You need a foundation as a human being, or you'll float rudderless. Pople in the west have been berated over several decades, or more, that there is no truth, even going back to Rousseau, the philandering philosopher of 200 years ago, and it makes many easy preys to manipulation. Remember Pontius Pilate washed his hands and said, "What …
You need a foundation as a human being, or you'll float rudderless. Pople in the west have been berated over several decades, or more, that there is no truth, even going back to Rousseau, the philandering philosopher of 200 years ago, and it makes many easy preys to manipulation. Remember Pontius Pilate washed his hands and said, "What is Truth?" to avoid responsibility over the unjust and violent death of Jesus. There is right and wrong, good and evil, and the proverbial tree will bear fruit of its character.
I’m glad I have the truth. The truth I know is no one knows if there is a higher power. So you can believe all you want. I just know I don’t know, and no one else does with any certainty. That makes the atheists just as arrogant as the believers.
You need a foundation as a human being, or you'll float rudderless. Pople in the west have been berated over several decades, or more, that there is no truth, even going back to Rousseau, the philandering philosopher of 200 years ago, and it makes many easy preys to manipulation. Remember Pontius Pilate washed his hands and said, "What is Truth?" to avoid responsibility over the unjust and violent death of Jesus. There is right and wrong, good and evil, and the proverbial tree will bear fruit of its character.
Good to know.
I’m glad I have the truth. The truth I know is no one knows if there is a higher power. So you can believe all you want. I just know I don’t know, and no one else does with any certainty. That makes the atheists just as arrogant as the believers.
And your certainty in not knowing…?
Without doubt, there can be no faith.