agency and egregious regulations.

That there is a good start at restoring our God given rights and freedoms folks!

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Number one reason to vote R.

Keep the SCOTUS restoring the Constitution.

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Hakeem Jeffries and Jerry Nadler are preparing articles of impeachment against Trump at this very moment. If the Dumocraps take the House, Trump will be the first President ever to be impeached before he was inaugurated!

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they don't have much expereince in being opposition?

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Have you forgotten the Trump years we JUST lived through? They just talked crap and stopped him from doing anything, and the press LOVED them for it.

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I am loving this banter! What the feck are the MSM going to do now?!

The MSM certainly doesn't love Kamel Toes that speaks this crazy language named Word Salad. Oh, this is going to be so good!

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look at the New York Times front page. This was a wonderful, courageous move by Biden, and now it is time to circle the wagons for Kamala. She will be on the cover of every magazine in America between now and the election. All puff pieces about the first black woman running for president. They are gonna make her out to be a cross between Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks. So brave, so beautiful, so elegant.

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The MSM is already back in love with Harris.

The wagons are circling and Time magazine has already started writing the praises of Leftist efforts.

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I agree - they’ll just throw in the towel on 2024, let Kamala lose & be rid of her. The VP choice could then run in 2028. Newsom could be the VP choice. The dems don’t seem to think his CA record is a problem.

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Newsome is exactly what the Dems want every Dem to be. A dictator who does everything imaginable to destroy human life and any kind of freedom from whatever he dictates.

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I think and hope we as a People are past the point of allowing the blame strategy to work again.

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I cannot see this being the final play. It can be if they use a drone strike to take out Trump and declare martial law while bringing in UN troops to arrest conservatives.

They have all committed serious crimes. Dozens have committed treason. Some attempted to assassinate a presidential candidate. All have conspired to cause an insurrection, the real kind.

Do you really think they'll just give up without a fight? The people willing to kill little people for much lesser reasons?

Probably should rethink that.

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Unlike conservatives, they have long used their immense wealth and expert methods of propagation and brainwashing to elect their candidates in local, county, and state elections and in law enforcement positions and judges in all county and state courts as well as in all areas of education knowing that if they somehow lost in national elections, they could rebuild their power there through advancing these people up the ladder and they have been very successful.

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Hoisted on their own petard. Priceless.

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Touch pitch and be defiled.

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Not to mention just.

And quite entertaining!

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It's gonna be Newsome. And he will "win." All fortification schemes remain in place. Dems won all swing state governorships in 2022. The beat goes on.

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Crazy thing about Newsom, no one here likes him. If we can't stand him, I have to think his national polling is atrocious.

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Polling and votes matter not anymore. We live in an Oligarchy. They insert black/brown leaders in overwhelmingly white countries, shuffle them in and out on a whim (Truss and Ardern), and make people vote twice (France) until they get the desired result.

Welcome to the New World Order.

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Oh yeah, but at some point the numbers should be close.

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polling is just polling

there will we plenty of votes for Newsom and he could win the greatest number of votes in the history of the country

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He might win more votes than there are registered voters!

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Not a chance Newsolini is going to take the bait. He is vilified in Commie Cali. I should know, I live in this cesspool he created and sustained. He is dumber then a sack of rocks, and his arrogance isn't appreciated in the real world. By this I mean, all 49 states outside of Commie Cali.

This state is in such bad shape-Musk is moving X and SpaceX to Texas. Over 400 business' have moved out of this state in the last 3 years. Insurance has quadrupled if you can get it. Shall I continue?

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Yes but he survived the recall didn't he?

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hmm.... the "democracy voters" who turned back the red wave Nov 22 at the very last minute?

I now think Kamala gets sworn in behind barbed wire 1/20/2025.

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True, but they still had the ability to thwart the recent Newsom recall.

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California is a one party state. No republican can win again legitimately there. They have legalized all forms of ballot harvesting and allow voting to go on for weeks if not months. Until republicans start playing by the same rules, and harvest ballots, they can never win. That goes for presidential elections as well. Harris will most likely win in a very close race.

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After the schools.locked their kids out for almost 2 years, AND, he ended up with a slightly higher percentage than the previous election.

BUT, half the people here in Cali now are from somewhere else, so I don't think they care, this isn't going to be their long-term home, and, the vaccine injuries and TDS out here are real ans spectacular.

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If Kamala, "wins" this election, conservatives are going to have become massively more serious than they currently are. If we don't recognize at that point that we've been conquered and lost the republic, then we may as well march ourselves to the camps and ask nicely for correctly sized striped jumpsuits.

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Maybe it will be SHitmer. I almost...almost wish for it to get her out of our state. She has ruined it. Besides...then maybe people will get to ask her why she was involved with the FBI in plotting her own kidnapping.

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Newsome is easy...just keep pointing out the crazy things he did in California, and ask if you want people pooping on the sidewalk in your neighborhood, or illegals robbing, raping and murdering in your town...

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That stuff could be run 24/7 on conservative media, but the leftie media wouldn't show a minute of it, so their loyal viewers would never know.

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It’d be poetic if it wasn’t so fucking dangerous

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They realized that with Biden it would be impossible to steal it and sell the outcome to the public. Now the steal is back in place, and the public as a whole will be more likely to buy it. It wasn't just happenstance they allowed 20 million illegals in here, it's all part of the plan. Need to have the voters to harvest the ballots, and that's what they've got. Empty ballots that can be filled out and cast. Throw in a few hacks here and there, and stealing it is very much in place. Selling Kamala as the winner in another squeaker will be much a much easier job. Trump never should've agreed to that debate, he fell right into the trap. Either that, or he is controlled opposition like many on the dissident right believe.

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I've thought he might be controlled opposition too, but the assassination attempt largely dispels that likelihood for me. That bullet was intended to kill, so they are not playing on the same team.

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Not to mention the sacrifice of kids dicks and tits to their almighty deius maximus. They choose the WEF way of owning nothing and eating bugs. They go along with it all not because they believe it but because this is the power they acknowledge is greater than them. They are simply lost and easily led in their atheist communist world of theirs.

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All the registered Democratic voters who voted for Slo Joe in the uncontested primaries. They're votes erased by the people/Transnationals that captured the party. How Democratic!

No one brings that up...

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Sometimes saving democracy means ignoring the will of the voters.

Only during the primary, though. They'd NEVER EVER EVER cheat in the general election!

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Quite possible that Harris steals it blatantly and the gloves come off if people complain about it. Kamala will have no scruples using state violence I'm sure, she'll just laugh even louder.

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Watch out for complacency, Commander!

It ain't over till the cacklin’ lady sings a song of consent.

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Glad you included ,Men in Women's sports. That alone shows they went off the deep end. Pure insanity!

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They could have been so much better in the last 3-4 years. Yet they will continue to NOT see the irony of their actions

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Nobody with a chance at a political future wants to lose to Trump. They're throwing their least electable figure at him to cut their losses and keep her from hanging around getting the way next cycle.

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I sure hope that's the case. The alternative is even more cheating.

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You trust Obama and the Clinton's?

Two possibilities from the DNC convention: Hillary or Big Mike.

Hillary is not going to go quietly. She will give Kamala an offer she cannot refuse, perhaps Willie in her bed without his wilie as a sign.

Additionally, Hillary OWNS the DNC via her Clinton charity. She who pays the piper calls the tune.

Obama hates to lose, so he will not annoint kackles. And he can't stand Hillary.

Let the back room deals begin.

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I think it's possible that they have to run Harris because she's the only one with access to the campaign funds—assuming that fact is true. It's always about the money.

She'll probably lose, but can always claim to be the first black woman to be a presidential candidate, thus making history. Democrats seem to be really impressed by firsts.

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According to the Kennedy campaign just now, this "could make the 2024 election a two-candidate race between former president Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr."

Imagine the dilemma of Democratic faithful who realize voting for Harris is a useless gesture. Unthinkable to vote for Trump because Hitler. Unthinkable to vote for Kennedy because antiVAX.

Their heads will explode.

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Dems are like the borg: they will vote en bloc for Harris and whomever is her sidekick. I don’t think anyone should assume the election is suddenly predetermined [for Trump].

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a vote for Harris is far from a useless gesture. She already has 20 million illegal aliens that have voted for her. The NEA, and SEIU are already filling out the ballots as I type this.

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Box checking before merit. Immutable physical characteristics before ability.

The racist's racists...

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She is the only one eligible by rule for the Biden campaign $$. Democrats don’t care about rules. They will ignore the rule and by the time it’s decided, the election will be over.

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They can't dump her without outraging their carefully cultivated interest groups. They are resigned to losing but see it as an opportunity to cultivate the next generation and that generation of Democrats will be even more ruthless than this one. They can give up a cycle for that prize.

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I’m not sure, but didn’t Shirley Chisholm run for president back in the 1970s?

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Close! She didn't get the nomination. From Wikipedia: "...in 1968, became the first black woman to be elected to the United States Congress....In 1972, she became the first black candidate for a major-party nomination for President of the United States and the first woman to run for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination."

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Shirley Chisholm ran as the Democrat candidate for president in '72 (and she was actually "black", unlike Kamala)

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I think Harris would lose but dh pointed out that she's now been endorsed by the Clintons, so...

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A lot of people are against Clinton. My brother is a rabid Democrat but he refused to vote for Hillary because he couldn't stand her and also because he wanted Bernie and was mad about how he was pushed out.

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I'm still bitter about Bernie.

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Holy cow! A win for kamala. Who would have thought

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Heels up Harris yet again fails upwards!

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Shirley Chisholm was the first black woman potus candidate. But first XX VP with extra melanin still stands for KH.

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Just a side note, Twitter fired 90% of its staff and seems to be running just fine.

But the only real job growth was in government.

Government needs to be downsized, let’s say an initial 50%?

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Ramaswamy is chomping at the bit to be the ax man.

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I hope they let him

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At least! Whole agencies need to be dissolved. Can you imagine how much money we would have?????

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Can you imagine how much money we will make?

All that pilfered, wasted, private-sedtor created wealth instead staying in the hands of those who created it, powering higher standards-of-living, and creating even more!!!

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Maybe if we manifest it as a huge group, it will happen! :)

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That's the real purpose of democracy: to keep the private sector (much, imo) bigger than the public.

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Fun crazy theory: that letter was not authorized by Biden or his family, but was the work of a rogue staff member with access to the Twitter account.

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Kamala is required to pardon Hunter ... watch!

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He will pardon Hunter and, if necessary, preemptively his whole family before he leaves. There's nothing more to lose and no one can stop him.

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Probably right AND he will stay in his basement and sign EO after EO. LAME DUCK nothing to lose now.

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100%. There's gonna need to be a whole hell of a lot of undoing on January 21.

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Biden is still POTUS.

Now that he is a lame duck, *he* will pardon his sugar-daddy son.

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I suspect they are not forcing him to step down so he can pardon the pedo junkie.

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But he said he wouldn't and you know his honest Joe is! Above reproach!!

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Excellent point!

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But first she has to be elected. I believe that there will be at least one other faction that rises up during the convention. Harris poll numbers are more in the toilet than Biden's were. I mean "Come on, Man"!

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Make some popcorn and get ready for the circus.

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It’s gonna be fun to watch for sure. Idk how they let a small group of elite delegates jump over Kamala for what will almost certainly be a white male

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Newsome can't win he has so screwed up CA it's ridiculous!

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You’d think that would be the case but to the progressives in this country what you see in Cali do exactly what they’re wanting from our government. $40b a year deficit at the state level, crime and homelessness is utopia to these people.

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Turn that into a plus

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I can’t tell how much I pray that is true.

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what if they pull out the 25th to remove biden.

kamala would get to play president for a few months before the election - that would make her "more qualified" and give her a better chance at actually pulling off a victory in november.

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Orrrrr, more things backfire in their faces between now and then, which ensures she can only lose. If Republicans play this right, they’ll make sure the lights are shining all over every nook and cranny of her.

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Or really fall on her face for sure. We have 4 weeks till the convention. Obama wants an open convention. He just tweeted that. Maybe he'll nominate Michelle.

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And they'd ruin all those 45-47 hats.

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No WH seal on letter

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Interesting. good catch.

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The first actual paragraph is delusional.

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No argument there. They always say those things in an attempt to set up a positive vibe.

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I can’t help shaking my head. : )

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This is why people have such an abysmal opinion of politicians, about which Mark Twain was especially eloquent.

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This is what I thought because there was a leaker who said two days ago he was going to step down and not endorse anyone until the convention.

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Joe might be dead, for all we know.

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It's still early. Deals must be finalized. The biden family will require pardons and a parting gift. Then there's the matter of 2020 being a Color Revolution that was ran in the usa. The Crew that organized that and placed Alzheimer's joe in the White House are still in place. In my opinion Orwell best describes the situation: One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship. George Orwell We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.

George Orwell

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"Only kamala has access to the campaign funds"

I believe that is a little short sighted. She still needs to name a veep and at that point her veep also has access to the funds. joe just withdrew from the race because he cannot possibly win, who wants to bet against me that kamala also withdraws because she cannot win and her veep will step in and try to become the next POTUS using the very war chest that "no one but kamala had access to"?

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And you can be sure that no small part of the "convincing" was, "We just had Trump shot in the ear, be a shame if you fell to an assassin's bullet".

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If you aren't able to run in the campaign (due to obvious mental shortcomings), you can't be in office. 25th Amendment NOW. I don't hear much talk about this obvious bit of logic.

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huh? what do you think has been happening the past 3.6 years?

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Far be it from me to critique another tour de force from EGM, but the "failing upward" description of Giggles Harris is too kind. In CA, her politcal career was based on "sleeping" her way upward...

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That makes me sad. That still occurs? So awful to do, never a win.

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This is Thomas Paine level commentary, right here. From an anonymous guy with a broken shift key and a cat personae. Thank you.

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I concur. I mean, conpurr.

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As I just said over in Sim Com's parlor:

May the soul of that truck driver slandered in life and in death by Joe Biden finally rest in peace.

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Great substack. My only question is who is running the country until January?

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The same people who have been running it for the last few years

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The same people that stole the last election and implanted Biden.

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The Cabal™

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Obama's Army as usual

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His “friends”

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The Democratic Mafia

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They had to get him out NOW, before early voting begins, so they have time to edit their fake ballots and reprogram their computer algorithms to whoever they name that they’ll now choose to be on the ticket.

They could run a monkey with a hamster. It makes zippo difference.

But timing is EVERYTHING if their plot is to have a chance in hell of working.


They’ve registered millions upon millions of illegals, all now on various states voter rolls. You think anyones going to validate those mail in ballots? Hah! Think again. That’s up to the individual Secretaries of States, who couldn’t be bothered in 2020 in doing that.

I don’t know how we’re gonna fight it but buckle up because they are going to try to do it again.

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But they are running a monkey with a hamster.

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Seems the outage on Monday was a success. It shut down election machines in AZ. Testing 1..2..3..

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They needed to remove Biden not because he couldn't win. Of course he was going to win; they've spent decades embedding legalized fraud into the system with COVID being the cherry on top.

They removed him because they needed a somewhat more believable winner.

Other than Georgia, no 2020 voting laws were materially changed in the key swing states of WI, MI, PA, AZ and Nevada. Throw on top illegals being strategically placed and registered to vote in these already Marc Elias-litigated voter registration roll wastelands ("it's racism to clean up the rolls!"), the weeks long ballot harvesting of indiscriminately and unsolicited main in ballots derived from these shady rolls, same day registration, no voter ID, loose signature matching with the impossibility of proving any of it post election, and an army of ex-ACORN street activists being laundered your tax payer money to fund and execute the effort, and you had an easy Biden victory come November.

Except Barack and the shadow string pullers were not comfortable with the idea of having to defend a Biden victory. Kamala, or whoever they pick, will be a much more manageable task for the media to fend off questions about the integrity of the electoral system.

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Yes. They stole 2020 from Trump with him in the White House. Imagine the steal now they are in the WH.

+ he will be jailed or killed for sure.

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Do you think Joe knows he dropped out yet, or are they going to tell him after he wakes up from his nap?

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Is it strange that the letter posted on X does not have the Presidential Seal? Biden does not "endorse" Kamala in this letter, just thanks her in a one sentence mention.

Some interesting takes after seeing this drop out letter.

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It shows that the White House is panicked. They're screaming at Jill, screaming at some poor social media intern, Biden is shouting incoherently, donors are making threatening phone calls... If only Trump had a plant in there to get it all on video.

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I heard some pundit claiming the letter was on Joe's "Personal" stationary, hence it had to be from him. 🤣

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You put your finger on the problem with human governance as a whole when you wrote: "Our system is, to many extents, an honor system meant to be inhabited by honorable people. when it is not, this is what you get."

Ideological arguments aside, many if not most systems of government would work well enough if they were inhabited by honorable people.

When Biden says: "Name a better president in US history than me!", I have trouble naming a WORSE one.

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Joe actually meant to say "worse" instead of "best".

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